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我国设施农业农膜使用的环境问题刍议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
汪军  杨杉  陈刚才  滕应  刘坤 《土壤》2016,48(5):863-867
农膜使用和地面覆盖技术的应用加快了我国农业现代化的步伐,增加和丰富了农产品的供给。但随着农膜的连续使用,导致大量的农膜残留,严重影响农业生产,并对农业生态环境安全和人体健康构成巨大威胁。本文总结了设施农业中农膜使用所造成的主要环境问题,剖析了这些问题的内在原因。在此基础上,针对我国设施农业中农膜使用和管理现状,分别从管理、政策、经济和技术方面提出了对策建议,以期为规范我国设施农业中农膜使用、提高设施农业环境管理效率和健康持续发展提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Much attention in the media and scientific literature has focused on the destruction of tropical forests in Amazonia since the early 1970s, especially in the Brazilian states of Rondǒnia, Acre, Paré and Mato Grosso. Concern is mounting that the peeling back of the forests is wiping out biodiversity, destroying soil resources, possibly exacerbating global warming, and provoking land conflicts, among other socioeconomic and ecological problems. Yet little regard has been paid to some of the promising agricultural developments in the region that are helping to counteract pressures on the remaining forest while recuperating debilitated areas. In particular, a pronounced trend towards planting a mix of tree crops on small farms throughout the basin augers well for the future of the rainforest and more sustainable agriculture. Agroforestry developments in Amazonia underscore the linkages between conserving biodiversity and more productive and resilient agricultural systems.  相似文献   

Navjot Sodhi and we often discussed how growing global demands for food are placing increasing pressures on tropical forests. Although more consumers are demanding for ‘greener’ products associated with sustainable production, green consumerism and improved production practices per se might not adequately curtail destruction of forests and biodiversity. Instead, we argue that consumers in emerging and developed countries need to avoid wasteful and excessive consumption. We demonstrate how reasonable recalibration of consumer aspirations and changes in consumption levels in China, India, the European Union and United States might substantially alleviate environmental impacts associated with oilseed production in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brazil and Argentina. We do so through a scenario analysis that projects oilseed demands and expansion from current levels to 2100 under three alternative consumption trends. We show that pursuing a business-as-usual course of consumption would impose severe pressures in producer countries to clear land for oil-palm and soybean agriculture (up to an additional ~12 million hectares by 2040), which could exacerbate rates of deforestation and biodiversity loss in these tropical regions. On the other hand, if each person in the EU and US reduces his/her daily vegetable oil consumption by an average of 25 g – roughly equivalent to forgoing one large serving of French Fries – the pressure to convert tropical forests for oilseed expansion could be reduced by up to ~70%. Our analysis demonstrates how changes in consumer behavior in industrialized nations could substantially alleviate environmental impacts associated with agricultural production in the developing tropics.  相似文献   

针对重庆市三峡库区农业发展实际,从促进农村经济发展、保护生态环境、减少农业污染等方面分析了发展农业循环经济的必要性,并从资源、技术和政策等方面分析了三峡库区发展农业循环经济的有利条件。详细介绍了在三峡库区柑橘、生猪、沼气产业基础上建立的循环农业成功模式——"猪–沼–橘"生态农业模式。该模式2008~2009年累计在三峡库区的江津、长寿、开县等十余个沿江柑橘重点区县共计推广6700hm2,合计增收节支1.2亿元,解决了2万余劳动力就业,改善三峡水库水质、保护库区生态环境等效果明显。最后,提出了促进三峡库区循环农业发展的措施。  相似文献   

中国农作物秸秆综合利用潜力研究   总被引:20,自引:14,他引:20  
针对秸秆分区布局规划不完善,导致地区性、季节性、结构性秸秆过剩,资源浪费与环境污染问题突出,研究秸秆综合利用规划理论,提出"一主多元、农用优先"秸秆综合利用途径。中国秸秆综合利用潜力总量8.76亿t,比2015年增加利用量1.56亿t,其中秸秆肥料化、饲料化和能源化利用量分别增加8 722.4万t、5 122.3万t和1 720.1万t。通过肥料和饲料化利用,可直接和间接替代化肥潜力氮肥(N)1 481.6万t、磷肥(P2O5)419万t、钾肥(K2O)1 885.1万t,节本增效节约化肥成本约685.9亿元(折合98.5元/t秸秆);通过能源化利用,可替代煤炭等化石能源5982.4万t(标准煤),可减排二氧化碳1.5亿t、二氧化硫448.7万t、氮氧化物224.3万t,烟尘4068万t,经碳排放交易经济效益可达20.25亿元(折合16.9元/t秸秆),环境和经济效益显著。  相似文献   

The Australian story of farmer innovation in Conservation Agriculture reveals a complex interplay of policy, economics, science, and farming. Farmer experimentation with Conservation Agriculture began in the 1960's and has continued to this day where around 80%-90% of Australia's 23.5 million hectares of winter crops are now grown using Conservation Agriculture principles. This remarkable achievement is the result of both sustained investment in agricultural research and development and farmer innovation. Australian economic settings and science policies have encouraged and facilitated farmer participation in the Conservation Agricultural innovation system. Australian farmers have embraced Conservation Agriculture because it has met their needs, maintaining productivity and profitability in the face of declining terms of trade, and sustainably intensifying production with enhanced environmental outcomes. Drawing on individual farmer case studies, the specific strengths of farmer innovation are identified and the enabling conditions necessary for farmer innovation to flourish are discussed.  相似文献   

The US anti-plant aerial chemical warfare programme in South Vietnam and its effects are described. Between 1961 and 1971, the US, in its forest cover denial programme, expended over 49 million kilograms of herbicides on 2 million hectares of forest lands, and in its food denial programme expended over 3 million kilograms on 300 thousand hectares of croplands. Major herbicides used against forests were 2,4-D (26 million kg), 2,4,5-T (22 million kg), and Picloram (1·5 million kg), while against agricultural fields were used over 3 million kg of dimethylarsinic acid. About 15 per cent of the area of South Vietnam's forests have been sprayed once, and an additional 4 per cent have been sprayed.multiply; about 8 per cent of croplands have been strayed. In the areas that have been sprayed there have been alteration and simplification of the plant and animal communities, a loss of mineral nutrients, acceleration of erosion in hilly terrain, and reduction in ecosystem productivity. Restoration time in the once-sprayed areas is expected to exceed one decade, and, in the multiply-sprayed areas, several decades. Approximately 0·5 million hectares have been utterly devastated. It is estimated that food was destroyed that would have sufficed to supply the total diets for one full year of 894,900 Vietnamese (largely civilian). The herbicides have directly or indirectly resulted in various medical and veterinary problems. Timber losses have been estimated to total 47 million cubic meters.  相似文献   

防治农业固体废物污染,对保障农民身体健康,维护农业生态安全,促进农村经济社会可持续发展具有重要意义。在总结农业固体废物内涵和外延的基础上,探讨农业固体废物的主要来源、分类方法和基本特征,按照来源、毒性、组分和形态对农业固体废物进行了分类,剖析来源单一与类型多样的双重性、潜在污染与重要资源的两面性、周年持续与季节波动的复杂性等农业固体废物的基本特征。识别农业种植固体废物、畜禽水产养殖固体废物、废旧农业投入品和农产品初加工固体废物的潜在污染风险。梳理农业固体废物污染防治、处理利用代表性法规政策,分析农业固体废物全链条运营和监管体系,提出"分类处理、多措并举,统筹兼顾、绿色循环,减量回用、精准处置"的农业固体废物处理利用技术路径与模式。该研究可为指导农业固体废物污染防治和处理利用提供基础支撑和决策参考。  相似文献   


The potential for extending organic wine production in Chile is discussed in relation to its history and present situation. The main objective is to present an overview of the production of organic wine in Chile, its certification, and national and international markets. During the wine harvesting season in March and April 2006, the authors visited and interviewed staff at four Chilean organic wineries. The wineries were all situated in the wine-producing centre of the country and were of variable sizes. One of the certification bodies in Chile was also interviewed. In addition to the field studies and interviews in Chile, various written information has been used. Second to Argentina, Chile is the country that produces most wine in Latin America. Vineyards cover a total of 110 000 hectares of the country's two million hectares of arable land. A study carried out in 2005 showed that 2000 hectares (almost 2%) of vineyards are organically cultivated. The organic production is operated by 32 different companies, which produce organic wine mainly for exportation to the international market. In Chile, the number of certified organic wine producers has increased in recent years in a trend directed by international demand and possible competitive advantages for Chilean wines. In order for a wine to be called ‘organic’ or ‘wine made from organically grown grapes’, the cultivation and final product must be approved by a certification company. In Chile there are three main active certification bodies; one national (Certificadora Chile Orgánico, CCO) and two international (the Swiss company IMO and the German company BCS). The study reveals a country with innovation and energy but facing strong pressures from the international market and its jungle of laws and directives, and the differing prestige of different certifications and labels. Chile as a wine-producing country has many competitors, and the production of organic wine could be a way to find diversity and exploit new market ground where environmental consideration concerns and sustainability are important targets.  相似文献   

日本农业面临严峻的农业人口老龄化与农业人口减少的问题,且以小型田块和山地耕地居多,农业劳作不便。为了解决上述问题,保障粮食供应,振兴地方经济,日本正大力发展智慧农业。日本农协协助制定了新的农业基本法以及农林水产信息化战略以支持农业的发展,并在农业机械自动化、农用信息系统、农村网络改造、农用航空、植物工厂等方面开展了大量的科技创新与应用,推动了日本现代农业的发展,日本以140.4万人且主体为老龄人口的核心农户实现了近1.3亿人口的主要粮食自给自足。日本农协多层级、多部门、全方位覆盖农业流程的服务,为智慧农业的落地助力。纵观日本智慧农业的发展历程与成效,借鉴其成功经验,对中国农业发展提出如下建议:应当创新农业体制机制,打通信息、人力、资源的流通渠道;优化农村营商环境,发挥好地方、高校、企业等不同主体的优势,立足乡村振兴角度对智慧农业技术进行长期的实证化研究;借鉴日本农协在农业生产、销售、推广、管理上的经验,因地制宜,积极探索,夯实根基,有助于推进中国乡村全面振兴,加快农业农村现代化和建设智慧农业强国。  相似文献   

通过本项目组的调研,总结出在农业新形势下,我国肥料产品、技术和政策体系仍存在以下问题:肥料产品与农业需求不匹配;技术集成无法满足农业现代化的需求;肥料经营体制不利于科学产品和技术落地;技术服务供应能力和需求不匹配;管理政策制约。解决的思路:通过肥料产品创新、技术创新、有机替代、精准施肥、体制机制创新、完善政策法规,系统构建我国肥料领域创新体系。具体建议:构建以农业需求为导向的国家化肥产品新体系,促进农业高产、土壤培肥、环境保护和资源可持续利用协调发展;加强有机肥资源高效利用,推动化肥有机替代减量;加强施肥技术服务能力建设;加强肥料科学领域的基础研究和前沿探索;加强国家绿色肥料体系建设;建议国家设立肥料重大科技专项,为上述建议的实施提供强有力的支撑和保障。  相似文献   

India, predominantly an agricultural country, has significantly improved the well-being of its people in recent decades. However, poverty remains India's most compelling challenge. With over half a century of development, agricultural education and research have been instrumental in ushering in a Green Revolution in the country. The United States land-grant colleges’ model of teaching, research, and extension began in India in 1962 with the establishment of the first university specializing in agriculture. During the past 60 years, agricultural education has expanded rapidly in India to meet the nation's demand for human resources and agricultural technology. Currently, India has a total of 41 agricultural universities with a mandate for teaching, research, and extension in each of the states or regions. The Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), an apex body established by the government of India, oversees the working and accreditation aspects of the State Agricultural Universities. This article gives an overview of the past and reviews the present structure of education in agriculture and allied subjects at various levels.  相似文献   

中国核农学的现状及发展建议   总被引:29,自引:11,他引:18  
温贤芳  汪勋清 《核农学报》2004,18(3):164-169
本文介绍了中国核农学的成就和发展建议。中国核农学的研究与应用开始于 1 95 6年 ,现已广泛应用于农业的各个领域并取得了卓越的成就 ,在某些领域处于世界领先地位。据2 0 0 1年底不完全统计统计 ,中国辐射诱变育成新品种 62 5个 ,占全世界辐射育成新品种总和的2 7 2 % ,年推广种植面积达 9× 1 0hm2 ,育成的新品种每年为国家增产粮食 30~ 40亿kg、棉花1 5~ 1 8亿kg、油料 0 75亿kg,创经济效益 33~ 40亿元。在育成的新品种中有 1 8个获得国家发明奖。中国已批准 6大类辐照食品的国家卫生标准和 1 7种辐照食品的国家工艺标准 ,年辐照食品和农产品达 8~ 1 0万t。在辐射育种、航天育种、同位素示踪技术在农业上的应用、辐照农产品贮藏保鲜加工、辐射害虫防治、低剂量辐射刺激增产等方面都取得显著的成绩 ,创造了巨大的经济、社会和生态效益 ,培养和造就了一批核农学人才和科技队伍。中国核农学的卓越成就得到了国际原子能机构和专家的高度赞誉 ,1 999年中国被国际原子能机构确认为亚太地区核农学的牵头国。中国核农学今后的发展应从我国核农学重大技术应用基础研究和关键技术研究着眼 ,力争在辐射诱变育种和空间诱变育种的分子机理、辐照检疫技术及产业化、核素示踪与环境生态保护、动物生产与健康  相似文献   

西北旱区自然条件恶劣,水土资源不匹配,农业发展受到诸多障碍。为探索一条突破环境制约,且资源集约高效利用的现代农业发展道路,该文系统分析了国内外农业发展沿革与趋势,明晰了西北旱区农业发展面临的问题与挑战,构建了针对西北旱区的生态农业发展理论框架,提出了西北旱区多业态生态农业结构与提质增效途径。研究发现,生态农业是通过现代科学技术与生态工程原理,形成产供销全链条绿色循环且生态功能持续提升的一种农业体系。生态农业应具备农业资源集约化、生产过程生态化、农业经营产业化、农业管理智能化、农业功能多元化五大基本特征。该文构建了以高效益、高效率、高品质、高素质为目标的生态农业高质量发展体系,提出了集优质棉业、精品果业、优质粮草、生态养殖、特色小镇、地理产品为一体的西北旱区多业态生态农业结构,阐明了以节水控盐协同模式、生境智能管控模式、“园机”一体化模式、循环经济发展模式、城乡统筹发展模式、“三产”一体化模式为核心的西北旱区生态农业提质增效技术体系,明确了以农业高效用水和生态功能提升为核心的关键途径。同时实践经验显示,绿色可持续的生态农业发展理念对促进区域经济水平与生态环境建设效果显著,如陕西眉县绿色林果业品牌入选中欧地理标志产品名单、综合产值达58.5亿元,甘肃广河县和宁夏青铜峡市畜禽粪污资源化率超90%,新疆生产建设兵团七十七团通过秸秆资源化技术单产增加8%、土壤有机质达21.2%,内蒙古科尔沁旗通过优质牧草种植、良种培育的生态畜牧业实现了规模生产与草场保护的双赢。  相似文献   

为准确了解世界农业工程学科的演进发展过程,把握学科未来发展方向,为中国农业工程学科发展提供借鉴,为农业强国建设和中国式现代化提供学科支撑,该研究基于Web of Science核心数据,精选世界农业工程领域的30种期刊,采用文献计量学方法和可视化图谱软件,绘制了1965-2021年6个时段(1965-1970年、1971-1980年、1981-1990年、1991-2000年、2001-2010年、2011-2021年)的世界农业工程学科研究相关图谱。结果表明:世界农业工程学科主要研究内容经历了从水、土壤、多孔介质、畜禽粪污处理及环境污染控制等传统学科领域到生物质资源生产、预处理、厌氧消化,藻类培养,木质纤维素利用,人工神经网络、人工智能、物联网、计算机信息、光谱、大数据、“3S”等技术在农业中应用(精准农业、智慧农业、垂直农业等)等学科交叉研究的深度转化。从研究产出量看,20世纪,美国在世界农业工程研究领域处于领先地位,其次为加拿大和英国;21世纪,中国、印度和巴西跻身前列,2011-2021年中国跃升至首位。农业工程交叉学科的特点日趋突出,相关学科交叉研究期刊的载文量和影响力逐渐提...  相似文献   

中国农业氨排放的时空演变趋势与减排潜力分析   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
中国雾霾成因比发达国家更为复杂,人为源氨气(NH_3)污染是中国PM2.5指数被持续推高的重要因素,却一直被全社会所忽视。已有研究表明,人为源NH_3排放主要来自农业,农业NH_3减排是雾霾治理最经济有效的方法,因此,研究中国农业NH_3减排潜力对中国控氨治霾具有重要现实意义。本文基于各类统计年鉴和研究成果中的相关数据,参考《大气氨源排放清单编制技术指南(试行)》,构建农业NH_3减排潜力分析模型,应用排放因子法和情景分析法,测算并分析了中国2004—2013年农业NH_3排放演变和2020—2030年农业NH_3减排潜力。结果表明:1)2013年中国农业NH_3排放总量为1 193.92万t,比2004年增长18.59%。2)农业年NH_3排放总量在60万t以上的省市,2004年有河南、山东、河北和内蒙古4省,到2013年演变为河南、内蒙古、河北、山东、新疆和四川6省。3)趋势照常情景(business-as-usual,BAU)下,2020年、2025年和2030年中国农业NH_3排放将比2013年分别提高15.26%、23.60%和30.23%。4)减排情景下,2020年、2025年和2030年的中国农业NH_3排放将比BAU情景分别减少319.40万t、501.31万t和660.40万t,将比2013年分别下降11.49%、18.39%和25.08%。5)未来中国农业NH_3减排的关键取决于中国居民消费畜禽产品的数量和结构,其次是中国畜禽养殖的饲料营养水平改变。6)未来中国农业NH_3减排重点区域在河南、山东、河北、内蒙古和四川。由此可见,BAU情境下未来中国农业NH_3排放将失控,未来中国农业NH_3减排必须从大力削减重点区域排放和加速转变居民畜禽产品消费行为两方面入手。  相似文献   

Calls for sustainable development have emerged largely because of the failure of technology-focused, production-orientated development policies to address the acute rural poverty and deteriorating environments of much of the Third World. Increased agricultural production through greater commercialization has a mirror image of decreasing incomes for the rural poor as market penetration undermines the viability of traditional production systems. These production systems are geared to minimizing risk through the harnessing of the full range of local resources, both private and communal, to produce goods for both the market and home consumption. The need for policies which strengthen traditional production systems is argued through a detailed case study of Dominica, in the Caribbean. The complexity and diversity of what is often considered a single-crop (bananas) agricultural system is demonstrated by looking at a number of localities in different parts of the Island. The example of Dominica is used to argue for policies which, in the words of Robert Chambers, (1983), … ‘put the last first’. Such policies should strengthen existing diversity in the agricultural system through initiatives which give local farmers greater control over the planning and implementation of interventions. The sophistication of local technical knowledge is stressed, as is the need to integrate this knowledge with the technical expertise of outside professionals.  相似文献   

The change in the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) of the European Union from product to producer support, including requirements for ‘good agricultural and environmental conditions’ and ‘greening’, is excellent. However, these requirements are now defined in rather general terms. Questions can be raised about suitable indicators, and there is a recognized need for effective management recommendations to support farmers in achieving the required ‘good’ conditions. These recommendations are bound to be quite different for different soils in different countries. A study of Dutch clay soils was based on a storyline describing current problems and management options for improvement, which were quantified using a soil–water–crop simulation model. Indicators were defined for agricultural conditions and suggestions made for the use of the model in a predictive mode to help farmers improve their soil management. Environmental conditions were judged by current environmental guidelines for water and air. When modelling, implicit assumptions that soils are homogeneous were shown to be unrealistic for these clay soils, requiring development of innovative methods and procedures, presenting a challenge for soil research.  相似文献   

吉林省西部地区风沙很大。其中主要的12个县市,解放后经过多年努力,已治理风蚀面积约44.4万公顷,占原风蚀面积的82%。这对减轻该区的风沙危害,改善生态环境和提高农业生产水平,都起了重要的作用。不幸的是,这个地区经历了3年经济困难时期的破坏,长期“左”倾错误的折腾和十年内乱的干扰,使风蚀面积从解放初期的54.2万公顷剧增到近几年的140多万公顷。除去前两年停耕严重风蚀地近22万公顷外,还有亟待治理的沙荒面积119.5万公顷。这些风蚀面积,多数是流动沙丘。它们每年以20米的速度向村镇涌进。许多庄户人家的庭院内堆沙1米多高,掩埋了大门。由于“三料”奇缺,当地居民生活非常穷困。主要治理措施如下: 1、合理利用土地,改广种薄收为精耕细作; 2、大力植树种草,积极发展农村能源,全面防治风沙危害,有效地改善生态环境; 3、推广户包治理,认真落实政策,提高防治风沙的效益,加快治理风沙速度。  相似文献   

The National Soil Strategy for Sustainable Agriculture (ENASAS) arises in response to the increasing need to organize, coordinate and strengthen the implementation of actions oriented to the sustainable management of Mexico's agricultural soils. The measures recommended in this paper allow the conservation and maintenance of soils' essential functions for agriculture, food security and population well-being. The health and quality of agricultural soils are under constant pressure from several factors, mainly anthropogenic. One of ENASAS's objectives is to identify and stop the causes involved in land degradation processes using a systemic approach. From this perspective, the participation of various actors in sustainable soil management allows the integration of different systems, practices, techniques and knowledge that promotes awareness among the entire population about the importance of soil resources. On the other hand, given current limitations on the availability of information necessary to support decision-making and evaluate the result of the actions implemented, ENASAS promotes the generation of tools that provide reliable and updated data regarding Mexico's agricultural soils. In the same sense, this strategy encourages the development of scientific and technological research and the transfer of knowledge that meets the needs of farmers, particularly those who carry out their activities on a smaller scale. This perspective describes ENASAS as a multi-institutional initiative that will support sustainable soil management practices across the country's agricultural systems of Mexico and contribute to the adaptation and mitigation of global environmental change.  相似文献   

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