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The characteristics of the reflectance spectra of clay minerals and their influences on the reflectance spectra of soils are dealt with in the paper.The results showed that dominant clay minerals in soils could be distinguished in light of the spectral -form parameters of the reflectance spectra of soils,thus making it possible to develop a quick method to determine clay minerals by means of reflectance spectra of soils in the lab.and providing a theoretic basis for remote sensing of clay minerals in soils with a high resolution imaging spectrometer.  相似文献   

西藏高原洞穴堆积物的粘土矿物组合特征及其古地理意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭补拙 《山地研究》1992,10(3):148-154

沈其荣  史瑞和 《土壤学报》1990,27(4):392-397
本试验以粘粒(蒙脱)和蛋白质(明胶)为基本材料,较详细地研究了粘土矿物对蛋白质氮矿化的影响。指出:1.蛋白质与粘粒所处的状态不同,能导致蛋白质氮分解率的不同,其中复合物中的蛋白质氮分解率小于混合物,而后者又小于纯蛋白质氮;2.对于复合物或混合物来说,蛋白质在其中的比例越大其分解率就越大,而纯白质氮则相反,3.蛋白质-粘粒中的氮或纯蛋白质氮在土壤中的分解率小于在石英砂基质上的分解率,即土壤具有保护蛋白质氮免遭微生物分解的作用,不同土壤的这种保护作用不一样,主要是由于不同土壤粘土矿物的不同所致。  相似文献   

我国灌淤土的粘土矿物特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
史成华  龚子同 《土壤》1994,26(4):183-188
灌淤土是指在灌溉、施肥和耕作等农事活动影响下已形成50厘米以上厚度的灌淤土层(称灌淤层)的土壤。在我国,主要分布于宁夏银川平原、内蒙古河套平原、甘肃河西走廊、新疆塔里木盆地和准葛尔盆地的四周以及青海的湟水河谷地等,是我国西北干旱区最重要的农田和产粮基地。  相似文献   

土壤粘土矿物含量计算方法研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郝立波  陆继龙 《土壤通报》2006,37(3):456-459
土壤中粘土矿物的种类和含量在环境、农业、地质等领域有重要的意义。目前,在粘土矿物种类鉴定方面已有一些成熟的方法技术,而土壤中粘土矿物含量定量方面尚没有成熟的方法。本文基于土壤化学成分分析数据,提出了一种计算土壤粘土矿物含量的新方法。较系统地阐述了该方法的基本原理、计算方法,并对一些实例进行了计算,其结果令人满意。该方法简单易行、干扰少,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

YE Wei  WEN Qi-Xiao 《土壤圈》1996,6(2):121-128
Chemical characteristics of humic substances in soils with different mineralogical characteristics and under different utilization paterns in Zhangpu,Fujian Province,together with two pairs of cultivated soils in North China Plain were studied by chemical analysis,visible and IR spectroscopy and ^13C NMR spectrometry.For soils in Zhanpu the HA/FA ratio and both the aromaticity and the degree of humification of HA were higher in soils with montmorillonite as the predominant clay mineral than in those with kaolinite as the predominant clay mineral,provided these soils were under the same utilization pattern.While for each pair of soils with similar mineralogical characteristics the HA/FA ratio was higher and the C/H ratio and the contnet of carboxyl group of HA were lower in paddy soil than in upland soil.Among the upland soils(or paddy soils)studied the Ha/FA ratio of soil in Zhangpu with kaolinite as the predominant clay mineral was the lowest,and that of soil in Zhangpu with montmorillonite as the predominant clay mineral was the highest .the lowest.and that of soil in Zhangpu with montmorillonite as the predominant clay mineral was the highest It was concluded that the presence of montmorillonite favored the fromation and maturation of humic acid.  相似文献   

采用x射线衍射分析方法,对辽宁地区发育于不同母质上的古红土的粘土矿物特性进行了研究,结果表明:辽宁各种母质发育的古红土的粘土矿物中都含有伊利石、1.4nm过渡矿物和高岭石,片麻岩和千枚岩发育古红土中还含有较多量的蛭石,第四纪水成沉积物发育的古红土中含有少量的蒙脱石。辽宁古红土粘土矿物的组成反映了不同于现代成土环境的古环境特征,现代的环境条件对古红土的某些性质已经产生了影响。在辽宁各种母质发育的古红土的粘土矿物组成中,1.4nm过渡矿物的地位比较突出,片麻岩发育的古红土的蛭石含量也很突出,有着不同于南方和黄土高原的特点。从土壤发育程度上讲,相似母质发育的辽宁古红土低于南方红壤,同黄土高原古土壤的发育程度基本相当。  相似文献   

粘土矿物固定化微生物对土壤中阿特拉津的降解研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以粘土矿物为载体,采用吸附挂膜法对已筛选的阿特拉津降解菌株进行固定化,并应用固定化微生物降解土壤中的阿特拉津。结果表明,该菌株在粘土矿物上生长良好,根据菌种生理生化特性、环境扫描电镜图片以及16S rDNA基因的相似性分析初步鉴定该菌株为Ochrobactrum sp.。接种降解菌能明显加快阿特拉津在土壤中的降解速率,粘土矿物固定化微生物的降解效果要明显优于游离菌,粘土矿物粒径越小,固定化微生物的降解效果越好,纳米粘土矿物固定化微生物的降解效果要好于原粘土矿物。用一级动力学方程描述阿特拉津在土壤中的降解过程,不同土壤中阿特拉津的降解速率不同。阿特拉津在红壤、砂姜黑土、黄褐土中的降解半衰期(t1/2)分别为36.9、49.1、55.0 d,投加纳米蒙脱石固定化降解菌后的半衰期则分别为16.3、25.3、21.7 d。  相似文献   



Wastewater from sewage treatment plants contains high levels of nutrients, which can be used for plant nutrition. Classical wastewater treatment plants use complex microbial consortia of autotrophic and heterotrophic microorganisms for biological wastewater treatment. Certain autotrophic microalgae (e.g., species of the genera Chlorella, Scenedesmus, and Pediastrum) accumulate nutrients from wastewater very effectively.


We investigated the potential of microalgae biomass obtained from a prototype wastewater treatment plant as a source of nutrients for crops, focusing on nitrogen.


We provided wheat plants with different levels of algae biomass equivalent to 60, 120, and 180 kg N per hectare or with mineral fertilizer (N, P, and K) equivalent to the amounts contained in the algal biomass. Physiological and phenotypic traits were measured during growth, including vegetation indices, photosynthetic performance, growth, and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In addition, the adundances of Bacteria, Archaea and fungi and genes of ammonium oxidizing Bacteria and Archaea were determined in the rhizosphere of differently fertilized plants.


Microalgal application at fertilizer levels of 120 and 180 kg N ha–1 showed significantly improved physiological performance, growth, yield and nutrient uptake compared to the unfertilized control. Nevertheless, their yields and NUE were lower than with the application of equal amounts of mineral fertilization, while the adundance of rhizosphere microbes and ammonia-oxidizing microorganisms were not significantly affected.


Microalgae from wastewater treatments form a suitable source of organic fertilizer for wheat plants with only moderate reductions in N use efficiency compared to mineral fertilizer.  相似文献   

麦饭石矿物肥施用效果试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽种植小白菜及后茬作物苋菜,测定其农艺性状、产量及植株中矿质营养成分含量来研究麦饭石矿物肥肥效。结果表明,麦饭石矿物肥对小白菜和苋菜的茎长、根长、鲜重和矿质元素的积累均有显著影响;当矿物肥的施用量在0~0.87 g.kg-1时,随着矿物肥施用量的增加其作用明显增强,当大于0.87 g.kg-1时,其增效减缓。  相似文献   

施氮量和密度互作对玉米产量和氮肥利用效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】施氮量、种植密度等主要栽培措施的互作效应,往往使氮肥利用效率难以估计和评价,定量分析施氮量和密度互作下玉米产量和氮肥利用效率 (NUE) 响应的生理过程,对玉米高产氮高效栽培具有参考价值。 【方法】以郑单958为材料,在3个种植密度 (4.5、7.5和10.5万株/hm2) 和3个施氮量 (N 0、150和300 kg/hm2) 条件下进行田间试验。在14叶展期 (V14)、吐丝期 (R1)、灌浆期 (R3) 和成熟期 (R6) 取样,采用长宽系数法测定叶面积后,将样品分为叶片、茎秆 (含叶鞘、雄穗) 和雌穗 (R1、R3);在成熟期,将样品分为茎秆 (包括叶片、茎鞘、苞叶、穗轴) 和籽粒两部分,记录干质量,测定植株及籽粒全氮含量。分析了玉米碳氮积累与产量形成和氮肥吸收利用的关系。 【结果】与N150相比,N300既没有提高玉米群体碳氮积累总量,也没有提高个体生产能力,氮肥利用效率较低;N150和D10.5条件下,玉米产量和氮肥利用效率最高,说明减氮增密是协同提高玉米产量和氮肥利用效率的重要途径。施氮和增密的氮素积累优势主要受V14—R3阶段干物质积累的驱动,且这种关系在花前V14前后就已经建立。V14—R3阶段干物质积累速率与氮素积累速率呈显著正相关,施氮和增密明显促进氮素积累对干物质积累的响应强度。施氮和增密下玉米以花前较低氮浓度获得较高氮积累量,也说明其花前氮积累是以花前大量茎叶干物质积累为前提,花后氮积累则主要取决于雌穗干物质积累。氮密互作对氮收获指数 (NHI) 无显著影响,而适宜施氮和增密显著提高HI,说明减氮增密获得较高的氮肥利用效率,而与籽粒中氮素分配多少无关,主要取决于籽粒中干物质分配的多少。 【结论】施氮量和密度互作通过影响干物质积累量、产量和氮积累量影响氮肥利用效率。合理减氮增密通过促进V14—R3阶段作物生长率和花后物质生产,驱动充足的氮素积累和干物质分配,实现产量与氮肥利用效率的协同提高。  相似文献   

Relationships between the clay mineralogy and the primary mineral association were studied on seventeen Andosol samples (<3,000 years old) collected from Aomori, Hokkaido, and Iwate. Opaline silica, allophane, and imogolite were predominant in the soils derived from volcanic ashes which contained practically no quartz, while opaline silica, crystalline layer silicates, alumina-rich gel-like materials, and allophanelike constituents were abundant in the soils which contained abundant quartz. There was no positive indication of the presence of allophane in any quartz andesitic Andosols. High contents of finely comminuted amphibole and mica in the quartz andesitic volcanic ashes suggested that the crystalline layer silicates are inherited and are not formed pedochemically from amorphous materials.  相似文献   

Adsorption mechanisms of thiazafluron in mineral soil clay components   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The adsorption of the herbicide thiazafluron, 1,3-dimethyl-1-(5-trifluoromethyl-1,3,4-thiadiazol-2-yl)urea, by three smectites, illite, kaolinite, ferrihydrite and the clay fraction of an illitic soil (54.9% illite, 17.0% montmorillonite and 24.9% kaolinite) and a montmorillonitic soil (33.9% illite, 55.0% montmorillonite and 11.1% kaolinite) has been determined. Thiazafluron adsorbed on neither kaolinite nor iron oxide. The adsorption isotherms on smectites and illite conformed to the Freundlich equation. Values of Kf-obtained for smectites were larger than for the illite and increased as the layer charge of the smectite decreased. Desorption of thiazafluron on smectites was shown to be highly irreversible. Adsorption isotherms of thiazafluron on different homoionic montmorillonite samples suggest an important role of the exchangeable cations in the adsorption. Infrared spectra and X-ray diffraction analysis of the complexes of thiazafluron with homoionic montmorillonites indicated that thiazafluron adsorbs in the interlamellar space of the smectites, mainly by substitution of water molecules associated with the exchangeable cations through the carbonyl-amide group and formation of H-bonds or waterbridge between the NH group of the amide and the basal oxygens of the montmorillonite. The illitic soil clay adsorbed more of the herbicide than the montmorillonitic one did, suggesting that illite and montmorillonite may be present in soils in altered forms giving rise to different adsorption capacities from those of the pure minerals.  相似文献   

The changes of clay mineral association after high-gradient magnetic separation(HGMS) treatment,and the effects of chemical and physical technologies on concentrating Fe oxides for mian soils in central and southern China were investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and chemical analysis methods.Results indicated that the concentrating times of Fe oxides by HGMS treatment were the largest for 0.2-2μm size fraction in the examined soils .For the soils in which 2:1 phyllosilicates were dominant,concentrating times of iron oxides by HGMS treatment were larger than by 5 mol L^-1 NaOH treatment .Phyllosili-cates were decreased after HGMS treatment ;however,the decrease was less than that of kaolinite,The goethite/(goethite hematite) values in Fe oxides of the soils kept virtually constant after HGMS treatment.  相似文献   

Several species of shrubs and trees used in the revegetation of clay mineral soils in Northern Appennine region were compared. The trial site, a quarry land, with clay soil with high pH and a little organic matter was arranged in three randomized block designs. The trial tested the following shrub species Rhamnus cathartica, Colutea arborescens, Euonymus europea, Viburnum opulus, Sambucus nigra, Cotinus coggygria, Coronilla emerus, Crataegus monogyna, Ligustrum vulgare, Prunus spinosa, Spartium junceum, Cornus sanguinea, Paliurus spina‐christi and the tree species Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus angustifolia, Corylus avellana, Sorbus domestica, Prunus avium, Acer monspessulanum, Ostrya carpinifolia, Pyrus communis var. pyraster, Ulmus minor, Fraxinus ornus and Acer campestre. The present study was designed to test the adaptive response of the species transplanted in clay soil without preparatory tilling or dressing operations. The overall 9 year data indicate differences in the species tested: Spartium junceum, Ligustrum vulgare and Cotinus coggygria were the shrubs adapted to these edaphics conditions and planting practises together with Sorbus domestica, Pyrus pyraster, Fraxinus ornus and Fraxinus angustifolia. Animal damages were also evaluated. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了解不同矿质肥料对蔬菜产量与品质的影响,选取多元素矿物肥、沸石、钙粉3种矿质肥料在芹菜和生菜上开展田间试验,了解其蔬菜产量和品质。结果表明:施用多元素矿物肥的芹菜和生菜均有增产效果,产量分别提高19.6%和5.3%。另外,与不施矿物肥处理相比,施用多元素矿物肥的芹菜和生菜硝酸盐含量分别降低5.0%和14.6%,维生素C含量升高显著,增幅分别达到22.8%和11.9%;总酸度下降明显,降幅分别为30.0%和18.5%;提高了芹菜和生菜中可溶性固形物含量,增幅在5%左右。综合比较看,多元素矿物肥较沸石、钙粉施用效果明显。  相似文献   

为了探讨有机钾肥和矿物钾肥在河南省烤烟上的施用效果,采用大田试验,研究了施用有机钾肥、钾硅钙矿物肥替代15%硫酸钾对烤烟生长及烟叶产量、质量的影响。结果表明,施用有机钾肥、钾硅钙矿物肥替代15%硫酸钾处理比全部施用硫酸钾处理显著提高了圆顶期叶片SPAD值,起到了延缓叶片衰老,保证叶片有足够成熟时间的作用;与全部施用硫酸钾处理相比,用有机钾肥、粒状钾硅钙矿物肥、粉状钾硅钙矿物肥替代15%硫酸钾的3个处理,烟叶产量分别提高16.4%、21.1%和13.0%,产值分别增加5 037.3、10 975.0和3 306.6元/hm2。施用有机钾肥、粉状和粒状钾硅钙矿物肥的3个处理间相比,烟叶产量差异不显著,烟叶产值以施用粒状钾硅钙矿物肥替代15%硫酸钾处理最高,上、中、下部烟叶钾含量显著提高,下部叶和中部叶钾氯比达3.5以上。  相似文献   

We have studied microstructural changes in montmorillonite and kaolinite, which were amended with organic debris (leaves of chestnut or beech), microbial inoculum and nutrients and subjected, for 30 days at 25°C, to alternate drying and wetting (D–W) or kept continuously moist at water-holding capacity (WHC). The objective was to evalute the interactions between the decomposition of plant residues and clay microstructural organization in different pore–water regimes. The microstructure was studied by Hg porosimetry, N adsorption at 77 K, and scanning electron microscopy. Decomposition was assessed by measuring residual C and N, the amount of humified material, the relative contents of humic (HA) and fulvic (FA) acids, and their molecular weight distribution. The structural organization at the end of the experiments was different for the two clays, and new classes of pores were found as the result of the microbial metabolism. The decomposition was also significantly affected by clay type. Decomposition of the organic matter (OM) was rapid in the montmorillonite. The humified material occured mainly as low molecular weight FAs. By contrast, transformation was slow in kaolinite, leaving much residual C, and more of the humified material consisted of HAs. Alternate D–W had little effect on microstructure and decomposition. Samples that were kept moist and amended with chestnut leaves produced the greatest amount of humified substances. The dynamics of the decomposition was significantly affected by the nature of the leaves as indicated by the differences in residual C, humified material and C/N ratio. By contrast, changes in pore size distribution (PSD) were litle influenced by the type of organic debris.  相似文献   

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