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Organochlorine pesticide analyses were performed on human milk samples obtained from 34 women living in the Mississippi Delta, a high pesticide usage area, and from six women living in Starkville, Mississippi, a low pesticide usage area. Nine women collected samples before and after their babies had nursed so that fat levels and sigma DDT levels could be compared on whole milk and milk fat bases. sigma DDT values were independent of collection time if calculated on a milk fat basis, but not if calculated on a whole milk basis. Thus, the most consistent indicator of DDT residues were values calculated on a milk fat basis. Residue levels for p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDT, and sigma DDT were significantly different (P less than 0.01) in samples from the two areas. Residues of o,p'-DDT, beta-BHC, and oxychlordane in milk samples from women living in the high pesticide usage area also were significantly different (P less than 0.05). A mean value of 19.17 ppm sigma DDT, found in the milk fat of samples from the high pesticide usage area, is the highest ever reported. Samples from the low pesticide usage area contained a mean level of 2.36 ppm sigma DDT.  相似文献   

Chlorinated hydrocarbon pesticide burdens, especially those of DDT and its metabolites, have been determined for 19 species of small terrestrial migratory birds killed chiefly at Florida television towers from 1964 to 1973. All 128 samples were sorted into pools by species. All pooled samples except one contained DDE and often DDT and DDD; dieldrin was present in 60 of the samples; but no PCB's were detected. In small subsamples, sigma DDT (p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDD, and p,p'-DDE) residues sometimes differed between males and females, adults and immatures, and northbound and southbound migrants but results of these comparisons were inconclusive. Sigma DDT burdens were highest in adipose tissue and much lower in liver and brain samples. Especially among birds taken since 1970 have the pesticide levels in adipose tissue been at low levels, generally less than 3 ppm sigma DDT. These low quantities are comparable to those quoted in other reports on birds of similar trophic levels. The insectivorous and/or partly granivorous birds feeding on or near the ground tended to have higher sigma DDT levels than did the more arboreal species.  相似文献   

Soil, silt, and water samples from the Habitant Creek water-shed, Nova Scotia, a tobacco-growing area, have been monitored for organochlorine insecticides. Most samples contain measurable quantities of many persistent pesticides used in farming during the past decade. Sediment levels indicate that residues settle in sluggish parts of the stream. Drainage ditches show highest residual content caused in part by mass transport of soil in runoff. Residue content of water samples is normally one-tenth to one-hundredth that of silt, but is much higher during periods of heavy runoff. Levels vary with the seasons and are highest in the fall, decrease through the spring and summer, and are lowest in the winter. Although samples of well water taken fairly close to the stream showed virtually no residual content, a natural drainage reservior had a pesticide content similar to that in the stream.  相似文献   

Samples of breast muscle from 327 ducks collected from October 1970 to March 1971 in the conterminous United States were analyzed for total mercury by flameless atomic absorption spectrometry. Mercury levels for the entire collection ranged from less than 0.01 to 3.91 ppm wet weight with a median of 0.10 ppm. Twenty-five ducks had levels equalling or exceeding the 0.5 ppm guideline for fish and shellfish established by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Dabbling ducks, which are shallow-water feeders and mostly vegetarian in fall, winter, and spring, usually had lower levels than diving and sea ducks. Levels were generally higher in ducks collected in areas where environmental mercury levels were known to be greater than in ducks from nonsuspect areas. Despite the mobility of the ducks, levels seemed more closely linked to local environmental contamination than to various factors associated with large geographic areas.  相似文献   

Monitoring activities were initiated in 1971 to survey the occurence and levels of organochlorine insecticide residues in bovine milk and manufactured milk products in Illinois. Dieldrin residues were the most prevalent, and were found in 96 percent of the samples. Dieldrin also accounted for the highest average residue concentration (0.09 ppm). Only 0.3% of the samples contained illegal insecticide residues. Levels of DDT and lindane were generally declining, but those for dieldrin and heptachlor epoxide tended to remain constant.  相似文献   

Animals taken in Tasmania including duck (Anas superciliosa), eel (Anguilla australis), English perch (Perca fluviatilis), white-faced heron (Ardea pacifica), brown trout (Salmo trutta), European starling (Strunus vulgaris), cat (Felis cattus), cormorant (Phalacrocorax sp.), mutton bird (Puffinus tenuirostris), Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii), rainbow trout (Salmo gairdnerii), Tasmanian raven (Corvus mellori), tench (Tinca tinca), and quail (Coturnix sp.) were sampled for p,p'-DDE, pp,p'-TDE, p,p'-DDT, lindane, dieldrin, and hexachlorobenzene. Pesticide residue levels exceeded 0.1 ppm in at least one animal from each area and in the majority of animals sampled from all areas. Pesticide sources could not be determined, partly because migratory species such as ducks, mutton birds, cormorants, and eels may have ingested pesticides outside of Tasmania.  相似文献   

Various components of the aquatic ecosystem of Tuttle Creek Reservoir on the Big Blue River in northeastern Kansas were examined for organochlorine insecticide residues in 1970-71. Components examined were water, sediments, periphyton, zooplankton, insects, and whole-body samples of 10 common fish species. Only dieldrin and sigmaDDT residues were detected. Dieldrin was found in part of the nonfish samples at levels ranging up to 0.01 ppm and in 97 percent of the fish samples with a high level of 0.17 ppm. SigmaDDT residues were also detected in part of the nonfish samples at levels ranging up to 0.42 ppm, and in 98 percent of the fish samples at levels as high as 0.57 ppm. Authors' findings are roughly similar to those of other surveys of Kansas fishes. All levels are relatively low compared with those reported in surveys from other parts of the Nation.  相似文献   

As part of the National Pesticide Monitoring Program, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service analyzed organochlorine contaminant residues in fish samples collected from about 100 stations each year from 1970 to 1974. During this period, mean residues of DDT and its metabolites declined nationally but remained widespread, and high concentrations continued to be present in areas where DDT use was extensive. Results of interlaboratory crosscheck analyses supported these conclusions, despite interpretation problems posed by intercompound analytical interferences in 1970 and 1971. Temporal trends in PCB residues were less obvious. Highest PCB residues were found in the industrialized areas of the Northwest and Midwest, and traces were present at most stations. Dieldrin and endrin residues remained essentially unchanged during this period; dieldrin residues were widespread and were highest in Hawaii and in areas of the Midwest where aldrin was used extensively. Toxaphene occurrence increased; it was formerly found only in fish from streams draining cotton-farming regions, but residues were detected in 1974 samples from other areas. According to the recommendation of the National Academy of Sciences' Water Quality Criteria, organochlorine residues in freshwater fish may have represented a hazard to piscivorous fish and wildlife at 71 percent of the stations sampled in 1970 and 66 percent in 1974.  相似文献   

Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas Thunberg) from 19 sites in Tasmania were surveyed for pesticide residues. All samples were analyzed for dieldrin and DDT, and five samples were analyzed for hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and lindane. Only DDT was found in all samples. Dieldrin levels were high in oysters from the Tamar River, but were highest (0.39 mg/kg wet weight) in samples from Ruffin's Bay. In contrast, other residue levels were low. Distribution of pesticides in Tamar River samples differed: dieldrin could be correlated with industrial uses upstream and DDT could be correlated with low-level widespread agricultural use.  相似文献   


Investigations to determine the optimum timing and placement of a supplementary food spray, Envirofeast® on the abundance of predatory insects on cotton was conducted in irrigated commercial cotton fields at Yarral near Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia, in 1998 v - v 99. Plots treated with the supplementary food product at the four-true leaf stage recorded a significantly higher number of predatory beetles, bugs and lacewings per metre compared with plots treated at two, six and eight-true leaf stages and unsprayed (control) plots. The cumulative total number of predatory beetles, bugs and lacewings recorded throughout the season in both treated and control plots was 23.81 per m. Of this total, plots treated at four true leaf stage recorded the highest (7.15 per v m) (i.e 30.03%), followed by two true leaf (5.81 per m) (24.41%), six true-leaf (4.31 per v m (18.12%), eight true-leaf stage (4.63 per v m) (i.e. 19.44%) and the unsprayed (control) plot recorded the lowest (1.91 per m (8.03%). The number of spiders per metre were not significantly different ( p v > v 0.05) among treatments and the control plots. The number of predators recorded in cotton crops treated with the supplementary food product as a band spray (33 v - v 50% band) or skip row spray (i.e. to every second row) was not significantly different ( p v > v 0.05) from plots where the product was applied as a solid spray to the entire crop (no skip row and/or no banding). Thus, tailoring Envirofeast® treatment in this way will ultimately reduce the quantity of product used, the cost of the product and allow cotton growers to adopt a multiple-use pattern for the product to support integrated pest management programmes in cotton.  相似文献   

Over ten-year routine inspection results on organochlorine pesticide (OCP) residue were summarized, OCPs residues, including BHC isomers (α, β, γ, and δ-BHC), DDT analogs (p,p′-DDD, p,p′-DDE, o,p′-DDT, and p,p′-DDT), and pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB) and its metabolites (pentachloroaniline and methyl pentachlorophenyl sulfide (MPCPS)), in 1,665 samples for 37 types of Chinese herbal medicine (CHM) using the QuEChERS method coupled with the GC-ECD. Based on the maximal residue levels for OCPs set by Asian pharmacopeias, PCNB contamination in Ginseng radix as well as the total DDT and PCNB contamination in Panacis quinquefolii radix are of concern. OCP residues in different parts of Panax ginseng were also compared. The total BHC residue in leaf and fibrous root, as well as the total DDT and PCNB residue in all parts, exceeded MRL of 0.1 mg/kg. Overall, this study provided meaningful results about OCP residue in CHM for pharmaceutical industries and consumers.  相似文献   

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