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气候变化对我国森林降水截留规律的可能影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王兵  阎洪 《林业科学》1997,33(4):299-306
本文以目前国内外普遍关注的全球变化为背景,利用地理信息系统(GIS)为技术技术手段,从林冠截留、枯落物蓄水、林地拦蓄这三个森林水文生态功能最主要的层次出发,模拟分析了气候变化前后我国森林降水截留功能地理分布规律的差异。2030年中国气候变化的未来情景依据7个GCM大气环流模型的预测结果,选用树冠降水截留模型和森林综合截留模型,在IDRISI地理信息系统的支持下模拟气候变化对我国林林降水截留  相似文献   

辽东山区天然次生林枯落物层的水文生态功能   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
枯枝落叶层在森林水功能中具有十分重要的意义,通过对辽宁东部山区天然次生林枯落物层对降雨拦蓄特征、对降雨的分配情况及自身的技术规律研究,结果表明,辽东林区枯落物层最大拦蓄量30.1-53.3t/hm^2,有效拦蓄量相当于1.58-3.89mm的降水,降雨截留率为21%,大气降水中的6.3%-14.5%通过枯落物蒸发散失,同时建立了枯落物层大量平衡方程。  相似文献   

旱山地蓄水保墒造林技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
旱山地蓄水保墒造林技术张有鹏干旱山区土地资源丰富。搞好旱山地林业综合开发,建设高效林业,对振兴当地经济,帮助群众脱贫致富奔小康,具有十分重要的现实意义。怎样以最少的投入,最大限度地拦蓄利用天然降水、减少蒸发,为苗木的成活、速生、成材提供尽可能多的水...  相似文献   

集蓄雨水是山区果树节水栽培的主要技术之一。本文简述了山地果园集蓄雨水主要技术,包括集蓄雨水模式选择、集水区布设、蓄水设施布设、防渗处理、蓄水蒸发控制等。  相似文献   

指出了森林枯落物是森林生态系统的重要组成部分,枯落物层是森林拦蓄降水的重要环节。为了调查景谷县森林枯落物水文作用,选取了具有代表性的6个大样区和18个标准样地进行调查取样,结果表明:(1)景谷县3种植被类型中枯落物蓄积量最大的是季雨林,最小的是暖性针叶林,常绿阔叶林和李雨林林下枯落物半分解层所占比例要比未分解层大,而暖性针叶林林下枯落物未分解层所占比例要比半分解层大;(2)景谷县3种植被类型中,常绿阔叶林枯落物自然含水率最高,季雨林最小,暖性针叶林介于二者中间;(3)自然状态下,阔叶林枯落物的最大持水率大于针叶林,但由于针叶林枯落物数量较多,不易分解糜烂,因此仍有很强的拦蓄能力,3种植被类型中,暖性针叶林的拦蓄能力是最强的。  相似文献   

从拦蓄降水、增加地表有效水量、改善水质、削减洪水、改善小气候等方面介绍了森林涵养水源的量化研究方法,并运用替代工程法的原理对山西省森林涵养水源价值进行了核算。结果表明:山西省森林土壤总蓄水能力为1.63×109m3,拦蓄降水价值为322.84×108元,增加地表有效水量的价值为25.8×108元,净化水质的价值评估为47.78×108元,森林涵养水源总价值396.42×108元。  相似文献   

木材工业和可持续发展(续)──世界木材工业的发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2.3.2发展环境协调技术和产品门)提高原料利用效率扩大原料利用范围。随着价廉、量大的天然林原木为原料的时代已经过去,必须越来越多地依靠人工林解决对工业用材的需求问题。为此必须不断地开发新产品新工艺,开发的一个主要趋势是提高原料利用效率,扩大原料利用范?..  相似文献   

水土流失和干旱缺水是黄土高原经济落后和生态环境恶化的主要原因。雨水资源化是解决或减缓水土流失和干旱缺水的有效途径。将雨水利用的方式归纳为雨水就地拦蓄利用、覆盖抑制蒸发、雨水富集叠加异地利用3种方式。分析了雨水资源化对水文环境和土壤环境的影响。不同的雨水利用措施都能在一定程度上调节和控制水文过程,改善流域的水质,减少土壤的非点源污染,提高土壤的质量,提高土壤的含水率;而人工林草植被不同程度地减少了土壤含水率,覆盖措施可以延长水在土壤水库中的集蓄时间。  相似文献   

结合石灰岩地区的实际,根据国内外近年集雨利用的研究和实践,提出了3种雨水集蓄利用技术,印就地拦蓄利用技术、雨水富集叠加利用技术和覆盖抑制蒸发利用技术,并就山西省晋东南地区的雨水集流工程的高效开发与利用进行了介绍,为石灰岩地区更好地开发与利用雨水提供参考.  相似文献   

对陕两省吴旗县黄土丘陵沟壑区退耕还林工程区的乔术(山杏和刺槐)、灌木(荆条、沙棘)及对照农田的土壤水分有效性和蓄水能力进行了比较研究。结果表明,不同植被类型的土壤有效水含量为1.92%~15.73%,林地比农田增加约75.3l%;0~40cm土层土壤蓄水量为228.30~251.07t/hm^2,林地比农田增加约8%;刺槐林地的蓄水性能好于山杏林地。结果对于科学地评价退耕还林工程的土壤改良效益、水源涵养效益具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

借鉴农林业生产经验,提出了将整地集水、坐水栽植、覆膜防蒸发、膜上集水灌溉等多种措施有机结合的"储水保墒"新模式,并在侧柏造林中进行应用试验,结果表明:该模式可以明显提高土壤含水量,减少土壤水分蒸发;随着土壤水分状况的改善,侧柏造林效果显著提升。  相似文献   

水肥耦合对杨树根区水、氮运移及吸收的影响研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
随着我国木材需求量不断增加,速生丰产林提质增产迫在眉睫,急需探求合理高效的水肥集约经营策略。文中对灌溉施肥条件下植物根区水和氮(N)运移分布、吸收根形态与分布,以及水和N吸收相关研究进行综述,结论如下:1)水、N分布与施肥灌水量、土壤质地、降水、地下水位等条件有关。主要研究方法有室内、大田试验以及数值模拟法。由不同时刻水、N运移分布情况发现,改善水肥耦合措施,可降低N淋失对地下水的污染,同时提高植物的水、N利用效率。2)杨树吸收根主要分布于土壤表层,呈“倒金字塔”型分布,随远离树干方向,分布趋于浅层化,垂直根呈“S”形,整体表现为“二态性”;从根系分布规律发现,少量多次随水施肥有利于吸收根及林分生长。3)杨树品种、生育阶段、施肥水平以及土壤条件等不同,其水、N吸收情况及后期分配均存在差异。但恰当的水肥比例和灌施频率均有利于水、N吸收。以往研究只关注根区水和N运移、根系分布、吸收利用过程中的某一环节,而对各环节间动态联系以及整体调控机制知之甚少。因此,应设置不同水、N耦合方式,对各环节进行关联分析,明确调控机制,以期实现水、N效率最大化,有效提升林木产量。  相似文献   

The influence of different in situ rainwater harvesting and moisture conservation methods on soil moisture storage and growth of Tamarix ramosissima was studied in the semiarid loess region of China from 2002 to 2004. The treatments included control (T1), trench (T2), saucer covered by plastic film (T3), bare ridge and bare furrow (T4), plastic-covered ridge and bare furrow (T5), and plastic-covered ridge and gravel-covered furrow (T6). The results indicated that soil water storage for the T5 and T6 was significantly higher than the control. The T6 treatments produced the highest amount of soil water storage, 18–137 mm more than the controls at soil depth of 0–100 cm and 40–75 mm at soil depth of 100–200 cm. No significant differences in soil water storage were found between the T2, T3, T4 and the control treatments at soil depth of 0–100 cm, but soil water storage at soil depth of 100–200 cm was significantly higher for the T2, T3, T4 treatment than the control.Rainwater harvesting and moisture conservation treatments increased growth of T. ramosissima, tree height was significantly higher for the rainwater harvesting and moisture conservation treatments than the controls. Tree height, crown diameter and collar girth for the T6 treatments increased by 70, 57 and 79% as compared to the controls. No significant differences in crown diameter and collar girth were observed between T1, T2 and T3 or T4 and T5 treatments in some years. The effectiveness of the different treatments for the tree height, crown diameter and collar girth was in the order of T6, T5, T4, T3, T2 and T1.  相似文献   

滴灌在林业上应用的研究与进展*   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
综述了滴灌在林业上应用的研究与进展,指出滴灌在林业上主要应用于经济林培育中,在用材林、苗木培育上的应用较少。滴灌在多种树木上应用的研究表明,其可促进树木的生长和提高产量,同时可大幅度提高水分利用效率。而其增产和节水的原因在于对树叶水势、光合速率、气孔导度等生理指标以及土壤水分分布及运动特性的影响。此外,还对目前节水灌溉制度探索的研究进行了概括性的总结。最后,建议对滴灌的研究应进一步深入到对优化灌溉制度的探索中,而对优化灌溉制度的研究应依据植物或树木的生长节律、生理特性与土壤的水分运动特征来确定灌溉的开始时间、灌溉频率及灌水定额,从而科学地制定灌溉计划。  相似文献   

G. Singh   《Forest Ecology and Management》2009,258(11):2519-2528
Degraded Aravalli hills in western India require rehabilitation through resource conservation and afforestation for meeting the biomass needs of resource-poor tribes of the region. Rainwater harvesting treatments i.e., control, Contour trench (CT), Gradonie (G), Box trench (BT) and V-ditch (VD) were prepared in <10%, 10–20% and >20% slopes categories and Dendrocalamus strictus L. seedlings were planted in August 2005 with a view to conserve soil and water and increase the productivity of the hills. Soil water content (SWC), survival and height of D. strictus plants were highest (P < 0.05) in <10% slope and all these variables decreased with increase in slope. SWC increased by 27.45% and 25.68% in <10% and >20% slopes, respectively than in 10–20% slope. From lowest in control SWC increased by 11.95%, 20.21%, 17.61% and 11.49% in CT, G, BT and VD treatments, respectively. Growth variables were highest in VD plots but the increase in shoot number was highest (2.9-fold) in CT plots. Increase in effects of rainwater harvesting with time indicated by a change in production pattern from highest (P < 0.05) fresh and dry herbage in <10% slope in 2005 to 10–20% slope (24.66% and 26.09%) in 2006 and >20% slope (42.42% and 48.35%, respectively) in 2007. The increase in herbage was 1.17–2.40-fold in fresh and 1.20–2.52-fold in dry herbage over control. Highest (P < 0.01) production was in V-ditch plots. The treatments order for herbage production was C < CT < G < BT < VD. But the production was highest in BT in <10% and in V-ditch plots in 10–20 and >20% slopes. Conclusively, soil water status is affected by natural slope, stony soil surface and rainwater harvesting structures influencing seedling growth and herbage production. Box trench and V-ditch enhanced surface soil water facilitating herbage growth, whereas contour trench facilitated deep soil water storage, which was made available to the plants after monsoon. Thus rainwater harvesting practices enhanced vegetation cover and productivity of the degraded hills and can be replicated to conserve soil resource and increase biomass for rural poor of the region.  相似文献   

为了探索适于我国北方的雨水利用景观,通过调研以及多学科综合分析,在充分考虑雨水因素的前提下,遵循生态性原则、可持续发展原则和艺术性原则,提出邢台市东三环景观的设计构思、初步设计方案以及完整的雨水利用景观策略,形成景观明渠、下凹绿地汇集,雨水花园、人工湿地、透水铺装渗透过滤,旱溪、植草沟进行传输,蓄水模块和景观水体进行贮存利用的完整的雨水收集利用系统。经计算,该系统平均每年可收集雨水12 882.29m~3,创造价值51 529.16元,且对于增加生物多样性、调节城市小气候具有一定意义。  相似文献   

This field study started in July 1982 on a typical alkali soil (Aquic Natrustalf, ESP 99.7) examined the growth responses to some management practices in a unified system planned to establish agroforestry. The planting of 3 salt tolerant tree species with two methods: on flat natural surface (FSPB) without rainwater conservation and on ridges (0.6 m high, 1.5 m at top and 2.5 m at base) having parallel trenches of the same section to store 300 mm of monsoon rainwater; constituted the main plot treatments. The tree planting with and without forage grassDiplachne fusca linn. in the inter-row space and planting in shallow (15 × 60 cm) and deep (15 × 180 cm to cross hard pan) augerholes filled with amendment treated soil (2 kg gypsum, 8 kg FYM, 50 g N, 10 g zinc sulphate and original soil) formed the sub and sub-plot treatments replicated 4 times in a split-split plot design.The mean plant height ofEucalyptus tereticornis smith;Acacia nilotica L; andParkinsonia aculeata L. in 2 years period was 273 and 328, 240 and 240 and 211 and 199 cm respectively with and without rainwater conservation. The corresponding height of the 3 tree species was 314 and 287, 250 and 231 and 207 and 203 cm with and without grass in the inter-row space. Similarly the plant height was 247 and 354, 182 and 298, 172 and 238 in shallow and deep augerholes respectively. The tree height and basal diameter differences with and without rainwater conservation and grass growth remained non-significant but deep augerhole planting was markedly superior to the shallow augerhole planting. The 2 year biomass accumulation also followed the same trend. The grass competed with trees for moisture during hot dry summer months and increased plant mortality particularly in the shallow augerholes and more so on ridges. The plant roots, essentially, remained confined to the amended soil of the augerholes in FSPB but proliferated in the loose soil of ridges or grass and submergence ameliorated surface soil of trenches.Acacia nilotica accumulated low sodium and had the lowest Na:Ca and Na:K ratio. It was found more promising than eucalyptus and parkinsonia as it experienced low mortality and had better chemical constitution to tolerate adverse alkali soil environment. The rainwater conservation system needed further evaluation before drawing final conclusions.  相似文献   

毛竹林节水灌溉技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文采用固定喷灌的形式探讨了毛竹林节水灌溉技术.经研究表明,喷灌对毛竹林竹笋的生长具有多方面的影响,对竹笋数量、产量和品质的影响显著.不同的喷灌方式会形成不同的土壤湿度,采用喷灌2 d间隔2d一轮换的方式时竹笋数量、产量与平均单个竹笋重量等指标均表现最佳.土壤湿度越大,竹笋的个体发育质量越好,竹笋的数量和产量也越高.喷...  相似文献   

内蒙古磴口河套地区4a灌溉试验表明:(1)采用目前生产上的15000-22500m^3/(hm^2.a)灌溉量,使土壤表层的含盐量由灌溉前的0.5g/kg上升到1.0g/kg以上。(2)按合理灌水定额公式计算,年灌溉量以7500m^3/hm^2为宜;最佳含水率下限19.99%;在灌水期地下水位为1.97-3.02m,变幅1m左右(3)年灌水次数应控制在8-12次。  相似文献   

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