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《Agricultural Systems》1998,58(4):529-554
An integrated approach to reservoir, irrigation, and cropping management which links four different models—a hydrologic model (PRMS), a crop growth simulation model (EPIC), an economic model based on linear programming, and a dynamic programming model—is developed and demonstrated. The demonstration is based on an irrigation district located in a subhumid climate with an irrigation reservoir large enough for over-year storage. The model is used to make repeated simulations for various planning horizons. Two different types of results are presented. The first provides the probability that each of the various farm plans (land/crop/water allocation) will be chosen as the optimum in the first year of the planning horizon. The second approach provides probability distributions of accumulated revenues over a chosen length of planning horizon. Each distribution is associated with an initial reservoir level and a particular farm plan in the first year of the planning horizon. The consequence of selecting certain farm plans at the beginning of a specified planning horizon is therefore quantified in a probabilistic way. Based on families of probability–revenue curves, an irrigation manager can simultaneously evaluate crop, irrigation, and reservoir management options.  相似文献   

Improving irrigation water management is becoming important to produce a profitable crop in South Texas as the water supplies shrink. This study was conducted to investigate grain yield responses of corn (Zea mays) under irrigation management based on crop evapotranspiration (ETC) as well as a possibility to monitor plant water deficiencies using some of physiological and environmental factors. Three commercial corn cultivars were grown in a center-pivot-irrigated field with low energy precision application (LEPA) at Texas AgriLife Research Center in Uvalde, TX from 2002 to 2004. The field was treated with conventional and reduced tillage practices and irrigation regimes of 100%, 75%, and 50% ETC. Grain yield was increased as irrigation increased. There were significant differences between 100% and 50% ETC in volumetric water content (θ), leaf relative water content (RWC), and canopy temperature (TC). It is considered that irrigation management of corn at 75% ETC is feasible with 10% reduction of grain yield and with increased water use efficiency (WUE). The greatest WUE (1.6 g m−2 mm−1) achieved at 456 mm of water input while grain yield plateaued at less than 600 mm. The result demonstrates that ETC-based irrigation can be one of the efficient water delivery schemes. The results also demonstrate that grain yield reduction of corn is qualitatively describable using the variables of RWC and TC. Therefore, it appears that water status can be monitored with measurement of the variables, promising future development of real-time irrigation scheduling.  相似文献   

Summary The effects to climate and management practices on crop water requirement coefficients were studied for a soybean crop growing on a sandy soil using a mechanistic model that computes evaporation and transpiration in response to soil, crop, and climatic factors. It was found that seasonal errors could the as high as 190 mm when crop coefficients developed under one set of conditions were used under different climate and management conditions. The largest error in ET occurred when vapor pressure was reduced from 26 mb to 14 mb; next in importance were site differences in wind speed, radiation, irrigation interval, temperature and planting date. Correction factors needed to adjust crop coefficients to those site specific conditions ranged from 0.73 to 1.30 depending on the time of season and climate or management variable that was changed. When the overall crop coefficient was divided into a plant specific and a soil specific coefficients, the plant coefficient was relatively stable compared to soil coefficients. The results of this study can help establish a practical range of conditions over which crop coefficients developed at one site can be used to compute the appropriate values for sites where measurements have not been made.Approved for publication as Florida Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 9514. This research was partially supported by the US AID project, International Benchmark Sites Network for Agrotechnology Transfer, No. DAN-4054-c-00-2071-00  相似文献   

The reported study aimed at developing an integrated management strategy for irrigation water and fertilizers in case of wheat crop in a sub-tropical sub-humid region. Field experiments were conducted on wheat crop (cultivar Sonalika) during the years 2002–2003, 2003–2004 and 2004–2005. Each experiment included four fertilizer treatments and three irrigation treatments during the wheat growth period. During the experiment, the irrigation treatments considered were I1 = 10% maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of available soil water (ASW); I2 = 40% MAD of ASW; I3 = 60% MAD of ASW. The fertilizer treatments considered in the experiments were F1 = control treatment with N:P2O5:K2O as 0:0:0 kg ha−1, F2 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 80:40:40 kg ha−1; F3 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 120:60:60 kg ha−1 and F4 = fertilizer application of N:P2O5:K2O as 160:80:80 kg ha−1. In this study CERES-wheat crop growth model of the DSSAT v4.0 was used to simulate the growth, development and yield of wheat crop using soil, daily weather and management inputs, to aid farmers and decision makers in developing strategies for effective management of inputs. The results of the investigation revealed that magnitudes of grain yield, straw yield and maximum LAI of wheat crop were higher in low volume high frequency irrigation (I1) than the high volume low frequency irrigation (I3). The grain yield, straw yield and maximum LAI increased with increase in fertilization rate for the wheat crop. The results also revealed that increase in level of fertilization increased water use efficiency (WUE) considerably. However, WUE of the I2 irrigation schedule was comparatively higher than the I1 and I3 irrigation schedules due to higher grain yield per unit use of water. Therefore, irrigation schedule with 40% maximum allowable depletion of available soil water (I2) could safely be maintained during the non-critical stages to save water without sacrificing the crop yield. Increase in level of fertilization increases the WUE but it will cause environmental problem beyond certain limit. The calibrated CERES-wheat model could predict the grain yield, straw yield and maximum LAI of wheat crop with considerable accuracy and therefore can be recommended for decision-making in similar regions.  相似文献   

Because of the spatial and temporal variabilities of the advance infiltration process, furrow irrigation investigations should not be limited to a single furrow irrigation event when using a modelling approach. The paper deals with the development and application of simulation of furrow irrigation practices (SOFIP), a model used to analyse furrow irrigation practices that take into account spatial and temporal variabilities of the advance infiltration process. SOFIP can be used to compare alternative furrow irrigation management strategies and find options that mitigate local deep-percolation risks while ensuring a crop yield level that is acceptable to the farmer. The model is comprised of three distinct modelling elements. The first element is RAIEOPT, a hydraulic model that predicts the advance infiltration process. Infiltration prediction in RAIEOPT depends on a soil moisture deficit parameter. PILOTE, a crop model, which is designed to simulate soil water balance and predict yield values, updates the soil moisture parameter. This parameter is an input of a parameter generator (PG), the third model component, which in turn provides RAIEOPT with the data required to simulate irrigation at the scale of an N-furrow set. The study of sources of variability and their impact on irrigation advance, based on field observations, allowed us to build a robust PG. Model applications show that irrigation practices must account for inter-furrow advance variability when optimising furrow irrigation systems. The impact of advance variability on deep percolation and crop yield losses depends on both climatic conditions and irrigation practices.  相似文献   

Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz is an oilseed crop touted as being suitable for production in the arid southwestern USA. However, because any significant development of the crop has been limited to cooler, rain-fed climate-areas, information and guidance for managing irrigated-camelina are lacking. This study measured the crop water use of a November-through-April camelina crop in Arizona using frequent measurements of soil water contents. The crop was grown under surface irrigation using five treatment levels of soil water depletion. The seed yields of treatments averaged 1,142 kg ha−1 (8.0% seed moisture) and were generally comparable with camelina yields reported in other parts of the USA. Varying total irrigation water amounts to treatments (295–330 mm) did not significantly affect yield, whereas total crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was increased for the most frequently irrigated treatment. However, total ETc for the camelina treatments (332–371 mm) was markedly less than that typically needed by grain and vegetable crops (600–655 mm), which are commonly grown during the same timeframe in Arizona. The camelina water-use data were used to develop crop coefficients based on days past planting, growing degree days, and canopy spectral reflectance. The crop coefficient curves, along with information presented on camelina soil water depletion and root zone water extraction characteristics will provide camelina growers in arid regions with practical tools for managing irrigations.  相似文献   

Research was conducted in northern Colorado in 2011 to estimate the crop water stress index (CWSI) and actual transpiration (T a) of maize under a range of irrigation regimes. The main goal was to obtain these parameters with minimum instrumentation and measurements. The results confirmed that empirical baselines required for CWSI calculation are transferable within regions with similar climatic conditions, eliminating the need to develop them for each irrigation scheme. This means that maize CWSI can be determined using only two instruments: an infrared thermometer and an air temperature/relative humidity sensor. Reference evapotranspiration data obtained from a modified atmometer were similar to those estimated at a standard weather station, suggesting that maize T a can be calculated based on CWSI and by adding one additional instrument: a modified atmometer. Estimated CWSI during four hourly periods centered on solar noon was largest during the 2 h after solar noon. Hence, this time window is recommended for once-a-day data acquisition if the goal is to capture maximum stress level. Maize T a based on CWSI during the first hourly period (10:00–11:00) was closest to T a estimates from a widely used crop coefficient model. Thus, this time window is recommended if the goal is to monitor maize water use. Average CWSI over the 2 h after solar noon and during the study period (early August to late September, 2011) was 0.19, 0.57, and 0.20 for plots under full, low-frequency deficit, and high-frequency deficit irrigation regimes, respectively. During the same period (50 days), total maize T a based on the 10:00–11:00 CWSI was 218, 141, and 208 mm for the same treatments, respectively. These values were within 3 % of the results of the crop coefficient approach.  相似文献   

Irrigated agriculture is threatened by soil salinity in numerous arid and semiarid areas of the Mediterranean basin. The objective of this work was to quantify soil salinity through electromagnetic induction (EMI) techniques and relate it to the physical characteristics and irrigation management of four Mediterranean irrigation districts located in Morocco, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey. The volume and salinity of the main water inputs (irrigation and precipitation) and outputs (crop evapotranspiration and drainage) were measured or estimated in each district. Soil salinity (ECe) maps were obtained through electromagnetic induction surveys (ECa readings) and district-specific ECa-ECe calibrations. Gravimetric soil water content (WC) and soil saturation percentage (SP) were also measured in the soil calibration samples. The ECa-ECe calibration equations were highly significant (P < 0.001) in all districts. ECa was not significantly correlated (P > 0.1) with WC, and was only significantly correlated (P < 0.1) with soil texture (estimated by SP) in Spain. Hence, ECa mainly depended upon ECe, so that the maps developed could be used effectively to assess soil salinity and its spatial variability. The surface-weighted average ECe values were low to moderate, and ranked the districts in the order: Tunisia (3.4 dS m−1) > Morocco (2.2 dS m−1) > Spain (1.4 dS m−1) > Turkey (0.45 dS m−1). Soil salinity was mainly affected by irrigation water salinity and irrigation efficiency. Drainage water salinity at the exit of each district was mostly affected by soil salinity and irrigation efficiency, with values very high in Tunisia (9.0 dS m−1), high in Spain (4.6 dS m−1), moderate in Morocco (estimated at 2.6 dS m−1), and low in Turkey (1.4 dS m−1). Salt loads in drainage waters, calculated from their salinity (ECdw) and volume (Q), were highest in Tunisia (very high Q and very high ECdw), intermediate in Turkey (extremely high Q and low ECdw) and lowest in Spain (very low Q and high ECdw) (there were no Q data for Morocco). Reduction of these high drainage volumes through sound irrigation management would be the most efficient way to control the off-site salt-pollution caused by these Mediterranean irrigation districts.  相似文献   

During three consecutive seasons, two different deficit irrigation strategies were compared with control fully irrigated trees regarding their capacity to induce early bloom and harvest in “Algerie” loquat. The first strategy, a continuous deficit irrigation strategy, consisted in a uniform reduction of 20% water needs through the entire season; the second strategy, a regulated deficit irrigation approach, while accounting for the same global reduction of 20% loquat water needs, concentrated water shortages after harvest from mid-May through the end of August. Regulated deficit irrigation resulted more successful. Postharvest regulated deficit irrigation advanced full bloom 10–20 days depending on the season. Such enhancement led to more precocious and valuable yield, with an average increase of fruit value of 0.21 € kg−1. The effects of continuous deficit irrigation were less noticeable and average fruit value was increased 0.08 € kg−1. Yield and fruit quality were not affected for the different deficit irrigation strategies. Water savings established around 1450 m3 ha−1 year−1. Deficit irrigation rose water use efficiency up to more than a 40%.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal variations commonly found in the infiltration characteristic for surface-irrigated fields are a major physical constraint to achieve higher irrigation application efficiencies. Substantial work has been directed towards developing methods to estimate the infiltration characteristics of soil from irrigation advance data. However, none of the existing methods are entirely suitable for use in real-time control. The greatest limitation is that they are data intensive. A new method that uses a model infiltration curve (MIC) is proposed. In this method a scaling process is used to reduce the amount of data required to predict the infiltration characteristics for each furrow and each irrigation event for a whole field. Data from 44 furrow irrigation events from two different fields were used to evaluate the proposed method. Infiltration characteristics calculated using the proposed method were compared to values calculated from the full advance data using the INFILT computer model. The infiltration curves calculated by the proposed method were of similar shape to the INFILT curves and gave similar values for cumulative infiltration up to the irrigation advance time for each furrow. More importantly the statistical properties of the two sets of infiltration characteristics were similar. This suggests that they would return equivalent estimates of irrigation performance for the two fields and that the proposed method could be suitable for use in real-time control.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to develop the relationship between canopy-air temperature difference and vapour pressure deficit for no stress condition of wheat crop (baseline equations), which was used to quantify crop water stress index (CWSI) to schedule irrigation in winter wheat crop (Triticum aestivum L.). The randomized block design (RBD) was used to design the experimental layout with five levels of irrigation treatments based on the percentage depletion of available soil water (ASW) in the root zone. The maximum allowable depletion (MAD) of the available soil water (ASW) of 10, 40 and 60 per cent, fully wetted (no stress) and no irrigation (fully stressed) were maintained in the crop experiments. The lower (non-stressed) and upper (fully stressed) baselines were determined empirically from the canopy and ambient air temperature data obtained using infrared thermometry and vapour pressure deficit (VPD) under fully watered and maximum water stress crop, respectively. The canopy-air temperature difference and VPD resulted linear relationships and the slope (m) and intercept (c) for lower baseline of pre-heading and post-heading stages of wheat crop were found m = −1.7466, c = −1.2646 and m = −1.1141, c = −2.0827, respectively. The CWSI was determined by using the developed empirical equations for three irrigation schedules of different MAD of ASW. The established CWSI values can be used for monitoring plant water status and planning irrigation scheduling for wheat crop.  相似文献   

Infiltration parameters from surface irrigation advance and run-off data   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
A computer model was developed to employ runoff data in the calculation of the infiltration parameters of the modified Kostiakov equation. The model (IPARM) uses a simple volume balance approach to estimate the parameters from commonly collected field data. Several data sets have been used to verify the procedure. Infiltration parameters were calculated using both advance and runoff data combined and advance data alone. Simulations of each example using SIRMOD were compared to the measured data to identify the possible benefits of the procedure. The inclusion of runoff did not compromise the ability to reproduce the advance curve however the simulations are more capable of reproducing the measured runoff rates and volumes and therefore offer better estimations of the total volume applied to the soil (in one case a reduction in error of the total infiltration from 22% to 1%). This procedure will be of most benefit where the infiltration parameters are expected to represent soil hydraulic characteristics for times greater than the completion of the advance phase. Further analysis has shown that the infiltration parameters are more sensitive to runoff than the advance highlighting the requirement for accurate field measurement and a weighting factor between the advance and runoff errors.  相似文献   

Water management decisions are dependent on crop variety, soil and climatic conditions. A properly structured plant growth simulation model which takes these factors into account can be successfully used to quantify the effects of irrigation practices on crop yields. The use of such a simulation model will be considerably less expensive and time consuming than conducting field experiments.This paper reports the results of using such a model for making important water management decisions, such as determining: (a) optimum soil moisture depletion and replenishment levels; and (b) timing and amount of irrigation during different crop growth stages.  相似文献   

Quantitative information concerning crop yield response to water deficiency (magnitude and time of occurrence) is of outstanding importance for the economic evaluation and optimization of irrigation systems. In this paper attention is focused on the parameter representing crop sensitivity in a production function proposed by Jensen (1968). A method is presented for the modification of this parameter, derived from experiments, in order to make it suitable for application in irrigation practice. The procedure is illustrated using data for grain sorghum. Finally, an attempt is made to optimize the intraseasonal distribution of irrigation water for the same crop when the volume of available irrigation water for the entire season is limited.  相似文献   

1 灌排区基本情况1.1 地理概貌江汉平原由于长江、汉水的冲积成土过程的影响 ,地势从西北向东南倾斜 ,地面高程在 5 0~ 2 5m(吴淞基面 ,下同 )以下。平原内部受网状水系的泥砂沉积过程中的水力泥砂的分选作用 ,以及地形局部差异的影响 ,形成了相对高差数米至十余米的沿江高地和河间湖洼地相分布的地貌特点。四湖地区位于江汉平原腹地 ,因区内有长湖、三湖、白露湖和洪湖四大湖而得名。区域面积 115 47km2 ,行政区划有荆州市、荆门市、潜江市等 8个县 (市 )、区 ,耕地约 42 .6 7万hm2 ( 6 40万亩 )。四湖地区的西北部的丘陵地区是漳…  相似文献   

There exist capabilities for analyzing the behavior of surface flow and the ultimate distribution of infiltrated water in furrow irrigation. The corresponding synthesis, i.e., the selection of appropriate combinations of inflow rates, cutoff times and length of furrow — design and management, currently not so well established, is treated herein. A design-management nomograph is proposed for free draining graded furrows. This is a plot of efficiency, time of cutoff and uniformity coefficient contours each given on a length-flow rate space adjacent to one another, for a furrow with given infiltration characteristics, flow geometry, slope, roughness and required depth of application. The nomograph can be used to determine the combinations of length, time of cutoff and flow rate that would yield in optimum combination of efficiency and uniformity.  相似文献   

Models that simulate crop production systems are useful tools to aid in crop management. The manager can evaluate numerous management options quickly and select the options most suitable for his situation. The Florida Soybean growth model (SOYGRO) has been implemented with several user interfaces to meet specific management goals. These implementations include a gaming model (SOYGAME), a pest decision model (PESTDEC), an irrigation decision model (IRRDEC) and a strategy evaluation model (SICM). The crop model integrates the effects of weather conditions, crop management inputs and soil conditions on crop yield and the yield changes are reflected in the corresponding profit. Also described in the paper is an automated weather collection and reporting system for the acquisition and use of weather data.  相似文献   

A measure to evaluate performance in irrigation systems is analyzed using the mean square prediction error concept. In the context of irrigation system management, the term error means the deviation of actual performance from a reference performance. The measure assesses performance in terms of the management objectives of adequacy and dependability of water delivery and an equitable distribution among various water users. It provides an understanding of the management capacity to schedule and distribute water in an irrigation system. Application of the performance measure is demonstrated by evaluating performance of an irrigation system in the Northwest Frontier Province of Pakistan.  相似文献   

Summary Corn yields for full irrigation and 4 different levels of deficit irrigation were simulated using a model developed by Stockle and Campbell (1985). Different irrigation levels were obtained by holding the application depth constant and allowing the irrigation interval to vary from 1 to 5 days. Silt loam and loamy sand soils, two root depths, two water contents at planting time, total pumping heads ranging from 0 to 800 m, four ratios of energy cost to commodity price and climatic data for the 1974 growing season at Davis, California were examined. The different variable combinations resulted in a wide range of crop water deficit and yield. Results indicated that, for given combinations, slight deficit (ratios of actual to potential transpiration larger than 0.89) provided higher net benefit than full irrigation. Larger deficits were never advantageous across the diverse range of conditions examined, indicating that potential benefits are associated with only a narrow range of irrigation deficits. This result illustrates the risk involved when deficit irrigation is practiced. Large soil water holding capacity, high soil water contents at planting and deep root exploration were found important for successful implementation of deficit irrigation. Total pumping head and the ratio of energy cost to commodity price were important factors in determining the feasibility of deficit irrigation for the conditions examined. It was also found that the level of irrigation which maximized net benefits tended to be lower for situations where the quantity of water available for irrigation was fixed and the amount of land which could be irrigated was unlimited than when there was sufficient water to fully irrigate the entire farm. Situations where deficit irrigation is a more effective way of reducing energy cost than reducing system operating pressure were ob served.Scientific Paper No. 7571 Project 0634, College of Agriculture and Home Economics, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-6120, USA  相似文献   

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