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Studies with different populations are required to properly characterize the robustness of associations of polymorphisms in candidate genes with economically important traits across beef cattle populations before this sort of genetic information can be used efficiently in breeding and management decisions. The objective of this study was to evaluate the association of previously reported SNP in the bovine leptin gene with carcass and meat quality traits from a large sample of crossbred beef cattle. Five SNP (UASMS1, UASMS2, UASMS3, E2JW, and E2FB) were genotyped on 1,111 crossbred bulls, heifers, and steers. The measured traits included fat, lean, and bone yield (%) by partial rib dissection, grade fat, LM area, HCW, quality grade, LM i.m. fat, and tenderness evaluation of LM and semitendinosus muscle. Only four SNP were analyzed (UASMS1, UASMS2, E2JW, and E2FB), because UASMS1 and UASMS3 were completely linked. A uni-variate mixed-inheritance animal model was used to evaluate the association of either genotypes or haplo-types with the traits. The two leptin exon 2 SNP were associated with fat and lean yield and grade fat (E2JW, P < 0.01; E2FB, P < 0.05), and they interacted in their effect on LM tenderness (P < 0.01). The leptin promoter SNP were either not associated with any of the traits (UASMS2) or with fat yield only (UASMS1). Three haplotypes (TCAC, CCAT, TTAC) were at high frequency in the population (88%) and had similar effects on all the traits. Compared with the common haplotypes, one haplotype (CCTT) showed a significantly different effect on fat and lean yield and grade fat (P < 0.01), and one haplotype (TTTT) had a different effect on LM tenderness (P < 0.03). Therefore, important associations between SNP within the leptin gene with lean yield, fatness (fat yield and subcutaneous fat), and tenderness were detected. Results confirm some of the previously reported associations, but diverge with respect to others, showing that further efforts are required to validate some prospective associations.  相似文献   

Calpastatin (CAST) is a naturally occurring protein that inhibits the normal tenderization of meat as it ages postmortem. A SNP was identified in the CAST gene (a G to C substitution) and genotyped on crossbred commercially fed heifers (n = 163), steers (n = 226), and bulls (n = 61) from beef feedlots, and steers (n = 178) from a University of Guelph feeding trial. The association of the CAST SNP with carcass and meat quality traits was studied. Carcass traits included fat, lean, and bone yield; grade fat; LM area; and HCW. Meat quality traits included marbling grade; i.m. fat content of LM; tenderness evaluation of LM (Warner-Bratzler shear force) at 2, 7, 14, and 21 d of postmortem aging; and tenderness evaluation of semitendinosus muscle at 7 d of postmortem aging. The mixed model used in the analyses included fixed effects of CAST genotype, sex, slaughter group, and breed composition (linear covariate); sire was a random effect. For the analysis of shear force, i.m. fat content of LM was also included in the model as a linear covariate. Shear force measures were analyzed within days of postmortem aging and by repeated measures analysis. The CAST SNP allele C was more frequent (63%) in the crossbred population than allele G. The CAST SNP was associated with shear force across days of postmortem aging (P = 0.005); genotype CC yielded beef that was more tender than GG (-0.32 kg +/- 0.13), and CG had intermediate tenderness. The corresponding average allele substitution effect (G to C substitution) was also highly significant (-0.15 +/- 0.05 kg, P = 0.002). A lower percentage of unacceptably tough steaks (shear force > 5.7 kg) at 2 and 7 d postmortem was associated with an increasing number of C alleles (P < or = 0.05). At 7 d postmortem, the percentage of unacceptably tough steaks decreased by 24 and 35%, respectively, for animals carrying 1 and 2 copies of the C allele relative to animals with no C alleles. However, genotype CC had a greater fat yield (+1.44 +/- 0.56%; P = 0.037) than genotype GG, with a corresponding allele substitution effect of 0.67 +/- 0.27% (P = 0.015). Therefore, the CAST SNP allele C was associated with increased LM tenderness across days of postmortem aging and, importantly for the beef industry, had a significant reduction in the percentage of steaks rated unacceptably tough by consumers based on an assumed threshold level.  相似文献   

国外牛肉产量级发展及我国产量级制度建立问题探讨   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
完善的牛肉分级体系一般都包括质量等级标准和产量等级标准。产量等级主要描述胴体的产肉性能,如产肉量、产肉率等,与胴体重、背膘厚、眼肌面积等指标密切相关。详细介绍各国产量等级标准,提出我国产量等级标准的制订必须遵循通用性、可操作性和前瞻性原则。  相似文献   

Previous research has identified differences in carcass characteristics across SNP in the bovine leptin gene at slaughter, but before feedlot operators implement selection and sorting strategies, more information is needed to determine how carcass characteristics change over time. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of 2 leptin SNP on growth curve parameters for BW and backfat. Two SNP (UASMS2 and R25C) were genotyped on 1,653 cross-bred steers and heifers in a commercial feedlot. Up to 4 serial measures of BW and ultrasound estimates of backfat thickness were taken for each animal from the time of placement on feed to slaughter. The measures were used to estimate growth models that describe changes in BW and backfat thickness as a function of days on feed. Data analysis was carried out by estimating nonlinear mixed models to determine the individual and joint effect of each SNP on growth curve parameters. Brody growth curves were fit to the BW data. Variations in the R25C SNP did not significantly affect growth parameters individually or in combination with the UASMS2 SNP. Variations in the UASMS2 SNP were significant in Brody growth curve parameters for BW growth (P < 0.001). The genotype UASMS2-CC was the heaviest at the beginning of the feeding period and exhibited the largest asymptotic mature BW, but UASMS2-TT cattle exhibited the fastest rate of BW growth. A modified power function was fit to the serial ultrasound backfat measures. Models that included the combined effect of the R25C and UASMS2 SNP provided the best fit to the data. Genotypes differed significantly in power function parameters for backfat growth (P < 0.001). The R25C-CC/UASMS2-TT cattle had the smallest backfat thickness at placement. The genotype R25C-CC/UASMS2-TT exhibited the fastest backfat growth rate, whereas backfat in R25C-CC/UASMS2-CC cattle grew at the slowest rate. The association between leptin genotype and growth in BW and backfat presents opportunities to identify genetically distinct cattle and to differentially optimize feeding times accordingly.  相似文献   

赵永旺 《饲料广角》2010,(22):27-29
选取杂交母牛(体重421.6kg±28.9)373头,饲喂含纯天然丙三醇的日粮,其中丙三醇含量分别为0、2%、4%、8%、12%、16%。牛的蒸汽压片玉米为主的日粮包括:6%的苜蓿干草、1.2%的尿素、300mg/kg的莫能霉素、90mg/kg的泰乐菌素、0.5mg/kg的醋酸美仑孕酮。每个牛栏中大约有6~7头牛,每组9个牛栏。从对照组饮食过渡到添加丙三醇的日粮持续10d,饲喂丙三醇的时间持续85d。结果显示,当丙三醇添加量从0增加至2%时,肉牛干物质采食量(DMI)也呈线性增加(P0.001)。肉牛饲喂含有0、2%、4%、8%、12%、16%的丙三醇,其平均日增重(ADG)分别增加1.19、1.34、1.29、1.25、1.17和1.03kg;料重比(F/G)呈显著二次方效应,且当丙三醇添加量为2%时,其料重比最高(P=0.046),当丙三醇增加至2%、4%和8%时,体重相应增加12.7、8.1和5.3kg;当丙三醇比例增加到12%和16%时,体重却分别减少1.9kg(一次线性,P=0.009)和14.3kg(二次方,P=0.006)。当丙三醇含量增加时,背最长肌面积也有所增加(P0.013),饲喂丙三醇也可降低牛肉皮下脂肪和大理石花纹评分等级(P=0.045)。当丙三醇含量不高于干物质含量8%时,肉牛日粮中添加丙三醇可以提高牛体重和饲料转化率。  相似文献   

Thirty-six Angus x Hereford heifers (365 kg) were used to determine effects of dietary lipid supplementation from two sources during the final 32 or 60 d of feeding on serum and adipose tissue leptin concentrations, animal performance, and carcass characteristics. Following an initial feeding period of 56 d, heifers were fed one of three diets in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement: 1) basal diet, 2) basal diet plus 4% (DM basis) corn oil, or 3) basal diet plus 2% (DM basis) rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid (a mixture of Ca-salts of palm oil fatty acids with 31% conjugated linoleic acid). Jugular blood samples were collected at 28-d intervals (d 28 to 118) and serum subsequently harvested for leptin quantification via RIA. Real-time ultrasound measurements were collected at 28-d intervals across time on feed. At slaughter, samples were obtained from various adipose depots. Data were analyzed with dietary treatment, length of supplementation, adipose depot (when appropriate), and all two- and three-way (when appropriate) interactions in the repeated measures model. Measures of feedlot performance, including ADG, DMI, and gain:feed did not differ (P > 0.23) with dietary treatment or supplementation length. Heifers supplemented with corn oil tended (P < 0.07) to have higher marbling scores following 32 d of treatment than those supplemented with rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid, with controls intermediate. Quality grade and hot carcass weight did not differ (P > 0.15) with treatment or length of supplementation. Leptin concentrations were higher (P < 0.05) from d 57 to 118 on feed than the initial period (d 0 to 56) of dietary adaptation when all animals received the basal diet. Circulating leptin concentrations were not affected by dietary treatment. However, leptin concentrations in adipose tissues were greater (P < 0.05) for heifers supplemented with corn oil than either control or rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid diets, which did not differ. Compared with adipose tissues from rumen-protected conjugated linoleic acid-supplemented animals, tissues from heifers fed corn oil contained 68% greater leptin concentration. Correlations between performance, carcass traits, and serum leptin concentrations were low. Serum leptin concentrations across time on feed were not associated with carcass and performance data, including ADG, DMI, and gain:feed. Based on these data, concentrations of leptin are not related to indices of feedlot performance and carcass quality in beef cattle.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the association of SNP in the thyroglobulin gene, including a previously reported marker in current industry use, with marbling score in beef cattle. Three populations, designated GPE6, GPE7, and GPE8, were studied. The GPE6 population sampled breeds that could be used as alternative germplasm sources in beef cattle production, including Wagyu, Swedish Red and White, Friesian, and Norwegian Red. The GPE7 population sampled 7 popular beef cattle breeds used in temperate climates of the United States: Angus, Charolais, Gelbvieh, Hereford, Limousin, Red Angus, and Simmental. The GPE8 population sampled Bos indicus-influenced breeds used in subtropical regions of the country and subtropical and tropical regions of the world, including Beefmaster, Bonsmara, Brangus, and Romosinuano. Evaluation of 6 SNP in the thyroglobulin gene, including 5 newly described variations, showed no association (P > 0.10) with marbling score in these populations, except a tendency (P < 0.10) for an association with the previously described marker in GPE6. Closer examination of the GPE6 data revealed that the source of the tendency was an association (P < 0.02) with marbling in animals of Wagyu inheritance. Animals having Wagyu background and inheriting the TT genotype had a greater marbling score (599 +/- 20) than those inheriting the CC (540 +/- 10) or the CT (541 +/- 11) genotype. No association was detected with any other carcass trait for this marker in the 3 populations. Furthermore, none of the 5 newly described markers in the gene displayed an association with marbling score. The data indicate that markers at the thyroglobulin gene may be a useful predictor of marbling performance for producers raising Wagyu-based cattle. Although associations with marbling score in the remaining populations were not large or significant, the TT genotype had the numerically greatest marbling score in each population.  相似文献   

The present experiment was conducted to evaluate the ability of the U.S. Meat Animal Research Center's beef carcass image analysis system to predict calculated yield grade, longissimus muscle area, preliminary yield grade, adjusted preliminary yield grade, and marbling score under commercial beef processing conditions. In two commercial beef-processing facilities, image analysis was conducted on 800 carcasses on the beef-grading chain immediately after the conventional USDA beef quality and yield grades were applied. Carcasses were blocked by plant and observed calculated yield grade. The carcasses were then separated, with 400 carcasses assigned to a calibration data set that was used to develop regression equations, and the remaining 400 carcasses assigned to a prediction data set used to validate the regression equations. Prediction equations, which included image analysis variables and hot carcass weight, accounted for 90, 88, 90, 88, and 76% of the variation in calculated yield grade, longissimus muscle area, preliminary yield grade, adjusted preliminary yield grade, and marbling score, respectively, in the prediction data set. In comparison, the official USDA yield grade as applied by online graders accounted for 73% of the variation in calculated yield grade. The technology described herein could be used by the beef industry to more accurately determine beef yield grades; however, this system does not provide an accurate enough prediction of marbling score to be used without USDA grader interaction for USDA quality grading.  相似文献   

Live weight and ultrasound measures of fat thickness and longissimus muscle area were available on 404 yearling bulls and 514 heifers, and carcass measures of weight, longissimus muscle area, and fat thickness were available on 235 steers. Breeding values were initially estimated for carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, and fat thickness using only steer carcass data. Breeding values were also estimated for weight and ultrasound muscle area and fat thickness using live animal data from bulls and heifers, with traits considered sex-specific. The combination of live animal and carcass data were also used to estimate breeding values in a full animal model. Breeding values from the carcass model were less accurate and distributed more closely around zero than those from the live data model, which could at least partially be explained by differences in relative amounts of data and in phenotypic mean and heritability. Adding live animal data to evaluation models increased the average accuracy of carcass trait breeding values 91, 75, and 51% for carcass weight, longissimus muscle area, and fat thickness, respectively. Rank correlations between breeding values estimated with carcass vs live animal data were low to moderate, ranging from 0.16 to 0.43. Significant rank changes were noted when breeding values for similar traits were estimated exclusively with live animal vs carcass data. Carcass trait breeding values estimated with both live animal and carcass data were most accurate, and rank correlations reflected the relative contribution of carcass data and their live animal indicators. The addition of live animal data to genetic evaluation of carcass traits resulted in the most significant carcass trait breeding value accuracy increases for young replacements that had not yet produced progeny with carcass data.  相似文献   

Real time ultrasound (RTU) measures of longissimus muscle area and fat depth were taken at 12 and 14 mo of age on composite bulls (n = 404) and heifers (n = 514). Carcass longissimus muscle area and fat depth, hot carcass weight, estimated percentage lean yield, marbling score, Warner-Bratzler shear force, and 7-rib dissectable seam fat and lean percentages were measured on steers (n = 235). Additive genetic variances for longissimus muscle area were 76 and 77% larger in bulls at 12 and 14 mo than the corresponding estimates for heifers. Heritability estimates for longissimus muscle area were 0.61 and 0.52 in bulls and 0.49 and 0.47 in heifers at 12 and 14 mo, respectively. The genetic correlations of longissimus muscle area of bulls vs heifers were 0.61 and 0.84 at 12 and 14 mo, respectively. Genetic correlations of longissimus muscle area measured in steer carcasses were 0.71 and 0.67 with the longissimus muscle areas in bulls and heifers at 12 mo and 0.73 and 0.79 at 14 mo. Heritability estimates for fat depth were 0.50 and 0.35 in bulls and 0.44 and 0.49 in heifers at 12 and 14 mo, respectively. The genetic correlation of fat depth in bulls vs heifers at 12 mo was 0.65 and was 0.49 at 14 mo. Genetic correlations of fat depth measured in bulls at 12 and 14 mo with fat depth measured in steers at slaughter were 0.23 and 0.21, and the corresponding correlations of between heifers and steers were 0.66 and 0.86, respectively. Live weights at 12 and 14 mo were genetically equivalent (r(g) = 0.98). Genetic correlations between live weights of bulls and heifers with hot carcass weight of the steers were also high (r(g) > 0.80). Longissimus muscle area measured using RTU was positively correlated with carcass measures of longissimus muscle area, estimated percentage lean yield, and percentage lean in a 7-rib section from steers. Measures of backfat obtained using RTU were positively correlated with fat depth and dissectable seam fat from the 7-rib section of steer carcasses. Genetic correlations between measures of backfat obtained using RTU and marbling were negative but low. These results indicate that longissimus muscle area and backfat may be under sufficiently different genetic control in bulls vs heifers to warrant being treated as separate traits in genetic evaluation models. Further, traits measured using RTU in potential replacement bulls and heifers at 12 and 14 mo of age may be considered different from the corresponding carcass traits of steers.  相似文献   

Marbling, defined by the amount and distribution of intramuscular fat, is an economically important trait of beef cattle in Japan. The c2‐11#2 expressed sequence tag (EST) has been previously shown to possess expression difference in musculus longissimus muscle between low‐marbled and high‐marbled steer groups, and to be located within genomic region of a quantitative trait locus for marbling. Thus, the ribosomal protein L27a (RPL27A) gene containing the c2‐11#2 EST sequence was considered as a positional candidate for the gene responsible for marbling. In the present study, a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the promoter region of the RPL27A, referred to as g.3109537C>T, was detected between the 2 steer groups. The SNP was associated with the predicted breeding value for beef marbling standard number by the analyses using Japanese Black beef cattle population. The effect of genotypes of the SNP on the predicted breeding value for subcutaneous fat thickness was not statistically significant. These findings suggest that the RPL27A SNP may be useful for effective marker‐assisted selection to increase the levels of marbling in Japanese Black beef cattle.  相似文献   

In Ireland, a new beef genetic index has been developed. Growth rate is expressed as expected progeny difference for carcass weight (EPDCWT) and is estimated on an across-breed basis. Cross-breeding of dairy cows with both Aberdeen Angus and Belgian Blue beef sires is widely practised. The objective of this study was to compare blood metabolites, slaughter traits and carcass composition of progeny from Holstein–Friesian dairy cows and Aberdeen Angus (AA), Belgian Blue (BB), Friesian (FR) and Holstein (HO) sires. The AA and BB sires were selected, within breed, to be of either high (H) or low (L) estimated genetic merit for carcass weight. A total of 170 male progeny from spring-calving cows and 42 sires (10 AA, 13 BB, 7 FR and 12 HO) were artificially reared indoors and managed together until the end of their second grazing season when they were assigned to either a Light (560 kg) or Heavy (620 kg) slaughter weight. Blood metabolite concentrations were measured six times throughout life and feed intake was recorded during the first and second winter. Carcass measurements and selected non-carcass components were recorded after slaughter and the right side of each carcass was dissected into lean, fat and bone. Differences in blood metabolite concentrations amongst genetic groups were negligible although there were some effects of the prevailing level of nutrition. M. longissimus area scaled for carcass weight was 0.220, 0.221, 0.260, 0.255, 0.212 and 0.208 (SE 0.004) cm2/kg for AAH, AAL, BBH, BBL, FR and HO, respectively. Carcass measurements scaled for carcass weight were greater for L, AA, HO and the dairy strains than for H, BB, FR and the beef breeds, respectively. There was no effect of estimated genetic merit for carcass weight on carcass composition. Statistically significant interactions between genetic merit and beef breed existed for some traits with the genetic merit effect largely evident for AA only. BB and the beef breeds had more lean, less fat and more high value lean in the carcass than AA and the dairy strains, respectively. It is concluded that genetic group had little effect on blood metabolite concentrations but there were some feeding level effects. Estimated genetic merit for carcass weight affected carcass weight, m. longissimus area and carcass measurements scaled for carcass weight but the effects were confined to AA. There were large effects of beef breed and dairy strain on carcass composition.  相似文献   

为探究青贮饲用高粱对肉牛屠宰性能、胴体品质的影响,综合考虑各种青贮饲用高粱的营养搭配是否满足肉牛营养需要,以期推动中国现代肉牛经济发展。研究以西门塔尔三代阉牛为试验牛,以BJ0603青贮饲料作为基础饲粮。饲喂试验结束后,每个日粮处理组挑选3头牛进行屠宰分割,测定屠宰性能及胴体品质。结果表明,不同比例的青贮高粱和青贮玉米不仅会影响肉牛的采食量和日增重,还会间接影响肉牛的产肉性能。随着日粮中青贮饲用高粱比例的增加,肉牛的采食量降低,能量摄入不足,影响机体内脂肪的正常沉积,降低了肉的嫩度。但对牛肉常规营养成分无显著影响,对其肉色影响显著。  相似文献   

Beef carcasses (129 steers and 80 heifers) differing in weight, muscling, fatness and marbling score were selected to represent the full spectrum of USDA yield grades; one side was fabricated into boneless primal cuts. Primals were trimmed of all external fat and intermuscular (seam) fat and all components were weighed. Regression equations were developed to predict the percentage of seam fat on an external fat-free primal basis using USDA yield grade (YG), marbling score and a squared function of YG as the independent variables. YG (.77) and marbling score (.67) were highly correlated to seam fat. Heifers tended to have a higher predicted percentage of seam fat than did steers across all YG. Primals from USDA Choice carcasses had approximately 1.0 percentage point more predicted seam fat than did USDA Select primals at the same YG and sex-class. The YG 2.5 heifers had similar proportions of predicted seam fat from primals as YG 3.5 steers, but YG 3.5 heifers tended to have more seam fat than YG 4.5 steers. The same trend was noted between YG 4.5 heifers and YG 5.5 steers, indicating a sex-related deposition of seam fat in fed cattle.  相似文献   

Data from 534 steers representing six sire breed groups were used to develop live animal ultrasound prediction equations for weight and percentage of retail product. Steers were ultrasonically measured for 12th-rib fat thickness (UFAT), rump fat thickness (URPFAT), longissimus muscle area (ULMA), and body wall thickness (UBDWALL) within 5 d before slaughter. Carcass measurements included in USDA yield grade (YG) and quality grade calculations were obtained. Carcasses were fabricated into boneless, totally trimmed retail products. Regression equations to predict weight and percentage of retail product were developed using either live animal or carcass traits as independent variables. Most of the variation in weight of retail product was accounted for by live weight (FWT) and carcass weight with R2 values of 0.66 and 0.69, respectively. Fat measurements accounted for the largest portion of the variation in percentage of retail product when used as single predictors (R2 = 0.54, 0.44, 0.23, and 0.54 for UFAT, URPFAT, UBDWALL, and carcass fat, respectively). Final models (P < 0.10) using live animal variables included FWT, UFAT, ULMA, and URPFAT for retail product weight (R2 = 0.84) and UFAT, URPFAT, ULMA, UBDWALL, and FWT for retail product percentage (R2 = 0.61). Comparatively, equations using YG variables resulted in R2 values of 0.86 and 0.65 for weight and percentage of retail product, respectively. Results indicate that live animal equations using ultrasound measurements are similar in accuracy to carcass measurements for predicting beef carcass composition, and alternative ultrasound measurements of rump fat and body wall thickness enhance the predictive capability of live animal-based equations for retail yield.  相似文献   

选取30头体质量344kg左右健康西门塔尔杂交牛,随机分为3组:对照组,饲喂基础饲粮;试验Ⅰ组和Ⅱ组分别在基础饲粮基础上添加0.05%和0.10%的黄曲霉毒素B1分解酶,试验期90d。结果表明:各组之间生长性能、胴体指标、血液和肝脏生化指标差异不显著(P0.05);添加黄曲霉毒素B1分解酶显著降低了毒素在肝脏(P0.01)和肾脏(P0.05)中的残留。试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组肝脏黄曲霉毒素的B1残留量分别比对照组下降了44.87%(P0.01)和49.15%(P0.01);试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组肾脏中黄曲霉毒素的B1残留量分别比对照组下降了32.20%(P0.05)和33.90%(P0.05)。由此可知,肉牛饲料中添加黄曲霉毒素B1分解酶可降低毒素在组织中的残留。  相似文献   

Leptin as a predictor of carcass composition in beef cattle   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Our objective was to determine if serum concentrations of leptin could be used to predict carcass composition and merit in feedlot finished cattle. Two different groups of crossbred Bos taurus steers and heifers were managed under feedlot conditions near Miles City, MT. The first group consisted of 88 1/2 Red Angus, 1/4 Charolais, and 1/4 Tarentaise composite gene combination steers (CGC) harvested at the ConAgra processing facility in Greeley, CO. The second group (Lean Beef Project; LB) consisted of 91 F2 steers and heifers born to Limousin, Hereford, or Piedmontese by CGC F1 cows crossed to F1 bulls of similar breed composition and harvested at a local processing facility in Miles City, MT. Blood samples were collected approximately 24 h before harvest (CGC) or approximately 3 d before and at harvest (LB). No differences in serum concentrations of leptin were detected (P > 0.10) between Hereford, Limousin, or Piedmontese F2 calves nor between LB steers and heifers. Positive correlations (P < 0.01) existed between serum leptin and marbling score (r = 0.35 and 0.50), fat depth measured between the 12th and 13th rib (r = 0.34 and 0.46), kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (KPH) (r = 0.42 and 0.46), and quality grade (r = 0.36 and 0.49) in CGC and LB cattle, respectively. Serum leptin was also positively correlated with calculated yield grade for CGC steers (r = 0. 19; P = 0. 10) and LB cattle (r = 0.52; P < 0.01). Longissimus area was not correlated with serum leptin in CGC steers (r = 0.12; P > 0.10). However, a negative correlation existed between longissimus area and serum leptin in the LB cattle (r = -0.45; P < 0.01). Serum concentrations of leptin were significantly associated with carcass composition (marbling, back fat depth, and KPH fat) and quality grade in both groups of cattle studied and may provide an additional indicator of fat content in feedlot cattle.  相似文献   

This study was aimed at investigating the effect of the calpain 1 (CAPN1) gene on carcass and meat quality traits in eight meat-type chicken populations, including five pure lines (developed from Chinese local breeds) and three cross-breeds. Primer pairs for the Coding Sequence (CDS) region in CAPN1 were designed from the chicken genomic sequence database. Polymorphisms were detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-Single Strand Conformation Polymorphism (SSCP) and DNA sequencing. Three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP; C2546T, G3535A and C7198A) were detected among individuals in each population. The associations of their haplotypes (H1 = CGA, H2 = CGC, H3 = CAA, H4 = CAC, H5 = TGA and H7 = TAA) with chicken breast muscle fibre and carcass traits were analysed. Results showed that the haplotypes were associated with live weight (LW), carcass weight (CW), breast muscle weight (BMW) and leg muscle weight (LMW) (p < 0.05), and were also related to eviscerated percentage (%EP) and breast muscle fibre density (p < 0.01). H1H3 haplotype was dominant for LW, CW and BMW; H1H5 haplotype was dominant for EP; H3H4 haplotype was dominant for LMW and H1H1 haplotype was dominant for BFD. It was concluded that the CAPN1 gene may be a major gene affecting meat quality traits of chicken or it is linked with the major gene. H1H3, H1H5 and H3H4 were the most advantageous haplotypes for carcass traits whereas H1H1 was the positive haplotype for breast muscle fibre trait.  相似文献   

司秀华  王学恩 《中国饲料》2021,1(8):106-108
文章旨在评估不同非常规饲料原料替代浓缩料对肉牛生长性能、胴体性状及肉品质的影响。试验选择初始体重为(291.69±5.7)kg的肉牛80头,随机分为4组,每组20头,每头牛为1个重复。对照组肉牛在8周试验期每天自由采食水稻秸秆粗饲料并补充基础浓缩料,处理组肉牛自由采食水稻秸秆粗饲料并分别补充用8%米糠、亚麻籽和葵花粕替代基础浓缩料混合物。结果:与米糠组相比,对照组和亚麻籽组肉牛的平均日增重分别显著提高10.74%和12.40%(P<0.05),同时米糠组肉牛的料重比较对照组和亚麻籽组分别显著提高11.69%和15.52%(P<0.05)。亚麻籽组肉牛的背膘厚度较对照组和米糠组分别显著提高7.84%和8.65%(P<0.05)。对照组肉牛眼肌C14:0脂肪酸含量显著低于处理组(P<0.05),而米糠组肉牛眼肌饱和脂肪酸含量较对照组显著提高16.55%(P<0.05),单不饱和脂肪酸含量显著降低11.95%(P<0.05)。亚麻籽和葵花粕组眼肌中蛋氨酸含量较对照组和米糠组分别显著提高168%、179.17%和154%、164.58%(P<0.05)。结论:在本研究条件下,用8%亚麻籽替代浓缩料饲喂肉牛可以提高肌肉蛋氨酸含量,对肉牛生长表现及肌肉脂肪酸组成无负面影响。 [关键词]非常规原料|肉牛|生长性能|胴体性状|肉品质  相似文献   

The ultimate goal of feeding beef cattle is to develop a meat product that satisfies consumer needs. Nutritional management plays a significant role in determining carcass merit of beef cattle. Certain management procedures (eg, metabolic modifiers, early weaning), general animal health (eg, history of respiratory disease), and certain feed ingredients (eg, trace minerals, antioxidants) can have positive and negative effects on the overall quality of beef that is supplied to the consuming public.  相似文献   

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