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Carp (Cyprinus carpio L.) is a pest species in Australian waterways, and cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV‐3) is being considered as a potential biological control (biocontrol) agent. An important consideration for any such agent is its target specificity. In this study, the susceptibility to CyHV‐3 of a range of non‐target species (NTS) was tested. The NTS were as follows: 13 native Australian, and one introduced, fish species; a lamprey species; a crustacean; two native amphibian species (tadpole and mature stages); two native reptilian species; chickens; and laboratory mice. Animals were exposed to 100–1000 times the approximate minimum amount of CyHV‐3 required to cause disease in carp by intraperitoneal and/or bath challenge, and then examined clinically each day over the course of 28 days post‐challenge. There were no clinical signs, mortalities or histological evidence consistent with a viral infection in a wide taxonomic range of NTS. Furthermore, there was no molecular evidence of infection with CyHV‐3, and, in particular, all RT‐PCRs for viral mRNA were negative. As a consequence, the results encourage further investigation of CyHV‐3 as a potential biocontrol agent that is specific for carp.  相似文献   

Britton JR, Harper DM, Oyugi DO. Is the fast growth of an equatorial Micropterus salmoides population explained by high water temperature? Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 228–238. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S Abstract – Marginal increment analysis of scales collected from the introduced Micropterus salmoides population of Lake Naivasha, Kenya revealed the formation of an annual growth check, validating their use to age individual fish. Subsequent analysis of scales from 372 fish collected between 2002 and 2009 revealed individuals were very fast growing compared with native populations in North America and other introduced populations in Europe, South America, Africa and Asia. This was likely to be as a result of the water temperatures in Lake Naivasha exceeding 20 °C throughout the year. This was corroborated by a meta‐analysis of the growth parameters asymptotic length L and growth coefficient K from across their geographical range that revealed variance was explained by differences in mean annual air temperatures. At a break point of approximately 10 °C, there was a shift to reduced L and increased K, suggesting a temperature driven trade‐off between growth rate and ultimate length. When adjusted for temperature and weighted for sample size, there were significant differences between the growth parameters of the North American and introduced populations, suggesting that other abiotic and biotic variables were also important determinants of the growth of individuals between the two ranges.  相似文献   

  • 1. The North American signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus has been widely introduced throughout Europe where it is expanding its range and in many areas replacing the native white‐clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. There is concern with regards to the impact of this species replacement on benthic fish. Interspecific behavioural interactions and competition for shelter between the benthic fish, bullhead Cottus gobio and A. pallipes and P. leniusculus were measured to assess the comparative impact of native and non‐native crayfish.
  • 2. Both white‐clawed crayfish and signal crayfish were dominant over bullhead. Bullheads moved away from approaches of crayfish, left shelters on entry of crayfish and rarely entered an occupied shelter. Signal crayfish made significantly more aggressive approaches towards bullheads than white‐clawed crayfish.
  • 3. Alone, bullheads spent most of their time by day under shelter (median 96%), reflecting a highly entrained behavioural response, which was relaxed by night (median 60%). Both crayfish species reduced shelter use by bullheads although the extent of shelter sharing by bullheads was higher in trials with white‐clawed crayfish than with signal crayfish.
  • 4. Sampling in the River Wharfe, northern England, where signal and white‐clawed crayfish and bullhead currently exist, demonstrated a negative relationship between the densities of signal crayfish and bullhead, with high bullhead abundance where crayfish were absent or where white‐clawed crayfish were present at low density.
  • 5. Assuming that shelter is sometimes limited under natural conditions, crayfish are likely to displace bullheads from shelters, which may increase predation risk for bullheads. Although the effects of signal crayfish on bullhead shelter use were more intense, the pattern was highly evident for the native white‐clawed crayfish. The higher fecundity and densities attained by signal crayfish may be more significant than differences in the behaviour of the two crayfish species in determining the impact of crayfish on bullheads.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Invasive species often exhibit a suite of life‐history traits that promote rapid population growth, including early age and small size at maturation, and high reproductive investment. The common expression of these “fast” life‐history traits in invasive populations could be the result of plastic and/or genetic responses to the non‐native environment, or in response to the process of range expansion. To determine the relative importance of plastic and genetic contributions to the expression of life‐history traits, we reared two native Canadian and two invasive Spanish populations of Pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus) in a common environment in central Ontario, Canada. In the wild, European Pumpkinseed tend to exhibit faster juvenile growth rates, younger age and smaller size at maturity, and higher reproductive investment than native North American populations. When reared in a common environment, both native and invasive populations exhibited similar juvenile growth rates, and similar age and size at maturity, suggesting that the differences seen among wild populations are a plastic response to the warmer non‐native environment. However, reproductive investment was consistently higher in the Spanish populations regardless of rearing environment, suggesting a genetic difference in reproductive investment between native and invasive populations. Selection for greater reproductive investment in non‐native Pumpkinseed may have contributed to their widespread success in Europe.  相似文献   

生物控制法在水产养殖水质净化中的综合应用   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
随着水产养殖业的快速发展以及集约化程度的不断加深,养殖水体的污染日益严重,由此造成的病害问题也越来越严重。文章综述了常见的几种生物控制方法—微生态制剂、光合细菌、大型藻类和水生植物在水产养殖水质净化中的调控作用。养殖业者应结合本身的养殖条件进行选择,不要盲目照搬,以求达到净化水质,促进水产养殖业快速发展的目的。  相似文献   

The fish assemblages of the Eastern Mediterranean are highly variable owing to the Lessepsian migration. So far, there has been limited discussion about the temporal variation of Lessepsian populations, which may be a key to better understanding the establishment, persistence and spreading dynamics of these species. The objective of this study was, therefore, to develop an understanding of inter‐annual variations of Lessepsian fish populations through investigating the effects of climate conditions. For this purpose, we evaluated the data obtained from the seasonal bottom trawl surveys conducted over the course of 12 years, from 2004 to 2015, at the infra‐littoral zone of Iskenderun Bay. Our results indicated that Lessepsians constituted 27%, 62% and 85% of total teleost fishes in the number of species (LS‐%), biomass (LW‐%) and abundance (LN‐%), respectively. The linear trends showed that the dominance of Lessepsian fishes increased with annual rates of 1.9 (p < .01, LS‐%), 2.77 (p < .01, LW‐%) and 1.43% (p < .05, LN‐%) per year during the study period. In contrast, seasonal trend decomposition based on GAMMs revealed that the true shape of trends was non‐linear. The majority of the new Lessepsians entered the study area after 2009 when warmer conditions prevailed. Those new invaders such as Nemipterus randalli, Pomadasys stridens and Apogon smithi successfully settled in a short time and remarkably altered the composition of fish assemblages after 2010. We found that variations of lessepsian fish assemblages were correlated with the increase of annual minima and average values of sea surface temperature.  相似文献   

In the development of integrated pest management (IPM) plans for the control of sea lice there are some components that are common to many areas. However, effective plans must be tailored to regionally varying environmental and biological factors affecting the severity of sea lice infections. This paper describes factors that would be involved in the development of an IPM plan for sea lice in the Broughton Archipelago, British Columbia. Temperature, salinity and currents affect the production, dispersion and competence of larvae of sea lice, Lepeophtheirus salmonis (Krøyer), as they develop to the infective copepodid stage. This information can be coupled with oceanographic conditions in the Broughton Archipelago and emerging computer models to define zones of infection where infections of new hosts are most likely. Salinity and temperature depend, in part, on river discharge in estuarine systems. River discharge depends on precipitation, snow pack and ambient temperatures, which can be monitored to help forecast the intensity of sea lice infections associated with both farmed and wild hosts. One of the goals of IPM planning is to reduce reliance on pesticides to avoid development of resistance in targeted parasites and to minimize environmental residues. Recommendations for developing an IPM plan specific to the Broughton Archipelago are provided along with a discussion of the additional information needed to refine IPM plans in this and other areas.  相似文献   

This study measures the effect of protein and lipid levels in broodstock diet on the quality of juvenile Cherax quadricarinatus. Diets with different contents of crude protein (180, 250, 310, 370 g kg?1) and lipids (30 and 70 g kg?1) were offered to female crayfish. Juveniles were used to assess initial weight (IW), biochemical composition (BC) and survival to stress tests (ST). After 50 days, growth was estimated. No significant effects of broodstock diet on IW and BC of juveniles were detected. Protein content (PC) significantly influenced growth (P < 0.05), with an optimum level of 250 g kg?1, representing a weight gain of 1.17 g (98.08% body weight). PC significantly influenced survival of juveniles exposed to ST (P < 0.05). Results from fitting dose–response models indicated that maximum survival was obtained with PC above 261, 258 and 312 g kg?1 for hypoxia, salinity, ammonia tests. No significant effect of dietary lipid level was observed on growth and survival to ST, except for greater survival to ammonia ST at lipid content of 70 g kg?1. We recommend feed with PC of 260 g kg?1 to simultaneously enhance growth and quality of juveniles.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the importance of the environment and spatial distribution of juvenile fish for the adoption of alternative migratory tactics in a partially anadromous population of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Santa Cruz River. We captured young‐of‐the‐year fish along the river during autumn 2009, 2010 and spring 2010 and determined their maternal origin (anadromous vs. resident) using strontium to calcium ratios in the otolith core. Relative proportion of anadromous offspring, modelled with logistic regression, increased towards headwaters and in areas with deeper channels and larger substrate composition. Body length, modelled with linear multiple regression, varied positively with site depth, water velocity, substrate size and anadromous maternal origin. Based on evidence for limited juvenile movements (<25 km), the spatial extent of this study (240 Rkm) and the identification of large, contrasting reaches along the river, it is likely that the observed spatial distribution of juveniles and their association to sites with coarse substrate composition reflects maternal spawning activity. Results further indicate that anadromous females breed predominantly in middle and upper river sections in areas with coarse substrate. Given that body size in this system has been positively related to propensity for anadromy, we propose that female spawning choice affects their offspring's spatial distribution, providing the adequate physical template for anadromous offspring to reach or maintain larger body sizes and display anadromy themselves. Relevance of this study is also discussed in the context of alterations in response to future dam construction in one of the latest free‐flowing rivers sustaining anadromous O. mykiss.  相似文献   

An 8‐week growth trial was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary fish meal replacement with a vegetable mixture of soybean meal and rapeseed meal (1:1) on growth of juvenile red swamp crayfish. Nine isonitrogenous diets were designed: V0, V34, V50, V65, V73 and V81 with six levels of vegetable proteins, and VA48, VA63 and VA78 by further adding crystalline lysine and methionine into V50, V65 and V81. Compared with V0, V34 significantly improved the specific growth rate (SGR), while V65, V73, V81 and VA78 depressed the SGR (< .05). Feeding rate showed a decreasing trend as dietary vegetable protein level increased (< .05), except that in VA48 group. Significantly lower FCR and higher PER were observed in V34 group, whereas all vegetable protein diets depressed the feed utilization of crayfish (< .05). Crayfish fed with diets containing vegetable proteins showed significantly lower hepatosomatic indices and higher condition factors than the control (< .05). Muscle lipid content was significantly (< .05) lowered in V81 group, but not in VA78 group. The results suggested that 338 g/kg vegetable protein improved growth performance of crayfish. Excessive vegetable protein depressed the growth of crayfish, which could be prevented by lysine and methionine supplementation except for the all vegetable protein diets.  相似文献   

Global climate changes have led to a gradual warming of the planet, resulting in decreased precipitation and rising temperatures in Mediterranean inland waters. In Trasimeno Lake, the largest shallow lake in Italy, some non‐native fish species have probably benefited from these changes as they are thermophilic and characterised by wider habitat preferences. Fish data collected by gillnets and fyke nets between 1956 and 2016, and by electrofishing in 1993 and 2014, were used to analyse changes over time in the fish community in relation to environmental conditions. An explosion in goldfish Carassius auratus (L.), following its introduction in 1988, coupled with water level fluctuations and reduced transparency, contributed to the reduction in commercial fish catch in the lake, and to the decline of the endemic southern pike Esox cisalpinus Bianco & Delmastro, already threatened by reduced spawning habitat and interspecific competition with other non‐native predatory fishes.  相似文献   

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