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立枯丝核菌对香蕉苗的致病力探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以香蕉苗离体叶为材料测定了香蕉苗纹枯病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)的一些致病特性。结果表明,不同培养天数的病菌接种体致病力差别很大,随培养天数的增加病菌接种体对香蕉苗的致病力迅速下降。在不同培养基上培养的病菌致病力有明显差异,以PSA上培养的致病力最强。病原菌连续转移50代次后其致病力无明显变化。病原菌不同菌株间的致病力有明显的差异。  相似文献   

牛粪发酵沼液对立枯丝核菌的抑制作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为探讨牛粪发酵沼液的抑菌机理,以立枯丝核菌为研究对象,进行了试验研究。采用平皿培养方法:培养基表面分别均匀涂布1mL5种不同处理的沼液,即不作处理沼液、沼液灭菌、离心上清液、无菌膜滤液和菌体溶液,中心接种立枯丝核菌并于生化培养箱中28℃培养96h,每12h测量立枯菌落的生长直径以计算抑制率,同时借助分子生物学手段鉴定了沼液中起抑制作用的微生物。试验结果表明菌体溶液和不作处理沼液对立枯的抑制效果较好,抑制率最高可达74%和53%,离心上清液的抑制效果次之,无菌膜滤液和沼液灭菌处理的抑制作用较弱,一般在20%以下;对沼液中的微生物菌群进行了分离、纯化与筛选,获16株菌种,并与立枯丝核菌进行对峙培养试验,其中nfd-9和nfd-16具有较强抑制作用,其他菌株几乎没有抑制作用。将nfd-9、nfd-16与立枯对峙交界面处进行了扫描电镜观察,结果显示:这2株微生物通过竞争、拮抗和重寄生等作用来抑制立枯丝核菌的生长,从而到达防止病害的目的。经分子生物学技术鉴定,确定了nfd-9和nfd-16分别为米根霉菌(Rhizopus oryzae)和哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)。研究结果为进一步了解沼液抑制真菌的机理提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

采用菌丝融合分类法对立枯丝核菌进行融合群的划分,有时不能准确地反映该菌群体间的遗传变异.本研究通过菌丝融合反应、ITS序列分析对马铃薯黑痣病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)AG2-1和AG3两个融合群进行了遗传变异研究.对马铃薯黑痣病菌AG2-1和AG3融合反应测定表明,AG3融合群菌株间为完全融合,而AG2-1菌株间存在完全融合和不完全融合现象,根据不完全融合现象可将AG2-1划分为两组.通过ITS序列构建的系统发育树表明,AG3形成单一的分支,而AG2-1可分为明显的两个分支,并且AG2-1和其内部分化出的AG2-1-1和AG2-1-2两个亚分支长度要大于AG3融合群,这说明AG2-1正在发生着明显的遗传分化.基于AG2-1不完全融合反应将其划分的两组与ITS序列分析划分的两个分支完全吻合,因此,不完全融合现象可作为融合群不断分化的参考指标.  相似文献   

谷子是我国北方重要的杂粮作物,纹枯病是造成谷子减产的重要限制性因素之一。为探究谷子纹枯病病原种类,明确其生物学特性,本研究采集山西太谷区的谷子病样,采用组织分离法对病原物进行分离,采用牙签接种法通过柯赫氏法则进行致病性验证;结合病原菌的形态特征、菌丝融合群和rDNA-ITS序列对病原菌进行种类鉴定。在不同温度、光照、pH值、碳源、氮源条件下,采用十字交叉方法测量菌落直径,并观察后期菌核产生情况,明确纹枯病菌的生物学特性。形态学鉴定结果表明,该病原菌菌落白色,具有隔膜,呈直角分枝,基部稍缢缩,后期可产生菌核,初步鉴定为立枯丝核菌;分离的4个菌株的菌丝融合群均鉴定为Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HG-Ⅲ融合群;菌株的ITS序列与已报道的Rhizoctonia solani AG-4 HG-Ⅲ(IBRS02)相似度达到99%。综合上述形态特征、融合群、rDNA-ITS序列和系统进化树分析,该病原菌被鉴定为R. solani AG-4 HG-Ⅲ。致病性测定结果表明,该病原菌对谷子具有较强的致病性,且对水稻、小麦、高粱等均具有致病性。生物学特性研究结果表明,病原菌在马铃薯葡萄糖...  相似文献   

为了使生防菌Bacillus sp.组合CL-8发酵水平达到最佳效果,为其工业化发酵生产和田间应用提供参考,通过单因素实验和正交实验,确定了Bacillus sp.组合CL-8最佳发酵培养基和最佳发酵条件.最佳发酵培养基为:玉米粉10g/L、豆粕10g/L、蜂蜜5 g/L、氯化钠5g/L、碳酸钠2 g/L、磷酸氧二钾2 g/L、硫酸镁0.2 g/L、碳酸钙1 g/L、硫酸锰0.1 g/L、氯化铁0.1 g/L;最佳发酵条件为:二个单一拮抗菌株Bacillus sp.SL-13、SL-14和SL-44最佳接种比例为2:1:2,培养基初始pH值为7.0.组合CL-8发酵液对加工番茄种子浸种后可提高加工番茄的防病效果,达到55.53%,明显高于三株单一菌浸种后的效果.  相似文献   

植物基因组DNA甲基化的变化是调节基因功能的重要手段,是生物体应对各种胁迫的表观遗传反应.本研究对玉米(Zea mays)高耐纹枯病材料R15和高感纹枯病材料478进行人工接种纹枯病病菌(Rhizoctonia solani Kühn),利用扫描电镜及数码拍照技术观察病菌侵染自交系R15的病理学变化,结果显示,菌丝主要通过叶鞘部位气孔进行侵染,病斑大小的变化表明病菌对寄主的侵染具有一定的梯度性;利用基因组甲基化敏感扩增多态性(MSAP)技术,采用24对选择性扩增引物对两个抗性不同玉米材料接菌0、6、12和24 h的DNA甲基化模式进行分析,结果显示,两个材料中半甲基化水平均呈上升趋势,且R15变化幅度较大,全甲基化水平呈现先上升后下降的趋势.本研究表明,DNA甲基化与玉米纹枯病抗性反应密切相关,在抗性反应调节系统中可能起重要的作用.  相似文献   

不同连作年限马铃薯根系分泌物的成分鉴定及其生物效应   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为探讨马铃薯连作障碍的可能机理,在大田条件下,收集连作1~5 a(CP1-CP5)马铃薯植株的根系分泌物,采用GC-MS对根系分泌物的主要成分进行了鉴定,并通过生物检测验证了根系分泌物的生物效应。结果表明:CP1-CP5鉴定出的物质主要有酸类、糖类、胺类、醇类、酯类和嘧啶类,但各类物质的数量和含量不同。CP1-CP5中均鉴定出棕榈酸,相对含量分别为0.55%、0.87%、1.24%、1.05%和0.95%,浓度分别为7.12 mg×L~(-1)、7.39 mg×L~(-1)、9.46 mg×L~(-1)、8.38 mg×L~(-1)和8.02 mg×L~(-1)。马铃薯根系分泌物显著抑制了马铃薯的生长,抑制作用随连作年限延长而增强。棕榈酸对马铃薯生长的抑制表现出明显的浓度效应,随浓度升高而增强。马铃薯根系分泌物明显促进了立枯丝核菌的生长,菌落直径和菌丝鲜质量表现为CP3最高,CP1最低,CP2、CP4和CP5之间没有显著差异。棕榈酸明显促进了立枯丝核菌的生长,随着棕榈酸浓度的增加,菌落直径和菌丝鲜质量先增加再减小, 10 mg×L~(-1)棕榈酸的菌落直径和菌丝鲜质量最大。由此说明,随马铃薯连作年限延长,根系分泌物的毒性越强;马铃薯根系分泌物对立枯丝核菌的促进作用加剧了马铃薯的连作障碍,棕榈酸是马铃薯根系分泌的化感自毒物质。  相似文献   

黄曲霉毒素对动物及人类健康危害极大,造成巨大的经济损失,黄曲霉毒素的污染已成为全球性的问题.该文就黄曲霉毒素的功能、危害、限量标准及去毒方法和分析方法作一综述.  相似文献   

为探讨牛粪发酵沼液的抑菌机理,以立枯丝核菌为研究对象,进行了试验研究。采用平皿培养方法:培养基表面分别均匀涂布1 mL 5种不同处理的沼液,即不作处理沼液、沼液灭菌、离心上清液、无菌膜滤液和菌体溶液,中心接种立枯丝核菌并于生化培养箱中28℃培养96 h,每12 h测量立枯菌落的生长直径以计算抑制率,同时借助分子生物学手段鉴定了沼液中起抑制作用的微生物。试验结果表明菌体溶液和不作处理沼液对立枯的抑制效果较好,抑制率最高可达74%和53%,离心上清液的抑制效果次之,无菌膜滤液和沼液灭菌处理的抑制作用较弱,一般在20%以下;对沼液中的微生物菌群进行了分离、纯化与筛选,获16株菌种,并与立枯丝核菌进行对峙培养试验,其中nfd-9和nfd-16具有较强抑制作用,其他菌株几乎没有抑制作用。将nfd-9、nfd-16与立枯对峙交界面处进行了扫描电镜观察,结果显示:这2株微生物通过竞争、拮抗和重寄生等作用来抑制立枯丝核菌的生长,从而到达防止病害的目的。经分子生物学技术鉴定,确定了nfd-9和nfd-16分别为米根霉菌(Rhizopus oryzae)和哈茨木霉(Trichoderma harzianum)。研究结果为进一步了解沼液抑制真菌的机理提供一定的理论参考。  相似文献   

森林枯落物分解研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
森林枯落物是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,其分解过程是维持土壤有机质形成、林地物质与养分循环以及森林生态系统生产力的重要生态过程.研究枯落物分解过程及影响因素对于认识森林生态系统碳氮循环动态过程具有重要意义.多年以来,枯落物分解研究取得了一些突破性进展,但是,近5年来却很少见到有关枯落物分解研究的系统性综述,这极大地阻碍...  相似文献   

为探究链霉菌JD211所产活性物质农抗211抑制水稻纹枯病菌(Rhizoctonia solani)的作用机制,采用不同浓度(0.46、0.63、1.26、2.53、4.00、5.06 μg·mL-1)农抗211作用纹枯病菌,检测纹枯病菌菌丝细胞膜透性和抗氧化系统的变化.结果表明,与对照相比,处理组荧光染料碘化丙啶(P...  相似文献   

Binucleate Rhizoctonia (BNR) W7 was evaluated for the efficacy to control damping-off disease in cucumber seedlings. Results revealed that Lobate appresoria and dome-shaped infection cushion were produced by virulent Rhizoctonia solani C9 AG4 on the surface of the cucumber seedling hypocotyls, causing damping-off, 12 h after inoculation. A significant positive correlation was observed between disease severity rating and number of infection cushions (r = 0.94) and appresoria (r = 0.97) on the hypocotyls of seedlings inoculated with virulent R. solani C9 alone. Inoculation of a nonpathogenic species of BNR prior to virulent R. solani significantly reduced the number of appresoria on hypocotyls surface and inhibited the formation of infection cushions that accompanied by highly significant (P ≤ 0.01) reduction in disease severity in comparison with seedling inoculated with R. solani C9 alone. Formation of mucilaginous material upon recognition of the nonpathogenic isolate of BNR followed by hyphal lysis of BNR W7 6 h after inoculation was responsible for reduction in appresorium formation and complete inhibition of infection cushion formation. However, the number of infection structures produced on cucumber was not significantly different for hypocotyls of seedlings inoculated with R. solani C9 with and without the nonpathogenic BNR W7.  相似文献   

During the current investigation, 51 bacterial isolates/mutants of Azotobacter chroococcum, Azospirillum spp. and Gluconacetobacter diazotrophicus were tested for antifungal activity against three fungal pathogens, namely Rhizoctonia solani cotton, Rhizoctonia solani rice and Fusarium oxysporum tomato using a dual-culture technique under laboratory conditions. Ten isolates/mutants were found to be inhibitory against R. solani cotton, six against R. solani rice and twelve against F. oxysporum tomato. Nearly 50% of the isolates/mutants were siderophore positive. The antimicrobial substance was found to be extracellular and proteinaceous in nature, but in some strains it was found to be associated with other complex material also. Almost all the positive isolates/mutants showed production of antibiotic and antifungal compounds. On the basis of this study, in vitro results under laboratory conditions were reproduced in pot experiments in the greenhouse and chosen isolates/mutants of A. chroococcum were found to be effective biocontrol agents against R. solani cotton (disease index 16.7%) and R. solani rice (2.5%) in cotton crop, whereas in guar, the crop disease index was 2.5% against R. solani cotton, 13.3% against R. solani rice and 0% against F. oxysporum tomato in tomato crop compared with their respective checks.  相似文献   

Since 1993, Rhizoctonia crown and root rot (Rhizoctonia solani AG 2–2 IIIB) has represented an increasing problem for sugar beet production in Germany. Up to now, the outbreak of the infection and the spread of the disease within a field cannot be predicted and effective countermeasures are not available. Although little is known about the living conditions of R. solani in soils, abiotic soil properties are likely to influence the disease occurrence. Investigations were carried out based on 60 pairwise comparisons, each consisting of a disease‐affected and an adjacent nonaffected patch on farmers' fields in 2002 and 2003. Soil samples from the top soil layer (0–30 cm) were collected before harvest, and eight of the most frequently mentioned soil properties potentially influencing Rhizoctonia crown and root rot infection were examined: bulk density, texture, carbonate carbon, potassium, phosphorus, organic carbon, total nitrogen, and pH. The occurrence of the disease was significantly related to the soil C : N ratio, indicating the influence of soil organic matter on the disease occurrence. Examinations of soil thin sections showed that organic‐matter particles in the soil serve as a substrate for R. solani. All other soil physical and chemical properties examined did not differ between the disease‐affected and nonaffected patches and seem to be of minor importance.  相似文献   

为研究接触辉光放电等离子体(CGDP)对茄病镰刀菌(Fusarium solani)的杀菌作用及机制,本试验以Fusarium solani为试材,考察CGDP处理过程中电压、处理时间、抗坏血酸浓度、孢子初始浓度等因素对杀菌效果的影响;并对Fusarium solani生长、孢子形态、细胞膜完整性及过程中所产生的活性粒子进行分析。通过Linear、Weibull和Log-Logistic 3种数学模型分析不同电压下CGDP杀菌动力学特性,以相关系数(R2)、精确因子(Af)、偏差因子(Bf)和均方根方差(RMSE)4个参数评价拟合效果。结果表明,CGDP对Fusarium solani孢子有着明显的杀菌效果;升高电压、延长处理时间、降低抗坏血酸浓度和孢子初始浓度均能有效抑制孢子生长,使杀菌效率提高(P<0.05);CGDP处理30 min,活性物质(·OH、H2O2、NO3-)浓度分别增加至1.57 mg·L-1、73.89 mmol·L-1和12.72 mg·L-1,pH值由7.07降至4.66;孢内核酸和蛋白质的渗漏量以及PI染色和扫描电镜结果表明,CGDP对Fusarium...  相似文献   


We tested the hypothesis that the fungivorous nematodes Aphelenchoides spp. and Aphelenchus avenae can suppress damping-off caused by Rhizoctonia solani in cauliflower seedlings, and enhance the disease-suppressive effect of compost. In greenhouse experiments, we used two different composts mixed with peat (20% + 80%) and pure peat as growth substrates in growing pots. In each substrate, treatments were: (A) with R. solani and nematodes, (B) with R. solani, (C) with nematodes, (D) control without R. solani or nematodes. Treatment effects were measured as percentage of healthy seedlings 7, 10 and 14 days after start of the experiment. We conducted two different experiments with the treatments A–D; one with Aphelenchoides spp. and one with Aphelenchus avenae. Aphelenchoides spp.+R. solani (treatment A) had 85% healthy plants (= control without addition of fungi (D)) compared with 45% in R. solani without nematodes (B). Aphelenchus avenae suppressed damping-off significantly in all substrates, from almost 100% dead plants in peat with R. solani to 65% healthy plants in R. solani+A. avenae. One compost mixture had an intrinsic suppressive effect on damping-off, while plant health in the other compost mixture was not better than in 100% peat as growing substrate. There were no additive suppressive effects (enhancement) between nematode effects and the suppressive compost. The results demonstrate the ability of fungivorous nematodes to suppress plant diseases. The effects of fungivorous nematodes in combination with compost and other control measures on disease suppression need further attention. The usefulness of fungivorous nematodes in agriculture and horticulture is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Approximately two hundred A-genome cotton (Gossypium arboreum L. and G. herbaceum L.) accessions were evaluated for resistance to the seedling disease pathogens Rhizoctonia solani Kühn [Thanatephorus cucumeris (A. B. Frank) Donk], and Pythium ultimum Trow. Susceptibility rating was based on a scale of 1 to 6 where 1 = no symptoms and 6 = dead. Variation was found among A-genome accessions in response to R. solani and P. ultimum, but none were highly resistant to these pathogens. As a group, the A-genome cottons were more susceptible to the pathogens than the G. hirsutum control.Abbreviations STV-A G. hirsutum Stoneville 506 with agar only - STV-NP G. hirsutum Stoneville 506 with non-pathogenic isolate - STV-P G. hirsutum Stoneville 506 with pathogenic isolate - A1 G. herbaceum - A2 G. arboreum - GRIN Genetic Resources Information Network  相似文献   

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