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繁殖技术进展及“九五”期间奶牛繁殖研究的主攻方向朱士恩张忠诚(中国农业大学动物科技学院北京100094)1繁殖科学技术进展概况1.1人工授精人工授精是用器械采取公畜的精液,再用器械把精液注入到发情母畜生殖道内,以代替公母畜自然交配的一种配种方法。它的...  相似文献   

动物的繁殖力 ,直接影响着畜牧业的生产水平。因此 ,发展畜牧业生产 ,提高畜牧业生产水平 ,就必须提高动物的繁殖力。1 影响繁殖力的因素影响动物繁殖力的因素很多 ,如遗传特性 ,公母畜本身的生理状态 ,其中 ,如性成熟的时间、繁殖周期的时间、母畜排卵数目、卵子受精能力、公畜的精液品质等。营养水平、饲养管理、环境条件 ,如光照、温度以及繁殖技术和方法等都会影响动物的繁殖力。2 采取的综合措施2 1 加强饲养管理 ,保持动物正常的繁殖机能。加强饲养管理是动物生殖潜力得以发挥的基础 ,是任何繁殖技术不能取代的重要措施。应根据…  相似文献   

品质优良的公牛精液能够提高母畜受胎率,保障遗传性能的表达。个体差异、季节和人工操作等因素会影响精子或精浆中蛋白质水平,改变精液品质。本文综述了与种公牛繁殖性能、精液品质、年龄等相关的精液蛋白质组研究进展,介绍了高温、冷冻保存和性别控制技术对精液蛋白质组的影响,以及在精液冷冻保存过程中补充蛋白质的应用效果,以期揭示与精液品质相关的蛋白质标记,为提高公牛繁殖效率提供新思路。  相似文献   

精液中的病毒,可使母畜发病,影响精液的质量和公畜或母畜的繁殖能力以及胎儿的发育。从牛精液中分离的病毒,有口蹄疫、蓝舌病、牛白血病、牛传染性鼻气管炎、牛病毒性腹泻、暂时热和疙瘩皮肤病等病毒。还分离出肠道病病毒、副牛痘病毒(副痘苗病毒),以及若干个尚未确定的病毒。从猪精液中分离的病毒,有口蹄疫、水泡病、细小  相似文献   

性别控制是指人为干预动物的正常生殖活动.使动物能够按照人们的意愿来繁殖所需性别后代的一种繁殖新技术,而精子分离是控制动物性别的诸多手段中比较简单且有效的方法之一。本文就对X-、Y-精子分离的生物学基础、常用分离方法及其应用效果的研究进展做一简单综述.并着重阐述了免疫法分离性控精液技术存在的问题及其发展前景  相似文献   

对畜禽进行性别控制是动物科学繁殖领域的一项重要研究课题,性别控制可以按照生产需要控制后代的性别,能够显著提高畜牧业经济效益,尤其是对奶牛业有着非常重要的意义。目前我国少数单位能生产性控冻精,性控冻精的生产为快速有效地扩大优质母犊数量提供了新的途径。一般应用自然交配或冷冻精液授配奶牛,其后代性别比例为公母各半(1:1)。但是在奶牛生产实践中,  相似文献   

奶牛良种扩繁:引种VS性控精液——SWOT分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
牛是单胎动物,如何实现奶牛良种的迅速扩繁是从事奶牛繁殖的科学家长期以来所思考和研究的问题。继人工授精和胚胎移植技术之后,奶牛性控精液的上市,带来了奶牛繁殖的第三次科技革命,为实现奶牛良种的迅速扩繁提供了一条新的途径。为此,本文根据国内外学者的研究结果,利用SWOT分析法对引种和性控精液的优势、劣势、机会和威胁进行比较分析。结果表明,对青年牛使用性控精液配种,可以实现奶牛良种的迅速扩繁,获取更大的经济效益。  相似文献   

人工授精是用器械采取公畜的精液,再用器械把精液输入到发情母畜生殖道内,以代替公母畜自然交配的一种配种方法.采用人工授精技术,可以使优秀种公牛冷冻精液大面积推广,迅速提高后代的生产水平,避免牛群繁殖疾病的交叉传染,可防止各种疾病,提高供配种效率,降低牛群管理成本.  相似文献   

在动物繁殖过程当中,正常发情的雌性动物能否受孕,关键在于配种。人工授精是动物除自然交配以外的又一种配种方式。所谓人工授精(artificial insemination,AI),就是以人工的方法利用器械采集雄性动物的精液,再利用器械把经过检查和处理的精液输送到发情母畜生殖道的适当部位,从而使其受孕,以代替公母畜自然交配的一种科学配种方法。文章就人工授精前期准备工作进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

人工授精是使用器械采集公畜的精液,再用器械把经过检查和处理的精液输入到母畜生殖道内,以代替公母畜自然交配而繁殖后代的一种繁殖技术。自20世纪40年代起,人工授精技术蓬勃发展,成为家畜品种改良的重要手段,到了20世纪90年代在奶牛、生猪、家禽等品种繁殖中已普遍应用。Lun  相似文献   

Many animal and human viruses are disseminated via semen, but there is little information on how to measure and stimulate protective antiviral immunity in the male reproductive tract and semen. This information is important since successful vaccination through the stimulation of protective immune responses could be a mechanism to prevent viral contamination of semen and subsequent wide spread viral dissemination. Even control of the infection by shortening the duration of viral shedding and lowering the viral load in semen would lessen the chances of viral dissemination through this route. This review will highlight the current knowledge of immunity in the male reproductive tract and summarize 'antiviral' as well as 'proviral' factors in semen such as cytokines, cells, antibodies, antimicrobial peptides, enzymes, hormones and growth factors. These factors must provide a fine balance between 'immunosuppression' in semen needed to protect sperm viability and 'immunocompetency' to prevent pathogen contamination. The review will also suggest continuing challenges to researchers for preventing viral dissemination via semen and propose a large animal model for continued research in this important area.  相似文献   

The rabbit is a kind of grain-saving and small herbivore animal.Rabbit breeding which is low investment and obvious efficiency has become an advantageous industry of increasing income of rural farmers and poverty alleviation.In recent years,with the development of life science,great progress has been made in rabbit genetic breeding at home and abroad.In this paper,the research progress in genetic breeding and reproduction of rabbits in 2019 are reviewed from the traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction of rabbits.For abroad,lots of researches involved in traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction were done.Effects of selection,environment and additives on productive performance had been analyzed in traditional breeding.Molecular breeding mainly focused on reproductive performance among which there were more studies on litter size and spermatine.Secondly,the related genes of growth,meat quality and hair color were studied.The research on reproduction mainly focuses on the preservation method of male rabbit semen and the effects of additives on rabbit semen quality,litter size and conception rate.In China,genetic breeding and reproduction research on rabbit also mainly included traditional breeding,molecular breeding and reproduction,but the focus of domestic research was molecular breeding,among which breed and genetic diversity and functional genes of fur trait were mainly researched using high-throughput sequencing,gene cloning and gene editing to screen the important functional genes and regulatory networks related to research traits.However,compared with molecular breeding,there are fewer studies on the traits evaluation of traditional breeding and rabbit reproduction.This review can provide references for rabbit breeding and production.  相似文献   

家兔是节粮型草食小动物,其养殖投资少、见效快,已成为中国促进农民增收、助力脱贫攻坚的优势产业。近年来,随着生命科学的发展,国内外家兔遗传育种取得了较大进展。文章分别从家兔传统育种、分子育种和繁殖等方面对国内外2019年家兔遗传育种与繁殖研究进展进行了综述。国外在传统育种、分子育种和家兔繁殖方面均作了较多的研究,传统育种主要是针对选择和环境及添加物对家兔生产性能影响的研究;分子育种方面主要是对繁殖性状相关基因的研究,其中产仔数及精液蛋白方面的研究较多,其次是生长、肉质、毛色等性状相关基因的研究;而繁殖方面的研究主要针对公兔精液的保存方法及添加物对家兔精液品质、产仔数和受胎率的影响。国内家兔遗传育种与繁殖研究也主要包括传统育种、分子育种和家兔繁殖,但国内的研究重点在分子育种研究,其中品种与遗传多样性及皮毛性状功能基因的研究较多,主要采用高通量测序、常规基因克隆和基因编辑的方法筛选对研究性状具有重要调控功能的基因及调控网络;而传统育种性状评定和家兔繁殖方面的研究相对较少。该综述可为家兔的育种和生产研究提供参考。  相似文献   

人工授精技术是一种较先进的辅助生殖技术,可提高繁殖育种的效益,但因猫类较独特的生殖特点,其人工授精技术发展受限。近年来,科研人员和临床工作者借鉴其他物种相对成熟的人工授精技术,结合猫类生殖特点,对猫人工授精过程中精液采集、精液品质评估、精液保存、刺激母猫排卵方式及具体的人工输精等相关技术进行了优化和创新,如开发了新颖实用的尿导管法采精技术以采集猫精液;在传统精液品质评估的基础上,配合使用荧光染色技术、流式细胞技术及体外受精技术对猫精液品质进行评估;探索不同冷冻液配方及冷冻程序对猫精液保存效果的影响,并尝试使用超快速冷冻法保存公猫遗传物质;研究使用不同种类及不同剂量的激素对诱导母猫发情和排卵效果的差异,以及不同输精部位、方法及时机对母猫妊娠结果的影响等。尽管其中一些新技术与方法已在试验动物中彰显出了其实际应用潜力,但当下依旧还存在操作相对复杂、成本较高、效果低于预期等问题,导致目前猫人工授精技术的应用较局限,不如在犬或其他动物中应用广泛,未来还需更进一步研究和探索才能满足临床实际应用的需要。文章就上述猫人工授精技术中各个方面的研究进展进行了综述,以期为该技术的进一步研究和应用提供参考。  相似文献   

维生素E作为饲料添加剂在畜牧业中的利用越来越广泛。本文从维生素E对家禽产蛋、受精、孵化、精液品质、生殖器官及生殖激素分泌方面的影响作综述,旨在为维生素E对家禽繁殖机能影响的探究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Llama reproduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The reproductive anatomy, physiology, and breeding behavior of the llama is unique enough to make familiarity with it imperative. Female puberty averages 12 months, while many males are not reproductively functional until after 3 years. Proper management of a breeding pair or herd is necessary to maintain maximum reproductive performance. Proof of pregnancy is suggested by rejection of the male and may/should be confirmed by progesterone assay, rectal palpation, or ultrasound techniques. The postpartum female is notable for breeding back rapidly, with high pregnancy rates resulting. Both male and female factors enter into llama infertility, with each gender having significant incidence of reproductive anatomical abnormalities. Management as well as acquired infertility problems (heat factors, trauma, infection, neoplasia, and hormonal imbalances) contribute to the bulk of infertility cases investigated. Techniques used to diagnose infertility in llamas are quite comparable to the equine species; however, female body size and semen analysis in the male present significant challenges. The approach to therapy has been quite empirical to date, owing to lack of consistent problems and numbers to afford conclusive trials. Alterations of pregnancy include resorption, abortions, and stillbirths. Resorption between 30 to 60 days of gestation is reported regularly. Abortions caused by stress occur regularly. Infection abortions caused by leptospirosis, toxoplasmosis, and chlamydiosis are to be expected. Ponderosa pine-related abortions are suspected. In summary, I find use for a broad background in large animal theriogenology to apply to llama infertility. There no doubt are additional diagnostic techniques and therapeutic regimens that have application, and it is up to us all to keep good records and share the information.  相似文献   

中国养鹅业经过20世纪末约十年的高速发展后出现了增长缓慢的趋势,原因除了中国畜牧用地限制、疫病危害和人力成本上涨等因素外,缺乏技术创新和突破也是主要原因.鹅人工授精技术是一项先进的繁殖技术.鹅人工授精技术的完善和应用,不但可以提高优秀公鹅的配种效率,而且可以加快鹅育种的遗传进展.如果精液冷冻保存成功,鹅人工授精技术还可以用于保种和克服配种时间和空间的限制.鹅的育种落后和繁殖率低是制约养鹅业发展的瓶颈,鹅人工授精技术的应用将对养鹅业发展起到巨大推动作用.作者对近几年鹅精液收集、精液保存、精液品质评估和输精方法等方面的研究进展进行了综述.  相似文献   

人工授精技术是牦牛养殖的重要环节,本文就公牦牛驯养,人工授精前的准备、过程、精液品质检查、母牛发情鉴定,输精等环节做了介绍.  相似文献   

The reproductive physiology of the impala was studied in the Kruger National Park. The data concerning the hypophysial hormones, the androgenic hormones and ovarian histology are discussed in relation to the behaviour of the animal.

It was found that the male animal shows the most profound behavioural changes which occur during the mating season. These changes are induced by an increase of interstitial cell-stimulating hormone which leads to an increase in androgenic hormone. The female shows relatively few behavioural changes during the mating season, the only change being at the time of oestrus.

On the basis of the data presented and information reported for domestic animals, it is postulated that the behaviour of the male impala plays an important role in determining the breeding season.  相似文献   

作者对2015年国内、外家兔的传统育种、分子育种和繁殖技术等方面的最新进展进行了综述,以期给家兔育种者和研究者提供参考。国外家兔传统育种主要集中在不同肉兔品种性能比较,而分子育种以胴体品质为主要性状,同时在家兔遗传多样性方面也有涉及,高效繁殖技术依旧是国外研究的重点,主要是精液冷冻保护剂开发和精液品质研究两方面。国内传统育种研究内容重点在地方品种、培育品种种质评定等方面,生长、胴体、毛皮等性状的分子育种则仍旧为国内遗传育种研究重点,繁殖相关研究集中在母兔繁殖性能和公兔精液品质研究两方面。总体来说,国内、外各有侧重,但国内家兔遗传育种研究特别是繁殖性状分子基础方面还需进一步提高。  相似文献   

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