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A field scale vacuum insect collector designed for the control of the Colorado Potato Beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) was tested on potatoes in 1990. The vacuum collector was more effective against adults and small larvae than against large larvae. Results suggested that a large proportion of potato aphids can also be removed from plants. The spread of plant diseases PSTVd and PVX, readily transmitted by contact, was not increased by the repeated use of the vacuum collector.  相似文献   

Six insect pests of potato, green peach aphid,Myzus persicae (Sulzer); potato leafhopper,Empoasca fabae (Harris); Colorado potato beetle,Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say); tarnished plant bug,Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois); red-legged grasshopper,Melanoplus femurrubrum (DeGeer); and southern army worm,Prodenia eridania (Cramer), were tested for their ability to transmit potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTV). PSTV infection was determined by a gel electrophoretic assay made 6 weeks after transfer of insects from infected to non-infected plants of the cultivar, ‘Katahdin.’ Plants grown from tubers of the original non-infected hosts were also assayed. PSTV was detected in only 2 of 183 test plants; these 2 plants had been infested with the tarnished plant bug. These results suggest that the insect species studied are relatively insignificant as vectors of PSTV.  相似文献   

The potential of flusulfamide (2’, 4-dichloro- α, α, α, trifluoro-4’-nitro-m-toluenesulfonanilide) as a control agent for bacterial ring rot of potato was evaluated by testing the bactericidal activity of this compound against the causal agent,Clavibacter michiganensis subsp.sepedonicus inin vitro tests, followed by greenhouse and field trials involving treatment of inoculated seed tubers. In thein vitro tests, significant reduction in the size and number ofC. m. sepedonicus colonies was observed with complete inhibition of growth occurring at flusulfamide concentrations of 100 mg/1 or greater. In the greenhouse and field trials, tubers of potato cultivar Russet Burbank were inoculated with the causal organism of bacterial ring rot,C. m. sepedonicus, in one of three different ways (cutting, dipping, injection) and subsequently treated by dipping in an aqueous solution containing varying concentrations of flusulfamide. The “dip” and “cut” methods of inoculation were intended to simulate transmission that would occur during normal production practices, while the “inject” treatment was intended to assess the effect of flusulfamide on existing infections. In both the greenhouse and field experiments, foliar disease incidence and infection rates were reduced, but not eliminated, in plants that were inoculated by cutting or dipping and treated with flusulfamide, whereas plants that had been inoculated by injection showed little effect of treatment with flusulfamide. Based on the results of these experiments, flusulfamide appears to have protective rather than curative properties againstClavibacter michiganensis subsp.sepedonicus.  相似文献   

Methods used in breeding and selecting potatoes for resistance to Colorado potato beetle, green peach aphid, potato aphid, and potato leafhopper are reviewed. Sources of resistant germplasm, the nature of resistance, breeding behavior of resistance factors, and methods used to measure resistance are discussed. Specific problems encountered in breeding insect-resistant potatoes are discussed in relation to early-generation selection procedures.  相似文献   

Sprinkler application of four fungicides, Du-Ter 47.5% W.P. (0.70 kg/ha), Difolatan 4F (3.51 1/ha), Bravo W-75 (1.68 kg/ha) and Bravo 500 (1.17 1/ha, 1.761/ha and 2.341/ha) were evaluated in Colorado for control of potato early blight caused byAlternaria solani (Ellis & G. Martin) L.R. Jones and Grout and compared to the conventional method of airplane application. Fungicides applied through center pivot irrigation systems generally achieved disease control equal to airplane application. Application of fungicides through both center pivot sprinklers and by airplane effectively reduced early blight infection. Control of early blight by airplane or sprinkler application of fungicides significantly (P = 0.05) increased potato yields in 1978. In other years (1977, 1979 and 1980) fungicide applications which reduced disease severity generally increased tuber yields but the increases were not significant when compared to the control.  相似文献   

Summary In eight field trials in 1965–1968, single applications of various formulations of fourteen fungicides to the soil ridges during the growing season nearly always failed to control potato tuber-blight (Phytophthora infestans). Single sprayings of the lower parts of the stems only, or of the tops of the haulms in the conventional way, were no more successful. Spraying the ridges with skin-forming materials, with the aim of preventing spores from entering the soil, seemed to favour tuber infection.  相似文献   

An avirulent strain ofPseudomonas solanacearum, B82, was tested for its ability to protect the potato cultivar, Ontario, from bacterial wilt caused by virulent strains of this bacterium. Strain B82 was not antagonistic to 124 virulent strains ofP. solanacearum and was not bacteriocinogenic. When potato seedpieces were soaked for 5 hr in suspensions of B82 (108 to 109 cfu/ml), reduction in disease severity (up to 50%) was noted in some experiments. The treated plants, grown in the greenhouse or growth room for 4–5 wk, were challenged by stem inoculation, soil drenching, or root-to-root infection with virulent strains (276 or Br5) of the bacterium. Protection was not obtained consistently, however, and much of the variability could be attributed to differences in ambient temperature and light conditions in the greenhouse between experiments. In general, high ambient temperatures and/or reduced sunlight resulted in no protection. Protection appeared to depend on the ability of strain B82 to multiply in the vascular system in the crown region and to colonize the rhizosphere of treated plants. Soil temperatures above 24 C affected the ability of strain B82 to survive in the rhizosphere. The close dependence of protection on environmental conditions suggests that this method of control may not be practical under field conditions.  相似文献   

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