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等氮条件下有机无机肥配比对水稻产量的影响探讨   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
利用湖南省9个稻田生态系统长期定位监测点(1986年-1999年)资料,分析了不同施肥制度下稻谷产量和土壤肥力的差异,着重探讨了等氮投入条件下有机无机肥配比对产量和土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:与无肥处理相比较,长期施用化肥的增产率为115%(早稻)和68%(晚稻),低量有机肥施用为128%(早稻)和79%(晚稻),高量有机肥为123%(早稻)和79%(晚稻)。水稻生长期间的矿质养分供应是引起试验期间不同施肥方式下稻谷产量差异的主要原因。对不同处理之间经济产量的差异进行了分析,低量有机肥与化肥处理产量差呈现先增加后降低的趋势,低量有机肥与高量有机肥处理产量差呈逐步降低的趋势。说明等氮投入条件下不同施肥方式对产量影响的差异可能只是试验时间较短情况下出现的暂时现象,随着培肥时间的延长和基础地力的提高,当土壤本身可以提供较多的矿质养分时,施肥方式之间的差异将降低。对土壤肥力变化分析表明,化肥单施在提供速效养分的同时也具有培肥土壤的能力,明显提高了土壤中各养分含量,但其效果低于有机无机肥配施处理。高量有机肥土壤养分含量均高于低量有机肥处理。  相似文献   

祝海竣  唐舟  石爱龙  文天  文璨  薛华良  王学华 《土壤》2022,54(4):700-707
针对湘北地区农业水资源日益紧缺和水稻生产上滥施化学氮肥的现状,为了节约淡水资源、降低化肥用量、实现水肥协同和资源高效利用,设置2种灌溉方式(W1:全生育期淹水灌溉;W2:全生育期湿润灌溉)和4个施氮水平(N0:不施氮肥;N1:施N量150 kg/hm2,肥料为尿素氮100%;N2:施N量150 kg/hm2,肥料为尿素氮80%+有机氮(菜枯)20%;N3:施N量150 kg/hm2,肥料为尿素氮60%+有机氮(菜枯)40%),分析水稻产量、光合特性、氮素代谢和氮肥利用率对灌溉模式和有机肥配施的响应规律。结果表明:与W1相比,W2显著增加水稻产量、氮肥利用率、净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度等;在不同施氮处理下,增加有机肥比例能显著提高产量,N3、N2、N1分别比N0  相似文献   

基于长期测坑定位试验,连续两年研究了不同施肥方式对上海地区高产杂交水稻‘花优14’干物质积累规律、产量和肥料利用率的影响,以期为上海地区稻田科学的养分管理提供理论依据。试验设置4个处理:不施肥(CK)、单施化肥处理[CT,300 kg(N)×hm~(-2),60 kg(P2O5)?hm~(-2)和60 kg(K2O)?hm~(-2)]、有机无机配施处理(MT,与CT等氮磷钾,80%尿素+20%有机肥,磷钾不足部分以化肥补充)和单施有机肥处理(OT,与CT处理等氮量),分析了不同施肥处理下水稻干物质积累特征、产量结构、肥料利用率和经济效益的差异。结果表明,水稻生育期干物质量积累符合Logistic方程。MT年平均干物质最大积累速率达0.78 kg?hm~(-2)?d~(-1),分别比OT和CK显著高0.17 kg?hm~(-2)?d~(-1)和0.19 kg?hm~(-2)?d~(-1),与CT之间无显著差异。MT灌浆期同化物输入对籽粒贡献率为76.3%,与CT差异不显著,但比OT和CK处理分别显著提高9.4%和5.2%。水稻收获后,MT的年平均产量分别比CT、OT和CK处理高3.5%、15.6%和63.4%,氮素农学利用率分别较CT和OT提高9.7%和53.7%。有机肥结合化肥施用能够显著提高水稻干物质积累速率并促进花后同化产物向籽粒的输入,从而提高产量,在保证水稻经济效益的同时减少化肥投入,提高了肥料利用率,是较优的施肥方式。  相似文献   

采用田间小区试验,研究稻草、猪粪、猪粪堆肥或沼渣沼液与化肥配施对双季稻田土壤养分利用与渗漏淋失的影响。结果表明,有机肥与化肥配施有利于提高稻田土壤中N、P、K养分和有机质含量,降低稻田渗漏液中TN、TP、NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度,促进水稻养分吸收与利用。其中,以20%的猪粪堆肥氮与化肥配施效果较好,与施纯化肥相比,1年后土壤中全氮、全磷、全钾和有机质含量分别提高了2.59%,0.87%,0.15%和21.45%,碱解氮、速效磷、速效钾含量分别提高3.31%,3.22%和12.24%;氮、磷、钾肥料利用率分别提高5.22%,0.55%,3.50%;水稻地上部氮、磷、钾养分累积量分别提高7.83,0.33,3.14g/kg;水稻生长期稻田渗漏液中TN、TP、NH4+-N、NO3--N浓度明显降低;早稻增产19.65%,晚稻无明显减产。  相似文献   

采煤塌陷新复垦土壤有效氮含量低而有机无机培肥过程中氮有效性变化尚不明确,依托定位培肥试验基地(山西省孝义市水峪煤矿采煤塌陷复垦土壤),设置8个不同处理包括3个有机无机不同用量配施处理(鸡粪与化肥1∶1氮量在100,150,200 kg/hm~2配施,表示为MF100、MF150、MF200),与单施不同用量化肥氮(0,100,150,200 kg/hm~2,表示为IF0、IF100、IF150、IF200)相比较,以不施肥为对照(CK)。通过测定玉米产量、植株吸氮量、氮肥利用率及作物收获后土壤剖面矿质氮含量,确定适合该矿区复垦土壤施肥处理和最佳氮肥用量,从而为高产高效培肥矿区复垦土壤提供科学理论依据。结果表明:(1)施氮量为150 kg/hm~2的等养分条件下,MF150比IF150玉米籽粒产量提高了12.45%,差异显著(P0.05);同时MF150处理与IF200、MF200处理间差异均不显著(P0.05)。(2)玉米地上部吸氮量随施氮量的增加而增加,且等氮量条件下,鸡粪和化肥配施能显著提高玉米吸氮量(P0.05),增幅为39.45%~41.46%。(3)等氮量条件下,鸡粪和化肥配施较单施化肥处理能显著提高氮肥回收率;不同施肥模式的氮肥偏生产力均随施氮量的增加呈现下降趋势;IF100处理氮肥农学利用率最高为24.08 kg/kg,并且该处理与MF150无显著差异,而等氮量下MF150较IF150处理的氮肥农学效率显著增加(提高了49.56%)。(4)作物收获后0—40 cm土壤剖面矿质氮含量随土层深度而增加,但是等氮量各施肥处理间无显著差异,40—60 cm剖面中单施化肥氮各处理矿质氮残留量较配施各处理提高了约18%。总之,MF150施肥处理不仅提高作物产量、吸氮量和氮肥利用率,而且土壤剖面矿质氮残留较少,可作为培肥该矿区复垦土壤或与本试验土壤类型相似的低产农田的推荐施肥量。  相似文献   

土壤盐渍化造成氮素的损失,限制了作物对氮素的有效利用。为研究滨海盐渍化农田等氮量投入条件下,有机无机肥配施对农田土壤盐分和作物氮素养分吸收利用及氮平衡的影响,以江苏东台滩涂围垦农田为研究平台,选取玉米品种‘长江玉8号’为供试作物,设6个处理:不施肥(CK)、全有机肥(OM1)、1/4化肥+3/4有机肥(OM3/4)、1/2化肥+1/2有机肥(OM1/2)、3/4化肥+1/4有机肥(OM1/4)、全化肥(OM0)。在玉米播种前、生长期和收获后采集土样,同时在收获后采集植株样品,分析土壤盐分、pH、水分、无机氮含量和玉米植株不同部位的氮含量和累积量,计算氮肥利用效率和氮平衡。结果表明:1)有机肥代替部分化肥的施入,降低了滨海盐渍化农田土壤的电导率,且呈现出随有机肥施用量增加电导率逐渐降低的趋势,但其对土壤pH影响不显著。2)有机肥的施入提高了土壤有机质含量,改善了土壤结构,降低了土壤容重,同时提高了土壤含水率,增强了土壤的持水性能。3)就不同处理玉米产量和吸氮量来看,OM1/4处理玉米产量、籽粒含氮量和全植株吸氮量最高。同时,氮收获指数、氮肥当季回收率、氮肥农学效率和氮肥偏生产力等指标也较高。4)就氮素平衡状况来看,氮素输入量远大于作物吸收量和土壤残留量,有很大一部分无机氮损失掉。其中,OM1/4处理氮素表观损失量较小。综合有机无机肥配施对降低土壤盐分和作物养分吸收利用两者来看,在225 kg·hm-2氮用量条件下,OM1/4处理效果最好,既能在一定程度上降低土壤含盐量,又能维持较高的作物产量和氮素利用效率。同时对于改善土壤结构,提高土壤的保水性和土壤有机质含量都具有重要意义。  相似文献   

为系统研究硝态氮、铵态氮及二者不同配施比例对土壤养分供应与水稻生长情况的影响,通过田间小区试验,在相同施氮量条件下,研究了单施硝态氮(N),单施铵态氮(A),硝态氮、铵态氮按1︰3(N1A3)、2︰2(N2A2)、3︰1(N3A1)比例配施对水稻产量、田间养分和氮素利用率的影响,并与农民习惯性施肥方式(U)作比较。研究结果表明:整个生育期内铵态氮对水稻的生长都起着主要作用,铵态氮通过提高水稻氮素利用率和促进水稻有效分蘖的方式提高了水稻产量。随着铵态氮的配施比例由25%提高到75%,水稻的产量提高了35.18%、氮素利用率提高了46.67%,每公顷产生的经济收益增加了6820.15元。A处理土壤中硝态氮、铵态氮和碱解氮的含量较N处理显著增加36.41%、30.30%和8.42%,水稻产量提高了60.11%,氮素利用率提高了171.31%,有效穗数增加了52.31%,相较农民习惯性施肥,单施铵态氮处理每公顷还能增收522.91元。在0~180 kg/hm2的施氮量范围内,水稻产量(y)与铵态氮施用量(x2)呈显著正相关,二者之间关系为y=18.0...  相似文献   

在等氮量替代条件下,以武运粳29号为供试材料,设置不施氮肥(M0)作为空白对照,单施化肥(M1),以及25%有机肥(M2)、50%有机肥(M3)、75%有机肥(M4)、100%有机肥(M5)替代化肥6个处理,研究有机-无机肥不同配施比例对水稻氮素吸收利用率的影响。结果表明:(1)在水稻生育前期,化肥施用比例高的处理土壤速效氮含量高;到水稻生育后期,有机肥替代比例高的处理土壤速效氮含量高。(2)50%有机肥替代化肥水稻产量最高。(3)50%有机肥替代化肥能够显著提高水稻的氮素累积量。(4)100%有机肥替代化肥处理水稻氮素籽粒生产效率最低,单施化肥处理水稻氮素籽粒生产效率最高。(5)50%有机肥替代化肥,在保证水稻高产的同时,显著增加水稻氮素累积量,并使水稻氮肥农学利用率、氮肥吸收利用率、氮肥偏生产力均得到明显提高。说明提高水稻氮素吸收利用效率,在等氮量替代条件下,50%有机肥替代化肥是一种相对适宜的比例。  相似文献   

种植翻压紫云英配施化肥对稻田土壤活性有机碳氮的影响   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
依托长期种植紫云英定位试验,以不施肥(CK)为对照,研究化肥(100%F)、紫云英配施100%、80%、60%和40%化肥(G+100%F、G+80%F、G+60%F、G+40%F)以及紫云英(G)对土壤活性有机碳氮、水稻产量、氮肥利用率及其他土壤养分的影响。结果表明,与对照不施肥相比,单施化肥对土壤水溶性有机碳(WSOC)的影响很小,土壤水溶性有机氮(WSON)和微生物生物量碳氮(SMBC、SMBN)含量分别增加了20.61%、10.49%和2.20%;单施紫云英处理土壤WSOC、WSON、SMBC和SMBN含量分别增加了25.52%、36.30%、19.16%和10.37%;紫云英配施化肥增加了土壤WSOC、WSON、SMBC和SMBN的含量,增幅分别为12.99%~22.80%、26.66%~56.61%、19.01%~29.56%和16.08%~32.90%。施肥提高了土壤活性有机碳氮占土壤有机碳(SOC)、全氮(TN)的比例,紫云英配施化肥和单施紫云英效果优于单施化肥。土壤活性有机碳氮与水稻产量、SOC、TN和铵态氮(NH_4~+-N)呈显著或极显著正相关。施肥增加水稻产量,G+80%F最高(10026kg hm~(-2))。与100%F相比,化肥减施20%~40%水稻不减产,同时氮肥农学效率和氮肥偏生产力提高,增幅分别为11.64%~149.65%和2.66%~149.92%,土壤SOC、TN和NH_4~+-N含量增加,土壤有效磷和速效钾降低。综合考虑水稻产量、氮肥利用率和土壤肥力,紫云英翻压22500 kg hm~(-2)、磷钾肥常规用量、氮肥减施20%时最优。  相似文献   

有机无机肥配施对玉米-豇豆种植系统土壤N2O排放的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在等施氮量条件下,比较有机肥与无机肥施用后旱地玉米-豇豆复种系统土壤硝化与反硝化作用、N_2O排放与作物产量的变化,有助于正确认识肥料施用对N_2O排放的影响,为制定大田合理的丰产减排措施提供理论依据。本研究通过田间试验,利用静态箱技术和BaPS气压过程分离技术研究了不同肥料类型处理(无机肥、有机肥、有机无机肥配施)下玉米-豇豆种植系统土壤N_2O排放、硝化与反硝化作用的变化特征。结果表明:1)相对于单施无机肥或有机肥,有机无机肥配施可显著降低土壤硝化作用速率;在玉米生长季,有机无机肥配施处理平均土壤硝化作用速率分别比化肥和有机肥处理显著降低了28.74%和13.96%,豇豆生长季显著降低了24.66%和13.28%。土壤反硝化作用速率在各施肥处理间差异不显著。2)有机无机肥配施显著降低土壤N_2O排放;在玉米生长季,有机无机肥配施处理分别比无机肥处理和有机肥处理显著降低33.44%和32.29%,在豇豆生长季分别显著降低27.00%和15.14%。3)相关分析表明,土壤N_2O排放与硝化作用速率呈极显著相关,而与反硝化作用速率呈不显著相关。4)有机无机配施处理玉米和豇豆产量最高。因此,有机无机肥配施能有效降低玉米-豇豆系统土壤N_2O排放和提高作物产量,是一项丰产低N_2O排放的施肥技术,但长期有机无机肥配施对土壤N_2O排放和作物产量的影响还需要进一步研究。  相似文献   

稻田垄作免耕对土壤团聚体和有机质的影响   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
该文以1990年建立的耕作制定位试验田紫色水稻土为研究对象,分析了冬水田(FPF)、水旱轮作(CR)和垄作免耕(RNT)3种耕作方式对土壤团聚体组成和有机质的影响。结果表明,垄作免耕减少了对土壤大团聚体的破坏,在0~10 cm土层,垄作免耕大团聚体含量分别是冬水田和水旱轮作的1.48和1.32倍,微团聚体含量则显著降低;在 >10~20 cm土层有相同的趋势。3种耕作条件下,有机碳和氮在团聚体中的分布模式类似,均有向大团聚体富集的趋势,但垄作免耕条件下土壤有机碳和氮质量分数显著高于冬水田和水旱轮作。对土壤颗粒有机质(POM)的分析结果表明,垄作免耕0~10 cm土层轻质组分(LF)的质量分数(1.92 g/kg)与水旱轮作(1.70 g/kg)差异不显著,但显著高于冬水田(1.42 g/kg)。冬水田、水旱轮作和垄作免耕的0~10 cm土层,团聚体内总颗粒有机质(total iPOM)质量分数分别为0.96,1.12,2.14 g/kg;垄作免耕土壤团聚体内细颗粒有机质(fine iPOM)分别为冬水田和水旱轮作土壤的3.02和2.46倍,占总POM差异的57%和66%。垄作免耕土壤团聚体内粗颗粒有机质(coarse iPOM)分别为冬水田和水旱轮作土壤的1.56和1.40倍,占总POM差异的18%和19%。在>10~20 cm土层有相似的趋势,但在>10~20 cm层土壤粗iPOM的差异对总POM差异的贡献较0~10 cm层大。垄作免耕减少了对大团聚体的破坏并促进微团聚体向大团聚体团聚;降低了团聚体的周转速率,促进了细iPOM的固定,利于紫色水稻土对碳的固定和积累。  相似文献   

长期施用有机肥或有机无机肥配施显著提高潮土各组复合体中的有机质含量,但只能提高旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土G2组复合体中的有机质含量,增加的有机质主要累积于G2和G1组复合体中。长期单施化肥降低潮土各组复合体中的有机质含量,对旱地红壤和红壤性水稻土各组复合体中的有机质含量影响不大。长期施肥对土壤有机无机复合体中微量元素的影响,在不同土壤和不同施肥处理中不完全相同。相关分析表明,复合体中的有机质、微量元素含量与作物产量之间的相关性不高,因此,不宜用复合体中的有机质含量或微量元素含量来判断土壤肥力高低。  相似文献   

水旱轮作地区土壤长期休闲与耕种的肥力效应   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
长期定位试验水旱轮作地区土壤长期休闲和耕种对土壤肥力的影响研究结果表明,长期休闲土壤有机质、全N含量显著高于连续种植作物的土壤,其差异随土壤深度的增加而减小;休闲地15cm以上土层土壤N素矿化势高于耕种地;耕种土壤连续施入猪粪、作物秸秆等有机肥可保持与休闲土壤相当或远高于休闲土壤的有效磷水平,单施化肥或不施肥料的耕种土壤有效磷均低于休闲土壤;休闲和耕种对15-30cm土层土壤缓效钾含量无影响响,15cm以上土层土壤缓效钾含量休闲高于耕种;休闲土壤速效钾含量在整个耕作层(30cm)均高于耕种土壤;休闲土壤PH值略低于耕种土壤。  相似文献   


A long-term fertilizer experiment was initiated in kharif 2007 in a maize–wheat sequence at the Experimental Farm of Department of Soil Science, Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya, Palampur under the network of All India Coordinated Research Project on Soil Test Crop Response (STCR) Correlation Studies. The experiment consisted of eight treatments (control, general recommended dose, soil test based, farmers’ practice, target yield of 25 (rabi)/30 (kharif) and 35 (rabi)/40 (kharif) q ha?1 either with or without 5 t ha?1 farm yard manure) replicated thrice in a randomized block design. All the passive and active pools of soil organic matter (SOM) were highest under STCR treatments for target yield 35 q ha?1 + farmyard manure (FYM). The highest value of both humic and fulvic acids under STCR treatment for target yield 35 q ha?1 with FYM was statistically at par with treatment for target yield 25 q ha?1 with FYM. The R2 value indicated that about 96% to 98% of the total variation in grain yield was attributable to SOM fractions. The contribution of all fractions of SOM towards the total variation in straw yield was 96% to 97%.  相似文献   

黄淮海平原集约种植条件下土壤有机质动态模拟   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A modified CQESTR model, a simple yet useful model frequently used for estimating carbon sequestration in agricultural soils, was developed and applied to evaluate the effects of intensive cropping on soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics and mineralization as well as to estimate carbon dioxide emission from agricultural soils at seven sites on the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China. The model was modified using site-specific parameters from short- and mid-term buried organic material experiments at four stages of biomass decomposition. The predicted SOM results were validated using independent data from seven long-term (10- to 20-year) soil fertility experiments in this region. Regression analysis on 1 151 pairs of predicted and measured SOM data had an r2 of 0.91 (P≤0.01). Therefore, the modified model was able to predict the mineralization of crop residues, organic amendments, and native SOM. Linear regression also showed that SOM mineralization rate (MR) in the plow layer increased by 0.22% when annual crop yield increased by 1 t ha^-1 (P ≤ 0.01), suggesting an improvement in SOM quality. Apparently, not only did the annual soil respiration efftux merely reflect the intensity of soil organism and plant metabolism, but also the SOM MR in the plow layer. These results suggested that the modified model was simple yet valuable in predicting SOM trends at a single agricultural field and could be a powerful tool for estimating C-storage potential and reconstructing C storage on the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China.  相似文献   

The formation of soil organo-mineral complexes is a key reaction in the carbon cycle in soil, since organic materials acquire a resistance to decomposition due to the formation of the complexes. Adsorption of dissolved organic matter (DOM) onto soil minerals provides a model of this important process. Adsorption of DOM onto samples from Andisols, Inceptisols, and Entisols in batch experiments was compared in terms of the quantitative relationship between the soil properties and the adsorption behavior of DOM. Adsorption behavior was effectively described by a linear initial mass (IM) isotherm, indicating that the adsorption efficiency did not appreciably decline in the range studied even though a large amount of DOM was applied to the soil samples. Samples from Andisols showed a particularly high efficiency of adsorption compared with those from other soils which contained a comparable amount of organic carbon. Explanatory variables useful to predict the efficiency parameter were investigated in 2 steps: firstly the degree of carbon accumulation in the soil samples was examined, and next an index for the amount of ligand exchange sites was examined in combination with the former indices. As a result, an index comprising the total carbon/clay (or total carbon/specific surface area) ratio and the amount of hydroxy ions in the soil extracts with NaF solution was eventually detected. The former represents the degree of carbon occupation on the soil surface, and the latter the amount of ligand exchange sites on labile aluminum. Although the mechanisms involved in the adsorption varied among soils, the selected index was significantly correlated with the adsorption efficiency.  相似文献   

可溶性有机物对土壤中绿麦隆吸附与解吸的影响   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
A batch equilibrium techniques was used to examine the effect of dissolved organic matter (DOM) extracted from both non-treated sludge (NTS) and heat-expanded sludge (HES) on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron (3-(3-chloro-p-tolyl)-1,1-dimethylurea) in two types of soils, a yellow fluvo-aquic and a red soil from China. Without DOM,sorption of chlorotoluron was significantly greater (P 〈 0.05) in the red soil than in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil. However,with DOM the effect was dependent on the soil type and nature of DOM. Chlorotoluron sorption was lower in the yellow fluvo-aquic soil than in the red soil, suggesting that with the same DOM levels the yellow fluvo-aquic soil had a lower sorption capacity for this herbicide. Application of DOM from both NTS and HES led to a general decrease in sorption to the soils and an increase in desorption from the soils. Desorption of chlorotoluron also significantly increased (P 〈 0.05) with an increase in the DOM concentration. Additionally, for sorption and desorption, at each DOM treatment level the NTS treatments were significantly lower (P 〈 0.05) than the HES treatments. This implied that non-treated sludge had a greater effect on the sorption and desorption of chlorotoluron than heat-expanded sludge.  相似文献   


Zinc fractions occurring in five wetland soils as a function of organic matter application and soil redox potential were studied under laboratory conditions. The results indicate that a large portion of native or added Zn is bound to the soil mineral component. Exchangeable and organic complexed Zn and Zn bound to amorphous and crystalline sesquioxides were found to be in dynamic equilibrium. Exchangeable and complexed Zn were positively correlated with both native and/or added organic matter, while Zn bound to the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxides were negatively correlated with added organic matter. As soil redox potential decreased, the amount of exchangeable and organic complexed Zn decreased, while Zn bound to the amorphous and crystalline sesquioxides increased. Zinc fractions examined varied, depending upon soil cation exchange capacity, clay and organic carbon content.  相似文献   

 The impact of land use (unfertilized continuous maize cropping, unfertilized and fertilized alley cropping with maize, Gliricidia sepium tree fallow, natural fallow) on the soil organic matter (SOM) status and general soil fertility characteristics were investigated for a series of soils representative for the West African moist savanna zone. Three soils from the humid forest zone were also included. In an associated pot experiment, relationships between maize N and P uptake and SOM and general soil characteristics were developed. Soils under natural fallow contained the highest amount of organic C (1.72%), total N (0.158%), and had the highest effective cation exchange capacity (ECEC) [8.9 mEq 100 g–1 dry soil], while the Olsen P content was highest in the fertilized alley cropping plots (13.7 mg kg–1) and lowest under natural fallow (6.3 mg kg–1). The N concentration of the particulate organic matter (POM) was highest in the unfertilized alley cropping plots (2.4%), while the total POM N content was highest under natural fallow (370 mg N kg–1) and lowest in continuously cropped plots (107 mg N kg–1). After addition of all nutrients except N, a highly significant linear relationship (R 2=0.91) was observed between the total N uptake in the shoots and roots of 7-week-old maize and the POM N content for the savanna soils. POM in the humid forest soils was presumably protected from decomposition due to its higher silt and clay content. After addition of all nutrients except P, the total maize P uptake was linearly related to the Olsen P content. R 2 increased from 0.56 to 0.67 in a multiple linear regression analysis including the Olsen P content and clay content (which explained 11% of the variation in P uptake). Both the SOM status and N availability were shown to be improved in land-use systems with organic matter additions, while only the addition of P fertilizer could improve P availability. Received: 9 April 1999  相似文献   

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