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报道了中国对虾白黑斑病的肝胰腺、鳃、血液、胃、肠和肌肉等组织的压制片、显微切片及亚显微切片的观察结果。病虾鳃上常见肉芽肿和菌团(37%),肝胰腺有细小样病毒(HPV)包涵体感染(41%),但这些组织均未出现有规律的因生物性病原侵入而引起的病理组织变化。肉眼所见的白斑和黑斑是由一些大小不等、形状不一的棕黄色和褐色团块状物质沉积而成。超微结构显示这些类似脂褐质物质内没有包被细菌等生物性病原。据观察结果分析,该病为生理性疾病,而非感染性疾病。还讨论了白斑、黑斑的形成与病虾的生理代谢、酚氧化酶作用之间的关系  相似文献   

渤海中国对虾生态容量变化研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
基于1982年和2014~2015年渤海渔业资源与环境调查数据,采用Ecopath模型,分析了渤海生态系统的营养关系、结构及功能参数,评估了中国对虾(Fenneropenaeus chinensis)在渤海的生态容量变化。结果显示,渤海生态系统中底栖甲壳类、软体动物等功能群处于重要的营养位置,但中国对虾不是渤海生态系统的关键种,其生物量的增加对口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)、三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatus)、多毛类、底栖甲壳类有负影响,花鲈(Lateolabrax japonicus)、虾虎鱼类等生物量的增加将对中国对虾产生负影响。渤海生态系统2个时期均处于发育的不稳定期,仍有较高的剩余生产量有待利用,2014~2015年渤海生态系统成熟度和稳定性较1982年有所降低,系统出现一定程度的退化。中国对虾1982年和2014~2015年在渤海的生态容量为0.810和0.702 t/km~2;与当年依据调查数据评估的生物量相比较,中国对虾有较大的增殖潜力,当生物量增长至71.68倍和585倍时,仍不会超过生态容量。  相似文献   

Two feeding experiments were conducted to assess the quantitative cholesterol requirement of the juvenile prawn, Penaeus japonicus . The prawns were fed casein-based (experiment 1) and casein- or crab protein-based (experiment 2) diets with or without supplemental cholesterol. The daily increases in quantities of body cholesterol (mg kg−1 prawn day−1) at maximum growth and dietary cholesterol intake over a 40-day feeding period were determined. Prawns fed 5 g kg−1 supplemental cholesterol, regardless of protein sources, gave the highest weight gain. Body retention efficiencies of dietary cholesterol (cholesterol retained × 100/cholesterol intake) vary among prawns fed 5 g kg−1 supplemental cholesterol (diets 3, 5 and 7) but dietary cholesterol requirements expressed as mg kg−1 body weight (BW) day−1 were not significantly different (180 to 200 mg kg−1 BW day−1). Based on dietary cholesterol requirement, the optimum dietary cholesterol levels for the juvenile prawns were estimated in relation to feeding levels. When feeding levels were 3%, 5% and 7% of body weight, optimum dietary cholesterol levels were 5.0 to 6.0, 3.6 to 4.0, and 2.6 to 2.9 g kg−1 of dry diet, respectively. The present study showed the advantages of determining daily cholesterol requirement (mg kg−1 BW day−1) at maximum growth through a factorial method in determining optimum dietary cholesterol levels in P. japonicus .  相似文献   

中国对虾对维生素B2、B5、B6营养需要的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
徐志昌 《水产学报》1995,19(2):97-104
研究了三种水溶性维生素B2,B5和B6在以酪蛋白为蛋白源的饲料中的不同含量对中国对虾的存活率,体重增重率,体长增长率,蛋白质消化率及实验维生素在体内的累积量等方面的影响。结果表明,在每100g饲料中维生素B2、B5和B6的含量分别在10(体重1.53g)-20mg(体重6.00g)、40mg、14mg时,上述指标均达最佳,维生素缺乏或过量都会阻碍对虾生长,在适宜添加量范围中,随着饲料中维生素B6的  相似文献   

黄海增殖日本对虾的生长特性   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
苏振明 《水产学报》1996,20(1):25-29
对黄海增殖日本对虾群体的生长特性进行研究,并初步确定了该群体的合理开捕期。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of light intensity just prior to and during spawning of Penaeus (Fenneropenaeus) merguiensis de Man in the laboratory. Neither the presence of light nor light intensity (0, 10 and 1100 lux) had a significant effect on the spawning process or hatching rate in P. merguiensis. Difference in the percentage of spawners, percentage of incomplete spawning, fecundity and hatching rate were all insignificant (P > 0.05) among the three light treatments. However, spawning was delayed (up to 21 min on average) under 1100 lux with a high percentage of incomplete spawning, compared with the Control (0 lux). For the first time, spawning behaviour of P. merguiensis was observed and fully described. The spawning process can be divided into four phases: dormant, pre‐spawning, spawning and post‐spawning by distinct behaviour of prawn broodstock. The dormant phase was characterized by a quiescent and non‐feeding period, whereas movement of prawn broodstock was active during the pre‐spawning and post‐spawning phases. Depending on the individual, spawning was completed within 3–5 min. Prawns often stayed still on the water surface during spawning with occasional manoeuvres to change the position. After a short rest at the termination of the spawning phase, prawn broodstock re‐exhibited active movement as in the pre‐spawning phase, but showing conspicuous care to the deposited eggs. The role of light in controlling ovarian development and spawning, and the behaviour of prawn broodstock in relation to maximizing fertilization rate are discussed.  相似文献   

中国对虾和三疣梭子蟹混养试验   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
于1999-2000年进行了中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)和三疣梭子蟹(Portunus trituberculatas)的混养试验。1999年的产量对虾为388.92kg/hm^2,梭子蟹为909.31kg/hm^2,纯收入和投入产出比为3.64万元/hm和1:1.98;2000年的产量对虾为412.50kg/hm^2,梭子蟹为722.25kg/hm^2。纯收入和投入产出比为2.55万元/hm^2和1:1.23,两个年度的实验都取得了较好经济效益,混养的纯利润比对虾单养提高了7-10倍,投入产出比提高1-2.5倍。  相似文献   

秦志华  李健  王芳  刘淇  王群 《水产科学》2007,26(1):17-21
用添加了不同含量Vc-2-多聚磷酸酯(600 mg/kg,3000 mg/kg、6000 mg/kg,对照)的饲料分别投喂中国对虾幼体(Z1-P5),测定其对幼体生长、变态、非特异性免疫以及体内Vc积累量的影响。结果显示:6000 mg/kg处理组显著促进了幼体的生长和变态(P<0.05);超氧化物岐化酶和抗菌活力较对照组和600 mg/kg处理组均达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。第20 d用副溶血弧菌攻毒,3000、6000mg/kg处理组均显著提高了幼体存活率;高效液相色谱法检测幼体体内的Vc含量发现,其体内Vc含量随着饲料中Vc-2-多聚磷酸酯含量的增加而增加。以生长、变态、超氧化物岐化酶、抗菌活力为评价指标,建议中国对虾幼体饲料中Vc-2-多聚磷酸酯的添加量为6000 mg/kg。  相似文献   

蔡生力 《水产学报》2001,25(4):304-310
首次证实了孕酮和雌二醇这两种类固醇激素在中国对虾体内的存在.在性腺未发育阶段,肝胰腺、卵巢和血液中两种激素的含量均很低氐,难以检测到.而在卵黄发生前期(核仁周边期),三种组织中孕酮和雌二醇含量迅速上升,卵巢的雌二醇含量达到高峰(450.1±86.7).进入初级卵黄发生阶段,三种组织中,两种激素均具较高含量,卵巢和肝胰腺的孕酮含量(分别为1975 1±175.2和902.6±130.5pg/g)以及血淋巴中的雌二醇含量(451.3±73.7)达到高峰.到了次级卵黄发生阶段,孕酮和雌二醇的含量迅速下降,肝胰腺等组织中儿乎检测不到.对虾性腺指数(GSl)的增长既显著且有规律性,每一期增长幅度都达到或超过l00%.肝胰腺指数(HSI)从性腺未发育期(3.4±04)到卵黄发生前期(4.9±0 7)以及从卵黄发生前期到初级卵H黄发生期(6.3±1.0)有显著的增长,而从初级卵黄发生期到次级卵黄发生期HSI增长不显著(6.7±1.2).肝胰腺指数的增长与两种类固醇激素含量的变化具相似的趋势.上述结果显示,孕酮和雌二醇可能具有刺激和凋控中国对虾性腺发育的作用,肝胰腺可能是卵黄蛋白原的合成场所.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate genetic parameters for spawning traits and growth traits in a breeding line of Pacific white shrimp, Penaeus (Litopenaeus) vannamei, selected for growth and survival. Traits studied were number of eggs (NE) and number of nauplii (NN) and female body weight at insemination (FWI) and body weight at 130 days of age (BW130). Genetic parameters were estimated using a multivariate animal model. Heritability for NE and NN were estimated as 0.13 ± 0.04 and 0.03 ± 0.04 respectively. The contribution to NN total variation due to ‘factors associated with male’ effect was estimated as 0.47 ± 0.07. In the cases of FWI and BW130, heritability was estimated as 0.44 ± 0.08 and 0.19 ± 0.03 respectively. Genetic correlation between FWI and NE was estimated as 0.49 ± 0.15, between FWI and NN as 0.54 ± 0.39 and between NE and NN as 0.27 ± 0.41, whereas the genetic correlations of FWI, NE and NN with BW130 were 0.30 ± 0.13, ?0.21 ± 0.19 and ?0.25 ± 0.38 respectively. Although it is important to perform more studies on this issue, our results found no evidence of a genetic antagonistic effect between female reproductive traits and body weight at harvesting (130 days of age) in P. vannamei.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus and zymosan A were used to stimulate the Chinese prawn Fenneropenaeus chinensis (Osbeck), and enzyme activities in organs involved in immune defence e.g., lymphoid organ, hepatopancreas and gill, total haemocyte count and mitotic index of haematopoietic tissue (HPT) were measured. The results showed that activities of phenoloxidase (PO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and acid phosphatase (ACP) were higher in lymphoid organ than in gill. The hepatopancreas had no PO activity, its SOD activity was similar to the lymphoid organ, and its ALP and ACP activities were higher than lymphoid organ and gill. Phenoloxidase activity in lymphoid organ was higher than that of the control group at 2 h after injection and lower than control after 24 h. Superoxide dismutase activity in all organs showed an increase. Alkaline phosphatase activity in lymphoid organ and gill was higher than that of the control group at 2 and 24 h after injection respectively. The difference in ACP activity was not significant. After injection with zymosan A, the mitotic index of HPT increased by 1.5‐fold compared with the control, and returned to control level after 48 h.  相似文献   

中国对虾主要过敏原的鉴定及理化性质   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
王晓斐  李振兴  林洪 《水产学报》2008,32(2):273-278
以中国对虾为研究对象,旨在获得有关中国对虾过敏原的基础数据,为水产品中过敏原的控制提供依据.首先利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳对中国对虾过敏原组分进行分析,经免疫印迹鉴定其主要过敏原.然后利用高效液相色谱法纯化中国对虾的主要过敏原,并用β消去、紫外扫描、肽质量指纹图谱和红外光谱等方法对其理化性质进行研究.表明中国对虾主要过敏原为分子量36 ku的糖蛋白,糖含量为4.4%,存在O-型糖肽键,其二级结构主要为α-螺旋,与其他甲壳类过敏原之间存在很高的同源性.  相似文献   

用Zymosan A对中国对虾(Penaeus chinensis)血细胞进行体外刺激,用NBT还原法测定血细胞吞噬活动中产生O2^-的过程。结果表明,中国对虾血细胞在经刺激诱导的吞噬活动中有明显的呼吸爆发和O2^-的产生;不同浓度的Zymosan A对血细胞产生O2^-的影响不同。Zymosan A在0.25-1.0mg/ml对随质量浓度的增加,产生O2^-的量也增加,但当Zymosan A质量浓度继续增加到1.5和2.0mg/mL时,产生O2^-的量反而下降。用同一浓度的Zymosan A对不同密度血细胞进行刺激产生O2^-的强度也不同,随着密度的增加,血细胞产生O2^-的量增加。SOD、NEM和碘代乙酰胺(Iodoacetamide)对血细胞吞噬过程中O2^-的产生有抑制作用;Hg^2 、Cr^3 、Pb^2 、Cu^2 和Zn^2 5种重金属离子也能抑制血细胞产生O2^-;不同个体的中国对虾血细胞产生O2^-的能力不同。NBT还原法测定中国对虾血细胞吞噬时产生的O2^-可以作为检测对虾免疫状态的指标。  相似文献   

用感染白斑综合症毒病的中国对虾头胸甲,对健康的仔虾进行了人工投喂感染实验,同时从病虾中分离出病毒悬液作为毒种,无节幼体,蚤体 幼体和糠虾体进行不同温度条件下的人工浸浴实验,结果表明,卵和无节幼体,蚤状幼体,糠虾幼对病毒悬液不敏感,闰理切片观察未见病毒粒子,光镜病理切片可观空到鳃上皮,前肠上皮有包涵体样病变,同时在肝胰组织中发现了肝胰腺细小病毒(HPV)包涵体。  相似文献   

通过分析中国对虾人工选育两个群体WSSV感染相关免疫与生化因子的变化,研究选育的两个中国对虾群体对WSSV的敏感性和抵抗力。结果表明,两个群体感染WSSV后,总细胞数(THC)在24h达到最大,随后呈下降趋势;两个群体血淋巴蛋白在感染初期和中期变化不同,但在后期均呈下降趋势;相比而言2'对虾群体比6'对虾群体血蛋白含量和THC下降幅度稍慢;2'对虾群体和6'对虾群体感染24h后酸性磷酸酶(ACP)稍有下降,随后保持较高的活性,而碱性磷酸酶(AKP)的变化除2'对虾群体在感染48h有显著增大外,6'对虾群体变化不明显;过氧化氢酶(CAT)、活性氧(ROS)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)与WSSV感染有密切的联系,两个群体抗氧化酶活性随WSSV增殖的变化略有不同;细胞内酚氧化酶(proPO)原变化趋势也表现出差异,斑点杂交结果显示6'对虾群体比2'对虾群体阳性反应较早,揭示不同群体间对WSSV感染的敏感性存在一些差异。  相似文献   

饲料中必需脂肪酸对中国对虾体内必需脂肪酸含量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用正交设计法设计亚油酸(18∶2n-6)、亚麻酸(18∶3n-3)、二十碳五烯酸(20∶5n-3)和二十二碳六烯酸(22∶6n-3)3因素、3水平饲喂中国对虾试验,结果表明,对虾体内4种必需脂肪酸(EFA)含量随饲料中4种必需脂肪酸含量增加而增加。当饲料中亚麻酸、二十碳五烯酸和二十二碳六烯酸含量分别为0.84%~1.10%、0.21%~0.48%和0.37%~074%时,养殖对虾与野生虾体内这3种必需脂肪酸含量接近。由于饲料中亚油酸含量较高,所以养殖虾体内亚油酸含量高于野生虾。  相似文献   

经5周饲养,研究了盐度(10、30)和草药野马追(0、0.1%、0.2%、0.4%、0.8%、1.6%、3.2%)对中国明对虾生长的影响。试验结果表明,野马追及盐度和野马追交互作用显著地影响明对虾的终末质量、特定生长率、摄食量和饲料系数。在2个盐度水平,随饲料中野马追添加量的升高,中国明对虾特定生长率、摄食量和吸收效率均呈上升趋势,当到达最大值后,中国明对虾特定生长率、摄食量和吸收效率随着野马追添加量的升高而下降;而饲料系数呈下降趋势,达到最小值后,然后上升。  相似文献   

对虾白斑综合症(WSS)的分子流行病学研究进展   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
本文主要依据1993年以来关于白斑综合症(WSS)的研究结果,对白斑综合症的致病因子与暴露、生物标志与生物学效应、易感性、预防策略进行综合评述,以期为有效控制WSS疫情、重振对虾养殖业提供参考。  相似文献   

通过单因子静态急性毒性试验和正交设计法 ,研究水环境中Ca2 、Mg2 、Ca2 Mg2 总量及Ca2 /Mg2 比值对中国对虾生存及生长的影响。结果表明 :(1)中国对虾在水环境中能够生存的Ca2 、Mg2 质量浓度范围分别为 2 4 .92~ 2 80 .6 6mg/L、34.5~ 344.9mg/L ;(2 )Ca2 /Mg2 比值为 1∶10 ,对中国对虾的生存没有影响 ;(3)中国对虾的生长与Ca2 浓度有密切关系 ,其值过高或过低均会影响中国对虾的生长 ,但中国对虾能够在Mg2 浓度低至正常海水 1/ 2的水中正常生长  相似文献   

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