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Comparison of the QT interval and corrected QT interval values that were calculated by the methods of Bazett (QTc1) and Fridericia (QTc2) were made between dogs with or without cardiac diseases to determine the influence of the QT interval on canine heart failure. Upon comparison of the measured values on ECG between the cardiac disease and non-cardiac disease groups, it was observed that the heart rate(HR) was significantly higher in the cardiac disease group than in the non-cardiac disease group, although the QT interval was similar in the two groups. The QTc1 and QTc2 were significantly longer in the cardiac disease group than in the non-cardiac disease group. With the progression of the New York Heart Association Class, the HR tended to increase. The QTc1 and QTc2 became significantly prolonged with the progression of heart failure. Nevertheless, because Bazett's correction formula is known to overcorrect when the HR is high, it was considered that the QTc1 was actually overcorrected by high HR with the progression of heart failure. The QTc2, on the other hand, was only slightly influenced by HR, suggesting that the prolongation was due to the progression of heart failure. These results suggest that the prolongation of QTc2 in cardiac disease reflects the substantial prolongation of the QT interval without the influence of HR. It is suggested that the QTc2 could be a useful parameter for assessing the degree of heart failure in dogs with cardiac disease.  相似文献   

ObjectivesCardiac repolarization, measured as QT and Tpeak to Tend (TpTe) intervals on the ECG, is important, as irregularities caused by diseases, ventricular hypertrophy, drugs and genetic defects can trigger arrhythmias which predispose human patients to syncope and sudden cardiac death. In horses, repolarization is not well described and therefore QT analysis cannot yet be used diagnostically. Therefore, we sought to describe reference values for the normal QT and TpTe intervals in Standardbreds and to determine the best method for heart rate (HR) correction.Animals30 Standardbreds.MethodsQT and TpTe intervals were measured during rest and exercise and plotted against HR converted to Rpeak to Rpeak interval (RR). Data were fitted with relevant regression models. Intra- and inter-observer agreement was assessed using Bland–Altman analyses.ResultsData were best described by a piecewise linear model (r2 > 0.97). Average prediction error of this model was smaller than for both Bazett and Fridericia corrections. Coefficient of repeatability of intra- and inter-observer variability was 8.76 ms and 5.64 ms respectively and coefficient of variation was 1.77% and 2.76% respectively. TpTe increased with RR in stallions.ConclusionsThe QT interval in Standardbred horses shortens with decreasing RR interval (increasing HR) as in humans, but in a markedly different order as it clearly follows a piecewise linear model. The equine QT interval can be measured easily and there is small intra- and inter-observer variability. This model of the equine QT interval provides clinicians with a method that could support a diagnosis of repolarization disturbances in horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a clinically useful model for predicting QT interval duration as a function of heart rate in healthy cats. ANIMALS: 20 healthy cats. PROCEDURE: For all cats, results of a physical examination, electrocardiography, and echocardiography were normal. Twenty-four hour heart rate and rhythm data were collected by means of ambulatory electrocardiography. Hourly ECG segments were obtained from the 24-hour recordings. Mean heart rate and the mean of 5 QT interval measurements were calculated for each of 479 usable ECG segments. Analysis of covariance was used to develop models to describe variability in QT interval duration. RESULTS: Prediction equations (R2 = 0.81) including terms for heart rate, (heart rate)2, age group (1 to 4 vs 8 to 14 years old), and their interactions were developed. Sex, individual cat, and time of day were of little value in predicting QT interval duration. A simplified prediction equation without age group (R2 = 0.71) also was developed and had better predictive ability than reported correction formulas for QT interval duration. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Prediction equations with 95% prediction intervals for expected QT interval duration in healthy cats were generated. Abnormal QT interval duration can be associated with cardiac electrical instability, yet QT interval duration is greatly influenced by heart rate. Results of the present study provide reference ranges for expected QT interval duration as a function of heart rate in healthy cats.  相似文献   

Moxifloxacin has been shown to induce QT prolongation in both clinical and preclinical models. However, the ability to observe this effect at clinically relevant concentration in normal conscious dogs has not been reported. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of moxifloxacin on the QT interval in conscious, healthy dogs. Four male mongrel dogs were chronically instrumented for the measurement of arterial blood pressure, left ventricular blood pressure, cardiac output, electrocardiograms (ECGs), and body temperature. Animals were administered a 1-h i.v. infusion of moxifloxacin once per day via a catheter in the cephalic vein. Each dog received all doses (0, 1, 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg) in an escalating fashion. Moxifloxacin caused a statistically significant increase in arterial blood pressure at 50 mg/kg. A dose-response effect on QT and QTc prolongation was observed. A statistically significant prolongation in the QT interval was observed at 10, 25 and 50 mg/kg and a prolongation of QTc was observed at 25 and 50 mg/kg. These effects occurred at clinically relevant plasma concentrations. This study demonstrate that a study design with four dogs was sensitive enough to measure moxifloxacin-induced QT prolongation at clinically relevant plasma concentrations.  相似文献   

Twenty-two primiparous Yorkshire sows were used to determine whether a minimal threshold of body fat exists below which the return to estrus is delayed. A second objective was to examine the relationship between body fat and interval from weaning to estrus in restricted-fed sows. During lactation (28 d), sows received 7, 9, 11 or 13 Mcal of ME daily to produce a range of sow body fatness at weaning. Intake of all dietary essentials except ME was similar for all sows. Litter size was adjusted to 10 pigs for all sows by d 3 postpartum. Each day from weaning to estrus, sows received 110 kcal ME per kg metabolic body weight plus 1,359 kcal ME per sow. Body fat was estimated at weaning and at first postweaning estrus by deuterium oxide dilution. Last rib backfat depth was determined ultrasonically 24 h postpartum and at weaning. Irrespective of dietary ME intake, percentage body fat at weaning (R2 = .24; P less than .05) and first postweaning estrus (R2 = .03; P greater than .50) accounted for only a small portion of variation in interval from weaning to estrus. Likewise, loss of backfat depth during lactation was not an accurate predictor of interval from weaning to estrus (R2 = .24; P less than .05). The low coefficients of determination (less than .25) suggest that body fat is a minor controller of postweaning interval to estrus. In contrast, dietary ME intake during lactation accounted for the largest portion of the variation (R2; = .48; P less than .01) in postweaning interval to estrus. We conclude that timing of postweaning estrus in primiparous sows is not dependent on a minimal threshold of body fat. Furthermore, effects of lactational ME intake on the postweaning interval to estrus are more pronounced than the effects of body fat.  相似文献   

The relationship between heart rate and metabolism was investigated in the hyrax Procavia capensis and the guineapig Cavia porcellus. In both animals a positive linear relationship was found described by Vo2(ml 02(g.h)-1)=0,003157 (HR) + 0,3678 for the hyrax and Vo2(ml 02(g.h)-1)=0,00757 (HR) -0,4914 in the guineapig. The response to lowered ambient temperature differs between the species, the guineapig increases metabolic rate and maintains body temperature while the hyrax allows body temperature to drop while the increase in metabolic rate is relatively small. It is postulated that this response by the hyrax is an energy conserving strategy.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare between the injection speed and iodine delivery rate in order to establish a concept for reproducible contrast timing in contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) for small animals. Clinically healthy beagle dogs were administered a nonionic iodinate contrast medium at a dose of 800 mgI/kg; they were divided into 3 groups (n=5, crossover method): in one group, the injection speed was fixed at 1.0 ml/sec, and in the second and third groups, the iodine delivery rate was fixed (the injection durations were 30 and 60 sec, respectively). The variation in scatter of the time to aortic and hepatic peak enhancement in the fixed iodine delivery groups was lower than that in the fixed injection speed group. These results suggest that in contrast-enhanced CT for small animals, the contrast medium should be injected at a fixed iodine delivery rate in order to provide reproducible contrast timing.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the stress response of horses suffering from laminitis after short- and long-term treatment with the intent to evaluate power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) for pain monitoring. Data were collected from 19 horses with acute or chronic exacerbating laminitis without known primary disease before and after treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Recordings were carried out the day after admission to the equine hospital. Measurements were repeated on day 7 of the treatment. The recorded parameters included a clinical orthopaedic index (OLPI: Obel-grade plus hoof tester score), frequency of weight-shifting between contralateral limbs, mean beat-to-beat interval (R-R) duration, standard deviation of continuous R-R intervals, low- (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components of HRV, sympatho-vagal balance (LF/HF), and plasma concentration of cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin. The LF represents mainly sympathetic influences on the heart whereas HF is mediated by the parasympathetic tone. Weight-shifting and OLPI decreased significantly with treatment. The LF normalized units (n.u.) decreased after NSAID from 60.41 +/- 21.42 to 51.12 +/- 19.81 and was 49.33 +/- 22.64 on day 7, whereas HF n.u. increased from 35.07 +/- 20.02 to 43.14 +/- 18.30 and was 45.98 +/- 23.00 on day 7. Hormone levels showed no tendency to change with treatment. The OLPI was only correlated with LF/HF, LF and HF (R = 0.57, 0.55 and -0.54 respectively). Significant negative correlations existed between HFn.u. and weight-shifting frequency (R = -0.37), HFn.u. and adrenalin (R = -0.47), and HFn.u. and noradrenalin (R = 0.33). The LFn.u. only correlated positively with adrenalin. Cortisol levels were poorly associated with the other parameters. Determination of the sympatho-vagal influences on cardiac function may offer complementary information for reliable assessment of pain and may represent a valuable alternative method to catecholamine measurements.  相似文献   

Glomerula filtration rate (GFR), plasma creatinine concentration (CR), and plasma urea nitrogen concentration (BUN) were measured in 129 adult dogs with reduced renal mass. A preliminary examination of the relationship between CR and GFR was conducted, and the inverse model (GFR vs. 1/CR) was chosen for further evaluation. The slope of the regression of GFR on 1/CR which was computed from actual data was not statistically different from a theoretical regression line generated from the clearance equation.
Evaluation of subsets of the population revealed no significant difference between male ( n = 69) and female (n = 60) dogs on the slope of the regression equations. Diets differing in protein concentration (16% protein, n = 35: 21% protein, n = 75: 32% protein, n = 19) did not cause a significant difference in the slope of the regression equations.
The regression equation and the confidence intervals generated in this study may be used to predict a probable range of GFR values from CR in individual dogs. Such values may be useful in adjusting drug dosages in dogs with renal disease. However, since the derived equation did not differ significantly from the theoretical inverse relationship between GFR and CR, it remains to be established whether the equation is advantageous.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effect of genotype and week postpartum on serum concentrations of IGF-I, body condition score (BCS), BW, and ovarian function in beef cows. Cows from the following genotypes were utilized in two consecutive years: Angus (A x A; n = 9), Brahman (B x B; n = 10), Charolais (C x C; n = 12), Angus x Brahman (A x B; n = 22), Brahman x Charolais (B x C; n = 19) and Angus x Charolais (A x C; n = 24). Serum concentrations of IGF-I, BCS, and BW were determined between wk 2 and 9 postpartum. Rectal ultrasound was used to determine days postpartum to first medium (6 to 9 mm) and first large (> or = 10 mm) follicle. Averaged across genotype, BCS decreased (P < 0.05) from 5.0 +/- 0.1 on wk 3 to 4.8 +/- 0.1 on wk 6 postpartum, and BW decreased (P < 0.05) between wk 2 and 3 and again between wk 4 and 9 postpartum. Averaged over year and week postpartum, serum IGF-I concentrations were greatest (P < 0.05) in B x B cows (46 +/- 5 ng/mL) compared with all other genotypes; lowest in A x A (12 +/- 4 ng/mL), C x C (13 +/- 4 ng/mL), and A x C cows (18 +/- 3 ng/mL); and intermediate (P < 0.05) in A x B (28 +/- 3 ng/mL) and B x C (26 +/- 3 ng/mL) cows compared with all other genotypes. Serum IGF-I concentrations did not change (P > 0.10) with week postpartum in C x C, A x A, and A x C cows, but increased (P < 0.05) between wk 2 and 7 postpartum in B x C, A x B, and B x B cows. Average interval to first medium (16 +/- 2 d) and first large (35 +/- 2 d) follicle did not differ (P > 0.10) among genotypes. Serum IGF-I concentrations correlated with BCS (r = 0.53 to 0.72, P < 0.001) but not with days to first large follicle (r = -0.19 to -0.22, P > 0.10). Averaged across genotypes, cows that lost BCS postpartum had lower (P < 0.01) serum IGF-I concentrations. Cows that calved with adequate BCS (i.e., > or = 5) had greater (P < 0.01) serum IGF-I concentrations postpartum than cows that calved with inadequate BCS (i.e., < 5) but days to first large and medium follicle did not differ (P > 0.10). In conclusion, concentrations of IGF-I in serum differed among genotypes and were associated with BCS but not days to first large or medium follicle in postpartum beef cows.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo investigate the relationship of heart rate (HR) and ECG time intervals to body weight (BWT) in healthy horses and ponies. We hypothesized that HR and ECG time intervals are related to BWT.Animals250 healthy horses of >30 breeds; 5.5 (1–30) y [median (range)]; 479 (46–1018) kg.MethodsProspective study. Standard base-apex ECGs were recorded while the horses were standing quietly in a box stall. Mean HR over 15 s was calculated and RR interval, PQ interval, QRS duration, and QT interval were measured by a single observer.QT was corrected for differences in heart rate using Fridericia's formula (QTcf = QT/3√RR). The relationship between ECG variables and BWT, age, sex, and RR interval was assessed using multivariate backward stepwise regression analyses. Goodness of fit of the model was improved when using log(BWT) compared to BWT. Body weight was overall the strongest predictor of HR and ECG time intervals. Therefore, only log(BWT) was included as an independent variable in the final model. The level of significance was p = 0.05.ResultsHR (R2 = 0.21) showed a significant negative relationship and PQ (R2 = 0.53), QRS (R2 = 0.23), QT (R2 = 0.14), and QTcf (R2 = 0.02) showed significant positive relationships to log(BWT).ConclusionsSmall equine breeds undergoing routine ECG recordings have slightly faster heart rates and shorter ECG time intervals compared to larger equine breeds. Although the magnitude of absolute differences may be small, body weight needs to be considered among other factors when comparing HR and ECG time intervals to normal ranges in horses.  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) are often determined with Polar heart rate monitors (HRMs; S810i; Polar, Kempele, Finland). The aims of this study were to compare data from horses obtained by Polar HRMs and a portable Televet electrocardiogram (ECG; 100 version 4.2.3; Kruuse, Marslev, Denmark) device and to determine appropriate recording times in horses (n = 14). Correlations were calculated and a Bland-Altman analysis was carried out to examine agreement between recording systems. For beat-to-beat (RR) interval, uncorrected and corrected data were highly correlated irrespective of the recording system and recording time (r > 0.99, P < 0.001). For HRV variables, standard deviation of RR interval and root mean square of successive RR intervals, correlations higher than 0.9 were obtained between uncorrected and corrected ECG but not Polar data. The RR interval, HR, and HRV from corrected Televet and Polar data at no time differed between the recording systems. However, with the increase in recording time, the RR interval decreased (P < 0.001). Thus, for comparisons, recording intervals of similar length should be chosen. Correlations among RR interval, HR, and HRV variables obtained by ECG and HRMs were highly significant at all recording times (r > 0.9, P < 0.001). Correlations increased with increasing recording time. Bland-Altman graphs showed a strong agreement between HRMs and ECG and mean RR intervals, HR, and HRV variables were close to identical. In conclusion, Polar HRMs are as adequate as ECG recordings in horses. Owing to a low HR in stationary horses, recording times below 2 minutes will underestimate changes in HR and HRV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether evaluation of heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV) during prolonged road transportation in horses provides a sensitive index of autonomic stimulation. ANIMALS: Five 2-year-old Thoroughbreds. PROCEDURE: ECGs were recorded as horses were transported for 21 hours in a 9-horse van. Heart rate, high-frequency (HF) power, low-frequency (LF) power, and LF-to-HF ratio from Fourier spectral analyses of ECGs were calculated and compared with values recorded during a 24-hour period of stall rest preceding transportation. RESULTS: HR, HF power, and LF power had diurnal rhythms during stall rest but not during road transportation. Heart rate was higher and HF power and LF power lower during road transportation than stall rest, and HR, HF power, LF power, and LF-to-HF ratio all decreased with time during road transportation. Heart rate during stall rest was weakly and inversely associated with LF power, but during road transportation was strongly associated with LF power, HF power, and LF-to-HF ratio. Neither LF power nor HF power was correlated with LF-to-HF ratio during stall rest, but LF power was strongly and HF power weakly correlated with LF-to-HF ratio during road transportation. High-frequency power and LF power were significantly correlated with each other during stall rest and road transportation. Heart rate was significantly influenced by LF power and LF-to-HF ratio during stall rest (R(2) = 0.40) and by HF power and LF-to-HF ratio during road transportation (R(2) = 0.86). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: HR is influenced by different sympathovagal mechanisms during stall rest, compared with during road transportation; HRV may be a sensitive indicator of stress in transported horses.  相似文献   

A systemic necrotizing vasculitis of unknown etiopathogenesis may be termed juvenile polyarteritis syndrome (JPS). The syndrome has been recognized primarily in young Beagles used for toxicologic studies. We studied 9 young Beagles with JPS. Affected dogs had fever (40 to 41.5 C), anorexia, and signs of pain in the cervical area. They had a characteristic hunched stance, and were unwilling to move. Laboratory abnormalities in all dogs included nonregenerative anemia, hypoalbuminemia, and leukocytosis characterized by a mature neutrophilia. Analysis of CSF revealed a moderate to severe neutrophilic pleocytosis and a mildly high protein concentration in most dogs. Signs of disease resolved rapidly with high doses (2.2 mg/kg of body weight, PO) of prednisone. If untreated, clinical signs and laboratory abnormalities had a remitting and relapsing course in most dogs. Findings at necropsy included necrotizing arteritis with fibrinoid necrosis, periarteritis, thrombosis, and intimal proliferation that most frequently affected small- to medium-sized vessels in the cervical spinal cord, mediastinum, and heart. An immune-mediated pathogenesis for this disease is suspected.  相似文献   

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