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花生种植栽培模式对花生地上害虫发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为明确春花生和夏花生主要地上害虫发生特点的差异,在山东花生主产区进行了不同播期花生主要害虫发生情况田间调查。结果表明,春花生和夏花生上发生的地上害虫优势种和为害盛期有明显不同。危害春花生的主要害虫是花生蚜、花生叶螨、2代棉铃虫、甜菜夜蛾和蓟马,且不同播期为害程度存在显著性差异;危害夏花生的主要害虫是3代棉铃虫、甜菜夜蛾和蓟马。  相似文献   

甜菜象虫是山西省阳高县甜菜产区主要苗期害虫,近几年发生面积占实播面积的50%左右。在某些年份已成为甜菜生产中毁灭性虫害。经1985—1986两年对甜菜象虫的调查看,该地区发生的种类有:甜菜象、甜菜毛足象、二斑尖眼象、三北甜菜象、中国方喙象、黑斜纹象、锥喙筒喙象、蒙古土象、北京灰象(Sympiezo-mias hezi Faust)。其中以甜菜象分布  相似文献   

甜菜象虫为东北、内蒙古.新疆及山东等甜菜产区苗期主要害虫,危害甜菜严重,据1979~1980年在黑龙江省调查,危害甜菜象虫有8种之多,其中以甜菜长柄象、蒙古土象和甜菜象为优势种,每年发生面积有46万亩,毁、补种面积为14万亩以上,使甜菜减产11~25%,为了控制该虫的危害,我们于1980~1982年在黑龙江省安达、肇东及阿城等县用甲基硫环磷、呋喃丹等十余种制剂进行了防治试验和生产示范,其结果如下:  相似文献   

调查结果表明,新疆甜菜病害有10余种,主要有甜菜丛根病、甜菜立枯病、根腐病、褐斑病、白粉病等;虫害有地老虎、象甲、蛴螬、甘蓝夜蛾、叶螨等20余种;杂草以芦苇、稗子草等单子叶杂草及灰黎、马齿苋等双子叶杂草为主要杂草。防治应以农业防治为基础,强化农业技术措施,结合运用化学防治、生物防治、物理防治诸项措施,达到经济、安全、有效地防治目的。  相似文献   

对宾川地区冬亚麻常见害虫进行了调查,发现甜菜夜蛾、甘蓝夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、银纹夜蛾、小地老虎、菜青虫、烟青虫、美洲斑潜蝇等8种为该作物主要害虫,阐述了其发生为害特点,并制订出相应的综合防治措施.  相似文献   

何建群  陈贵荟 《中国麻业》2005,27(6):312-315
对宾川地区冬亚麻常见害虫进行了调查,发现甜菜夜蛾、甘蓝夜蛾、斜纹夜蛾、银纹夜蛾、小地老虎、菜青虫、烟青虫、美洲斑潜蝇等8种为该作物主要害虫,阐述了其发生为害特点,并制订出相应的综合防治措施.  相似文献   

茶园发生甜菜夜蛾初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石春华  黄浩章 《茶叶》1995,21(1):43-44
甜菜夜蛾(Lapygma exigua Hubner)是一种杂食性的害虫,在浙江主要为害蔬菜。1994年在杭州市西湖区、新昌县等茶地发生此虫为害,其中西湖区发生面积达5000亩,为害较严重,甜菜夜蛾为害茶叶未见有过报道。 一、形态特征 成虫体灰褐色,体长8~14毫米,翅展19~25毫米,头及胸部灰褐色有黑点;前翅肾状纹与环状纹黄褐色,外缘有一列黑色斑点;后翅银白色,翅缘灰褐色。卵淡绿色,上覆白色茸毛,单层或双层排列,产于茶树叶背面  相似文献   

甜菜象虫(Bothynoderes punctiventris Germ·),又叫甜菜象,甜菜象甲,为东北、内蒙古、新疆及山东等省(区)甜菜产区主要苗期害虫,近年来为害有逐年加重的趋势。甜菜象虫幼虫咬食甜菜块根,大发生时,大量植株受害枯死。据调查,1978年山东省高密县种植春甜菜6,700亩,三分之一被象虫吃光,有的毁种两次,发生严重的毁种五次,使春甜菜变成夏甜菜;1980年秋末在胶县、即墨等地成虫越冬虫口密度分别为每平方米10头和166头,予计这些地方81年将要大发生。  相似文献   

皖东地区甜菜夜蛾在棉花上的发生特点及治理对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
甜菜夜蛾是一种杂食性害虫,近年来在皖东地区多种作物上逐渐发展成为一种重要害虫,主要为害蔬菜、棉花、花生、豆类、甘薯等.2001年,甜菜夜蛾在我地棉花上暴发为害,发生面积460公顷,三代暴发期受害株率100%,百株虫量600~800头,最高2000头,单株最高有虫96头,百株卵量8~10块,造成一般田块减产1~2成,重者3~5成.为此,笔者将近年来甜菜夜蛾在我地棉花上发生以及药剂防治结果报道如下:  相似文献   

据1986~1989年调查,甘肃河西走廊为害甜菜的象虫种类有:甜菜象、甜菜毛足象、甜菜碗额象等19种。其中以甜菜象、甜菜毛足象为优势种。药剂处理种子防治象虫试验结果表明:35%甲基硫环磷乳油、种子、水以2.2~3.0∶100∶100配方防治效果较佳,毒苗杀虫率达90.0%~92.0%,且残效期长,田间保苗率达83.5%~92.5%,挽回根产量损失29.7%~39.1%。  相似文献   

Pea weevil (Bruchus pisorum L.) is one of the most serious insect pests of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) in Ethiopia. A survey of 400 farmers was conducted in four main pea-growing districts in north and north-western Ethiopia. The objectives were to assess farmers' knowledge and perceptions of pea weevil, to examine their current pest management practices and to identify challenges to pea weevil control, so that participatory integrated pest management for smallholder farmers in Ethiopia can be developed. The results revealed that most (71%) of the farmers surveyed had knowledge about pea weevil and were able to identify damaged seeds based on common visible symptoms of weevil infestation. However, most farmers did not know that pea weevil attacks plants in the field, but rather considered it a storage pest. The results also showed that farmers' cultural practices influence the incidence and spread of pea weevil and that most farmers did not check seed for pea weevil symptoms before planting. Only a minority of farmers (19%) harvested peas early and some harvested late, unintentionally promoting infestation and carryover of weevils. In addition, most farmers (74%) were not aware of the source and means of weevil spread on their farm and some did not clean up fallen and shattered peas during harvesting and threshing. The majority (63%) of the farmers surveyed relied on chemical insecticides, namely actellic dust and phostoxin, to treat harvested peas in storage. However, the results revealed a knowledge gap in that farmers were well aware of the problem of pea weevil, but lacked knowledge of cultural practices affecting pea weevil and of problems in the use of pesticides. This highlights the need for farmer training and for development of participatory integrated pest management methods for pea weevil.  相似文献   

进行了甜菜田使用威霸6.9%水乳剂化学除草的试验,结果表明:最佳用量为750mL/hm2,最高不宜超过900mL/hm2,否则对甜菜苗产生药害,以杂草2~4片叶为最佳用药时期.  相似文献   

A weedy form of the genus Beta, i.e. Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris (hence “weed beet”) frequently found in sugar beet is impossible to eliminate with herbicides because of its genetic proximity to the crop. It is presumed to be the progeny of accidental hybrids between sugar beet (ssp. vulgaris) and wild beet (ssp. maritima), or of sugar beet varieties sensitive to vernalization and sown early in years with late cold spells. In this context, genetically modified (GM) sugar beet varieties tolerant to non-selective herbicides would be interesting to manage weed beet. However, because of the proximity of the weed to the crop, it is highly probable that the herbicide-tolerance transgene would be transmitted to the weed. To evaluate the likelihood of gene flow from GM varieties to weed beet and to propose cropping systems that reduce this likelihood, a model of the effects of cropping systems on population dynamics and gene flow in weed beet was developed, based on the existing spatio-temporal framework GENESYS and on field experiments for parametrising the life-cycle of weed beet. The resulting GENESYS-Beet model consists in simulating every year the life-cycle of weed and crop beet in each field of a given region. During flowering, the various life-cycles connect, leading to pollen exchanges which depend on field areas, shapes and distances. The life-cycle consists of a succession of life-stages for which both densities and genotype proportions are calculated. The relationships between the various stages depend on the crop grown in the field, the stage and genotype of the modelled crop relative, as well as the cultivation techniques (tillage tools and dates, sowing date and density, herbicides, mechanical and manual weeding, harvest date) used to manage the crop. Simulations of GM spread in different farms and regions and of the effects of weed management on the advent of GM beet were carried out to illustrate the possible uses of the model and the consequences of co-existing GM and non-GM crops.  相似文献   

试验结果表明,喷施72%都尔乳油除草剂1500~1800mL/hm2,对防除甜菜田间杂草效果好,对甜菜生长无不良影响。  相似文献   

通过田间观察和定期生长分析,明确了冷凉干旱区采用地膜覆盖、灌溉栽培甜菜的各营养生长期的根、叶生长和糖分积累特点,讨论了甜菜生长中心的转移推迟和糖分积累期生长速率、净同化率大幅度降低的原因,提出提早间、定苗和通过水肥调控促进甜菜早发,加速生长中心转移,缩短叶丛快速生长期和改善水分状况,促进块根增长和糖分积累的措施。  相似文献   

油菜茎象甲(Ceuthorhynchus asper Roel) 是中国西北地区油菜的主要害虫,一年发生一代,以成虫越冬。发生规律因地区、生态条件或当地小气候不同而差异较大,不同油菜种植区及其所处地理海拔不同,其消长规律也不相同;同一地区阳坡地带发生较早,其次是平川和阴坡地。在冬油菜区,油菜茎象甲成虫于2月至3月上中旬陆续出土活动,2月中旬至3月下旬产卵为害,其成虫均有越夏越冬习性。在春油菜区,油菜茎象甲成虫于4月下旬至5月上中旬出土活动,5月中下旬交尾产卵,其蛹羽化为成虫后因气候冷凉大多不经过越夏,而是活动一段时期后直接越冬。对茎象甲的防治应掌握其活动消长规律,抓好关键时期采用化学和农业防治措施综合控制。  相似文献   

针对化学农药污染严重影响稻米品质问题,开展试验示范。结果表明,在盘锦稻区,采用生物农药菌毒杀星防治稻瘟病;用1%苦参碱杀灭稻水象甲;用杀虫灯、糖酒醋液诱杀水稻害虫;用稻糠、生物纸膜、养殖河蟹消灭稻田杂草等项技术措施,可安全有效地控制水稻田中病虫草害,且无任何环境污染。  相似文献   

杨琦 《北方水稻》2003,(5):22-23
近几年,铁岭地区稻水象甲的发生面积呈逐年扩大趋势,并表现出一定的发生分布规律及危害特点。根据稻水象甲传播途径多,适应性强,危害重,除治难等实际情况,结合本地条件,提出了检疫和防治相结合的综合控制措施。  相似文献   

通过对湿热地区云南河口县芒果园内的5种主要病虫害发生规律进行调查,根据调查情况对芒果白粉病、炭疽病,芒果横线尾夜蛾、芒果切叶象甲、桔小实蝇等5种发生程度较重的病虫害进行发生危害情况的相关分析,同时对云南河口地区芒果害虫天敌进行搜集、调查及鉴定,调查鉴定结果表明:共有天敌昆虫24种,其中寄生性天敌11种,分属于2目5科;捕食性天敌昆虫21种,分属于5目8科。调查结果对于生产上科学制定芒果病虫害防治措施具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

甜菜种株徒长原因及调控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
调查结果表明,甜菜种株徒长的形成原因有种植密度过大,施肥过多或追肥过早和田间管理不及时等。防止甜菜种株徒长的主要调控措施是合理密植;基肥适量,追肥延后;合理控水;打薹干净彻底;喷施生长延缓剂,使结实部位下移,达到种球大,薹坚挺,能增产10%以上。  相似文献   

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