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A 23 full-factorial study was designed to study the effect of corn preparation methods (flaking and grinding) on dry-grind ethanol performance using raw starch hydrolysis (RSH) process. Moisture content (15, 22%), flaker roller gapsetting (0.508 mm, 1.016 mm), and grinding were studied. Fifteen hundred g of corn samples were cracked, roller pressed, and were either ground further or retained, along with control ground corn. A bimodal size distribution was observed for ground corn, regardless of flaking. Moisture at 22% resulted in bigger-sized flakes with d50 between ∼1.3 and 1.8 mm, compared to ∼138–169 μm for ground corn. Not all ground corn resulted in higher ethanol concentration in fermentation beer; the ethanol levels in beer did not reflect the starch hydrolysis trend that favored ground corn. In a related study, the beer ethanol concentration did not show a clear trend with rollermill gapsetting while fermenting the flakes produced at 0.203, 0.305, 0.406, and 0.508 mm gapsettings. Generally, flakes from corn at 22% moisture resulted in higher ethanol content in beer. Rollermill flaking was found comparable to hammermill grinding for dry-grind corn ethanol via raw starch hydrolysis and yeast fermentation.  相似文献   

Normal corn, Hylon V and Hylon VII starches were partially degraded by acid-ethanol treatment and applied to heat-moisture treatment (HMT) for improving the enzymatic resistance of starch. The weight-average degree of polymerization (DPw) of acid-ethanol-treated (AET) corn starches ranged from 6.75 × 105 to 181, 4.48 × 105 to 121, and 1.94 × 105 to 111 anhydrous glucose units for normal corn, Hylon V and Hylon VII starches, respectively. Starch retained its granular structure after AET and HMT, recovery of starch granules after modifications were higher than 92%. Resistant starch (RS) content and boiling-stable RS content of corn starch increased after dual modification, and the increment increased with increasing duration of AET. The boiling-stable RS content of dual-modified starch increased from 1.5 to 9.2, 12.2 to 24.1, and 18.0 to 36.2% for normal corn, Hylon V and Hylon VII starches, respectively. Increments of RS content and boiling-stable RS content of dual-modified starches were significantly correlated (r2 > 0.700) with DPw of starch, revealing that the enzymatic resistance of dual-modified corn starch granules increased with decreasing molecular size of starch. Result also suggested that starch granules partially degraded with AET could improve the molecular mobility and ordering during the consequent HMT.  相似文献   

High temperature (HT) is the major environmental factor affecting grain starch properties of cooking rice cultivars. However, little information has been available on the effect of environmental temperature on the starch granule size distribution of rice grains. In this paper, five indica rice genotypes, including the wild type (9311) and its four mutants differing in amylose content (AC), were used to investigate the effect of environmental temperature on the starch granule size distribution, as well as its relation to AC and gelatinization properties of rice starch. Two temperature treatments (HT and NT) at filling stage were imposed to rice plants under the controlled temperature chambers. The result showed that HT increased the average diameter of starch granules and enhanced the proportion of large starch granules (LSG, D > 2.6 μm) by number, volume and surface area, respectively. However, influence of HT on GT and starch granule size distribution was relatively independent of their alteration in AC level for different rice genotypes. Therefore, HT-induced increase in the average diameter of starch granules and LSG percentage was strongly responsible for the higher starch gelatinization temperature and inferior cooked palatability of HT-ripening rice grains, which be not inherently associated with their varying AC level.  相似文献   

Increased flour yield in hard wheat is associated with increased endosperm rheology index, calculated from strength and stiffness as measured by the SKCS. A study of the fractured endosperm of hard wheat varieties grouped according to similar rheology index values was performed using environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). Differing microstructures and fracture patterns were observed between each group. Specifically, the group representing high rheology index had a greater concentration of small starch granules in prismatic cells. Samples of diverse wheat germplasm were grown at two sites and subjected to laboratory milling. Starch granule size distribution (SGSD) analysis using a laser diffraction method was undertaken on a subset of samples in triplicate representing a range in flour yield. The results supported an hypothesis for a significant influence of SGSD on flour yield of hard wheat varieties. In addition, a significant part (R2>0.40 (p<0.05) at two sites) of the association appeared to be under genetic control. Results indicate a more even gradation of distributions involving an increase in the sample volume % of small granule (types B and C) and decrease in type A granules. This was associated with increased rheology index values and higher flour yield. The ratio of type A:C starch granules accounted for up to 58% (p<0.05) of the variation in flour yield in the samples studied. Thus, rheological parameters measured using a rapid SKCS screening method can be linked to the genetic regulation of SGSD with implications for the improvement of commercial processing performance of hard wheat.  相似文献   

In this study we evaluated the thermo-mechanical properties of maize starch pastes (80% wt/wt) under the effect of exogenous lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), dynamic mechanical spectrometry (DMS), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Particular attention was paid to the development of the amylose-LPC inclusion complex. Results from SEM and DSC showed that with no exogenous LPC, granular maize starch developed the amylose network structure for starch gelling at 80–95 °C. In comparison, at 1.86 and 3.35% of LPC, heating up to 130 °C was needed to develop the three-dimensional network required for starch gelling. Results showed that at these LPC concentrations LPC interacted mainly with amylose within the starch granule. At concentrations ≥8.26% the LPC interacted with amylose both inside the granule and on the granule's surface. At such LPC concentrations heating to 130 °C did not fully develop the starch network structure for gelling. These results suggested that a higher thermal stability was achieved by starch granules because of LPC inclusion complex formation. DSC or DMS did not detect the development of this complex, probably because its formation took place below the onset of gelatinization under conditions of limited molecular mobility. Subsequently, a lower level of organization (i.e. complex in form I) was achieved than in the complex developed at high temperature and water excess (i.e. complex in form II). On the other hand, the changes in the starch granule structure observed by SEM as a function of the time–temperature variable were well described by the phase shift angle (δ) rheograms for starch pastes with and without addition of LPC.  相似文献   

AS, HMT-AS and CS starches were studied for amylose content, swelling power, water absorption capacity, color, particle size (PSA), pasting profile (RVA) and thermal (DSC) properties. Based on the laboratory scale experiments, noodles with good expansion, minimum cooking time and firm texture were prepared. Noodles were successfully prepared from AS, HMT-AS and CS starches. Noodles prepared from native amaranth starch (AS) and heat moisture treated (HMT) were tested for different functional properties and compared to cornstarch noodles. Standardized noodles were evaluated for cooking loss, texture profile (TPA), sensory and micro-structural analysis by SEM. HMT-AS noodles had experience less cooking loss of 20.15 g/100 g in comparison to AS noodles (22.20 g/100 g). The HMT-AS based starch noodles shown firmer texture, along with augmented taste and distinct flavor in comparison to AS and CS noodles.  相似文献   

Starch is the main glycemic dietary carbohydrate, and its nutritional quality is associated with the amount of slowly digestible starch (SDS) that is beneficial to glycemic control. In the current study, a microencapsulation of normal corn starch by zein protein and its slow digestion property were investigated. A significant increase of SDS and RS was shown for starch capsules (weight ratio of zein to starch: 1:6) containing plasticizers of glycerol and oleic acid after high temperature (≥70 °C) treatment. Further studies showed a substantially decreased viscosity and the formation of an amylose–lipid complex after starch gelatinization. Thus, the hydrophobic physical barrier of the zein matrix and the amylose–lipid complex might together limit the water accessibility and starch swelling leading to a dense packing of starch materials with a high amount of SDS. The acceptable sensory property makes it an ideal ingredient for specialty food preparation and glycemic control.  相似文献   

Gelatinized waxy and normal corn starches at various concentrations (20–50%) in water were stored under temperature cycles of 4°C and 30°C (each for 1 day) up to 7 cycles or at a constant temperature of 4°C for 14 days to investigate the effects of temperature cycling on the retrogradation of both starches. Compared to starches stored only at 4°C, both starches stored under the 4/30°C temperature cycles exhibited smaller melting enthalpy for retrogradation (ΔHr), higher onset temperature (To), and lower melting temperature range (Tr) regardless of the starch concentration tested. Fewer crystallites might be formed under the temperature cycles compared to the isothermal storage, but the crystallites formed under temperature cycling appeared more homogeneous than those under the isothermal storage. The effect of starch content on the retrogradation was greater when the starch gels were stored under cycled temperatures. The reduction in ΔHr and the increase in conclusion temperature (Tc) by retrogradation under 4/30°C temperature cycles became more apparent when the starch concentration was lower (20 or 30%). Degree of retrogradation based on melting enthalpy was greater in normal corn starch than in waxy corn starch when starch content was low.  相似文献   

The effects on barley starch and grain properties of four starch synthesis mutations were studied during the introgression of the mutations from diverse backgrounds into an elite variety. The lys5f (ADPglucose transporter), wax (granule-bound starch synthase), isa1 (debranching enzyme isoamylase 1) and sex6 (starch synthase IIa) mutations were introgressed into NFC Tipple to give mutant and wild-type BC2F4 families with different genomic contributions of the donor parent. Comparison of starch and grain properties between the donor parents, the BC2F4 families and NFC Tipple allowed the effects of the mutations to be distinguished from genetic background effects. The wax and sex6 mutations had marked effects on starch properties regardless of genetic background. The sex6 mutation conditioned low grain weight and starch content, but the wax mutation did not. The lys5 mutation conditioned low grain weight and starch content, but exceptionally high β-glucan contents. The isa1 mutation promotes synthesis of soluble α-glucan (phytoglycogen). Its introgression into NFC Tipple increased grain weight and total α-glucan content relative to the donor parent, but reduced the ratio of phytoglycogen to starch. This study shows that introgression of mutations into a common, commercial background provides new insights that could not be gained from the donor parent.  相似文献   

This study investigated the mechanisms of the co-migration of phytic acid during β-glucan isolation and its contribution to the retardation of starch hydrolysis in vitro. During the isolation, phytic acid precipitated together with β-glucan when ethanol was added as the precipitation solvent. The precipitation of phytic acid was reduced by lowering the pH or the ethanol concentration. When 20% (NH4)2SO4 was used as the precipitation solvent, only minor phytic acid was found in isolated β-glucan, because phytic acid did not precipitate by this solvent. In the in vitro starch hydrolysis test, the isolated oat β-glucan (OBG) containing 3.9% co-migrated phytic acid showed better retardation effect than OBG containing 0.6% phytic acid. Therefore, we concluded that the co-migration of phytic acid was dependent on the chosen isolation procedure and conditions, and both intrinsic phytic acid and viscosity contributed to the retardation of starch hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Genetically-diverse wheat samples from the Australian Winter Cereals Collection propagated in two environments were sequenced to identify puroindoline genotypes then the relationships between flour yield, genotype, starch granule size distribution and starch-bound puroindoline protein content were investigated. The Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype resulted in a higher average flour yield than either the Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a or the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1a but the ranges of flour yields for the three genotypes showed considerable overlap. For both hard wheat genotypes (Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b or Pina-D1b, Pinb-D1a), a higher proportion of type A to type C starch granules was associated with higher flour yield and this relationship accounted for between 31% and 33% of the variation in flour yield. This result is consistent with previously reported findings for soft wheat. For the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype, increased flour yield was also associated with a decrease in starch granule-bound puroindoline protein, which accounted for 31–35% of the variation in flour yield across the two environments. The combined effect of starch granule type and associated puroindoline content accounted for 68% of the variation in flour yield within the Pina-D1a, Pinb-D1b genotype.  相似文献   

This study was designed to test the hypothesis that the stability and physical properties of starch gels could be improved by adding small amounts of corn fiber gum (CFG). In the differential scanning calorimeter measurement, the enthalpy of retrogradation was 7.30 J/g for starch without CFG and 4.30 J/g for starch composite gel with 1.0% CFG. The addition of 1.0% CFG to starch significantly (p < 0.05) decreased the degree of retrogradation during the long-term storage from 61.6% to 36.5%. The addition of CFG retarded the syneresis of the starch system from 17.97% and 34.93%–6.15% and 26.57% after storage for 7 and 14 days respectively. The crystallization peak of starch containing 0.5–1.0% CFG was quite diminished. When compared with the starch gel alone, the addition of CFG significantly lowered the hardness of the composite starch gel from 60.92 to 45.81 N after 14 days storage. The starch gel without CFG showed the lowest rapidly digestible starch content and the highest resistant starch content in comparison to starch/CFG composite gels after 7 and 14 days storage. Over all, the addition of CFG considerably inhibits the retrogradation of corn starch gels during long-term storage.  相似文献   

复合酶法制备早籼米多孔淀粉的工艺条件   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以早籼米淀粉为原料,探讨了复合酶法制备多孔淀粉的工艺条件。在适宜条件下用一定比例的α 淀粉酶与糖化酶复合酶水解早籼米淀粉,以形成多孔淀粉。主要考查了温度、pH值、时间、酶用量和复合酶比对多孔淀粉得率、吸水率和吸附色素能力的影响。研究表明,针对多孔淀粉的得率、吸水率和对胭脂红吸附量3个指标,其最佳工艺条件不一致,以吸水率最佳为标准,最佳制备条件为温度55℃,pH 4.0,时间16 h,α 淀粉酶与糖化酶体积比1∶3,酶活分别为14.00 KNU/g和90.00 AGU/g。在此条件下经两次验证,多孔淀粉的得率分别为41.07%和43.37%,吸水率分别为148.03%和15561%,对胭脂红的吸附量分别为9.37 mg/g和9.38 mg/g。  相似文献   

There is a growing interest for an environment-friendly nixtamalization process. Nixtamalization with calcium salts generates a minimum level of polluting residues. The effect of a nixtamalization process with calcium carbonate (NCC) on the indigestible carbohydrate content and starch digestibility of tortillas was evaluated. Traditional and NCC tortillas showed lower moisture content than commercial tortillas. Similar protein, ash, and carbohydrate content were found for the three tortillas, but NCC tortillas showed the highest lipid content. The NCC tortilla had the highest dietary fiber content, with the highest insoluble dietary fiber level. Fresh and stored (96 h) NCC and traditional tortillas showed similar resistant starch content. Fresh traditional tortilla showed the highest slowly digestible starch (SDS), but upon storage the rapidly digestible starch (RDS) content of NCC tortilla decreased. Fresh traditional and NCC tortillas had lower predicted glycemic index (pGI) than commercial tortillas, and upon storage, the three tortillas presented lower pGI values than their fresh counterparts. Consumption of tortillas produced with the NCC can produce positive effects in the human health.  相似文献   

Commercially available corn starches containing 0, 25, 50 and 70% amylose were extruded with 10, 20 and 30% soy protein isolate (SPI) or wheat gluten (WG) at 22% moisture content (dry basis) in a C.W. Brabender single screw laboratory extruder using a 140°C barrel temperature and a 140 rpm screw speed. True, solid and bulk densities; percent total, closed and open pores; and shear strengths of the extrudates were determined. The microstructures of the extrudates were studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The total pores of the extrudates were affected significantly (p < F=0.0001) by type of protein (SPI or WG) and starch amylose. The open or closed pores, were affected by protein type only. The interaction between amylose and protein contents was highly significant <(p < F=0.0001). In general, the total pores and bulk densities were higher for WG-starch extrudates compared to SPI-starch extrudates. These values decreased as amylose content increased from 0 to 25% and then increased thereafter. The open pores, on the other hand, increased with increasing protein content from 10 to 20% and then decreased. Extrudates containing WG had higher shear strengths than those containing SPI.  相似文献   

The influence of milled grain particle size on the kinetics of enzymatic starch digestion was examined. Two types of cereals (barley and sorghum) were ground, and the resulting grounds separated by size using sieving, with sizes ranging from 0.1 to 3 mm. In vitro enzymatic digestion was performed, using pancreatic alpha-amylase, amyloglucosidase and protease, to determine fractional-digestion rates over 24 h. The resulting glucose production rate data were well fitted by simple first-order kinetics. For each sieve screen size, the digestion rate of barley was always higher than that of sorghum. The rate coefficients for digestion showed a decrease with increasing size, and could be well fitted by an inverse square relationship. This is consistent with the supposition that starch digestion in these systems is controlled by diffusion of enzyme through the grain fragment. Apparent diffusion coefficients of alpha-amylase obtained by fitting the size dependence were 0.76 (sorghum) and 1.7 (barley) × 10−7 cm2 s−1, 9 (sorghum) and 4 (barley) times slower than predicted for a molecule of the size of alpha-amylase in water.  相似文献   

以菠萝蜜种子为原料提取淀粉,以木薯淀粉、大米淀粉、玉米淀粉和马铃薯淀粉为参照,采用体外消化试验测定菠萝蜜种子淀粉的快速消化淀粉、慢消化淀粉和抗性淀粉含量,并进行酶解动力学实验。结果表明:菠萝蜜种子淀粉快速消化淀粉、慢消化淀粉和抗性淀粉的含量分别为4.50%、19.65%和75.85%,酶解速率为0.60 h-1,平衡浓度为36.93%,酶解指数为41.43,血糖指数为62.45,属于中等血糖食物;菠萝蜜种子淀粉消化性、平衡浓度、酶解指数与血糖指数均高于马铃薯淀粉,而低于其他三种淀粉,酶解速率比马铃薯淀粉、木薯淀粉快,比大米淀粉、玉米淀粉慢。   相似文献   

Mature wheat endosperm contains A-, B-, C-type starch granules, and each class has unique physiochemical properties which determine the quality of starch. The dynamics of the starch granule size distribution, activities of starch synthases and expression of starch synthase encoding genes were studied in superior and inferior grains during grain filling. Compared with inferior grains, superior grains showed higher grain weight, contents of starch, amylose and amylopectin. The formation of A-, B-, C-type starch granules initiated at 4, 8, 20 DAF, respectively, and was well consistent with the temporally change patterns of starch synthase activities and relative gene expression levels. For instance, activities of soluble and granule-bound starch synthases (designated SSS and GBSS) peaked at 20 and 24 DAF. Genes encoding isoforms of starch synthases expressed at different grain filling periods. In addition, SS I was generally expressed over the grain filling stage; the SS II and SS III were expressed over the early and mid grain filling stage, and the GBSS I was expressed during the mid to late grain filling stage. In addition, the time-course changes in activities of starch synthases and expression of starch synthase encoding genes explained well the dynamics of the starch granule size distribution.  相似文献   

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