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The Relative Growth Rate of the larvac ofA. rosae at a temperature of 20°C amounts to 0.45–0.63 (RGR of Myzus persicae=0.17–0.39) corresponding to a doubling of the body weight within 1.1 to 1.5 days. The daily intake of plant material reached twice the amount of the respective initial body weight. The diapause ofA. rosae is induced by the photoperiod; temperature seems to be of minor importance. The onset of pigment evasion from the larval eye signalizes the termination of diapause. Diapause ended earlier at temperatures of 5°C and 12°C than at 20°C but even at the latter temperature diapausing individuals eventually yielded adults.  相似文献   

Three moulting inhibitors, Dimilin, Nomolt and Alsystin, were tested against the sawflyPristiphora abietina by helicopter-application. The hatched larvae showed a low susceptibility to these bioinsecticides; in all cases the mortality ran up to 20% max. only, and the damage of the buds could not be prevented. The eggs of the sawfly were much more susceptible. Dimilin and Nomolt caused an oocidal effect of about 35–40%, whereas after application of Alsystin the mortality of the eggs increased up to 80–100%. Areas sprayed with Alsystin during the egg period ofP. abietina showed no damage at all.  相似文献   

With the view of protecting the environment from pesticide contamination the author has elaborated an agrotechnical control method againstA. rosae larvae. The method consists in essentials of ploughing in the rape plants emerging from seeds shed at the time of harvesting only at the end of July —beginning of August. The 1 st summer generation ofA. rosae flies at the beginning of July and lays the eggs onto the young seedlings. Ploughing in the plants at the end of July or beginning of August destroys the developing larva population, no swarming of the 2nd summer generation at the end of August —bebinning of September does come about. Chemical control in autumn otherwise due almost every year will not thus beneeded. Furthermore, the plants ploughed in act as a green manure causing increase in the volume of wheat yield.  相似文献   

The female parasite,Bracon bebetor is not able to distinguish the host that she or other female of its species attacked. Thus, a host larva ofG. mellonella bearing numerous eggs of this parasite most probably was superparasitized. This phenomenon induces obvious decreases in the length of the parasite developmental period and its progeny and increases the rate of mortality in immature stages and number of males in the progeny. Individuals parasitising the host earlier are always survivors and those attacking it later are losers. Losers are either devoured early by the older larvae or die, later, under the state of starvation when the host individual provides insufficient supply of food for all attacking larvae.  相似文献   

Aviochemic control measures againstPristiphora abietina (Christ.) using Decis ULV in comparison with Malathion ULVC and Dimilin PH 60-40 showed a distinct superiority of Decis. As the result of three actions in May and June of 1981 and in June of 1982 the reduction ofP. abietina density amounted to 96.2% (using Decis 2.5 g/ha+Ulvapron as an adhering substance) based on the number of larvae at the end of the feeding period. The addition of Ulvapron increased the effectivity of Decis for about 30%. Early and late forcing spruce trees showed less attack than such of intermediate force. Regarding side effects on useful insects ants and honey dew producing homopters were heavily injured by Decis whereas honey bees showed a loss of only about 8% of larvae. The lasting effect of the aviocemic control measures 1981/82 continued for 4–5 years.  相似文献   

Studies on the biology of Phygadeuon trichops Thoms. (Hym., Ichneumonidae.) Studies on the biology ofPhygadeuon trichops Thoms. (Hym., Ichneumonidae). Biological data, which were pointed out with one or several couples of ichneumonids per testcage, are reported such as life-span, reproductive capacity, duration of larval development, sex ratio, rhythm of oviposition, duration of copulation, supra parasitying, number of exit holes in the host pupa and the ratio of the F1-progeny and real produced eggs. As host pupae for the ichneumonids pupae of the onion fly were used, which can be breeded easily in large scale.  相似文献   

Investigations on longevity and fertility of Megastigmus bipunctatus Swederus (Hym., Chalc., Torymidae)Investigations on the influence of different climatic and nutritional factors on longevity and fertility of adult femaleMegastigmus bipunctatus showed that differences in relative humidity had little effect. In higher temperatures longevity and fertility were reduced; the number of undeveloped eggs was reduced more than the number of mature eggs. Food formulas containing protein in the form of chicken egg albumen had a negative effect on longevity and fertility when compared with data fromM. bipunctatus femals kept without food and water. An increase of both, life span and number of eggs, was observed after giving distilled water, aqueous honey solution or aqueous honey solution enriched with vitamin mixture. A maximum increase was obtained with femals living only on honey solution.  相似文献   

Further findings of tip beetles (Malachius; Col., Malachiidae) burdensome in buildings There came about to the troublesome occurence of theMalachius larvae in two new-built rustic buildings and in the adapted house in the czechoslovakia (Centrral Bohemia, threen districts), just after settling in or in the third year after the outset of adaption works at th most. The larvae occured especially in March and April (the maximum extent November till July inclusively). It was repeated in the second year after the settling in one case. The entomofauna typical for the mouldy materials was ascertained in two investigated localities. The larvae were also at polluted egg crates ascertained (one another locality).The larvae ofCantharis fusca of the akin family Cantharidae infested egg stores of one modern poultry-farm (October 1973). There is a thick ruderal vegatation around the buildings.  相似文献   

Eight percent of larvae ofSemanotus undatus in a heavyly attacked fir trunk were parasitized byOrussus abietinus. Only few host species are known of the rare Orussidae, which had formerly been wrongly allocated to the wood wasps (Siricidae). The Orussidae form part of the sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), although they are their only family not to have vegetarian habits; instead they have parasitarian habits similar to the parasitical wasps.  相似文献   

Old larvae ofN. sertifer treated with SIR Bay 8514, an insect growth regulator similar to Diflubenzuron produced partly (17–24%) abnormal cocoons showing a hole or a broad fissure in their middle region. Such phenomenon was not known hitherto.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Auf Grund von 1968–1970 in Polen durchgeführten Untersuchungen wurden als bisher nicht bekannte Parasiten der in Lärchensamen lebendenMegastigmus pictus (Förster) (=M. seitneri Hoffm.) (Hymen., Torymidae) die ChalcidoidenEupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Hymen., Eupelmidae) undMesopolobus zetterstedtii (Dalla Torre) (Hymen., Pteromalidae) nachgewiesen.Die Zuchten aus Samen und Zapfen von 69 polnischen Oberförstereien (104 Standorte) zeigten, daß die beiden Parasiten eine beträchtliche Rolle bei der Einschränkung der Population vomMegastigmus pictus spielen können. Die Untersuchungen bilden die Grundlage für einen eventuellen Einsatz beider Parasitenarten zur biologischen Bekämpfung des Samenschädlings.
Summary The autor demonstrates, as a result of investigation carried out in the years 1968–1970, thatEupelmus urozonus Dalm. (Hymen., Eupelmidae) andMesopolobus zetterstedtii (Dalla Torre) (Hymen., Pteromalidae) being parasites ofMegastigmus pictus (Förster) (=M. seitneri Hoffm.) (Hymen., Torymidae), an insect damaging the seeds of the European and Polish larch.It was stated from 69 forest districts (104 localities) in the area of Poland, that these parasites are able to play a considerable role in the limitation ofMegastigmus pictus populations. An indication of the se parasites may presage the possibility of a biological restriction of damages caused by this harmful insect.

Zusammenfassung Die Massenzucht der Kleinen Kohlfliege (Phorbia brassicae Bché.) und der Großen Kohlfliege (Phorbia floralis F.) stößt im Laboratorium, besonders bei Verwendung von gelagerten Kohlrüben, auf Schwierigkeiten. Kohlrüben zur Ernährung der Larven verderben sehr rasch im Brutschrank. In den Zuchtschalen entstehen Nahrungsmangel und erhebliche Vernässung, wodurch ein hoher Prozentsatz der Larven abstirbt. Da die Larven nur in einem pH-Bereich über 6,0 Nahrung aufnehmen, müssen an die Konservierungsmittel bestimmte Anforderungen gestellt werden. Eine Reihe von Chemikalien wurde getestet, wobei ein Gemisch von 0,1% Propionsäure und 0,2% Kaliumrhodanid, mit einem Phosphatpuffer auf pH 6,2 eingestellt, die günstigste Wirkung gegen Mikroorganismen aufwies.
Summary Larvae of cabbage maggots (Phorbia brassicae Bouché andPh. floralis Fallén) were reared in the laboratory on. rutabagas(Brassica napus var. napobrassica). Stored rutabagas root rapidly in the rearing trays and cause through food shortage and watering a high mortality of the larvae. A number of chemicals was tested for preserving the rutabagas. The pH-value of such a chemical must be at least 6.0, since larvae do not feed at values below 6.0. From the chemicals tested a mixture of 0.1% propionic acid and 0.2% potassium rhodanide buffered with phosphate to a pH of 6.2 gave the best antimicrobial effects.

Mit Förderung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Experimente mit Eiern und Larven verschiedenen Alters des MehlzünslersCorcyra cephalonica (Staint.), welche unterschiedlich langen Temperaturen von 5, 0 und –10°C ausgesetzt wurden, ergaben, daß Eier bei Kurzzeitbehandlung (10h) mit –10°C oder bei Langzeitbehandlung (10 Tage mit 0°C, 15 Tage mit 5°C) zu 100% abstarben. Die Kältebehandlung von Erstlarven führte bei 2 h mit –10°C oder 5 Tagen mit 5°C zum völligen Absterben. Wurde mit verschiedenen Entwicklungsstadien (außer Puppen) vonC. cephalonica befallenes Weizenmehl 5 Tage lang 0°C oder 15 Tage lang 5°C ausgesetzt, starben alle Stadien ab, so daß keine Falter schlüpften. Somit ist unter diesen Bedingungen eine wirksame Bekämpfung des Schädlings in befallenem Mehl möglich, solange noch keine Puppen ausgebildet sind.
Use of cold susceptibility of eggs and larvae of the rice mothCorcyra cephalonica (Stainton) (Lep., Pyralidae) for their control
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the effect of storing wheat flour for various length of time at –10°, 0°, and 5°C, on the mortality of the egg and larval stages ofCorcyra cephalonica (Stainton). Treating eggs with –10°C for 10 h, 0°C for 10 and more days, or 5°C for 15 days, stopped all embryonic development, and hence 100% mortality of eggs was obtained. Also, 100% mortality was observed when first-instar larvae were treated with –10°C for 2 h and more; or 0°C or 5°C for 5, 10, or 15 days.Storing wheat flour infested with different stages at 0°C for 5 days and more, or at 5°C for 15 days prevented the development of immature stages and thus no adults emerged. It can be concluded that storing small quantities of flour at 5°C for 15 days, or at 0°C for 10 or 15 days would be effective in controllingC. cephalonica, if no pupae are present at the time of treatment.

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A report is given on the introduction and establishment of the ChalcididAphelinus mali in the Wadi Lia, Taif region, in Saudi Arabia in 1976, for the purpose of controlling the woolly apple aphid,Eriosoma lanigerum.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Weiße Fliege,Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana) (Hom.: Aleyrodidae), stellt seit ihrer Verschleppung in die Zitrusanbaugebiete an der Südost-Mittelmeerküste der Türkei im Jahre 1982 eines der größten Probleme im dortigen Zitrusanbau dar. Zu ihrer biologischen Bekämpfung wurde im Jahre 1986 der spezifische Parasitoid,Eretmocerus debachi Rose und Rosen (Hym.: Aphelinidae) aus Kalifornien in die Türkei eingeführt. Der Parasitoid konnte sich nach Massenfreilassungen im gesamten Gebiet sehr gut einbürgern. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung wurde die Wirksamkeit vonE. debachi gegenüberP. myricae in zweijährigen Versuchen in natürlich befallenen Zitrusanlagen und auf künstlich infizierten und exponierten Zitrusjungpflanzen erfaßt.Innerhalb von zwei Wochen konnten auf den exponierten Zitrusjungpflanzen die ersten Parasitoiden festgestellt werden, wobei bis zu 10% derP. myricae-Nymphen und Puparien durchE. debachi parasitiert waren. In beiden Versuchsjahren und an allen 4 Standorten baute sich im weiteren Verlauf der Vegetation keine weitere Weiße-Fliegen-Population auf den Zitrusjungpflanzen auf. Die Populationsdichte vonP. myricae war auf den natürlichen befallenen Zitrusbäumen sehr viel geringer als auf den exponierten und künstlich infizierten Pflanzen. Dennoch traten mit den erstenP. myricae auch sofort durchE. debachi parasitierte Individuen auf. Die Parasitierungsrate erreichte teilweise 100%, so daß die Schädlingspopulation sehr schnell im weiteren Vegetationsverlauf abnahm und es zu keiner erneuten Gradation kam. Selbst auf sehr geringe Dichteerhöhungen derP. myricae-Population reagierte der Parasitoid mit einer erhöhten Parasitierung. Die Untersuchungen zeigten deutlich, daßE. debachi in der Lage ist, sowohl sehr hohe als auch sehr niedrige Populationen der Weißen Fliege in hohem Maße zu parasitieren und dadurch den Schädling erfolgreich zu bekämpfen.
Efficiency ofEretmocerus debachi Rose and Rosen (Hym., Aphelinidae) in controlling the whiteflyParabemisia myricae (Kuwana) (Hom., Aleyrodidae)
The whitefly,Parabemisia myricae (Kuwana) (Hym.: Aleyrodidae) is a most serious problem in citrus since it was accidentally introduced into the Southeast Mediterranean region of Turkey in 1982. To control this pest biologically, the specific parasitoid,Eretmocerus debachi Rose and Rosen (Hym.: Aphelinidae), was imported from California to Turkey in 1986. The parasitoid settled very well after being mass released in the entire citrus growing area. In the present study the efficiencyE. debachi in controllingP. myricae was determined in naturally infested citrus orchards and on potted, artificially infested and exposed citrus seedlings over two years.Within two weeks, the first parasitods were determined on the exposed citrus seedlings at which 10% of theP. myricae-nymphal and-puparial stages were parasitized. In both years and at all four experimental sites no further population increase of the whitefly was observed on the citrus seedling over the entire vegetation period. TheP. myricae-densities were much lower on the naturally infested trees than they were on the exposed and artificially infested citrus seedlings. Nevertheless, the firstE. debachi were observed with the occurrence of the firstP. myricae. The parasitization rate reached sometimes up to 100%, so that the pest population decreased significantly in the following month to almost zero level. Even to smallest population increases ofP. myricae, the parasitoid reacted with increasing parasitization. The experiments proved, thatE. debachi was capable to parasitize high and low population densities of the whitefly completely and in consequence successfully controlled the pest.

Mit 2 Abbildungen  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurden im Burgenland (Österreich) Untersuchungen durchgeführt, um die Frage der Beeinflussung der Gesundheit von Eichen durch die massenhaften Eiablagen von Miriden und Jassiden an den bzw. in die Eichenknospen zu prüfen. Es wurden jedoch weder deutliche Strukturveränderungen in den Knospengeweben noch Einflüsse auf die Entwicklung der Knospen und jungen Triebe gefunden. Jedoch werden die von den Insekten geschaffenen kleinen Wunden möglicherweise von zahlreichen Pilzarten als Eintrittspforten verwendet.
Effects on eggs laid by Miridae (Het.) and Jassidae (Hom.) on the development of the sheet and leaves of oaks
Studies were made in eastern Austria on the egg laying of jassids and mirids and their relations to the health of oaks. Neither distinct changing in the structure of tissues nor in the development of the buds which were injured by egg-holes were found. Probably the injuries made by the insects were used by different species of fungi attacking the oaks.

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