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我国农民收入和消费的阶段性变化,客观反映了我国农村经济发展的特征。增加农民收入是提高农民消费水平的根本途径。本文以福建省为例,通过对改革开放以来农民收入与消费阶段性变化的分析,探讨农村改革、市场建设、消费环境、货币收入等因素对农民收入和消费的影响,为增加农民收入,提高农民消费水平的对策研究提供理论依据。  相似文献   

幸育毅 《贵州茶叶》2007,35(1):32-34
在遵义市的“十一五”规划中,由于市委、市政府把建设百万亩茶园基地和建设百万口农村沼气池纳入我市“六个一百”工程建设来抓,各级政府和部门高度重视,制定了相应的政策措施,加大对茶园基地建设和农村沼气池建设的扶持力度。近年来,由于茶叶市场消费增长和茶叶效益的驱动,生态茶产品的发展及消费呈现强劲势头,农民发展茶园的积极性高涨,农民拥有自主经营管理和生产的茶园比重将越来越大。农村沼气是农业结构调整中连接和延伸产业链的有效载体,其发展将使户均农民拥有一口沼气池。笔者认为,发展农村沼气,建设生态茶园,对发展农村经济、促进农民节本增效、农民增收有着重要的作用和意义。  相似文献   

“一般性广告”作为一种常见的纵向合作营销形式,在国内得到的研究关注较少。在农产品营销领域,一般性广告对农产品专业化生产可以起到重要的推动作用。论文针对一般性广告捐助中普遍的“搭便车”现象,进行理论分析,指出农户会面临一个“公共品困境”,这种困境实际上是农村合作组织面临的共同难题,最后从组织角度给出相关的政策建议。  相似文献   

中国农民收入和消费的阶段性变化,客观反映了中国农村经济发展的特征.增加农民收入是提高农民消费水平的根本途径.现以福建省为例,通过对改革开放以来农民收入与消费阶段性变化的分析,探讨农村改革、市场建设、消费环境、货币收入等因素对农民收入和消费的影响,为增加农民收入,提高农民消费水平的对策研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

又到了来年农药广告的征订季节,近年来,在各种媒体上,农药广告逐渐热了起来。不言而喻,农药广告热的背后,实际上是企业市场意识的觉醒。无论是从现实或发展角度看,农药广告热应该是值得称道的好事。  相似文献   

苹果良好农业操作规范的研究与建立   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
良好农业操作规范是实行农产品生产全程质量控制的有效手段,在全世界得到广泛应用。笔者引进世界上最为先进、实用的良好农业操作规范体系EUREPGAP,在消化、吸收的基础上,研究建立了适合中国国情的苹果良好农业操作规范,包括“可追溯性”、“记录保存和内部自查”、“品种和砧木”、“园址选择与管理”、“土壤管理”、“肥料施用”、“灌溉”、“植物保护”、“采收”、“采后处理”、“废物、污染物的管理、回收和再利用”、“员工的健康、安全和福利”和“环境问题”等13章和52个记录表格,并引用了13项国家标准、4项农业行业标准和3项法律法规  相似文献   

凡事都有各自的特点,茶叶有“三销”与三强”的特点。 (一)茶叶是“三销”物资:按我国的国情,茶叶划为二类农产品。在产品安排上,有内销、外销、边销三大市场,暂称“三销”物资。 內销:我国广大人民群众几乎都有饮茶习惯,目前国內茶叶供需矛盾还较突出,有些大城市的适销品种经常脱销,大部分农村还无茶供应,这与世界消费茶叶较多的国家与地区相比,差距太大。  相似文献   

最近一段时期以来,在农资及其农资广告界关于种子宣传推广方面,曝出了一个种子“产量”问题的焦点议题.试举两则实例以资佐证:一则是《农业科技报》的“种子广告不能靠宣传产量来忽悠农民”,另一则是《中国工商报》的“种子广告应禁止宣传亩产量”.这些文章观点都有警示之处,值得农资行业及其相关的广告业界引起关注.1种子广告名目繁多,频频高调宣传产量在我国各地当下的农资市场里,各类农业种子林林总总,各家种子企业各拉旗号,各家门户麾下的商家门铺各自亮出各家招数,种子广告宣传把种业市场闹腾得热热闹闹,成就了广告业界一方独特的风景.  相似文献   

<正>一年一度的春耕备耕工作刚刚结束,随着市场监管力度的加大,农资市场的总体运行良好,彰显了国家农资市场法规已经日臻完善,这对于稳定我国粮食安全问题必将是一个有力的推动。的确,我国农村市场点多面广,如果能把农村的农资市场净化到一个相对稳定和安全的层面当中,不但依赖于各项法规的健全和落实,而且还需要广大的基层农资消费群体的鼎力配合,共同打造一个安全、放心的农资消费环境。然而,每年在农村农资市场上,总  相似文献   

采用“量体裁衣”、“终身服务”的措施,即从产品设计开始,深入目标市场调查农村居民消费环境的诸多影响因素,生产对路适销的产品,供应目标顾客。比如:海尔在四川发现农民用洗衣机洗地瓜,就设计出一种大水管洗衣机;在贵州农村发现农民喜欢彩壳电视就设计出五颜六色的“探路者”号;看到小集镇的孩子“一天一身泥”就设计出“小小神童”洗衣机。  相似文献   

Vietnam has a long tradition of social engineering through which the ordering of urban space has effectively been used to enforce the state's vision of political and social order. With the country currently in transition from a centrally planned to a market‐oriented economy, the ordering of urban spaces is currently all the more important. This is prominently manifested in the numerous beautification projects that are being implemented in Vietnamese cities. This article explores recent ordering endeavours and considers the way they are legitimated and contested in Vietnam's new socio‐political context. Three beautification projects in Hanoi are examined using materials from policy documents, professional journals and media coverage. The article argues that state ordering actions and the ‘exemplary’ urban spaces they seek to create are embodiments of a complex system of orders of powers in transitional Vietnam, in which political visions of modernist socialism and the new market‐oriented agenda are sometimes in alignment and sometimes clash. Overall, the state's failure in sustaining these ‘exemplary’ urban spaces is emblematic of this hybrid system.  相似文献   

加入WTO后,我国农业经营的“小农户“与”大市场”的矛盾日益尖锐,分散的小农户难以成为完整而有力的市场主体和产业化经营主体。因此,创新农村市场主体和产业化经营主体十分必要。农业合作组织掌握市场信息充分,有资本、技术、人才优势,它们能有效地组织农户参与农业产业化经营,因而是最强有力的市场主体和产业化经营主体。我国“入世”之后,农业合组织的作用将越来越突出,关注和推动我国农业合组织的理论研究和实践发展,是一个极具有价值的课题。本文通过分析国外发达国家农业合作社的发展,研究南贵昆区域农业合作组织的发展策略,为农业产业化经营创造良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

Two large minority groups of China, Burma and Thailand, the Lisu and the Lahu, have each reinforced their identity through the use of standard dialects and writing systems. They also maintain regular contact despite continuing migration over very large distances. The level of political recognition that they have received differs from country to country, and the names used by majority groups to refer to them also differ, but despite this a transnational unity has been maintained or even enhanced in the last hundred years.  相似文献   

解析干酪产业在中国的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着中国乳品业的高速发展,产品市场结构调整需求越来越迫切。作为全球乳制品贸易举足轻重的干酪,顺理成章成为当前国内乳制品结构调整瞄准开发的另一块巨大市场。从特色干酪产品的特点、周边国家的发展史、国内市场产品等方面进行讨论,对干酪产业在中国的发展前景进行解析。  相似文献   

The marketization, internalization and electronization of financial industry in China are inevitable. Adapted to this situation, the financial supervision has to be strengthened. The modern financial supervision system is the base and guarantee to strengthen the financial supervision; it has the character of unity of supervision organization, perfect instrument of supervision, harmonization of supervision legality and internalization of supervision thought etc. Establishing the modern financial supervision of China should consummate the financial supervision legal institutions in China. Although the laws were constituted, such as and some related regulations, yet cannot conform to the WTO rules and the market economy development and be not enough to structure the legal institution base of the modern financial supervision in China. As a result, it has to be revised further, improved and to work out financial laws and regulations in order to form a modern financial supervision system in our country.  相似文献   

Abstract: The goal of this paper is to examine the various geographic shifts occurring in New Zealand air passenger service as a result of the liberal aviation policies pursued by the country. A brief history of New Zealand air passenger travel both domestically and internationally will be followed by a more in‐depth investigation into the impacts of the single aviation market between New Zealand and Australia, first negotiated in 1992, subsequently altered in 1996 and, in its present form, agreed to in 2000. Particular attention is given to the increased competition that has arisen in the Trans‐Tasman market, making it one of the most heavily contested routes in global aviation. The Trans‐Tasman is analysed at a variety of levels, including airline competition, market growth, and fare changes that have occurred in the five years since the ‘full open skies’ agreement came into effect.  相似文献   

近年来由于我国肉类食品安全问题严重,为了保障猪肉食品的公共安全,政府监管猪肉的安全生产和食品消费者的知情权,我国建立了猪肉质量安全可追溯系统。我国的猪肉消费主要以生鲜肉为主,冷却猪肉生产起步较晚,消费量的市场份额不到10%。通过市场调查的方式对本市杨浦区的大中小型超市、冷鲜肉专柜和菜市场等地的生鲜肉的溯源性现状进行了调研。在一共60份采样中,可溯源样品44份,占总数的73%,其中标有溯源码的样品只有10份,且全部来自大型超市,占总数的16.7%。由此可见,目前国内市场的猪肉溯源性现状还是不容乐观。  相似文献   

基于微观经济学视角下的中国鲜切花产业统计数据分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运用微观经济学理论,从需求、供给、生产者行为、消费者行为以及市场结构5个角度,结合近10年来中国鲜切花产业数据,对中国鲜切花产业的主要经济学特性及其在“十一五”以来的发展变化作了分析和描述;最后提出针对性的建议:加强资源集聚,大力推进花卉产业化进程;加深花卉市场研究,积极引导并开拓国内外花卉消费市场;重视要素市场投入,全面提升鲜切花产业核心竞争力;重点提升花卉品质,逐步提高花卉出口能力。  相似文献   

有机猪肉生产应具备的条件   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着大量有机猪肉进入一些大型超市,消费者可以购买到无兽药残留、无激素、无抗生素的有机猪肉,由于有机猪肉具有安全、优质、环保的优势,在国内外高端消费市场上发展迅速,越来越受到重视。发展有机猪肉生产或将常规养猪转化为有机养殖,可以构筑新的经济增长点,实现经济发展与食品安全的“双赢”。  相似文献   

The housing industry, as a new economy growth point and hot point of consumption in our national economy, has huge potentials for its development. Because of the underdevelopment of the commodity housing market in our country, there are some unhealthy tendencies, such as low level of development, poor quality of housing, waste of resources, large deviation between housing function and its price, and so on. So there is urgent need to take measures for avoiding these unhealthy phenomena. It is one of the strongest measures to evaluate the economy of the commodity housing. In this paper the meaning, principle and method of the evaluation on economy of the commodity housing were discussed. It will play a positive role to promote spreading this work.  相似文献   

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