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文章旨在研究日粮添加不同水平抗菌肽替代抗生素对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分消化率、肠道微生物含量及绒毛结构的影响。试验选择平均体重为(5.76±0.02)kg的21 d断奶的杜×长×大仔猪672头,根据个体大小随机分为4组,每组4个重复,每个重复42头。试验分为1~14 d和15~28 d两个阶段,对照组饲喂基础日粮+60 mg/kg盐霉素,抗菌肽组饲喂基础日粮+0、50或100 mg/kg抗菌肽。试验进行28 d。对照组较抗菌肽组显著提高了断奶仔猪28 d体重(P <0.05),1~14 d和1~28 d日增重(P <0.05),1~14 d、15~28 d、1~28 d采食量,显著降低了1~28 d料重比(P <0.05)。随着日粮抗菌肽添加水平的升高,28 d体重、1~14 d、15~28 d及1~28 d日增重显著升高(P <0.05)。对照组较抗菌肽组显著提高了断奶仔猪14和28 d干物质、14 d粗蛋白质表观消化系数(P <0.05)。对照组较抗菌肽组显著降低了14和28 d粪中大肠杆菌含量(P <0.05),且总厌氧菌、梭菌和大肠杆菌含量随抗菌肽添加水平的升高而显著降低(P <0.05);与抗菌肽组相比,对照组显著降低了回肠总厌氧菌含量(P <0.05)。饲喂对照组日粮的断奶仔猪较抗菌肽组显著降低了空肠隐窝深度(P <0.05),显著提高了空肠绒毛高度与隐窝深度的比值(P <0.05)。根据试验结果推断,日粮添加抗菌肽可以作为抗生素替代品,具有提高断奶仔猪生长性能、干物质和粗蛋白质的表观消化率、绒毛形态及降低粪中有害菌含量的作用。  相似文献   

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) extract (RE) has multiple pharmacological and biological activities, including the use as a food additive and medicine. This study was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary RE supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant capacity, intestinal morphology, and microbiota of weaning piglets. A total of 192 crossbred weaned piglets [Duroc × (Large White × Landrace)] (initial body weight = 6.65 ± 0.33 kg, weaned days = 23 ± 1 d) were group housed (six pigs per pen; n = 8 pens/treatment). Pigs were fed a corn–soybean meal-based control diet or the basal diet supplemented with 100, 200, or 400 mg/kg RE. Pigs were allowed ad libitum access to fed for 21 d. The growth performance and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients, and intestinal morphology and antioxidant status were evaluated. The components of the microbial microflora were also determined in the cecal samples. Compared with the control, dietary supplementation with RE increased the final body weight, average daily gain, and average daily feed intake (linear, P = 0.038, 0.016, and 0.009, respectively), and decreased the diarrhea ratio in piglets (linear, P < 0.05). The digestibility of crude protein (linear, P = 0.034) and gross energy (linear, P = 0.046) increased with treatment with RE. Piglets fed RE showed longer villus height (linear, P = 0.037 and 0.028, respectively) and villus height/crypt depth (linear, P = 0.004 and 0.012; quadratic, P = 0.023 and 0.036, respectively) in the jejunum and ileum, in addition to a lesser crypt depth in the jejunum (linear, P = 0.019) and ileum (quadratic, P = 0.042). The addition of RE increased the activity of superoxide dismutase (linear, P = 0.035 and 0.008, respectively) and glutathione peroxidase activity (linear, P = 0.027 and 0.039, respectively) and decreased the content of malondialdehyde (linear, P = 0.041 and 0.013; quadratic, P = 0.023 and 0.005, respectively) in the serum and liver. Dietary RE supplementation, compared with the control, increased the number of Bifidobacterium (linear, P = 0.034) and Bacteroidetes (linear, P = 0.029), while decreased Escherichia coli (linear, P = 0.008; quadratic, P = 0.014) in the cecal contents. Thus, dietary RE supplementation can improve growth performance, nutrient digestibility, antioxidant capacity, intestinal morphology, and the microbiota in weaned piglets, and 200 mg/kg may be considered the optimum dosage.  相似文献   

One hundred and forty piglets ((Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc, 21 day of age) with an initial weight of 6.50 ± 0.71 kg, were randomly allotted into four treatments to determine the effects of a modified form of zinc oxide (ZnO) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding and fecal score in weanling pigs. Dietary treatments were: (i) NC, negative control, basal diet containing zinc (Zn) from the premix; (ii) PC, positive control, basal diet containing Zn‐free premix + 3000 ppm ZnO; (iii) H1, basal diet containing Zn‐free premix + 3000 ppm ZnO (phase 1, days 1 to 14)/200 ppm modified ZnO (phase 2, days 15 to 42); (iv) H2, basal diet containing Zn‐free premix + 300 ppm modified ZnO (phase 1)/200 ppm modified ZnO (phase 2). During days 1 to 14, average daily gains (ADG) were higher (P = 0.04) in PC, H1 and H2 groups than that in NC group. Overall, H1 treatment increased the ADG compared with NC (P = 0.05). On day 14, the alkaline phosphatase and plasma Zn concentration were increased (P = 0.01 and 0.04, respectively) in PC, H1 and H2 treatments compared with NC treatment. On days 14 and 42, the fecal Lactobacillus counts in NC group were lowest (P = 0.01, P = 0.04 respectively) among treatments. All supplemented groups showed lower (P = 0.03) fecal score than NC treatment on days 21 and 28. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with modified ZnO increased growth rates and reduced fecal scores in weanling pig. Modified ZnO could be used as a substitute to ZnO as a growth promoter and reduce Zn excretion to the environment because of the lower dosage. [Correction added on 3 February 2015, after first online publication: the initial weight of ‘6.50 ± 1.11 kg’ has been replaced with ‘6.50 ± 0.71 kg’ in the abstract.]  相似文献   

1. The study aimed to investigate the effect of lysolecithin supplementation in low-energy diets on growth, nutrient digestibility and intestinal mucosa characteristics of broilers.

2. A total of 800 one-d-old Ross 308 broiler chickens were assigned to 4 dietary treatments consisting of 10 replicates of 20 broilers each. Broilers were fed with 4 different diets: (i) HE: positive control group broilers received a diet with unaltered energy; (ii) LE: negative control group broilers received a diet with lower energy of about 0.27 MJ/kg; (iii) LElys500: broilers received a diet similar to LE supplemented with 500 g/tn lysolecithin product (Lysoforte Booster DryTM); and (iv) LElys300: broilers received a diet similar to LE supplemented with 300 g/tn lysolecithin product. The experimental period was 42 d.

3. Body weight gain in treatments HE was higher than LE during the overall experimental period, while LElys500 and LElys300 had intermediate values. Feed conversion ratio was lower in HE and LElys500 than LE group, while the LElys300 had intermediate values. Fat digestibility was improved in both LElys 500 and LElys300 compared to the HE group. Apparent metabolisable energy (AMEn) was higher in HE, LElys500 and LElys300 than LE. Ileum viscosity at 42 d was also affected, being higher in LE group compared to HE. At 28 d mucosal thickness was lower both in LElys500 and LElys300 compared to HE and LE, while no difference occurred between treatment proliferation patterns of duodenal epithelial cells.

4. These findings indicated that lysolecithin supplementation at 500 g/tn of feed in low-energy diets maintained broiler performance. Supplementation of reformulated low-energy diets induced an increase in digesta viscosity. Lysolecithin supplementation resulted in variable alterations in the duodenum mucosal morphology.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the efficacy of beta-glucan on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and immunity in weanling pigs. In Exp. 1, 210 weanling pigs (6.38 +/- 0.92 kg of BW) were fed dietary beta-glucan (0, 0.01, 0.02, 0.03, or 0.04%) for 5 wk. In Exp. 2, 168 pigs (6.18 +/- 1.31 kg of BW) were fed no beta-glucan or antibiotics (T1), 0.02% beta-glucan (T2), only antibiotics (T3), or 0.02% beta-glucan with antibiotics (T4) for 8 wk. In Exp. 2, the antibiotics fed were apramycin and carbadox in phase I (0 to 2 wk) and carbadox and chlortetracycline in phase II (3 to 8 wk). During Exp. 2, the performance study was conducted for 5 wk, and the immune response was tested until 8 wk. In Exp. 1, there was a trend for a linear increase (P = 0.068) in ADG as the dietary beta-glucan concentration increased in the diet. The digestibilities of DM, GE, CP, ether extract, Ca, and P increased linearly (P < 0.05) in the beta-glucan-supplemented pigs. In Exp. 2, the overall ADG was greater (P < 0.05) in treatment T4 compared with the control group (T1). Also, except for P, this group showed greater (P < 0.05) nutrient digestibilities than the control group. In Exp. 2, at d 15, 24, and 46 antibody titers were measured by ELISA against Pasteurella multocida type A and D after vaccination with atrophic rhinitis, and they differed significantly (P < 0.05) with no particular trend. Flow cytometry was used to determine porcine lymphocyte subpopulations at 4 and 8 wk of Exp. 2. There was an increase in CD4 cells (P < 0.05) and a trend for an increase in CD8 cells (P < 0.10) at 8 wk in pigs fed the T2 diet compared with the other groups. Overall, increasing the dietary concentrations of beta-glucan did not improve ADG without antibiotic, and in weanling pigs antibiotics seem to be more effective in improving nutrient digestibilities and growth performance than beta-glucan.  相似文献   

文章旨在评估玉米赤霉烯酮污染日粮添加膨润土对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分利用率、血清生化指标及生殖器官发育的影响。试验1选择28 d断奶仔猪[(10.00±0.85)kg]960头,随机分为8组,每组4个重复,每个重复30头。试验1日粮采用4(玉米赤霉烯酮水平:0、0.3、0.6和0.9 mg/kg)×2膨润土(0、2或0.5或1 g/kg),试验阶段28~56 d。试验2选择56 d仔猪[(27.00±1.40)kg]480头,分组同试验1。试验2日粮玉米赤霉烯酮水平同试验1,膨润土水平为0或2 g/kg,试验阶段57~75 d。结果显示:随着日粮玉米赤霉烯酮水平的升高,日增重和饲料报酬显著线性降低(P <0.05)。日粮添加膨润土显著提高了28~56 d断奶仔猪饲料报酬(P <0.05)。日粮添加2 g/kg膨润土显著提高了57~75 d断奶仔猪的平均日增重(P <0.05)。日粮玉米赤霉烯酮显著降低了采食量和饲料报酬(P <0.05),但添加膨润土显著提高了饲料报酬(P <0.05)。随着日粮玉米赤霉烯酮水平的升高,干物质和氮表观消化系列表现为显著的线性降低(P <0.05)。28 d断奶仔猪阴户宽度、长度和面积随着日粮玉米赤霉烯酮水平的升高表现为显著的线性升高(P <0.05)。玉米赤霉烯酮污染日粮添加2 g/kg膨润土显著降低了阴户长度和面积(P <0.05)。日粮添加膨润土显著提高了2和4周龄仔猪粪中乳酸杆菌含量(P <0.05),显著降低大肠杆菌含量(P <0.05)。结论 :断奶仔猪采食较低水平玉米赤霉烯酮污染日粮会降低营养物质消化率,诱发氧化应激,使生长性能下降。添加膨润土后可以缓解采食玉米赤霉烯酮污染日粮对仔猪的毒副作用。  相似文献   

本试验中F4受体阴性断奶仔猪先提前1周灌服低(3.9×108CFU/头·d)、高(7.8×108CFU/头·d)剂量枯草芽孢杆菌及地衣芽孢杆菌混合制剂,紧接着大肠杆菌F4+ETEC感染,观察芽孢杆菌对仔猪生长性能、养分消化率及白细胞分类的影响。结果显示:高、低剂量芽孢杆菌制剂均显著抑制大肠杆菌引起的仔猪采食量下降。大肠杆菌感染降低了粗蛋白质及总能消化率,而低剂量芽孢杆菌制剂显著抑制F4+ETEC引起的粗蛋白质和总能消化率的下降。低剂量芽孢杆菌制剂显著抑制大肠杆菌引起的杆状核嗜中性粒细胞比例升高。结果表明,芽孢杆菌可以改善断奶仔猪生长性能,低剂量芽孢杆菌可以抑制养分消化率降低,但高剂量芽孢杆菌可能引起免疫失调。  相似文献   

A total of 180 weanling pigs (21 ± 3 d of age; 5.98 ± 0.04 kg) were used to investigate the effect of chito-oligosaccharide (COS) on growth performance, intestinal barrier function, intestinal morphology, and cecal microflora. Based on initial BW, gender and litter, the pigs were given 5 treatments during a 14-d feeding experiment, including a basal diet (control), 3 diets with COS supplementation (200, 400, or 600 mg/kg), and a diet with colistin sulfate (CSE) supplementation (20 mg/kg). Six randomly selected pigs from each treatment were used to collect serum, duodenal, jejunal, ileal, and cecal samples on d 7 and 14 postweaning. From d 1 to 7 postweaning, pigs fed COS or CSE had greater ADG and ADFI compared with the control pigs. From d 1 to 14, diets with either 400 or 600 mg/kg COS, or 20 mg/kg CSE increased (P < 0.05) ADG and G:F compared with the control diet. No significant differences were observed in ADG, ADFI, and G:F between the pigs fed COS and CSE. Pigs fed either 400 or 600 mg/kg COS, or 20 mg/kg CSE had less (P < 0.05) diamine oxidase (DAO) in the serum, but greater concentration of (P < 0.05) DAO in jejunal mucosa, than the control pigs on d 7 postweaning. Treatments did not affect villous height and crypt depth of the duodenum, jejunum, or ileum. Pigs fed COS at 400 mg/kg had greater (P < 0.05) concentration of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli in the cecum than pigs fed the control diet and CSE diet on d 7 postweaning. Supplementation of COS or CSE decreased (P < 0.05) the population of cecal Staphylococcus aureus compared with the control diet on d 7 postweaning. The number of cecal Bifidobacteria in pigs fed 600 mg/kg COS was greater (P < 0.05) than that of pigs fed the control diet or CSE diet on d 14 postweaning. No significant differences were observed in Escherichia coli counts in the cecum among treatments. The present results indicate that dietary supplementation of COS at 400 or 600 mg/kg promotes growth performance and improves gut barrier function, increases the population of Bifidobacteria and Lactobacilli, and decreases S. aureus in the cecum of weanling pigs.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effects of xylanase supplementation on nutrient digestibility, growth performance, blood parameters, fecal microflora shedding, fecal score and fecal noxious gas emission of weaning pigs fed corn‐soybean meal based diet. A total of 150 weaning pigs with an average initial body weight (BW) of 7.85 ± 0.93 kg were randomly allocated to three treatments based on BW and sex (10 replicate pens with five pigs, two gilts and three barrows) were used in this 42‐day trial. Dietary treatments were: (1) CON, basal diet; (2) X1, basal diet +0.005% xylanase; (2) X2, basal diet +0.01% xylanase. The xylanase supplementation linearly increased (P < 0.05) average daily gain (ADG), and gain : feed ratio (G:F) from days 29 to 42 and the in overall period, dry matter, nitrogen and energy digestibility, and fecal Lactobacilli counts, and linearly decreased (P < 0.05) blood urea nitrogen (BUN) concentration, fecal NH3 and H2S emission. Additionally, at weeks 5 and 6, there was a linear decrease in fecal score with xylanase supplementation. In conclusion, dietary supplementation of xylanase improved growth performance, nutrient digestibility, shifted microbiota by increasing fecal Lactobacillus counts, decreased BUN concentration, fecal score, and fecal NH3 and H2S emission in weaning pigs.  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to investigate the efficacy of multistrain probiotics in weaning pigs. A total of 125 28‐day‐old weaning pigs [(Landrace × Yorkshire) × Duroc] with an initial average body weight (BW) of 7.26 ± 0.76 kg were randomly allotted into 5 treatments, 5 replicate pens/treatment with 5 pigs/pen for 42‐day experiment. Dietary treatments were as follows: CON, basal diet; PC1, CON + 0.01% multistrain probiotics; PC2, CON + 0.03% multistrain probiotics; PC3, CON + 0.06% multistrain probiotics; PC4, CON + 0.1% multistrain probiotics. On day 14, pigs fed the PC4 diet had higher BW gain than pigs fed the CON diet. On day 42, pigs fed multistrain probiotics supplementation diets had higher BW gain than pigs fed the CON diet. From days 1 to 14, pigs fed the PC2, PC3 and PC4 diets had higher (p < 0.05) ADG than pigs fed the CON diet. From day 15 to 42, pigs fed the multistrain probiotics supplementation diets had higher (p < 0.05) average daily gain (ADG) and gain: feed ratio (G:F) than pigs fed the CON diet. In the overall period, pigs fed the multistrain probiotics supplementation diets had higher (p < 0.05) ADG and pigs fed the PC2 and PC4 diets had higher (p < 0.05) G:F than pigs fed the CON diet. On day 42, pigs fed the PC4 diet had higher (p < 0.05) apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of dry matter (DM), nitrogen (N) and gross energy (GE), faecal Lactobacillus counts and lower (p < 0.05) E. coli counts and NH3 emission than pigs fed the CON diet. Pigs fed the multistrain probiotics supplementation diets had lower (p < 0.05) H2S and total mercaptans emissions than pigs fed the CON diet. Conclusions, dietary supplementation with 0.1% probiotics improved growth performance, nutrition digestibility and intestinal microflora balance and decreased faecal noxious gas emissions in weaning pigs.  相似文献   

本试验在日粮中添加不同水平的植物乳杆菌代谢产物,研究其对肉鸡生长性能、粪微生物菌群、挥发性脂肪酸含量及小肠绒毛形态的影响。选择健康、体重一致的1日龄AA肉鸡576只,采用单因素试验设计,随机分为6组,每组4个重复,每个重复24只鸡,对照组饲喂基础日粮+80 mg/kg新霉素,处理组分别在基础日粮中添加0.1%、0.2%、0.3%、0.4和0.5%不同水平的植物乳杆菌代谢产物。试验共进行42 d。结果显示:0.4%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组较对照组、0.1%、0.3%和0.5%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组显著提高了42 d肉鸡末重、总增重和平均日增重(P <0.05),0.1%和0.3%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组较0.4%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组显著提高了肉鸡饲料转化率(P <0.05)。对照组较各植物乳杆菌代谢产物组显著提高了粪中大肠杆菌含量(P <0.05),与0.4%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组相比,对照组、0.1%、0.2%和0.5植物乳杆菌代谢产物组显著降低了粪中乙酸含量(P <0.05),0.1%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组较0.3%、0.4%和0.5%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组显著提高了粪中丁酸含量(P <0.05)。0.4%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组总挥发性脂肪酸含量最高,显著高于对照组(P <0.05)。0.4%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组十二指肠和空肠绒毛高度显著高于其他各组(P <0.05),0.2%和0.3%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组十二指肠绒毛高度显著高于对照组、0.1%和0.5%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组(P <0.05),0.2%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组空肠绒毛高度显著高于对照组、0.1%和0.5%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组(P <0.05)。0.1%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组回肠绒毛高度最高(P <0.05)。对照组和0.1%组植物乳杆菌代谢产物十二指肠和空肠隐窝深度显著高于0.4%和0.5%植物乳杆菌代谢产物组(P <0.05),但对照组回肠隐窝深度最低(P <0.05)。结论 :日粮添加植物乳杆菌代谢产物可以改善肉鸡生长性能,降低粪中大肠杆菌含量,提高小肠绒毛高度和粪中挥发性脂肪酸含量,其中日粮添加0.2%和0.4%植物乳杆菌代谢产物对肉鸡增重、饲料转化率和绒毛高度的影响最佳。  相似文献   

There are appreciable does of raffinose in soybean, but the impacts of raffinose on pigs are poorly investigated. We used 2 experiments to investigate the influence of soybean raffinose on growth performance, digestibility, humoral immunity and intestinal morphology of growing pigs. In Exp. 1, a total of 30 crossbred (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshire) barrows (21.93 ± 0.43 kg) were randomly divided into 3 groups, and were fed with the control diet, the control diets supplemented with 0.2% and 0.5% raffinose, respectively, for 21 d. Results showed that the addition of 0.2% or 0.5% raffinose reduced (P < 0.05) average daily feed intake (ADFI), average daily gain (ADG) and nutrient digestibility, and dietary 0.5% raffinose increased the ratio of feed to gain (P < 0.05). For serum indexes, dietary 0.5% raffinose decreased growth hormone and increased glucagon-like peptide-2, immunoglobulin G, tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interleukin-6 concentration (P < 0.05). In Exp. 2, a total of 24 crossbred barrows (38.41 ± 0.45 kg) were randomly divided into 3 groups, and were fed with the control diet (ad libitum), the raffinose diet (0.5% raffinose, ad libitum), and the control diet in the same amount as the raffinose group (feed-pair group) for 14 d, respectively. Compared with the control diet, dietary 0.5% raffinose decreased ADFI (P < 0.05). Intriguingly, the raffinose group had lower ADG than the feed-pair group, lower nutrient digestibility, lower amylase activity in duodenum, lower amylase, lipase and trypsin activities in jejunum and higher TNF-α concentration in serum compared with the other 2 groups, and a higher ratio of villus height to crypt depth compared with the control group (P < 0.05). These results showed that soybean raffinose could reduce feed voluntary intake and body gain while improving intestinal morphology without a significant negative influence on immunity. Taken together, dietary raffinose could decrease growth performance by reducing both feed intake and nutrient digestibility while inducing humoral immune response of growing pigs.  相似文献   

Casein glycomacropeptide(CGMP) is a bioactive peptide derived from milk with multiple functions. This study was aimed at evaluating the effects of CGMP as a potential feed additive on growth performance,intestinal morphology, intestinal barrier permeability and inflammatory responses of Escherichia coli K88(E. coli K88) challenged piglets. Eighteen weaning piglets were randomly assigned to three groups.Control group and K88 challenged group received a basal diet, and CGMP treated group received the basal diet supplemented with 1% of CGMP powder. The trail lasted for 12 days, K88 was orally administered to the piglets of K88 challenged group and CGMP treated group on days 8-10. The results showed that the diet containing 1% CGMP significantly alleviated the decrease in average daily gain(P 0.05),increase in pathogenic bacteria amounts in intestinal contents(P 0.05), intestinal morphology(P 0.05) and barrier permeability damage(P 0.05), and acute inflammatory response(P 0.05)induced by E. coli K88 infection. In conclusion, CGMP supplementation in the diet protected the weaning piglets against E. coli K88 infection.  相似文献   

文章旨在研究日粮添加不同水平的纳米银对断奶仔猪生长性能、肠道形态及微生物菌群的影响。本研究共进行3个试验,试验1收集8头断奶后7 d仔猪的回肠内容物,在体外37℃条件下分别添加0、20、40和80μg/kg纳米银,孵育4 h。结果显示,随着纳米银添加水平的升高,回肠内容物大肠杆菌和乳酸杆菌的含量显著线性降低(P<0.05),但对乳酸杆菌比例无显著影响(P>0.05)。试验2分为3个组,每组10头21 d断奶的仔猪,日粮中分别添加0、20和40 mg/kg纳米银,结果发现随着纳米银添加水平的升高,断奶后2周仔猪的日增重表现为显著线性升高(P<0.05),同时回肠大肠杆菌含量有显著线性降低的趋势(P=0.07),显著降低了细菌总量和奇异菌属含量(P<0.05)。20 mg/kg纳米银组产气荚膜杆菌与梭菌比例最低(P<0.05)。试验3分为3组,每组选择10头21 d断奶仔猪,日粮中分别添加0、20和40 mg/kg纳米银,结果发现,日粮纳米银添加水平对仔猪断奶后前两周绒毛形态无显著影响(P>0.05),而隐窝深度有降低趋势(P=0.08)。20 mg/kg纳米银组仔猪在断奶前两周表现为最高(P<0.05),之后随着纳米银添加水平的升高在3~4周显著降低(P<0.05),料比显著升高(P<0.05)。日粮添加低剂量的纳米银可以改善断奶仔猪的采食量和日增重,适宜添加水平为20~40 mg/kg。  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of plant extract YGF251 supplementation in different protein level diets on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood profiles, fecal microbial shedding, and fecal gas emission in growing pigs. A total of 144 pigs (24.72 ± 1.54 kg) were randomly assigned to the treatments in a 2 × 3 factorial arrangement of dietary protein levels (15.50%, 14.00% or 12.50%) and plant extract YGF251 levels (0 or 0.05%) with 6 replications per treatment and 4 pigs per pen. Pigs fed low protein diets had reduced average daily gain (p < 0.05) and increased feed conversion ratio (p < 0.01) compared with pigs fed high protein diets. The apparent total tract digestibility of nitrogen was decreased (p < 0.05) when reducing dietary protein level. Fecal ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions were reduced (p < 0.05) when reducing dietary protein level. In conclusion, the results of the current study indicated that reducing dietary protein level impaired growth performance and nitrogen digestibility but reduced ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions in growing pigs. Dietary supplementation with 0.05% herbal extract YGF251 was not effective in improving growth performance, nutrient digestibility, or in decreasing gas emission in different protein diets.  相似文献   

朱明明  潘晶晶  柯轲 《中国饲料》2022,1(1):147-150
为研究凝结芽孢杆菌BC66对断奶仔猪生长性能、养分表现消化率及肠道形态结构的影响,试验选取同批次体况相近的21日龄[杜×长×大,(6.39±0.36)kg]断奶仔猪180头,随机分为3组,每组3个重复,每个重复20头.对照组饲喂基础日粮,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组分别在基础日粮中添加1.0×106、1.0×107 cfu/g凝结芽孢...  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of dietary supplementation with chitooligosaccharide (COS) on growth performance, nutrient digestibility, blood characteristics and immune response in lipopolysaccharide-challenged weanling pigs. A total of 90 crossbred weanling pigs (5.44 ± 0.50 kg BW) were employed in Exp. 1. The three dietary treatments were basal diets supplemented with 0, 2.5, and 5 g COS/kg, and fed for 28 d. Each treatment had 6 replications with 5 pigs per pen. Increasing the level of supplemental COS tended to linearly (P < 0.10) improve ADG and ADFI during phase 2 and overall period, while there were no differences in G:F. The linear improvement in the apparent DM (P < 0.05) and N (P < 0.10) digestibility in pigs fed COS supplemented diets was noticed. The tested blood characteristics were not influenced under non-challenge conditions. In Exp. 2, a total of 20 pigs (5.22 ± 0.31 kg BW) were initially assigned to two dietary treatments and fed basal diets supplemented with 0 or 0.5 g COS/kg for 28 d. At the end of d 28, half of the pigs in each treatment (n = 5) were injected i.p. with Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide at a concentration of 100 μg/kg of BW. The other half of the pigs in each treatment were injected with sterile saline solution at a concentration of 100 μg/kg of BW. This arrangement resulted in a 2 × 2 factorial design with diet and LPS challenge as the main effects. Blood sample and rectal temperature data were collected at 0, 2, 4 and 12 h post-challenge. Rectal temperatures increased as the result of LPS injection at 4 and 12 h post-challenge (P < 0.05). Serum cortisol, IGF-1, and TNF-α concentration were also increased as the result of LPS challenge (P < 0.05). The COS treatments resulted in lower cortisol concentrations at 2 h and higher IGF-1 concentrations at 4 h post-challenge (P < 0.05). COS and LPS interactions were also observed on cortisol and IGF-1 when the COS effects were presented (P < 0.05). Haptoglobin concentrations remained unaffected throughout the challenge period. White blood cell counts were increased in the LPS-treated pigs at 2 and 4 h post-challenge (P < 0.01). Lymphocyte count was elevated at 2 h and reduced at 12 h post-challenge as the result of LPS challenge (P < 0.05). However, there were no COS main effects observed on lymphocyte count throughout the challenge period. The comparison between two LPS challenged treatments also indicated that COS treatment has beneficial effects on rectal temperature, cortisol and IGF-1 concentrations. In conclusion, dietary supplementation with COS had little effect on nutrient digestibility and inflammatory stress markers in weanling pigs.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, a total of 100 growing pigs (Duroc × [Landrace × Yorkshire]) with an average initial body weight (BW) of 24.88 ± 1.57 kg were randomly allotted to 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with two concentrations of palm kernel expellers (PKE) in diets at 0% or 10%, and two concentrations of supplemental probiotics at 0 or 6.0 × 107 colony‐forming units/kg. There were five replicate pens per treatment with five pigs per pen. In Experiment 2, eight barrows with average initial BW of 25.78 ± 0.19 kg were allotted to a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design with four diets and four periods per square. Four experimental diets were the same as Experiment 1. In Experiment 1, dietary probiotic supplementation improved (P < 0.05) the average daily gain (ADG), nutrient digestibility and the fecal Lactobacillus counts. Furthermore, interactive effects (P < 0.05) between PKE and probiotics were observed on ADG and growth‐to‐feed ratio. In Experiment 2, an interactive effect (P < 0.05) of PKE and probiotics was observed in apparent ileal digestibility of nitrogen and some amino acids. In conclusion, dietary probiotics did not improve PKE utilization and the use of probiotics in non‐PKE‐containing diet was more favorable than in PKE‐containing diet.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to investigate the effect of dietary protease supplementation on the growth performance, nutrient digestibility, intestinal morphology, digestive enzymes and gene expression in weaned piglets. A total of 300 weaned piglets(21 days of age Duroc x Large White x Landrace; initial BW = 6.27 ± 0.45 kg) were randomly divided into 5 groups. The 5 diets were: 1) positive control diet(PC), 2) negative control diet(NC), and 3) protease supplementations, which were 100, 200, and 300 mg per kg NC diet. Results indicated that final BW, ADG, ADFI, crude protein digestibility, enzyme activities of stomach pepsin, pancreatic amylase and trypsin, plasma total protein, and intestinal villus height were higher for the PC diet and the supplementations of 200 and 300 mg protease per kg NC diet than for the NC diet(P 0.05). Supplementations of 200 and 300 mg protease per kg NC diet significantly increased the ratio of villus height to crypt depth(VH:CD) of duodenum, jejunum and ileum compared with NC diet(P 0.05). Feed to gain ratio, diarrhea index, blood urea nitrogen, and diamine oxidase were lower for the PC diet and supplementations of 200 and 300 mg protease per kg NC diet than for the NC diet(P 0.05). Piglets fed the PC diet had a higher peptide transporter 1(PepTl) mRNA abundance in duodenum than piglets fed the NC diet(P 0.05), and supplementations of 100, 200 and 300 mg protease per kg NC diet increased the PepTl mRNA abundance in duodenum(P 0.05) comparing with the NC diet. Piglets fed the PC diet had a higher b0,+AT mRNA abundance in jejunum than piglets fed the NC diet(P 0.05), and supplementations of 200 and 300 mg protease per kg NC diet increased the b0,+AT mRNA abundance in jejunum and ileum comparing with the NC diet(P 0.05). In summary, dietary protease supplementation increases growth performance in weaned piglets, which may contribute to the improvement of intestinal development, protein digestibility, nutrient transport efficiency, and health status of piglets when fed low digestible protein sources.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of live yeast supplementation on nursery pig performance, nutrient digestibility, and fecal microflora and to determine whether live yeast could replace antibiotics and growth-promoting concentrations of Zn and Cu in nursery pigs. In Exp. 1, 156 pigs were weaned at 17 d of age (BW = 5.9 kg) and allotted to a 2 x 2 factorial randomized complete block design (six or seven pigs per pen with six pens per treatment). Factors consisted of 1) dietary supplementation with oat products (oat flour and steam-rolled oats; 0 or 27.7%) and 2) yeast supplementation at 0 or 1.6 x 10(7) cfu of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC47/g of feed. In Exp. 2, 96 pigs were weaned at 17 d of age and allotted to a 2 x 2 factorial randomized complete block design (four pigs per pen with six pens per treatment) with factors of 1) diet type (positive control containing growth-promoting concentrations of Zn, Cu, and antibiotics or negative control) and 2) live yeast supplementation (0 or 2.4 x 10(7) cfu of Saccharomyces cerevisiae SC47/g of feed). The inclusion of oat products in Exp. 1 decreased (P < 0.10) overall ADG and final BW. Yeast supplementation did not affect growth performance of pigs in Exp. 1 (P = 0.65); however, ADG in Exp. 2 was 10.6% greater (P < 0.01) and ADFI was increased by 9.4% (P < 0.10) in pigs supplemented with yeast in the positive control diet. Addition of Zn, Cu, and antibiotics to the diet improved gain:feed ratio during the prestarter period (P < 0.02) and overall (P = 0.10). In Exp. 1, inclusion of oat products increased (P < 0.01) total bacteria in feces when measured on d 10. Fecal lactobacilli measured on d 28 were reduced (P < 0.05) in pigs fed diets with oat products and yeast (interaction, P < 0.05). In Exp. 2, yeast supplementation decreased (P < 0.05) total bacteria and lactobacilli. Dietary yeast resulted in a greater (P < 0.05) yeast count in feces of pigs during the starter phase of Exp. 1. Yeast decreased (P < 0.10) the digestibility of DM, fat, and GE in the prestarter phase and DM, fat, P, and GE in the starter phase, whereas oat products increased the digestibility of DM, CP, fat, and GE (P < 0.05) in the prestarter phase. Results indicate that live yeast supplementation had a positive effect on nursery pig performance when diets contained growth-promoting antimicrobials. Nonetheless, the response was variable, and the conditions under which a response might be expected need to be further defined.  相似文献   

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