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The contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration is one of the most interesting, important, and methodologically complicated problems in the study of the carbon budget in soils. A trenching method and a root biomass regression method were used to determine the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a subtropical forest ecosystem. The average root respiration contributions were 37.15% with the range of 13.04–51.23% by trenching method and 31.80% with the range of 10.64–56.10% by root biomass regression method from August 2005 to July 2006. In growing season, the contributions of root respiration were 47.25 and 43.53% estimated by trenching method and root biomass regression method, respectively. There was no significant difference between the monthly attributions of root respiration to soil respiration estimated by two methods. Our results showed that trenching and root biomass regression methods were both suitable to estimate the root respiration in this forest.  相似文献   

Water is usally thought of a limiting factor for the restoration of semi-arid ecosystem. In the growing season of 2006, a study was conducted to determine the effects of modeling precipitation on seasonal patterns in concentrations of soil-available nitrogen and to describe the seasonal patterns in soil nitrogen availability and seasonal variation in the rates of net nitrogen mineralization of topsoil at Daqinggou ecological station in Keerqin sand lands, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Manipulation of water (80 mm) was designed to be added to experiment plots of sandy grasslands in dry season. Water addition (W) treatment and control (CK) treatment were separately taken in six replications and randomly assigned in 12 plots (4 m×4 m for each) with 2-m buffers betweens. Results showed that the content of soil inorganic nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization rate were not affected by adding water in sandy grassland of Keerqin sand lands. Net ni- trogen mineralization rates ranged from 0.5μg·g^-1,month^-1 to 4 μg.g^-1.month^-1. The highest values of soil inorganic nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization occurred on October 15 in control plots. The seasonal changes of soil inorganic nitrogen contents exhibited "V" shape pattern that was related to seasonal patterns of soil ammonium-N (ascending trend) and nitrate-N transformation (descending trend).  相似文献   

Water is usally thought of a limiting factor for the restoration of semi-arid ecosystem. In the growing season of 2006, a study was conducted to determine the effects of modeling precipitation on seasonal patterns in concentrations of soil-available nitrogen and to describe the seasonal patterns in soil nitrogen availability and seasonal variation in the rates of net nitrogen mineralization of topsoil at Daqinggou ecological station in Keerqin sand lands, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China. Manipulation of water (80 mm) was designed to be added to experiment plots of sandy grasslands in dry season. Water addition (W) treatment and control (CK) treatment were separately taken in six replications and randomly assigned in 12 plots (4 m×4 m for each) with 2-m buffers betweens. Results showed that the content of soil inorganic nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization rate were not affected by adding water in sandy grassland of Keerqin sand lands. Net nitrogen mineralization rates ranged from 0.5 μg·g-1·month-1 to 4 μg·g-1·month-1. The highest values of soil inorganic nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization occurred on October 15 in control plots. The seasonal changes of soil inorganic nitrogen contents exhibited "V" shape pattern that was related to seasonal patterns of soil ammonium-N (ascending trend) and nitrate-N transformation (descending trend).  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of tree species on soil N dynamics in temperate forest ecosystems, total N (Nt), microbial N (Nmic), net N mineralization, net nitrification, and other soil chemical properties were comparatively examined in beech (64–68 years old) and Norway spruce (53–55 years old) on sites 1 and 2, and beech and Scots pine (45 years old) on site 3. The initial soil conditions of the two corresponding stands at each site were similar; soil types were dystric Planosol (site 1), stagnic Gleysols (site 2), and Podzols (site 3). In organic layers (LOf1, Of2, Oh), Nmic and Nmic/Nt, averaged over three sampling times (Aug., Nov., Apr.), were higher under the beech stands than under the corresponding coniferous ones. However, the Nmic in the organic layers under beech had a greater temporal variation. Incubation (10 weeks, 22 °C, samples from November) results showed that the net N mineralization rates in organic layers were relatively high with values of 8.1 to 24.8 mg N kg–1 d–1. Between the two corresponding stands, the differences in net N mineralization rates in most of the organic layers were very small. In contrast, initial net nitrification rates (0.2–17.1 mg N kg–1 day–1) were considerably lower in most of the organic layers under the conifer than under the beech. In the mineral soil (0–10 cm), Nmic values ranged from 4.1–72.7 mg kg–1, following a clear sequence: August>November>April. Nmic values under the beech stands were significantly higher than those under the corresponding coniferous stands for samples from August and April, but not from November. The net N mineralization rates were very low in all the mineral soils studied (0.05–0.33 mg N kg–1 day–1), and no significant difference appeared between the two contrasting tree species.  相似文献   

间伐对杨树人工林凋落物及养分归还量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了了解间伐对杨树大径材生长的影响,按人工林不同间伐方式和强度设计了4种间伐处理,分别为对照、30%强度的下层伐(下层30%)、50%强度的下层伐(下层50%)、50%强度的机械伐(机械50%),探讨了不同间伐处理对杨树人工林凋落物及其养分归还量的影响.结果表明,不同间伐强度显著影响林分凋落物及其养分归还量,凋落物及养分归还量均随间伐强度的增大而降低;凋落物中5种营养元素含量及归还量大小为Ca>K>N>Mg>P;4种处理的凋落物及养分归还月动态变化趋势均为8-11月最多,分别占年归还总量的76.48% ~79.68%和80.35%~90.46%.该研究结果为杨树人工林的林分结构调控提供参考.  相似文献   

Effects of three aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) canopy removal treatments and root trenching on understory microenvironment and moisture were tested at Parkland and Boreal sites in Alberta, Canada. Aspen canopies moderated air temperature by reducing maximums and increasing minimums, and increased the frost-free period in the understory by reducing radiative frosts. When daily differences were found among canopy treatments, maximum absolute humidity was greater with complete canopy removal. Maximum daily relative humidity was greater in openings at night than with either full or partial canopy cover. Predictably, increasing aspen cover reduced PAR reaching the understory. Soil moisture response was highly variable, changing with site, aspen density and precipitation patterns, but there were only marginal differences due to root trenching. In the Parkland site, soil moisture conservation from aspen canopy and leaf litter effects were masked by tree uptake in most periods, but a net increase in soil water (+5.2%) was observed during drought. Soil and microclimatic conditions in thinned aspen stands suggest potentially favourable production benefits from developing and adopting agroforestry systems in these northern ecosystems.  相似文献   

Larch is one of the most important plantation species in the northeast region of China. After clear cutting of larch plantations it is the urgent problem to besolved that whether the second generation is continuously plant6d, whether the soil fertility is decreasing and the plantstion is how to be managed onthe forestry produCtion. In odder tO realize the secondgenerahon Of larch plantstions and to provide thetheoretical base and the reasonable managementmeasures, we inventoried the groWth o…  相似文献   

The effects of soil animals on soil nitrogen (N) mineralization and its availability were studied by investigating soil animal groups and their amounts of macro-faunas sorted by hand, and middle and microfaunas distinguished with Tullgren and Baermann methods under three Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica Litv. plantations in Zhanggutai sandy land, China. In addition, soil N mineralization rate was also measured with PVC closed-top tube in situ incubation method. The soil animals collected during growing season belonged to 13 orders, 5 groups, 4 phyla, whose average density was 86 249.17 individuals-m^-2. There were significant differences in soil animal species, densities, diversities and evenness among three plantations. Permanent grazing resulted in decrease of soil animal species and diversity. The average ammonification, nitrification and mineralization rates were 0.48 g:m^-2·a^-1, 3.68 g·m^-2·a^-1 and 4.16 g·m^-2·a^-1, respectively. The ammonification rate in near-mature forest was higher than that in middle-age forests, while the order of nitrification and net mineralization rates was: middle-age forest without grazing 〈 middle-age forest with grazing 〈 near-mature forest with grazing (P〈0.05). Soil N mineralization rate increased with soil animal amounts, but no significant relationship with diversity. The contribution of soil animals to N mineralization was different for different ecosystems due to influences of complex factors including grazing, soil characteristics, the quality and amount of litter on N mineralization.  相似文献   

The soil microbial biomass and nutrient status under the native broadleaved forest and Cunninghamia lanceolata plantations at the Huitong National Research Station of Forest Ecosystem (in Hunan Province, midland of China) were examined in this study. The results showed that after the native broadleaved forest was replaced by mono-cultured C. lanceolata or C. lanceolata, soil microbial biomass and nutrient pool decreased significantly. In the 0–10 cm soil layer, the concentrations of soil microbial carbon and nitrogen in the broadleaved forest were 800.5 and 84.5 mg/kg, respectively. These were 1.90 and 1.03 times as much as those in the first rotation of the C. lanceolata plantation, and 2.16 and 1.27 times as much as those in the second rotation of the plantation, respectively. While in the 10–20 cm soil layer, the microbial carbon and nitrogen in the broadleaved forest were 475.4 and 63.3 mg/kg, respectively. These were 1.86 and 1.60 times as much as those in the first rotation, and 2.11 and 1.76 times as much as those in the second rotation, respectively. Soil nutrient pools, such as total nitrogen, total potassium, NH4 +-N, and available potassium, also declined after the C. lanceolata plantation replaced the native broadleaved forest, or Chinese fir was planted continuously. Less litter and slower decay rate in pure Chinese fir plantation were the crucial factors leading to the decrease of soil microbial biomass and nutrient pool in this area. Human disturbance, especially slash-burning and site preparation, was another factor leading to the decrease. There were significant positive correlations between soil microbial carbon and nitrogen and soil nutrients. To improve soil quality and maintain sustainable productivity, some measures, including planting mixed conifer with hardwood, preserving residues after harvest, and adopting scientific site preparation, should be taken. Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2006, 17(12): 2,292–2,296 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

闫德仁  陈景莲 《林业研究》1999,10(4):239-242
IntroductionThesoildegradationofaFtificialforestisthecoreofresearchforplantationtostabilityandafforestationinChina.lnrecentyears,studiesonsoilfertiIityofplantationshavegradua[Iyincreased.forChinesefir,massonpine,popIar,Iarch,etc.Manyspecificmeas-ureshavebeenputfotwardtomaintainthesoilfertil-ityIevelinaFtificialforest(Pan1997,Yan1997lYan1996).owingtovariabilityofsoilfertilityinplantation,ithasmanydifficuItiestostudythesoiIfertility.Forexample,thesoiIsampIeplothastobemovedhori-zontalIyino…  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of forest thinning on soil nitrogen mineralization, nitrification and transformation in a Cryptomeria japonica plantation at high elevation to provide basic data for forest management. We chose four study plots for control, light, medium and heavy thinning treatment, and three sub-plots for buried bag studies at similar elevations in each treatment plot to measure the net N mineralization and nitrification rates in situ. The contents of soil inorganic N(ammonium and nitrate) were similar between treatments, but all varied with season, reaching maxima in September 2003 and 2004. The seasonal maximum net Nmin rates after four treatments were 0.182, 0.246, 0.303 and 0.560 mg·kg-1·d-1 in 2003, and 0.242,0.258,0.411 and 0.671 mg·kg-1·d-1in 2004, respectively. These estimates are approximate with the lower annual rates of N mineralization for this region. Forest thinning can enhance net N mineralization and microbial biomass carbon. The percentage of annual rates of Nmin for different levels of forest thinning compared with the control plot were 13.4%, 59.8% and 154.2% in 2003, and 0.1%, 58.8% and 157.7% in 2004 for light, medium, and heavy thinning, respectively. These differences were related to soil moisture, temperature, precipitation, and soil and vegetation types. Well-planned multi-site comparisons, both located within Taiwan and the East-Asia region, could greatly improve our knowledge of regional patterns in nitrogen cycling.  相似文献   

选择章古台地区三块典型樟子松(Pinussylvestrisvar.mongolica)人工固沙林为研究对象,采用实验室好氧培养法测定了不同土壤层次和在不同水分条件下的N矿化过程。结果表明:土壤0-60cm层N净矿化速率垂直变化范围为1.06–7.52mg·kg-1·month-1;土壤层次和含水量及其交互作用对土壤N净矿化速率的影响均达到差异显著(P<0.05);净矿化速率随着土壤层次的加深而明显下降,0-15cm层占总净矿化量的60.52%;半饱和与饱和含水量处理差异不显著,但均高于不加水处理。为此,在半干旱地区必须进一步加强开展调控生态系统N矿化、循环及其收支平衡影响因素的研究。图1表4参20。  相似文献   

选择章古台地区三块典型樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. Mongolica)人工固沙林为研究对象,采用实验室好氧培养法测定了不同土壤层次和在不同水分条件下的N矿化过程.结果表明:土壤0-60 cm 层N净矿化速率垂直变化范围为1.06-7.52 mg·kg-1·month-1;土壤层次和含水量及其交互作用对土壤N净矿化速率的影响均达到差异显著(P<0.05);净矿化速率随着土壤层次的加深而明显下降,0-15 cm层占总净矿化量的60.52%;半饱和与饱和含水量处理差异不显著,但均高于不加水处理.为此,在半干旱地区必须进一步加强开展调控生态系统N矿化、循环及其收支平衡影响因素的研究.  相似文献   

 Thermogravimetric and differential thermal analyses techniques have been applied to investigate the thermal degradation characteristics and chemical kinetics of Japanese cedar, cypress, fir, and spruce. The decomposition of the components could be modeled by an Arrhenius kinetic expression. The kinetic parameters were extracted from the thermogravimetric data using least-squares techniques. The heating rates used for the analyses were 10°, 5°, and 0.33°C/min; and the activation energy and reaction order of the above woods were 7.54, 8.39, 2.87, and 7.88 kJ/mol and 0.71, 0.64, 0.44, and 0.63, respectively. Finally, carbonization was done to produce charcoal from these woods under various operating conditions, and the charcoal was characterized in respect to yield, heating value, electrical conductivity, and X-ray diffraction. The quality of the charcoal from fir was the best among the four types of wood. The charcoal produced is inferior to binchotan (white charcoal) in respect to electrical conductivity and crystalline structure. Received: February 13, 2002 / Accepted: July 12, 2002 Acknowledgment The authors express their gratitude to Professor Yoshida of Applied Chemistry in Tokyo Metropolitan University for performing the TG/DTA in his laboratory and for his valuable suggestions about the analyses.  相似文献   

间伐对侧柏人工林土壤微生物生物量碳、氮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以徐州侧柏人工林为对象,研究了在弱度间伐(LIT,20%)、轻中度间伐(MIT1,40%)、中度间伐(MIT2,60%)和强度间伐(HIT,80%)下,林下土壤微生物生物量碳、氮在土壤表层(0 ~ 10 cm)和亚表层(10~20 cm)的变化.结果表明:不同间伐强度下,微生物生物量碳、氮含量均随着土层加深而减少.随着间伐强度增加,微生物生物量碳、氮总体变化趋势为先增加后降低,其中微生物生物量碳表现为MITl> LIT> HIT> MIT2,均与对照CK有显著差异(P<0.05);微生物生物量氮表现为MIT2> MITl> LIT> HIT,各处理间均表现出显著差异(P<0.05).间伐也使土壤微生物熵增加,尤以MIT2达到最大(2.63%).研究表明,侧柏人工林经过2 a间伐,土壤微生物生物量碳、氮含量增加,在一定程度上使土壤碳库和氮库短期内出现不稳定趋势.  相似文献   

为了解土壤挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)对氮沉降的响应,本研究以马尾松和木荷幼苗为研究对象,设置3个氮水平(5.6、15.6和20.6 g·m^-2·a^-1)和两种氮添加方式(土壤施氮和叶面施氮),通过质子转移反应飞行时间质谱仪分析植物土壤VOCs对不同氮水平和氮添加方式的响应。结果表明,马尾松和木荷幼苗根系土壤释放的总VOCs通量为19.50~70.94 pmol·g^-1·h^-1,以含氧VOCs(乙醛、甲醇和乙烯酮)和含氮VOCs(甲酰胺和丙胺)为主,分别占总VOCs的22.04%~47.71%和3.31%~38.68%。两种氮添加方式均显著地促进马尾松和木荷幼苗根系土壤含氮VOCs释放,这与土壤铵态氮和硝态氮含量显著相关。叶面施氮处理下马尾松根系土壤总VOCs释放显著增加,不同幼苗根系土壤释放的不同种类VOCs对氮水平和氮添加方式的响应不一致。研究结果可为评估土壤VOCs对大气氮沉降增加的响应提供基础数据。  相似文献   

Nitrogen is normally the nutrient most limiting production of maize (Zea mays) — the main staple food crop — in southern Africa. We conducted a field study to determine the effect of N sources on soil nitrate dynamics at three landscape positions in farmers' fields in southern Malawi. The landscape positions were dambo valley or bottomland, dambo margin, and steep slopes. The N sources were calcium ammonium nitrate fertilizer applied at 120 kg N ha–1, biomass from Sesbania sesban, and no added N. Sesbania biomass was produced in situ in the previous season from sesbania relay cropped with maize. Nitrate in the topsoil (0 to 15 cm depth) increased to 85 days after maize planting (mean = 48 kg N ha–1) and then decreased markedly. Application of N fertilizer and sesbania biomass increased soil nitrate, and nitrate-N in topsoil correlated positively with amount of incorporated sesbania biomass. The strongest correlation between sesbania biomass added before maize planting and topsoil nitrate was observed at 85 days after maize planting. This suggests that the sesbania biomass (mean N content = 2.3%) mineralized slowly. Inorganic N accumulated in the subsoil at the end of the maize cropping season when N fertilizer and sesbania were applied. This study demonstrated the challenges associated with moderate quality organic N sources produced in smallholder farmer's fields. Soil nitrate levels indicated that N was released by sesbania residues in the first year of incorporation, but relay cropping of sesbania with maize may need to be supplemented with appropriately timed application of N fertilizer.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of soil water content on growth and transpiration of Japanese cedar (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa (Siebold et Zucc.) Endl.), potted seedlings were grown in well-watered soil (wet treatment) or in drying soil (dry treatment) for 12 weeks. Seedlings in the wet treatment were watered once every 2 or 3 days, whereas seedlings in the dry treatment were watered when soil water content (Theta; m3 m(-3)) reached 0.30, equivalent to a soil matric potential of -0.06 MPa. From Weeks 7 to 12 after the onset of the treatments, seedling transpiration was measured by weighing the potted seedlings. After the last watering, changes in transpiration rate during soil drying were monitored intensely. The dry treatment restricted aboveground growth but increased biomass allocation to the roots in both species, resulting in no significant treatment difference in whole-plant biomass production. The species showed similar responses in relative growth rate (RGR), net assimilation rate (NAR) and shoot mass ratio (SMR) to the dry treatment. Although NAR did not change significantly in either C. japonica or C. obtusa as the soil dried, the two species responded differently to the dry treatment in terms of mean transpiration rate (E) and water-use efficiency (WUE), which are parameters that relate to NAR. In the dry treatment, both E and WUE of C. japonica were stable, whereas in C. obtusa, E decreased and WUE increased (E and WUE counterbalanced to maintain a constant NAR). Transpiration rates were lower in C. obtusa seedlings than in C. japonica seedlings, even in well-watered conditions. During soil drying, the transpiration rate decreased after Theta reached about 0.38 (-0.003 MPa) in C. obtusa and 0.32 (-0.028 MPa) in C. japonica. We conclude that C. obtusa has more water-saving characteristics than C. japonica, particularly when water supply is limited.  相似文献   

Nitrogen fertilization increased largely over the last decade in tropical eucalypt plantations but the behaviour of belowground tree components has received little attention. Sequential soil coring and ingrowth core methods were used in a randomized block experiment, from 18 to 32 months after planting Eucalyptus grandis, in Brazil, in order to estimate annual fine root production and turnover under contrasting N fertilization regimes (120 kg N ha−1 vs. 0 kg N ha−1). The response of growth in tree height and basal area to N fertilizer application decreased with stand age and was no longer significant at 36 months of age. The ingrowth core method provided only qualitative information about the seasonal course of fine root production and turnover. Mean fine root biomasses (diameter <2 mm) in the 0–30 cm layer measured by monthly coring amounted to 0.91 and 0.84 t ha−1 in the 0 N and the 120 N treatments, respectively. Fine root production was significantly higher in the 0 N treatment (1.66 t ha−1 year−1) than in the 120 N treatment (1.12 t ha−1 year−1), probably as a result of the greater tree growth in the control treatment throughout the sampling period. Fine root turnover was 1.8 and 1.3 year−1 in the 0 N and the 120 N treatments, respectively. However, large fine root biomass (diameter <1 mm) was found down to a depth of 3 m one year after planting: 1.67 and 1.61 t ha−1 in the 0 N and the 120 N treatments, respectively. Fine root turnover might not be insubstantial in deep soil layers where large changes in soil water content were observed.  相似文献   

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