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Native chicken breeding station of Mazandaran was established in 1988 with two main objectives: genetic improvement through selection programs and dissemination of indigenous Mazandarani birds. (Co)variance components and genetic parameters for economically important traits were estimated using (bi) univariate animal models with ASREML procedure in Mazandarani native chicken. The data were from 18 generations of selection (1988?C2009). Heritability estimates for body weight at different ages [at hatch (bw1), 8 (bw8), 12 (bw12) weeks of ages and sex maturation (wsm)] ranged from 0.24?±?0.00 to 0.47?±?0.01. Heritability for reproductive traits including age at sex maturation (asm); egg number (en); weight of first egg (ew1); average egg weight at 28 (ew28), 30 (ew30), and 32 (ew32) weeks of age; their averages (av); average egg weight for the first 12?weeks of production (ew12); egg mass (em); and egg intensity (eint) varied from 0.16?±?0.01 to 0.43?±?0.01. Generally, the magnitudes of heritability for the investigated traits were moderate. However, egg production traits showed smaller heritability compared with growth traits. Genetic correlations among egg weight at different ages were mostly higher than 0.8. On the one hand, body weight at different ages showed positive and relatively moderate genetic correlations with egg weight traits (ew1, ew28, ew30, ew32, ew12, and av) and varied from 0.30?±?0.03 to 0.59?±?0.02. On the other hand, low negative genetic correlations were obtained between body weight traits (bw1, bw8, bw12, and wsm) and egg number (en). Also, there is low negative genetic correlation (?24?±?0.04 to ?29?±?0.05) between egg number and egg weight. Therefore, during simultaneous selection process for both growth and egg production traits, probable reduction in egg production due to low reduction in egg number may be compensated by increases in egg weight.  相似文献   

Comparison of the multi‐trait animal model and the traditional repeatability model was carried out using data obtained from 6,424 Landrace and 20,835 Yorkshire sows farrowed from January 2000 to April 2018 in order to estimate genetic parameters for litter traits at different parities. Specifically, records of the total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), total number of mortality (MORT), number of stillborn (NSB) and number of mummified pigs (MUM) were used. Although results showed the heterogeneity of heritability for litter traits at different parities, the mean heritability estimates from the multi‐trait model were found to be higher than those of the repeatability model for all traits in both pig breeds. In terms of genetic correlation between parities, a slight difference in genetic control in the first parity was noted for TNB and NBA in Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. The correlation between the first parity and later parities ranged from 0.48 to 0.74 for TNB and NBA in both breeds. Moreover, genetic correlation between parities for MORT and NSB was observed to be high for parities higher than 2 in Yorkshire pigs. For MUM, genetic correlation between the first and other parities was generally low in both breeds, indicating that culling pigs on the basis of MUM at the first parity could probably be unreasonable. Overall, the results of this study suggest that the multi‐trait approach for litter size traits is useful for the accurate estimation of genetic parameters.  相似文献   

Breeding for host resistance to parasites has become an imperative in many sheep industries. Because of the widespread use of AI in sheep breeding schemes, it is important to understand how the performance of offspring from rams varies in different flock environments, both for resistance to parasites and key production traits. This study used both variance component and reaction norm models to investigate the level of genotype x environment interaction for fecal egg count (FEC) and important Merino production traits in a range of flock environments in Australia. These flocks were linked by the use of common rams in a sire-referencing scheme. Both linear and quadratic polynomial reaction norm models were used. The heritability of these traits and the genetic correlation between them and FEC also was investigated using the reaction norm model. A contemporary group (CG) was defined by a flock, year, age class, sex, and paddock combination. Each CG environment was characterized by the mean value of any given trait for that CG. The recorded data used in the study were analyzed in a standardized form. Standardization for each trait was achieved within a CG by subtracting the CG mean from each observation and dividing by the CG SD. The genotype x environment effect accounted for <0.05 of the phenotypic variance for all traits. In most traits the heritability varied little across environments. The exceptions were FEC, BW, and both greasy and clean fleece weights, which had a higher heritability at the lower end of the environmental range. Fecal egg count also had a higher heritability in high-FEC environments. Genetic correlations between FEC and several key production traits were similar in the flock environments studied. Quadratic polynomial models and models with a variable residual fitted the data better than linear models. The genotype x environment effect for FEC and the genetic correlations between FEC and production traits were effectively zero; thus, sheep breeding programs for increased parasite resistance can be run effectively by ignoring these factors. Some account should be taken of the high heritabilities of FEC and fleece and BW in different flock environments.  相似文献   

Variance components (VC) were estimated for the semen production trait ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and sperm motility in the Swiss cattle breeds Brown Swiss (BS), Original Braunvieh (OB), Holstein (HO), Red‐Factor‐Carrier (RF), Red Holstein (RH), Swiss Fleckvieh (SF) and Simmental (SI). For this purpose, semen production traits from 2,617 bulls with 124,492 records were used. The data were collected in the years 2000–2012. The model for genetic parameter estimation across all breeds included the fixed effects age of bull at collection, year of collection, month of collection, number of collection per bull and day, interval between consecutive collections, semen collector, bull breed as well as a random additive genetic component and a permanent environmental effect. The same model without a fixed breed effect was used to estimate VC and repeatabilities separately for each of the breeds BS, HO, RH, SF and SI. Estimated heritabilities across all breeds were 0.42, 0.25 and 0.09 for ejaculate volume, sperm concentration and sperm motility, respectively. Different heritabilities were estimated for ejaculate volume (0.42; 0.45; 0.49; 0.40; 0.10), sperm concentration (0.34; 0.30; 0.20; 0.07; 0.23) and number of semen portions (0.18; 0.30; 0.04; 0.14; 0.04) in BS, HO, RH, SF and SI breed, respectively. The phenotypic and genetic correlations across all breeds between ejaculate volume and sperm concentration were negative (?0.28; ?0.56). The other correlations across all breeds were positive. The phenotypic and genetic correlations were 0.01 and 0.19 between sperm motility and ejaculate volume, respectively. Between sperm motility and sperm concentration, the phenotypic and genetic correlations were 0.20 and 0.36, respectively. The results are consistent with other analyses and show that genetic improvement through selection is possible in bull semen production traits.  相似文献   

1. Two candidate genes, namely, Gonadotropin releasing hormone I (GnRHI) and Gonadotropin releasing hormone II (GnRHII) play pivotal roles in ovulation and egg production in chicken. The objective of this study was to explore polymorphism in these genes and to estimate the effects of polymorphism of these two genes on egg production and egg quality traits in White Leghorn laying hens.

2. Single strand conformation polymorphism followed by sequencing was performed to detect polymorphism in these genes.

3. The coding regions of the GnRHI and GnRHII genes were found to be polymorphic. In the GnRH1 gene, 12 haplotypes were determined, of which the h1 haplotype was predominant and the h5, h9 and h11 haplotypes were the least frequent ones. In the GnRHII gene, eight haplotypes were found, of which the h1 haplotype was the most frequent and the h6 was the least frequent haplotype in the White Leghorn population.

4. The haplogroups of GnRHI had a significant effect on body weight and egg production up to 64 weeks of age, yolk content, Haugh units and egg shell parameters. The h1h2 haplogroup of the GnRHI gene showed the highest egg production, with 211.0 ± 24.3 eggs up to 64 weeks of age, while the highest yolk content and Haugh unit was found in h3h10 haplogrouped birds. The haplogroups of GnRHII had a significant effect on age at sexual maturity (ASM) where the shortest ASM was found in the h1h4 birds (147.3 ± 5.9 d) and the longest ASM was observed in the h1h3 birds (160.6 ± 23.4 d).

5. It was concluded that GnRHI and GnRHII genes are polymorphic and have a significant effect on body weight, egg production and egg quality traits in White Leghorn laying hens.  相似文献   

This article reports genetic and phenotypic parameters of monthly egg production and the influence of Box‐Cox transformation on the parameters from a population of White Leghorns, selected for feed efficiency. A total of 6450 daughters of 180 sires and 1335 dams were analysed by restricted maximum likelihood (REML) using a multivariate animal model. The traits considered were monthly egg productions, cumulative production of the first 5 months (S5), cumulative production of first 10 months (S10), and survivor egg production in the first cycle (S12). Two sets of data were analysed: the original data and with the Box‐Cox method transformed data. The results indicated that there were no great differences in the estimates between untransformed and transformed data. The estimates of heritability for monthly egg production were high for the first period, decreased to reach the lowest during peak production, and increased to the end of lay. The estimates of heritability for cumulative records were generally higher than monthly records. Genetic and phenotypic correlations among monthly egg production totals were generally high for contiguous periods and then decreased as the interval between months increased. The highest genetic correlation between monthly records and S5 was for the second month of production, whereas the correlations between monthly production totals and S10 and S12 reached their peak at the sixth and eighth months of production, respectively.  相似文献   

Heritabilities were estimated from sire and dam components for egg production traits in four generations of two pure‐lines and their reciprocal crosses. Heritabilities in cross‐breds, as estimated from the sire components of variance, were larger than in pure‐breds for production and sexual maturity. Heritabilities estimated from dam components were larger than the sire estimates, thus indicating the presence of maternal and/or dominance effects. Again, heritabilities in cross‐breds were larger than in pure‐breds for production and sexual maturity as well as for specific gravity. Heritabilities were also estimated for disease traits in material from one generation. Cross‐line values were as large or larger than those estimated from pure‐lines but the standard errors of the estimates were quite large.

Genetic correlations were estimated between pure‐line and cross‐line performance using both sire and dam covariances. These approached unity for body weight, egg quality traits and adult mortality but were considerably less than unity for production, sexual maturity, blood spots and mortality during growth and mortality due to Marek's disease.

The possible bias due to genotype x environment interaction is discussed and it is concluded that such a bias, if present, is small, and that in spite of possible G × E interaction effect the genetic correlations between pure‐line and cross‐line performance for production and sexual maturity are less than one. The same holds true of mortality during growth and to Marek's disease although these estimates are much less precise.

The genetic correlation between pure‐breds and cross‐breds appears to decrease over the span of the five generations.

Use of cross‐line performance will permit more efficient selection for traits when the genetic correlations are much less than one.  相似文献   

Data from Thai Landrace sows were used to estimate genetic parameters for reproduction and production traits in first and later parities. The reproduction traits investigated were total number of piglets born per litter (TB), number of stillborn piglets (SB), and number of piglets born alive but dead within 24 h (BAD). The reproduction data pertained to 12,603 litters born between 1993 and 2005. The production measures were ADG and backfat thickness (BF); these were recorded in 4,163 boars and 15,171 gilts. Analyses were carried out with a multivariate animal model using average information REML procedures. Heritability estimates of reproduction traits for first parity were 0.03 +/- 0.02 for TB, 0.04 +/- 0.02 for SB, and 0.06 +/- 0.02 for BAD. For later parities, they were 0.07 +/- 0.01 for TB, 0.03 +/- 0.04 for SB, and 0.02 +/- 0.01 for BAD. Heritability estimates for production traits were 0.38 +/- 0.02 for ADG and 0.61 +/- 0.02 for BF. Genetic correlations between ADG and TB tended to be favorable, and genetic correlations between BF and TB tended to be unfavorable in all parities. However, BF was genetically correlated unfavorably with SB in later parities, and the genetic correlations between TB and BAD tended to be unfavorable in all parities. The genetic correlations of TB, SB, and BAD between first and later parities were 0.85 +/- 0.13, 0.79 +/- 0.16, and 0.71 +/- 0.24, respectively. Selection for high growth rate will probably increase TB, and selection for low BF will decrease TB and increase SB. The results obtained also indicated that BAD will increase if there is selection pressure for high TB.  相似文献   

1.?In this study, the vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) gene was screened for variations by cloning and sequencing to analyse the association with chicken egg production and broodiness traits.

2.?Sequencing revealed that 69 polymorphisms were found in a 9305-bp length of the chicken VIP gene, of which 39 were located in introns, 28 in 5′ regulatory region, 1 in exon 6 (synonymous) and 1 in 3′-UTR. The nucleotide diversity corrected for sample size was 1·96 × 10?3.

3.?Five polymorphisms, C-3134T, “AGG” indel at ?2648 to ?2650, C + 338T, G + 780T and A + 4691G, were genotyped in 644 individuals of Ningdu Sanhuang chickens to evaluate their effects on egg production and broodiness traits. Marker-trait association analyses showed that the “AGG” indel was associated with total number of eggs from 90 to 300 d of age and total number of qualified eggs from 90 to 300 d of age. In contrast, C + 338T was associated with duration of broodiness.  相似文献   

Data from Thai Landrace sows were used to estimate the genetic parameters and trends for production and reproduction traits, over the first four parities. The reproduction traits investigated were age at first conception (AFC), total number of piglets born per litter (TB) and weaning to first service interval (WSI). The reproduction data was gathered from 9194 litters born between 1993 and 2005. The production measures were average daily gain (ADG) and backfat thickness (BF). These were recorded from 4163 boars and 15 171 gilts. Analyses were carried out using a multivariate animal model inputting average information restricted maximum likelihood procedures. Heritability estimates on the reproduction traits for AFC was 0.21, for TB in the first four parities it ranged from 0.02 to 0.11 and for WSI over the first three parities it ranged from 0.16 to 0.18. Heritability estimates for production traits were: 0.31 (ADG) and 0.45 (BF). AFC was genetically correlated favorably with TB (− 0.48) and WSI (0.35) in the first parity. Genetic trends were 4.71 g, − 0.23 mm and 0.23 days per year for ADG, BF and AFC respectively. There was no genetic progress for the other traits. It was concluded that selection for low AFC will increase TB and decrease WSI. The results further revealed that the ongoing selection being used improved growth rate and reduced backfat thickness. However, there was no genetic improvement in TB.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for six reproductive traits related to farrowing events in Landrace and Large White pigs; total number born (TNB), number born alive (NBA), number stillborn (NSB), total litter weight at birth (LWB), mean litter weight at birth (MWB), and gestation length (GL). We analyzed 62,534 farrowing records for 10,637 Landrace dams and 49,817 farrowing records for 8,649 Large White dams. Estimated heritabilities of TNB, NBA, NSB, LWB, MWB, and GL by single‐trait repeatability model analyses were 0.12, 0.12, 0.08, 0.18, 0.19, and 0.29, respectively, in Landrace, and 0.12, 0.10, 0.08, 0.18, 0.16, and 0.34, respectively, in Large White. Genetic correlation between NBA and NSB was unfavorable: 0.20 in Landrace and 0.33 in Large White. Genetic correlations of GL with the other five traits were weak: from ?0.18 with NSB to ?0.03 with NBA in Landrace, and from ?0.22 with NSB to ?0.07 with NBA in Large White. LWB had a highly favorable genetic correlation with NBA (0.74 in both breeds), indicating the possibility of using LWB for the genetic improvement of NBA.  相似文献   

The present study compares embryonic mortality between lines selected for different production traits, assesses the effects of inbreeding of the hen and embryo on embryonic mortality, and estimates genetic parameters of embryonic mortality. The experiment covered 10 generations of selection for increased egg number (EN), egg weight (EW), egg mass (EM) and a control line (C). The data included age at 1st egg, egg number and egg weight. Percent fertile eggs (PF), percent hatched of fertile eggs (PHF) and percent dead chick at hatch (PDH) were also recorded for the selected parents. PDH was higher in the selected lines than in the control line. Among the selected lines, the EW line had the highest embryonic mortality. Inbreeding of the hen and embryo had no significant effect on PDH in any of the lines. Estimates of heritability for PDH were 0.10+/-0.05, 0.02+/-0.02, 0.03+/-0.02 and 0.02+/-0.02 for lines EN, EW, EM and C, respectively. There was a positive genetic correlation between egg weight and PDH in line EW indicating that selection for increased egg weight was associated with high embryonic mortality. A negative genetic correlation between PDH and reproductive traits in line EN was observed, which is favourable.  相似文献   

Hungary has a long-standing tradition in Merino breeding and improvement. During the past decades several attempts have been made to introduce a number of other sheep breeds. Although this effort was not in vain the majority of the sheep population is still the Hungarian Merino breed. The adaptability, endurance and excellent wool-producing ability of this breed is first rate and is worth preserving (V eress et al. 1997). The profitability of a sheep production system is determined by both fertility and production traits. Reproduction performance is usually defined as litter weight per dam per year. Progress can be achieved through various ways. One of them is frequent lambing which also has the advantage that lamb production becomes more consistent throughout the year. Another possibility is producing larger litter sizes (LS), and yet a another opportunity for increased production is having lambs with larger weights (WT). Simultaneous enhancement can also be achieved if there is no antagonism between these traits. From these several fertility traits LS from the first to the fifth parity was chosen for analysis as LS is one of the most important traits concerning reproduction performance. Of the production traits, WT measured at various ages, greasy fleece weight (GFW) from the first five shearings, staple length (SL) and fibre diameter (FD) at the age of 1 year were taken into the analysis. According to other studies there are several factors influencing the above mentioned traits, namely age, season of previous lambing (PLS), type of birth (TOB), and sex. In general, LS increased with advancing age (L ong et al. 1989; B unge et al. 1990; A p D ewi et al. 1996). For GFW the peak of production was achieved in a relatively early age of 3 years, reported by V eress (1969) and by T urner and Y oung (1969). The effect of PLS on LS was that smaller litters were observed with previous lambing seasons of summer and autumn (L ong et al. 1989). TOB and sex effect on WT have been investigated by several authors (T urner and Y oung 1969, p. 46, 51.; S hrestha and H eaney 1985; M avrogenis 1988; B unge et al. 1990; J urado et al. 1994; V eress et al. 1995; S hrestha et al. 1996). Single-born lambs are heavier than multiples although this difference decreases with age. All authors also agree that male lambs are heavier than females. TOB and sex effect on GFW were reported by T urner and Y oung (1969). T urner and Y oung labelled the TOB effect as a ‘maternal handicap’ as the effect is noticeable even in maturity but decreasing by age. T urner and Y oung (1969) also observed that the WT and GFW of male animals exceeds that of the females, but, unlike with the previous effect, the difference increases with age. There was a negligible difference between sexes in SL and FD. Studying the results of numerous authors, estimates of the genetic parameters of LS, WT, GFW, SL, and FD were found to be generally consistent. Heritabilities of LS ranged from 0.05 to 0.08 (A l -S horepy and N otter 1996; A p D ewi et al. 1996; for litter size at first parity only). A p D ewi et al. (1996) found very high (>0.9) genetic correlations between the first and adult litter size. Heritabilities estimated for WT were higher than those of the fertility traits and ranged in the interval of 0.05–0.47 (S hrestha and H eaney 1985; L ong et al. 1989; B unge et al. 1990; K umar and R eheja 1993; J urado et al. 1994; A l -S horepy and N otter 1996). Genetic correlations between yearling and adult WT were high (J urado et al. 1994; 0.85; A l -S horepy and N otter 1996; 0.85–1.0). GFW heritabilities reported by B lair et al. (1985); T urner and Y oung (1969) were about 0.2 thus also exceeding those of the fertility traits. Regarding the genetic parameters of SL & FD, N otter and H ough (1997); M orris et al. (1996) reported that the heritability of SL and FD was higher than that of GFW (026–0.34; 0.47–0.58). Genetic correlations among production traits were mainly low (M orris et al. 1996; and T urner and Y oung 1969). The objectives of this paper were to determine whether the characteristics of the Hungarian Merino sheep population correspond with the features given in the literature review. Thus the objectives were to obtain the factors influencing the traits examined and to estimate genetic parameters of LS, WT, GFW, SL, and FD, respectively.  相似文献   


1. Generating a robust egg albumen is one of the major factors contributing to interior egg quality owing to its nutritive value and superior appearance. However, the genetic factors regulating the proportion of thick albumen are poorly understood.

2. In this study, 1330 eggs were collected from 450 Rhode Island White layers, aged 40 weeks, to measure egg compositional traits for three successive days. The restricted maximum likelihood method was applied to estimate genetic parameters for the thick-to-thin albumen ratio and other egg compositional traits. A univariate animal model was fitted to calculate heritability for each trait.

3. The heritabilities of egg weight, yolk weight, albumen height, Haugh units, percentages of yolk, thick albumen, thin albumen and the thick-to-thin albumen ratio were 0.32, 0.34, 0.28, 0.47, 0.61, 0.39, 0.31, and 0.45, respectively. The percentage of thick albumen was negatively correlated genetically with all traits, and percentage of thin albumen was negatively correlated genetically with all traits except for Haugh units. The thick-to-thin albumen ratio was positively correlated genetically with egg weight, albumen height and Haugh units, with correlations ranging from 0.21 to 0.54.

4. The results indicated that the percentage of thick albumen and the thick-to-thin albumen ratio were found to be moderately to highly heritable, and selection for the thick-to-thin albumen ratio could be conducive to the improvement of egg albumen quality.  相似文献   

We estimated heritabilities of semen production traits and their genetic correlations with litter traits and pork production traits in purebred Duroc pigs. Semen production traits were semen volume, sperm concentration, proportion of morphologically normal sperms, total number of sperm, and total number of morphologically normal sperm. Litter traits at farrowing were total number born, number born alive, number stillborn, total litter weight at birth, mean litter weight at birth, and piglet survival rate at birth. Litter traits at weaning were litter size at weaning, total litter weight at weaning, mean litter weight at weaning, and piglet survival rate from birth to weaning. Pork production traits were average daily gain, backfat thickness, and loin muscle area. We analyzed 45,913 semen collection records of 896 boars, 6,950 farrowing performance records of 1,400 sows, 2,237 weaning performance records of 586 sows, and individual growth performance records of 9,550 animals measured at approximately 5 mo of age. Heritabilities were estimated using a single-trait animal model. Genetic correlations were estimated using a 2-trait animal model. Estimated heritabilities of semen production traits ranged from 0.20 for sperm concentration to 0.29 for semen volume and were equal to or higher than those of litter traits, ranging from 0.06 for number stillborn and piglet survival rate at birth to 0.25 for mean litter weight at birth, but lower than those of pork production traits, ranging from 0.50 for average daily gain to 0.63 for backfat thickness. In many cases, the absolute values of estimated genetic correlations between semen production traits and other traits were smaller than 0.3. These estimated genetic parameters provide useful information for establishing a comprehensive pig breeding scheme.  相似文献   

A breeding program has been established in 2008 to improve productivity of Horro chicken, an indigenous population in the western highlands of Ethiopia. The pedigree descended from 26 sires and 260 dams. Body weights were measured every 2 weeks from hatch to 8 weeks then every 4 weeks for the next 8 weeks. Egg production was recorded to 44 weeks of age for one generation. Genetic parameters were estimated using animal model fitted with common environmental effects for growth traits and ignoring common environment for egg production traits. Direct heritabilities ranged from low (0.15 ± 0.08), for body weight at 6 weeks, to moderate (0.40 ± 0.23), for hatch weight. Heritabilities of common environmental effects on growth were high at hatch (0.39 ± 0.10) and remained low afterwards. Age at first egg showed a very low heritability (0.06 ± 0.15). Heritabilities of egg numbers in the first, second, third, and fourth months of laying were 0.32 (±0.13), 0.20 (±0.16), 0.56 (±0.15), and 0.25 (±0.14), respectively. Heritabilities of cumulative of monthly records of egg numbers were from 0.24 ± 0.16 (for the first 2 months, EP12) to 0.35 ± 0.16 (over the 6 months, EP16). Body weight at 16 weeks of age (BW16) has a strong genetic correlation with the cumulative of monthly records: 0.92 (with EP12), 0.69 (with EP36), and 0.73 (with EP16). Besides their strong association, BW16 and EP16 showed higher heritability, relative to their respective trait categories. These two traits seemed to have common genes and utilizing them as selection traits would be expected to improve both egg production and growth performance of local chicken. However, the standard errors of estimates in this study were mostly high indicating that the estimates have low precision. Parameter estimations based on more data are needed before applying the current results in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters and trends in the average daily gain (ADG), backfat thickness (BF), loin muscle area (LMA), lean percentage (LP), and age at 90 kg (D90) were estimated for populations of Landrace and Yorkshire pigs. Additionally, the correlations between these production traits and litter traits were estimated. Litter traits included total born (TB) and number born alive (NBA). The data used for this study were obtained from eight farms during 1999 to 2016. Analyses were carried out with a multivariate animal model to estimate genetic parameters for production traits while bivariate analyses were performed to estimate the correlations between production and litter traits. The heritability estimates were 0.52 and 0.43 for ADG; 0.54 and 0.45 for BF; 0.25 and 0.26 for LMA; 0.54 and 0.48 for LP; and 0.56 and 0.46 for D90 in the Landrace and Yorkshire breeds, respectively. The ADG and D90 showed low genetic correlation with BF and LP. The LMA had ?0.40, ?0.32, 0.49, and 0.39 genetic correlations with ADG, BF, LP, and D90, respectively. Genetic correlations between production and litter traits were generally low, except for the correlations between LMA and TB (?0.23) in Landrace and ADG and TB (?0.16), ADG and NBA (?0.18), D90 and TB (0.19), and D90 and NBA (0.20) in Yorkshire. Genetic trends in production traits were all favorable except for LMA.  相似文献   

Genetic parameters were estimated for production traits and primary antibody response (Ab) against Newcastle diseases virus (NDV) vaccine among two Tanzania chicken ecotypes viz. Kuchi and Tanzania Medium (Medium). Production traits studied were body weights at 8 (Bwt8), 12(Bwt12), 16(Bwt16), and 20 (Bwt20) weeks of age, age at first egg (AFE), egg number in the first 90 days after sexual maturity (EN-90), egg weight (EW), egg shell thickness (STH), and egg shape index (ESI). Heritability estimates for Bwt8, Bwt12, Bwt16, Bwt20, AFE, EN-90, EW, STH, ESI and Ab for Kuchi chicken were 0.38 ± 0.10, 0.41 ± 0.07, 0.44 ± 0.08, 0.45 ± 0.09, 0.42 ± 0.10, 0.31 ± 0.05, 0.43 ± 0.08, 0.53 ± 0.11, 0.48 ± 0.13 and 0.27 ± 0.06, respectively. Corresponding estimates for Medium ecotype were 0.39 ± 0.09, 0.43 ± 0.10, 0.42 ± 0.08, 0.43 ± 0.07, 0.52 ± 0.11, 0.32 ± 0.06, 0.50 ± 0.07, 0.61 ± 0.13, 0.52 ± 0.10 and 0.29 ± 0.05, respectively. Genetic (r g) and phenotypic (rp) correlations in both ecotypes were highest among body weights (i.e. rg = 0.60 to 0.93 and rp = 0.54 to 0.78), and were lowest (around 0.10 and below, ranging from positive to negative) among primary antibody response against NDV vaccine and production traits, and among eggshell thickness, egg shape index and other production traits. The magnitudes of heritability estimates obtained in this study indicate good prospects of improving these traits in both ecotypes through selection.  相似文献   

1. A study was conducted on ~14000 ostrich eggs to estimate genetic parameters for eggshell traits that could benefit the hatchability of ostrich eggs. Traits measured included the number of pores on the eggshell, the average diameter of these pores, the total area of pores on the eggshell, permeability (pore area/shell thickness) and eggshell thickness.

2. Heritability estimates ranged from 0·16 for total pore area to 0·41 for the natural logarithm of pore count. The heritability estimates for water loss on 21 and 35?d (WL21 and WL35) of incubation were high at 0·23 and 0·24, respectively.

3. On a genetic level, pore count was negatively correlated with average pore diameter (?0·73) and shell thickness (?0·28), whereas it was positively correlated with total pore area (0·58), WL21 (0·24) and WL35 (0·34). The direct and maternal genetic correlations of pore count with total pore area (0·58) and permeability (0·59) were high and significant. Permeability was positively correlated to WL21 and WL35, both on the direct and maternal genetic levels.

4. The estimated genetic parameters indicate that it should be possible to select for the various eggshell traits in ostrich eggs, or for permeability and water loss. However, as a trait with an intermediate optimum, direct selection for permeability and other eggshell traits would not be straightforward, and the possible application of these results to improve hatchability of ostrich eggs in the future needs consideration.  相似文献   

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