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OBJECTIVE: To describe the attitudes to their work and career of those Australian veterinarians who work with horses. METHOD: Questionnaires were mailed to 866 veterinarians who had been identified as working with horses, and 87% were completed and returned. Data were entered onto Excel spreadsheets, and analysed using the SAS System for Windows. RESULTS: The main attractions of veterinary work with horses were the horses themselves and the equine industries, but working outdoors and with rewarding clients, and the satisfaction of successful outcomes were attractions for many. The list of disadvantages was longer, and included unreasonable and disagreeable clients as well as those who provided inadequate facilities, could not control their horses or did not care for them. The physical demands and risks of injury, the amount of time required, low rates of return and difficulties in collecting payment, were other major disadvantages. Some mentioned concerns about litigation, unethical behaviour, and recruiting and retaining veterinarians competent with horses. For many in mixed practice, the difficulties in affording modern equipment, and of developing and maintaining their own competence with horses, was a real concern. More than three-quarters of the respondents reported that their careers had lived up to expectations and that they would become veterinarians again; 70% of equine veterinarians would become an equine veterinarian again. Almost all (93%) of the respondents were either very glad, or 'generally glad though with some misgivings' that they had done the veterinary course. Older veterinarians reported suffering less stress, and being more content with their career, than younger colleagues. CONCLUSIONS: The advantages of doing veterinary work with horses outweigh the disadvantages for most veterinarians, especially those well advanced in their careers.  相似文献   

A survey of Australian veterinarians was undertaken to assess their amount of knowledge about, and their attitudes towards animal abuse, human violence and the link between the two. Results from the 185 respondents to a questionnaire that was either mailed out or hand delivered revealed a wide variety of definitions and attitudes towards abuse, with the majority of veterinarians recognising the link between human and animal abuse. The overwhelming majority of veterinarians believed that they should intervene in some way when confronted with either animal or human abuse, although most felt ill-equipped to deal with suspected human abuse. Almost 20% of cases of animal abuse had associated suspected or known human abuse. It is suggested that veterinarians need more resources made available to them to be able to deal more effectively with these situations.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the role of the arts in the lives of those veterinary students and veterinarians who could be found to be active in one or more of the arts. PROCEDURE: Veterinary students and veterinarians active in the arts were sought by advertisement and personal contact. Respondents each completed a questionnaire, which was analysed using SAS. RESULTS: Of the 55 respondents (43 veterinarians; 12 students), 73% were involved in music, 31% in theatre, 27% in writing and 15% art, but for more than 80% this occupied no more than 10 hours/week, about one quarter of the time for veterinary work. Although most would like to spend more time on the artistic activity, this was generally limited by the need to earn an income from veterinary work. Music and drama provided satisfaction, variety, and relaxation while catering to creative needs. A creative outlet and satisfaction was very important for writers as well, but they also valued the intellectual stimulation. A complex relationship existed between the artistic and the veterinary activities, but the nature of this relationship varied both between type of artistic activity, and the person concerned. CONCLUSIONS: Veterinary science and the arts can complement one another with each making important contributions to the person and the artistic field involved, even though limitations of time for the arts may cause frustration.  相似文献   

The increasing cost of production loss caused by gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) highlights the importance of good control programs. However, the endemic nature of anthelmintic resistance also reminds of the need for nonchemical options. Both chemical and nonchemical control options need to be integrated into regional parasite management programs (IPM) with the emphasis on component options determined by factors such as major GIN species, regional climate, property size and enterprise structure. The Integrated Parasite Management of Sheep project was established to develop and demonstrate regional parasite control programs, that integrated chemical and nonchemical options, for the main sheep-producing regions of Australia. The project included research about the ecology of the main endo and ecto-parasites of sheep and a national survey of parasite control practices by sheep producers. IPM approaches developed for two contrasting regions of Australia are discussed. Barriers for the adoption of IPM programs include perceived complexity associated with a multi-component approach, time requirements and difficulty. Facilitating the industry adoption of IPM programs is discussed with relevance to the use of small group extension and involvement of the commercial sector. Perceptions of complexity of IPM may be managed by facilitating adoption of components in a step-wise process such that learning outcomes accumulate over time. Extension efforts must address the needs of industry sectors other than sheep producers and explore user pay approaches. The success of these approaches will depend on the relation of the extra profit to producers, through adoption of IPM programs, with remuneration sufficient to attract a commercial service.  相似文献   

A survey of 88 veterinarians employed at the Faculty of Veterinary Science, University of Pretoria, South Africa, was carried out to investigate the occurrence of zoonotic diseases among South African veterinarians. The survey found that 63.6% of veterinarians interviewed had suffered from a zoonotic disease. Veterinarians predominantly involved in farm animal practice were 3 times more likely to have contracted a zoonotic disease than those working in other veterinary fields. Fifty-six percent of disease incidents were initially diagnosed by the veterinarians themselves. Fifty-three percent of incidents required treatment by a medical practitioner, but the majority (61%) of incidents did not require absence from work. The incidence density rate for contracting a zoonotic disease was 0.06 per person year of exposure. Kaplan-Meier survival analysis estimated that the probability of having contracted a zoonotic disease was 50% after 11 years in practice. The risk of contracting a zoonotic disease appeared to be higher early in practice. The most common mode of transmission was by direct contact. Approximately 46% of South Africans still live in rural areas and regularly come into close contact with farm animals. The implications of this in the light of this survey's results are discussed.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to identify factors associated with zoonotic infections in veterinarians, the incidence of physician consultation and treatment and the incidence of diagnostic and treatment errors. Veterinarians in any area of practice were solicited to participate in an online survey through an invitation letter sent to the Oregon Veterinary Medical Association. Proportions of respondents to various factors were analyzed for differences among gender, age, time since graduation and type of practice in which they worked. In all, 216 complete responses were received. In all, 13.9% of respondents had never been vaccinated against rabies, and 20.8% had been exposed to suspect rabid animals, mostly (64.4%) a single time. Other zoonoses were reported by 47.2% of respondents: mostly diseases transmitted via contact (57.4%) especially ringworm, followed by those with oral transmission (21.7%). Most zoonotic infections were reportedly acquired by young veterinarians working in primary care veterinary practice. Cats were the species most commonly reported as the animal source of a zoonotic infection. Veterinarians likely self-diagnosed zoonotic diseases, especially those transmitted by contact. Medical care providers were consulted for diagnosis of more serious diseases. Diagnosis and treatment errors were uncommon. Results of this study emphasize the need to educate future veterinarians during their early years in veterinary school about the risks associated with their future jobs.  相似文献   

A serological survey and risk factor study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of Eperythrozoon ovis infection in Western Australian weaner sheep, the prevalence of farms with infected sheep, and to identify factors affecting initiation and maintenance of infection on the farm. The study was conducted on 91 farms, purposively chosen from 41 randomly selected regional shires stratified by sheep number and rainfall zones. Twenty sheep were selected systematically from a mixed-sex flock on each farm and tested for serum antibody to E ovis using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Information on putative risk factors was collected using an interview questionnaire. Antibody to E ovis was detected in 4.5% of sheep on 47% of the farms sampled. The prevalence of E ovis infection in sheep was estimated at the 95% confidence level to be between 3.6 and 5.5%, and the prevalence of farms with infected sheep was estimated to be between 37.5 and 56.5%. Most farms with serological evidence of infection occurred in the Great Southern agricultural region (79.5%), south-east of Perth through to Albany (latitude 32 to 34 degrees S, longitude 116 to 120 degrees E), and in the Northern region (12.8%) surrounding Geraldton (latitude 29 degrees S, longitude 114 degrees E). There were significantly more farms (P less than 0.05) with evidence of infection in the Great Southern region compared to the Central region between Geraldton and Perth, and on farms in the region south compared to north of latitude 32 degrees S. None of the putative risk factors examined in the questionnaire were associated with serological evidence of infection on the farm.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This study determined skills required of entry-level veterinarians for dairy practice in western Canada and compared mixed and dairy practitioners in the skills that they perform. We surveyed western Canadian veterinarians involved in dairy practice, focusing primarily on clinical activity of respondents. Response rate was 39.4% (281/714). Respondents were classified as either mixed practitioners (< 10% time in dairy practice) or dairy practitioners (> 75% time in dairy practice). For both groups, individual animal medicine and surgery skills were performed more commonly than herd health skills. The most important skills identified were those required for basic theriogenology, physical examination, treatment of common disorders, and general surgery. These results underscore the continued importance of individual animal skills in food animal practice in western Canada.  相似文献   

Objective To describe the structure of Australia's sheep industries and the movement of sheep to enable examination of the potential for animal movements to spread disease between farms. Procedure The structure, size, marketing and movement patterns of Australian sheep farms was determined through (i) review of data published by the Australian Bureau of Statistics and Australian Bureau of Agricultural and Resource Economics, (ii) interviews with producers and saleyard managers and (iii) expert opinion. Results Twelve geographic regions are described, based on the type and extent of sheep farming in each region. Five production sectors were identified within the Australian sheep industry, with the proportion of each varying between the geographic regions. Over the past 20 years, the industry has decreased in size and contracted from the northern and central areas of Australia. Movement of sheep onto the majority (79%) of properties was limited to the introduction of less than 50 stud rams annually, although cross‐bred‐ and wether‐based farms introduced up to 2000 sheep annually; 75% of sheep movements occurred over distances less than 200 km, but stud rams moved up to 500 km. An increasing percentage of movements off farms was direct to abattoirs and over 80% of sheep sold through saleyards were purchased by abattoirs. Conclusions The majority of Australian sheep farms operate as self‐replacing enterprises and introduce few stock. In addition, most sheep movements occur over distances of less than 200 km and therefore sheep movements within Australia have only a limited potential to spread disease over larger distances.  相似文献   

Members of the Western Canadian Association of Bovine Practitioners were surveyed regarding their use of antimicrobials in bovine abdominal surgery. Perioperative antimicrobials were used in 100% of abdominal surgeries by 96 of 98 respondents. Although postoperative administration was the most common perioperative period for antimicrobial use, intraoperative intraperitoneal use was reported by more than half of the veterinarians surveyed. Procaine penicillin G and oxytetracycline were the most commonly administered perioperative antimicrobials.  相似文献   

A mail survey of 235 Western Australian sheep farmers who had performed faecal egg count reduction tests for anthelmintic resistance in 1999 or 2000 was conducted, with some telephone follow-up. A response of 56% was achieved. Resistance to ivermectin, a member of the macrocyclic lactone class of anthelmintics, had developed on 44% of the farms surveyed. We used time to occurrence of resistance to ascertain factors that contributed to extending the time ivermectin remained an effective drench on these farms (median time = 10.5 years). This time was significantly longer when farmers implemented more worm control practices on their farms (P = 0.003). We developed a multivariable survival model that contained the following main effects: reduced winter drenching frequency, 0–2 flock treatments in 5 years (hazard ratio (HR) 0.52); availability of alternative effective anthelmintic classes on the farm (HR 0.30); always using safe pastures (HR 0.23); and veterinarians as the primary source of worm control advice (HR 0.58). The relationship of these findings to the understanding of anthelmintic resistance is discussed.  相似文献   

Between July 1981 and December 1983, 116 randomly selected sheep farms in the south west of Western Australian were surveyed for resistance to anthelmintics. A faecal worm egg count reduction test was carried out on each farm. Anthelmintics tested were thiabendazole (44 mg/kg) and levamisole (7.5 mg/kg) given by intra-ruminal injection and comparisons were made with an untreated group on each farm. Successful tests were carried out on 84 farms and 68% of these had resistant worms present. The prevalence of thiabendazole resistant populations was for H. contortus 18%; Teladorsagia, 41% and Trichostrongylus, 48% and for levamisole resistant populations H. contortus, 10%; Teladorsagia, 41%; Trichostrongylus, 24%, and Nematodirus, 10%. Multiple resistant populations were found on 17% of farms. Although the distribution of nematode genera varied between the 400 to 750 mm and the greater than 750 mm rainfall zones there was no significant difference in the prevalence of resistance between zones. About one third of resistant populations were severely resistant (less than 60% reduction). It is likely that resistant worms were present on many farms without causing clinical disease and continued anthelmintic selection pressure will result in further development of resistance.  相似文献   

Objective   To describe how various antimicrobials are used in commercial pig herds in Australia and for what disease conditions.
Procedure   Managers of large pig herds (> 200 sows) across Australia and their veterinarians participated in an internet-based survey in 2006. Questions were asked about herd management, the occurrence of bacterial diseases and the type and frequency of antimicrobial use. An antimicrobial usage index for each herd was derived as a summary of the risk of selection for antimicrobial resistance. Relationships between responses were explored with univariate and multivariate analysis.
Results   Responses were received for 197 herds estimated to represent at least 51% of all large pig herds in Australia. Most piggeries relied on drugs of low importance in human medicine (e.g. tetracyclines, penicillins and sulfonamides). For the two drugs of high importance in human medicine that can be legally prescribed to pigs in Australia, ceftiofur use was reported in 25% of herds and virginiamycin in none. Infections attributed to Lawsonia , Mycoplasma and Escherichia coli motivated the most use of antimicrobials. No useful association was found between management factors and the antimicrobial use index.
Conclusion   Most antimicrobial use in the Australian pig industry is based on drugs of low importance to public health. Enhanced control of E. coli infections without reliance on antimicrobials would further reduce the risk of selecting for antimicrobial resistance relevant to public health. The amount of variation in the usage index between herds suggests that antimicrobial use should be constantly reviewed on a herd by herd basis.  相似文献   

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