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The results of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) For the detection of antibody against Mycoplasma mycoides subsp mycoides are presented. Antibody was detected in the sera of cattle at least 19 months after recovery from an infection and at least 23 months after vaccination. Almost half the sera of some animals in an area of Nigera where contagious bovine pleuropneumonia is enzootic contained antibody. Antibody was rarely detected when the same sera were examined by other established serological tests, emphasising the sensitivity of the ELISA.  相似文献   

In this study, by using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) diagnosis for the detection and identification of Mycoplasma, we investigated mycoplasmas contaminating the semen of yearling bulls affected by seminal vesiculitis. The bulls presented neither subclinical nor clinical contagious bovine pleuropneumonia signs and the complement fixation test for specific antibodies was negative. Furthermore, we have investigated mycoplasmas isolated from semen of healthy breeding bulls of several breeds and origins, which routinely underwent breeding soundness examinations and presented no clinical signs of seminal vesiculitis. We were able to demonstrate mycoplasma infection in all tested samples by i) growth on mycoplasma-specific media and ii) a PCR-based method using a mycoplasma-specific MGSO/GPO1 primer set to amplify the 16S fragment rDNA. In addition, the identification of Mycoplasma species was made by PCR using the MSC1/MSC2 primer set that specifically amplifies M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC or the MM450/MM451 primer set followed by AsnI digestion analysis in order to identify M. mycoides subsp. mycoides LC. The data presented herein clearly show that M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC infection was associated with seminal vesiculitis while M. mycoides subsp. mycoides LC was only found in bull semen from healthy control animals. Our findings confirm that the M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC is shed in the sperm making the ejaculate a valuable biological sample for the isolation of these bacteria from serologically negative animals. Although the pathogenic role of M. bovigenitalium in bull seminal vesiculitis has been established, our clinical findings, semen characteristics, microbiological and bacterial genomic analysis strongly suggest that M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC may contribute to induce vesicular adenitis in the bull.  相似文献   

Lipoprotein lppC, an immunodominant antigen, and its corresponding gene lppC were characterised in Mycoplasma mycoides subspecies mycoides small colony (SC) type, the etiological agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP). The lppC gene was found in the type strain of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC and in field strains isolated in Europe, Africa, and Australia, as well as in vaccine strains. Southern blot analysis indicated the presence of at least four copies of lppC in the genome of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC, of which only one seems to be functional. Genes homologous to lppC have also been detected in closely related mycoplasmas such as M. mycoides subsp. mycoides large colony (LC) type and in M. sp. bovine group 7. lppC is encoded as a precursor with a consensus sequence for a prokaryotic signal peptidase II. The amino acid sequence of lppC and its precursor showed similarity to both LppB (at the N-terminal domain) and LppQ (at the C-terminal domain), two lipoproteins described previously in M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC. The N-terminal domain of the mature lppC seems to be surface exposed. The C-terminal domain presented an integral membrane structure made up of five repeated units, rich in hydrophobic and aromatic amino acids, which may have pore forming potential in the mycoplasmal membrane. A recombinant peptide representing the N-terminal half of lppC was obtained following cloning in vector pETHIS-1 and expression in Escherichia coli hosts. The recombinant protein was used on immunoblots for serological analysis of sera from cattle that were naturally or experimentally infected with M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC.  相似文献   

In order to develop a specific tool differentiating the African field strains of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC from other potentially less virulent strains, including the vaccine strains, we have developed a PCR followed by a restriction enzyme analysis (PCR–REA). This approach also differentiates the African field strains from the Australian strains and the type strain PG1. The genomic marker detected by the PCR–REA is based on a single nucleotide change in the bgl gene that codes for 6-phospho-β-glucosidase (Bgl), an enzyme that is involved in sugar metabolism.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides biotype Small Colony (MmmSC), is still a major cattle disease in Africa. Development of long-term protective vaccines, the only relevant strategy to achieve CBPP eradication, requires the characterisation of the protective immune mechanism. To this aim, the present study investigated the cellular immune response persisting in the lymph nodes of cattle infected naturally and experimentally by contact, one year post exposure. The lymph node cell composition, MmmSC responsiveness and phenotype of the MmmSC-responding lymphocytes were compared between animals according to the different outcomes of the infection. To unravel the protective mechanism, the study focussed on the MmmSC-specific memory immune response generated in recovered cattle, known to develop long-term immunity and to be resistant to reinfection. An MmmSC-specific immune response, mediated by IFNgamma-secreting CD4 T-cells, was detected in the lymph nodes of all recovered cattle. Furthermore, the magnitude of this immune response was significantly higher in animals with complete recovery than in recovered animals presenting lung sequestra. The findings suggest that, in recovered cattle, a subset of MmmSC-primed IFNgamma-secreting CD4 T-cells homed to the regional lymph nodes as MmmSC-specific memory T-cells, likely responsible for the protective anamnestic response. Induction and expansion of this subset of MmmSC-specific CD4 memory T-cells might be a major goal to develop efficient long term protective vaccines against CBPP.  相似文献   

Specific serodiagnosis of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is hampered by the low antibody titers against Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small-colony type (MmmSC) antigens in calf serum due to persistent infections and by the existence of cross-reactions among the members of the mycoides cluster. In order to identify potential diagnostic antigens, we have constructed a genomic library from MmmSC which was screened with antibodies from naturally-infected animals. Using this strategy, a genome fragment has been isolated and characterised. The complete nucleotide sequence of this fragment revealed the presence of several open reading frames, including that of translation elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu), whose product was responsible of the positive reaction observed when expressed in E. coli. The organisation of this MmmSC genome region differed from that of other Mycoplasma species whose complete genome sequences are known, but was similar, by PCR amplification analysis of genomic DNA, to other members of the mycoides cluster, such as Mycoplasma capricolum subsp. capricolum (Mcc). Nevertheless, the MmmSC and Mcc amplicons could be distinguished by digestion with restriction enzymes AseI or HindIII, strategy that could be used as a tool for differential diagnosis of infections caused by members of the mycoides cluster. The full recombinant EF-Tu was produced in E. coli, after correction of an unusual tryptophan codon by site-directed mutagenesis, and used to investigate anti-EF-Tu circulating antibodies in bovine sera.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC (MmmSC) is the etiological agent of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP). Although eradicated in most developed countries, the disease reappeared in Europe in the 1990s. This reappearance may have been caused either by importation from sub-Saharan Africa, where CBPP is still endemic, or by the reemergence of virulent strains in Europe, as suggested by earlier studies. A multilocus sequence analysis scheme has been developed to address this issue and, most importantly, to be able to monitor new epidemics. The alignment of the full genome sequence of the reference strain PG1 and the partial genome sequence of a pathogenic strain allowed the identification of polymorphic sites. Nineteen initial loci were selected within housekeeping genes, genes of unknown function and non coding sequences. The suitability of these loci for genotyping MmmSC strains was first tested on six strains of diverse geographic origin. The analyses showed that the published PG1 sequence contained a number of specific polymorphisms that were therefore of no use for molecular typing. Among the eight informative polymorphic loci finally selected, only one (ftsY) was positioned within a housekeeping gene. Three main groups and 31 different allelic profiles were identified among 51 strains and strain variants examined. Cluster analysis confirmed that European strains from the 1990s did not originate from Africa. It also showed a genetic link between a European strain isolated in 1967 and those found in southern Africa and Australia. This was in agreement with historical data showing that CBPP was introduced in these regions during colonisation in the 19th century.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP), caused by Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC (MmmSC), is one of the most significant cattle disease in Africa. The control measures, which led to eradication from numerous countries are not feasible in Africa where the only prophylaxis relies on vaccination. However, the attenuated vaccines, used up to now in Africa, are of low efficiency. The development of an improved vaccine is, therefore, a necessity. The purpose of this study was to compare some immunological parameters in MmmSC-infected cattle (endobronchial versus natural in-contact infection) and assess the response in correlation with the clinical outcome (death versus recovery). Characterization of the immune parameters elicited in recovered animals, known to be refractory to new infection, will be an important step towards development of new vaccines against CBPP. A significant outcome of this study was the demonstration that all MmmSC-infected cattle developed a MmmSC-specific cell-mediated immune response. A kinetic analysis of the MmmSC responsiveness showed that the main difference between endobronchially- and in-contact infected animals was the delay before the onset of the MmmSC-specific immune response. The first MmmSC-responding PBMC sample was selected from each animal for cell phenotyping. The phenotypic analysis of this early MmmSC-induced response revealed the predominant contribution of the CD4 T-cells in all animals whereas IFNgamma was only constantly produced in recovered animals. Evolution of this early MmmSC-specific immune response was then followed by a kinetic analysis of the MmmSC-induced CD4 T-cell response and IFNgamma released. The results demonstrated that in recovered animals, the MmmSC-specific CD4 Th1-like T-cell response was maintained until slaughtering whereas in animals with acute disease, progression of CBPP was associated with a decreased ability of the PBMC to produce IFNgamma. The results led to the identification of immune parameters, which correlate with protection against CBPP and to a relevant strategy for the development of improved vaccines against this disease.  相似文献   

Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a lung disease caused by the bacterial pathogen Mycoplasma mycoides ssp. mycoides small colony type (MmmSC). It has been spreading due to a number of factors including poor vaccine efficacy and poor sensitivity of current diagnostic tests. The purpose of this study was to assess interferon gamma (IFN-gamma) release after stimulation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from experimentally infected cattle. PBMC collected from 15 artificially infected animals were incubated with different concentrations of total MmmSC antigen. After 72h of incubation the IFN-gamma release was measured and found to be elevated in 11 animals. We did not observe a correlation between IFN-gamma release of animals with and without pathomorphological gross lesions. Therefore, our data do not confirm a role for CD4 T-lymphocytes in protection, since there is no correlation between IFN-g secretion (supposed to be mainly derived from CD4 T-cells) and disease severity. Additionally, we applied immunocytochemistry on affected lung tissue and detected no build up of T-lymphocytes (CD4 T-cells, CD8 T-cells) but a high presence of myeloid cells.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides Large Colony (LC) type is a pathogen of goats causing contagious agalactia and respiratory disease, found on all continents where small ruminants are kept. It shares close genetic characteristics with M. mycoides subsp. capri. Substrate oxidation by 22 strains of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides LC from nine countries was compared with that of eight strains of M. mycoides subsp. capri from five countries. There was considerable similarity in the substrates used, but substrate saturation coefficients (Ks) varied for different substrates. Substrate utilization patterns and Ks values did not (1) significantly differentiate the LC strains from each other, (2) show any correlation with geographical origin, or (3) distinguish the LC strains from the capri strains. These results support previous studies justifying the reclassification of these subspecies as a single species.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on four adult cattle to assess the pathogenicity of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC strain T1/44, currently used as a vaccine for the control of contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) in Namibia. Post mortem examination 9 weeks after endobronchial inoculation of the vaccine strain to three of the four animals revealed unilateral pleuropneumonic lesions, pleuritis and well-developed sequesters in two of the three inoculated animals and several small sequesters surrounded by pleuropneumonic lesions in the diaphragmatic and apical lobes in one animal. The fourth animal, which was not directly inoculated but was in close contact with the inoculated animals, revealed only an adhesion area of the lung to the ribcage. Serological examination carried out using the complement fixation test (CFT) detected positive titres in all three intubated animals and the indirect CBPP-LppQ-ELISA was positive for two of the three inoculated animals. The contact animal showed no seroconversion. M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC was isolated from the sequesters of two of the inoculated animals. Isolation of mycoplasmas was not possible from the third inoculated animal due to heavy contamination of the samples by other bacteria, but the presence of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC could be evidenced by PCR from clinical samples. The identity of the T1/44 vaccine strain isolated from the sequesters of two animals was confirmed by T1/44-specific PCR analysis and by IS1296 typing using Southern blot. These results clearly show that inoculation of T1/44 vaccine via the endobronchial route can lead to CBPP.  相似文献   

During an experimental reproduction of CBPP, 5 inoculated cows and 5 contacts cows were bled twice a week and antibodies research was performed using complement fixation test (CFT), passive haemagglutination test (PHAT) and slide agglutination test (SAT). In the same period, trachobronchial washings were performed weekly to detect and to count Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC. For four months these tests were used to compare antibodies kinetics with kinetics of mycoplasmas excretion. With titer over 40 as threshold of positivity, PHAT detects antibodies earlier than CFT and SAT at the beginning of infection, but fails to detect chronic carriers. In contacts cows no failure has been observed with CFT and SAT except during prodromic phase of infection. These results are valid for natural infections. However, for inoculated animals, most serious failures to detect infected cows occur.  相似文献   

This study sought to determine whether male goat auricular carriers of mycoplasmas known to cause contagious agalactia could harbour these microorganisms at anatomical sites other than the ears. A microbiological study was conducted in 6 naturally infected bucks that had been diagnosed as chronic auricular asymptomatic carriers of Mycoplasma (M.) mycoides subsp. capri (Mmc) more than one year previously. To detect mycoplasmas, cultures and PCR were performed on 46 samples taken from each goat from the cardio-respiratory, digestive, nervous, lymph and genitourinary systems and several joints. Of a total of 274 samples analyzed, 28 were positive for mycoplasmas (10.1%): Mmc was detected in 17 (6.1%), Mycoplasma (M.) agalactiae in 12 (4.3%) and both microorganisms were identified in one of the samples. In all 6 goats, mixed infection was observed despite none being auricular carriers of M. agalactiae. Mycoplasma spp. were identified at 15 different sites; the most frequent sites being the joints (31.2%, 5 positive samples), lymph nodes (25%, 4 positive samples) and respiratory tract (25%, 4 positive samples). Positive results were also obtained in three brain tissue (18.7%), two cardiac tissue (12.5%) and one ileum, urethra, testicle and bulbourethral gland (6.25%) samples. The histopathological findings may suggest the presence of mild chronic conditions in some of the organs where the bacteria were found. Our findings reveal for the first time the capacity of Mmc and M. agalactiae to colonize several other organ systems in chronically naturally infected auricular carriers, possibly representing an added risk factor for the spread of these microorganisms. In the case of M. agalactiae, colonization seemed to be independent of the animal's auricular carrier state.  相似文献   

Transmissibility of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides infection from experimentally inoculated goats to other goats and calves was studied. Eight goats and six calves were housed in an 18 m2 room. Six of the goats were inoculated endobronchially with strain D44 isolated from a natural case of polyarthritis in Ontario. These six goats died within a week of Mycoplasma septicemia. The two contact goats or the six calves never showed signs of disease and M. mycoides subsp. mycoides was not recovered from these animals. The contact goats and four calves were killed 25 days after exposure. They were all seronegative, M. mycoides subsp. mycoides was not recovered at necropsy and none had pathomorphological changes attributable to this Mycoplasma. The two remaining calves were inoculated endobronchially with 10(9) CFU of strain D44 and observed for 20 days. They never showed signs of disease and did not have significant lesions at necropsy. Both developed a significant serological response to M. mycoides subsp. mycoides, although this organism was not recovered during the experimental period or at necropsy. This study did not provide evidence for transmission of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides from endobronchially inoculated goats to contact goats or calves and endobronchially inoculated calves did not develop pneumonia. This would suggest that the infection of the goat population in Canada with this pathogen would not be a significant threat to the cattle population.  相似文献   

A better understanding of protective immune memory against contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is needed in order to facilitate the development of safer vaccines based on selected components of the pathogen. For this purpose, cells collected from lymph nodes draining the lungs of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides small colony biotype (MmmSC)-infected cattle were stimulated with the pathogen in vitro and evaluated concurrently for proliferation (CFSE based method), expression of activation, memory markers and cytokine production. Direct evidence is presented for a major contribution of CD4+ T cells to the vigorous proliferative and T1 biased cytokine recall responses observed in cattle that have recovered from infection but not in animals developing the acute form of the disease. Two different phenotypes of MmmSC-specific memory CD4 were observed based on CD62L expression and proliferative capacities. Furthermore, recall proliferation of B cells also occurred but was strictly dependent on the presence of CD4. The information provided in this study will facilitate the search for MmmSC antigens that have potential for the development of subunit vaccines against CBPP.  相似文献   

Six cesarean-derived lambs were inoculated either with 4.5 X 10(4), 4.5 X 10(6) or 4.5 X 10(8) Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides intratracheally. One animal receiving the intermediate dose died four days post-inoculation, the two receiving the high dose died six days postinoculation, while one receiving the low dose died eight days postinoculation. The two surviving lambs were challenged on day 20 postinoculation with 1 X 10(8) organisms subcutaneously and 2 X 10(9) organisms intravenously. One animal died eight days following this challenge while the other survived and was killed. Six conventionally reared lambs challenged with 90 to 8500 organisms by intranasal and intraocular instillation failed to become infected. Three conventionally reared calves were each inoculated with 1 X 10(8) organisms by each of intratracheal, subcutaneous and intravenous routes. They were killed 20 days post-inoculation without having shown any clinical signs.  相似文献   

Trypanosoma congolense and T vivax infections in cattle were shown to have a suppressive effect on the secondary humoral immune response to M mycoides. The trypanosome infections caused an involution of the thymus. The secondary response was biphasic in nature and was unrelated to infection with trypanosomes.  相似文献   

L-α-glycerophosphate oxidase (GlpO) plays a central role in virulence of Mycoplasma mycoides subsp. mycoides SC, a severe bacterial pathogen causing contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP). It is involved in production and translocation of toxic H2O2 into the host cell, causing inflammation and cell death. The binding site on GlpO for the cofactor flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) has been identified as Gly 12−Gly13Gly 14−Ile15−Ile16Gly 17. Recombinant GlpO lacking these six amino acids (GlpOΔFAD) was unable to bind FAD and was also devoid of glycerophosphate oxidase activity, in contrast to non-modified recombinant GlpO that binds FAD and is enzymatically active. Polyclonal monospecific antibodies directed against GlpOΔFAD, similarly to anti-GlpO antibodies, neutralised H2O2 production of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC grown in the presence of glycerol, as well as cytotoxicity towards embryonic calf nasal epithelial (ECaNEp) cells. The FAD-binding site of GlpO is therefore suggested as a valuable target site for the future construction of deletion mutants to yield attenuated live vaccines of M. mycoides subsp. mycoides SC necessary to efficiently combat CBPP.  相似文献   

Antibody responses in serum, saliva, nasal secretions, or esophageal-pharyngeal fluid of foot-and-mouth disease virus-infected steers were examined by single radial immunodiffusion and mouse-neutralization tests. In steers infected with type O foot-and-mouth disease virus, high serum antibody titers were detected within 10 days after infection. Antibody was first detected in saliva at 30 days and gradually increased to a plateau at about 90 days. Small amounts of antibody continued to be secreted in saliva and in nasal secretions for at least 6 months. Antibody was not detected in esophageal-pharyngeal fluid. The major antibody activity in secretions was due to secretory immunoglobulin A as revealed by radioimmunoelectrophoresis.  相似文献   

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