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Over the last decade we have seen an increased emphasis in environmental management and policies aimed at maintaining and restoring multiple ecosystem services at landscape scales. This emphasis has resulted from the recognition that management of specific environmental targets and ecosystem services requires an understanding of landscape processes and the spatial scales that maintain those targets and services. Moreover, we have become increasingly aware of the influence of broad-scale drivers such as climate change on landscape processes and the ecosystem services they support. Studies and assessments on the relative success of environmental policies and landscape designs in maintaining landscape processes and ecosystem services is mostly lacking. This likely reflects the relatively high cost of maintaining a commitment to implement and maintain monitoring programs that document responses of landscape processes and ecosystem services to different landscape policies and designs. However, we argue that there is considerable variation in natural and human-caused landscape pattern at local to continental scales and that this variation may facilitate analyses of how environmental targets and ecosystem services have responded to such patterns. Moreover, wall-to-wall spatial data on land cover and land use at national scales may permit characterization and mapping of different landscape pattern gradients. We discuss four broad and interrelated focus areas that should enhance our understanding of how landscape pattern influences ecosystem services: (1) characterizing and mapping landscape pattern gradients; (2) quantifying relationships between landscape patterns and environmental targets and ecosystem services, (3) evaluating landscape patterns with regards to multiple ecosystem services, and (4) applying adaptive management concepts to improve the effectiveness of specific landscape designs in sustaining ecosystem services. We discuss opportunities as well as challenges in each of these four areas. We believe that this agenda could lead to spatially explicit solutions in managing a range of environmental targets and ecosystem services. Spatially explicit options are critical in managing and protecting landscapes, especially given that communities and organizations are often limited in their capacity to make changes at landscape scales. The issues and potential solutions discussed in this paper expand upon the call by Nassauer and Opdam (Landscape Ecol 23:633–644, 2008) to include design as a fundamental element in landscape ecology research by evaluating natural and human-caused (planned or designed) landscape patterns and their influence on ecosystem services. It also expands upon the idea of “learning by doing” to include “learning from what has already been done.”  相似文献   

Managing a landscape for its natural resources while attempting to ensure an ecologically sustainable future is a truly complex and challenging task. We present six general principles for sustainable forest landscape management derived from insights in an array of natural and commodity production ecosystems in south-eastern Australia but which are likely to have broad applicability to many forested ecosystems worldwide. These principles are: (1) Landscape management problems are typically underpinned by human-use drivers that over-commit natural resources and undermine the ecosystem services which support the replenishment of those resources. (2) Not all parts of a landscape are equal in their contribution to species persistence and ecological processes. Special steps are needed to secure the ecological integrity of these disproportionately important areas. (3) Managing connectivity is critical, but it is essential to determine what kind of connectivity is desirable, and for what species and processes. (4) Land use practices can produce spatial and temporal cumulative effects with negative impacts on biodiversity and ecological processes. (5) Land use decisions on the land sparing–land sharing spectrum are highly scale and context dependent. (6) Our understanding of landscape-scale processes is shaped by our conceptual model of the landscape. It is therefore important to check if a given mental model is appropriate for a given landscape and the species or ecological processes of concern. These six principles should not be applied uncritically. Rather, it is best to treat them as a checklist of considerations that will help guide our thinking about landscape change, so that we can orient toward more ecologically sustainable landscape management.  相似文献   

The conflict between conservation and timber production is shifting in regions such as Biscay (Basque Country, northern Spain) where planted forests are no longer profitable without public subsidies and environmentalist claim that public subsidies should be reoriented to the regeneration of natural forest. This paper develops an approach that integrates scientific knowledge and stakeholders’ demands to provide decision-making guidelines for the development of new landscape planning strategies while considering ecosystem services. First, a participatory process was conducted to develop a community vision for the region’s sustainable future considering the opportunities and constrains provided by the landscape and its ecosystems. In the participatory process forest management was considered an important driver for the region`s landscape development and forest multi-functionality was envisioned as a feasible attractive alternative. The participatory process identified a knowledge gap on the synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and how these depend on different forest types. Second, to study the existing synergies and trade-offs between biodiversity and carbon storage and disentangle the identified knowledge gap, a GIS-based research was conducted based on spatially explicit indicators. Our spatial analysis results showed that natural forests’ contribution to biodiversity and carbon storage is higher than that of the plantations with exotic species in the region. The results from the spatial analysis converged with those from the participatory process in the suitability of promoting, where possible and appropriate, natural forest ecosystems restoration. This iterative learning and decision making process is already showing its effectiveness for decision making, with concrete examples of how the results obtained with the applied approach are being included in planning and decision-making processes.  相似文献   

Population declines for many bat species are associated with rapid, human-induced ecosystem changes. In this context, the available species pool is determined in part by historical adaptation to the native ecosystem, but the resulting community structure may be determined principally by the ability of evolved traits to function in the novel context of a human-dominated ecosystem. To investigate the role of human disturbance as a determinant of bat communities, we surveyed assemblages and species occurrence rates in 27 agriculturally dominated landscapes exhibiting a gradient of human-induced forest fragmentation in Indiana, USA. We used multiple linear regression to explore the relationship of landscape environmental variables to species diversity. We then examined the relationship between community structure, evolved species traits and fragmentation conditions across a landscape using RLQ analysis. Overall, species diversity was positively related to the amount of forest and negatively correlated with amount of urban development in a landscape. We also observed a significant relationship between evolved species traits and landscape-level variables that is consistent with globally anticipated trends for bat species extinction risk. Our findings suggest that responses of bat species to human modification of ecosystems on the scale of a few kilometers could drive distributional dynamics at larger spatial and longer temporal scales.  相似文献   

Ecosystem services in changing landscapes: An introduction   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The concept of ecosystem services from landscapes is rapidly gaining momentum as a language to communicate values and benefits to scientists and lay alike. Landscape ecology has an enormous contribution to make to this field, and one could argue, uniquely so. Tools developed or adapted for landscape ecology are being increasingly used to assist with the quantification, modelling, mapping, and valuing of ecosystem services. Several of these tools and methods encased therein are described among the eleven papers presented in this special issue, and their application has the potential to facilitate the management and promotion of services within ecosystems. Papers are associated with each of the four key categories of services that ecosystems provide to humans: supporting, provisioning, regulating, and cultural. The papers represent work conducted in eleven different countries, especially from South America. Each carries a unique approach to address a particular question pertaining to a particular set of ecosystem services. These studies are designed to inform and improve the economic, environmental and social values of the ecosystem services. This knowledge should help to develop new management alternatives for sustaining and planning ecosystems and the services they provide at different scales in space and time. We believe that these papers will create interest and inform management of some potential methods to evaluate ecosystem services at the landscape level with an integrative approach, offering new tools for management and conservation.  相似文献   

This paper documents the analyses that were conducted with regards to investigating an appropriate Minimum Mapping Unit (MMU) to be used to capture the potential changes in vegetation patterns for a 10,924 square km restoration project being conducted in south Florida, USA. Spatial landscape and class metrics that were shown to change predictably with increasing grain size were adopted from previous studies and applied to a multi-scale analysis. Specifically, this study examines the effects of changing grain size on landscape metrics, utilizing empirical data from a real landscape encompassing 234,913 ha of south Florida’s Everglades. The objective was to identify critical thresholds within landscape metrics, which can be used to provide insight in determining an appropriate MMU for vegetation mapping. Results from this study demonstrate that vegetation heterogeneity will exhibit dissimilar patterns when investigating the loss of information within landscape and class metrics, as grain size is increased. These results also support previous findings that suggest that landscape metric “scalograms” (the response curves of landscape metrics to changing grain size), are more likely to be successful for linking landscape pattern to ecological processes as both pattern and process in ecological systems often operate on multiple scales. This study also incorporates an economic cost for various grain dependant vegetation mapping scales. A final selection of the 50 × 50 m grain size for mapping vegetation was based on this study’s investigation of the “scalograms”, the costs, and a composite best professional judgment of seasoned scientists having extensive experience within these ecosystems.  相似文献   

Eelgrass (Zostera marina) is an important feature of coastal ecosystems in Atlantic Canada, providing a suite of valuable ecosystem services. These services, and its sensitivity to stressors, have prompted efforts to characterize the spatial and temporal dynamics of eelgrass landscapes in order to facilitate management and monitoring of coastal ecosystem health. Current methods for broad-scale mapping of eelgrass rely on aerial remote sensing and may not be appropriate in certain types of landscapes, particularly in turbid waters and areas lacking distinct boundaries. This study takes a novel approach to the quantification and analysis of seagrass landscape structure at multiple spatial scales using acoustic data and local spatial statistics. Data from a single-beam acoustic survey in Richibucto, New Brunswick, Canada were analyzed with geostatistical techniques and the Getis-Ord G i * local spatial statistic in order to detect statistically significant zones of high and low cover in an estuarine seagrass bed. Results showed distinct and significant patterns in seagrass cover at multiple spatial scales within a region of apparently continuous spatial cover. Boundaries between areas of high and low cover were also detected. This study demonstrates how acoustic data and local spatial statistics can be used to quantify landscape pattern and to further the application of landscape techniques in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Worldwide water managers and policy makers are faced by the increasing demands for limited and scarce water resources, particularly in semi-arid ecosystems. This study assesses water regulation service in semi-arid ecosystems of the southeastern Iberian Peninsula. Comparisons between the supply–demand sides were analyzed across different landscape units. We mapped the biophysical supply as the potential groundwater recharged by aquifers and water supplies from reservoirs. The social demand was focused on an analysis of water consumed or used for irrigation and the stakeholder’s perceptions regarding water regulation importance and vulnerability. Results show that some landscape units are able to maintain and conserve water regulation service when the volume of recharge water by aquifers and the water supply from reservoirs is greater than its consumption (e.g. rural landscape units). However, we also found potential social conflicts in landscape units where water consumption and use is much greater than the water recharge and supply. This particularly occurs in the non-protected littoral areas with the highest water consumption and where water is perceived as a non-important and vulnerable natural resource. Overall, our results emphasized the importance of assessing ecosystem services from both supply to demand sides, for identifying social conflicts and potential trade-offs, and to provide practical information about how to integrate the ecosystem service research into landscape management and planning.  相似文献   

The challenge of incorporating the concept of ecosystem services in landscape planning has been widely acknowledged, yet values of ecosystem services are not well considered in current landscape planning and environmental governance. This is particularly the case when local stakeholders are strongly involved in decision making about adapting the landscape to future demands and challenges. Engagement of stakeholders introduces a variety of interests and motives that result in diverging value interpretations. Moreover, participative planning approaches are based on learning processes, implying that the perceptions of value evolve during the planning process. Current valuation approaches are not able to support such process. Therefore we argue that there is a need for a novel view on the mechanism of integrating valuation in the different stages of community-based landscape planning, as well as for tools based on this mechanism. By revisiting the original conception of ecosystem services and redefining the value of an ecosystem service as its comparative importance to human wellbeing, we develop a conceptual framework for incorporating ecosystem service valuation that captures the full spectrum of value and value changes. We acknowledge that in the social interactions during the planning process values are redefined, negotiated and reframed in the context of the local landscape. Therefore, we propose a valuation mechanism that evolves through the phases of the cyclic planning process. We illustrate the use of this mechanism by proposing a tool that supports stakeholder groups in building a value-based vision on landscape adaptation that contributes to all wellbeing dimensions.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification has led to dramatic losses in biodiversity over the past several decades. Many studies have shown the effects of intensification on vegetation or soil communities at field or local scales. However, the functional significance of biodiversity may only appear at larger spatial and temporal scales, due to exchanges among local ecosystems throughout a landscape. To examine how patterns of biodiversity loss are reflected at larger spatial scales, plant and soil biodiversity and associated indicators of ecosystem functions were assessed in riparian areas over a 150 km2 agricultural landscape in the Sacramento Valley of California. Publicly-available GIS data were first used to classify and select sites over the range of soils, topography and plant community types. Representative sites from the landscape were sampled for soil physiochemical properties, as well as microbial, nematode, and plant communities. Higher agricultural intensification, based on field and landscape indices, was negatively correlated with richness and diversity of plant and soil taxa, and was related to indicators of ecosystem functions, such as increased soil nitrate and phosphorus loading, decreased riparian health ratings, and lower soil carbon, soil microbial biomass and soil food web structure. Both field- and landscape-scale factors played important roles in the measured losses. The study area was composed of a wide array of soils, vegetation, and land management, indicating that the observed trends transcended site-specific conditions.  相似文献   

Since the industrial revolution, industry, traffic and the manufacture and application of nitrogenous fertilizers have increased carbon dioxide emissions and accelerated the nitrogen (N) cycle. The combined effects of a warming climate, CO2 fertilization, land-use change and increased N availability may be responsible for primary productivity increases in many parts of the world. Enhanced productivity may lead to shifts in albedo and transpiration, which feed back to the water cycle through heat fluxes and precipitation. Plants may also respond to elevated CO2 by closing their stomata or by structurally adapting their stomatal density and size, which potentially diminishes transpiration. Intensification of agriculture has also led to an increase in both nitrogenous (N) and phosphorus (P) fertilization. The combined effect of atmospheric N deposition and P fertilization has distorted the balance between N and P availability in many ecosystems. The active role of plants in accessing nutrients from the soil may trigger switches in nutrient availability, triggering shifts in plant productivity and species composition in these ecosystems and therefore also in the carbon (C) cycle. In response to global change, the above plant responses may influence each other positively or negatively and may impact on the elemental cycles of C, N and P and the water cycle. We are only beginning to understand how these four cycles interact, the role of plant processes and vegetation in these interactions, and the net outcome for plant competition, vegetation distribution, landscape development and directions of global change. In this paper we have integrated a number of recent research findings into known relationships that together elucidate interactions between these cycles through vegetation, and could potentially have unexpected effects on landscapes and larger-scale systems (continental, global). These interactions include processes operating at very distinct temporal and spatial scales, in which terrestrial ecosystems and their spatial organization in the landscape are key. We argue that to better understand the effects of changes in land cover and land use on biogeochemical and biogeophysical fluxes, it is necessary to account for feedbacks via vegetation and how these interfere with elemental cycles. Finally, we suggest directions for further research to fill the current knowledge gaps.  相似文献   

Nest predation is an important cause of mortality for many bird species, especially in grassland ecosystems where generalist predators have responded positively to human disturbance and landscape fragmentation. Our study evaluated the influence of the composition and configuration of the surrounding landscape on nest predation. Transects consisting of 10 artificial ground nests each were set up in 136 roadsides in six watersheds in south-central Iowa. Nest predation on individual roadside transects ranged from 0 to 100% and averaged 23%. The relationship of landscape structure within spatially-nested landscapes surrounding each roadside transect (within 200, 400, 800, 1200, and 1600 m of the transect line) to nest predation was evaluated by using multiple regression and canonical correlation analyses. The results of this multiscale landscape analysis demonstrated that predation on ground nests was affected by the surrounding landscape mosaic and that nest predators with different-sized home ranges and habitat affinities responded to landscapes in different ways. In general, wooded habitats were associated with greater nest predation, whereas herbaceous habitats (except alfalfa/pasture) either were associated with less nest predation or were not important. Different landscape variables were important at different spatial scales. Whereas some block-cover habitats such as woodland were important at all scales, others such as rowcrops and alfalfa/pasture were important at large scales. Some strip-cover habitats such as gravel roads and paved roads were important at small scales, but others such as wooded roadsides were important at all all scales. Most landscape metrics (e.g., mean patch size and edge density) were important at large scales. Our study demonstrated that the relationships between landscape structure and predator assemblages are complex, thus making efforts to enhance avian productivity in agricultural landscapes a difficult management goal.  相似文献   

The loss of biodiversity in productive ecosystems is a global concern of the last decades. The Rolling Pampas of Argentina is an intensively cropped region that underwent important land use and landscape change, with different impacts on biodiversity of both plants and animals. Land use type and habitat complexity are hypothesized to be the most important factors determining species richness in agro-ecosystems. But it is not easy to define these attributes in an unambiguous fashion, or determine their interactions at different spatial scales. A fuzzy logic approach allows overcoming some of these problems by using linguistic variables and logic rules to relate them and formulate hypothesis. We constructed fuzzy logic models to study how bird species richness in the Rolling Pampas is related to land use and habitat complexity, and how these variables interact at two spatial scales. Results showed that at the local scale, landscape complexity is the most important factor determining species numbers; trees and bodies of water are the most influential complexities. The effect of local scale landscape attributes was modified depending on the context at broader scales, so that agricultural sites were enriched when surrounded by more favorable landscapes. There was a high dispersion in the predicted/observed value relationship, indicating that landscape factors interact in more complex ways than those captured by the models we used. We suggest that the fuzzy logic approach is suitable for working with biological systems, and we discuss the advantages and disadvantages of its use.  相似文献   

Jianguo Wu 《Landscape Ecology》2013,28(6):999-1023
The future of humanity depends on whether or not we have a vision to guide our transition toward sustainability, on scales ranging from local landscapes to the planet as a whole. Sustainability science is at the core of this vision, and landscapes and regions represent a pivotal scale domain. The main objectives of this paper are: (1) to elucidate key definitions and concepts of sustainability, including the Brundtland definition, the triple bottom line, weak and strong sustainability, resilience, human well-being, and ecosystem services; (2) to examine key definitions and concepts of landscape sustainability, including those derived from general concepts and those developed for specific landscapes; and (3) to propose a framework for developing a science of landscape sustainability. Landscape sustainability is defined as the capacity of a landscape to consistently provide long-term, landscape-specific ecosystem services essential for maintaining and improving human well-being. Fundamentally, well-being is a journey, not a destination. Landscape sustainability science is a place-based, use-inspired science of understanding and improving the dynamic relationship between ecosystem services and human well-being in changing landscapes under uncertainties arising from internal feedbacks and external disturbances. While landscape sustainability science emphasizes place-based research on landscape and regional scales, significant between landscape interactions and hierarchical linkages to both finer and broader scales (or externalities) must not be ignored. To advance landscape sustainability science, spatially explicit methods are essential, especially experimental approaches that take advantage of designed landscapes and multi-scaled simulation models that couple the dynamics of landscape services (ecosystem services provided by multiple landscape elements in combination as emergent properties) and human well-being.  相似文献   

Projections of indicators of forest ecosystem goods and services (EGS) based on process-based landscape models are critical for adapting forest management to climate change. However, the scarcity of fine-grained, spatially explicit forest data means that initializing these models is both a challenge and a source of uncertainty. To test how different initialization approaches influence the simulation of forest dynamics and EGS indicators we initialized the forest landscape model LandClim with fine resolution empirical data, coarse empirical data, and simulation-derived data, and evaluated the results at three spatial scales (stand, management area and landscape). Simulations were performed for a spruce (Picea abies) dominated landscape in the Black Forest, Germany, under current climate and a climate change scenario. We found that long-term (>150 years) projections are robust to initialization uncertainty. In contrast, shorter-term projections are sensitive to initialization uncertainty, with sensitivity increasing when EGS are assessed at smaller spatial scales, and when the EGS indicators depend on the spatial distribution of individual species. EGS dynamics are strongly influenced by interactions between the density, species composition, and age structure of initialized forests and simulated forest management. If EGS dynamics are strongly influenced by climate change, such as when climate change induces mortality in drought-sensitive species, some of the initialization uncertainty can be masked. We advocate for initializing landscape models with fine-grained data in applications that focus on spatial management problems in heterogeneous landscapes, and stress that the scale of analysis must be in accordance with the accuracy that is warranted by the initialization data.  相似文献   

Landscape ecology has a high potential to contribute to sustainability in the interactions of people and nature. Landscape ecologists have already made considerable progress towards a more general understanding of the relevance of spatial variation for ecosystems. Incorporating the complexities of societies and economies into landscape ecology analyses will, however, require a broader framework for thinking about spatial elements of complexity. An exciting recent development is to explicitly try to integrate landscape ecology and ideas about resilience in social–ecological systems through the concept of spatial resilience. Spatial resilience focuses on the importance of location, connectivity, and context for resilience, based on the idea that spatial variation in patterns and processes at different scales both impacts and is impacted by local system resilience. I first introduce and define the concepts of resilience and spatial resilience and then discuss some of their potential contributions to the further interdisciplinary integration of landscape ecology, complexity theory, and sustainability science. Complexity theorists have argued that many complex phenomena, such as symmetry-breaking and selection, share common underlying mechanisms regardless of system type (physical, social, ecological, or economic). Similarities in the consequences of social exclusion and habitat fragmentation provide an informative example. There are many strong parallels between pattern–process interactions in social and ecological systems, respectively, and a number of general spatial principles and mechanisms are emerging that have relevance across many different kinds of system. Landscape ecologists, with their background in spatially explicit pattern–process analysis, are well placed to contribute to this emerging research agenda.  相似文献   

Measures of climate change adaptation often involve modification of land use and land use planning practices. Such changes in land use affect the provision of various ecosystem goods and services. Therefore, it is likely that adaptation measures may result in synergies and trade-offs between a range of ecosystems goods and services. An integrative land use modelling approach is presented to assess such impacts for the European Union. A reference scenario accounts for current trends in global drivers and includes a number of important policy developments that correspond to on-going changes in European policies. The reference scenario is compared to a policy scenario in which a range of measures is implemented to regulate flood risk and protect soils under conditions of climate change. The impacts of the simulated land use dynamics are assessed for four key indicators of ecosystem service provision: flood risk, carbon sequestration, habitat connectivity and biodiversity. The results indicate a large spatial variation in the consequences of the adaptation measures on the provisioning of ecosystem services. Synergies are frequently observed at the location of the measures itself, whereas trade-offs are found at other locations. Reducing land use intensity in specific parts of the catchment may lead to increased pressure in other regions, resulting in trade-offs. Consequently, when aggregating the results to larger spatial scales the positive and negative impacts may be off-set, indicating the need for detailed spatial assessments. The modelled results indicate that for a careful planning and evaluation of adaptation measures it is needed to consider the trade-offs accounting for the negative effects of a measure at locations distant from the actual measure. Integrated land use modelling can help land use planning in such complex trade-off evaluation by providing evidence on synergies and trade-offs between ecosystem services, different policy fields and societal demands.  相似文献   

The urban forest provides our communities with a host of benefits through the delivery of ecosystem services. To properly quantify and sustain these benefits, we require a strong baseline understanding of forest structure and diversity. To date, fine-scale work considering urban forest diversity and ecosystem services has often been limited to trees on public land, considering only one or two green space types. However, the governance of urban green spaces means tree species composition is influenced by management decisions at various levels, including by institutions, municipalities, and individual landowners responsible for their care. Using a mixed-method approach combining a traditional field-inventory and community science project, we inventoried urban trees in the residential neighbourhood of Notre-Dame-de-Grȃce, Montreal. We assessed how tree diversity, composition and structure varies across multiple green space types in the public and private domain (parks, institutions, street rights of way and private yards) at multiple scales. We assessed how service-based traits – traits capturing aspects of plant form and functions that urban residents find beneficial – differed across green space types, with implications for the distribution of ecosystem services across the urban landscape. Green space types displayed meaningful differences in tree diversity, structure, and service-based traits. For example, the inclusion of private trees contributed an additional 52 species (>30% of total species) not found in the local public tree inventory. Trees on private land also tended to be smaller than those in the public domain. Beyond patterns of tree richness, size, and abundance we also observed differences in the composition of tree species and service-based traits at site-scales, particularly between street rights-of way and private yards. While species composition varied considerably across street blocks, blocks were very similar to one another in terms of mean service-based traits. Contrastingly, while species composition was similar from yard to yard, yards differed significantly in mean service-based trait values. Our work emphasises that public tree inventories are unlikely to be fully representative of urban forest composition, structure, and benefits, with implications for urban forest management at larger spatial scales.  相似文献   

Gillson  Lindsey 《Landscape Ecology》2004,19(8):883-894
The Hierarchical Patch Dynamics Paradigm provides a conceptual framework for linking pattern, process and scale in ecosystems, but there have been few attempts to test this theory because most ecological studies focus on only one spatial scale, or are limited in their temporal scope. Here I use palaeoecological techniques (analysis of fossil pollen and stable carbon isotopes) to compare vegetation heterogeneity in an east African savanna at three spatial scales, over hundreds of years. The data show that patterns of vegetation change are different at the three spatial scales of observation, and suggest that different ecological processes dominate tree abundance at micro, local and landscape scales. Interactions between plants, disturbance (e.g., by fire and herbivores), climate and soil type may influence tree density at differing spatial and temporal scales. This hierarchical explanation of savanna vegetation dynamics could inform future biodiversity conservation and management in savannas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A long line of inquiry on the notion of ecological convergence has compared ecosystem structure and function between areas that are evolutionarily unrelated but under the same climate regime. Much of this literature has focused on quantifying the degree to which animal morphology or plant physiognomy is alike between disjunct areas. An important property of ecosystems is their behavior following disturbance. Yet, this aspect of ecosystems has not been investigated in a comparative study of convergence. If different ecosystems are under similar environmental controls, then one would predict that the rates and patterns of response to disturbance would also be similar. The objective of this study is to compare landscape dynamics following disturbance using spatiotemporal models to quantify vegetation change in Mediterranean ecosystems found in California and Israel. We model the process of tree and shrub regeneration at the landscape scale in two similar study sites in Israel (Mount Meron) and California (Hasting Nature Reserve). During the periods studied (1964-1992 for Israel and 1971-1995 for California), average annual change in tree cover was 5 times larger in Israel than in California. Based on multiple regression models, differences were found in the relative importance of specific variables predicting vegetation change. In Hastings (California), initial tree cover accounted for most of the explained variability in 1995 tree cover (partial R2 = 0.71), while in Meron (Israel), grazing type and intensity, topography indices, and initial vegetation each accounted for about a third of the explained variability. These findings support the notion that traits such as regeneration pattern and rate, both at the individual level and at the landscape level, were largely affected by the human land use history of the region.  相似文献   

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