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Earthworms play an important role in protecting carbon in the soil, but the exact influence of their activity on the distribution and protection of C is still poorly understood. We investigated the effect of earthworms on the formation of stable microaggregates inside newly formed macroaggregates and the distribution of C in them. We crushed (< 250 µm) soil, and subjected it to three treatments: (i) soil + 13C‐labelled residue + earthworms (these added after 8 days' incubation), (ii) soil + 13C‐labelled residue, and (iii) control (no additions), and then incubated it for 20 days. At the end, we measured the aggregate size distribution, total C and 13C, and we isolated microaggregates (53–250 µm) from macroaggregates (> 250 µm) formed. The 13C in fine particulate organic matter between and within the microaggregates was determined. Earthworms helped to form large macroaggregates (> 2000 µm). These large macroaggregates contained four times more stable microaggregates than those from samples without earthworms. There was more particulate organic matter within and between microaggregates in macroaggregates in the presence of earthworms. The larger amounts of organic matter inside stable microaggregates in casts than in bulk soil after 12 days of incubation (140 mg 13C kg?1 soil compared with 20 mg 13C kg?1 soil) indicates that these microaggregates are formed rapidly around freshly incorporated residues within casts. In conclusion, earthworms have a direct impact on the formation of stable microaggregates and the incorporation of organic matter inside these microaggregates, and it seems likely that their activity is of great significance for the long‐term stabilization of organic matter in soils.  相似文献   

Residue quality has been shown to influence soil water-stable aggregation (WSA) during crop residue decomposition, but there is still little information about its interactive effect with soil mineral N availability. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of soil mineral N on WSA during the decomposition of two high-C/N crop residues (wheat straw with C/N = 125.6 and miscanthus straw with C/N = 311.3). The two crop residues were combined with three mineral N addition rates (0, 60, and 120 mg N kg−1 dry soil). Respiration, soil mineral N content, and WSA (expressed as mean-weight diameter, MWD) were measured on several dates during a 56-d incubation. The effect of decomposing crop residues on WSA followed two phases. (i) Between 0 and 7 d, the increase in WSA was related to intrinsic residue quality with higher decomposability of the wheat straw resulting in higher WSA. (ii) Thereafter, and until the end of the experiment, mineral N addition rates had a predominant but negative influence on WSA. In this second phase, the average MWD of residue-treated soils was 0.92, 0.55, and 0.44 mm for the 0, 60 and 120 mg N kg−1 dry soil addition rates, respectively. Mineral N addition which did result in higher crop residue decomposition did not lead to higher WSA. WSA during crop residue decomposition is therefore not simply positively related to the induced microbial activity, and changes in microbial community composition with differential effects on WSA must be involved. The impact of high-C/N crop residues inputs on WSA, initially assumed to be low, could actually be strong and long-lasting in situations with low soil mineral N content.  相似文献   

Aggregation of fine particles (<50 μm and <2μm) in a weakly structured or fragile soil with different amounts of residue and antecedent moisture was investigated using a hydrometer technique. Results indicated that aggregation of particles <50 μm was a linear function of addition and incorporation of residues, ranging from about 16% (w/w) for the non-residue soil treatment to about 50% (w/w) for the soil treated with 1.87% (w/w) residue.Studies of 5 soils with contrasting textural properties and different antecedent moisture conditions, showed that maximum aggregation of particles <50μm ranged from about 30% (w/w) on the coarse-textured Miles soil to 90% (w/w) for the soils which were high in clay and organic matter. Aggregation of particles <50 μm was a parabolic function of antecedent moisture with maximum aggregation occurring at a matric moisture potential of about −15 MPa. At high antecedent moisture, aggregation of particles <50 μm in the fragile soils was <20% (w/w), whereas aggregation of particles <50 μm at high antecedent moisture for two soils high in organic matter and clay was 40–50% (w/w). At high moisture content, aggregation of particles <2 μm on fragile soil ranged from almost 0 on the Miles to a high of about 45% (w/w) on the Abilene. In contrast, aggregation at high antecedent moisture of particles <2μm for two soils high in clay and organic matter ranged from 65 to 70%.These studies demonstrated that residue and antecedent moisture affect the stability of fine particles which can affect the structural properties of soils.  相似文献   

以棕壤肥料长期定位试验(29 a)形成的高、低两种肥力水平棕壤为研究对象,采用不同部位玉米残体为试验试材,分别向两种土壤中加入玉米根茬和茎叶,进行田间原位培养试验,试验设置6个处理:低肥力土壤添加玉米根茬(LF+R)、低肥力土壤添加玉米茎叶(LF+S)、高肥力土壤添加玉米根茬(HF+R)、高肥力土壤添加玉米茎叶(HF+S)和未添加玉米残体的对照处理(LF,HF)。本研究旨在探明玉米根茬、茎叶添加后不同肥力土壤团聚体组成及有机碳分布的变化规律,为构建合理的秸秆还田与施肥措施,减少土壤侵蚀提供理论依据。结果表明:1)添加玉米残体后低肥力棕壤团聚体稳定性、较大级别团聚体(2 mm和1~2 mm)有机碳贡献率的提升幅度比高肥力棕壤大,说明低肥力土壤对外源有机质的响应更敏感,向大团聚体转化的速率更快。2)培养结束时,高肥力棕壤添加茎叶处理团聚体稳定性显著高于添加根茬处理,而添加根茬处理各粒级团聚体有机碳含量显著高于添加茎叶处理;低肥力棕壤中根茬和茎叶添加处理团聚体稳定性及有机碳含量之间差异不明显。3)在田间原位培养过程中,棕壤2 mm和1~2 mm团聚体所占比例和团聚体稳定性呈现出前期(0~360 d)快速增加,后期(360~720 d)趋于稳定的趋势。可以看出,玉米残体对土壤团聚体团聚化过程的作用强度逐渐减弱。以上结果表明,作物残体输入对棕壤团聚体组成及有机碳分布的影响与棕壤肥力水平和不同残体部位间的差异关系密切。  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was performed to assess the impact of ecologically different earthworm species on soil water characteristics, such as soil tension, water content, and water infiltration rate. Three earthworm species (Lumbricus rubellus, Aporrectodea caliginosa, Lumbricus terrestris) were exposed in soil columns (diameter 30 cm, height 50 cm) for 100 days with a total fresh earthworm biomass of 22.7 ± 0.4 g per column, each in duplicate. Each column was equipped with tensiometers at 10 and 40 cm and FD-probes at 10 cm depth, to continuously measure the temporal development of soil tension and soil moisture. Additionally, 30 g of sieved and rewetted horse manure was placed on the soil surface as a food source. Precipitation events (10 mm) were simulated at day 28 and day 64. At the end of the experiment the water infiltration rate and the runoff at 55 cm depth were determined.The results showed considerable evidence, that ecologically different earthworms modify soil water characteristics in different ways. The anecic L. terrestris and the endogeic A. caliginosa showed the tendency to enhance the drying of the topsoil and subsoil. Their intensive and deep burrowing activity might enhance the exchange of water vapor due to a better aeration in soil. In contrast, the epigeic L. rubellus tended to enhance the storage of soil moisture in the topsoil, which might be linked to lower rates of litter loss from soil surface and thus a thicker litter layer remaining. A. caliginosa led to considerable higher water infiltration rates and faster water discharges in the subsoil, relative to the other species, probably due to a high soil dwelling activity.  相似文献   

Concerns about sustainability of agroecosystems management options in developed and developing countries warrant improved understanding of N cycling. The Integrated Soil Fertility Management paradigm recognizes the possible interactive benefits of combining organic residues with mineral fertilizer inputs on agroecosystem functioning. However, these beneficial effects may be controlled by residue quality. This study examines the controls of inputs on N cycling across a gradient of (1) input, (2) residue quality, and (3) texture. We hypothesized that combining organic residue and mineral fertilizers would enhance potential N availability relative to either input alone. Residue and fertilizer inputs labeled with 15N (40–60 atom% 15N) were incubated with 200 g soil for 545 d in a microcosm experiment. Input treatments consisted of a no-input control, organic residues (3.65 g C kg−1 soil, equivalent to 4 Mg C ha−1), mineral N fertilizer (100 mg N kg−1 soil, equivalent to 120 kg N ha−1), and a combination of both with either the residue or fertilizer 15N-labeled. Zea mays stover inputs were added to four differently textured soils (sand, sandy loam, clay loam, and clay). Additionally, inputs of three residue quality classes (class I: Tithonia diversifolia, class II: Calliandra calothyrsus, class III: Z. mays stover) were applied to the clay soil. Available N and N2O emissions were measured as indicators for potential plant N uptake and N losses. Combining residue and fertilizer inputs resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) negative interactive effect on total extractable mineral N in all soils. This interactive effect decreased the mineral N pool, due to an immobilization of fertilizer-derived N and was observed up to 181 d, but generally became non-significant after 545 d. The initial reduction in mineral N might lead to less N2O losses. However, a texture effect on N2O fluxes was observed, with a significant interactive effect of combining residue and fertilizer inputs decreasing N2O losses in the coarse textured soils, but increasing N2O losses in the fine textured soils. The interactive effect on mineral N of combining fertilizer with residue changed from negative to positive with increasing residue quality. Our results indicate that combining fertilizer with medium quality residue has the potential to change N transformations through a negative interactive effect on mineral N. We conclude that capitalizing on interactions between fertilizer and organic residues allows for the development of sustainable nutrient management practices.  相似文献   



There is a growing interest in the use of soil enzymes as early indicators of soil quality change under contrasting agricultural management practices. In recent years, there has been increasing interest in the use of biochar to improve soil properties and thus soil quality. In addition, earthworms can also be used to ameliorate soil properties. However, there is no literature available on how biochar and earthworms interact and affect soil enzymes. The general objective of the present study was to test the suitability of adding biochar and earthworms in two tropical soils with low fertility status in order to improve their characteristics and productivity.

Materials and methods

Biochars were prepared from four different materials [sewage sludge (B1), deinking sewage sludge (B2), Miscanthus (B3) and pine wood (B4)] on two tropical soils (an Acrisol and a Ferralsol) planted with proso millet (Panicum milliaceum L.). In addition, in order to investigate the interaction between earthworms and biochar, earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus was added to half of the mesocosms, while excluded in the remaining half. The activities of invertase, β-glucosidase, β-glucosaminidase, urease, phosphomonoesterase and arylsulphatase were determined. The geometric mean of the assayed enzymes (GMea) was used as an integrative soil quality index.

Results and discussion

Overall, earthworms and especially biochar had a positive effect on soil quality. GMea showed B1, B2 and B3 performing better than B4; however, results were soil specific. Plant productivity increased under both biochar and earthworm addition. Fruit productivity and plant growth was enhanced by B1 and B2 but not by B3 or B4.


Enhancements of productivity and soil enzymatic activities are possible in the presence of earthworms and the combination of the practices earthworm and biochar addition can be suggested in low fertility tropical soils. However, scientists should proceed carefully in the selection of biochars as the results of this study show a high specificity in the biochar–soil interaction.  相似文献   

Increasing organic carbon inputs to agricultural soils through the use of pastures or crop residues has been suggested as a means of restoring soil organic carbon lost via anthropogenic activities, such as land use change. However, the decomposition and retention of different plant residues in soil, and how these processes are affected by soil properties and nitrogen fertiliser application, is not fully understood. We evaluated the rate and extent of decomposition of 13C-pulse labelled plant material in response to nitrogen addition in four pasture soils of varying physico-chemical characteristics. Microbial respiration of buffel grass (Cenchrus ciliaris L.), wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) residues was monitored over 365-days. A double exponential model fitted to the data suggested that microbial respiration occurred as an early rapid and a late slow stage. A weighted three-compartment mixing model estimated the decomposition of both soluble and insoluble plant 13C (mg C kg−1 soil). Total plant material decomposition followed the alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio of plant material, as determined by solid-state 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Urea-N addition increased the decomposition of insoluble plant 13C in some soils (≤0.1% total nitrogen) but not others (0.3% total nitrogen). Principal components regression analysis indicated that 26% of the variability of plant material decomposition was explained by soil physico-chemical characteristics (P = 0.001), which was primarily described by the C:N ratio. We conclude that plant species with increasing alkyl C: O-alkyl C ratio are better retained as soil organic matter, and that the C:N stoichiometry of soils determines whether N addition leads to increases in soil organic carbon stocks.  相似文献   

Zhang  Zhiyuan  Wang  Wenfeng  Qi  Jiaxin  Zhang  Huanyuan  Tao  Feng  Zhang  Renduo 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2019,19(3):1171-1178
Journal of Soils and Sediments - The addition of organic substrates can change the decomposition rate of soil organic matter (SOM), which is termed as “priming effect.” The objective of...  相似文献   

The aim of study was to estimate how the deadwood of different tree species in various stages of decomposition releases dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total nitrogen concentration. The deadwood of seven species (Common alder, Common aspen, Common ash, Silver fir, Norway spruce, Common hornbeam, and Silver birch) were selected. Three logs from each species in the third, fourth, and fifth decay classes were chosen for analysis. The investigation was carried out in Czarna Rózga Reserve in Central Poland. The leachate from deadwood was collected in lysimeters. Concentrations of total carbon (TC), inorganic carbon (IC), total organic carbon (TOC), and total nitrogen (TN) were determined. In our investigations, the concentration of TOC measure in filtered water samples was equal to DOC. Additionally, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) values were determined in water samples. The results confirmed the importance of the wood species and the stage of decomposition on the concentration of DOC and TN. Significant differences in the concentration of DOC and TN in leachates released between coniferous and deciduous species were noted. Most DOC and TN were released from decomposing hornbeam and aspen wood, the least DOC, and TN were released into the soil from coniferous species, especially the spruce.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the effects of charcoal and earthworm presence in contrasting soil types of northern Japan using the biologically based phosphorus (BBP) extraction method, which employs a variety of plant P acquisition strategies. Using soils developed in serpentine and sedimentary parent materials, we tested the interactive effects of Eisenia japonica (Michaelsen) earthworms and 500 kg ha?1 of dwarf bamboo charcoal (Sasa kurilensis (Rupr.) Makino et Shibata) in a microcosm incubation that lasted four weeks. Soils were extracted in parallel after the incubation with the BBP method using 0.01 M CaCl2 (soluble P), 0.01 M citric acid (chelate-extractable P), 0.02 phosphatase enzyme units ml?1 (enzyme-extractable organic P), and 1.0 M HCl (mineral occluded P). Dwarf bamboo charcoal alone contained up to 444 mg total BBP kg?1 prior to application to soil microcosms. Treatment effects in soil microcosms were highest in sedimentary soil types and where charcoal was combined with earthworms (15.97 mg P kg?1 ± SE 1.23 total inorganic BBP). Recalcitrant inorganic P (HCl extracted) in combination treatments yielded the highest single inorganic BBP measure (12.41 mg kg?1 ± SE 1.11). Our findings suggest that charcoal, as a legacy of wildfire, and native earthworm activity may help stimulate cycling of recalcitrant inorganic BBP pools.  相似文献   

Methane consumption by temperate forest soils is a major sink for this important greenhouse gas, but little is known about how tree species influence CH4 uptake by soils. Here, we show that six common tree species in Siberian boreal and temperate forests significantly affect potential CH4 consumption in laboratory microcosms. Overall, soils under hardwood species (aspen and birch) consumed CH4 at higher rates than soils under coniferous species and grassland. While NH4+ addition often reduces CH4 uptake, we found no effect of NH4+ addition, possibly because of the relatively high ratio of CH4-to-NH4+ in our incubations. The effects of soil moisture strongly depended on plant species. An increase in soil moisture enhanced CH4 consumption in soils under spruce but had the opposite effect under Scots pine and larch. Under other species, soil moisture did not affect CH4 consumption. These results could be explained by specific responses of different groups of CH4-oxidizing bacteria to elevated moisture.  相似文献   

Incomplete combustion of organics such as vegetation or fossil fuel led to accumulation of charred products in the upper soil horizon. Such charred products, frequently called pyrogenic carbon or black carbon (BC), may act as an important long-term carbon (C) sink because its microbial decomposition and chemical transformation is probably very slow. Direct estimations of BC decomposition rates are absent because the BC content changes are too small for any relevant experimental period. Estimations based on CO2 efflux are also unsuitable because the contribution of BC to CO2 is too small compared to soil organic matter (SOM) and other sources.We produced BC by charring 14C labeled residues of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne). We then incubated this 14C labeled BC in Ah of a Haplic Luvisol soil originated from loess or in loess for 3.2 years. The decomposition rates of BC were estimated based on 14CO2 sampled 44 times during the 3.2 years incubation period (1181 days). Additionally we introduced five repeated treatments with either 1) addition of glucose as an energy source for microorganisms to initiate cometabolic BC decomposition or 2) intensive mixing of the soil to check the effect of mechanical disturbance of aggregates on BC decomposition. Black carbon addition amounting to 20% of Corg of the soil or 200% of Corg of loess did not change total CO2 efflux from the soil and slightly decreased it from the loess. This shows a very low BC contribution to recent CO2 fluxes. The decomposition rates of BC calculated based on 14C in CO2 were similar in soil and in loess and amounted to 1.36 10−5 d−1 (=1.36 10−3% d−1). This corresponds to a decomposition of about 0.5% BC per year under optimal conditions. Considering about 10 times slower decomposition of BC under natural conditions, the mean residence time (MRT) of BC is about 2000 years, and the half-life is about 1400 years. Considering the short duration of the incubation and the typical decreasing decomposition rates with time, we conclude that the MRT of BC in soils is in the range of millennia.The strong increase in BC decomposition rates (up to 6 times) after adding glucose and the decrease of this stimulation after 2 weeks in the soil (and after 3 months in loess) allowed us to conclude cometabolic BC decomposition. This was supported by higher stimulation of BC decomposition by glucose addition compared to mechanical disturbance as well as higher glucose effects in loess compared to the soil. The effect of mechanical disturbance was over within 2 weeks. The incorporation of BC into microorganisms (fumigation/extraction) after 624 days of incubation amounted to 2.6 and 1.5% of 14C input into soil and loess, respectively. The amount of BC in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) was below the detection limit (<0.01%) showing no BC decomposition products in water leached from the soil.We conclude that applying 14C labeled BC opens new ways for very sensitive tracing of BC transformation products in released CO2, microbial biomass, DOC, and SOM pools with various properties.  相似文献   

Soil organic matter (SOM) improves soil physicochemical and biological properties, and the sequestration of carbon in SOM may mitigate climate change. Soil organic carbon (SOC) often decreases in intensive cropping systems. Incorporation of crop residues (CR) may be a sustainable management practice to maintain the SOC levels and to increase soil fertility. This study quantifies the effects of CR incorporation on SOC and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (CO2 and N2O) in Europe using data from long‐term experiments. Response ratios (RRs) for SOC and GHG emissions were calculated between CR incorporation and removal. The influence of environmental zones (ENZs), clay content and experiment duration on the RRs was investigated. We also studied how RRs of SOC and crop yields were correlated. A total of 475 RRs were derived from 39 publications. The SOC increased by 7% following CR incorporation. In contrast, in a subsample of cases, CO2 emissions were six times and N2O emissions 12 times higher following CR incorporation. The ENZ had no significant influence on RRs. For SOC concentration, soils with a clay content >35% showed 8% higher RRs compared with soils with clay contents between 18 and 35%. As the experiment progressed, RR for SOC concentration increased. For N2O emissions, RR was significantly greater in experiments with a duration <5 yr compared with 11–20 yr. No significant correlations were found between RR for SOC concentration and yields, but differences between sites and study durations were detected. We suggest that a long duration of crop residue incorporation is a win‐win scenario under a continental climate. We conclude that CR incorporation is important for maintaining SOC, but its influence on GHG emissions should be taken into account as well.  相似文献   

Salinity adversely affects plant growth, photosynthesis, and availability of nutrients including iron. Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is susceptible to soil salinity and highly prone to iron (Fe) deficiency due to lower release of Fe‐chelating compounds under saline conditions. In order to investigate the effects of salinity and low iron supply on growth, photosynthesis, and ionic composition of five rice genotypes (KS‐282, Basmati Pak, Shaheen Basmati, KSK‐434 and 99417), a solution culture experiment was conducted with four treatments (control, 50 mM NaCl, Fe‐deficient, and 50 mM NaCl + Fe‐deficient). Salinity and Fe deficiency reduced shoot and root growth, photosynthetic and transpiration rates, chlorophyll concentration, and stomatal conductance. The reduction in all these parameters was more in the interactive treatment of salinity and low Fe supply. Moreover, a significant increase in shoot and root Na+ with corresponding decrease in K+ and Fe concentrations was also observed in the combined salinity and Fe‐deficiency treatment. Among the tested genotypes, Basmati Pak was the most sensitive genotype both under salt stress and Fe deficiency. The genotype KS‐282 performed better than other genotypes under salinity stress alone, whereas Shaheen Basmati was the best genotype under Fe deficiency in terms of all the studied parameters.  相似文献   

Abstract. An easy-to-use simulation model was developed with the aim of improving fertilizer practice when crop residues are incorporated instead of removed. It was tested against data from a well-monitored N fertilizer experiment in which three successive brassica crops were grown followed by barley.
Experimental findings included: (a) that fertilizer-N greatly increased yield of 3 crops without increasing residual soil mineral-N at harvest unless supply exceeded crop demand; (b) that, by contrast, fertilizer-N increased both yield of and residual soil mineral-N left by the remaining crop throughout the range of applications; and (c) that at each harvest the apparent disappearance of fertilizer-N by immobilization and other processes was almost proportional to fertilizer-N. These phenomena were simulated by the model.
Overall the model gave estimates of soil mineral-N, plant weight and % N in the crop for each crop that were either in close agreement with or linearly related to the measured values. Deviations from this pattern are shown to result almost entirely from experimental error. In addition the model gave simulations of the time course of soil mineral-N and soil water that were in good agreement with measurement.
Simulations with the model indicate that appreciable benefits from residue incorporation of crops will only be obtained when fertilizer-N is also applied, unless plant masses at harvest are small.  相似文献   

The effects of land use on soil chemical properties were evaluated, and earthworm communities and the decomposition rate of three typical land use systems in tropical Mexico, namely banana plantations (B), agroforestry systems (AF) and a successional forest (S) were compared.The study was carried out from November 2005 to April 2006. A completely randomized sampling design was established in six sites (B1, B2, AF1, AF2, S1 and S2). Soil properties and chemical characteristics (texture, pH, organic carbon (Corg), nutrients, and available Zn and Mn), earthworm communities and the decomposition of Bravaisia integerrima and Musa acuminata litter were analyzed over a period of 8 weeks.All soils were loamy clays with a medium to high content of nutrients. Three principal clusters were generated with the soil chemical properties: a first cluster for forest soils with high Corg and Ntot and low available Zn content, a second cluster for AF1 and a third cluster for B1, B2 and A2.The decomposition of B. integerrima litter was significantly faster (half-life time: 1.8 (AF2)–3.1 (B1) weeks) than that of M. acuminata (4.1 (AF2)–5.8 (S2) weeks). However, the decomposition rates did not differ significantly among the different sites.The greatest earthworm diversities were observed in AF2 and B1. Native species were dominant in the forest soils, whereas exotic species dominated in AF and in the banana plantations. The abundance and biomass of certain earthworm species were correlated to physical and chemical soil parameters. However, litter decomposition rates were not correlated with any of the soil physical–chemical parameters.While none of the land use systems studied led to a decrease in nutrient status, earthworm biodiversity and abundance, or in litter decomposition rate, they did result in a change in earthworm species composition.  相似文献   

不同还田方式下拉巴豆秸秆腐解及养分释放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为明确拉巴豆秸秆的腐解和养分释放规律,采用网袋法模拟研究拉巴豆在覆盖还田、土埋还田和水淹还田方式下的腐解动态。结果表明:不同还田方式下,拉巴豆茎秆在0~20 d腐解速率较快,之后腐解缓慢;在100d时,覆盖还田、土埋还田和水淹还田方式下累计腐解率分别达42.4%、74.3%、66.9%。经过100 d的腐解,覆盖还田方式下碳、氮、磷、钾的累计腐解率分别为28.8%、14.3%、47.7%、86.2%;土埋还田方式下碳、氮、磷、钾的累计腐解率分别为68.0%、62.3%、85.2%、94.8%;水淹还田方式下碳、氮、磷、钾的累计腐解率分别为63.0%、55.0%、82.0%、91.1%,拉巴豆茎秆养分的释放速率表现为钾磷碳氮。3种还田方式下茎秆累计腐解率及碳、氮、磷、钾等养分的累计释放率均表现为土埋还田水淹还田覆盖还田。  相似文献   

We studied the decomposition of shoot and root tissues of four plant species from central Argentina belonging to contrasting functional types: a deciduous shrub (Acacia caven), a perennial forb (Hyptis mutabilis), an annual forb (Bidens pilosa) and a tussock grass (Jarava pseudoichu). They were grown from seed in a greenhouse in isolation or in 2- or 4-species mixtures, with and without arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF), and then placed to decompose under natural conditions in the field. AMF significantly enhanced decomposition of shoots, but not that of roots, independently of species identity and species-mixture composition. Our results suggest that AMF may be significantly affecting ecosystem functioning through the observed plant-mediated effects on decomposition.  相似文献   

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