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To complement previously developed recombinant chromosomes 1R.1D, two series of translocations involving the Glu-D1 gene from chromosome ID to chromosome 1A were produced in hexaploid triticale. These series involve seven independent transfers of allele d encoding for high molecular weight glutenin subunits 5+10 and ten independent transfers involving allele a encoding for HMW glutenin subunits 2 + 12. The frequency of homoeologous recombination between chromosomes 1A and 1D was within the range observed for pairs of homologues in wheat, supporting earlier observations that homoeologous recombination in triticale is frequent. Recombined chromosomes 1A.1D can be used to introduce the Glu-D1 gene to durum wheats, and to manipulate the dosage of Glu-D1 in hexaploid triticale and bread wheat.  相似文献   

用核型和GiemsaC—带技术对六倍体小黑麦×普通小麦的杂种后代(F4)83C3796和83C3804混系今的非整倍体进行了分析。在74个随机抽样的细胞中,染色体数从35条到43条都有分布,比率分别是4.05%、5.40%、2.7O%、9.46%、9.46%、12.16%、12.16%、41.89%和2.70%.发生小麦染色体丢失的植株频率超过55.39%,2n-13植株出现的比率最低(占2.70%).并从一般核型中观察到染色体游离片段和染色体“断裂一融合”过程.C一带分析观察到高频率的小麦一黑麦染色体易位,都属罗伯逊易位.易位包含了小麦的A、B、D组染色体和黑麦所有14条染色体臂,其中IRS易位频率最高(占48.3%),且全为纯合易位,其它易位染色体纯合的程度各自不同.研究中还观察到在一个细胞中有多个小麦一黑麦染色体易位共存的现象.文中还讨论了易位非整倍体在小麦育种上的利用问题。  相似文献   

六倍体小黑麦品种资源的抗旱性聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本研究选用10个六倍体小黑麦品种(系)为材料,利用20%PEG-6000模拟干旱,检测各品种芽期的发芽势、发芽率、胚芽鞘长、主根长以及苗期的POD和SOD活性、相对含水量、MDA含量,并计算各性状的抗旱系数(T/CK),根据抗旱系数的欧氏距离将其聚为两大类,一类为抗旱性强的S1、S3、S5、S8、 S10,另一类为抗旱性弱的S2、S4、S6、S7、S9。同时,利用RAPD分子标记分析其遗传多样性,以0.34为阈值将其分为三类,其中S4、S5为一类;S1、S2、S3、S6、S7、S8、S9为一类, S10自成一类。对比分析发现抗旱性强的一类品种分散分布在分子标记的三大类群里,表明这些分子标记与品种的抗旱性不相关。但反过来可以说明这些抗旱性强的品种其遗传差异较大,遗传变异丰富,为在小麦或小黑麦的抗旱育种中更好地利用这些品种资源提供了依据。  相似文献   

A rye-cytoplasmic tetraploid triticale was found in Fs progenies of crosses between tetraploid rye‘No 1323’and hexaploid triticale‘KT 77′. In the tetraploid triticale, two complete rye genomes and two mixed wheat genomes, consisting of the chromosomes 1A. 2A, 4A, 7A, 3B, 5B, and 6B are present. The rye cytoplasm did not affect stability of rye chromosome pairing during metaphase 1, since rye chromosomes participated in pairing irregularities just as did wheat chramosomes, even on a larger scale. The fertility of F0, plants ranged from 0 to 75.6 %, always associated with high grain shrivelling. The analyzed pairing behaviour of induced triploid hybrids from crosses between the tetraploid triticale and diploid rye indicates the presence of at least one wheat-rye translocation in one of the investigated triploid plants.  相似文献   

Rht12是位于5A染色体上的显性矮秆基因.用带有该基因的普通小麦Bezostaya 1、Mercia作矮源与八倍体小黑麦杂交、回交,经自交和染色体数镜检及田间、室内选择,将Rht12基因导入八倍体小黑麦,获得了染色体数56的矮秆八倍体小黑麦株.在八倍体小黑麦遗传背景下,基因型纯合(Rht12Rht12)时降秆能力约为41.2%,杂合(Rht12rht12)时约为31.0%.小黑麦遗传背景对该基因有修饰作用.该基因增强了八倍体小黑麦的分蘖力,延迟了熟期,对籽粒饱满度有不利影响,尚需继续回交和选择.  相似文献   

Summary The study was undertaken to evaluate the relative efficiency of anther culture and chromosome elimination (by crosses with maize) techniques of haploid induction in intergenotypic triticale and triticale × wheat hybrids. For this, 15 triticale × wheat and 8 triticale × triticale F1 hybrids were subjected to anther culture and were also simultaneously crossed with the `Madgran Local' genotype of maize (Zea mays L.) to induce haploids through the chromosome elimination technique. The haploid embryo formation frequency through the chromosome elimination technique was significantly higher in both, triticale × wheat (20.4%) and triticale × triticale (17.0%) F1 genotypes, as compared to the calli induction frequencies through anther culture (1.6 and 1.4%, respectively). Further, four triticale × wheat and three triticale × triticale F1 genotypes failed to respond to anther culture, whereas, all the F1 genotypes formed sufficient number of haploid embryos through the chromosome elimination technique with no recovery of albino plantlets. The haploid plantlet regeneration frequencies were also significantly higher through the latter technique in both triticale × wheat (42.7%) and triticale × triticale (49.4%) F1s as compared to anther culture (8.2 and 4.0%, respectively), where the efficiency was drastically reduced by several constraints like, high genotypic specificity, low regeneration frequency and albinism. The overall success rates of obtaining doubled haploids per 100 pollinated florets/anthers cultured were also significantly higher through the chromosome elimination technique (1.1% in triticale × wheat and 1.5% in triticale × triticale hybrids), proving it to be a highly efficient and economically more viable technique of haploid induction as compared to anther culture, where the success rates were only 0.2% and 0.1%, respectively.  相似文献   

Basal leaf sections of Triticum aestivum L., cv. ‘Chinese Spring’, and XTriticosecale Wittmack cv.‘Welsh’were cultured on Kao's medium with 2 mg/l of 2,4-D. Callus was induced on the leaf sections at frequencies of 64 and 63 %, respectively, and plant-lets regenerated at 18 and 31 %, respectively. Compared to the controls, the regenerated plants showed higher frequencies of univalent chromosomes at meiosis and low frequencies of trivalents, and quadrivalents; indicating that the callus phase had induced low frequencies of chromosome irregularity.  相似文献   

The leaf rust resistance gene on chromosome 7AL of ‘Chinese Spring’ transfer no. 12 derived from Thinopyrum ponticum, was transferred to durum wheat by standard backcrossing. In ‘Agatha’ and ‘Indis’ a leaf rust resistance gene from Thinopyrum ponticum and Thinopyrum ponticum respectively, is found on a translocated segment on chromosome arm 7DL. The use of the ‘Langdon’ disomic D-chromosome substitution lines for 7A and 7B resulted in the recovery of tetraploid leaf-rust resistant lines from the crosses with ‘Agatha’ in the B2F1 generation. Tetraploid lines carrying the ‘Indis’ translocation segment were recovered in the B2F2 generation. The F2 segregation ratios for rust resistance after selfing or back-crossing generally fitted a 1: 1 ratio indicating non-transmission of the translocation segments in the male gametes. Homozygous resistant plants were not obtained. Meiotic instability was observed in 28 chromosome B2 F2 derivatives of the crosses between ‘Chinese Spring’ transfer no. 12 and durum wheat.  相似文献   

Lines of hexaploid triticale included in the 11th and 12th Eucarpia Triticale Yield Nurseries and the 18th and 19th International Triticale Yield Nurseries were karyotyped using C-banding. A new chromosome substitution, 6D(6A), was identified in both spring and winter triticales. It is likely that the substitution first appeared in the progenies of octoploid × hexaploid triticale hybrids at CIMMYT and within a few years spread to about one-fourth of spring materials. The 2D(2R) substitution appeared in winter triticales, probably by introgression from spring lines from CIMMYT.  相似文献   

W. Sodkiewicz 《Plant Breeding》1992,109(4):287-295
Four hexaploid triticale lines were crossed as females with a T. monococcum×S. cereale amphiploid (AmAmRR), with the aim of introducing the genetic material of diploid wheat. F1-plants (AmABRR)were back-crossed with a parental form of 6×-triticale as male and progenies were subjected to four different types of pollination with the aim of finding the optimal one in respect to gradual stabilization of introgressive hexaploid karyotypes. Beginning with BC1-plants, a strong tendency to decrease the somatic chromosome number was observed. In subsequent generations this was accompanied by the decrease of seed germination and plant fertility. Both of these characters showed statistically significant dependence on somatic chromosome number variation which was analyzed in BC1/F2 and BC2 populations. Based on spike fertility, an effective selection pressure was applied to restitute the hexaploid chromosome number. In the BC1/F4 generation, the first morphologically uniform secondary hexaploid lines were selected. 11.4% of the lines showed a non-waxy spike — a morphological marker transmitted from T. monococcum.  相似文献   

全谷物黑色食品越来越受到广大消费者的青睐。黑小麦既属于全谷物原料又属于黑色食品。论述了运城市优质特色专用黑小麦产业发展的优势条件及建议,对黑小麦产业发展具有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Differential chromosome staining by using the Giemsa C- banding technique and test crosses have revealed rye chroma tin in the hexaploid wheat variety ‘Amigo’ which resulted from wheat crosses with the octoploid triticale ‘Gaucho’. The results demonstrated a pair of translocated wheat chromosomes involving the short arm of rye chromosome 1R and the long arm of the homoeologous wheat chromosome 1A (1Aq/1Rp translocation). The localization of the translocation breakpoint is supposed 10 be within the centromeric region.  相似文献   

A fragment of chromosome 1DL of breadwheat (Triticum aestivum L.) with the locus Glu-D1 encoding high molecular weight glutenin subunits 5+10 was translocated in hexaploid triticale (× Triticosecale Wittmack) to chromosome 1RL of rye (Secale cereale L.) where it replaced a corresponding fragment containing locus Sec-3 encoding rye secalins. The translocated chromosome 1R was transferred to diploid rye through backcrosses. During the transfer, at least two crossover events must have taken place that reduced the lengths of the 1DL inserts to about 5–8% of 1RL. These short inserts were selected on the basis of normal male transmission from heterozygotes and by low pairing with chromosome 1D in the F1 hybrids with wheat, and tested by the in situ hybridization with total genomic DNA. While the wheat introgression in rye did not affect plant morphology or fertility, preliminary observations of the first population of homozygotes suggested that grain yield was lower, probably as a result of about 15% reduction of the 1000 kernel weight. The presence of a single wheat glutenin locus was insufficient to create rye with wheat-like breadmaking properties. However, relative to controls, the SDS-sedimentation value increased by about 75% and loaf volume was greater in test bakes using the procedure adapted for wheat-rye blends. Loaf volume for bread baked using the procedure for rye flour was not affected. Ryes with various glutenin subunits could be used in wheat-rye blends. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Effect of variation at Glu-D1 on club wheat end-use quality   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Club wheats (Triticum aestivum L.), having the allele at the C locus conferring short spike rachis internodes and giving compact appearance of spikes, which have unique and highly desirable soft white wheat end-use quality characteristics are a vital submarket class of soft white wheat in the US Pacific Northwest. Two important varieties, ‘Tyee’ and ‘Albit’, are heterogeneous for high molecular weight glutenin subunits 2 + 12 and 5 + 10 encoded by the Glu-D1 locus. Replicated near-isogenic lines (NILs) of club wheats ‘Tyee’ and ‘Albit’ were grown in four field environments and used to determine the effect of Glu-D1 coded high molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMWGS) 5 + 10 and 2 + 12 on various end-use quality traits. The greatest effect of variation at this locus was observed for mixing time to peak, where there was significant variation (P < 0.01) between each 5 + 10 and 2 + 12 NIL group in each environment. Mixing time values for the 2 + 12 NILs for both ‘Albit’ and ‘Tyee’ ranged from 0.60 to 1.23 min lower than the 5 + 10 NILs. Mean values for traits mixing time to peak, cake volume, and viscosity were more favourable for the 2 + 12 NIL groups for all genotypes in all environments. No effects of these HMWGS were detected for test weight, kernel hardness, whole wheat protein, flour yield, ash, flour protein or cookie diameter. Selection for HMWGS 2 + 12 in club wheat breeding programmes should have positive effects on end-use quality.  相似文献   

程治军 《作物学报》1996,22(5):613-616
用杂交、回交方法,将农林10号的矮秆基因导入八倍体小黑麦Y1139F_7中。和预期的一样,在不涉及R组染色体重组的情况下,导入后的八倍体小黑麦种子饱满度并未下降,还略有提高。这是利用直接导入法导入普通小麦有利基因于八倍体小黑麦的第一个实例.为“未经改良的R组染色体对八倍体小黑麦的种子饱满度有干扰作用”提供了间接的证据。  相似文献   

Grain protein compositions of 106 advanced generation backcross lines from crosses involving ‘Amigo’ (1AL.1RS), ‘Aurora’, ‘Kavkaz’, ‘Skorospelka-35’ and ‘Sunbird’ (all 1BL.1RS) and ‘Gabo’ 1DL.1RS parents and 152 cultivars with unknown pedigree were analysed by one-dimensional SDS-PAGE. Eighty seven backcross lines and 16 cultivars carried one or other of these translocations, 2 cultivars had a 1R (1B) substitution, whereas 5 backcross lines were found to be heterogeneous for the 1BL.1RS translocation. The translocation lines were easily identified by the presence of secalins (Sec-1) controlled by rye chromosome arm IRS and a simultaneous loss of the gliadin (Gli-1) and/or triticin (Tri-1) protein bands controlled by the replaced wheat chromosome arm (1AS, 1BS or 1DS). Certain gliadins, showing no allelic variation among the genotypes analysed, were identified as markers for chromosome arms 1AS (Mr= 34 kd) and IBS (Mr= 42,33 kd). The whole chromosome substitutions 1R (1B) were recognized by scoring for the presence of Sec-1 and HMW secalin bands, Sec-3 (controlled by rye chromosome arm 1RL) and the absence of Gli-B1 and HMW glutenin subunits, Glu-B1 (controlled by wheat chromosome arm 1BL). The results have shown that protein electrophoresis provides a rapid and reliable technique for screening genotypes for these translocations and substitutions in a breeding programme.  相似文献   

Bronco 90 is an advanced line of hexaploid triticale and was reported to be a 2D(2R) chromosome substitution type. In F1 hybrids of this triticale with bread wheat, however, a meiotic configuration of 16 bivalents and 10 univalents was frequently observed indicating the presence of an additional D(R) chromosome substitution or D/R translocation. To determine the chromosome constitution of Bronco 90, C-banding and fluorescent in situ hybridization techniques were applied to somatic and meiotic metaphase chromosomes. These analyses revealed that in Bronco 90, the terminal 7% of the long arm of rye chromosome 5R is derived from the long arm of chromosome 4D. This translocated chromosome (5RS.5RL-4DL) and telosome 4DL formed metaphase I bonds at a frequency of 71%, demonstrating the significance of small terminal chromosome segments for pairing. This novel rye-wheat translocation is probably generated by homoeologous crossing-over because the distal region of 5RL is known to be homoeologous to that of 4DL. Possible association of this translocation with the absence of hairy peduncle character in Bronco 90 is discussed. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

ω-黑麦碱是造成小麦1B/1R易位系加工品质差的一个重要因素,为探索解决这一问题,构建了ω-黑麦碱基因沉默表达载体,并通过农杆菌介导转化小麦品种金禾9123,获得3个T_0代转基因植株,再经连续的扩繁和PCR检测,获得纯合转基因T_4代株系。酸性PAGE检测结果表明,这些纯合转基因株系中ω-黑麦碱的总表达量平均下降53%。这些ω-黑麦碱基因沉默的转基因株系的面筋指数、沉降值和稳定时间均显著提高,而其农艺性状,如株高、穗粒数、千粒重和小区产量,均没有受到不良影响,说明沉默ω-黑麦碱基因可以在不影响产量的前提下提高小麦1B/1R易位系的加工品质。  相似文献   

谷蛋白亚基组成对小麦加工品质具有重要作用。以豫麦34、藁城8901和中优9507为优质亲本,以轮选987、石4185和周麦16为农艺回交亲本,采用5+10亚基和1B/1R易位分子标记结合田间农艺性状选择,育成4个BC2F4群体共125个高代品系。2008—2009年度,将这些高代品系分别种植于北京和河南安阳,分析了5+10亚基和1B/1R易位对蛋白质含量、和面时间和峰值曲线面积等品质参数的影响。4个群体中蛋白质含量与和面时间、峰值曲线面积等参数变幅较大,后代品系间品质差异明显,5+10亚基可显著增加和面时间和峰值曲线面积,1B/1R易位对和面时间和峰值曲线面积的作用则受遗传背景的影响。和面时间和峰值曲线面积等主要品质参数还受亚基表达量的影响,和面时间和峰值曲线面积与低分子量谷蛋白亚基含量显著正相关(r = 0.38~0.74,P < 0.05),导入5+10亚基可显著增加高分子量和低分子量谷蛋白亚基含量;Glu-B3位点等位基因的变化对高分子量谷蛋白亚基含量的影响不显著,对低分子量谷蛋白亚基含量的影响则因组合而异。通过有限回交,育种早代在室内采用5+10优质亚基和1B/1R易位分子标记辅助选择,结合田间农艺性状选择,可以加速培育优质新品种。  相似文献   

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