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Psittacines kept as pets show a predisposition to vitamin A deficiency conditions. The lack of a varied diet, over-long storage times for seed and no knowledge regarding species specific feeding behaviour all lead to squamous cell epithelium metaplasia in the region of beak, oesophagus and trachea. The submandibular tumour of the sublingual salivary glands in parrots also belongs to this group of deficiency conditions. A granuloma of the right sublingual salivary gland in a Timor African Grey Parrot (Psittacus erythacus timneh) is described. It was classed as husbandry-dependent on the basis of an appropriate case history and a thorough assessment of the environment. The clinical appearance, the surgical procedure, follow-up treatment and the occurrence of this tumour are related with the use of illustrations.  相似文献   

The intraocular implantation of a silicone prosthesis fulfills all important requirements to be used in dogs and cats. Given the appropriate indication including glaucoma in the first place, this method should be preferred to enucleation. The operation procedure is described and clinical observations in 14 dogs and 6 cats are reported. All animals tolerated the implant well and appeared to be pain-free. The cosmetic results depended on the correct size of the implant and on the nature of the corneal response. Final evaluation of the cosmetic effect was only possible one year or even more after operation.  相似文献   

对红头丽体鱼[Cichlasoma synspilum(♀)]红魔丽体鱼[C.citrinellum(♂)]杂交子一代(F1)(俗称血鹦鹉)的胚胎及仔鱼形态发育进行观察,描述了各发育时期的发育时序和形态特征。平均受精率为(91.333.06)%,平均孵化率为(91.672.08)%;血鹦鹉的受精卵呈椭圆球形,黏性,有浅黄、白灰和红褐3种颜色,无油球,平均卵长径为(1.890.04)mm;发育过程可分为6个阶段:受精卵阶段、卵裂阶段、原肠期、神经胚期、器官形成期和孵出期,并进一步分为28个发育分期;在水温(300.5)℃下历时约52 h 36 min完成孵化。初孵仔鱼全长(3.710.05)mm,卵黄长径为(1.740.09)mm,短径为(1.250.07)mm,于第3天开始摄食轮虫,孵出后第5天卵黄囊完全消失。第13 天全长(11.861.02)mm,各鳍条基本形成,进入稚鱼期。  相似文献   

为证实灰度信息在声呐图像中的重要价值,并获得有利于声呐图像目标分割的最佳增益值,研究了不同声呐增益值下,鲟鱼声呐图像灰度分布的形态差异,并基于灰度直方图分布信息的最大熵阈值分割算法对俄罗斯鲟( Acipenser gueldenstaedti Brandt )目标进行了分割,根据分割结果得到了最佳声呐增益值,即Gain=15 dB。充分说明了在较优的声呐增益值下获取的声呐图像,即使目标形状发生严重变形时,利用其灰度直方图分布信息也能进行很好的目标分割,从而为解决鲟鱼声呐图像目标识别以及跟踪提供参考依据。  相似文献   

An 11-week feeding trial was conducted to study the effects of the different levels of dietary vitamin C on growth, tissue ascorbic acid concentrations and histopathological changes in parrot fish. Casein and gelatin-based diets were formulated to contain 0, 60, 120, 240, 480 and 2000 mg l-ascorbic acid (AA) per kg diets on AA equivalent basis in the form of l-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate (AMP), 60 and 240 mg AA per kg diet as l-ascorbic acid. However, the analyzed AA levels were 0, 50, 100, 205, 426 and 1869 mg AA per kg diet in AMP supplemented diets; 36 and 149 mg AA per kg diet in l-ascorbic acid supplemented diets. Thus, the diets were designated as AA-free, AMP50, AMP100, AMP205, AMP426, AMP1869, AA36 and AA149. Fish averaging 3.9±0.06 g (mean±S.D.) randomly were fed the experimental diets in triplicate groups for 11 weeks. Weight gain (WG) of fish fed AMP50 and AA36 diets were significantly lower than those of the other groups, and fish fed AMP1869 diet showed a higher WG than did fish fed AMP50, AMP100, AMP205, AA36 and AA149 diets (P<0.05). However, there was no significant difference in WG between fish fed diets AMP426 and AMP1869, and among fish fed AMP100, AMP205, AMP426 and AA149 diets. Fish fed the AA-free diet began to show deficiency signs, such as retarded growth, darkening, anorexia and high mortality, after 3 weeks of feeding trial. After 6 weeks of the feeding trial, liver from fish fed the AA-free diet showed severe atrophy. By the end of the seventh week, all fish fed the AA-free diet were dead. Liver AA concentration from fish fed AMP50 diet was significantly lower than that from fish fed AMP205, AMP426, AMP1869 and AA149 diets, and fish fed AMP50, AMP100, AA36 diets showed a significant lower AA concentration in liver than did fish fed AMP205, AMP426 and AMP1869 diets.Broken line analysis of weight gain indicated that the dietary vitamin C requirement of parrot fish is 118±12 mg AA per kg diet in the form of l-ascorbyl-2-monophosphate for maximum growth.  相似文献   

Induction of ovarian maturation in Penaeus vannamei , by implantation of ganglion prepared from female lobster, Homarus americanus , with developing ovaries was investigated under tank culture conditions. Four of six females with thoracic ganglion implants were maturing while only two of thirteen females of the control groups with abdominal ganglion or no implant matured. Two ripe stage V were found 18 days after implantation of lobster's thoracic ganglion. This indicates that ovarian maturation of P. vannumei in tanks can be induced and accelerated by implantation of thoracic ganglion prepared from maturing females of another species. Ovarian maturation may be induced by a gonad-stimulating hormone, secreted by the thoracic ganglion of maturing females. This gonnd-stimdating hormone is not species specific in activity in the shrimp and lobster.  相似文献   

Two consecutive feeding trials were conducted to determine the optimum dietary level of the cottonseed and soybean meal (CS) for replacement of fish meal (FM) in diets for juvenile and ongrowing parrot fish with or without iron and phytase. In experiment I, juvenile parrot fish (BW: 3.17 g) were fed one of six experimental diets for 12 weeks which were formulated to replace FM protein by equal proportion (1:1, w:w) of CS at 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50% (designated as CS0, CS10, CS20, CS30, CS40, or CS50, respectively). In experiment II, ongrowing parrot fish (BW: 55 g) were fed one of five experimental diets for 9 weeks. The experimental diets were formulated to replace FM protein by CS at 0, 20, or 30% (designated as CS0, CS20, or CS30, respectively) and to include ferrous sulfate (0.1 and 0.2%) and phytase into the CS20 and CS30 diets (CS20 + Fe&P and CS30 +Fe&P, respectively). Results from the two feeding trials indicated that the CS could replace up to 20% FM protein in diets for juvenile parrot fish (3–22 g) and up to 30% in ongrowing (55–120 g) parrot fish. The supplemental effect of iron and phytase was not significant on growth performance. Total or each gossypol enantiomer concentration in the liver increased as the level of dietary cottonseed meal increased. However, gossypol in the liver of fish fed diets supplemented with iron was not detected. The dietary supplementation of CS significantly reduced the levels of plasma triacyglycerols and total cholesterol. The present study indicates that plant protein sources are better utilized in larger fish, and that up to approximately 30% FM protein could be replaced by CS with iron and phytase in the presence of supplemental lysine and methionine.  相似文献   

Abstract –  Knowledge of maturation state of eels ( Anguilla anguilla , L.) based on ocular index (OI) serves management and research functions, such as estimating how much silver eel actually could escape from a particular basin or determining more precisely the developmental biology of a particular eels. OI implies the measurements of five variables (total length and eyes diameters) in a formula which can be sensitive to measurement error. To investigate this issue, we carried out a comparative study using 13 European eels harvested in Camargue (Rhône Delta, France) and three replicated measurements by three different observers. The estimated amplitude of OI imprecision at a 95% confidence level was 1.8 whatever eel and observer. Such error may lead to classification problems particularly when OI values are close to the threshold values used to discriminate between yellow and silver stages. This study not only raised the problem of the OI imprecision but also brought up the need to develop standardised protocol for identifying silver eels. To reach this goal, two different ways are proposed in conclusion.  相似文献   

在单养鲢(Hypophthalmichthys molitrix)的塑料养殖箱中植入黄菖蒲(Iris pseudacorus),按黄菖蒲∶鲢(生物量,g/m3)约为1∶3、2∶3、1∶1、4∶3设置4个实验组(对照组不加黄菖蒲),研究鲢养殖水体植入黄菖蒲对水质及鲢生长的影响。每周定时测定养殖水体中TN、TP、COD的变化及黄菖蒲、鲢鱼的生长情况等。结果显示,实验组水体TN、TP和COD浓度相比无黄菖蒲组显著降低,实验组对TN、TP、COD的清除率分别为:生物量比1∶3组(黄菖蒲5株):63.95%、59.06%、46.55%;生物量比2∶3组(黄菖蒲10株):80.25%、68.46%、43.84%;生物量比1∶1组(黄菖蒲15株):78.05%、69.13%、31.49%;生物量比4∶3组(黄菖蒲20株):75.54%、63.76%、27.06%。各实验组中黄菖蒲和鲢生长情况良好,实验生物量比2∶3组鲢特定生长率最高达0.33%/d,黄菖蒲特定生长率也最高。结果表明:在鲢养殖水体中引入水生植物黄菖蒲可以一定程度上改善养殖水质,并促进鲢的生长。  相似文献   

Little is known about the movement patterns of gray triggerfish, Balistes capriscus Gmelin, in the northern Gulf of Mexico. To examine fine‐scale movements, gray triggerfish (= 17) were tagged with transmitters and tracked with the VR2W Positioning System from 17 October 2012 to 9 December 2013. Most (76%) tagged fish survived and were tracked for 1–57 weeks. Tagged fish showed significantly larger home ranges and core areas in autumn than winter–spring and during day than night. Seasonal movement patterns were positively correlated with water temperature. Gray triggerfish stayed close to the reef (mean ± SD distance = 35.9 ± 28.4 m) and showed high site fidelity (64%) and high residency (>57 weeks). These patterns emphasise the importance of structured habitat for this species and suggest that artificial reef building in the northern Gulf of Mexico has enhanced this population.  相似文献   

A 42‐day experiment was carried out to evaluate the effects of four different lipid containing diets (lipid 74.0, 105.3, 135.0, 168.1 g/kg diet) on growth, digestive enzymes activities, immunology and expression of canthaxanthin‐based coloration in parrot cichlid (Amphilophus citrinellus × Paraneetroplus synspilus). Each diet contained canthaxanthin 0.05 g/kg diet. Two hundred and eighty‐eight fish were randomly stocked into 12 glass aquaria to form four triplicate groups. Fish were fed one of four diets daily at 20 g/kg of their total body weight. Growth, digestive enzymes activities, immunology and body colour parameters were measured at the end of experiment. Based on the polynomial regression of dietary lipid level and specific growth rate, the dietary lipid level inclusion was calculated as 117.2 g/kg for the highest specific growth rate of these animals. The polynomial regression of skin colour parameters and dietary lipid levels indicated the critical threshold lipid inclusions in diet: 113.7 g/kg for the best expression of lightness, 112.1 g/kg for redness, 127.5 g/kg for yellowness and 125.3 g/kg for chroma of fish's skin. Considering redness, lightness and specific growth rate are most important variables, a diet containing lipid 115.0 g/kg can be recommended for blood parrot cichlid.  相似文献   

Abstract. In order to assess the accuracy and reliability of automated fish counters for counting adult Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., a 'Logie' resistivity counter was installed in late June 1989 in the control dam above the fishway in Northeast River, Placentia, Newfoundland, Canada. The counter was in operation for 26 days (1–26 July). The accuracy of daily counts recorded by the counter was verified by visual counts of Atlantic salmon released from a trap located downstream of the counter and immediately above the fishway. All the fish released from the trap had to pass over the counter. A total of 517 salmon (mainly grilse) was released from the trap and the net number of upstream migrants recorded by the counter was also 517. This is the first test and use of an open-channel counter in eastern Canada. The results suggest that some counting fences and fishways may be easily adapted for installation of automated counters and that counters offer a cost-effective means of counting adult Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Dendrochronology (tree‐ring analysis) techniques were applied to develop chronologies from the annual growth‐increment widths of red snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and gray snapper (Lutjanus griseus) otoliths sampled from the northern Gulf of Mexico, USA. Growth increment widths showed considerable synchrony within and across species, indicating that some component of environmental variability influenced growth. The final, exactly dated red snapper chronology continuously spanned 1975 through 2003, while the gray snapper chronology continuously spanned 1975 through 2006. To determine baseline climate‐growth relationships, chronologies were compared to monthly averages of sea surface temperatures, U winds (west to east), V winds (south to north), and Mississippi River discharge. The gray snapper chronology significantly (P < 0.01) correlated with winds and temperature in March and April, while the red snapper chronology correlated with winds in March. Principal components regression including springtime winds and temperature accounted for 28 and 52% of the variance in the red and gray snapper chronologies, respectively. These results indicate that snapper growth was favored by warm sea surface temperatures and onshore winds from the southeast to the northwest in March and April. Overall, this study provides preliminary, baseline information regarding the association between climate and growth for these commercially important snapper species.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to evaluate the effects of dietary protein levels on growth, biometrics, hematology and body composition in juvenile parrot fish Oplegnathus fasciatus. Fish averaging 7.1 ± 0.06 g (mean ± SD) was randomly distributed into 15 net cages (each size: 60 × 40 × 90 cm, W × L × H) as groups of 20 fish. Five isocaloric diets (16.7 kJ/g energy) were formulated to contain crude protein levels (CP) as 35 (CP35), 40 (CP40), 45 (CP45), 50 (CP50) and 60 % (CP60) in the diets. Fish were fed one of the experimental diets at apparent satiation twice a day in triplicate groups. At the end of 8-week feeding trial, weight gain (WG) of fish fed with CP50 and CP60 diets were significantly higher than those of fish fed with CP35, CP40 and CP45 diets. Fish fed with CP45, CP50 and CP60 diets had higher feed efficiency (FE) and specific growth rate (SGR) than those of fish fed with CP35 and CP40 diets. Protein retention efficiency (PRE) decreased with increase of dietary protein levels among fish fed with the experimental diets. Whole-body crude protein and lipid contents increased with the dietary protein level up to CP50 diet. In conclusion, analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed that the optimum dietary protein level could be 50 % for maximum growth of juvenile parrot fish, while the broken-line analysis of WG suggested that the level could be 48.5 %, in a diet containing 16.7 kJ/g energy.  相似文献   

Organic aquaculture has lagged behind the agriculture sector in terms of the quantities and diversity of certified organic products because of the absence of detailed accepted standards and criteria until recently. The main challenges for organic aquaculture are to improve the coordination between production and market and to achieve an appropriate framework to drive further development. Priorities for research include organic feeds and fish nutrition, consumers’ needs, food safety, environmental concerns and trade issues. In organically cultured fish, differences in feeds and nutrition compared to conventional systems are likely to result in differences in the quality of the flesh, and this is a significant factor in consumer choice. The review covers aspects of current use of eco‐certification, formulated feeds, feed composition, aquafeed technology, sustainable alternatives to common feed ingredients, nutritional physiology and general nutritional principles and product quality in the context of the organic aquaculture. There is a future for the development of organic aquaculture but its success depends on new knowledge and technical development to meet consumers’ growing interest. The industry has to utilize the research results and update and modify the criteria and standards and thus provide high‐quality products.  相似文献   

Beta-glucan: an ideal immunostimulant in aquaculture (a review)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
The major hindrance in the development and sustainability of aquaculture industry is the occurrence of various diseases in the farming systems. Today, preventive and management measures are central concern to overcome such outbreak of diseases. Immunostimulants are considered as an effective tool for enhancing immune status of cultured organisms. Among different immunostimulants used in aquaculture practices, β-glucan is one of the promising immunostimulant, which is a homopolysaccharide of glucose molecule linked by the glycoside bond. It forms the major constituents of cell wall of some plants, fungi, bacteria, mushroom, yeast, and seaweeds. Major attention on β-glucan was captivated with the gain in knowledge on its receptors and the mechanism of action. The receptor present inside the animal body recognizes and binds to β-glucan, which in turn renders the animal with high resistance and enhanced immune response. This review highlights β-glucan as an immunostimulant, its effective dosages, and route of administration and furthermore provides an outline on role of β-glucan in enhancing growth, survival, and protection against infectious pathogens pertaining to fishes and shellfishes. Study also summarizes the effect of β-glucan on its receptors, recognition of proteins, immune-related enzymes, immune-related gene expression and their mechanisms of action.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a vertical-slot fishway on the Burnett River barrage for facilitating migration of fish was assessed. In 100 samples taken at the top and bottom of the fishway, over 52 000 fish representing 34 species were collected at a maximum rate of 4500 fish per day. In contrast, less than 2000 fish ascended the original pool-and-weir fishway in 128, 24 h samples at the top between 1984 and 1987. Juvenile size classes dominated the abundance of many species in the present study and fish between 24 and 930 mm in length ascended the vertical-slot fishway. However, passage of small fish was restricted and for new fishways on tidal barriers a further reduction in head loss between pools is recommended. Importantly, the width of the vertical-slots was too small for effective upstream passage of large Queensland lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri (Krefft). The greatest diversity of fish species was found during low river flows. The findings suggest that vertical-slot fishways with wide pools and low turbulence pass a diverse range of fish fauna present in subtropical coastal rivers.  相似文献   

Levels of oxidative stress can be affected by a range of compounds including toxins and pharmaceuticals. Antioxidants are important protective compounds which counteract the damaging effects of oxidative stress. Glutathione (GSH) is one of the main antioxidants for many organisms and can be synthesized from administered N-acetylcysteine (NAC). NAC has therefore often been used in a wide range of taxa to manipulate levels of GSH. Our objective was to validate this approach in a wild temperate teleost fish model, the brown trout (Salmo trutta). We used intracoelomic injections of NAC in saline and vegetable shortening, at two different concentrations (100 and 400 mg/kg), with the appropriate controls and shams, under controlled laboratory settings. We found that NAC failed to elicit an increase in GSH over three time periods and concluded that NAC is not an effective method to enhance GSH levels in teleost fish using the concentrations and vehicles tested here. We emphasize the importance of validation studies across all new species/taxa when possible and suggest that more investigation is required with regard to NAC manipulation in fish if this approach is to be used.  相似文献   

Abstract. Injected vaccines consisting of formalin-killed cells and extracellular antigens prepared from a virulent and an avirulent strain of Aeromonas salmonicida were tested for their efficacy in protecting juvenile coho salmon. Oncorhychus kisutch (Walbaum). Against experimental furunculosis following active and passive immunization. Sera used in the passive immunization experiments were raised in subadult coho salmon and in rabbits. Results indicated that the avirulent strain was inferior to the virulent strain in its immunogenicity for coho salmon. Thus, even though avirulent cells possessed at least one immunogen–an immunogen that was show in passive immunization experiments to be well recognized by rabbits–the immunogen was only inefficiently protection when vaccinated with avirulent cells. Furher, extracellular antigens of the avirulent strain were not protective for coho salmon even though they elicited the production of anti- A. salmonicida agglutinins. In contrast, the killed cells and extracellular antigens of the virulent strain were both immunogenic in coho salmon. By passively immunizing coho salmon with rabbit sera raised against the virulent and the virulent strain produced at least two immunogens, only one of which was shared in common with the avirulent strain. The extra immunogen possessed by the virulent strain is presumably responsible for its superior immunogenicity in coho salmon; the immunogen had the properties of a protein and is believed to be the A-protein.  相似文献   

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