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Gregory M. Peters William A. Maher John P. Barford Vincent G. Gomes 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1997,99(1-4):275-282
Selenium (Se) is a contaminant of concern in environments affected by discharges from smelting and coal-burning industries. Experiments hate been performed to investigate the phase associations of selenium in contaminated sediments under a range of controlled redox conditions. In this study, Se sediment associations were examined using the BCR sequential extraction technique after stabilisation at different redox states. It was shown that although most of the sediment-bound Se is associated with the operationally-defined “organic sulfide” fraction, as the measured redox potential of the system is increased. more Se moves into the “exchangeable” and “iron manganese oxy hydroxide” fractions. In these fractions. contaminants can be expected to be more bioavailable. As the mass of Se absorbed to sediments is typically at least an order of magnitude higher than the mass dissolved in porewaters. significant Se exposure may result from oxidative shifts in Se associations. 相似文献
Antimony as a Tracer of the Anthropogenic Influence on Soils and Estuarine Sediments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Cal-Prieto M. J. Carlosena A. Andrade J. M. Martínez M. L. Muniategui S. López-Mahía P. Prada D. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2001,129(1-4):333-348
The aim of this work was to evaluate antimony (Sb) as apotentially valuable tracer of the anthropogenic impact on soilsand estuarine sediments. Antimony was determined in fifteenroadsoils from a medium-size city, La Coruña (NW of Spain);and twelve sediments from two estuaries (La Coruña and Ares-Betanzos). Sb determination was accomplished in a rapid andreliable way by directly measuring the solid samples with anautomatic ultrasonic slurry sampling-ETAAS device. Soil contentsranged from 0.29 to 8.81 μg g-1. A relation between Sbconcentration and motor vehicle intensity was observed.Regarding estuarine sediments, Sb amounted from 0.22 to 1.51 μg g-1, for the La Coruña estuary and 0.24 to 0.71 μg g-1, forthe Ares-Betanzos estuary; higher Sb values were found forcoastal locations whereas lower contents corresponded to `inner'samples. In order to confirm these findings, other pollutantswere studied: As, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, Zn, aliphatichydrocarbons (AH) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH).These values, along with the Sb ones, were subjected tomultivariate studies intended to elucidate whether Sb correlated(and to what extent) to other well-known anthropogenic pollutants. Thus, Sb became associated to Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn in road soils and to As, Cu, Zn, PAH, Pb and unresolved hydrocarbons, in sediments. 相似文献
Volatile organic contaminant (VOC) emissions from wastewater treatment plants may occur through a variety of mechanisms which mainly include volatilization, evaporation, biodegradation, and photodecomposition. A mathematical model incorporating the significant factors affecting VOC emissions from a secondary treatment facilities has been developed and verified with the operational data from wastewater treatment plant in south Florida. The model includes mass transfer considerations for volatilization from clarifier surfaces and weirs, in addition to volatilization from aeration basins. A simple model such as this one can be a useful tool to estimate VOC emissions from municipal wastewater treatment plants and to evaluate the present and future state of compliance with applicable air quality standards. 相似文献
Long-term sediment pollution by lead (Pb), copper (Cu) and zinc (Zn) is investigated in Karlskärsviken, a typical bay of Lake Mälaren, about 10 km northwest of Stockholm. We find that metal accumulation rates in the sediments of Karlskärsviken increase considerably more in the outer than in the inner bay section, all the time since medieval times and even more so after than before industrialisation. Resulting metal accumulation rates are dominated by increasing sediment accumulation rate and its spatial–temporal patterns. This indicates significant waterborne metal pollution contributions to the bay sediments, which continue until present times and are still increasing for Zn and Cu. The outer Karlskärsviken bay section is then mainly affected by regional waterborne discharges, while the inner bay section is mainly affected by local discharges, in addition to the atmospheric deposition that affects the whole bay and Lake Mälaren similarly. The present results indicate possible important shortcomings in environmental regulation, management and monitoring systems that consider only sediment concentration levels and neglect pollutant accumulation rates and diffuse metal load contributions from slow subsurface transport into surface water environments. 相似文献
Six organotin species – tributyltin (TBT), dibutyltin (DBT), monobutyltin (MBT), triphenyltin (TPT), diphenyltin (DPT) andmonophenyltin (MPT) – have been determined in seawater (255 samples), sediments (85 samples) and bivalves (558 samples) collected at seventeen locations in the southwest of Spain in five occasions between May 1992 and August 1994. No phenyltinspecies were found but butyltin species were present in all the stations. The TBT concentrations ranged between 23 and 1500 ng g-1 Sn in biota, from less than 0.6 to 160 ng g-1 Sn in sediments and from less than 0.5 to 31 ng L-1 Sn in water, with the highest values closely related with boating activity and decreasing according to the distance from the potential sources. For biota and water, a consistent seasonal pattern of fluctuation of TBT concentrations was evident, with the highest values found in spring and summer except for a fishing harbour. A slow decreaseof TBT concentration was observed between 1992 and 1994. Percentages of DBT and MBT in biota (22±7 and 13±6,respectively) were lower than those in water (33±10 and 31±15, respectively) and sediments (48±16 and 25±16, respectively). Sediment-water partition coefficients for TBT were 240–65 000 and bioconcentration factors 17 000–350 000. This article discusses the significance of the pollution in our study area in comparison with other world coastal areas. 相似文献
河口湿地沉积物中腐殖酸含量对外源重金属分布的影响研究 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
通过向不同腐殖酸含量的河口湿地沉积物添加人工配制的重金属污染海水,测定污染后沉积物的重金属总量与形态分布,以研究不同腐殖酸含量条件下外源重金属在水-沉积物系统中的转化。结果表明,腐殖酸含量对重金属在沉积物中的吸收量和形态组成有较大的影响,尤其对酸可提取态与可还原态。但是不同重金属之间有一定差别,腐殖酸含量对Cu,Pb的作用较明显,而对Zn,Cd的影响较小。此外,由于河口湿地沉积物处于较高盐度的环境,海水中的离子浓度影响有机质与金属的络合反应,因此与土壤相比,河口湿地沉积物中腐殖酸含量对重金属的生物有效性的影响有所不同。 相似文献
Teresia W?llstedt 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2011,219(1-4):535-546
Sediment profiles from ten excessively limed lakes were used to study the occurrence of lime residues as a result of incomplete lime dissolution and the influence of treatment with very high lime doses on the sequestration of metals in lake sediments. The sediment profiles were subjected to multi-element analysis and compared to sediment profiles from previous studies of lakes limed with normal lime doses and untreated reference lakes. The high lime doses were found to result in large lime residues in the sediment, with lime concentrations of up to 70% of the dry sediment in the studied lakes. Excessive liming, like liming with normal doses, was found to cause increased sequestration in sediments of, e.g. Cd, Co, Ni and Zn, metals where the mobility is known to be highly pH dependent, compared to non-limed reference lakes. No effect of liming on the sequestration of Cu, Cr, Pb and V could be shown. The size of the lime dose did not seem to influence the metal sequestration in the sediment, since no difference between the excessively limed lakes and lakes limed with normal doses was found. On the contrary, the large lime residues were found to cause a dilution of the metal concentrations in the sediments, since lime products used for lake liming generally have lower metal concentrations compared to the sediments. 相似文献
Gh. Amini Ranjbar 《Water, air, and soil pollution》1998,104(3-4):305-312
Concentrations of Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn and Ni were determined in surficial sediments from eleven sampling sites in Anzali wetland. Four different methods were tested to choose the most efficient procedure for determination of the metals. The measurement of the metal levels were performed using atomic absorption spectroscopy. In order to interpret analytical results, several statistical methods were applied. There were statistically significant differences among the accumulation of the metals in sediments, while differences were not be observed among the seasons. Sampling site eight showed the lowest similarity compared to others. Kurtzfassung. Gehalte an Cd, Pb, Cu, Zn und Ni wurden in den oberflächliche sedimenten von elf probestellen aus der Anzali Lagune gemessen. Vier verschiedene Methoden Wurden untersucht um das leistungsfähigste zu wählen. Die Messungen wurden mittles flammen-AAS vorgenommen. Zur Interpretation der Ergebnisse, mehrere statistische Methoden wurden angewendet. Es gab allgemein statistische Signifikanz Unterschiede zwischen der Akkumulation der Metalle in Sedimente. Beträchtliche Unterschiede zwischen den Jahrezeiten Konnten dagegen nicht festgestellt werden. Die Probestelle acht wies die geringste Ähnlichkeit mit den anderen auf. 相似文献
天鹅湖沉积物中营养盐和重金属的分布特征 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
在荣成天鹅湖选取20个代表性样点,研究了表层沉积物中总氮、总磷、有机质和重金属的水平及分布状况,并对沉积物的环境质量进行了评价.结果表明,沉积物中总氮、总磷和有机质含量主要变化在0.6~1.2 g/kg,0.2~0.4 g/kg,5.0~20.0 g/kg之间,分别平均为0.85,0.35,19.89 g/kg;三生源要素的空间分布规律类似,其中有机质的变异程度较大.重金属Cd、Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb的平均含量分别为0.37,50.09,16.02,16.48,53.02,22.17 mg/kg,其中Cd、Cu、Zn的分布趋势类似,Cr和Ni相差不大.天鹅湖沉积物中营养盐和重金属的空间分布很不均衡,污染物质的累积与该区域的污染状况及沉积物粒度关系密切,北部人为活动频繁区和颗粒较细区含量较高,东近岸区及南部较低.与其它湖泊相比,天鹅湖沉积物中总磷和重金属的总体水平较低,Cr和Pb元素有所污染.据加拿大制定的沉积物评价标准,目前天鹅湖沉积物中污染物质不会产生大的生态毒性效应. 相似文献
Airborne Trace Metal Contamination of Wetland Sediments at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Perkins Steven M. Filippelli Gabriel M. Souch Catherine J. 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2000,122(1-2):231-260
For more than 100 yr, the wetland sediments at theIndiana Dunes National Lakeshore (IDNL) and adjacentIndiana Dunes State Park have received atmosphericinput of trace metals from industrial sources locatedupwind and to the west. This study documents the tracemetal pollution of these sediments, both areally andwith depth, and identifies trends in metaldistribution and mobility. Twenty-five wetlandsediment cores were taken across IDNL, at varyingdistances from the principal industrial sources, andfrom environments with different disturbance histories(and thus different hydroperiods). Strong-acidextractable concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb,Se, and Zn were determined at intervals for each ofthe cores. Total metal extractions and a 210Pbchronology also was determined for one of the cores.Metal concentrations in near-surface sediments arecomparable to those found in other soils and sedimentsin the region, and show surficial enrichment overbackground levels; including Zn concentrations as highas 1700 ppm, Pb as high as 280 ppm, and Mn as high as2700 ppm. Surficial sediment concentrations of Pb,Zn, Cr, and Cu are elevated at sites in closeproximity to anthropogenic sources, while the othermetals do not exhibit a trend in concentration withdistance from sources. Lead, Cr, and Cu appear to berelatively immobile after deposition, while Cd, Ni,and Se appear to have some mobility. The durationand/or frequency of flooding appear to be important indetermining the mobility of Zn and Mn. The findingsof this research provide important insight into theeffects of cumulated human impacts on wetland systems, and can serve as an aid in the planning of wetland restoration projects, several of which are currently underway at IDNL. 相似文献
We investigated sediments from 23 lakes situated in northeastern Poland and analyzed them for major constituents and selected heavy metals. Short sediment cores were collected from the deepest parts of the lakes, and subsequently, a surface layer (0-2?cm) and reference layer (50-52?cm) were sampled from each. In the collected samples, the content of the major constituents (organic matter, carbonates, and minerogenic material) and chosen heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn) was analyzed. In the reference layer, representing natural metal content, we identified quite a substantial diversity among lakes, making it difficult to pinpoint one geochemical background value for the whole region. A multivariate analysis of the interrelationships among elements and a comparison of the median values revealed no statistically significant differences between surface and reference levels. The ratio of the mean content in the surface and reference sediments ranged from 0.9 to 1.6, indicating the lack of or only slight anthropogenic pollution in surface sediments. From a spatial perspective, higher metal contents were observed in the eastern part of the study area, but this trend manifested in both surface and reference sediments. Thus, the inference is that the recently accumulated sediments are characterized by a content that is representative of the natural geochemical background for the selected metals. 相似文献
Qaiser Tarique Joanna Burger John R. Reinfelder 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2012,223(5):2125-2136
The aim of this study was to evaluate the use of metal concentrations in clam organs to monitor metal contamination in coastal sediments. The concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Ni, Pb, V, and Zn were measured in the kidneys, gonads, mantles, gills, digestive gland, and hearts of the infaunal clam Amiantis umbonella collected from a contaminated site near desalination and power plant discharges, and a reference site in Kuwait Bay. Metal concentrations in sediment and sediment pore water were also measured at the collection sites of individual clams at the contaminated site. The concentrations of all metals in all organs (except Zn in the digestive gland) were significantly higher in clams from the contaminated site than from the reference site. Metal concentrations in several organs in A. umbonella from the contaminated site were correlated with those in the sediments and pore waters to which they were exposed. However, fresh weights of gonads, gills, and mantles were significantly lower in clams from the contaminated site compared to the reference site, indicating that the observed elevated concentrations of metals in the organs of clams from the contaminated site largely reflect lower organ weights, rather than higher metal loads, and that these organs in A. umbonella and perhaps other clams are not appropriate for use as biomonitors of metal contamination. Metal concentrations in clam kidneys showed a wide dynamic range with respect to environmental contamination and kidney weight was not variable. Therefore, metal concentrations in clam kidneys provide a reliable biomonitor of contaminant metals in coastal marine sediments. 相似文献
芦苇对白洋淀底泥重金属污染程度的影响效应研究 总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13
取白洋淀底泥制成3种不同厚度的基质种植芦苇,另外设置不含底泥的麦地土壤和旱地芦苇土壤,定期对基质采样,测定底泥中重金属Cu,Cd,Pb,Zn浓度并进行比较分析。试验表明,底泥和供试麦地土壤和芦苇土壤已受到重金属Cu,Cd,Pb,Zn不同程度污染;Cd浓度均已超过全国土壤质量三级标准,分别为1.35~1.59mg/kg和1.078~1.16mg/kg,污染程度严重。其次为Pb和Zn,Cu为轻微污染。随着芦苇的生长,底泥和麦地及芦苇土壤中大部分重金属浓度呈不同程度下降趋势,表明芦苇对有害重金属有一定抗性和富集作用,旨在为底泥污染治理提供科学依据。 相似文献
The role of coarse material (sand fraction) in the distributionof metals in polluted marine sediments was investigated in theharbors and the coastal zone of Mytilene, island of Lesvos,Aegean Sea. It was found that sand fraction contains a relatively significant proportion of the anthropogenic metalsand therefore it cannot be neglected in metal pollution studiesof coastal sediments. Also the distribution of the anthropogenicmetals (Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn) in both silt+clay and sand fractionsfollow the same pattern indicating similar pollution sources. In the bulk sediment (clay + silt + sand fraction) all anthropogenic metals had a significant amount (> 50%) in theacid-extractable (and potentially bio-available) fraction. 相似文献
In order to evaluate the metal contamination from kaolin industry discharges into rivers in the State of Minas Gerais, Brazil, samples of river water and fluvial sediment were collected up- and down-river from the industries and analysed todetect metal inputs. The metal examined included zinc, iron, andaluminium among others, being selected due to their toxicity andoccurence in waste waters. Metal inputs in the samples analysed appeared to be related to effluent discharges into the rivers. The river water showed high concentrations (in μg mL-1) of Zn (355), Fe (354) and Al (303). Sediment investigations indicated heavy enrichment (SEF = 9.4) for Zn. The Geoaccumulation Index for this element accounted for 3 (moderately to heavy polluted). River water pH of the sample collected near the effluent discharge site reached 3.7, suggesting inadequate treatment. 相似文献
Dorivar A. Ruiz Diaz Robert G. Darmody John C. Marlin German A. Bollero F. William Simmons 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2010,206(1-4):321-333
Dredged river sediments and biosolids used as amendments for agricultural purposes can provide a suitable plant growth medium, a topsoil substitute. Nevertheless, trace metal bioaccumulation and risk of plant toxicity remains a concern. We conducted a greenhouse experiment to evaluate the plant growth and trace metal bioaccumulation on sediments and biosolid mixtures. These included dredged sediment from the Peoria Lakes portion of the Illinois River and class A biosolids from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Six different mixtures were produced in addition to a standard greenhouse mix serving as a control. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) and snap bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) were grown on the mixtures in the greenhouse. Plants grew in all treatments, except for snap beans that were stunted likely by high salt content in unleached biosolid mixtures. The highest overall biomass production for barley was obtained in the treatment composed of 50% sediment and 50% biosolids. For snap bean, the highest biomass productions were obtained in treatments composed of ≤50% biosolids in the mixture. Trace metals in plant tissue were within ranges considered normal, except for Mo in snap bean, which was at a level considered excessive. However, addition of biosolids to sediments decreased Mo plant uptake. Based on our results, sediments mixed with biosolids make a fertile topsoil and have no inherent chemical or physical properties that would preclude its use as a plant growth medium. Adding sediments to unleached fresh biosolids improved plant growth and diminished trace metal uptake. The suggested optimal ratio of sediments to biosolids would be 80:20 to 70:30 by volume in most situations. 相似文献
Albert Ebo Duncan Nanne de Vries Kwabena Biritwum Nyarko 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2018,229(8):272
An investigative study was conducted to determine the heavy metal pollution in the sediment in the Pra Basin of Ghana from 27 sampling points during the dry and wet seasons using the geo-accumulation index (Igeo), enrichment factor (EF), and pollution load index (PLI). Sediments were acid digested and analyzed for the following selected metals: arsenic (As), lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn), manganese (Mn), total chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), and iron (Fe) using the dual atomizer and hydride generator atomic absorption spectrophotometer (model ASC-7000 No A309654, Shimadzu, Japan). The metal concentrations (mg kg?1) in the sediments were as follows: As (0.175)?<?Cd (3.206)?<?Ni (79.927)?<?Zn (118.323)?<?Cr (216.708)?<?Mn (234.742)?<?Pb (335.381)?<?Fe (1354.513) in the dry season and As (0.002)?<?Cd (7.279)?<?Ni (72.663)?<?Zn (35.622)?<?Pb (135.863)?<?Cr (167.604)?<?Mn (183.904)?<?Fe (1138.551) for the wet season. The EF which is an indication of whether metal concentrations are due to anthropogenic activities shows enrichment at all site for the metals Cr, Pb, and Cd in the wet seasons. However, only 4 out of the 27 sites showed Ni enrichment in the wet season. Contrary to the wet season, only Pb and Cr recorded enrichment at all sites during the dry season. Fifteen out of the 27 sites recorded Cd enrichment and 24 out of the 27 sites recorded Ni enriched during the dry season. None of the sites were enriched with Fe, As, Zn, and Mn in either the dry or wet seasons. For both dry and wet seasons, the pollution load index for all the sites except one was at the background levels which is a sign of non-deterioration of the sites studied. In the wet season, the calculated Igeo reveals that the study area is not contaminated with respect to As, Zn, Fe, and Mn; uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with Cd; moderately contaminated with Cr; uncontaminated to moderately to heavily contaminated with Ni; and moderately to heavily contaminated with Pb. The dry season Igeo results reveal non-contamination of the study area with respect to As, Fe, and Mn; uncontaminated to moderately contaminated with Zn; moderately contaminated with Cr; uncontaminated to heavily contaminated with Cd; uncontaminated to extremely contaminated with Ni; and moderately to extremely contaminated with Pb. The high levels of Cd, Pb, and Cr in all the sites are due to unregulated illegal mining activities occurring in and around the study area. It is hoped that this study will prompt the basin management board to improve their management strategies in controlling unregulated illegal mining in the basin sediments. 相似文献
Agnes šÖmen Joksič Sidney A. Katz Milena Horvat Radmila Milačič 《Water, air, and soil pollution》2005,162(1-4):265-283
Potential uses of dredged sediments have raised questions about leaching of contaminants from such material once transported to other locations and exposed to other environments. In order to estimate leachable, i.e. available fractions of chemical elements in such materials, a number of analytical protocols were proposed, of which none is internationally accepted as a standard procedure. As a consequence, comparability of the results obtained by different protocols in various laboratories is difficult to demonstrate. In the present study some commonly used protocols including a leaching test with (i) seawater, following the modified German Standard Method (DIN), (ii) a single extraction with 25% acetic acid, following the method proposed by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and (iii) a three-step sequential extraction, following both the original and the modified protocols of the Standards, Measurements and Testing Programme (formerly Community Bureau of Reference – BCR), were performed for assessing the availability of lead, zinc, nickel and copper leachable from dredged marine sediments. A comparison of the results obtained by the different protocols indicated that the single extraction with acetic acid is a reliable simplified technique and allows more rapid evaluations of dredged areas of coastal lagoons in the Northern Adriatic. This procedure provides information on the potentially bioavailable portion of metals. 相似文献