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Embryogenic cultures of red spruce (Picea rubens Sarg.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) were initiated from dissected mature zygotic embryos. The tissues were grown on either proliferation medium or maturation medium. On proliferation medium, the embryogenic tissue continued to produce early stage somatic embryos (organized meristems attached to elongated, suspensor-like cells), whereas on maturation medium fully mature embryos developed from the embryonic tissue. Analysis of polyamines in tissues grown on these two media showed that: (1) both putrescine and spermidine concentrations were always higher in cultures grown on proliferation medium than in cultures grown on maturation medium; (2) in both species, spermidine concentrations declined with time in the tissues grown on maturation medium; and (3) spermine was present in only minute quantities and showed only a small change with time. The presence of difluoromethylornithine in the culture medium had little effect on polyamine concentration, whereas the presence of difluoromethylarginine caused a decrease in putrescine concentrations in both red spruce and Norway spruce tissues grown on proliferation medium or maturation medium.  相似文献   

Wounding of excised roots of Norway spruce [Picea abies (L.) Karst.] caused a rapid accumulation of phenolic compounds, decrease of starch content and of certain enzyme activities in the ray cells. Infection of the wounds by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. intensified these processes, caused oxidation of the phenols, and induced activity of acid phosphatase and β-glucosidase in the ray cells of the infected area. The reactions were oxygen-dependent. Intra- and extracellular enzymes were detected in the wood-infecting hyphae. Other wood-growing fungi caused similar reactions in the wood as H. annosum.  相似文献   


Uncoated Norway spruce specimens from different spatial positions within stems from two origins with different growth conditions were exposed to liquid water over a prolonged time, and apparent diffusion coefficients and rates of void filling were calculated from sorption curves. Both apparent diffusion and rate of void filling were significantly affected by origin and by the difference between inner and outer boards. The differences between inner and outer boards were explained by heartwood proportion and density, but some effects of origin remained when these properties were accounted for. The apparent diffusion coefficient was reduced by increasing density, and increased by increasing heartwood proportion. Void filling rate was reduced by both increasing density and increasing heartwood proportion. Since the effect of heartwood proportion was more pronounced in the material from the highly productive area, it may have been confounded with properties of juvenile wood.  相似文献   

We studied effects of season and soil treatments (watering, acidification, liming and combinations of these treatments) on soluble carbohydrates of mycorrhizal roots of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Arabinose, arabitol, fructose, glucose, inositol, lactose, mannitol, pinite, quinate, raffinose, shikimate, stachyose and trehalose were identified by HPLC. Concentrations of inositol, lactose and pinite were constant throughout the year, whereas concentrations of raffinose, stachyose and trehalose were higher in winter than in summer, and concentrations of glucose, fructose and mannitol increased from February to September. Soil acidification and liming had no effect on the annual mean concentrations of fructose, glucose, lactose, pinite, raffinose and stachyose. Liming increased quinate concentrations and decreased arabitol concentrations. Annual mean concentrations of arabinose and mannitol decreased in response to soil acidification. Annual mean concentrations of inositol increased in response to irrigation. None of the soil treatments affected the mean annual concentration of trehalose.  相似文献   

Among the most devastating pests of Norway spruce (Picea abies) are the European spruce bark beetle (Ips typographus) and the associated pathogenic blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica. Following attack and colonization, the beetle and the fungus must cope with induced host chemical defenses, such as monoterpenes that are generally thought to be toxic to both symbionts. The goal of this study was to better understand the response of Norway spruce following C. polonica inoculation at low density that does not overwhelm the tree and to identify monoterpenes mobilized toward the fungus. We inoculated healthy mature trees and monitored monoterpene profiles 2, 3, and 5 months post-inoculation. We also exposed three different C. polonica strains to the most abundant or significantly up-regulated monoterpenes to determine differences in monoterpene toxicity and resistance among strains. Total monoterpene levels, including limonene, were increased at 2 and 3 months after inoculation and had dropped after 5 months. In in vitro assays, all monoterpenes were inhibitory to C. polonica. Limonene and β-pinene were the most potent inhibitors of fungal growth. The extent of inhibition varied between the three strains tested. These results showed a defense response of Norway spruce to C. polonica, in which limonene may play a critical role in inhibiting the spread of the fungus. We also showed that differences between strains of C. polonica must be taken into account when assessing the role of the fungus in this bark beetle–symbiont system.  相似文献   


Wood drying experiments were conducted in which the temperature and the drying rate were controlled independently. The mechanical properties of dried wood in radial loading were analysed in relation to drying parameters. Mass loss, due to thermal degradation of the wood structural components, occurred predominantly in slow high-temperature drying processes. Despite the higher mass loss, slowly dried wood showed similar radial strength and stiffness to rapidly dried wood. The formation of irreversible hydrogen bonds (hornification) within the wood structure may compete with the effects of mass loss on the radial mechanical behaviour of wood. However, both the mass loss and the hornification resulted in wood specimens with lower hygroscopicity. Application of slow high-temperature drying to reduce microscopic cell-wall damage, caused by anisotropic shrinkage of cell-wall layers, did not seem to affect the radial mechanical properties of wood. The effects of stress relaxation within the wood cell wall on the mechanical behaviour of wood may be offset by the degradation of structural components along with drying. Radial mechanical properties may be improved by rapid high-temperature drying up to high final dryness.  相似文献   

This study analyses the trade-off between bioenergy production and soil conservation through thinning operations in Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) plantations in Denmark. Thinning operations were evaluated under different regimes and intensities for a complete rotation period of sixty years and for different site qualities (site-classes I–VI). Applying a dynamic forest growth modeling tool, evolution of forest structure was predicted to observe the potentials for biomass production and inevitable soil degradation. Results showed thinning from below, with a higher utilization (maintenance of a minimum basal area of 25 mha?1) could produce more bioenergy. However, these operations require simultaneous severe forest soil degradation. Therefore, the optimum thinning for bioenergy production under preservation constraints was thinning from above with a lower intensity (maintenance of a minimum basal area of 45 m2 ha?1). The ratio of bioenergy win (kWh) to soil-loss (mha?1) was calculated for this regime varying between 74,894 kWh m?3 in a high quality site (site-class I) and 6,516 kWh m?3 in a low quality site (site-class VI) with an average of 44,282 kWh m?3. However, this could not always preserve the highest amount of growing stock essential for natural dynamics of forest ecosystem with an exception of the low quality sites (site-class VI). Thus, when aiming at bioenergy production through thinning operations, trade-offs with soil conservation and growing stock preservation should be regarded to prevent environmental degradation.  相似文献   

Seedling of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) were grown under three different light qualities in fluid-roof growth chambers. Blue light with a high red/far-red ratio decreased shoot length as well as total plant dry weight compared to natural light. Yellow light with a low blue/red ratio did not significantly affect the plants. The effects of light quality were generally the same at 18, 24 and 28 °C day temperature. Plant growth was reduced at temperatures above 24 °C.  相似文献   

Falling needles collected from under individual 70-year-old Norway spruce (Picea abies) trees for about four years were checked for fungal fruitbodies. The most common fungi were Lophodermium piceae and Rhizosphaera kalkhoffii. Maximum frequencies of fruitbodies occurred in late autumn for L. piceae (ca. 80% of the needles), in summer for R. kalkhoffii (ca. 60%) and in winter for the third most common fungus, Tiarosporella parca (ca. 10%). The frequencies of needles with fruiting fungi varied greatly within and between years. This is the first report of T. parca from Sweden.  相似文献   

Norway spruce (Picea abies) was heated for 2–8 h in the temperature range 180–225 °C, under a steam atmosphere. The chemical analyses of the treated feedstock samples indicated that during heating (total mass loss 1.5–12.5% of the initial DS) carbohydrates (hemicelluloses and cellulose) were clearly more amenable to various degradation reactions than lignin. In addition, major water-soluble products released from the feedstock material during the treatments were classified into several compound groups and changes in the relative mass portion of these groups were monitored by GC during a separate experiment. Received 20 December 1998  相似文献   

We partially purified peroxidase isoform fractions from xylem extracts of a gymnosperm, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), and an angiosperm, silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.), to determine the participation of xylem-localized peroxidases in polymerization of different types of lignin in vivo. Several peroxidase fractions varying in isoelectric point values from acidic to basic were tested for their ability to catalyze the oxidation of the monolignols coniferyl alcohol, sinapyl alcohol and p-coumaryl alcohol in vitro. All of the xylem peroxidases extracted from Norway spruce and most of those from silver birch showed the highest rate of oxidation with coniferyl alcohol in the presence of hydrogen peroxide. The exception was an acidic peroxidase fraction (pI 3.60-3.65) from silver birch that exhibited higher oxidation activity for sinapyl alcohol than for coniferyl alcohol. For the xylem enzyme fractions extracted from silver birch, the ability to oxidize the artificial phenolic substrate syringaldazine coincided with high specific activity for sinapyl alcohol. Therefore, we conclude that the acidic, neutral and basic xylem peroxidases of Norway spruce all function in the synthesis of guaiacyl-type lignin, whereas in silver birch the acidic peroxidases preferentially oxidize sinapyl subunits. The latter provides a mechanism for synthesis of guaiacyl-syringyl lignin typical of tracheid cell walls in angiosperm trees.  相似文献   

Genetic- and environmental variation and correlation patterns were characterized for modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR) and related wood traits: latewood proportion, wood density, spiral grain, microfibril angle and lignin content in five full-sib families of Norway spruce. The families were evaluated on the basis of clearwood specimens from the juvenile -mature wood transition zone of 93 sampled trees at age 30 year from seed. Family-means varied significantly (p < 0.05) for all wood traits studied except lignin content. MOE varied between 7.9–14.1 GPa among trees and 9.4–11.0 GPa among families. MOR varied between 47–87 MPa among trees and 61–71 MPa among families. Families remained significantly different in an analysis of specific MOE (MOE/density) and MOR (MOR/density). Hence, solely relying on wood density as a wood quality trait in tree breeding would not fully yield the potential genetic gain for MOE and MOR. Correlations between wood structural traits and specific MOE and MOR are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated changes in photochemical activity and cold hardiness of detached needles of three clones of Picea abies (L.) Karst. by measuring variable chlorophyll fluorescence (F(v)/F(m)), before and after artificial freezing, from September to June. Photochemical activity varied considerably during the study, but only minor differences in photochemical activity among the clones were observed before freezing. Photochemical activity was high during early fall and then declined from November until April. Photochemical activity was at a minimum in April and then increased quickly to high values in May. During the period from late September to October, and also during the winter, differences in F(v)/F(m) ratios after artificial freezing to below -10 degrees C were observed among clones, indicating clonal differences in cold hardiness and hardiness development. The clone having an average height of 2.3 m after 11 years showed consistently lower cold hardiness than clones that had reached average heights of 4.0 and 5.0 m. There were also differences in the temperature requirement for bud flushing among clones.  相似文献   

Lehtonen A 《Tree physiology》2005,25(7):803-811
Dynamic decomposition models are needed to estimate changes in the carbon stock of boreal soil because these changes are difficult to measure directly. An important aboveground carbon flux to the soil is foliage litterfall. To estimate this flux, both the amount and the turnover rate of the foliage biomass component must be known. Several methods for estimating foliage biomass of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.), including biomass equations and biomass expansion factors (BEFs), were compared with predicted foliage biomass based on forest inventory plot-level measurements. Measured foliage biomass was up-scaled from the branch-level to the plot-level by combining forest inventory variables (diameter, height, height at the crown base and crown base diameter) based on the assumptions of pipe model theory. Combining the foliage biomass: cross-sectional area ratio with the forest inventory variables provided accurate estimates of foliage biomass at the plot-level for plots in southern Finland. The results emphasize the need to test biomass equations with independent data, especially when the equations applied are based on neighboring regions.  相似文献   

Root elongation of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seedlings was inhibited in the presence of 5 microM Cd, but was unaffected by a Cd concentration at 0.05 microM. Nutrient solutions labeled with (109)Cd were used to investigate the influence of pH, cations and the metabolic inhibitor 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP) on the uptake of Cd by roots of intact spruce seedlings. Extracellular Cd was removed by washing the roots, and the relative amounts of Cd in the root apoplast and symplast estimated. In the presence of DNP, Cd uptake was reduced at 0.05 microM (non-toxic) but not at 5 microM Cd (toxic). At 0.05 microM Cd, the uptake of Cd into both the apoplast and symplast was dependent on the pH of the nutrient solution. Lower pH decreased Cd accumulation. Aluminum supplied at 100 or 500 microM lowered the Cd concentrations of both the apoplast and symplast. An increase in Ca or Mg supply reduced the Cd concentration of the apoplast but not of the symplast. In the presence of 5 microM Mn, the concentration of Cd in the symplast decreased by 44% compared to the control (1 microM Mn). High concentrations of Zn or Hg did not affect the Cd concentration of the roots.  相似文献   

Both short- and long-term effects of Mg deficiency on carbohydrate metabolism were investigated in 6-year-old clonal Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees cultivated in sand culture with an optimal supply of nutrients, except for Mg which was supplied at 0.203, 0.041 and 0.005 mM to provide optimal, moderately deficient and severely deficient Mg supply, respectively. Annual changes in carbohydrate concentrations (starch, sucrose, glucose and fructose) were analyzed and diurnal changes were investigated on a single day during the summer. Older needles of trees in the moderate Mg-deficiency treatment developed tip-yellowing symptoms, whereas current-year needles remained green. The severe Mg-deficiency treatment led to pronounced yellowing symptoms in needles of all ages. Increased carbohydrate concentrations were observed before needle yellowing occurred. Diurnal and annual changes in carbohydrates were similar in all treatments; however, carbohydrate concentrations were influenced by Mg supply. In both Mg-deficiency treatments, starch concentrations increased in needles, especially during summer and autumn. Starch accumulation was more pronounced at the beginning of the Mg-deficiency treatments than at the end of the treatments. Sucrose, and to a minor extent, glucose and fructose concentrations tended to increase in response to Mg deficiency. The consequences of Mg deficiency on carbohydrate metabolism are discussed with respect to reduced plant growth and decreased transport rates of carbohydrates to sink organs.  相似文献   

Hydraulic redistribution (HR) by roots of large Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees was investigated by means of sap flow measurements made with the heat field deformation method. Irrigation was applied to a limited portion of the root system to steepen gradients of water potential in the soil and thus enhance rates of HR. On completion of the sap flow measurements, and to aid in their interpretation, the structure of the root system of seven of the investigated trees was exposed to a depth of 30 cm with a supersonic air-stream (air-spade). Before irrigation, vertical redistribution of water was observed in large coarse roots and some adjacent small lateral roots. Immediately after localized irrigation, horizontal redistribution of water from watered roots to dry roots via the stem base was demonstrated. The amount of horizontal distribution depended on the position of the receiving roots relative to the watered roots and the absorbing area of the watered root. No redistribution from watered roots via dry soil to roots of neighboring trees was detected. Responses of sap flow to localized irrigation were more pronounced in small lateral roots than in large branching roots where release and uptake of water are integrated. Sap flow measurements with multi-point sensors along radii in large lateral roots demonstrated water extraction from different soil horizons. We conclude that synchronous measurements of sap flow in both small and large lateral roots are needed to study water absorption and transport in tree root systems.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of several photoperiod and temperature regimes imposed during the winter-spring period on the timing of bud burst in rooted cuttings of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) grown in a greenhouse in Finland. The treatments were initiated in November and December after the cuttings had been exposed to natural chilling and freezing events. Irrespective of the treatments applied, time to bud burst decreased with increased duration of previous exposure to natural chilling and freezing events. Fluctuating day/night temperatures and continuous lengthening of the photoperiod hastened bud burst. Shortening the photoperiod delayed bud burst, suggesting that little or no ontogenetic development toward bud burst takes place during mild periods before the winter solstice. In the case of climatic warming, this phenomenon may prevent the premature onset of growth that has been predicted by computer simulations with models that only consider temperature regulation of bud burst.  相似文献   

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