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Two longitudinal experiments involving Angora goats challenged with either bovine or ovine strains of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (Map) have been conducted over a period of 54 and 35 months, respectively. Blood samples for the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) test and the absorbed ELISA and faecal samples for bacteriological culture were taken pre-challenge and monthly post-challenge. Persistent shedding, IFN-gamma production, seroconversion and clinical disease occurred earlier with the bovine Map gut mucosal tissue challenge inoculum than with cultured bacteria. The IFN-gamma responses of the gut mucosal tissue and bacterial challenge groups were substantially and consistently higher than those of the control group. The in vivo and cultured cattle strains were much more pathogenic for goats than the sheep strains with persistent faecal shedding, seroconversion and clinical disease occurring in the majority of bovine Map challenged goats. With the ovine Map, 3 goats developed persistent antibody responses but only one of these goats developed persistent faecal shedding and clinical disease. However, there was no significant difference between the IFN-gamma responses of the tissue challenged, bacterial challenged and control groups. Compared with sheep, the ELISA appeared to have higher sensitivity and the IFN-gamma test lower specificity.  相似文献   

The aims were to longitudinally evaluate the interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) test in comparison to faecal culture and the absorbed ELISA in a cattle infection model for Johne's disease and to determine the adult infection status, by necropsy and tissue culture, of sheep, goats and cattle infected as young animals. Clinical disease, faecal culture results and immunological responses for Merino sheep [Stewart, D.J., Vaughan, J.A., Stiles, P.L., Noske, P.J., Tizard, M.L.V., Prowse, S.J., Michalski, W.P., Butler, K.L., Jones, S.L., 2004. A long-term study in Merino sheep experimentally infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis: clinical disease, faecal culture and immunological studies. Vet. Microbiol. 104, 165-178] and Angora goats [Stewart, D.J., Vaughan, J.A., Stiles, P.L., Noske, P.J., Tizard, M.L.V., Prowse, S.J., Michalski, W.P., Butler, K.L., Jones, S.L., 2006. A long-term study in Angora goats experimentally infected with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis: clinical disease, faecal culture and immunological studies. Vet. Microbiol. 113, 13-24], in the same experiments as the Holstein-Friesian cattle, have been described. Two longitudinal experiments involving Holstein-Friesian cattle challenged with either bovine or ovine strains of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) have been conducted over a period of 54 and 35 months, respectively. Blood samples for the IFN-gamma test and the absorbed ELISA and faecal samples for bacteriological culture were taken pre-challenge and monthly post-challenge. Cell-mediated (CMI) responses were substantially higher for the bovine Map strain during the 42-month period following dosing but then declined in the remaining 12 months. However, for the ovine Map challenge and control groups, CMI responses were not significantly different from each other. None of the cattle developed clinical disease and only one of the cattle in the bovine Map gut mucosal tissue challenged group was a persistent faecal shedder and also an ELISA antibody responder which developed after shedding commenced. Culture of tissues, following necropsy at the completion of the experiments, showed no evidence of infection in any of the challenged cattle and sheep for either the bovine or ovine Map strain in contrast to positive cultures for challenged goats in the same experiments. The tissues from the control cattle, sheep and goats were culture negative. The cattle were less susceptible to the bovine and ovine Map strains than goats and sheep with the goats being the least naturally resistant.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate pooled faecal culture for herd diagnosis of caprine Johne's disease and relate these findings to faecal shedding rates of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (Map). DESIGN: Radiometric broth culture was applied to several pooling dilutions, and shedding rates were estimated from a regression equation based on bacterial growth rates and known processing losses during radiometric culture. PROCEDURE: Sixteen faecal samples from goats naturally infected with sheep (n = 3) or cattle (n = 13) strains of Map, were diluted in normal goat faeces from 1 in 5 to 1 in 50. Cultures were confirmed by IS900 polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis, and mycobactin dependency. The numbers of viable Map in the culture inocula were determined by endpoint titration (most probable number) of nine samples and related to a cumulative growth index. RESULTS: A pooling dilution of 1 in 25 with an incubation period of 10 weeks detected 13 of 16 culture positive goats, all shedding > or = 2 x 10(4) Map per gram of faeces. Two samples containing very low numbers of Map (< 2 x 10(3)/g) were only culture positive from undiluted faeces. Thirteen of 16 goats were considered to be shedding low to moderate concentrations of Map (< 2 x 10(5)/g faeces). CONCLUSIONS: These data support a pooling dilution of 1 in 25 for application of pooled faecal culture as a diagnostic tool in caprine Johne's disease control. A test based on this dilution would reduce laboratory costs of whole herd testing in goats by approximately 40% relative to serology and 75 to 90% relative to individual faecal culture.  相似文献   

The requirements for the isolation of Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (Map) may be related to the strain-type [sheep (S)- or cattle (C)-type] and not to the host. The objective of this paper was to estimate and compare strain- and biological sample (faeces or pooled-tissue)--specific sensitivities (Ses) of two solid culture media, Herrold's egg yolk medium (HEYM) and Lowenstein-Jensen (LJ) medium, for the isolation of Map from Greek dairy sheep and goats. From 400 faecal samples collected from sub-clinically infected sheep and goats of four flocks and from 214 pooled-tissue samples (142 from sheep and 72 from goats) collected, at the abattoir, from >1-year-old routinely slaughtered animals, with gross pathology suggestive of paratuberculosis, we isolated 34 Map strains. Of those, by the IS1311 PCR, 18 were categorized into the C-type and nine into the S-type; seven were not typed. We used a Bayesian approach to estimate the strain-specific Ses. SeHEYM-C-faecal=17% (95% credible interval: 7, 40) was higher than SeHEYM-S-faecal=2% (0.3, 11). Also, SeHEYM-C-faecal was higher than SeLJ-C-faecal=4% (1, 12). In pooled-tissue samples, the strain-specific Ses did not differ between the two media.  相似文献   

Faecal (at least 3 months before slaughtering) and organ examinations were carried out in 611 animals (497 dairy, 69 dual-purpose and 44 beef cattle) originating from eight paratuberculosis infected cattle herds. The diagnosis in cattle was established by routine intestinal culture (ileum and the adjacent lymph nodes) after slaughter. In selected 132 animals, post-mortem intensive culture was performed on tissue samples collected from the gastrointestinal tract (duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ileocecal valve, caecum, rectum) and the corresponding lymph nodes, submandibular, retropharyngeal, tracheobronchial, liver and supramammary lymph nodes, kidney, liver and spleen. In 251 (41.1%) of all 611 animals, Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis could be isolated from the faeces; in 164 (65.7%) out of 251 shedding animals the infection was detected in the ileum and adjacent lymph nodes. The detection of M. paratuberculosis by routine intestinal culture of faecal culture positive animals varied from 46.0% in animals shedding 1 CFU (colony forming unit), to 94.7% in massive shedders. On the contrary, M. paratuberculosis was detected by routine intestinal culture in 92 (25.5%) of the 360 faecal culture negative animals. Shedding animals had significantly higher (P<0.01) number of organisms in their organs than non-shedding animals. During the intensive tissue cultivation from selected 132 animals, 72 (54.5%) of them were positive. For the negative animals, no significant difference was found between the detection rate in organs examined after slaughter with routine and intensive method. However, in the subgroup of tissue culture positive animals a highly significant difference (P<0.01) was found by intensive examination (83.0%) compared with the routine examination (60.4%). Out of 72 tissue culture positive animals 73.6% of them harboured M. paratuberculosis in the gastrointestinal tract, 16.7% in the gastrointestinal tract and the parenchymatous organs, tracheobronchial and mandibular lymph nodes. The rest of the 9.7% of the infection was detected in the lymph nodes of head and lungs. Our study concerning the distribution of M. paratuberculosis by intensive examinations revealed a minimum effect of breed and production type on localisation of the agent. Thus, the results suggest that in case of an active infection, M. paratuberculosis can be localised in different organs of animals irrespective of their breed or production type.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To identify the optimum pooling rate for pooled faecal culture (PFC) as a diagnostic tool in bovine Johne's disease control, for detection of cattle shedding low concentrations of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis (Map). METHOD: Thirteen target animals were selected by delayed growth of Map from initial individual radiometric faecal cultures (first growth index at 5 weeks or later). A procedure based on radiometric culture and IS900 polymerase chain reaction and restriction endonuclease analysis confirmation was then used for PFC. RESULTS: Eight samples (stored for up to 17 months at -80 degrees C) yielded Map on subsequent culture, either from undiluted faeces or those mixed with normal cattle faeces at dilution rates from 1 in 5 to 1 in 50. From a regression equation, culture-positive animals were considered to be shedding relatively low levels of Map (< 6 x 10(4)/g of faeces). Pooling dilutions of more than 1 in 5 reduced PFC sensitivity. A minimum incubation period of 10 weeks at a dilution of 1 in 5 is recommended to detect such infected cattle. This pooling rate in radiometric culture is probably capable of detecting cattle shedding < or = 5 x 10(3) Map organisms/g of faeces, representing an estimated inoculum per culture vial of fewer than 20 viable organisms. CONCLUSION: Map was detected in more than 50% of the stored faecal samples from cattle shedding low concentrations of the organism. A pooling rate of 5 samples per pool is required to reliably detect infected low-shedder cattle using PFC based on radiometric culture.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the protective value of a live-attenuated vaccine in sheep already exposed to Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and to investigate the progression of a systemic immune response in experimentally infected sheep. STUDY DESIGN: Twenty-eight lambs, aged 1 to 1.5 months, were dosed via stomach tube with approximately 4.4 x 10(8) M a paratuberculosis organisms. Two weeks later, 14 of these 28 animals received subcutaneous injections of 1 mL of a live-attenuated vaccine. Thirteen additional lambs were neither dosed nor vaccinated (negative controls). Antigen-induced production of IFN-gamma in blood, and antibody concentrations in serum were sequentially monitored in vaccinated, unvaccinated and control animals for 1 year. Each sheep was examined for infection by an IS900-based PCR test on samples of ileum and ileocaecal lymph node and histological examination at the time of necropsy. RESULTS: Seven of 14 unvaccinated and two of 14 vaccinated sheep developed clinical paratuberculosis that was later confirmed by histological examination and/or the IS900-based PCR test. The granulomatous inflammation in the jejunal and ileal mucosa was less severe in vaccinated than in unvaccinated sheep. Acid-fast organisms were detected only in the unvaccinated group. The PCR assay on ileal samples gave positive reactions in two vaccinated and eight unvaccinated sheep. Both the antibody response and IFN-gamma response were detected earlier and were more substantial in vaccinated than in unvaccinated sheep. Furthermore, in experimentally infected but unvaccinated sheep, the IFN-gamma concentrations were higher in those animals without acid-fast organisms than in those with them. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination of lambs with live-attenuated vaccine 2 weeks after oral inoculation with M a paratuberculosis stimulated the host response against the organism and led to a reduced mycobacterial burden. The diminished IFN-gamma responses in experimentally infected sheep with acid-fast organisms suggest a positive relationship between the magnitude of the systemic cell-mediated immune response and an animal's ability to control infection.  相似文献   

Methods to improve the ELISA test to detect Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis have been explored over several years. Previously, selected recombinant proteins of M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis were found to be immunogenic in cattle with Johne's disease. In the present study, antibody responses of infected and healthy sheep were evaluated using 18 purified recombinant proteins in an ELISA-based format for the serodiagnosis of ovine paratuberculosis. These selected recombinant proteins represent heat shock proteins, hypothetical proteins and cell surface proteins of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis. Whereas, Map0862 (a gene uniquely present in M. avium subspecies paratuberculosis) and Map3786 encoded protein solicited the strongest antibody response in infected sheep. The protein encoded by Map2116c showed the weakest antibody response among the animals tested. Although none of the recombinant proteins detected all 11 infected sheep singly, antibodies to Map0862 were detected in 9 of 11 (81%) infected sheep. Furthermore, ovine responses to these selected antigens were assessed temporally over the course of 1 year during which we found a spiking effect rather than an incremental increase of antibody reactivity. This study evaluated multiple M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis recombinant proteins in an ELISA-based format for sheep.  相似文献   

Environmental contamination with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (MAP) is thought to be one of the primary sources of infection for dairy cattle. The exact link between fecal shedding of MAP by individual cows and environmental contamination levels at the herd level was explored with a cross-sectional analysis of longitudinally collected samples on 3 dairy farms. Composite samples from multiple environmental sites in 3 commercial dairy herds in the Northeast US were cultured quarterly for MAP, providing 1131 samples (133 (11.8%) were culture-positive), and all adult animals in the herds were tested biannually by fecal culture (FC), for 6 years. Of the environmental sites sampled, manure storage areas and shared alleyways were most likely to be culture-positive. Environmental sample results were compared to FC results from either the concurrent or previous sampling date at both the herd and the pen level. At the herd level, a 1 log unit increase in average fecal shedding increased the odds of a positive non-pen environmental sample by a factor of 6 and increased the average amount of MAP in non-pen samples by 2.9 cfu/g. At the pen level, a 1 log unit increase in average fecal shedding in the pen increased the odds of a positive environment by a factor of 2.4 and the average amount of MAP was increased by 3.5 cfu/g. We were not able to model the relationship between non-pen environmental sample status and the distance between shedding animals and the sample's location, and neighboring pens did not significantly affect the results of the pen-level analysis. The amount of MAP in pen-level samples and the probability of a pen testing positive for MAP were both positively but non-significantly correlated with the number of animals in the pen shedding >30 cfu/g of MAP. At least 6 environmental samples met the criteria for the U.S. Voluntary Bovine Johne's Disease Control Program on 47 of the 72 sampling dates; of these, 19 of the 47 FC-positive sampling dates were positive by the 6-sample environmental testing method, resulting in a herd sensitivity of 0.40 (95% CI: 0.26-0.54). None of the 3 FC-negative sampling dates produced positive environmental samples. Although environmental sampling can be used as a tool in understanding the level of MAP infection in a herd or pen, it did not appear to be a sensitive diagnostic method for herd positivity in these low prevalence herds, and its use may require caution.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate intrauterine infection of foetuses with Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis and the presence of infection in mammary secretions of sheep. DESIGN: A study of 142 late-pregnant ewes and their foetuses from two heavily infected flocks. PROCEDURE: Infection of ewes was determined at necropsy by histopathology and culture of tissues and mammary secretions. Antemortem tests (clinical assessment, faecal culture and serology) were also applied. Foetuses from 59 infected ewes and 47 apparently uninfected ewes were examined by culture and histopathology. RESULTS: Five of five ewes with clinical ovine Johne's disease had infected foetuses. Only one of 54 subclinically affected ewes, and none of 47 uninfected ewes had an infected foetus. M a paratuberculosis was cultured from mammary secretions or mammary glands of only two of 76 ewes, both of which were clinical cases and had infected foetuses. CONCLUSION: Although intrauterine or transmammary transmission of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis may occur frequently in clinically affected sheep, these are less common in subclinically infected ewes. Therefore these modes of transmission are unlikely to compromise existing control programs for ovine Johne's disease on most farms, especially if programs include the immediate culling of clinically affected sheep.  相似文献   

We sought to determine whether infection of recently weaned 12-16-week-old Merino lambs with an Australian S strain M. a. paratuberculosis, at doses consistent with natural exposure, could be detected in the first few months post-inoculation. Such detection would facilitate the use of weaner sheep as sentinel animals for the presence of infectious doses of M. a. paratuberculosis on pastures. In controlled pen trials, oral doses of approximately 10(7)-10(8) viable organisms were demonstrated to be infective, whereas doses below 10(4) organisms failed to produce detectable infection. Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis (M. a. paratuberculosis) was isolated from intestinal and/or lymphoid tissues collected at necropsy 7 or 14 weeks after first infection, but there were no associated gross or microscopic lesions. Skin testing with intradermal Johnin detected all three infected lambs at 13 weeks post-infection, and one of the three infected lambs at 6 weeks post-infection, with 100% specificity. Results for whole blood IFN-gamma assay showed some correlation with infection status but lacked specificity. One infected lamb gave a positive result in an ELISA for antibodies to M. a. paratuberculosis, 14 weeks post-infection and 1 week after skin testing. This was the first demonstration of experimental infection with S strain M. a. paratuberculosis in Australian Merino sheep at doses likely to be representative of natural infection. Culture from tissues in the first few months post-exposure could facilitate the use of naive weaner sheep as tracer animals to detect heavy contamination of pastures with M. a. paratuberculosis, but low-level contamination may not be detected in such a system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine the frequency of excretion of Mycobacterium avium subsp paratuberculosis in Merino sheep with Johne's disease and to quantify excretion in a group of Merino sheep. DESIGN: A pen and laboratory experiment. PROCEDURE: Seven sheep selected from an affected flock on the basis of acid-fast bacilli in the sheep's faeces were housed and total daily faecal output was collected, weighed and subjected to culture for M avium subsp paratuberculosis. An end-point titration method was used to enumerate viable M avium subsp paratuberculosis in a 15 day pooled sample from five sheep that had acid-fast bacilli in their faeces while housed. RESULTS: Four sheep with subclinical multibacillary Johne's disease excreted M avium subsp paratuberculosis each day for 11 days of cultural observation. A further three sheep were intermittent excreters but lacked other evidence of infection with M avium subsp paratuberculosis. The average number of viable bacteria excreted was 1.09 x 10(8) per gram of faeces while total daily excretion was 8.36 x 10(10) viable M avium subsp paratuberculosis per sheep. Examination of faecal smears stained with Ziehl Neelsen was an unreliable means of assessing daily excretion in individual animals except in those with severe lesions. CONCLUSION: Excretion of M avium subsp paratuberculosis in Merino sheep with multibacillary Johne's disease occurred daily, proving that environmental contamination can be continuous on farms with endemic ovine Johne's disease. Faecal culture is a useful method for detecting infection as it does not appear to be affected by the timing of collection of a sample from sheep with multibacillary disease however, to maximise the sensitivity of disease surveillance using faecal culture, sampling rates should be adjusted to take account of the proportions of multibacillary and paucibacillary cases.  相似文献   

The production of interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in response to Johnin purified protein derivate was measured in samples of the prescapular lymph node (PLN) from 10 sheep, aged 2 years, and nine sheep, aged 1 year that had been inoculated orally with Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis within their first month of life. Ten non-inoculated sheep, aged 1 year, constituted the negative control group. The results obtained in the PLN IFN-gamma assay were compared with those derived from serological tests: a complement fixation test (CFT), agar gel diffusion test (AGID) and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), as well as an IFN-gamma test on samples of blood. Among the 19 inoculated sheep, 16 gave positive reactions in the PLN IFN-gamma assay on samples incubated overnight, and 18 tested positive when the assay was applied to PLN samples incubated for 48h. In comparison, three, four and seven inoculated sheep gave positive reactions in the ELISA, CFT and in the blood IFN-gamma assay on samples incubated overnight, respectively. The AGID and IFN-gamma assay on blood samples incubated for 48h detected eight inoculated animals. Twelve inoculated sheep, that tested positive in the PLN IFN-gamma assay were clinically normal, gave negative results in an IS900-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay on samples of ileum and ileocaecal lymph node and had no histological evidence of paratuberculosis, but tested positive on more than two occasions in sequential serological testing before necropsy. None of the 10 non-inoculated sheep tested positive in the AGID, CFT, ELISA, blood IFN-gamma assay on samples incubated overnight and for 48h or the PLN IFN-gamma assay on samples incubated overnight, but one gave a positive result in the PLN IFN-gamma assay on samples stimulated for 48h. It is likely that the positive reactions obtained by the PLN IFN-gamma assay in the 12 inoculated sheep that tested negative in the PCR assay and histopathological examination represents immunological evidence of latent infection or previous exposure to M. paratuberculosis rather than active infection.  相似文献   

Although substantial fecal shedding is expected to start years after initial infection with Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP), the potential for shedding by calves and therefore calf-to-calf transmission is underestimated in current Johne’s disease (JD) control programs. Shedding patterns were determined in this study in experimentally infected calves. Fifty calves were challenged at 2 weeks or at 3, 6, 9 or 12 months of age (6 calves served as a control group). In each age group, 5 calves were inoculated with a low and 5 with a high dose of MAP. Fecal culture was performed monthly until necropsy at 17 months of age. Overall, 61% of inoculated calves, representing all age and dose groups, shed MAP in their feces at least once during the follow-up period. Although most calves shed sporadically, 4 calves in the 2-week and 3-month high dose groups shed at every sampling. In general, shedding peaked 2 months after inoculation. Calves inoculated at 2 weeks or 3 months with a high dose of MAP shed more frequently than those inoculated with a low dose. Calves shedding frequently had more culture-positive tissue locations and more severe gross and histological lesions at necropsy. In conclusion, calves inoculated up to 1 year of age shed MAP in their feces shortly after inoculation. Consequently, there is potential for MAP transfer between calves (especially if they are group housed) and therefore, JD control programs should consider young calves as a source of infection.  相似文献   

Serum samples from healthy, infected (n=11) and diseased (n=2) cattle as well as positive (n=17) and negative (n=41) reference sera were tested for antibodies to Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis with two ELISA-methods (A-ELISA, Allied Monitors, Fayette, USA; H-ELISA, Institute of Microbiology and Animal Diseases, Veterinary University Hannover). Fecal samples of these animals were examined by PCR and culture. Also field serum samples found to be positive (n=664) or inconclusive (n=1589) by A-ELISA during a survey done on 11028 cattle of 2757 farms at different districts in Austria were retested with H-ELISA (Gasteiner et al., 1999). In both ELISA-methods total agreement between antibody detection and shedding of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis (PCR, culture) in cases of diseased animals during the testing period was found. In subclinically infected animals H-ELISA showed a better correlation with the results of PCR and fecal culture. Reference serum samples of culturally negative cattle were negative in 98% by H-ELISA and in 82% by A-ELISA, and those of positive animals were positive in 59% by H-ELISA and in 82% by A-ELISA. The 664 A-ELISA positive field serum samples were positive in 20.5%, inconclusive in 32.5% and negative in 47% by H-ELISA. A-ELISA inconclusive sera gave positive reactions by H-ELISA in 5.2%, negative in 74.8% and inconclusive results in 20%. The highest prevalence of antibodies (7.9% by A- and 2.2% by H-ELISA) against M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis were found in cattle at the age of six and seven years. Seropositive animals were found at all tested ages. The A-ELISA gave two to three times more positive reactors than the H-ELISA. Also both tests showed the highest prevalence of reagents among Holstein Friesian (6.2% by A-ELISA, 2.5% by H-ELISA) followed by other cattle breeds. Seropositive cattle were observed in all districts of Austria in 3. 3-7.1% and in 0.5-1.8% of herds according to A- and H-ELISA, respectively.  相似文献   

Paratuberculosis (Johne's disease), caused by Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis, is responsible for significant economic losses in livestock industries worldwide. This organism is also of public health concern due to an unconfirmed link to Crohn's disease. Susceptibility to paratuberculosis has been suggested to have a genetic component. In livestock, a number of candidate genes have been studied, selected on their association to susceptibility in other mycobacterial diseases, their known role in disease pathogenesis or links to susceptibility of humans to Crohn's disease. These genes include solute carrier family 11 member 1 (SLC11A1, formerly NRAMP1), toll-like receptors, caspase associated recruitment domain 15 (CARD15, formerly NOD2), major histocompatibility complex (MHC) and cytokines (interleukin-10 and interferon-gamma) and their receptors. Genome wide association studies have attempted to confirm associations found and identify new genes involved in pathogenesis and susceptibility. There are a number of limitations and difficulties in these approaches, some peculiar to paratuberculosis but others generally applicable to identification of genetic associations for complex traits. The technical approaches and available information for paratuberculosis have expanded rapidly, particularly relating to sheep and cattle. Here we review the current published evidence for a genetic association with paratuberculosis susceptibility, technological advances that have progressed the field and potential avenues for future research.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) is the causative agent of Johne's disease or paratuberculosis, a chronic enteritis of ruminants, and has been suggested to play a role in Crohn's disease in humans. While Johne's disease is primarily expressed in the gastrointestinal tract, isolation of MAP from extra-intestinal tissues indicates that microbial dissemination via the haematogenous route may occur during the infection. Consequently, the occurrence of mycobacteraemia and dissemination to the liver and hepatic lymph node was investigated in 111 sheep. Disseminated infection was detected in 18 of the 53 sheep that were confirmed to be infected following oral exposure to MAP while the bacterium was isolated from the blood of only 4 of these animals. Disseminated infection was detected more frequently from animals with a positive compared to a negative faecal culture result, multibacillary compared to paucibacillary lesions, and clinical compared to subclinical disease. Detection of MAP in blood by culture was significantly associated with increased time post-exposure and clinical disease, with trends for increased detection in animals with multibacillary lesions and positive faecal culture results. Isolation of MAP from blood was difficult in the early stages of the disease and in paucibacillary animals as the bacteraemia may be intermittent, below the limit of detection or MAP may be present in a dormant non-culturable form. Prolonged incubation periods prior to growth in BACTEC were consistent with inhibition of growth or dormancy in some blood cultures.  相似文献   

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