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本研究以1986年中国自主培育兼用牛新品种--三河牛,在内蒙古海拉尔谢尔塔拉种牛场核心群5 257头1998-2012年20 949条繁殖记录为研究材料,以青年牛首次妊娠日龄、青年牛首次产犊日龄、成母牛妊娠期、成母牛空怀期、产犊间隔为研究对象,用SAS 9.13、DMU软件对数据进行处理,采用AI-REML结合EM算法并配合多性状动物模型对各性状影响因素方差组分进行估计,估算出各性状遗传力,并利用各性状育种值分析其遗传趋势.结果显示,青年牛首次妊娠日龄、青年牛首次产犊日龄、成母牛妊娠期、成母牛空怀期、产犊间隔遗传力分别为0.0552、0.0638、0.0527、0.1096、0.0844,繁殖性状除成母牛空怀期遗传力为0.1096外,其余均小于0.1,属于低遗传力性状.青年牛首次妊娠日龄、青年牛首次产犊日龄、成母牛妊娠期、成母牛空怀期、产犊间隔育种值遗传趋势总体上无明显下降趋势,三河牛繁殖性能保持良好.该试验结果为三河牛优化育种方案、提高选种准确性提供重要理论依据.  相似文献   

为加快新疆褐牛群体产奶性能和繁殖性能的遗传进展,本研究通过对新疆褐牛母牛305 d产奶量、产犊间隔和初产日龄性状进行遗传参数估计及遗传趋势分析。以乌鲁木齐地区1994—2017年出生的812头新疆褐牛的生产性能记录和繁殖记录为研究对象,运用DMU软件DMUAI模块采用AI-REML结合EM算法配合单性状动物模型对305 d产奶量、产犊间隔和初产日龄进行方差组分估计和遗传趋势分析。结果表明:新疆褐牛母牛305 d产奶量、产犊间隔和初产日龄的遗传力分别为0.31、0.05和0.17,其中305 d产奶量和初产日龄属于中高遗传力性状(h~20.1),产犊间隔属于低遗传力性状(h~20.1);产犊间隔和初产日龄遗传趋势变化不明显,但总体呈下降趋势。该结果为新疆褐牛遗传选育以及未来繁殖性状联合遗传评估和制定选择指数提供参考。  相似文献   

不同模型估计中国荷斯坦牛生产寿命遗传参数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旨在估计中国荷斯坦牛生产寿命遗传参数,同时比较不同模型的预测可靠性和稳定性。本研究使用单性状动物模型、单性状公畜模型和多性状动物模型对北京地区29个牧场90049头中国荷斯坦母牛的生产寿命数据进行遗传参数估计,所有模型均考虑了场、出生年季、头胎产犊月龄组的固定效应,个体加性遗传效应(动物模型)或父亲遗传效应(公畜模型)的随机效应和残差效应。结果表明,单性状动物模型和单性状公畜模型估计的生产寿命遗传力分别为0.052和0.047,多性状动物模型估计的遗传力较为稳定,介于0.057与0.069之间,多性状动物模型的遗传相关在0.779~0.998之间。对于存在大量在群个体(删失记录)的数据,使用基于前三胎数据的多性状动物模型较为合适,模型预测稳定性更高。本研究对中国荷斯坦牛生产寿命进行了遗传评估,为提高牧场效益、实现平衡育种提供了理论基础。  相似文献   

本研究利用新疆呼图壁种牛场3个牛场5848头中国荷斯坦牛配种、产犊等繁殖记录,统计成母牛的产犊间隔、空怀天数、重复配种次数、妊娠期4个繁殖性状,进行影响因素的统计分析,并配合单性状动物模型,采用REML法,利用MTDFREML软件进行统计分析,进行遗传参数的估计。结果表明:中国荷斯坦牛成母牛产犊间隔、空怀天数、重复配种次数以及妊娠期的遗传力分别为0.04、0.04、0.05以及0.15,其中除妊娠期遗传力为0.15外,其余均小于0.1,属于低遗传力性状。  相似文献   

为探究奶牛肛阴距离(Anogenital Distance,AGD)的影响因素及其与产犊难易性和胎衣不下率的关系,并初步估计其遗传参数,本研究测定了2个规模化奶牛场595头荷斯坦牛泌乳母牛的AGD及其他常规体尺性状。利用SAS 9.2软件CORR、REG、GLM和LOGISTIC过程分别分析了AGD与其他体尺性状间的相关关系、AGD的影响因素及其对产犊难易性和胎衣不下率的影响;利用DMU软件的DMUAI模块对AGD进行了方差组分和遗传参数计算。结果表明:荷斯坦牛泌乳母牛AGD的均值为11.87±1.31 cm;AGD与奶牛胸围、体高呈显著正相关关系;胎次效应对AGD影响显著,随着胎次升高,AGD呈上升趋势;AGD对奶牛产犊难易性和胎衣不下发生率无显著影响,但存在随AGD的增大,难产率逐渐下降,胎衣不下率呈现先上升后降低的趋势;AGD属于中等遗传力性状,遗传力为0.31±0.14,与产犊难易性和胎衣不下率均存在高度遗传相关,近似遗传相关系数分别为-0.82±0.03、-0.93±0.02。综上,本研究通过对奶牛AGD影响因素及遗传参数估计,为该性状的遗传选择提供了基础数据,同时也表明了通...  相似文献   

对1997年至2003年之间,乌鲁木齐种牛场462头新疆褐牛成年母牛的产犊间隔、产犊月份、胎次、犊牛初生重、犊牛性别等基础资料进行统计分析,研究上述因素与产奶量之间的关系.结果表明:产犊间隔、产犊月份、胎次对产奶量有极显著的影响;犊牛性别对产奶量无显著影响(P>0.05).  相似文献   

影响奶牛产犊间隔变化因素的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
经对苏州市牛奶公司一牧场和无锡市马山牛奶公司约1000头荷斯坦牛1991年到1995年产犊间隔与产犊季节、产奶量、胎次、犊牛初生重、犊牛性别的关系分析:产犊季节对产犊间隔有极显著的影响;产奶量对产犊间隔有极显著的影响;犊牛的初生重、性别对产犊间隔无显著影响;胎次对产犊间隔无显著影响,但存在极显著差异。牛群产犊间隔作为衡量繁殖力水平的主要指标之一,受人为管理和自然因素的双重影响,而人为管理因素起主导作用  相似文献   

以280头成年母牛近10年的各胎产奶量、产犊间隔等为基础材料,分别分析1、2、3、4胎牛的不同产犊间隔(30O-400天,401-500天,501天以上)对产奶量的影响.产犊间隔300-400天组获得理想的平均产奶量.方差分析表明,不同产犊间隔间存在极显著的相关.经多重比较,产犊间隔300-400天组与501天以上级差异极显著,与401-500天组间的差异水平在不同胎次中表现不同.比较相同使用寿命牛的产奶水平:平均产犊间隔以300-380天为最佳,但300-380天,381-440天,441天以上各组间经统计分析无显著差异.  相似文献   

为探索胎次、初产月龄、产犊年度和产犊季节对荷斯坦牛产犊间隔的影响,本研究利用一般线性模型对江苏省某中型牧场2010—2018年胎次为2~8胎、产犊间隔为300~600 d荷斯坦牛的9 419条产犊间隔数据进行分析。结果表明:不同胎次、初产月龄、产犊年度和产犊季节对荷斯坦牛产犊间隔有显著影响(P<0.05)。其中,荷斯坦牛第4胎产犊间隔最大(394.72 d),第2胎产犊间隔最小(390.85 d);初产月龄在22月龄以下荷斯坦牛产犊间隔最大(404.71 d),初产月龄在23~30月龄产犊间隔无显著差异;2015年产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊间隔最大(400.17 d),2018年产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊间隔最小(369.52 d);夏季产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊间隔最大(417.11 d),春季产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊间隔次之(399.85 d),秋冬季节产犊的荷斯坦牛产犊间隔较小且无显著差异。由上可知,胎次、初产月龄、产犊年度、产犊季节均是影响荷斯坦牛产犊间隔的重要因素。  相似文献   

旨在估计荷斯坦成母牛长寿性状遗传参数及评估育种值,为提高生产性能及实施平衡育种提供参考。本研究共收集江苏地区9个规模化牧场2017—2023年间19 756头荷斯坦成母牛的离群记录,分析牛只的长寿性和淘汰情况。利用R软件的GLM程序对影响奶牛长寿性状的固定效应(包括牧场、出生年季、头胎产犊月龄)进行显著性检验;采用BLUPF90软件进行遗传参数估计以及育种值评估,并绘制遗传趋势图。结果表明:江苏地区规模化牧场成母牛平均在群寿命为1 640.87 d,生产寿命为917.15 d,平均利用胎次为2.60胎;长寿性状遗传力估计值变化范围为0.07~0.15,属低遗传力性状;7个长寿性状(在群天数、生产寿命、利用胎次和L1-L4)间均具有中等到较高的遗传和表型相关(0.27~0.99),其中在群寿命与生产寿命的相关性趋近于1;通过计算长寿性状的育种值,绘制遗传趋势图,发现近年来长寿性状遗传进展缓慢且整体呈下降趋势。本研究对江苏地区规模化牧场成母牛长寿性状进行了系统的遗传分析,可为制定南方地区奶牛长寿性状育种规划提供参考。  相似文献   

This study was conducted on 20 949 reproductive records from 1998 to 2012 of 5 257 Sanhe cattle in Xiertala cattle farm,Inner Mongolia,which was a synthetic breed formed in China in 1986.Age at first pregnancy in heifer (AFPH),age at first calving in heifer (AFCH),gestation length in cow (GLC),days open in cow (DOC),and calving interval in cow (CIC) were considered for genetic evaluation.SAS 9.13 and DMU software were used for data processing,and AI-REML combined EM algorithm based on multiple traits animal model was employed for estimating variance components.The heritability for each trait were then calculated,and breeding value was used to analyze the genetic trends.The results showed that the estimated heritabilities of age at first pregnancy in heifer,age at first calving in heifer,gestation length in cow,days open in cow,calving interval in cow were 0.0552,0.0638,0.0527,0.1096 and 0.0844,respectively.The heritabilities were all less than 0.1 except days open (0.1096),indicating these were low inheritable traits.In general,trends of EBVs for each trait didn't show any defined progresses and indicating good reproductive performance maintained in Sanhe cattle.These results lay a theoretical foundation for optimizing breeding programs and improving the accuracy of selection in Sanhe cattle.  相似文献   

[目的]为提高母牛的利用年限、缩短后备母牛的培育时间、探索BMY青年牛的适配年龄(体重)和提前妊娠产犊对母畜和犊牛的影响。[方法]对断乳母犊进行适当培育,使其早进入初情期,运用繁殖生物技术妊娠产犊。[结果]经过培育后BMY青年牛的初情期平均为(270.8±20.8)d,此时的平均体重为(254±10.6)kg,发情周期...  相似文献   

Sustained reproductive performance throughout the life of domestic animals can be suspected to require successful rearing of replacements. We studied associations between replacement heifer rearing conditions and reproductive performance throughout the productive life of dairy cows in southwest Sweden by linear mixed modelling. Data consisted of 3542 lactations in 1550 Swedish Reds, Swedish Holsteins or dairy cows of other or mixed breeds, representing all female animals born during 1998 in 107 herds. Median calving interval (CI) was 381, 380 and 377 days in parities 1, 2 and ≥3, respectively. Median observed productive lifetime was 27 months. The applied model included effects of cow housing system, breed, parity, respiratory disease before 3 months of age, whether oestrous detection was performed only at feeding, oestrous-detection ability, calving year, post-calving reproductive disease in a given lactation, milk yield 30 days post-calving relative to the herd mean, the interaction of breed by calfhood respiratory disease and random effects of cow and herd. Severe respiratory disease before 3 months of age in Swedish Red cows was associated with an increase in CI by 12%. Of the total variation in CI, 9.5% was due to herd factors and 12% to cow factors, as opposed to variation between lactations.  相似文献   


The main objective of this study was to estimate genetic correlations between fertility and production traits in first, second and third lactations as well as between fertility traits measured in the same way at different ages. The fertility traits studied were: number of inseminations per service period, number of treatments for reproductive disturbances, interval between first and last inseminations, interval between calving and first insemination, and interval between calving and last insemination. Early milk production was measured as the average of the energy-corrected milk yield at the second and third monthly testdays in a lactation. The number of records was approximately 450 000, 350 000, 180 000 and 75 000 in the heifer period, first, second, and third lactations, respectively. A linear, trivariate model that included the effects of herd-year, year, month, age and sire of the cow was applied. To reduce the effect of ongoing selection, 305-days kg protein production in first lactation was included as a variate in all of the analyses. Correlations between the herd-year effects indicated that factors of herd-year level conducive to increased production had a tendency to increase the number of inseminations as well as the number of reproductive treatments, although there was an earlier start and termination of the insemination period. Genetic correlations between fertility traits and production were in the range of 0.2-0.4, all of them unfavourable and higher at later parities. The genetic correlations between fertility traits in the heifer period and the same traits in first lactation were 0.7. Genetic correlations between the first and second lactation varied between 0.7 and 0.9, and between the second and third lactation they were all 0.9 or higher. In conclusion, fertility and production traits need to be selected for simultaneously if fertility is going to be maintained along further genetic improvement on production, and such selection should include fertility results from lactating cows.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters and genetic trends for age at first calving (AFC), interval between first and second calving (CI1), and interval between second and third calving (CI2) were estimated in a Colombian beef cattle population composed of Angus, Blanco Orejinegro, and Zebu straightbred and crossbred animals. Data were analyzed using a multiple trait mixed model procedures. Estimates of variance components and genetic parameters were obtained by Restricted Maximum Likelihood. The 3-trait model included the fixed effects of contemporary group (year-season of calving-sex of calf; sex of calf for CI1 and CI2 only), age at calving (CI1 and CI2 only), breed genetic effects (as a function of breed fractions of cows), and individual heterosis (as a function of cow heterozygosity). Random effects for AFC, CI1, and CI2 were cow and residual. Program AIREMLF90 was used to perform computations. Estimates of heritabilities for additive genetic effects were 0.15 ± 0.13 for AFC, 0.11 ± 0.06 for CI1, and 0.18 ± 0.11 for CI2. Low heritabilities suggested that nutrition and reproductive management should be improved to allow fuller expressions of these traits. The correlations between additive genetic effects for AFC and CI1 (0.33 ± 0.41) and for AFC and CI2 (0.40 ± 0.36) were moderate and favorable, suggesting that selection of heifers for AFC would also improve calving interval. Trends were negative for predicted cow yearly means for AFC, CI1, and CI2 from 1989 to 2004. The steepest negative trend was for cow AFC means likely due to the introduction of Angus and Blanco Orejinegro cattle into this population.  相似文献   

The genetic parameters of milk fat percentage (FP), milk protein percentage (PP), somatic cell score (SCS), milk yield of 305 days (MYD), age at first calving (AFC),calving interval (CI) and linear classification scores (LCS) were estimated using the DHI data of 2008 to 2016 in Ningxia area of 27 444 Holstein dairy cows and type records. With the aid of DMU v 6.0 AI-REML software, DMU combined with EM algorithm and multi character animal model was used to model the influence factors of the birth season, herd, year, parity and individual additive genetic effect. The results showed that FP, PP, SCS, MYD, AFC, CI and LCS's heritability were 0.14, 0.19, 0.19, 0.31, 0.37, 0.10, 0.07, respectively. At the same time, the breeding value, genetic correlation and CPI2 values of different traits were calculated. The genetic evaluation for dairy cows in Ningxia, could be more in-depth understanding of the basic situation of the herd, to provide basic data for the construction of dairy cow breeding matching selection, planning and selection index.  相似文献   

利用2008-2016年出生的27 444头宁夏地区荷斯坦奶牛生产性能(dairy herd improvement,DHI)数据及体型线性评分数据计算乳脂率(fat percentage,FP)、乳蛋白率(protein percentage,PP)、体细胞评分(somatic cell score,SCS)、305 d产奶量(milk yield of 305 days,MYD)、初产日龄(age at first calving,AFC)、产犊间隔(calving interval,CI)和体况评分(linear classification scores,LCS)的遗传参数。利用DMU v 6.0软件,采用AI-REML模块结合EM算法并配合多性状动物模型,以季节、场、年份、胎次和动物个体加性遗传效应作为模型的影响因素。计算结果表明,宁夏地区奶牛的FP、PP、SCS、MYD、AFC、CI和LCS的遗传力分别为0.14、0.19、0.19、0.31、0.37、0.10和0.07,同时得出了奶牛不同性状的育种值、遗传相关和奶牛生产性能指数2(China performance index 2,CPI2)值。本研究通过对宁夏地区奶牛DHI数据的深挖和遗传评估,准确地把握了宁夏奶牛群体结构特征,对于奶牛的选种选配、育种规划和选择指数的构建有重要意义。  相似文献   

本研究通过对北京地区1998-2016年28个场区的奶牛生产性能测定(DHI)数据进行分析,旨在比较不同产犊季节对1~3胎奶牛泌乳曲线相关参数的影响。使用Wood模型对1~3胎不同产犊季节群体和个体泌乳曲线进行拟合,并获得相应胎次下不同产犊季节奶牛泌乳曲线参数a、b、c (分别代表泌乳潜力、产奶量上升至顶峰速率、产奶量达到顶峰后下降速率)、泌乳曲线二级参数Per、PY (分别代表泌乳持续力、泌乳峰值)及305 d产奶量(305MY)。群体和个体水平的曲线拟合采用SAS 9.2中NLIN模块进行,采用混合线性模型分析不同产犊季节对各胎次奶牛泌乳曲线参数的影响。结果显示:产犊季节对Wood泌乳曲线的泌乳潜力、达到峰值的上升速率、达到峰值后的下降速率、泌乳峰值及305MY均有显著影响(P<0.05),对于泌乳持续力没有显著影响(P>0.05)。夏季产犊牛泌乳曲线整体低于其他产犊季节,且胎次越高趋势越明显,1胎牛受到的影响较小;从胎次上分析,头胎牛泌乳持续力极显著高于经产牛(P<0.01);头胎牛夏季产犊305MY比其他产犊季节的低274.33~490.17 kg,经产牛夏季产犊305MY比其他产犊季节的低440.76~930.68 kg。以上结果提示,北京地区牛场应注重做好经产牛和头胎牛的防暑降温工作,注意调整配种时间,避免夏季产犊牛过多,造成损失。  相似文献   

宁夏地区荷斯坦牛青年牛繁殖性状遗传参数估计   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
旨在探究青年牛繁殖性状遗传能力群体遗传参数,评估不同配种季节间青年牛繁殖性状基因型与环境的互作效应(G×E).本研究利用宁夏地区12个牧场2007-2019年荷斯坦牛繁殖事件信息记录,计算青年牛繁殖性状包括:首配日龄(AFS)、初产日龄(AFC)、首次配种后56天不返情率(NRR56)、首末次配种间隔(IFL)、妊娠期...  相似文献   

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