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猪瘟病毒Erns基因的克隆及原核表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从猪瘟病毒石门株血液样品中提取总RNA,通过R-PCR对Erns基因进行cDNA扩增,获得了696 bp的片段.将该片段克隆于T-easy载体后进行序列分析,确认PCR产物为猪瘟病毒Erns基因,从阳性克隆中提取质粒,经Bam H Ⅰ和Hin d Ⅲ双酶切,回收产物亚克隆到pET-32a表达载体中,提取质粒后转化BL21(DE3)感受态细胞,并筛选出阳性克隆,经IPTG诱导后通过SDS-PAGE检测出Erns基因的表达.  相似文献   

猪瘟Erns基因在大肠杆菌中的高效表达   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提取猪瘟病毒石门系强毒株的基因组RNA,用RT_PCR扩增其Erns基因的cDNA,将其克隆到原核表达载体pPROEXTMHTc中,然后转化大肠杆菌DH5α,经IPTG诱导,Erns基因获得高效表达。SDS_PAGE分析显示,表达的重组融合蛋白表现分子量约为31ku。Westernblot分析表明,重组蛋白具有良好的免疫原性。重组蛋白可用于制备诊断抗原,用于标记疫苗接种和野毒感染的鉴别诊断。  相似文献   

应用反转录-聚合酶链反应(RT-PCR)检测健康猪扁桃体猪瘟病毒以监控与净化猪瘟.2006年用RT-PCR对广西某存栏250头种猪场的母猪扁桃体连续进行3次猪瘟病毒检测,检出并清除带毒猪,猪群中猪瘟病毒的带毒猪明显下降.结果表明,RT-PCR检测猪扁桃体可应用于猪场猪瘟的控制与净化.  相似文献   

The objective of the marker vaccine trial was to test the two available CSF marker vaccines in scenarios which are likely to occur in the field and to evaluate the reliability of the discriminatory tests. The evaluation of the discriminatory tests was of special importance because there is no requirement for formal data concerning their performance by the European Medicinal Products Evaluation Agency (EMEA) in London. EMEA is responsible for the licensing procedure of the marker vaccines within the EU. Sixteen National Swine Fever Laboratories (NSFL) participated in testing the discriminatory ELISAs. They were tested for sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility and practicability. Reference sera (CSFV and BVDV antibody positive) and field sera were used as well as sera from the weaner and sow experiments produced during the marker vaccine trial. Both discriminatory ELISAs were less sensitive than conventional CSF antibody ELISAs, although there was considerable variation between them. One discriminatory ELISA was less specific than the other, but more sensitive, and vice versa. Neither discriminatory ELISA consistently detected the marker-vaccinated, CSF-challenged weaner pigs correctly as 'CSF positive', although CSF-challenged pregnant sows were identified correctly. The limitations of the discriminatory ELISAs used in the trial was the major factor that would prevent the use of these two marker vaccines under emergency field conditions.  相似文献   

Two commercial marker vaccines against classical swine fever virus (CSFV) and companion diagnostic tests were examined in 160 conventional pigs. To test the vaccines in a "worst case scenario", group of 10 weaners were vaccinated using a single dose of an E2 (gp55) based vaccine at days -21, -14, -10 or -7, and subsequently challenged at day 0. The challenge virus was CSFV 277, originating from a recent outbreak of classical swine fever (CSF) in Germany. In all groups, only 5 out of 10 pigs were challenged; the remaining 5 pigs served as vaccinated contact controls. Also, three control groups, each consisting of 10 non-vaccinated pigs, were challenged in parallel to the vaccinated animals. CSFV could be isolated from all non-vaccinated pigs. Among these pigs 40% displayed a chronic course of the infection (virus positive for more than 10 days). Pigs vaccinated 21 or 14 days before challenge displayed no clinical signs of CSFV after challenge. However, they were still able to replicate CSFV when challenged, as measured by reisolation of CSFV from leukocytes of the directly challenged pigs. CSFV could be isolated from the leucocytes of 25% of the pigs vaccinated 21 days before challenge and 50% of the pigs vaccinated 14 days before challenge. Chronic infection was not observed, but transmission to one vaccinated contact pig occurred. From all pigs vaccinated 10 or 7 days before challenge, CSFV could be reisolated. We observed a chronic course of infection in 5% of pigs vaccinated 10 days before challenge and in 30% of pigs vaccinated 7 days before challenge. The mortality rate was 20% in the pigs vaccinated 10 days before challenge, and varied between 20 and 80% in pigs vaccinated 7 days prior to challenge. The contact animals had lower mortality (0-20%) than directly challenged pigs, probably mirroring the delayed time point of infection. There was thus some protection against clinical illness by both marker vaccines, but not a solid protection against infection and virus shedding. The efficacy of the vaccine was best if used 3 weeks before challenge and a clear correlation between time interval from vaccination to challenge and the level of virus shedding was observed. Each vaccine had its own accompanying discriminatory ELISA, but 18% of the virus positive pigs never seroconverted in these tests.  相似文献   

The efficacy of two marker vaccines against classical swine fever (CSF) was tested in a large scale laboratory trial in several National Swine Fever Laboratories (NSFL) of the EU member states. The vaccines were: BAYOVAC CSF Marker (Vaccine A) from Bayer, Leverkusen, Germany and PORCILIS PESTI (Vaccine B) from Intervet, Boxmeer, The Netherlands. At the NSFL of Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany experiments were carried out to examine the ability of the vaccines to prevent transplacental transmission of CSF virus. In Belgium and The Netherlands pregnant sows were vaccinated once and challenged with virulent CSF virus 14 days later, which was around day 60 of gestation. At the NSFL in Germany sows were vaccinated twice, on days 25 and 46 of pregnancy and were challenged fourteen days after booster vaccination (day 60 of gestation). Apart from minor inflammatory reactions in some sows, no reactions post vaccination were noticed in either vaccine group. Sows vaccinated with Vaccine A were better protected against clinical CSF than sows vaccinated with Vaccine B. The antibody response after vaccination with Vaccine A was more pronounced than after vaccination with Vaccine B. After single vaccination six out of eight sows vaccinated with Vaccine A and all eight sows vaccinated with Vaccine B had viraemic piglets. After double vaccination one out of four litters from sows vaccinated with Vaccine A and four out of five litters from sows vaccinated with Vaccine B were found to be viraemic. However, both vaccines reduced the transmission probability significantly (Vaccine A: P=0.004, Vaccine B: P=0.024) after booster vaccination. However, Vaccine A appeared in this regard more potent as the estimated probability of fetal infections was lower. Nevertheless the risk of virus spreading after vaccination via transplacental transmission is still present and has to be addressed from an epidemiological point of view.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever: the global situation   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
A historical and current perspective is given of classical swine fever and its impact on pig production in different regions of the world. Data were obtained from a variety of sources including returns to the Office International des Epizooties, official government reports, other published material and local information through personal contacts. The disease has been recognized for about 170 years and efforts to control it by official intervention began in the nineteenth century. Despite this it remains a lingering problem in many parts of the world where it has both, an economic impact on swine production and a constraining effect on trade due to the measures necessary to prevent spread.  相似文献   

为研究猪瘟病毒E2蛋白的抗原表位在机体免疫应答中的作用和特点,试验参照猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗株(HCLV)的基因组序列,设计、合成了1对引物,应用RT-PCR方法扩增出长为786 bp的基因片段,命名为zE2,将zE2基因克隆到原核表达质粒pET 32a中,经酶切鉴定后转化大肠杆菌Rosetta(DE3),于37℃、1.0 mmol/L IPTG条件下诱导表达,大肠杆菌菌体裂解产物再经SDS-PAGE和Western-blot分析。结果表明:该基因片段得到较高表达,融合蛋白的分子质量约为48 ku,主要以包涵体形式存在,且具有一定的免疫学活性。  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒石门株E2基因的RT-PCR克隆及鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用RT-PCR技术从感染猪血中成功扩增了我国猪瘟病毒强毒石门株E2基因,大小为1184bp,与预期大小一致。经巢式PCR和酶切鉴定证实所扩增的片段为E2基因特异性片段。将扩增的E2基因克隆到P^GEM-T载体,采用限制性内切酶鉴定和PCR技术了阳性重组子。  相似文献   

非洲猪瘟病毒基因缺失疫苗株的构建和免疫保护特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以我国首例非洲猪瘟疫情中分离的流行毒株(SY18)为亲本株构建了多基因家族(MGF)基因和CD2v基因缺失的非洲猪瘟病毒基因缺失疫苗候选株,针对基因缺失株的安全性和免疫保护效果进行了特性研究。结果显示,MGF和CD2v双基因缺失株(ASFV SY18ΔMGF/ΔCD2v)对猪安全,接种猪能够100%抵抗亲本强毒株SY18株的攻击,对照猪全部死亡;说明该毒株可作为非洲猪瘟疫苗候选株。  相似文献   

Identification and classification of classical swine fever virus (CSFV) on the basis of nucleotide sequencing and phylogenetic analysis have become an important tool to study the epidemiology and to control CSF disease. According to phylogenetic analyses of short sequences from the 5′nontranslated region (150 nt) and the E2 (190 nt), most CSFV isolates from South and Central America have been assorted to the subgenotypes 1.1 and 1.3, while CSFV isolates from Cuba have been allocated to subgenotype 1.2. Here we demonstrate that determination and comparison of full-length E2 sequences as well as of the sequences encoding for Npro, C, Erns, E1 and E2 (3361 nt) do not support segregation of Cuban CSFV isolates to subgenotype 1.2. In fact, our analysis revealed that the Cuban isolates are more divergent from other so far known CSFV subgenotype 1 isolates and form a novel separate subgenotype that is proposed to be designated subgenotype 1.4.  相似文献   

Six laboratories participated in a study to compare the sensitivity and specificity of RT-PCR tests for the detection of classical swine fever virus (CSFV). Sets of coded samples were prepared by serial dilution of positive samples and then distributed to each of the laboratories. One set comprised 25 samples of random primed cDNA, synthesised from viral RNA representative of different pestiviruses. The other set comprised samples of blood and serum obtained from virus-free or CSFV-infected pigs. Each laboratory tested the samples using PCR/RT-PCR according to a set of standardised protocols that specified the exact conditions and requirements for inclusion of control samples. Two types of test were evaluated. One amplified a part of the 5'-non coding region of the pestivirus genome by means of a closed, one-tube RT-nested PCR. The other amplified a part of the NS5B gene using non-nested RT-PCR. The results of the laboratories were compared with one another, and with those obtained earlier when similar samples were tested by the same laboratories using non-standardised methods [Paton et al., Classical swine fever virus: a ring test to evaluate RT-PCR detection methods, Vet. Microbiol., in press]. Standardisation of the protocols resulted in a more consistent test sensitivity. Three laboratories avoided significant false positive results. Others that did not, could nevertheless recognise that test specificity was inadequate from the results obtained with the control samples. Minimum requirements for the inclusion of adequate controls and periodic proficiency testing are proposed.  相似文献   

The development of a classical swine fever (CSF) subunit marker vaccine, based on viral envelope glycoprotein E2, and a companion diagnostic test, based on a second viral envelope glycoprotein E(RNS), will be described. Important properties of the vaccine, such as onset and duration of immunity, and prevention of horizontal and vertical transmission of virus were evaluated. A single dose of the vaccine protected pigs against clinical signs of CSF, following intranasal challenge with 100LD(50) of virulent classical swine fever virus (CSFV) at 2 weeks after vaccination. However, challenge virus transmission to unvaccinated sentinels was not always completely inhibited at this time point. From 3 weeks up to 6 months after vaccination, pigs were protected against clinical signs of CSF, and no longer transmitted challenge virus to unvaccinated sentinels. In contrast, unvaccinated control pigs died within 2 weeks after challenge. We also evaluated transmission of challenge virus in a setup enabling determination of the reproduction ratio (R value) of the virus. In such an experiment, transmission of challenge virus is determined in a fully vaccinated population at different time points after vaccination. Pigs challenged at 1 week after immunization died of CSF, whereas the vaccinated sentinels became infected, seroconverted for E(RNS) antibodies, but survived. At 2 weeks after vaccination, the challenged pigs seroconverted for E(RNS) antibodies, but none of the vaccinated sentinels did. Thus, at 1 week after vaccination, R1, and at 2 weeks, R=0, implying no control or control of an outbreak, respectively. Vertical transmission of CSFV to the immune-incompetent fetus may lead to the birth of highly viraemic, persistently infected piglets which are one of the major sources of virus spread. Protection against transplacental transmission of CSFV in vaccinated sows was, therefore, tested in once and twice vaccinated sows. Only one out of nine once-vaccinated sows transmitted challenge virus to the fetus, whereas none of the nine twice-vaccinated sows did. Finally, our data show that the E(RNS) test detects CSFV-specific antibodies in vaccinated or unvaccinated pigs as early as 14 days after infection with a virulent CSF strain. This indicates that the E2 vaccine and companion test fully comply with the marker vaccine concept. This concept implies the possibility of detecting infected animals within a vaccinated population.  相似文献   

猪瘟病毒低毒力毒株FJFQ株的分离鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从福建某猪场分离到 1 株病毒,其在PK 15细胞上的毒价为 106.5 TCID50/mL,该病毒能被猪瘟病毒高免血清所中和(效价为1∶8)。通过 RT -PCR 扩增出猪瘟病毒约250 bp的E2蛋白主要抗原编码区序列,其与几株已发表毒株序列的核苷酸及氨基酸同源性分别为79.9%~87.9%,77.7%~86.6%,与Alfort 株同属于基因二群。经本动物传3代均不表现明显的临床症状。用猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗免疫后以此分离毒作强攻进行免疫保护相关实验,结果免疫组猪在攻毒前及攻毒后扁桃体 HCFA检测均为阴性,对照组猪扁桃体HCFA于攻毒后1周开始出现阳性结果,且一直持续到试验结束。用分离株免疫本动物后再攻石门毒, 2 头试验猪中 1 头死亡,1头出现临床症状。初步说明,所分离的病毒为猪瘟病毒(命名为CSFV- FJFQ株),可能是一株低毒力毒株,且其免疫原性不好。  相似文献   

Classical swine fever virus (CSFV) is the causative agent of classical swine fever (CSF), one of OIE listed diseases. Most of the currently available detection methods do not allow discrimination between wild-type CSF viruses and the vaccine strains. This study was designed to develop a multiplex real-time RT-PCR for the quantitative and differential detection of wild-type viruses and C-strain vaccine widely used in China. CSFV specific primers and two differently labeled TaqMan probes for the differentiation of wild-type viruses from C-strain vaccine were designed in the 5'-untranslated region of the viral genome of CSFV. The two TaqMan probes specifically hybridize wild-type viruses of different subgroups and C-strain vaccine, respectively, in the multiplex real-time RT-PCR, with no cross-reaction to a number of non-CSFV porcine viruses. The sensitivity of the assay for detecting wild-type and C-strain-type vaccine viruses was determined to be 41.8 and 81.5copies/microL viral RNA, respectively. Completely correct differentiation of wild-type viruses from C-strain vaccine was achieved when testing reference strains and characterized field isolates of CSFV in China. The multiplex real-time RT-PCR was able to detect the viral RNA in the whole blood samples of experimentally infected pigs as early as 2 days post-infection, 3 to 4 days prior to the onset of clinical signs in co-housed pigs. The agreements between the multiplex real-time RT-PCR and a multiplex RT-nested PCR for detection of wild-type and C-strain-type viruses were 96.9% and 100%, respectively, when detecting 106 different field samples. There is a positive correlation between the titers of C-strain vaccines titrated in rabbits and RNA copies quantitated by the multiplex real-time RT-PCR. The novel assay described here is rapid and sensitive, and is useful for differentiating field strains and C-strain of CSFV in China.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever and its diagnosis: a current view   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Classical swine fever is one of the most important viral diseases of pigs and a major source of loss for pig producers worldwide. The disease was eradicated from Great Britain in 1966 and, apart from a single incident in 1971, has not reappeared. A major epizootic started in Europe in 1982-83 and continued through 1984. Extra vigilance is necessary in order to detect any introduction of infection. The disease takes several forms apart from the dramatic disease described in textbooks. These include mild and chronic disease and reproductive losses of various types. Mild disease is a feature of the epizootic in Europe at present. Diagnostic methods are outlined. Diagnosis is frequently difficult and requires laboratory help. The selection and handling of specimens for the laboratory is critical to the success of diagnosis.  相似文献   

Classical swine fever (CSF) outbreaks may result in huge economic losses to countries with densely populated pig areas (DPLAs). The EU minimum control measures require depopulation of infected farms, movement restrictions, zoning and surveillance (EU Minimum strategy). Emergency vaccination is authorised for DPLAs although the EU Minimum strategy plus culling in a 1-km ring around infected premises is preferred. Nonetheless, vaccination in a 2-km ring has been found equally effective as 1-km ring culling using stochastic modelling. Alternatives control measures (e.g. antiviral agents, in particular small molecule inhibitors of the CSFV replication) are being explored. Hence, the present study was set up to simulate inter-herd CSFV spread when antiviral molecules are supplemented to pig feed in a 1-km ring around infected farms. The effectiveness of the antiviral strategy for containing CSF outbreaks was compared to six other control scenarios including the EU Minimum strategy, the EU preferred policy for DPLAs and the use of 2-km ring vaccination. The InterSpread Plus model was adapted to the 2006 Belgian pig population and outbreak simulations were performed with a fast spreading CSFV strain entering a DPLA in Belgium. Four out of the seven control strategies resulted in outbreaks that were controlled by the end of the simulation period (i.e. 365 days). The distributions of the number of infected herds and the duration of the predicted outbreaks for these four control strategies were not different. This is the first report investigating CSF outbreak containment using antiviral molecules. Although antiviral supplementation was not found to perform any better than some other conventional strategies, such as pre-emptive culling and emergency vaccination, it might be worthwhile considering it further as additional tool in a response to CSF outbreaks.  相似文献   

A review on classical swine fever (CSF) research and vaccine production is given about four historical periods (1924-1948, 1949-1969, 1970-1991, since 1992). Similar as to research on foot and mouth disease, applied topics as diagnosis, pathogenesis, epidemiology and control represented the CSF research over many years. The development of vaccines and application procedures, e.g. oral and aerogenic immunisation and combined vaccines for large pig farms were the prominent investigations between 1950 and the middle of 1980s. After being reduced in the first years after affiliation to the Federal Research Centre for Virus Diseases of Animals, CSF is one of the main topics of the research on the Isle of Riems, not at least because nowadays the German National Reference Laboratory for CSF was established on the Island.  相似文献   

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