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2002年4月新疆乌鲁木齐市某团场共饲养架子猪500头,每头猪的体重30~40kg,3个星期发病猪150头左右,死亡60头,发病率和致死率分别为30%和12%。猪圈地面为水泥地。  相似文献   

猪链球菌病的防治   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
1 发病情况猪链球菌病 ,近年在我市定海区内曾多次发生流行 ,其特点是发病的猪多、面广、范围大。自 1 999年 7月开始至 2 0 0 0年 4月共发生链球菌病猪 1 0 0 0头 ,占发病场存栏肉猪 1 963头的 5 0 .94% ,死亡436头 ,占病猪数的 43.60 % ,造成重大经济损失 ;救治 5 64头猪 ,治愈率 5 6.40 %。成为发展养猪生产的一大障碍。2 临床症状急性败血型 :突然发病 ,体温升高到 41~ 43℃ ,呼吸急促 ,心跳加快 ,呈犬坐腹式呼吸 ,少食或绝食 ,便秘 ,眼结膜潮红 ,精神不振 ,如不及时抢救治疗1~ 3天内死亡 ;有的急性病猪死前不显任何症状 ,这种病尸…  相似文献   

2001年10月27日,讷河市讷河镇五一村某养猪户饲养的62头育肥猪中,相继有15头猪发病,其中死亡4头。经临床检查、尸体剖检、实验室检查确认为猪链球菌病。1 临床症状 病猪体温41℃以上,精神沉郁,食欲减退,重者食欲废绝,颈、腹部皮肤发红,耳发紫,眼周围水肿,结膜发绀,四肢特别是后肢跛行,喜卧,呼吸困难,喘、流鼻汁。病程12~72 h。  相似文献   

2002年8月下旬,广东某猪场在断奶仔猪群中爆发一起以体温升高,呼吸急促,腹下、四肢下端及耳尖呈紫红色,并有出血斑点为特征的传染病,第1d发现20多头病猪,随后很快在整栋猪舍内蔓延,用磺胺嘧啶钠和青霉素注射治疗,病情仍未见好转;后改用恩诺沙星和氨苄青霉素治疗以及饲喂添加抗  相似文献   

猪链球菌病的诊治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

林口县五林镇某猪场发生了一起急性、败血性传染病,经流行病学调查、剖检变化和实验室诊断确认为猪链球菌病。现将诊治情况总结如下。1症状2003年5月6日林口县五林镇某养猪场从牡丹江市一牲畜交易市场购进仔猪52头,体重25~30千克。5月l0日有个别猪体温升高至42℃,食欲不振,便秘,有浆液性鼻漏,眼结膜潮红,流泪,有部分猪只出现多发性关节炎、跛行,有3头不能站立,只能爬行。有5头猪出现运动共济失调,背部皮肤呈广泛性充血、潮红。3头猪出现多发性关节炎、关节肿大(临诊前,卧地不起的3头猪也已死亡)。2剖检变化对急宰3头病猪肉尸、脏器及刚死亡…  相似文献   

猪链球菌病的诊断与防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

猪链球菌病是由链球菌属的细菌引起的猪的一种以体温升高、运动共济失调、淋巴结肿大化脓、关节炎并伴有神经症状等为主要特征的急性传染病。笔者在海南州共和县黑马河乡兽医站工作期间,曾对一起猪链球菌病进行了诊断治疗,现报道如下:1 发病情况 1995年7月初,该乡养猪户时某从外地购进24头断奶仔猪,未经隔离观察,与原有的19头架子猪和5头繁殖母猪在同一栋封闭式猪舍内分圈饲养。1周后该批仔猪首先发病,然后波及到其它猪舍。从7月16日发现第1例病猪至8月初治愈最后1例患猪的近20d时间里,共发病25头,死亡12头(其中包括未治疗前死亡的5头),发病率52.1%(25/48),死亡率25%  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis infection in swine. A sixteen month study.   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
A total of 349 isolates of Streptococcus suis retrieved from different tissues from diseased pigs were examined in this study. Only 48% of them could be categorized as one of serotypes 1 to 8 and 1/2. Among typable isolates, serotype 2 was the most prevalent (23%), followed by serotype 3 (10%). The majority of all isolates originated from lungs, meninges/brain, and multiple tissues. Forty-one percent of typable isolates and 33% of untypable isolates were retrieved in pure culture. Other isolates were found in conjunction with Pasteurella multocida, Escherichia coli, Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae, Actinomyces pyogenes, and other streptococci. Typable S. suis isolates were more frequently isolated from pigs between five and ten weeks of age, while untypable isolates were mostly found in animals aged more than 24 weeks. No obvious monthly and/or seasonal variation of the prevalence of isolation of S. suis could be detected.  相似文献   

Eighteen 4-week-old pigs were used in a study to evaluate tiamulin in drinking water for control of experimentally induced Streptococcus suis type-2 infection. Pigs in groups A and B (n = 6 pigs/group) were aerosolized with a logarithmic-growth phase culture of S suis type 2, whereas pigs in group C (n = 6 pigs) served as noninfected and nonmedicated controls. After exposure to S suis, pigs in group B were given 180 mg of tiamulin/L of drinking water for 5 days. Pigs in group B consumed more feed (P = 0.009) and gained body weight faster (P = 0.02) than did pigs in group A. Pigs in group A had higher rectal temperature (P = 0.05) for up to 7 days after S suis exposure, higher clinical sign scores (P = 0.008), higher serum cortisol concentration on days 7 and 14, higher gross lesion scores (P = 0.03), and higher microscopic lesion scores (P = 0.01) than did pigs in groups B and C. Gross and microscopic lesions in pigs of groups A and B included meningitis, pneumonia, pleuritis, pericarditis, peritonitis, and synovitis of variable severity. Streptococcus suis type 2 was recovered from tissue specimens of 2 group-A pigs and 1 group-B pig. Data indicated that tiamulin administered via drinking water significantly reduced the effects of S suis type-2 infection.  相似文献   

Isolation of Streptococcus suis from swine in Nebraska   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Streptococcus suis was isolated from swine with localized and diffuse infections. The isolates (n = 121) were unable to grow in broth containing 6.5% NaCl. Their abilities to hydrolyze esculin were variable, as were their fermentative reactions in lactose, trehalose, raffinose, and inulin. Sorbitol was not attacked by any strain. Serologic reactions were obtained between the isolates and coagglutination reagents prepared from commercially available antisera to streptococcal groups D, R, or S.  相似文献   

Two cases of meningitis due to Streptococcus suis in humans are reported here. A butcher and an abattoir worker were referred to a health centre in Castellón (Spain) with fever and symptoms of meningitis. After adequate treatment, a slight hipoacusia persisted as sequelae in both cases. Colonies of S. suis group R, serotype 2 and phenotype MRP+EF+ were isolated from cerebroespinal fluid. Epidemiological studies showed that both workers had in common the handling of pork meat of slaughtered healthy pigs from three closed farms. A study of the tonsils from apparently healthy, slaughtered pigs was carried out. A total of 234 tonsillar samples were obtained and 81 strains of S. suis were isolated from them. Serotype 2 appeared to be the most frequent (50.6%), and the analysis for phenotype showed a high percentage of tonsillar strains with the phenotype MRP+EF+ (35.9%). The humans and 28 tonsillar swine strains showed a similar profile (S. suis group R, serotype 2 and phenotype MRP+EF+). A total of 26 of the swine isolates were analysed by ribotyping using EcoRI. The human strains showed the same six-band hybridization pattern that shared five bands with the pattern most frequently shown by most of the tonsillar N. suis group R, serotype 2 and phenotype MRP+EF+ strains, differing only in the lightest, faintest band which was slightly less anodical in human (> or = 1.8 kb) than in swine (approximately 1.8 kb). From these results, both groups of strains, humans and porcine, showed differences; how can these differences in the pattern of ribotyping be explained if they should have the same origin? Is it possible that they have undergone an adaptation to the new host or perhaps the modification is due to other unknown causes? Further studies in this area are required in order to answer these questions.  相似文献   

芩柏龙胆散治疗鸡大肠杆菌病的临床效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鸡大肠杆菌病是临床常见病之一 ,发病快 ,死亡率达 5%~ 50 % [1] ,对养鸡业生产危害极大。目前 ,大肠杆菌的耐药谱不断扩大 ,抗生素使用效果下降。因此 ,我们研制了纯中药制剂芩柏龙胆散 ,用于禽大肠杆菌病的治疗。1 材料与方法1 .1 大肠杆菌 O2 型标准菌株 ,由中国兽医药品监察所提供 ,用肉汤培养基稀释成 1× 1 0 9个 /ml细菌悬液。1 .2 芩柏龙胆散 ,由板蓝根、黄芩、黄柏、龙胆草、柴胡共 5味药组成。1 .3 氟哌酸预混剂 (立时达牌 ) ,购于北京市兽药厂。1 .4 实验鸡饲料 ,购于北京正大饲料公司。1 .5 实验鸡  1日龄海赛蛋公鸡 ,…  相似文献   

<正>猪链球菌(Streptococcus suistype 2,SS2)已经成为危害养猪生产及人类健康的重要人畜共患病。可引起猪脑膜炎、关节炎、心内膜炎及猝死等;致人败血症、心内膜炎、脑膜炎,严重的致人链球菌毒素休克综合征而死亡。1998年7月江苏南通某地猪群暴发猪链球菌2型,同时导致21  相似文献   

Eight 15-week-old pigs, reared under specific pathogen-free conditions, were inoculated with Streptococcus suis serotype 2. The animals were monitored before and after challenge by measuring rectal temperature, recording specific clinical symptoms and collecting blood samples for haptoglobin determination. Twenty-four hours after infection, the average haptoglobin plasma concentration of the animal group increased significantly and reached a maximum 4 days post-inoculation, followed by a constant mean level until the end of the trial on day 10. In spite of individual differences between the animals, an increase in haptoglobin concentration of at least 2.5 times above normal was observed in all infected pigs 1 day after challenge. Twenty-four hours after challenge, lameness was observed in five animals and an elevated body temperature was observed in seven of the eight experimental infected animals. These are the classical clinical symptoms of streptococcal infection. Haptoglobin was shown to increase in acute S. suis infection in pigs.  相似文献   

Studies of Streptococcus suis type 2 infection in pigs   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Investigations into the immunology, pathogenesis and epidemiology of Streptococcus suis type 2 infections were carried out in experimental pigs and in naturally-occurring field outbreaks of disease. The capsular polysaccharide from Str. suis type 2 was shown to induce opsonic antibodies in pigs when injected with Freund's incomplete adjuvant, but difficulties encountered in experimental production of the disease prevented a study of their protective effects. Problems with the bactericidal tests led to an investigation of other assays for antibodies against Str. suis type 2, namely, a phagocytic test with pig neutrophils, a mixed reverse passive antiglobulin haemagglutination test and an indirect haemagglutination test. There was evidence that with modifications both the latter tests would be useful. Transmission studies in 39 conventionally-reared and 7 hysterectomy-derived, colostrum-deprived pigs yielded interesting results with regard to the distribution of the organism in relation to the disease process. Tonsil carriage in clinically-healthy pigs was demonstrated after experimental and natural infection. Detectable carrier rates varied between 0 and 59%. The organism was shown to persist in the presence of circulating opsonic antibodies and in pigs on penicillin-medicated feed. Attempts to isolate the organism from the genital tract were unsuccessful. Medicated early weaning and classical SPF techniques applied to infected herds appeared to be effective in producing pigs free from Str. suis type 2 infection.  相似文献   

猪败血性链球菌病是猪链球菌感染引起的一种急性败血性传染病,猪附红细胞体病是由猪附红细胞体寄生于猪红细胞而引起的一种散在的热性、溶血性传染病.本文以某猪场这2种病混合感染病例为题材,从发病基本情况、临床症状、剖检变化、实验室检验、防治措施等6个方面对该混合感染病例做了详尽的阐述.  相似文献   

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