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To compare the effects of controlled mechanical ventilation (CMV) and constant positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and interposed recruitment manoeuvres (RMs) with those of CMV without PEEP on gas exchange during general anaesthesia and the early recovery period.

Study design

Prospective, randomized clinical trial.


A total of 48 Warmblood horses undergoing elective surgery in lateral (Lat) (n = 24) or dorsal (Dors) (n = 24) recumbency.


Premedication (romifidine), induction (diazepam and ketamine) and maintenance (isoflurane in oxygen) were identical in all horses. Groups Lat- CMV and Dors-CMV (each n = 12) were ventilated using CMV. Groups Lat-RM and Dors-RM (each n = 12) were ventilated using CMV with constant PEEP (10 cmH2O) and intermittent RMs (three consecutive breaths with peak inspiratory pressure of 60 cmH2O, 80 cmH2O and 60 cmH2O, respectively). RMs were applied as required to maintain PaO2 at > 400 mmHg (> 53.3 kPa). Dobutamine was given to maintain mean arterial blood pressure at > 60 mmHg. Physiological parameters were recorded every 10 minutes. Arterial blood gases were measured intra- and postoperatively. Statistical analyses were conducted using analyses of variance (anova), t tests and the Mann–Whitney U-test.


Horses in Dors-RM had higher PaO2 values [478 ± 35 mmHg (63.7 ± 4.6 kPa)] than horses in Dors-CMV [324 ± 45 mmHg (43.2 ± 6 kPa)] during anaesthesia and the early recovery period. There were no differences between horses in groups Lat-CMV and Lat-RM. Other measured parameters did not differ between groups.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Ventilation with CMV, constant PEEP and interposed RM provided improved arterial oxygenation in horses in dorsal recumbency that lasted into the early recovery period, but had no benefit in horses in lateral recumbency. This mode of ventilation may provide a clinically practicable method of improving oxygenation in anaesthetized horses, especially in dorsal recumbency.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare the effect of invasive continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), pressure-controlled ventilation (PCV) with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) and spontaneous breathing (SB) on PaO2, PaCO2 and arterial to central venous oxygen content difference (CaO2-CcvO2) in healthy anaesthetized dogs.Study designProspective randomized crossover study.AnimalsA group of 15 adult male dogs undergoing elective orchidectomy.MethodsDogs were anaesthetized [buprenorphine, medetomidine, propofol and isoflurane in an air oxygen (FiO2= 0.5)]. All ventilatory treatments (CPAP: 4 cmH2O; PCV: 10 cmH2O driving pressure; PEEP, 4 cmH2O; respiratory rate of 10 breaths minute–1 and inspiratory-to-expiratory ratio of 1:2; SB: no pressure applied) were applied in a randomized order during the same anaesthetic. Arterial and central venous blood samples were collected immediately before the start and at 20 minutes after each treatment. Data were compared using a general linear mixed model (p < 0.05).ResultsMedian PaO2 was significantly higher after PCV [222 mmHg (29.6 kPa)] than after CPAP [202 mmHg (26.9 kPa)] and SB [208 mmHg (27.7 kPa)] (p < 0.001). Median PaCO2 was lower after PCV [48 mmHg (6.4 kPa)] than after CPAP [58 mmHg (7.7 kPa)] and SB [56 mmHg (7.5 kPa)] (p < 0.001). Median CaO2-CcvO2 was greater after PCV (4.36 mL dL–1) than after CPAP (3.41 mL dL–1) and SB (3.23 mL dL–1) (p < 0.001). PaO2, PaCO2 and CaO2-CcvO2 were no different between CPAP and SB (p > 0.99, p = 0.697 and p = 0.922, respectively).Conclusions and clinical relevanceCPAP resulted in similar arterial oxygenation, CO2 elimination and tissue oxygen extraction to SB. PCV resulted in improved arterial oxygenation and CO2 elimination. Greater oxygen extraction occurred with PCV than with CPAP and SB, offsetting its advantage of improved arterial oxygenation. The benefit of invasive CPAP over SB in the healthy anaesthetized dog remains uncertain.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo determine if pressure support ventilation (PSV) weaning from general anesthesia affects ventilation or oxygenation in horses.Study designProspective randomized clinical study.AnimalsTwenty client‐owned healthy horses aged 5 ± 2 years, weighing 456 ± 90 kg.MethodsIn the control group (CG; n = 10) weaning was performed by a gradual decrease in respiratory rate (fR) and in the PSV group (PSVG; n = 10) by a gradual decrease in fR with PSV. The effect of weaning was considered suboptimal if PaCO2 > 50 mmHg, arterial pH < 7.35 plus PaCO2 > 50 mmHg or PaO2 < 60 mmHg were observed at any time after disconnection from the ventilator until 30 minutes after the horse stood. Threshold values for each index were established and the predictive power of these values was tested.ResultsPressure support ventilation group (PSVG) had (mean ± SD) pH 7.36 ± 0.02 and PaCO2 41 ± 3 mmHg at weaning and the average lowest PaO2 69 ± 6 mmHg was observed 15 minutes post weaning. The CG had pH 7.32 ± 0.02 and PaCO2 57 ± 6 mmHg at weaning and the average lowest PaO2 48 ± 5 mmHg at 15 minutes post weaning. No accuracy in predicting weaning effect was observed for fR (p = 0.3474), minute volume (p = 0.1153), SaO2 (p = 0.1737) and PaO2/PAO2 (p = 0.1529). A high accuracy in predicting an optimal effect of weaning was observed for VT > 10 L (p = 0.0001), fR/VT ratio ≤ 0.60 breaths minute?1 L?1 (p = 0.0001), VT/bodyweight > 18.5 mL kg?1 (p = 0.0001) and PaO2/FiO2 > 298 (p = 0.0002) at weaning. A high accuracy in predicting a suboptimal effect of weaning was observed for VT < 10 L (p = 0.0001), fR/VT ratio ≥ 0.60 breaths minute?1 L?1 (p = 0.0001) and Pe′CO2 ≥ 38 mmHg (p = 0.0001) at weaning.Conclusions and clinical relevancePressure support ventilation (PSV) weaning had a better respiratory outcome. A higher VT, VT/body weight, PaO2/FiO2 ratio and a lower fR/VT ratio and Pe′CO2 were accurate in predicting the effect of weaning in healthy horses recovering from general anesthesia.  相似文献   

Objective: To review the current recommendations and guidelines for mechanical ventilation in humans and in animals with acute respiratory distress syndrome.
Human data synthesis: Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in humans in defined as an acute onset of bilateral, diffuse infiltrates on thoracic radiographs that are not the result of heart disease and a significant oxygenation impairment. These patients require mechanical ventilation. Research has shown that further pulmonary damage can occur as a result of mechanical ventilation. Various alveolar recruitment maneuvers and a low tidal volume with increased positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP) have been associated with an increased survival.
Veterinary dat synthesis: Two veterinary reports have characterized ARDS in dogs using human criteria. There are no prospective veterinary studies using recruitment that ventilator-induced lung injury (VILI) occurs in dogs, sheep, and rats.
Conclusion: Recruitment maneuvers in conjunction with low tidal volumes and PEEP keep the alveoli open for gas exchange and decrease VILI. Prospective veterinary research in needed to determine if these maneuvers and recommendation can be applied to veterinary patients.  相似文献   

Objective: To discuss a new clinical presentation of organophosphate toxicity called the intermediate syndrome in a dog. Case summary: A mixed breed dog presented with generalized weakness, hypoventilation and hypoxemia. The weakness was most marked in the thoracic limbs, cervical and respiratory muscles. The history revealed a likely exposure to an organophosphate compound. The other dog in the household demonstrated mild clinical signs of organophosphate toxicity. A blood cholinesterase level was markedly reduced. Therapy included placement of a tracheostomy tube and mechanical ventilation. The dog gradually improved over the following 8 days but had persistent cervical ventroflexion for a total of 4 weeks. New or unique information provided: Organophosphate toxicity can present as a paralysis following the acute cholinergic crisis. The muscular weakness predominantly affects the thoracic limb and neck muscles but cranial nerve deficits can also occur. Dogs can die from the associated respiratory depression. Oxime therapy is indicated in the treatment of this syndrome.  相似文献   

Objectives – To evaluate the frequency, and need for mechanical ventilation (MV) in a population of brachycephalic dogs (BD) compared with non‐BD. Also, to describe the pre‐MV abnormalities, ventilator settings used, the cardiovascular and pulmonary monitoring results and complications encountered in the same BD population. In addition, we sought to identify factors associated with successful weaning and describe outcomes of BD requiring MV. Design – Retrospective observational study (1990–2008). Setting – University Small Animal Teaching Hospital. Animals – Fifteen BD managed with MV. Interventions – None. Measurements and Main Results – Signalment, indication for MV, ventilator settings, arterial blood gas values, duration of MV, complications, and outcome were recorded for each patient enrolled in study. BD were more likely to receive MV than non‐BD (P=0.036). Out of the 15 dogs that fulfilled the inclusion criteria 7 (47%) underwent MV for impending respiratory fatigue, 6 (40%) for hypoxemia and 2 for hypercapnea. The most common underlying disease was aspiration pneumonia. Duration of MV ranged from 2 to 240 hours (median 15 hours). Seven patients were weaned (47%). Seven dogs had a temporary tracheostomy tube and 5 of them (71%) were weaned. Dogs that were weaned had a significantly greater preweaning trial PaO2/FiO2 ratio than those that were not (359 ± 92 versus 210 ± 57 mm Hg, P=0.025). No significant difference for weaning success between dogs with and those without a tracheostomy was detected (P=0.132). The discharge rate was 27% (all from the respiratory fatigue group). Conclusion – Among all dogs admitted to ICU, BD were more likely to receive MV than non‐BD. Aspiration pneumonia was frequently identified as the underlying cause of respiratory compromise. The survival rate for BD undergoing MV was not markedly different from previous studies. Weaning of BD from MV may be facilitated by employing preemptive strategies such as performing tracheostomy tube placements.  相似文献   

Objective To compare, ventilation using intermittent positive pressure ventilation (IPPV) with constant positive end‐expiratory pressure (PEEP) and alveolar recruitment manoeuvres (RM) to classical IPPV without PEEP on gas exchange during anaesthesia and early recovery. Study design Prospective randomized study. Animals Twenty‐four warm‐blood horses, weight mean 548 ± SD 49 kg undergoing surgery for colic. Methods Premedication, induction and maintenance (isoflurane in oxygen) were identical in all horses. Group C (n = 12) was ventilated using conventional IPPV, inspiratory pressure (PIP) 35–45 cmH2O; group RM (n = 12) using similar IPPV with constant PEEP (10 cmH2O) and intermittent RMs (three consecutive breaths PIP 60, 80 then 60 cmH2O, held for 10–12 seconds). RMs were applied as required to maintain arterial oxygen tension (PaO2) at >400 mmHg (53.3 kPa). Physiological parameters were recorded intraoperatively. Arterial blood gases were measured intra‐ and postoperatively. Recovery times and quality of recovery were measured or scored. Results Statistically significant findings were that horses in group RM had an overall higher PaO2 (432 ± 101 mmHg) than those in group C (187 ± 112 mmHg) at all time points including during the early recovery period. Recovery time to standing position was significantly shorter in group RM (49.6 ± 20.7 minutes) than group C (70.7 ± 24.9). Other measured parameters did not differ significantly. The median (range) of number of RMs required to maintain PaO2 above 400 mmHg per anaesthetic was 3 (1–8). Conclusion Ventilation using IPPV with constant PEEP and RM improved arterial oxygenation lasting into the early recovery period in conjunction with faster recovery of similar quality. However this ventilation mode was not able to open up the lung completely and to keep it open without repeated recruitment. Clinical relevance This mode of ventilation may provide a clinically practicable method of improving oxygenation in anaesthetized horses.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo compare tidal volume estimations obtained from Respiratory Ultrasonic Plethysmography (RUP) with simultaneous spirometric measurements in anaesthetized, mechanically ventilated horses.Study designProspective randomized experimental study.AnimalsFive experimental horses.MethodsFive horses were anaesthetized twice (1 week apart) in random order in lateral and in dorsal recumbency. Nine ventilation modes (treatments) were scheduled in random order (each lasting 4 minutes) applying combinations of different tidal volumes (8, 10, 12 mL kg?1) and positive end-expiratory pressures (PEEP) (0, 10, 20 cm H2O). Baseline ventilation mode (tidal volume = 15 mL kg?1, PEEP = 0 cm H2O) was applied for 4 minutes between all treatments. Spirometry and RUP data were downloaded to personal computers. Linear regression analyses (RUP versus spirometric tidal volume) were performed using different subsets of data. Additonally RUP was calibrated against spirometry using a regression equation for all RUP signal values (thoracic, abdominal and combined) with all data collectively and also by an individually determined best regression equation (highest R2) for each experiment (horse versus recumbency) separately. Agreement between methods was assessed with Bland-Altman analyses.ResultsThe highest correlation of RUP and spirometric tidal volume (R2 = 0.81) was found with the combined RUP signal in horses in lateral recumbency and ventilated without PEEP. The bias ± 2 SD was 0 ± 2.66 L when RUP was calibrated for collective data, but decreased to 0 ± 0.87 L when RUP was calibrated with individual data.Conclusions and clinical relevanceA possible use of RUP for tidal volume measurement during IPPV needs individual calibration to obtain limits of agreement within ± 20%.  相似文献   



To examine the intrapulmonary gas distribution of low and high tidal volumes (VT) and to investigate whether this is altered by an alveolar recruitment maneuver (ARM) and 5 cmH2O positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) during anesthesia.

Study design

Prospective randomized clinical study.


Fourteen client-owned bitches weighing 26 ± 7 kg undergoing elective ovariohysterectomy.


Isoflurane-anesthetized dogs in dorsal recumbency were ventilated with 0 cmH2O PEEP and pressure-controlled ventilation by adjusting the peak inspiratory pressure (PIP) to achieve a low (7 mL kg?1; n = 7) or a high (12 mL kg?1; n = 7) VT. Ninety minutes after induction (T90), an ARM (PIP 20 cmH2O for 10 seconds, twice with a 10 second interval) was performed followed by the application of 5 cmH2O PEEP for 35 minutes (RM35). The vertical (ventral=0%; dorsal=100%) and horizontal (right=0%; left=100%) center of ventilation (CoV), four regions of interest (ROI) (ventral, central-ventral, central-dorsal, dorsal) identified in electrical impedance tomography images, and cardiopulmonary data were analyzed using two-way repeated measures anova.


The low VT was centered in more ventral (nondependent) areas compared with high VT at T90 (CoV: 38.8 ± 2.5% versus 44.6 ± 7.2%; p = 0.0325). The ARM and PEEP shifted the CoV towards dorsal (dependent) areas only during high VT (50.5 ± 7.9% versus 41.1 ± 2.8% during low VT, p = 0.0108), which was more distributed to the central-dorsal ROI compared with low VT (p = 0.0046). The horizontal CoV was centrally distributed and cardiovascular variables remained unchanged throughout regardless of the VT, ARM, and PEEP.

Conclusions and clinical relevance

Both low and high VT were poorly distributed to dorsal dependent regions, where ventilation was improved following the current ARM and PEEP only during high VT. Studies on the role of high VT on pulmonary complications are required.  相似文献   

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