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Row spacing effects on light interception and extinction coefficient have been inconsistent for maize (Zea mays L.) when calculated with field measurements. To avoid inconsistencies due to variable light conditions and variable leaf canopies, we used a model to describe three-dimensional (3D) shoot structures combined with a model of 3D light transfer. The MODICA model mimics 3D shoot structures of maize plants from digitizations in the field and makes it possible to simulate associated hypothetical canopies by re-arranging plants into different row spacings. All row spacings examined with the model had 10 plants m−2. By using the light model RIRI, simulations showed the relative importance of development stage and time integration on fraction of light transmitted and on the extinction coefficient. Narrow row spacings consistently had less transmitted light and greater values of extinction coefficient. This modelling tool shows promise to effectively evaluate row spacing to optimize light interception.  相似文献   

After earlier debates on the role of fat, high fructose corn syrup, and added sugar in the aetiology of obesity, it has recently been suggested that wheat consumption is involved. Suggestions have been made that wheat consumption has adverse effects on health by mechanisms related to addiction and overeating. We discuss these arguments and conclude that they cannot be substantiated. Moreover, we conclude that assigning the cause of obesity to one specific type of food or food component, rather than overconsumption and inactive lifestyle in general, is not correct. In fact, foods containing whole-wheat, which have been prepared in customary ways (such as baked or extruded), and eaten in recommended amounts, have been associated with significant reductions in risks for type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and a more favourable long term weight management. Nevertheless, individuals that have a genetic predisposition for developing celiac disease, or who are sensitive or allergic to wheat proteins, will benefit from avoiding wheat and other cereals that contain proteins related to gluten, including primitive wheat species (einkorn, emmer, spelt) and varieties, rye and barley. It is therefore important for these individuals that the food industry should develop a much wider spectrum of foods, based on crops that do not contain proteins related to gluten, such as teff, amaranth, oat, quinoa, and chia. Based on the available evidence, we conclude that whole-wheat consumption cannot be linked to increased prevalence of obesity in the general population.  相似文献   

The effect of pre‐grazing herbage mass (HM) on herbage intake and milk production of strip‐grazing dairy cows is usually studied at the same herbage allowance (HA). In the literature, the effect of HM seems to be affected by the cutting height above which HA is estimated. The aim of this 2 × 3 factorial study was to determine whether the effect of HM (low vs high HM) on herbage intake, milk production and grazing behaviour of dairy cows is affected by the HA estimation height (ground level vs 2·5 vs 5 cm). Two HMs were compared in three different ways: at same HA above ground level (SHA0), at same HA above 2·5 cm (SHA2) and at same HA above 5 cm (SHA5). During two consecutive years, twenty‐four Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows in mid‐lactation were assigned to one estimation height in an incomplete switchback design, with two 14‐d periods. There was an interaction between HM and estimation height for herbage intake and milk production. The effect of HM on herbage intake was positive, null and negative when HMs were compared at SHA0, SHA2 and SHA5, respectively. This study may have practical implications on future research for studying, directly or indirectly, the effect of pre‐grazing HM under strip‐ or rotational‐grazing management, and on modelling herbage intake at grazing.  相似文献   

In recent years ,it has been demonstrated that the low-level jet streams (LLJs) developed in the south of the Meiyu(Baiu) front play a critical role in the overseas migrations of the planthoppers into Japan and Korea. However, the involement of the LLJs during the process of sequential displacements of rice planthoppers in China has not been clarified yet. In the present studies, the synoptic meteorological factors including LLJs associated with the  相似文献   

Management of beef cows grazing extensively grazed semi-natural pastures in temperate regions in late autumn can require supplements to be offered. The effects of supplementation with soya bean meal on the diet selected by Charolais cows and on their subsequent performance were examined for an 8-week period in late autumn in 2 years. Three groups of eight cows were compared: non-supplemented dry cows (D), non-supplemented (L) and supplemented (LS) lactating cows. The amount of soya bean meal supplement offered per cow was 250 g d−1 in year 1 and 800 g d−1 in year 2. Dietary choices were measured by direct observations and herbage intake was estimated in year 2. Supplementation affected neither diet selection (L: 0·42 vs. LS: 0·43 for the proportion of bites on green patches in year 1; 0·24 vs. 0·22 in year 2) nor daily organic matter intake of herbage (L: 15·6 vs. LS: 15·9 kg d−1), which may have resulted from an adequate crude protein concentration of herbage. The higher total dry matter intake by cows offered the supplement reduced losses in live weight (L: −1212 vs. LS: −828 g d−1; P  < 0·01) rather than increased milk production (L: 5·1 vs. LS: 5·0 kg d−1). This may be linked to the low milk yield potential of the Charolais cows. The use of lactating cows rather than dry cows for pasture management in late autumn would increase the utilization of herbage but a reduction in liveweight losses of cows by supplementation is unlikely to be economic.  相似文献   

Addition of xylanases (EC that varied in their substrate selectivities and/or wheat xylanase inhibitor sensitivities in dough batter gluten–starch separation of wheat flour showed the importance of these enzyme characteristics for their functionality in this process. A xylanase from Aspergillus aculeatus (XAA) with selectivity for hydrolysis of water extractable arabinoxylan (WE-AX), which is not inhibited by wheat flour xylanase inhibitors decreased batter viscosity and improved gluten agglomeration behaviour. In contrast, a xylanase from Bacillus subtilis (XBSi) with selectivity for hydrolysis of water unextractable arabinoxylan (WU-AX), which is in vitro inhibited by wheat flour xylanase inhibitors had a negative effect on gluten agglomeration at low enzyme dosages. As expected, solubilisation of WU-AX increased batter viscosities. At higher dosages however, this enzyme also improved gluten agglomeration because of degradation of both WE-AX and enzymically solubilised AX. A mutated B. subtilis xylanase (XBSni) with selectivity for hydrolysis of WU-AX comparable to XBSi but which is not inhibited by wheat flour xylanase inhibitors, increased the level of large gluten aggregates as well as the total gluten protein recovery, even at lower dosages. Because of its inhibitor insensitivity, the solubilisation and degradation of AX proceeded further. An XBSni dosage approximately 4 times lower than XBSi performed as well as its inhibited counterpart. The degradation of both WE-AX and WU-AX by XBSni improved the gluten agglomeration behaviour to a larger extent than the XAA treatment which primarily resulted in hydrolysis of WE-AX. The results confirm the detrimental impact not only of WE-AX, but also of WU-AX, on gluten agglomeration in a dough batter gluten–starch separation process. At the same time, they provide firm evidence that xylanases are not only inhibited by xylanase inhibitors in vitro, but are also partly inhibited in the industrial process in which they are used.  相似文献   

In regions where rainfall is low and variable, water stored in the soil profile prior to sowing can alter yield expectation and hence management decisions. Thus, wheat farmers in Mediterranean regions may be able to benefit from knowing the amount of soil water at sowing by optimising their nitrogen (N) fertiliser management and by deciding on whether or not to sow a crop. We used the ASPIM-Nwheat model to explore how levels of plant available soil water (PAW) at sowing, N fertiliser rate, soil, site and season-type (below or above median rainfall) affected wheat yields at sites in the Mediterranean area of southwest Australia. Overall, the greatest influence on yield potential and the consequent N fertilisation requirement was season-type. The additional yield per mm PAW at sowing was generally higher in seasons with below median rainfall, except when yields were severely water-limited by below median rainfall of <222 mm combined with <40 mm PAW at sowing on light clay soil with 109 mm plant available water capacity (PAWC). Sowing was generally warranted; only on light clay soil with <10 mm PAW at sowing and below median rainfall of <222 mm was there an opportunity for a conditional sowing strategy. Scope for varying N fertiliser rates with PAW at sowing was limited to soils with higher PAWC (109 and 130 mm, respectively) in below median rainfall seasons at the wetter site (295 mm mean seasonal rainfall), and in both season-types at the drier site (225 mm mean seasonal rainfall). Only in these combinations, soil water at sowing modified the optimal N fertiliser rate for maximum average yield resulting in significant interactions between PAW at sowing and N fertiliser rates. Similar interactions were found for a site in the Mediterranean Basin and a site in the eastern Australian subtropics on soil with high PAWC (183 and 276 mm, respectively). In contrast, there was no benefit from modifying crop management based on PAW at sowing on soil with low PAWC (i.e. sandy soil) and/or under conditions of high in-season rainfall. The conditional N management approach becomes more viable as the proportion of water stored in the soil prior to sowing increases relative to total crop water use and as the PAWC of the soil increases. Knowledge of PAW at sowing × N fertiliser rate interactions in a particular soil × site × season-type context can help to identify sites where a more targeted N management dependent on amounts of PAW at sowing is potentially profitable.  相似文献   

Efficient water and fertilizer use is of paramount importance both in rain-fed and irrigated rice cultivation systems to tread off between the crop water demand during the dry spell and the fertilizer leaching. This lysimeter study on paddy in a lateritic sandy loam soil of the eastern India, to simulate the water and solute transports using the HYDRUS-1D model, reveals that this model could very well simulate the soil depth-specific variations of water pressure heads and nitrogen (N) concentrations with the efficiency of >86 and 89%, respectively. The change in the level of water ponding depth did not have a significant effect on the time to peak and the temporal variability of N concentration in the bottom soil layer. The lysimeter-scale water balance analysis indicated that the average deep percolation loss and crop water use were 35.01 ± 2.03 and 39.74 ± 1.49% of the total water applied during the crop growth period, respectively. Similarly, the amount of N stored in the plant and lost through soil storage, deep percolation, and other losses (mineralization, denitrification, and gaseous N loss to the atmosphere through plant leaves) were 1.60 ± 0.16, 0.17 ± 0.04, 12.00 ± 0.48, and 86.23 ± 0.41% of the total applied nitrogen, respectively. The simulation results reveal that a constant ponding depth of 3 cm could be maintained in paddy fields to reduce the N leaching loss to 7.5 kgN/ha.  相似文献   

The mechanism of gluten network development is still unclear and remains difficult to study since gluten network formation in bread dough is a rather quick process. In order to better characterize this dynamic event, we slowed down its kinetics by increasing the dough water content. During mixing, performed with a planetary mixer at variable mixing speeds and flour/water ratios, the torque was recorded. Common flours from wheat cultivars Orvantis, Caphorn and Isengrain, similar in composition and Farinograph parameters, were studied.  相似文献   

The intensive use of synthetic herbicides is questioned for many reasons. Bioherbicides, as integrated weed management tools, however, have the potential to offer a number of benefits such as increased target specificity and rapid degradation. Despite the efforts to identify effective bioherbicide agents in laboratory and field, only thirteen bioherbicides are currently available on the market. Since 1980, the number of biopesticides has increased around the world, while the market share of bioherbicides represents less than 10% of all biopesticides. Nevertheless, weed management implemented at the cropping systems scale needs bioherbicides because of legislation to drive weed management away from heavy reliance on chemicals, the global increase in organic agriculture, the need of both organic and conventional agriculture to increase weed control efficiency, concerns about herbicide resistance, and concern from the public about environmental safety of herbicides. Consequently, we review here the existing products on the market and describe their history, mode of action, efficacy and target weeds. This review is unique because we also discuss the role of bioherbicides in integrated weed management: to manage soil weed seedbanks with seed-targeted agents in addition to primary tillage, to increase the efficacy of mechanical weeding because bioherbicides are more effective on seedlings, to increase the suppression effect of crop cultivars by first slowing weed growth, to terminate cover crops particularly in conservation agriculture, and finally to manage herbicide resistant populations.  相似文献   

The marine habitat has produced a significant number of very potent marine-derived agents that have the potential to inhibit the growth of human tumor cells in vitro and, in a number of cases, in both in vivo murine models and in humans. Although many agents have entered clinical trials in cancer, to date, only Cytarabine, Yondelis® (ET743), Eribulin (a synthetic derivative based on the structure of halichondrin B), and the dolastatin 10 derivative, monomethylauristatin E (MMAE or vedotin) as a warhead, have been approved for use in humans (Adcetris®). In this review, we show the compounds derived from marine sources that are currently in clinical trials against cancer. We have included brief discussions of the approved agents, where they are in trials to extend their initial approved activity (a common practice once an agent is approved), and have also included an extensive discussion of the use of auristatin derivatives as warheads, plus an area that has rarely been covered, the use of marine-derived agents to ameliorate the pain from cancers in humans, and to act as an adjuvant in immunological therapies.  相似文献   

Establishing Kura clover (Trifolium ambiguum) in mixtures with grass species is challenging, because slow growth of clover seedlings results in low competitive ability. This study examined establishment success by altering time of seeding of the grass component to reduce competition with Kura clover seedlings. Two trials, one of Kura clover–meadow bromegrass (Bromus biebersteinii) and the other Kura clover–orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata) mixtures were planted in Edmonton, Alberta. Grasses were seeded at the same time as the clover, or introduced when the clover reached one true leaf or three true leaves, in the autumn of the planting year or the following spring. Species composition varied significantly between treatments. When sown at the same time, Kura clover contributed 31 and 14% of yield in the establishment year when sown with meadow bromegrass and orchard grass, respectively. Delaying grass sowing until Kura clover had one or three leaves gave a higher percentage of Kura clover compared with planting at the same time. Autumn and spring grass sowing resulted in stands of 78 and 80% clover with meadow bromegrass, and 74 and 67% clover with orchardgrass. Altering the competitive advantage of the grass species to produce a more balanced mixture was successfully achieved by delaying seeding of the grass relative to Kura clover. A long interval before introducing the grass (autumn or following spring), was not successful as established Kura clover seedlings have an increased competitive ability.  相似文献   

The uncertainty of monsoon rainfall and the decreasing availability of irrigation water, as a result of climate change, and high water demand of other sectors have resulted to wide adoption of alternate wetting and drying (AWD) technique especially in irrigated lowland rice production to overcome water scarcity. However, under climate change circumstances, AWD can be optimized when taking advantage of favorable water seasonality conditions to increase crop yield and irrigation water use efficiency. Therefore, a field trial was conducted to find suitable water depth for reducing rice irrigation water use by combining four different water depth treatments (T2cm, T3cm, T4cm, and T5cm) with rainfall through a randomized complete block design having 3 replications. Water depths were applied weekly from transplanting to heading. The results showed that water stress at vegetative stage decreased plant height and tillers number between 7 and 33 % at panicle initiation, followed by total and partial growth recovery. In addition, panicle number per hill showed a 53–180 % decrease at the heading stage. Severe water stress induced by the lowest water treatment significantly reduced yield components between 15 and 52 % at harvest. It was found that weekly application of 3 cm water depth combined with rainfall improved AWD effectiveness, and yielded the highest beneficial water productivity with less yield expenses.  相似文献   

A two-year field experiment(2012–2013) was conducted to investigate the effects of two tillage methods and five maize straw mulching patterns on the yield, water consumption,and water use efficiency(WUE) of spring maize(Zea mays L.) in the northern Huang–Huai–Hai valley of China. Compared to rotary tillage, subsoil tillage resulted in decreases in water consumption by 6.3–7.8% and increases in maize yield by 644.5–673.9 kg ha-1, soil water content by 2.9–3.0%, and WUE by 12.7–15.2%. Chopped straw mulching led to higher yield,soil water content, and WUE as well as lower water consumption than prostrate whole straw mulching. Mulching with 50% chopped straw had the largest positive effects on maize yield, soil water content, and WUE among the five mulching treatments. Tillage had greater influence on maize yield than straw mulching, whereas straw mulching had greater influence on soil water content, water consumption, and WUE than tillage. These results suggest that 50% chopped straw mulching with subsoil tillage is beneficial in spring maize production aiming at high yield and high WUE in the Huang–Huai–Hai valley.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):255-260

Alfalfa suppresses mugwort growth in the field. In the present study, the allelopathic effect of alfalfa on mugwort was examined using the above-ground (AGAB) and under-ground alfalfa biomasses (UGAB), and their water extracts. The sprouting of mugwort rhizomes or seed germination, growth of seedlings and leaf color changes in mugwort seedlings were evaluated in pot experiments. AGAB mixed into soil highly inhibited sprouting of mugwort rhizome fragments and growth of seedlings. The inhibitory effect was increased, and gradual leaf discoloration (yellowing) was observed in response to a higher dose of AGAB. However, UGAB affected neither sprouting of mugwort rhizome fragments nor growth of seedlings. The growth of mugwort seedlings was not significantly affected by water extracts of either AGAB or UGAB applied after emergence. The seed germination and seedling growth were significantly reduced by water extracts of AGAB and UGAB in the petri dishes experiments. These results indicated that the allelopathic effect of alfalfa along with the competitive ability and harvesting regime may play an important role in suppressing mugwort growth.  相似文献   

Under Mediterranean environments, farmers usually prefer to sow barley rather than wheat as it is generally believed that barley yields more under stressful conditions. As terminal stresses such as high temperature and water are common constraints in Mediterranean regions, higher grain weight stability may confer a clear advantage in order to maintain higher yields. The objective of the present study was to compare the stability in terms of grain weight and its components for barley, bread wheat, and durum wheat, exploring a wide range of nitrogen and water availabilities in experiments conducted in a Mediterranean region. Grain weight ranged from 23.8 to 47.7 mg grain−1, being higher for durum wheat than barley and bread wheat. Durum wheat presented higher variability both in maximum grain filling rate and duration of grain filling period than bread wheat or barley. The three species responded similarly in terms of grain nitrogen content to changes in the environmental conditions explored. It is concluded that in terms of grain weight barley is as stable as bread wheat. However, durum wheat presented a lower stability than barley and bread wheat.  相似文献   

Over the last century, most of the genetic gain in the grain yield of Italian durum has been achieved by an increase in the harvest index and promotion of flowering time. We report the indirect effects of this long-term selection on a number of leaf and canopy traits associated with photosynthesis. In a 2-year experiment, using different sowing dates and nitrogen regimes, these characters were assessed for a set of 20 cultivars released between 1900 and 2000. Leaf area, specific leaf area, specific leaf nitrogen content and stomatal resistance were all negatively correlated with year of release, whereas canopy temperature showed a positive correlation. The substantial reduction in plant height, by which the rise in harvest index was achieved, was partly responsible for the rise in canopy temperature, acting via its effect on aerodynamic resistance. Senescence, when expressed in thermal time after anthesis, was delayed for the modern cultivars, and this delay could be associated with a greater quantity of nitrogen allocated to the grain. The association of senescence onset with earliness suggests a likely role of increased earliness in delayed senescence. The yield increase over time was correlated with a decrease in stomatal resistance and in specific leaf nitrogen content.  相似文献   

The use of chemosystematics and molecular data for the selection of plants for screening for new agrochemicals are discussed. The paper shows how the use of systematic data for selecting plants for limonoids, diterpenoids and polyhydroxy alkaloids has resulted in the isolation of many biologically active compounds.  相似文献   

The Australian grains industry relies upon growers and agronomists to be aware of pests and diseases in their crops and to notify their local State Department of Agriculture when they suspect an incursion of a high priority pest (HPP). This raises the question “Are growers and agronomists, within the Australian grains industry, able to meet this expectation?” A training needs analysis was undertaken to determine the capacity of growers and agronomists to identify three endemic diseases (powdery mildew in barley, stripe rust in wheat and blackleg in canola) in their crops. Their knowledge of the top four-biosecurity threats to the Australian grains industry (Karnal bunt, Khapra beetle, barley stripe rust and Russian wheat aphid) was also determined. Benchmarks for successfully identifying these diseases were set beforehand at 70% of growers and 80% of agronomists; participants’ ability to identify these endemic diseases in crops met these benchmarks. However, their ability to recognise blackleg in canola was significantly lower than for the two cereal foliar diseases. There was a significant correlation of region with these capabilities, with a greater proportion of participants in Western Australia (WA) recognising powdery mildew in barley than in Eastern Australia (EA). In contrast, a greater proportion of participants in EA were able to identify stripe rust of wheat than in WA. The education levels of participants corresponded with their ability to identify blackleg in canola. Participants’ knowledge and awareness of symptoms and signs associated with the top four biosecurity threats were well below expectations; fewer than half of the participants answered questions on these four HPPs. Gender, age and educational level did not correlate with the participants’ knowledge and awareness of the four HPPs with the exception of Karnal bunt. Participants with a higher level of education had significantly more knowledge of symptoms associated with Karnal bunt than did participants with lower levels of education. The use of diagnostic services by the grains industry participants is a vital component of general surveillance. This survey showed that use of these services by growers was significantly lower than by agronomists. Awareness of the National Exotic Plant Pest Hotline and GrainGuard was significantly lower than other diagnostic services for both growers and agronomists. Diagnostic services need to be promoted further to increase awareness and use by growers and agronomists. Correct diagnosis of disease and pest symptoms is vital for the biosecurity of the grains industry.  相似文献   

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