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A method for identification of game species has been developed on the basis of the amplification of a specific part of the mitochondrial genome (tRNA(Glu)/cytochrome b) using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To distinguish between several game species, the obtained 464-bp-long PCR products were cut with different restriction endonucleases (RE) resulting in species-specific restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP). Even closely related deer species could be distinguished by application of one or two RE. Natural polymorphisms of the target sequence within one species were examined for red deer (Cervus elaphus), and base pair substitutions were identified affecting the RFLP pattern.  相似文献   

Identification of 10 white fish species associated with U.K. food products was achieved using PCR-RFLP of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. Use of lab-on-a-chip capillary electrophoresis for end-point analysis enabled accurate sizing of DNA fragments and identification of fish species at a level of 5% (w/w) in a fish admixture. One restriction enzyme, DdeI, allowed discrimination of eight species. When combined with NlaIII and HaeIII, specific profiles for all 10 species were generated. The method was applied to a range of products and subjected to an interlaboratory study carried out by five U.K. food control laboratories. One hundred percent correct identification of single species samples and six of nine admixture samples was achieved by all laboratories. The results indicated that fish species identification could be carried out using a database of PCR-RFLP profiles without the need for reference materials.  相似文献   

In the present study, a methodology based on the amplification of a fragment of mitochondrial cytochrome b and subsequent phylogenetic analysis (FINS: forensically informative nucleotide sequencing) to genetically identify horse mackerels have been developed. This methodology makes possible the identification of more than 20 species belonging to the families Carangidae, Mullidae, and Scombridae. The main novelty of this work lies in the longest number of different horse mackerel species included and in the applicability of the developed methods to all kinds of processed products that can be found by consumers in markets around the world, including those that have undergone intensive processes of transformation, as for instance canned foods. Finally, the methods were applied to 15 commercial samples, all of them canned products. Therefore, these methods are useful for checking the fulfillment of labeling regulations for horse mackerels and horse mackerel products, verifying the correct traceability in commercial trade, and fisheries control.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis has been applied to the identification of four mussels species: Mytilus edulis, Mytilus chilensis, Mytilus galloprovincialis, and Perna canaliculus. Amplifications of DNA from mussel were carried out using random primers. The most distinctive bands were then isolated, cloned, and sequenced to design specific primers. Finally, DNA from different mussels was amplified with these specific primers, and results allow genetic identification of M. galloprovincialis from the rest of the mussel species.  相似文献   

The use of DNA-based methodologies in identification of hake species belonging to the Merluccius genus was shown to be successful. A short fragment of the left hypervariable domain of the mitochondrial control region was amplified, sequenced, and digested from 11 hake species. The hake-specific PCR product, due to its limited size, was obtained in a variety of tissue samples with different levels of DNA concentration and degradation, including sterilized food products. On the basis of this phylogenetically informative 156-bp sequence were selected four restriction enzymes (ApoI, DdeI, DraIII, and MboII) that allow the hake species discrimination. Species identification by phylogenetic analysis of sequences or by PCR-RFLP methodologies is useful in a variety of scenarios including authentication of thermally processed food, detection of food components, and species determination of individuals whose morphological characters are removed.  相似文献   

Real-time uniplex and duplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays with a SYBR Green I post-PCR melting curve analysis were evaluated for the identification and quantification of bovine, porcine, horse, and wallaroo DNA in food products. Quantitative values were derived from threshold-cycle (C(t)) data obtained from serial dilutions of purified DNA. The limits of detection in uniplex reactions were 0.04 pg for porcine and wallaroo DNA and 0.4 pg for cattle and horse DNA. Species specificity of the PCR products was tested by the identification of peaks in DNA melting curves, measured as the decrease of SYBR Green I fluorescence at the dissociation temperature. The peaks could be distinguished above the background even at the lowest amount of template DNA detected by the C(t) method. The system was also tested in duplex reactions, by use of either single-species DNA or DNA admixtures containing different shares of two species. The minimum proportions of each DNA species allowing the resolution of T(m) peaks in the duplex reactions were 5% (cattle or wallaroo) in cattle/wallaroo mixtures, 5% porcine and 1% horse in porcine/horse mixtures, 60% porcine and 1% wallaroo in porcine/wallaroo mixtures, and 1% cattle and 5% horse in cattle/horse mixtures. A loss in the sensitivity of the method was observed for some DNA combinations in the duplex assay. In contrast, the results obtained from SYBR Green I uniplex and duplex reactions with single-species DNA were largely comparable to those obtained previously with species-specific TaqMan probes, showing the suitability of that simpler experimental approach for large-scale analytical applications.  相似文献   

Cephalopods are a taxonomic group that contains a great number of families, genera and species, with many of them very important at the commercial level. The existence of very similar species in this class added up to the transformation process applied to them makes it difficult or even impossible for species identification based on morphological characterization. Moreover, the global commerce makes it possible that one determined species can be marketed in its antipodes. These questions suggest the necessity of molecular techniques to solve this situation. In the present work, a genetic method was developed on the basis of the polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and forensically informative nucleotide sequencing (FINS) technique and makes possible the identification of more than 20 species belonging to the families Ommastrephidae and Loliginidae, as well as some octopus and sepia species. The PCR was employed to amplify 651 and 208 bp fragments of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene. These molecular systems were applied to fresh, frozen, precooked, even canned cephalopods, allowing for the identification of the species included in these products. Therefore, these molecular tools could be applied in questions related to correct labeling, traceability, and importation controls of squids, sepias, and octopuses.  相似文献   

Coffee is one of the most important world food commodities, commercial trade consisting almost entirely of Arabica and Robusta varieties. The former is considered to be of superior quality and thus attracts a premium price. Methods to differentiate these coffee species could prove to be beneficial for the detection of either deliberate or accidental adulteration. This study describes a molecular genetics approach to differentiate Arabica and Robusta coffee beans. This employs a Polymerase Chain Reaction-Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism to monitor a single nucleotide polymorphism within the chloroplastic genome. Samples were analyzed with a lab-on-a-chip capillary electrophoresis system. Coffee powder mixtures were analyzed with this technique, displaying a 5% limit of detection. The plastid copy number was found to be relatively constant across a wide range of bean samples, suggesting that this methodology can also be employed for the quantification of any adulteration of Arabica with Robusta beans.  相似文献   

Sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene has been used to differentiate three tuna species: Thunnus albacares (yellowfin tuna), Thunnus obesus (bigeye tuna), and Katsuwonus pelamis (skipjack). A PCR amplified 528 bp fragment from 30 frozen samples and a 171 bp fragment from 26 canned samples of the three species were analyzed to determine the intraspecific variation and the positions with diagnostic value. Polymorphic sites between the species that did not present intraspecific variation were given a diagnostic value. The genetic distance between the sequences was calculated, and a phylogenetic tree was constructed, showing that the sequences belonging to the same species clustered together. The bootstrap test of confidence was used to determine the statistical validation of the species assignation, allowing for the first time a quantification of the certainty of the species assignation. The bootstrap values obtained from these results indicate that the sequencing of the cytochrome b fragments allows a correct species assignation with a probability > or =95%.  相似文献   

The DNA sequence diversity of Sardina pilchardus (Walbaum, 1792) and some closely related species of Clupeomorpha was investigated using the mitochondrial DNA gene encoding cytochrome b. The nucleotide sequences of complete and partial mtDNA cytochrome b were determined in numerous specimens. Sequence divergence between species and genera was evenly distributed in the cytochrome b gene but rather high compared to reports for other fish species. Phylogenetic analyses on complete cytochrome b were used to study the relationships among the considered species. S. pilchardus was easily differentiated, showing a genetic distance of 0.25 with respect to Clupeidae species and 0.26 with respect to the other species. A species-specific short fragment (<150 bp) was isolated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using primers designed for Clupeomorpha. A rapid and reliable PCR method using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with two restriction enzymes (MnlI/HinfI) was optimized for unambiguous differentiation of S. pilchardus from the other species tested (raw and canned products).  相似文献   

The metabolomic analysis of 11 Ilex species, I. argentina, I. brasiliensis, I. brevicuspis, I. dumosavar. dumosa, I. dumosa var. guaranina, I. integerrima, I. microdonta, I. paraguariensis var. paraguariensis, I. pseudobuxus, I. taubertiana, and I. theezans, was carried out by NMR spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis. The analysis using principal component analysis and classification of the (1)H NMR spectra showed a clear discrimination of those samples based on the metabolites present in the organic and aqueous fractions. The major metabolites that contribute to the discrimination are arbutin, caffeine, phenylpropanoids, and theobromine. Among those metabolites, arbutin, which has not been reported yet as a constituent of Ilex species, was found to be a biomarker for I. argentina,I. brasiliensis, I. brevicuspis, I. integerrima, I. microdonta, I. pseudobuxus, I. taubertiana, and I. theezans. This reliable method based on the determination of a large number of metabolites makes the chemotaxonomical analysis of Ilex species possible.  相似文献   

A direct sequencing method based on a 103 bp diagnostic sequence derived from a species-specific mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b sequence of 150 bp obtained by Polymerase Chain Reaction was tested for the identification of 47 commercial canned sardine and sardine-type products from various countries. Multiple alignment of 14 analyzed reference samples belonging to Clupeomorpha species was performed versus the canned samples. Low intraspecific variability was observed for canned sardine (相似文献   

Ribosomal intergenic spacer analysis (RISA) has been applied to the microbial community analysis of agronomic products in combination with a simple and rapid DNA extraction method, consisting of a one-step extraction and two-step purification, for a variety of agronomic products. RISA appears to be a useful tool for the study of the community structures of food-associated microbes and their use as a unique fingerprinting signature for each agronomic product. Sequencing analyses of amplicons generated from RISA suggest that this method can detect conventional microbes. In the case of RISA of wasabi paste DNA, the sequences of the amplicons showed high similarity to the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris and the soil bacterium Bacillus subtilis, whereas several food-associated bacteria (Lactococcus lactis, Lactococcus raffinolactis, and Lactococcus sakei) were detected using this technique in sausage DNA. Unexpectedly, the sequencing analyses also revealed the presence of several microbes that possessed high similarity to human bacterial pathogens such as Weissella confusa and Yersinia pestis. The results suggest that RISA will be a useful method for routine microbial community analysis in agronomic products.  相似文献   

We evaluated the usefulness of a genetic linkage between the U1 and U2 small nuclear RNAs for species identification. Six soles belonging to the genera Solea, Dicologlossa, and Microchirus were studied. A simple methodology based on two single PCRs is described. Reproducible band profiles were generated for all samples. This rapid and discriminatory molecular method is highly promising for determining the authenticity of sole fillets in the food industry.  相似文献   

An effort has been made to isolate individual catechin compounds from green tea leaves in their pure form by electrophoresis. In the present study total polyphenol extraction was carried out initially and estimated through spectrophotometric and HPLC methods. Extracted polyphenol was separated on 0.7% agarose gel and visualized at 360 nm. Fragmented individual compounds were gel eluted with methanol and confirmed as (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin (EC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECG), and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) by HPLC. The method developed describes a suitable method for the isolation of valuable molecules in tea.  相似文献   

PCR-RFLP analyses of three regions for each of chloroplast DNA (cpDNA; rbcL-ORF106, trnD-trnT, trnH-trnK) and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA; nad7/exon2-exon3, nad7/exon3-exon4, 18S-5S) were performed in 26 cultivars of acid citrus grown in Japan to identify polymorphisms and classify them. The polymorphisms were compared with those of three true Citrus species, i.e., mandarin, pummelo and citron. Ichang papeda (C. ichangensis) was also included in this study to find its relationship with Yuzu. Inter-species cpDNA variation was recognized and the acid citrus were divided into three groups, namely; I (‘Yuzukichi’ and ‘Kinkoyu’), II [sour oranges (‘Kaiseito’, ‘Daidai’ and ‘China daidai’), ‘Nansho daidai’, ‘Kiku daidai’, C. sudachi (‘Mushi yukaku’, ‘Yushi yukaku’ and ‘Yushi mukaku’), C. sphaerocarpa (‘Kabosu’ and ‘Aka kabosu’), C. kizu (‘Taninaka kizu’, ‘Kinosu’ and ‘Kizu’), ‘Zanbo’, ‘Mochiyu’, ‘Jabara’ and ‘Naoshichi’], and III [Yuzu (‘Tetraploid’, ‘Tochikei yuzu’ and ‘Yamanekei yuzu’), ‘Matsuda sudachi’, ‘Zuishoyu’, ‘Hanayu’ and ‘Yuko’]. CpDNA restriction patterns of the three true Citrus species differed from each other as well as from those of ichang papeda. CpDNA restriction patterns of group I of the acid citrus were identical to those of mandarins. Group II showed the same as pummelos. CpDNA restriction patterns of group III were differed from those of the three true Citrus species in the three regions. This group was differed from ichang papeda after digestion of trnH-trnK PCR products with TaqI, HinfI and AluI, while they showed identical restriction patterns in two regions, rbcL-ORF106 and trnD-trnT. Citrons and ichang papeda were placed in groups IV and V, respectively. Based on mtDNA restriction patterns, the acid citrus were divided into three groups; i, ii and iii. In groups i and ii accessions of groups I and II of cpDNA were placed with mandarins and pummelos, respectively. In group iii accessions of group III of cpDNA were placed with ichang papeda. Citrons were placed in a distinct group, iv.  相似文献   

Ginseng is an important medicinal plant, but almost no genomic information is known for it. For the primary step to understand the Panax genome, we inspected the chloroplast genome sequence diversity and used that to infer the evolution of Panax species using them. We inspected a total of 101 intergenic spacers (IGS) covering 44,563 bp (96.8 % of the total IGS) from four Panax species. Diversity was inspected by three steps: gel electrophoresis, high resolution melting (HRM) analysis, and further confirmation by sequencing. Even though low levels of InDel polymorphism were detected by gel electrophoresis, high levels of reproducible polymorphisms were identified by HRM analysis. Sequencing of the HRM-polymorphic spaces and pair-wise multiple sequence alignments revealed up to 247 sequence variations between species. We have identified 62 IGS showing polymorphism between species. Among them, the trnE-trnT, trnT-psbD, ndhF-rpl32, and rpl14-rpl16 spaces are more informative for studying the diversity of Panax relatives. Phylogenetic analysis and molecular evolution studies revealed that P. notoginseng is most diverged from the other Panax species, with a nucleotide substitution rate of 0.0039. P. quinquefolius shows a close relationship with P. ginseng and P. japonicus, with a nucleotide substitution rate of 0.0009. Meanwhile, no sequence variation was detected between P. ginseng and P. japonicus. Calculation of molecular clocks revealed that P. notoginseng diverged more than 1.30 million years ago from the other Panax species and then, P. quinquefolius diverged from P. ginseng by migration in the American continent more than 0.29 million years ago.  相似文献   

Rice straw including leaf sheaths and blades put in nylon mesh bags was placed in the plow layer of a Japanese paddy field after harvest under upland conditions and after transplanting of rice seedlings under flooded conditions. In addition, rice straw that was decomposed under the upland conditions during the off-crop season in winter was placed again in soil at the time of transplanting. The materials were collected periodically to analyze the community structure of the bacteria and fungi responsible for rice straw decomposition by PCR-RFLP analysis. The PCR products with 27f and 1492r primers designed for bacterial 16S rDNA and with EF3 and EF4 primers designed for fungal 18S rDNA were digested with four restriction endonucleases (Hinf I, Sau3A I, Hae III, EeoR I). Bacterial communities in the decomposing rice straw were different from each other between upland and flooded conditions, between leaf sheaths and blades, and between straw samples with and without decomposition under upland conditions during the off-crop season. Fungal communities in the decomposing rice straw were also different between the leaf sheaths and blades under upland soil conditions. Score plots of bacterial and fungal communities in the principal component analysis were separated from the plot of the straw materials along with the duration of the placement, indicating the succession of bacterial and fungal communities in decomposing rice straw with time.  相似文献   

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