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奶牛养殖业已成为发展畜牧业的突破口。在日常饲养管理中,提高奶牛产奶量和繁殖率,是提高经济效益的关键。但目前我国奶牛情期受孕率仅为30%~50%,多数奶牛需要授精2~3次才能受孕,极易造成发情母牛的失配和已妊娠母牛的误配,从而延长产犊时间,减少泌乳量。因此,奶牛配种(或受精)后不久,必须进行早期妊娠诊断,尽早判断母牛是否妊娠。奶牛早期妊娠诊断方法的研究引起了普遍重视,国内外专家对奶牛早期妊娠诊断方法开展了大量研究工作,建立了许多诊断方法。  相似文献   

An immunological gel-diffusion test for the diagnosis of pregnancy in the mare is described. 56 blood samples from 50 different mares were tested. Control tests were made both by the Ashheim-Zondek method and by clinical examination.The accuracy of the immunological method was 96.4 %. No false positive reactions were observed. It is recommended to draw the blood sample at approximately 45 days or more after the last service.The immunological method is simple, cheap and accurate and is recommended as a routine test for the diagnosis of pregnancy in mares.  相似文献   

实验猕猴早早孕诊断   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用便携式B型超声仪检查诊断实验猕猴早早孕情况。结果表明B超检查妊娠10d、15d、20d猕猴的诊断准确率分别为53.1%(17/32)、76.0%(24/32)、100%(32/32)。  相似文献   

Rectal examination is a reliable method of diagnosing pregnancy in the mare. Also, test kits are available for the simple quick detection of pregnant mare serum gonadotrophin. Nevertheless there is a considerable demand by practitioners for an independent laboratory service in equine pregnancy diagnosis, particularly during the gestational phase when placental gonadotrophin is concentrated in the blood. An initial attempt to provide a service by means of the agar gel diffusion test was disappointing and alternatives were sought. The primary requirements for an ideal alternative technique were defined as: accuracy, sensitivity, applicability to the optimum request period, elimination of subjective interpretation and a minimal inconclusive rate. Additional considerations included cost, practicality and test duration. The various tests available are summarised and their published accuracies are discussed. It was decided to reverse the current trend from biological to immunological techniques and to modify the test by which Cole and Hart announced the discovery of PMSG in 1930. The utero-ovarian response in the immature female mouse was quantified simply to produce a numerical result. The reason for this is explained, the method is described and its accuracy is evaluated. The primary requirements, defined above, were achieved.  相似文献   

Radiographs of cats at known stages of gestation reveal that it is possible in some cases to diagnose pregnancy as early as the 17th day. In all cases examined this was possible by the 21st day. A diagram is presented in which the short width of the uterine embryonic swellings measured from radiographs is compared with swellings measured on uteri taken from cats sacrificed between day 17 and day 30 of pregnancy. The diagram may be used for the approximate determination of the stage of pregnancy in cases where mating time is unknown. Résumé. Des radiographies de chats à des stades connus de gestation révèlent qu'il est possible, dans certains cas, de diagnostiquer une grossesse dès le 17ième jour. Dans tous les cas examinés, cela était possible vers le 21 ième jour. On présente un diagramme dans lequel la petite largeur des renflements utérins embryonnaires mesurés d'après des radiographies est comparée avec des renflements sur des utérus pris de chats sacrifiés entre le 17ième et le 30ième jour de grossesse. Le diagramme peut ětre utilisé pour déterminer approximativement le stade de grossesse dans des cas où le moment de conception n'est pas connu. Zusammenfassung. Rǒntgenaufnahmen von Katzen an uns bekannten Zeitpunkten von Gestation zeigten, dass es in einigen Fàllen mǒglich ist Schwangerschaft so frùh wie am 17ten Tag zu diagnostizieren. In allen untersuchten Fǎllen war dièses am 21ten Tag mǒglich. Eine graphische Darstellung wurde gezeigt, in welcher die kurze Breite der utérine Embryo-Schwellung, die man in den Rǒntgenaufnahmenmass, mit den Schwellungen an Uteri verglich welche man von Katzen entfernte, die zwischen dem 17. und 30. Tag des Schwangerschaft getǒtet wurden. Die Darstellung kann fur die ungefàhre Bestimmung von Zeitpunkt der Schwangerschaft gebraucht werden, in Fǎllen wo man nicht weiss, wann Paarung stattfand.  相似文献   

Early and accurate diagnosis of nonpregnant sows and gilts has the potential to increase reproductive efficiency and the financial income in pig production by reducing non-productive days per sow per year. The objectives of this study were to compare the efficiency of pregnancy diagnosis between Doppler Echo+ and real time ultrasonography (RTU) and to compare the efficiency by using RTU at different days post-mating (days 17 to 24) under commercial conditions. In the 1st study, using crossbreed sows and gilts (n=107), pregnancy diagnoses were done with Doppler Echo+ and then with RTU. Between 28 and 65 days of gestation, Doppler Echo+ had 85% sensitivity and 32% specificity, and efficiency was 73%. In the 2nd study, sows (n=142) were scanned for pregnancy diagnosis between 17 and 24 d post-mating (PD1) and reconfirmed between 38 and 45 days of gestation (PD2). After 21 days of gestation, RTU had over 90% sensitivity and 45% specificity, and 70% efficiency. Accuracy between PD1-farrowing was 75.5% and between PD1 and PD2 was 80.6%. In the 3rd study, sows were diagnosed pregnant by RTU (n=151) at 17 to 24 days of gestation or A-mode ultrasound (n=172) at 28 to 30 days of gestation. There were no significant differences in conception rate (P > 0.09) and farrowing rate (P > 0.67) between both groups. Hence, there was no improvement in fertility and farrowing rate by using RTU instead of A-mode ultrasound under commercial conditions.  相似文献   

Real-time ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis in the bitch   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A portable real-time ultrasound scanner was used for pregnancy diagnosis in eight bitches. Pregnancy was detected in seven; one bitch was not pregnant. The period between the 28th and 35th days of gestation seemed to be the most suitable time for counting the foetuses. Details of the foetal bodies were clearly visible after the 40th day of pregnancy. Most of the foetuses were detected. Real-time ultrasound can be used for the diagnosis of canine pregnancy as a safe, rapid and easy method, although some inaccuracy in foetal count exists.  相似文献   


In the Hunter Valley of Australia, it is the practice to examine mares for pregnancy 25 days after service. These examinations are carried out without the operator having prior knowledge of the reason for the mare's presentation—i.e., whether for pregnancy, anoestrus, oestrus or follicle examination. This ensures a thorough examination and is a very critical check on the accuracy of the operator.  相似文献   

Determining sex of the equine fetus by transrectal ultrasonic assessment of the relative location of the genital tubercle (forerunner of penis and clitoris) was studied in 23 mares. Ultrasound examinations were done every other day on Days 35 to 97 or until the fetus was manually removed for comparative diagnosis of sex by gross inspection. In both sexes, the genital tubercle was a hyperechogenic bilobulated structure 2 mm in diameter when first identifiable between Days 40 and 54. Initially, the tubercle was located between the hind limbs and sex was not diagnosable. By a mean of Day 63, the tubercle was immediately caudal to the umbilical cord in males and under the tail in females. The optimal time for sex diagnosis was Days 59 to 68. During this time, the tubercle was readily accessible and assignable to a location characteristic of its sex, and sex was correctly diagnosed for all examinations of all fetuses except for 2 errors in the first mare used in the study. Between Days 69 and 97 all attempted diagnoses were correct, but a diagnosis was not attempted in 13% of the examinations because of difficulty in obtaining an adequate view in some mares. Although the technique was highly accurate for diagnosis of fetal sex, it is emphasized that the operator was experienced and the examining conditions were optimal.  相似文献   

早期妊娠诊断在母熊的繁殖规律的研究中是一个难题。母熊交配、受孕后,生理、行为、外观没有明显的变化。受孕后,受精卵一直游离到5个月左右开始附植,附植后生长发育时间短,为6~8周。腹围在临产前1个月左右才有增大,但也不甚明显。鉴于上述情况,我们采用MCD—Ⅰ型检测仪和妊娠诊断盒  相似文献   

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