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Fish otoliths are widely used to answer biological and ecological questions related to movements and habitat use based on their chemical composition. Two fundamental assumptions underlie otoliths as environmental tracers and proxies for reconstructing exposure histories: (i) otolith chemistry reflects water chemistry, and (ii) ambient environmental conditions affect otolith element incorporation. Here, we test these assumptions for Sr and Ba through meta‐analyses. Our first meta‐analysis confirmed a correlation between concentrations of Sr:Ca and Ba:Ca in otoliths and the surrounding water, both elements displaying positive otolith–water correlations. The second meta‐analysis examined the relative influences of salinity and temperature on otolith Sr and Ba partition coefficients (an index of otolith element regulation). Our environmental effects meta‐analysis confirmed that otolith Sr and Ba are affected by temperature and salinity; however, study‐level covariates (e.g., water chemical concentrations and species ecological niche) influenced otolith element incorporation, and this varied by element. These findings confirm that even though otolith chemistry and elemental incorporation are differentially affected by environmental conditions, other factors play a decisive role. While we focused on studies that directly linked water and otolith chemistry, systematic reviews are key to further demonstrate the link between otolith chemistry and extrinsic and intrinsic factors. Ultimately, disentangling the relative effects of multiple factors on otolith chemistry and a detailed understanding of biomineralization is critical to the continued use of otoliths as natural tags for tracing fish movements and habitat use.  相似文献   

To investigate whether European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) groups in the brackish (≤7%) Gulf of Bothnia (Baltic Sea) express specific otolith elemental characteristics, concentrations of elements (Ca, Ba, Sr, Zn, Mn, Fe) in whole otoliths were studied by inductively coupled plasma‐optical emission spectrometry. Whitefish (N = 67) were sampled from six different latitudinal sites; four in the sea and two in rivers along the west coast of Finland, and from a fresh water lake for comparison. The concentration of several elements showed significant differences among sampling sites. Otolith Ba concentrations were higher at the northern sampling sites compared to the southern ones, thereby showing negative association to capture‐habitat salinity. In contrast, otolith Sr and Zn concentrations were lower at the northern sampling sites, thereby associating positively to capture‐habitat salinity. Otolith Mn concentrations did not associate with latitude or salinity but markedly varied between sampling sites. Elevated Fe concentrations occurred in fish otoliths from the two northernmost sites. Ca concentrations were at the same levels in otoliths from all whitefish samples. Otoliths of whitefish from the lake had very high Ba and low Sr concentrations compared to concentrations in otoliths from whitefish in the sea and rivers. Our results show that otolith elemental characteristics of whitefish vary considerably at various geographic scales showing high potential for population identification using elemental fingerprints. Analysis of otolith elemental characteristics may therefore provide an efficient tool for the identification of main areas of residence, spawning locations, and migration routes, thus contributing towards the sustainable management of whitefish stocks.  相似文献   

Abstract –  We used laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry line scans to determine the elemental composition of otoliths, pectoral fin rays and scales of Arctic grayling. Elemental signatures of otoliths and pectoral fin rays effectively provide life-history information on individual fish, important for management of grayling, and potentially all freshwater teleosts. Bulk elemental signatures measured in the otoliths and fin rays were highly correlated to the stream chemistries where the fish were captured. A surprising result of this study was that fin rays showed the strongest relationship with water chemistry for strontium. Scale strontium concentrations were not correlated to water chemistries suggesting that other physiological mechanisms, or remobilisation, may be influencing the deposition of trace elements within scales. Linear discriminant function analyses for otolith and fin ray elemental signatures (and intriguingly also for scales) separated fish from different rivers for all three structures; thus, this technique can be used effectively as a means to discriminate origin of capture.  相似文献   

Trace elements in otoliths of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) and sea bream (Sparus aurata L.) from fish farms and coastal wild populations in the western Mediterranean Sea were analysed by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. Results showed that concentrations of Mg, K, and Mn differed significantly between wild and farmed sea bass, while concentrations of Mg, K, Mn, Fe, Zn, Sr, and Ba varied significantly between wild and farmed sea bream. Discriminate analysis and cross-validation classification showed that the trace element profile in otoliths can be used to separate farmed fish from wild stocks with high accuracy on both sea bass (individuals correctly classified: 90.7 %) and sea bream (individuals correctly classified: 96.6 %). Moreover, trace elements in otoliths resulted to be useful to discriminate among wild fish stocks within each species.  相似文献   

利用2014年采自湖北长湖的378尾短颌鲚(Coilia brachygnathus)样本,去除包膜和黏液的矢耳石于55℃烘箱中烘烤24 h,电子天平称重(精确至0.001 g),成对t检验结果表明,短颌鲚左右矢耳石重量之间无显著差异(P0.05),数据分析以左右矢耳石重量的平均值计为矢耳石重量;采用直线、幂函数和多项式3种回归方程研究了其耳石重量与年龄的关系。结果显示,长湖短颌鲚的耳石和鳞片均可用于鉴定其年龄,且两者鉴定年龄的吻合度达到75.8%;根据222尾耳石与鳞片年龄一致的短颌鲚样本数据,发现耳石重量与个体的年龄呈显著相关(P0.05);按年龄组以耳石重量与相应的体长作图,可以初步判断所观测年龄的可靠性;利用建立的耳石重量-年龄关系函数估算得到的个体年龄,与直接读取耳石磨片获得的年龄结果无显著差异(P0.05),表明利用矢耳石重量直接推算其个体年龄,可以作为辅助短颌鲚年龄鉴定尤其快速鉴定的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

进一步开展叶尔羌高原鳅(Triplophysa yarkandensis)不同地理群体分类判别、探明耳石与鱼类生活史的相关机制,本研究基于耳石形态学和鱼类生态学方法,对叶尔羌河、和田河和塔里木河的734尾叶尔羌高原鳅耳石与鱼体的形态指标进行了统计分析。结果显示,叶尔羌高原鳅耳石较小,左右微耳石形态无显著差异(P>0.05);叶尔羌高原鳅耳石形态指标与体长、体质量呈对数函数关系,R2范围在0.48~0.62;采用鱼体形态学、耳石形态测量法和椭圆傅里叶分析法分别对两两群体进行判别分析,和田河群体与塔里木河群体判别准确率分别为96.0%、61.4%和82.2%,叶尔羌河群体与和田河群体判别准确率分别为93.0%、79.5%和87.9%,叶尔羌河群体与塔里木河群体判别准确率分别为96.5%、77.5%和86.8%。叶尔羌高原鳅耳石形态与鱼体生长的关系极大程度地反映了其个体发育对栖息环境的适应性,且不同地理群体叶尔羌高原鳅耳石形态特征存在显著差异(P<0.05)。本研究将耳石形态学首次应用于叶尔羌高原鳅种群的鉴别分析,为进一步开展高原鳅属进化分类提供参考,为高原渔业种质资源保护提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

Otolith microchemistry can provide crucial information to address gaps of knowledge in spatio‐temporal ecology of fish species. However, understanding the seasonal variability of water chemistry and its effect on otolith signatures is needed to interpret fish movements. Otolith multi‐elemental signatures were used to examine the diadromous migration and small‐scale movements of a tropical goby (Sicyopterus lagocephalus) within a watershed in La Réunion Island, Indian Ocean. The elemental ratios Sr:Ca, Ba:Ca and Sr:Ba recorded monthly in the water of nine sampling sites varied between localities and were correlated with otolith signatures, whereas the Mg:Ca signature was not. The incorporation of some trace elements in otoliths was influenced by the size of fish and site where they were caught, reflecting an effect of endogenous and exogenous factors. Despite these sources of variation, the elemental signatures did not overlap for three river sections distributed along the 26‐km‐long watershed. The diadromous migration and fish lifetime movements between these river sections were reconstructed using an original process based on random forest analysis. This approach revealed distinct migratory behaviours after fish entered in the river, with some individuals progressing slowly in the watershed whereas other rapidly reached the upper localities. As adults, S. lagocephalus showed a restricted exploratory behaviour and a strong site fidelity to a particular part of the watershed. The detection of adult movement was typically only between adjacent locations and is possibly explained by shifts in local intraspecific hierarchies and/or displacement during extreme discharge caused by cyclones.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether the elemental compositions of whole otoliths and chronological transect profiles of otoliths covering the complete life history are useful for evaluating the population structure of Pacific herring. Eight elemental ratios, Li:Ca, Na:Ca, Mg:Ca, K:Ca, Mn:Ca, Cu:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca, were measured in whole otoliths and in a series of ablations across the life-history transects by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. We studied fish from three sample groups collected from Lake Obuchinuma, Miyako Bay, and Akkeshi Bay of northern Japan from March to May 2008. Significant differences were found in the Na:Ca, Mg:Ca, P:Ca, K:Ca, Mn:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios of the whole otoliths and in the Li:Ca, Na:Ca, K:Ca, Mn:Ca, Sr:Ca, and Ba:Ca ratios of the otolith core among the three sample groups. Therefore, the present study showed clear differences in elemental composition among the three sample groups from different locations, suggesting that otolith elemental compositions reflect the habitats experienced by individual fish.  相似文献   

Understanding the relationship between intraspecific phenotypic variation and habitat is fundamentally important to ecology and evolution. However, it is largely unknown whether the environment drives the morphological variation in riverine fish otoliths, which are potential phenotypic markers. In this study, we investigated morphological variations in the otoliths of an endemic Chinese fish (Schizothorax nukiangensis Tsao) collected from seven sites with varying environmental gradients along the NuSalween River. We compared morphological characters of S. nukiangensis otoliths among sampling sites and identified environmental sources of otolith morphological variation using multivariate regression trees and multiple factor analysis. Results showed that S. nukiangensis otoliths collected from different habitats were significantly different in morphology, mainly at the rostrum, excisura and posterior rim. Variations in otolith morphology (specifically the increase in otolith length) were predominantly governed by average river gradient; this might be a functional response to hydrogeomorphic conditions. Other environmental gradients (i.e., altitude, latitude and average annual temperature) played a minor role in otolith shape. This study highlighted the role of environmental factors in determining the otolith shape in riverine fish; thus, species and population discriminations based on otolith morphology should consider intraspecific variability.  相似文献   

This study investigated otolith shape, elemental chemistry of otolith cores (first 1-3 months of life), and stable isotope ratios (δ18O and δ13C) of whole otoliths as indicators of stock structure among three important southern Australian blue grenadier Macruronus novaezelandiae fishery regions; west Tasmania - WTAS, east Bass Strait - EBS, and Great Australian Bight - GAB. Comparisons were confined to two dominant cohorts of age 4+ and 13+ years, spawned in winter 2002 and 1993 respectively. Otolith shape varied significantly between the WTAS and GAB regions for the age 4+ cohort only. Cu:Ca of otolith cores was significantly higher for both cohorts from WTAS than EBS and GAB, and Ba:Ca of otolith cores higher for WTAS and EBS than the GAB region. Stable isotopic signatures showed greater variation among regions for the age 13+ cohort. In particular, otoliths of age 13+ fish from WTAS displayed significantly higher δ18O (indicative of lower temperature history) than age 4+ fish from all regions, and the same age fish from the GAB and EBS regions. δ18O of blue grenadier otoliths accurately predicted water temperature at their main capture depths of 400-600 m. Chemistry of otolith cores combined with whole otolith isotope ratios discriminated GAB and EBS samples from those collected on the known WTAS spawning ground with moderate to high (64-86%) accuracy. The results provide support for the hypotheses that the GAB fishery is based on a separate stock for management purposes, and that the EBS fishery is likely replenished both from local spawning and the major WTAS spawning region.  相似文献   

To apply otolith microstructure to examination of age and growth of juvenile chum salmon Oncorhynchus keta inhabiting coastal waters, formation of otolith increments was investigated for juveniles reared in a seawater aquarium and in net pens. In all otoliths examined, a distinctive check was formed at the time of sea entry of the fish. The deposition of otolith increments after the check was daily for rearing both in the aquarium (57 days) and in the net pens (26 days). Check formation associated with sea entry was also observed in otoliths of juvenile salmon collected 1 km off the coast of Shari, Hokkaido, Japan. Transmitted light observation of otoliths of those fish revealed a transition in otolith increment appearance from dark to light. Otolith Sr: Ca ratio remarkably changed from a low to a high level, coinciding with the transition in otolith appearance. It is suggested that the transition was associated with individual sea entry. This study demonstrated that the check and/or transition associated with sea entry are applicable to a benchmark for otolith increment counts of juvenile chum salmon inhabiting coastal waters.  相似文献   

. Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., parr and smolts from three Norwegian rivers were examined with respect to whether or not they had been released from a hatchery. The hatchery background was known for some released fish and could be ascertained for others from their aberrant body morphology and eroded fins. Fish released after one winter in a hatchery had opaque otoliths like the fish examined from two hatcheries. Naturally produced fish showed a distinct, seasonal growth pattern in the otoliths, alternating between opaque summer zones and hyaline winter zones. Fish released as fry showed an otolith pattern similar to that of naturally produced fish. A test revealed little discrepancy between two independent otolith readings even though the test reading was conducted without any information about the fish accompanying the otoliths. The results suggest that examination of otoliths may help distinguish between juveniles that are hatchery-reared and juveniles that are naturally produced in the river, provided that the hatchery-reared fish have a 1-year history in the hatchery prior to release.  相似文献   

草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)是我国主要增殖放流经济鱼种之一,探索有效的标志方法对其增殖放流的技术保障和效果评价无疑至关重要。本研究对草鱼仔鱼耳石进行了1 d茜素络合物(ALC)荧光标记,以确认该方法的可行性及适宜条件。结果显示,微耳石、矢耳石和星耳石均能被标记。标记环在可见光及荧光下均能被观察到。其中,后者使用蓝色激发光(WBS)观察效果最佳。总体上,微耳石的标记效果最好,矢耳石次之。ALC浸泡对鱼体的生存及生长无显著影响,耳石上荧光信号出现和消失与鱼体开始浸泡和结束均存在约12 h的时滞。浸泡标记过的实验鱼在经过长达60 d的恢复续养后,标记环仍清晰可见,表明ALC标记效果明显且可长期存在。该方法对草鱼仔鱼的增殖放流标记具有较强的可行性。  相似文献   

This study examined otolith geochemistry as a natural marker of natal origins in young‐of‐the‐year (YOY) Cichla temensis in the Negro River Basin of Brazil. We analysed trace element and isotopic composition of otoliths of YOY collected off spawning nests from the main stem and major tributaries. These were compared with regional bedrock geologic composition to explore underlying mechanisms of differences in otolith geochemistry. Our results suggest that spatial differences in otolith geochemistry can be used to distinguish natal origins based on 87Sr/86Sr, Sr/Ca and Ba/Ca ratios. This approach allowed us to correctly classify 99% of juvenile fish to their natal streams using cross‐validation in a linear discriminant function analysis (LDFA). Patterns of otolith isotopic composition correspond with patterns in regional geology as expected based on previously demonstrated correlations, although some fine‐scale spatial differences cannot be accounted for by available geologic information. These results demonstrate that otolith chemistry is valuable as a natural marker of natal origins in this system and suggest that inferences from geologic maps may be useful for interpreting movements based on otolith geochemical signatures. This information provides the basis for future work to investigate the early life history and spatial ecology of this important cichlid.  相似文献   

In order to determine the salinity effect on otolith strontium (Sr):calcium (Ca) ratios, the Sr and Ca contents of otoliths of Sakhalin taimen, Hucho perryi, reared for 60 days in four salinities (freshwater, one-third seawater, two-thirds seawater, and full seawater) were examined. The Ca and Sr contents and the resultant Sr:Ca ratios in the rearing water increased linearly with salinity. Otolith Sr:Ca ratios were also found to be positively correlated with salinity. However, the Sr:Ca did not correspond to temperature fluctuations during the experiment. These results indicate that Sr:Ca ratios in otoliths can be used to reconstruct the migratory history of the fish by differentiating when the fish migrated between freshwater and seawater.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: The objective of this study was to reveal the spawning grounds and reproductive characteristics of anadromous and resident pond smelt, Hypomesus nipponensis , coexisting in Lake Ogawara. Life history styles of females shedding in spawning grounds in the lake and its inflowing rivers were differentiated by otolith increment analysis. Size, dry weight, and water content of mature oocytes and fecundity of fish were compared between resident and anadromous fish. Both anadromous and resident fish spawned in the lake. In contrast, no resident fish were found in any of the inflowing rivers, where only anadromous fish spawned. Regression of fecundity against standard length was discontinuous with an inflection point at 63.8 mm, which is the body size that differentiates large anadromous spawning groups from small resident spawning groups. Mean oocyte diameters were not significantly different between resident and anadromous fish. The eggs of resident fish had significantly more water content and a significantly lower dry weight than those of anadromous fish. These differences might influence the growth and developmental processes of progeny.  相似文献   

为研究潘阳湖刀鲚资源状况, 2019—2020 年在鄱阳湖开展鱼类资源调查工作, 采集到大量鲚属(Coilia)鱼类, 对这些样本进行了形态学和分子生物学的鉴定。随机测量 112 尾样本的上颌骨长度显著大于头长, 长颌长/头长的范围为 1.00~1.46, 平均为 1.17±0.07。使用线粒体 Cyt b 基因和 D-loop 控制区序列作为分子标记, 对 22 尾随机样本进行物种鉴定, 结果显示 22 尾样本均为刀鲚(Coilia nasus)。对其中 5 尾样本耳石的微化学特征进行了测定, 结果显示耳石锶钙比(Si/Ca)均有大于 3 的过程出现, 表明样本为溯河洄游型刀鲚。2019—2020 年, 刀鲚在鄱阳湖中的单船产量分别达到 8.1 ind/d 和 142 ind/d, 与历史数据相比, 出现了一定的增长。鄱阳湖刀鲚资源量的恢复表明长江禁渔制度实施和取消刀鲚特许捕捞制度取得了良好的效果, 建议进一步开展鄱阳湖刀鲚产卵场调查并加强栖息地保护, 促进刀鲚资源恢复。  相似文献   

Abstract The potential to discriminate between wild and hatchery trout [Salmo trutta f. fario L. and Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum)] by chronological microchemical patterns of different otolith regions was tested. Central and rim regions of otoliths were analysed for life stage specific elemental patterns of strontium (Sr), sodium (Na) and calcium (Ca) as well as of 87Sr/86Sr ratios using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA‐ICP‐MS). Classification to life stage specific habitats was achieved with 100% accuracy by 88Sr/43Ca, 23Na/43Ca and 87Sr/86Sr ratios resulting in a discrimination of hatchery fish from wild fish. 87Sr/86Sr ratios and Sr concentration in otoliths were positively correlated with the ratio and amount in the water. Na content in otoliths did not directly reflect the concentration in the water, although the 23Na/43Ca ratio in otoliths contributed to the discrimination. Clear differences in otolith chemistry were found for fish experiencing different geological units or a groundwater‐fed environment in a hatchery. Natural chronological microchemical patterns in otoliths proved to be a valuable tool for discriminating wild and hatchery fish without the necessity to use marking methods. LA‐ICP‐MS is well suited for this application because of its limited need for sample preparation, its potentially high sample throughput and the possibility of simultaneous measurement of multiple elemental and isotopic fingerprints.  相似文献   

Fish age determination using otoliths requires a prior understanding of growth mark deposition patterns (translucent rings, TR) as well as their connection with internal or external events experienced by the fish. This study analysed the macrostructural seasonal ring deposition pattern observed in transversal sections of black hake otoliths. A total of 793 black hake otoliths were collected in autumn and spring 2007 from research and commercial surveys carried out in continental and shelf waters off Mauritania. Most of the Merluccius polli otoliths presented narrow and wide translucent rings (NTR and WTR, respectively) regardless of fish size, whereas Merluccius senegalensis otoliths only showed NTR. This seemed to be a sign of ontogenetic discrepancy between the two black hake species, whose otoliths confirmed the existence of significant differences in their growth patterns.The frequency distributions of the number of TR counted along the ventral radius (VR) of the otolith from the nucleus (birth date) and from the ventral edge (death date) were analysed to ascertain whether a specific endogenous event (Hypothesis A) or a precise environmental event (Hypothesis B) could restrain growth leading to the formation of TR. The general TR frequency distribution pattern was somewhat similar for both hake species, which showed marked TR at comparable distances. Within each species, TR frequency distributions of their distances from the nucleus along the otolith VR were quite similar between sexes, seasons, and fish sizes. Our results support the idea of a coincident biological event, such as first maturity, slowing down the growth process and thus provoking the formation of TR in otoliths of both species.This study also experience difficulty using the complex and highly variable macrostructural pattern of black hake otoliths to establish age interpretation criteria for these two species.  相似文献   

2012年10-11月三峡水库高水位期以及2013年5-6月三峡水库低水位期调查了汉丰湖的鱼类资源,研究三峡水库高、低水位下汉丰湖鱼类种类组成、优势种类、生物多样性以及群落相似性,并对不同水位下汉丰湖鱼类群落结构的扰动特征和增殖放流情况进行了辨识和探讨。共采集到鱼类17 553尾,42种,隶属于4目7科31属。其中三峡水库低水位时采集到鱼类33种,高水位时采集到鱼类34种。汉丰湖优势种类在三峡水库低水位时为银鮈Squalidus argentatus、似鳊Pseudobrama simoni、歺又鱼Hemiculter leucisculus、蒙古鲌Culter mongolicus mongolicus和鲤Cyprinus(Cyprinus)carpio;在三峡水库高水位时为似鳊、鲤、鲫Carassius auratus、张氏歺又鱼Hemiculter tchangi和鲇Silurus asotus。汉丰湖鱼类Shannon-wiener多样性指数(H’)、Simpson优势度指数(D)、Pielous均匀度指数(E)和Margalef种类丰富度指数(R)在三峡水库低水位时分别为1.63、0.67、0.46和3.52;在三峡水库高水位时分别为2.15、0.80、0.61和4.34。三峡水库低、高水位时汉丰湖鱼类群落结构的Bray-Curtis相似性仅为26.52%,喜缓、静水生境的银鮈、张氏歺又鱼、鲤、歺又鱼、鲫、鲇、似鳊和蒙古鲌是群落结构差异的主要种类,累积差异贡献率为90.67%。汉丰湖鱼类群落在高水位时受到中等程度的干扰,而在低水位时受到严重干扰。建议每年均放流鲢、鳙、草鱼并进一步加大放流规模。  相似文献   

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