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An in vitro technique was used to quantify the infection level of common root rot. This disease produces a brown to black discoloration of the subcrown internodes of barley. Quantification was based on the percentage of germinated infected pieces (1.5 mm) of subcrown internodes cultured on potato dextrose agar media. The disease severity was apparent among four different visually classified categories and numerical values for each category were applied. The results were highly correlated (r = 0.97, P < 0.01) among the different in vitro experiments, indicating that this testing procedure is repeatable. Highly significant differences (P < 0.001) were found for the length of first leaf and fresh weight between plants inoculated and uninoculated with common root rot. However, the effect of inoculation on fresh weight only differed significantly (P < 0.02) among the genotypes.  相似文献   

An in vitro technique was used to quantify the infection level of leaf stripe in barley caused by Pyrenophora graminea. This pathogen penetrates rapidly through subcrown internodes during seed germination of susceptible cultivars. Quantification was based on the percentage of the pieces of subcrown internodes that produced fungal hyphae cultured on potato dextrose agar media. The disease severity was evaluated among five cultivars with different infection levels and numerical values for each cultivar were obtained. A significant correlation coefficient (r = 0.91, P < 0.02) was found among the in vitro and field assessments. In addition, the results were highly correlated (r = 0.94, P < 0.01) among the different in vitro experiments, indicating that this testing procedure is reliable. The method presented facilitates a rapid preselection under uniform conditions which is of importance from a breeder's point of view. Significant differences (P < 0.001) were found for the length of subcrown internodes between inoculated and non‐inoculated plants with leaf stripe. Isolate SY3 was the most effective in reducing the subcrown internode length for all genotypes.  相似文献   

Diallel crosses (without reciprocals) were made among 10 different barley genotypes with genetic variability for spot blotch resistance. Forty‐five F1 hybrids and their parents were assessed for their combining abilities for the disease resistance. Three experiments, two in a growth chamber on detached leaf and seedlings tests and one in the field on adult plant stages, were undertaken using a randomized complete block design with five replicates. A mixed conidial suspension of nine virulent isolates of the pathogen was used for inoculation. Statistical analysis showed genetic variability for spot blotch resistance. Results showed that the cultivar Banteng, the Ethiopian line CI‐5791 and the Syrian line 79‐SIO‐9 had partial resistance in all experiments. General combining ability was significant, with either positive or negative values. Resistant genotypes show favourable GCA‐effects, and they could therefore be successfully used for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis of traits determining adaptation in cultivated barley   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
I. Karsai    K. Mészáros    L. Láng    P. M. Hayes  Z. Bedö   《Plant Breeding》2001,120(3):217-222
Thirty‐nine barley varieties of different origin, representing different growth types, were included in a series of experiments aimed at analysing the variability in vernalization response, photoperiod sensitivity and earliness per se and establishing the types of ecoclimatic adaptability using multivariate analysis. In the case of spring barley varieties there was no correlation between any of the three traits. For winter barleys, a negative correlation was found between photoperiod sensitivity and vernalization response and between photoperiod sensitivity and earliness per se. Vernalization response and earliness per se showed a positive correlation. Among the winter barley varieties large variations were apparent in photoperiod sensitivity, vernalization response and earliness per se, which resulted in a tremendous variation in flowering patterns and frost tolerance. Between the spring barley varieties only wider variations in photoperiod sensitivity were detected. Based on the cluster analysis, the 39 varieties could be separated into seven groups. The spring barley varieties were placed in two groups, and the winter barleys in five groups representing different adaptational types. Among these five groups two represented the two opposing extreme combinations of photoperiod sensitivity and vernalization response. The combination of large photoperiod sensitivity and no vernalization response resulted in better frost tolerance than did the combination of photoperiod insensitivity and large vernalization response.  相似文献   

The greenbug, Schizaphis graminum (Rondani) is an extremely damaging aphid pest of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) particularly in the southern Great Plains of the USA. The simply inherited, dominant resistance gene Rsg1 is in all greenbug‐resistant US barley cultivars. In this study, we conducted molecular mapping of Rsg1 using an F2:3 population derived from a cross between the greenbug‐resistant Post 90*4/R015 and susceptible CI2260 inbred lines. Segregation of host responses to greenbug biotype E infestation confirmed that a single dominant gene is responsible for greenbug resistance in Post 90*4/R015. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers evenly distributed along the seven barley chromosomes were employed for the construction of a framework genetic map. Linkage analysis placed the Rsg1 locus in the long arm of chromosome 3H (3HL) flanked by SSR markers Bmag0877 and GBM1420 that were 35 cM apart. Polymorphic single‐nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers in 3HL were identified from an Illumina GoldenGate SNP assay and used for targeted mapping to locate Rsg1 to an 8.4‐cM interval. Comparative analysis identified syntenic genomic regions in Brachypodium distachyon chromosome 2, in which 37 putative genes were annotated including a NB‐LRR‐type resistance gene homologue that may be a potential candidate gene for the Rsg1 locus of barley. Results from this study offer a starting point for fine mapping and cloning of this aphid resistance gene in barley.  相似文献   

J. Robinson    M. Jalli  H. Lindqvist 《Plant Breeding》1997,116(1):101-103
Six six-row Nordic spring barley genotypes (Hordeum vulgare L.) were assessed in the field in Finland (1994 and 1995) for resistance to Rhynchosporium secalis (Oud.) J.J. Davis, the causal pathogen of scald, in artificially inoculated plots. The barleys were known not to contain major genes for resistance to scald and the purpose of these experiments was to identify quantitative differences in resistance to scald which might be exploitable in a breeding programme. Disease development was monitored, grain yield and yield components were recorded, and these data were compared with measurements taken from plants in plots kept free of disease. Data, averaged over both years, for disease development on the uppermost three leaves — areas under disease progress curves, terminal severity and apparent infection rates — indicated that ‘Verner’, ‘Pohto’ and ‘Pokko’ were symptomatically significantly more resistant to scald than ‘Arve’, ‘Loviisa’ and Jo 1599. Grain yields, thousand-grain weights, test weights and proportions of plump grains were all significantly reduced in plots inoculated with scald compared with those kept free of disease; ‘Verner’ appeared to be the most useful genotype for use in crossing programmes to improve scald resistance in Finnish barleys.  相似文献   

T. Keil    E. Laubach    S. Sharma    C. Jung 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(5):436-442
Root-lesion nematodes of the genus Pratylenchus are significant pests in crop cultivation throughout many parts of the world. A study was initiated to determine the resistance of Hordeum vulgare and H. vulgare ssp. spontaneum (wild barley) against one major representative of the genus Pratylenchus , P. neglectus . A glasshouse test was first established. Barley seedlings were grown in 20 cm3 tubes filled with sand. Each plant was inoculated with 400 P. neglectus juveniles. After 12 weeks of cultivation nematodes were isolated from roots and sand using a misting chamber. The nematodes were counted under a microscope. A representative collection of 565 barley and wild barley accessions was tested in this way. The average number of nematodes per accession ranged from 350 to 12 000. In a verification experiment, 35 accessions with low and high infection rates were tested. This experiment identified a number of accessions with low infection rates. The perspectives for future breeding of barley cultivars resistant to root-lesion nematodes are discussed.  相似文献   

The greenbug [Schizaphis graminum (Rondani)] is an extremely damaging pest of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), particularly in the southern Great Plains of the USA. Winter barley targeted for production in this region should incorporate resistance to greenbug in the form of the resistance gene Rsg1a (in ‘Post 90′) or Rsg2b (in PI 426756). This study was conducted to fully characterize the resistance profile of these two genes against important greenbug biotypes, and to determine which of the two resistance genes is most effective in protecting barley from the greenbug. Eight barley and four wheat cultivars and germplasms were challenged with six greenbug biotypes and damage ratings were recorded for each combination. In five of the six tests, ‘Post 90’ was significantly more resistant than PI 426756 to greenbug feeding damage. Based on the results presented here, we conclude that the resistance gene, Rsg1a, in ‘Post 90’ is the better choice for use in breeding programmes and will provide better protection than Rsg2b against the greenbug.  相似文献   

Two-hundred and thirty-two accessions of barley landraces collected from Tunisia were screened for resistance to powdery mildew. A number of race-specific genes were detected using the detached leaf technique. Among the 232 accessions tested, 169 were susceptible to powdery mildew, 20 were resistant and 43 showed differential reactions to the three isolates of powdery mildew used. An attempt was made to determine the number of genes, the types of gene, the types of gene action and the gene loci in 20 resistant accessions. Three types of cross were made: (1) the accessions were crossed to the susceptible variety ‘Pallas’, (2) the accessions were crossed with ‘Pallas’ isolines, and (2) accessions with identical powdery mildew reaction patterns were intercrossed. Three isolates of Erysiphe graminis f. sp. hordei were used: Bzm-1, KM 18-75, R13C. A number of different resistance genes were detected among the 19 resistant accessions. Surprisingly, segregation indicating single genes only were detected with the isolates used. Some of these genes could be associated with loci already known. In 19 cases a dominant and in one a recessive mode of inheritance was detected. The recessive gene was not located at the mlo locus. This investigation represents the first systematic study of race-specific genes for powdery mildew resistance in Tunisian landraces. The newly identified sources of resistance may be used in many strategies of breeding for disease resistance.  相似文献   

One-hundred and eighty landrace populations and six-hundred single-head plants selected from 60 promising populations were evaluated for resistance to scald and netblotch at three locations in Ethiopia. Each accession was tested with and without the application of 50% of the recommended rate of fertilizer at planting. Plants were rated for disease attack two to four times during the season. Both diseases were enhanced by the application of fertilizer and were more severe at the testing sites of Holetta and Bekoji than at Sheno. The difference in disease resistance among and within populations was considerable. Moreover, populations from Arsi and Bale tend to be more susceptible to scald but more resistant to netblotch than populations from other regions. Populations collected from higher altitudes were more resistant to scald, but susceptible to netblotch, than were populations from lower altitudes. The paper illustrates approaches to the identification of valuable genotypes from landrace populations that can be incorporated into a breeding programme for the development of improved varieties with resistance to the principal diseases of barley in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

大豆疫霉根腐病作为影响大豆生产的毁灭性病害之一,对大豆生产威胁很大。种植抗疫霉根腐病的大豆品种是控制该病害最有效的途径。河南省位于我国黄淮夏大豆产区的腹地,具有大豆疫霉根腐病发生的潜在威胁。本研究的目的是对河南省新育成的大豆品系进行抗性鉴定和抗病基因分子标记检测,以明确大豆新品系对大豆疫霉根腐病的抗性水平和抗病基因。采用下胚轴创伤接种法对64个河南省培育的大豆新品系进行接种,鉴定其对2个具有不同毒力的大豆疫霉分离物PsJS2和Ps41-1的抗性。结果显示,对分离物Ps41-1和PsJS2抗病的分别有35个和16个品系,对Ps41-1和PsJS2为中间反应型的分别有16个和10个品系,其中对2个分离物均抗病的有16个品系,占鉴定品系的25%。使用抗疫霉病基因RpsZheng共分离标记WZInDel11进行新品系的基因型鉴定发现,对2个大豆疫霉分离物均抗病的16个品系中有13个含有标记WZInDel11,对1个或2个大豆疫霉分离物表现为中间反应型的5个大豆品系,分子检测结果表明,其为杂合基因型,这些品系中的纯合抗病单株可直接选育成纯合抗病品系用于抗病育种。综合系谱分析结果推测,有2个品系可能含抗疫霉根腐病基因RpsZheng,2个品系可能含RpsYD29,14个品系可能含有RpsZheng或其等位基因。表明河南省培育的大豆新品系中含有优异的大豆疫霉根腐病抗源,该研究结果将为病害防控和抗病品种的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

R. Jonsson    T. Säll    T. Kraft  M. Gustafsson 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(4):313-317
The inheritance of seedling resistance to a Swedish isolate of Pyrenophora teres f. teres was investigated in four resistance sources of spring barley. Accessions CI 2330, CI 5791, CI 5822 and CI 9779 were used as resistance sources, and the cultivar ‘Alexis’ was used as a susceptible parent in different crosses. From the disease reaction in the F1, F2 and F3 generations it was concluded that the resistance was governed by the same two complementary genes in CI 5791, CI 822 and CI 9776. One of these genes was present in CI 2330. The first three cultivars were highly resistant to the isolate used in this investigation. These results, when combined with earlier studies, suggest that CI 5791, CI 5822 and CI 9776 may be of great value as sources of resistance to barley net blotch. Spearman's rank correlation between the disease reaction of F2 plants and their F3 progeny was highly significant (r = 0.75; P ≥ 0.001) It is suggested that selection in the F2 generation is effective. In a backcross breeding scheme, single plant reactions in F1 or F2 need to be confirmed in later generations.  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of resistance in barley to barley yellow dwarf virus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J. Ovesná    J. Vacke    L. Kucera    J. Chrpová    I. Nováková    A. Jahoor  V. &#;ip 《Plant Breeding》2000,119(6):481-486
The inheritance of resistance to barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV) was studied in the selected 24 spring and winter barley cultivars that showed a high or intermediate resistance level in 1994‐97 field infection tests. The polymerase chain reaction diagnostic markers YLM and Ylp were used to identify the resistance gene Yd2. The presence of the Yd2 gene was detected with both markers in all the resistant spring barley cultivars and lines from the CIMMYT/ICARDA BYDV nurseries. The results of field tests and genetic analyses in winter barley corresponded with marker analyses only when the Ylp marker was used. Genes non‐allelic with Yd2 were detected by genetic analyses and the Ylp marker in moderately resistant spring barley cultivars ‘Malvaz’, ‘Atribut’ and ‘Madras’, and in the winter barley cultivars ‘Perry’ and ‘Sigra’. Significant levels of resistance to BYDV were obtained by combining the resistance gene Yd2 with genes detected in moderately resistant cultivars. The utilization of analysed resistance sources in barley breeding is discussed.  相似文献   

Phytophthora root rot is one of the destructive diseases affecting soybean production, which is a great threat to soybean production. Planting resistant soybean cultivars is the most effective way to control this disease. Henan province was located in the hinterland area of the summer-sowing soybean production region of Huang-Huai in China, which had the potential threat region of phytophthora root rot. The objective of this study was to screen effective resistance cultivars for disease control and resistance breeding by phenotypic identification and molecular detection of resistance gene. Sixty-four new soybean lines bred in Henan were evaluated for their resistance responses to two Phytophthora sojae isolates PsJS2 and Ps41-1 using the hypocotyls inoculation technique. The result showed that 35 lines and 16 lines were resistance to Ps41-1 and PsJS2, respectively. Sixteen lines and 10 lines were intermediate to Ps41-1 and PsJS2, respectively. And there were 16 lines resistance to both Ps41-1and PsJS2, accounting for 25% of tested lines. Sixty-four lines was detected for Phytophthora resistance gene by using molecular marker WZInDel11 co-segregating with a resistance gene RpsZheng. The results showed that, 13 of 16 lines resistant to both PsJS2 and Ps41-1 contain target band of WZInDel11, while 5 lines resistant to one of two P. sojae isolates show segregating to P. sojae produced heterozygous bands. The homozygous resistant plants of these lines segregating for resistance could be accurately detected by marker WZInDel11, and further were directly developed into homozygous resistant lines. Combining the results of pedigree analysis, it was speculated that two lines might contain the resistance gene RpsZheng, two lines might contain RpsYD29, and 14 lines might contain RpsZheng or its allele. In conclusion, the results indicated that the new soybean lines cultivated in Henan Province had excellent resistance sources to P. sojae. This study provides important information for disease control and resistance breeding.  相似文献   

A breeding programme was developed to obtain barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV)-resistant winter genotypes using the Yd2 gene. The aim was to incorporate the Yd2 allele into the new high-yielding genotypes to release cultivars that allow barley cultivation in areas where BYDV is endemic. The resistant lines were developed using pedigree selection. An ICARDA resistant line (83RCBB130) carrying the Yd2 gene was crossed with three susceptible, high-yielding winter varieties and their F1 lines were either selfed or backcrossed to the matching susceptible parent. The best lines selected from subsequent selfing generations were evaluated in replicated trials in the presence or absence of BYDV, starting from F6 and BC1F5 to F8 and BC1F7 generations. Four genotypes with superior agronomic traits and BYDV resistance were selected.  相似文献   

Eight spring barley accessions from the gene bank in Gatersleben, Germany, and 10 cultivars were tested for stripe rust resistance. Tests were performed at the seedling stage in the growth chamber and as adult plants in the field. All accessions and six cultivars were scored as resistant against race 24 under all test conditions, with very few plants as exceptions, while the susceptible control cultivars ‘Karat’ and ‘Certina’, and four other cultivars were attacked in all cases. Differences between accessions and between cultivars were detected after infection with isolates from ‘Trumpf’ and ‘Bigo’ (seedling tests only). Infection structures within seedling leaves without pustules and for the first time within leaves of adult plants from the field were analysed by fluorescence microscopy. With this method additional genetic Differences in the resistance reaction could be detected which could not to be seen in the resistance test. Crosses between the accessions and the susceptible cultivar ‘Karat’ led to segregating F2 progenies. The percentage of resistant plants varied between the accessions. This also indicates a different genetic basis of resistance in the accessions. The infection structures observed by fluorescence microscopy stopped earlier in leaves of the two accessions HOR 8979 and HOR 8991 than in leaves of other accessions in all the tests. These accessions were the only ones with more than 50% resistant plants in all F2 tests. In general, the accessions from the gene bank can be used as new resistance sources against stripe rust.  相似文献   

Leaf‐rust resistance (Rph) genes in 61 Czech and Slovak barley cultivars and 32 breeding lines from registration trials of the Czech Republic were postulated based on their reaction to 12 isolates of Puccinia hordei with different combinations of virulence genes. Five known Rph genes (Rph2, Rph3, Rph4, Rph7, and Rph12) and one unknown Rph gene were postulated to be present in this germplasm. To corroborate this result, the pedigree of the barley accessions was analysed. Gene Rph2, as well as Rph4, originated from old European cultivars. The donor of Rph3, which has been mainly used by Czech and Slovak breeders, is ‘Ribari’ (‘Baladi 16’). Rph12 originates from barley cultivars developed in the former East Germany. Rph7 in the registered cultivar ‘Heris’ originates from ‘Forrajera’. A combination of two genes was found in 10 cultivars. Nine heterogeneous cultivars were identified; they were composed of one component with an identified Rph gene and a second component without any resistance gene. No gene for leaf rust resistance was found in 17 of the accessions tested. This study demonstrates the utility of using selected pathotypes of P. hordei for postulating Rph genes in barley.  相似文献   

L. Cséleny    F. Ordon  W. Friedt 《Plant Breeding》1998,117(1):23-26
The inheritance of durable resistance of selected spring barley varieties to Rhynchosporium secalis was investigated. Data from the F2 generation of a 4 × 4 diallel, without reciprocals and the F4 generation of three crosses selected out of this diallel, suggest that resistance in this sample of varieties tested is complex in inheritance. Significant additive effects were detected indicating that the resistance level of barley cultivars may be improved by the hybridisation of suitable varieties. However, the genes conferring resistance seem to be concealed by the expression of one completely dominant resistance gene in our set of varieties. These results are partly in conflict with previous results on the inheritance of resistance to R. secalis in the breeder's line ‘11258/228613A’ indicating that the effectiveness of this resistance gene may be greatly influenced by the genetic background of the current population of R. secalis.  相似文献   

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