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1. Bacterial resistance to β-lactam antibiotics has risen dramatically in Escherichia coli from food animals. In a previous study, 29 randomly selected chicken products, collected in Portugal, were analysed for the presence of extended-spectrum β-lactamases (ESBLs)-producing E. coli; and during this study the genetic characterisation of ESBLs genes was investigated.

2. The presence of genes encoding TEM, OXA, SHV, and CTX-M type beta-lactamases was studied by PCR followed by sequencing. Additionally, other mechanisms of antimicrobial resistance, phylogenetic groups and the presence of virulence determinants were evaluated among the isolates.

3. β-lactamases genes were identified as follows: bla CTX-M-14 (n?=?4), bla CTX-M-1 (n?=?2), bla CTX-M-9 (n?=?4) and bla TEM-52 (n?=?13). Mutations at positions ?42, ?18, ?1, and +58 of ampC promoter region were identified in 4 non-ESBL-producing isolates. The tet(A) or tet(B) genes were identified in all tetracycline-resistant isolates; the aadA gene detected in 8 of 10 streptomycin-resistant isolates; the aac(3)-II gene in all gentamicin-resistant isolates; the cmlA gene in the chloramphenicol-resistant isolate; and sul1 and/or sul2 and/or sul3 genes were found in all trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-resistant isolates. The intI1 gene was detected in 8 trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole-resistant isolates and the intI2 gene in 4 isolates; one gene cassette arrangements were identified among class 1 integrons (dfrA1?+?aadA1) and among the class 2 integrons (dfrA1?+?sat2?+?aadA1). Among cefotaxime-resistant isolates, 16 belonged to A or B1 phylogenetic groups, while 11 isolates were classified into the D or B2 phylogroups. At least one virulence-associated gene (aer, fimA, or papC) was detected in 74·1% of the cefotaxime-resistant isolates.

4. Because ESBLs-producing bacteria are resistant to a broad range of β-lactams, infections caused by these organisms complicate therapy and limit treatment options.  相似文献   

There is little information relating to infection control procedures in Australian veterinary practices. This review summarises the findings of international studies in the area of zoonoses and infection control, and discusses potential reasons for the apparent complacency about these issues in veterinary practice. It is the authors’ opinion that legislative changes governing veterinary practice in Australia should be implemented. The curricula in veterinary schools should also emphasise infection control. These measures would significantly improve safety issues associated with the control of zoonoses in veterinary practice.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - Three hundred fifteen bacteriological samples were obtained from feces and both external and visceral cavity surfaces of carcasses of 105 healthy buffalo...  相似文献   

Conventional equine influenza vaccination schedules consist of a primary course of two vaccinations given 4-6 weeks apart followed by a third vaccination (booster) given approximately 5 months later. In between the primary course and the third vaccination, horses are generally considered not to be adequately protected against influenza. This study aimed to investigate whether Thoroughbred foals would benefit from a vaccination schedule in which the third vaccination was given earlier than in conventional vaccination schedules. The vaccines used were an inactivated whole virus equine influenza vaccine and an inactivated whole virus combination vaccine containing equine influenza and equine herpesvirus antigens. Four groups of foals were vaccinated with the two vaccines according to a conventional and an accelerated vaccination schedule in which the third vaccination was given 14 weeks after the first administration. In both groups, the fourth vaccination was given at the normally recommended interval of 26 weeks after the third vaccination for the combination vaccine and 52 weeks after the third vaccination with the influenza only vaccine. The horses were 4-11 months of age and seronegative for influenza. Immunological responses after vaccination were monitored for several months using the single radial haemolysis test. The results indicated that 28 weeks after the first vaccination, antibody levels in horses vaccinated according to the accelerated schedule were not significantly higher than in horses vaccinated according to the conventional schedule. In addition, the total level of antibody production (area under the curve) was not significantly different at that point although antibody titres were slightly higher (but not significantly so) between 16-30 weeks in the accelerated schedule. Between the third and fourth doses, horses vaccinated according to the accelerated schedule had antibodies against influenza below the level required for clinical protection for 39 and 18 weeks for the influenza only and the combination vaccine, respectively, whereas those vaccinated according to the conventional schedule had antibody titres below the level for clinical protection for 9-15 weeks in the corresponding period for both vaccines. Horses vaccinated according to the accelerated schedule with the combination vaccine had lower antibody titres after the fourth vaccination than those vaccinated according to the conventional schedule after the third vaccination, although antibody titres prior to vaccination were similar. For the influenza only vaccine, titres after the accelerated fourth administration were not different to those after the conventional third vaccination. There was no benefit from early booster vaccinations with the vaccines used in this study, so for these vaccines the conventional schedule provided better protection than the selected accelerated alternative. This may contrast with some other vaccine formulations, although a direct comparison using similar protocols has not been made.  相似文献   

Chylothorax is a complex disease with many identified underlying causes including cardiac disease, mediastinal masses, heartworm disease and trauma. Management of this disease should be directed at identifying the cause, if possible, and treating the underlying disorder. In cats with idiopathic chylothorax, medical management is recommended initially because the condition may resolve spontaneously. Owners should be made aware of the potential development of fibrosing pleuritis in affected cats. When medical management is impractical or unsuccessful, surgical intervention should be considered. Surgical options include mesenteric lymphangiography and thoracic duct ligation, pericardiectomy, omentalisation, passive pleuroperitoneal shunting, active pleuroperitoneal or pleurovenous shunting, and pleurodesis. Of these, only thoracic duct ligation and pericardiectomy are preferred by the author because, if successful, the result is complete resolution of the chylothorax, thereby reducing the risk of developing fibrosing pleuritis. Omentalisation may be beneficial in some animals as adjuvant therapy, but this procedure may still allow fibrosing pleuritis to occur. Until the aetiology of the effusion in cats with idiopathic chylothorax is understood, the treatment success rate will be less than ideal. Future research needs to be directed at determining the pathophysiologic mechanisms underlying this disease in cats.  相似文献   

1. A field study was conducted to investigate the deterioration of eggshell quality at the end of lay and examine the potential to extend the production cycle. A total of 1200 eggs were assessed originating from commercial farms in Belgium: eggs were random sampled at the collection belt at 57–65 weeks of age and at the end of the production cycle (74–92 weeks).

2. Based on a linear mixed model, egg quality was estimated for an average flock at 60 weeks of age and changes in quality traits were predicted until the end of the laying cycle.

3. Egg weight increased by 0.07 g every week from 60 weeks of age onwards and shape index decreased by 0.04 unit weekly (P < 0.001). Haugh unit values decreased weekly by 0.38 units whereas relative yolk weight was unaffected after 60 weeks of age. Relative albumen weight showed a weekly increase of 0.02% and relative shell decreased by 0.02% weekly until the end of lay.

4. Shell quality traits were also influenced by age: shell index decreased by 0.013 g weekly, shell thickness was calculated to be 0.23 µm thinner every week, deformation increased by 0.06 µm weekly from 60 weeks to the end of the laying cycle. Variability of the deformation of eggs indicated more heterogeneous shell quality at the end of the production cycle. Dynamic stiffness increased from 60 weeks of age on.

5. Laying hens were depopulated on average at 80 weeks of age (varying from 74–92 weeks). Although ageing had a significant effect on most of the egg quality traits, egg quality was still acceptable at the end of lay, indicating the potential to extend the laying cycle.  相似文献   

Blood cell morphology and count are not uniform across species. Recently, between‐species comparisons revealed that the size of red blood cells is associated with body size in some lizard taxa, and this finding was interpreted in the context of the metabolic theory. In the present study, we examined the numbers and the size of blood cells in 2 species of monitor lizards, the mangrove‐dwelling monitor (Varanus indicus) and the savannah monitor (V. exanthematicus), and we compared these traits in individuals of different body size. The results revealed that during the course of ontogeny, the size of red blood cells increases with body mass. Because the mass‐specific metabolic rate decreases with body size and the cell volume‐to‐surface ratio decreases with the cell size, changes in the erythrocyte size might be the result of oxygen transport adjustment.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain information of epidemiological nature through genotypic characterization of Cryptosporidium isolates from dogs, cats and bovines from the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The extraction of DNA from oocysts was carried out and polymerase chain reaction was accomplished using specific primers to 18S rRNA gene. The amplicons were directed sequenced. Seven cat samples, nine dog samples and nine bovine samples were analysed. From the seven cat samples the genotypic analyses revealed Cryptosporidium felis in all. These were the first genotypic characterization of Cryptosporidium from domestic felines in Brazil. In nine sequenced samples from dogs, genotypic identities compatible with Cryptosporidium canis were revealed in all samples. The genotypic analyses in bovines revealed Cryptosporidium parvum in eight samples and Cryptosporidium bovis in another sample, the last one being a non-zoonotic species, not related to clinical symptoms and described for the first time in Brazil.  相似文献   

The early detection and correct identification of polydorid polychaete species is essential as they are often encountered as invasive alien pests in aquaculture facilities or the intertidal where they may modify the ecosystem. Accurate identification is, however, often hampered by high levels of morphological similarity among species. This taxon will therefore benefit from the development of a library of sequences, such as COI barcodes, to aid identification. However, the universal primers for the cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) DNA barcoding marker has failed to consistently amplify this gene for polydorids, greatly hampering the development of such a library. We describe the development of unique PCR primers for the COI gene that work across four genera and nine species of polydorids. We also compared its efficacy with sequence data for mitochondrial cytochrome b and nuclear 18S rRNA, and a concatenated dataset consisting of all three markers. The nuclear 18S rRNA gene showed the least variation both intra- (0.0–1.2%) and interspecifically (0.6–4.3%), and was the most accurate for species identifications among the three markers. Although COI was characterised by higher intraspecific variation compared with Cyt b (0.0–14.5% and 0.0–4.2%, respectively), Cyt b showed considerably higher levels of interspecific variation (16.6–30.2%) compared with COI (2.2–20.7%). Of the two mitochondrial DNA markers, COI was actually less accurate for species identifications, having suggested two species within Boccardia pseudonatrix that was not supported by the other markers. Overall, the concatenated dataset yielded the most consistent intraspecific groupings, suggesting that this is the most accurate means of identifying polydorids using DNA sequence data. Thus, there may not be a quick and easy way to identify these species accurately using only molecular data.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to assess the efficacy and the economic profit of prophylactic treatment against Isopsora suis with toltrazuril or with a sulfamethazine/trimethoprim combination in piglets from an intensive pig farm. Thirty-one litters were included in study. Eight litters were treated once with toltrazuril (20 mg/kg b.w.) at 3 days of age (Toltra group); 8 litters were treated with the sulphonamide combination (sodium sulfamethazine 35 mg and trimethoprim 7 mg/kg b.w.) for 3 consecutive days starting at 3 days of age (Sulfa group), and 15 litters were untreated (control group). Counts of oocyst per gram on pooled feces sampled from each litter were carried out on Days 7, 14, 21 and 28 and diarrhea was registered daily from pooled samples. Piglets were weighed on Days 1, 7 and 28 and mean weight gain (WG) and daily weight gain (DWG) were evaluated. The economic profit of treatment was evaluated comparing the WG of piglets of each treatment group from the day of birth to Day 28. On Days 14, 21 and 28, toltrazuril showed a better efficacy in controlling fecal oocyst output, diarrhea and weight gain compared with sulphamidic treatment (P < 0.001). The budgeting analysis showed a return of economic benefit of € 0.915 per toltrazuril-treated piglets and an additional cost of € 1.155 per sulphonamide-treated piglets.  相似文献   

This literature review evaluates the absorption of methionine(Met) sources such as 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyric acid(HMTBa), its calcium salts(HMTBa-Ca), and DL-methionine(DL-Met) by focusing on the state of knowledge regarding the absorption mechanism, experimental methodology,and factors affecting their absorption. The 2 Met sources differ in mechanism and site of absorption due to differences in their chemical characteristics and enzymatic conversion. This review addresses diffusion-and tran...  相似文献   

Cross-contamination of cattle feed with meat and bone meal (MBM) allowed in feed for other species is regarded as the current hypothesis for the infection pathway of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) cases occurring after the implementation of a ban on feeding MBM to cattle. This study was aimed at establishing a spatial relation between BSE cases in Switzerland and the findings of MBM in cattle feed. A cluster analysis and a cohort study were performed. Two hundred sixteen BSE cases born after December 1990 and detected until August 1st 2005, screening data of 504 feed producers between 1996 and 2001 and population data from the Swiss 2001 cattle census were included. The cluster analysis showed feed producer, positive for MBM contaminations in cattle feed, as possible cluster centres for BSE cases. In the cohort study, farms within a radius of 2 and 10 km around positive feed producers showed significantly higher odds to have a BSE case than the control group. The odds ratio and its 95% confidence interval were 2.23 (1.26-3.93) for the 2 km radius and 1.38 (1-1.9) for the 10 km radius. The results provide evidence for a spatial relation between cross-contamination and BSE occurrence. These findings support the hypothesis of cross-contamination to be an important route for BSE transmission after a feed ban.  相似文献   

  1. A study of broiler breeder eggs differing in eggshell matrix optical density was conducted to determine the association of eggshell structural quality and the risk of disease in broilers.

  2. A total of 10 000 eggs from a broiler breeder flock were examined according to the pre-established criteria, and allocated to groups classified as having a high or low density shell matrix.

  3. The eggs from respective groups were incubated and hatched in a commercial hatchery. Samples of unhatched eggs from each group were subjected to detailed examination to establish the cause of reproductive failure. First, quality chicks from each group were raised as separate flocks in a commercial broiler barn. Group performance, morbidity, and mortality were monitored throughout the growth period. All birds were processed in a commercial plant, and condemnation data were compiled.

  4. There were significantly more unhatched eggs, and fewer quality chicks in the group classified as having a low density eggshell matrix, in comparison to the high-density group.

  5. Embryo pathology accounted for a large proportion of the overall reproductive failure in both groups, with a large proportion of embryos showing anatomical anomalies. The eggs and embryos from the low-density eggshell matrix group were three times more likely to be infected.

  6. Significantly higher production losses associated with mortality/morbidity, and condemnations of carcasses at processing were observed in broilers from the low-density eggshell group compared with the high-density eggshell group.

  7. It is concluded that common metabolic/physiological changes in breeder hens associated with eggshell pathology may be also risk factors linked with predisposition of broiler chicks to some health problems.


Fragmented coronoid process in the dog: is there a role for incongruency?   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Fragmented coronoid process in the dog is a common yet frustrating and poorly understood condition. Elbow joint incongruency, which refers to malalignment of the joint surfaces of the elbow, has been proposed as a key factor in the pathogenesis of fragmented coronoid process, and various surgical procedures have been devised to treat the proposed incongruency. However, precise characterisation of incongruency present in cases of fragmented coronoid process has not been reported consistently. In this article, the literature relating to the pathogenesis of fragmented coronoid process, the role of incongruency and its implications are reviewed.  相似文献   

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