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OBJECTIVE: To determine the likely mode of inheritance and identify probable foundation horses for recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER) in Thoroughbred (TB) racehorses. ANIMALS: 4 families of TB racehorses with a high prevalence of RER, consisting of 3 to 53 horses/family, were used to determine mode of inheritance. Sixty-two TB horses with RER and 34 control TB racehorses without RER were used to identify probable foundation horses for the RER trait. PROCEDURE: RER was diagnosed by a veterinarian and verified by detecting high serum creatine kinase activity. Pedigrees dating from 1930 for all horses were entered into a database. Pedigrees of horses in 4 families were visually inspected for a pattern of inheritance and used for calculation of foundation horse contributions and inbreeding coefficients. The Markov chain Monte Carlo technique was used to analyze pedigrees of the 62 affected and 34 control horses for the conditional probability of foundation genotypes. A dominant mode of inheritance with variable expression model was used. RESULTS: Pedigree analysis supported an autosomal dominant mode of inheritance with variable expression. All affected horses from the 4 families shared a common ancestor. This ancestor and 5 other stallions had a conditional probability of 1.00 for being affected. All 6 stallions shared a common male ancestor within 3 to 5 generations. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: On the basis of this study, the RER trait has been in TB racehorses for more than 70 years and may be inherited as an autosomal dominant trait with variable expression.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal injuries have a huge, adverse effect on the Thoroughbred racehorse industry. Although fatal musculoskeletal injuries have a low prevalence, many lameness conditions have a high prevalence. Many of the common lameness conditions in racehorses occur over weeks to months, giving ample time to intervene. Injuries may be prevented by including management practices to minimize low hoof heel angle, incorporation of more frequent, shorter high speed works or races in exercise regimes, avoiding excessive accumulation of high speed distances over short periods of time, recognizing and rehabilitating horses with mild injuries and avoiding the use of high toe grabs. It appears important to achieve uniformity of racing surfaces and for the spectrum of environmental conditions “seen” by the horse’s musculoskeletal system. Key to tracking the prevalence of injuries and the success (or lack of success) of interventions is a comprehensive method to manage racehorse inventory, horse location, and horse movement.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the occurrence of geometrical asymmetries in the macro-architecture of left and right femurs from Thoroughbred racehorses previously used in competitive training and racing in New South Wales, Australia. METHODS: Detailed postmortem measurements were made of 37 characteristics of left and right femurs from eleven Thoroughbred racehorses euthanased for reasons unrelated to the study. Measurements focused on articulating surfaces and sites of attachment of muscles and ligaments known to be associated with hindlimb locomotion. RESULTS: Five measurements were significantly larger in left compared to right femurs (P < 0.05). The regions showing significant differences between left and right limbs were proximal cranial and overhead medio-lateral widths, greater trochanter depth, depth of the fovea in the femoral head and distal inter-epicondylar width. CONCLUSION: The left-right differences in femoral morphology were associated with sites of muscle and ligament attachment known to be involved with hindlimb function in negotiating turns. These differences may be the result of selection pressure for racing performance on curved race tracks and/or adaptations related to asymmetrical loading of the outside hindlimb associated with repeated negotiation of turns on such tracks.  相似文献   

When racehorses fail to thermoregulate effectively, whether due to intrinsic or extrinsic factors, a condition called exertional heat illness (EHI) may occur, which can be life-threatening and represents a significant welfare issue. Horses usually become affected in the recovery phase soon after racing, so that a knowledge of the ‘normal’ thermoregulatory processes which operate at this time and their variations is essential to enable early detection of EHI. Racing in hot or warm and humid weather conditions represents the upper extreme of thermoregulatory variations, and observations on how horses normally recover at the racetrack may provide a clearer perspective on the physiology of that process for all sports horses. This review focuses on the post-exercise thermoregulatory capacity of the Thoroughbred racehorse, with a view to understanding the physiological mechanisms that should efficiently dissipate excess heat. The clinical manifestations of exertional heat illness are due to inadequate or harmful physiological responses, and if recognised and treated early can be effectively curtailed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effect of oral administration of dantrolene sodium on serum creatine kinase (CK) activity after exercise in horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER). ANIMALS: 2 healthy horses and 5 Thoroughbreds with RER. PROCEDURE: 3 horses received 2 doses of dantrolene (4, 6, or 8 mg/kg, p.o., with and without withdrawal of food) 2 days apart; 90 minutes after dosing, plasma dantrolene concentration was measured spectrofluorometrically. On the basis of these results, 5 Thoroughbreds with RER from which food was withheld received dantrolene (4 mg/kg) or an inert treatment (water [20 mL]) orally 90 minutes before treadmill exercise (30 minutes, 5 d/wk) during two 3-week periods. Serum CK activity was determined 4 hours after exercise. Plasma dantrolene concentration was measured before and 90 minutes after dosing on the first and last days of dantrolene treatment and before dosing on the first day of the inert treatment period, RESULTS: 90 minutes after dosing, mean +/- SEM plasma dantrolene concentration was 0.62 +/- 0.13 and 0 microg/mL in the dantrolene and inert treatment groups, respectively. Serum CK activity was lower in dantrolene-treated horses (264 +/- 13 U/L), compared with activity in water-treated horses (1,088 +/- 264 U/L). Two horses displayed marked muscle stiffness on the inert treatment. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In 5 horses with RER from which food had been withheld, 4 mg of dantrolene/kg administered orally provided measurable, though variable, plasma concentrations and significantly decreased serum CK activity after exercise in 4 of those horses.  相似文献   

Clinical exercise testing in the normal Thoroughbred racehorse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To evaluate normal cardiorespiratory and metabolic responses of Thoroughbred horses to a standardised treadmill exercise test, we examined 28 horses ranging in age from 1 to 4 years. The group consisted of eight yearlings, eight 2-year-olds and twelve 3 and 4-year-olds. All horses except the yearlings were in training, and either racing or ready to race, at the time of examination. None of the horses had histories of performance problems. On the first day the horses received a full physical examination, resting electrocardiogram, upper respiratory tract endoscopy and either one or two acclimatisation runs on the treadmill. The following day they were given an exercise test on a treadmill inclined at 6 degrees (+10% slope). The test consisted of 3 min at 4 m/sec, 90 sec at 6 m/sec and 60 sec intervals at 8, 10, 11, 12 and 13 m/sec. During the last 15 sec of each step, blood samples were collected for plasma lactate determination, expired respiratory gases were obtained using an open flow mask system for measurement of oxygen uptake, and heart rate was measured using telemetry electrocardiogram. From these measurements, various derived values were calculated, which have been used by others as indices of exercise capacity. These values included: V200 (speed at HR of 200 bpm), VHRmax (speed at which horses reached maximum HR), VO2-200 (oxygen uptake at a HR of 200 bpm), VO2max (maximum oxygen uptake), VLA4 (speed at which horses reached a plasma lactate of 4 mmol/l) and HRLA4 (HR at which horses reached a plasma lactate of 4 mmol/l). The yearlings had significantly lower values than the older age groups for most of the derived values.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Thoroughbred racehorses are susceptible to any and all of the commonly described conditions that affect soundness in the horse. This discussion does not include every conceivable ailment or orthopedic condition that afflicts these animals. Rather, it confines itself to a few specific conditions of the racing Thoroughbred that are either unique to their particular endeavor or so overwhelmingly important to a successful racing career that they must, of necessity, be discussed.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old mare repeatedly had clinical signs of rhabdomyolysis on mild exertion. Serum creatine kinase and aspartate transaminase activities were high at rest. Responses to dietary sodium bicarbonate were tested through 7 alternating periods of supplementation of a basal ration of timothy hay and oats. Physical signs; venous blood pH and gases; blood glucose and lactate; serum electrolytes, enzymes, and creatinine; and urine pH were monitored before and after exercise. Dietary sodium bicarbonate raised resting venous blood pH and bicarbonate slightly and significantly increased urine pH from pH 7.46 to 8.2 (P less than 0.001). An exercise test included 5 minutes at the walk followed by 20 minutes at the trot. The exercise induced gait stiffness, muscle fasciculations, and muscle induration when the diet was not supplemented, but not when it was supplemented with sodium bicarbonate. Myoglobin was present in 16 of 21 urine samples after exercise during nonsupplemented periods, but only in 3 of 28 urine samples during supplemented periods (P less than 0.0001). Bicarbonate supplementation significantly decreased the responses of blood lactic acid, serum creatine kinase, and aspartate transaminase to exercise. Supplementation of the diet was associated with higher venous blood pH and bicarbonate ion concentrations throughout exercise. Dietary sodium bicarbonate apparently mitigated or prevented physical, chemical, and enzymatic characteristics of exertional rhabdomyolysis in this mare, possibly through its enhancement of buffering capacity in muscle tissue fluids.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a diagnostic test for recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER) in Thoroughbreds that relied on in vitro contracture of muscle biopsy specimens and determine whether the inheritance pattern of RER diagnosed on the basis of this contracture test was consistent with an autosomal dominant trait. DESIGN: Clinical trial. ANIMALS: 8 adult horses with RER and 16 control adult horses for development of the contracture test; 23 foals for inheritance of RER. PROCEDURE: External intercostal muscle biopsy specimens from the 24 adult horses were tested for contracture in response to halothane and caffeine, and criteria for a positive test result were determined. These criteria were then applied to results for the 23 foals to determine whether they had RER. Simple segregation analysis was performed to determine whether results were consistent with a dominant pattern of inheritance. RESULTS: Results of the contracture test were positive for 5 of the 12 colts and 4 of the 11 fillies. Results of segregation analysis were consistent with an auto-. somal dominant pattern of inheritance. Two sires with RER produced colts with RER, supporting the hypothesis that RER had an autosomal, rather than an X-linked, inheritance pattern. In addition, in 1 instance, an unaffected colt was produced by 2 affected parents, which was not consistent with a recessive mode of inheritance. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Although the expression of the RER trait is influenced by sex, temperament, and diet, among other factors, results from the in vitro muscle contracture test and this breeding trial suggest that RER in Thoroughbreds can be modeled as a genetic trait with an autosomal dominant pattern of inheritance.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of 3 rations (low grain, fat, high grain) on plasma creatine kinase (CK) activity and lactate concentration in Thoroughbred horses with recurrent exertional rhabdomyolysis (RER). ANIMALS: 5 Thoroughbreds with RER and 3 healthy Thoroughbreds (control horses). PROCEDURES: Rations were formulated to meet (low-grain and fat rations) or exceed (high-grain ration) daily energy requirements. Each ration was fed to horses in a crossover design for 3 weeks. Horses were exercised on a treadmill Monday through Friday; maximum speed on Monday and Friday was 11 m/s (6% slope), on Tuesday and Thursday was 9 m/s, and on Wednesday was 4.5 m/s. Plasma CK activity and lactate concentration were determined before and after exercise. RESULTS: Horses with RER fed the high-grain ration had significantly greater CK activity and change in CK activity 4 hours after exercise, compared with those fed the low-grain ration. Horses with RER exercised at the trot or canter had significantly greater increases in CK activity, compared with those exercised at the gallop. Plasma lactate concentrations after exercise were similar in control and affected horses. Lactate concentration and CK activity were not correlated in horses with RER. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Rations high in grain and formulated to exceed daily energy requirements may increase episodes of rhabdomyolysis in thoroughbred horses susceptible to RER.  相似文献   

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