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Cephalopod populations show wide temporal fluctuations in abundance, which have usually been investigated at inter‐annual scales related to environmental variability. However, cephalopods are also strongly linked to seasonal environmental fluctuations owing to their short life cycles and single seasonal breeding. Therefore, population abundance critically depends on the success of breeding and recruitment from the previous year and the optimization of resources in a narrow period of favorable conditions. This adaptation of population dynamics is paramount in marked oligotrophic systems, such as the western Mediterranean Sea. We used monthly landings per unit effort (LPUE) to explore the spatio‐temporal variability in seasonal patterns of three cephalopod species (Illex coindetii, Eledone cirrhosa and Octopus vulgaris). Common trends across the study area were characterized for each species. In all cases, seasonal patterns were geographically aggregated in relation to differences in local environment (i.e., primary production and surface hydro‐climatology). Variability in the mean seasonal pattern over time was also investigated under contrasting environmental or population regimes. The mean seasonal trend was more pronounced in regimes of high‐population densities, suggesting a density‐dependent control that can modify the strength of the environmental forcing in the seasonal patterns. Our study also evidences a spatial synchrony in the seasonal fluctuations of LPUEs. Scales of synchrony ranged from 70 to 200 km, indicating a patchy‐aggregated spatial pattern as a part of complex population structures in the western Mediterranean. Improving our understanding of seasonal dynamics of cephalopods across temporal and spatial scales may lead to improved forecasts and management strategies.  相似文献   

The Amazon River Basin has the highest fish species diversity of any region in the world, but is under threat from anthropogenic perturbations including overharvesting, alien species and drought. We asked whether species diversity in this region is more a function of within‐lake species richness (i.e., α diversity) or differences among lakes (β diversity). Although many studies have reported on species richness and diversity in single habitats, the importance of measuring diversity at different spatial scales is not yet well established. We collected fish in 10 floodplain lakes along the Solimões River (Brazil), divided evenly between two lake types: those on islands in the river channel (island lakes) and those on the margins of the river (coastal lakes) during 2006. We partitioned fish diversity into three spatial scales: α = within each lake; β1 = among lakes of the same type (coastal or island) and β2 = between the two types of lakes, and compared their relative contributions to regional (γ) diversity. β1 + β2 contributed as much or more to γ diversity than did α. Although many of the 116 fish species were shared between lake types (= 72), 32 species were found exclusively in coastal lakes and 12 species were found exclusively in island lakes. Coastal lakes, which were deeper and cooler than island lakes, consistently had higher fish species richness than island lakes. We suggest that it will be necessary to set areas large enough to contain multiple lakes of both types to preserve regional fish diversity.  相似文献   

  1. River fish diversity is threatened by anthropogenic environmental alteration to landscapes. The early life-history stages of fish play an important role in maintaining diversity and population recruitment and can be heavily influenced by landscape patterns. Information on temporal and spatial distribution patterns of fish eggs and larvae is also important for biodiversity conservation and management of fish resources.
  2. The Yangtze River possesses a high diversity of fishes, including many commercially important species. The economy along the lower reach of the river is well developed, and most of the area is experiencing high pressure from human impacts. This section of the Yangtze River connects with the largest freshwater lake in China at the upstream end and flows into the estuary at the downstream end. These two landscape features are likely to have a significant impact upon the spatial distributions of fish egg and larval assemblages.
  3. Environmental variables, fish eggs, and larval assemblages were sampled in three locations, at Hukou, Anqing, and Jingjiang, in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. The results suggest that the higher number of species and greater abundance in upstream sites reflect the critical function of connectivity of Poyang Lake with the river for fish recruitment in the lower Yangtze. The delayed bloom of larval fish, occurrence of estuarine species, and a lower species number and abundance of freshwater fish downstream reflect the influence of tidal intrusion from the estuary.
  4. This study highlights the value of maintaining natural river–lakes connectivity in the Yangtze River as a conservation measure. The connected river–lake system should be designated as a priority area for fish resource protection in the lower reach of the Yangtze River. We recommend further measures to break down barriers between the river and other lakes and to restore the natural lateral connectivity of the floodplain ecosystem.

  • 1. A study on the genetic variability of the white‐clawed crayfish was carried out based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I gene sequences. The sequences applied were more informative regarding white‐clawed crayfish genetic variability than others previously used.
  • 2. Two haplotypes were found to exist in the Iberian Peninsula. The haplotypes exhibit a strong geographic subdivision (ΦST=0.83). One of the Iberian haplotype s was similar to north Italian haplotypes and the second differed in only one mutation. This pattern of genetic variability contrasts with those found in glacial refugial areas of France, Italy and the Balkan Peninsula.
  • 3. Two hypotheses on the origin of the white‐clawed crayfish in the Iberian Peninsula are discussed: (i) one based on an anthropogenic origin, and (ii) a second based on a successive number of postglacial ancient and recent bottlenecks, i.e. the disjunction between Iberian and Italian populations of white‐clawed crayfish species is due to competition between A. italicus and A. pallipes, in addition to the impact of crayfish plague and human translocations.
  • 4. New references for the white‐clawed crayfish in the Iberian Peninsula were found in medieval and Arabic texts. The results show that this species has been thriving in this peninsula since ancient periods and that its indigenous status should not be questioned.
  • 5. Conservation action and plans should consider the low genetic diversity as a limitation for farm‐raising specimens more adapted and resistant to changing environments and diseases.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The zooplankton (rotifer and microcrustacean) assemblages of temporary ponds in the Doñana National Park (south‐west Spain) have been compared in two surveys of contrasting scales that resulted in the same number of samples: an extensive survey of 36 ponds sampled in May 1998 (or widespread survey) and a survey of nine ponds sampled four times over 2 years (or cumulative survey).
  • 2. The total number of microcrustacean and rotifer taxa was larger in the cumulative survey (43 and 41 taxa, respectively) than in the widespread survey (39 and 34, respectively). Crustacean assemblages became less alike throughout the cumulative survey.
  • 3. The presence of invertebrates (Coleoptera, Odonata, Heteroptera and crayfish) and aquatic vertebrates (fish and salamanders) was recorded as an estimate of potential predator impact on zooplankton. Several pond features (water depth, conductivity, pH, chlorophyll a concentration, distance to the nearest permanent pond and to the marsh) were also measured in both surveys.
  • 4. A combination of these environmental factors was more strongly related to the similarity matrices derived from the zooplankton assemblages of the cumulative survey (Rho=0.7) than to those of the widespread survey (Rho<0.4). The distance of ponds to the marsh was an important factor in explaining this correlation as well as the strongest factor in the ordination of crustacean assemblages following a CCA.
  • 5. Predation by exotic fish in long‐hydroperiod ponds where overflow drains to the nearby marsh (fish source) is the mechanism likely to explain the changes in crustacean composition recorded in the cumulative survey.
  • 6. The cumulative survey was more suitable for the study of zooplankton diversity as it rendered a higher number of taxa and gave more insight into the mechanisms that explain taxon richness. Thus, conservation strategies in temporary habitats require a scale of observation that includes long temporal changes.
Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. The marbled newt, Triturus marmoratus, is a vulnerable urodele species (listed on Annex IV of the European Habitats Directive). However, biological information about their migration and the terrestrial habitats they use is relatively scarce. In order to investigate the influence of the surrounding habitats of a local pond on the directions of pre‐ and post‐breeding migrations, adult newts were monitored over two successive years (from February 2000 to June 2001) at a permanent pond in south‐western France using a drift fence and pitfall traps.
  • 2. In both sexes the entry and exit directions were non‐randomly distributed. Furthermore, males and females generally followed similar directions facing an oak forest and avoiding barren areas. However, the directions followed by postbreeding migrants leaving the pond differed from those they followed when coming to the pond.
  • 3. The distribution of captures around the pond was related to environmental factors, and more precisely to vegetation within the immediate surroundings of the pond.
  • 4. The environmental conditions occurring at the end of the spring postbreeding migration differed greatly from those occurring during the winter prebreeding migration. Thus, vegetation does not exert similar attraction during the two migration periods.
  • 5. This raises the importance of microhabitat diversity in the vicinity of the breeding pond, which provides a wide range of suitable shelters in different migration periods. Conservation planning must take into account the ecological requirements of this endangered species in managing buffer zones around the breeding sites.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The Japanese bitterling Tanakia tanago (Cyprinidae) is on the verge of extinction in the wild, placing great importance on captive breeding programs for current conservation of the species. However, the loss of genetic diversity during captive breeding is an ongoing matter of concern. Since some captive populations have been almost monomorphic in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), this hampers assessments of their genetic diversity during captive breeding. To more accurately assess their genetic diversity, one wild and three captive populations were examined using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Estimates of average heterozygosity and nucleotide diversity ranged 0.0479–0.1920 and 0.0023–0.0088, respectively, enabling comparison of genetic diversity among the wild and captive populations, and among year-classes of captive populations. Significant differences in numbers of amplified fragments and proportions of polymorphic fragments were observed among year-classes of all populations. The indices of genetic diversity calculated from AFLP seemed to be, however, less sensitive to weak bottlenecks. No continuous decrease in genetic diversity in nuclear DNA was detected in presently captive populations. This supports the possibility of re-introduction of the captive populations into the original habitats, although survival and reproductive ability in the wild must be taken into consideration.  相似文献   

  • 1. The identification and protection of known breeding grounds is a high priority for the conservation of marine biodiversity. Here, we examine the intertidal habitats used by marine gastropods for the deposition of benthic egg masses along a wave‐exposed coastline in New South Wales, Australia.
  • 2. A total of 200 surveys were conducted on 13 intertidal reefs. The egg masses of 46 species were identified, with a further eight distinct types recorded but remaining unidentified. Over half of the gastropods were found to deposit egg masses exclusively on the underside of boulders. Other intertidal substrata used for gastropod egg mass deposition included vertical and horizontal exposed rock surfaces, algal fronds and sand. Only eight species were found to attach their egg masses to more than one type of substratum.
  • 3. Twelve reefs were classified into three categories according to exposure to wave action and habitat diversity. The mean number of species found depositing egg masses was compared using a standard eight surveys from each site. Sub‐maximally wave‐exposed reefs with maximal habitat diversity were found to support a significantly higher species richness of gastropod egg masses, compared with maximally wave‐exposed reefs with either maximal or sub‐maximal habitat diversity (p=0.000).
  • 4. Gastropods that deposit egg masses on the underside of boulders were more likely to be found on sub‐maximally wave‐exposed reefs, whereas species that deposit egg masses in all other microhabitats were equally likely to be found breeding on sub‐maximally or maximally exposed reefs.
  • 5. Gastropods with pelagic larvae tended to occur at a greater number of sites than those that hatch post‐metamorphosis. A significant difference was found between species grouped according to these two developmental modes for the mean number of sites at which egg masses were recorded (p=0.008).
  • 6. Variation in the species richness of gastropods found depositing egg masses on different intertidal reefs appears to be influenced by the availability of suitable boulders and exposure to wave action. These factors should be taken into consideration during the selection of locations for intertidal protected areas.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Variability in the availability of suitable prey (mainly nauplii stages of Calanus spp.) in the early life stages of cod is likely a significant contributor to the fluctuations in the year‐class strength in the Arcto Norwegian cod stock. We have investigated the origin of the Lofoten shelf population of Calanus using a particle tracking model approach based on velocity fields simulated from 2002 to 2012. By performing backwards simulations of trajectories from particles released on the Lofoten shelf in early spring, we assessed the relative contribution of potential Calanus sources, such as the Lofoten Basin, the local overwintering on the continental shelf and the adjacent fjords. This analysis revealed significant interannual differences in advection patterns mainly driven by changes in wind conditions and variable strength of the Norwegian Coastal Current. Most of the particles advected into our study area originated on the shelf, and contrary to expectations, only a few originated from the Lofoten Basin where Calanus abundances tend to be high. These results suggest that contribution from the Lofoten Basin to the early spring shelf Calanus population may be overestimated and that contribution from more local sources, especially from adjacent fjords, may play a more important role than what has been previously anticipated. Our results highlight the necessity to improve quantification of shelf‐fjord exchange processes, as these may contribute more to the regulation of spring zooplankton stocks on the northern Norwegian shelf, and, as a result, may affect the survival of cod larvae in this area.  相似文献   

  1. Small‐scale fisheries may pose a serious threat to the conservation of marine mammals. At the same time various factors have led to the decline of small‐scale fisheries, often making them unsustainable. Current rates of biodiversity loss and the reduction of fish stocks and fisheries dictate a thorough understanding of fisheries‐related issues and the implementation of effective management actions.
  2. The Mediterranean monk seal is one of the most endangered marine mammals on Earth; its survival in the eastern Mediterranean Sea is threatened by negative interactions with fisheries. A nationwide questionnaire survey among fishers and port police authorities was carried out in Greece to describe the main characteristics of small‐scale fisheries, and to understand the nature and assess the magnitude of negative interactions between the monk seal and these fisheries. Questionnaire information was verified by a second round of interviews during landings.
  3. The main attributes of the fishers, their fishing boats, and their practices were characteristic of the small‐scale fisheries sector. Overfishing was considered the main reason for fish‐stock reduction, and negative interactions with marine mammals was considered the main issue for the fishing sector.
  4. Monk seals were present, caused damage, and got accidentally entangled in fishing gear throughout Greece. Damage to fishing gear was recorded mainly during spring and summer, and on average affected 21% of all fishing trips and 1% of nets deployed during a fishing trip.
  5. Based on these results, the implementation of general and specific nationwide fishery management and conservation actions are proposed. These actions are mainly aimed at improving fish stock status, changing the behaviour of the fishers, and mitigating seal–fishery interactions in Greece, while promoting the recovery of the Mediterranean monk seal in the eastern Mediterranean Sea.

  • 1. The objectives of the present study were to describe and analyse the composition and structure of aquatic Coleoptera and Hemiptera assemblages in three coastal lagoons of north‐western Spain during a one year cycle, in order to evaluate their relative adequacy to provide information about the conservation value of lagoonal habitats and sites. The lagoons are designated as Special Areas of Conservation (SAC) under the European Union Habitats Directive and two of them are also protected by the Ramsar Agreement. Several abiotic variables, including salinity, were recorded at the time of sampling.
  • 2. In total, 67 species (52 Coleoptera and 15 Hemiptera) and 6568 adult individuals (2664 Coleoptera and 3904 Hemiptera) were collected. In all pair‐wise comparisons Kendall's coefficients of concordance between lagoons were higher for Hemiptera than for Coleoptera, indicating that Hemiptera assemblages were more similar across sites.
  • 3. Most species recorded had a wide Palearctic distribution and only three species of water beetles could be considered endemic to Iberia: Hydroporus vagepictus, Hydroporus vespertinus and Hydrochus angusi. Similarly, the species collected had a widespread distribution in the Iberian Peninsula as the only species considered to be rare taxa at this scale were Hydrochus angusi and Cymbiodyta marginella among the Coleoptera and Sigara scotti and Notonecta glauca glauca among the Hemiptera.
  • 4. The results do not support the idea of distinct aquatic insect assemblages for coastal lagoons in the Iberian Peninsula. Comparisons of the numbers of interior (non‐coastal) and coastal provinces of the Iberian Peninsula where the species had been recorded showed they had been recorded in a larger proportion of interior provinces.
  • 5. Salinity seemed to reduce species richness in both groups while the results of a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) showed that the majority of species responded negatively to salinity.
  • 6. This study suggests that species richness and rarity of aquatic insect assemblages may underestimate the conservation value of lagoonal habitats because their net contribution to catchment biodiversity is likely to be low.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Abstract Scale samples from crucian carp, Carassius carassius (L.), collected over a 10‐year period from a population in an ornamental pond were used to examine patterns in growth as a function of environmental factors, including water temperatures. Back‐calculated standard lengths (SL) at age differed between year classes in most cases. Annual SL increments were related to temperature and age using a non‐linear growth model. Growth declined with increasing age, whereas annual SL increments increased with increasing water temperature. The best‐fit model was with the total number of summer days when air temperature exceeded 20 °C (using water temperature equivalents of air temperature). A growth model including water temperature, age, year class, relative condition and rainfall was a better fit than other models. Year‐class strength was positively correlated with water degree‐days, and year‐class strength negatively affected annual SL increments. The results indicate that within a strong year class of crucian carp, the growth of individual fish is reduced compared with weak year classes, suggesting that density negatively affects growth in ponds where resources are limited.  相似文献   

  1. Place‐based management can be an effective conservation tool to protect cetaceans from anthropogenic pressures. The spatial use of the world's second largest population of the threatened Indo‐Pacific humpback dolphins (Sousa chinensis) is not well‐documented, which makes it challenging to designate protected areas for this population.
  2. To address this knowledge gap and to test the efficacy of an existing dolphin protected area (Zhanjiang Leizhou Bay Municipal Humpback Dolphin Nature Reserve, ZLBMHDNR), boat‐based surveys were conducted to document dolphin occurrence from 2015 to 2018, covering an area of 1221 km2 in the eastern waters off Zhanjiang, China. In total, 253 dolphin group sightings were obtained during 174 survey days.
  3. Spatial analysis showed that humpback dolphins aggregated in three core‐use areas with higher sighting density within the survey area. Furthermore, intermediate‐use and broad‐use areas were identified that could be essential for the movements of humpback dolphins among these core‐use areas.
  4. The spatial usage of humpback dolphins was compared inside and outside the ZLBMHDNR. Results suggest that the ZLBMHDNR is insufficient to encompass a significant portion of dolphin habitat. The ZLBMHDNR (21 km2) is not large enough, and thus it should be expanded for effective place‐based conservation management in this region.
  5. For developing a protected area network, important dolphin habitats identified in this study should be protected as a single management unit. Additionally, mitigation of anthropogenic pressures is needed to be taken into consideration as conservation initiatives in the study area.
  6. This study provides support for a more science‐informed protected area network, and highlights the necessity of implementing place‐based conservation and management for the world's second largest humpback dolphin population.

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