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Because radiation cell killing follows Poisson statistics, radiation dose response curves for tumors and normal tissue response are sigmoidal in shape. This shape implies that small errors in delivery of radiation dose can result in large changes in the probability of normal tissue necrosis or tumor control. Thus it is important for veterinarians involved with radiation oncology to be familiar with the basic aspects of radiation physics and dose calculation as they relate to radiation therapy. In this paper, we present a review of pertinent physics and treatment planning relative to orthovoltage and cobalt irradiation. The usefulness of radiation treatment planning computers is emphasized for improving the radiation oncologist's knowledge of dose distribution and selection of the optimum treatment plan.  相似文献   

Port films were acquired for all radiation therapy patients (n = 132) treated over a thirteen month period to 1] assist in initial treatment field set-up on Day 1, 2] for quality assurance with a second port film taken on Day 7 of radiation therapy, and 3] as a means to document the radiation treatment field as a part of the patients permanent medical record. Port films were used for both patients treated with a definitive course of radiation (n = 97 patients), and those treated palliatively (n = 35 patients). The portal radiographs were valuable in terms of the initial set-up, and to correct for any positioning or other errors at the time of the one week recheck. Changes were made, based on the initial port film on Day 1, in 53% and 57% of treatment fields for palliative and definitive radiation patients, respectively. The changes made in both definitively and palliatively irradiated patients were usually in field position, an increase in field size to include all of the tumor, or a decrease in field size to spare normal tissue. Fewer changes were necessary based on the Day 7 recheck port films, but these day-7 rechecks are recommended for quality control. Based on the high frequency of changes introduced because of the initial port film findings, it is recommended that port films be incorporated on a routine basis in veterinary radiation therapy.  相似文献   

High quality clinical research is essential for advancing knowledge in the areas of veterinary radiology and radiation oncology. Types of clinical research studies may include experimental studies, method‐comparison studies, and patient‐based studies. Experimental studies explore issues relative to pathophysiology, patient safety, and treatment efficacy. Method‐comparison studies evaluate agreement between techniques or between observers. Patient‐based studies investigate naturally acquired disease and focus on questions asked in clinical practice that relate to individuals or populations (e.g., risk, accuracy, or prognosis). Careful preplanning and study design are essential in order to achieve valid results. A key point to planning studies is ensuring that the design is tailored to the study objectives. Good design includes a comprehensive literature review, asking suitable questions, selecting the proper sample population, collecting the appropriate data, performing the correct statistical analyses, and drawing conclusions supported by the available evidence. Most study designs are classified by whether they are experimental or observational, longitudinal or cross‐sectional, and prospective or retrospective. Additional features (e.g., controlled, randomized, or blinded) may be described that address bias. Two related challenging aspects of study design are defining an important research question and selecting an appropriate sample population. The sample population should represent the target population as much as possible. Furthermore, when comparing groups, it is important that the groups are as alike to each other as possible except for the variables of interest. Medical images are well suited for clinical research because imaging signs are categorical or numerical variables that might be predictors or outcomes of diseases or treatments.  相似文献   

The field of veterinary radiation therapy (RT) has gained substantial momentum in recent decades with significant advances in conformal treatment planning, image‐guided radiation therapy (IGRT), and intensity‐modulated (IMRT) techniques. At the root of these advancements lie improvements in tumor imaging, image alignment (registration), target volume delineation, and identification of critical structures. Image registration has been widely used to combine information from multimodality images such as computerized tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and positron emission tomography (PET) to improve the accuracy of radiation delivery and reliably identify tumor‐bearing areas. Many different techniques have been applied in image registration. This review provides an overview of medical image registration in RT and its applications in veterinary oncology. A summary of the most commonly used approaches in human and veterinary medicine is presented along with their current use in IGRT and adaptive radiation therapy (ART). It is important to realize that registration does not guarantee that target volumes, such as the gross tumor volume (GTV), are correctly identified on the image being registered, as limitations unique to registration algorithms exist. Research involving novel registration frameworks for automatic segmentation of tumor volumes is ongoing and comparative oncology programs offer a unique opportunity to test the efficacy of proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

All personnel present in the X-ray examination room during equine radiography were monitored using low energy direct reading ionization chambers (pockets dosimeters) worn outside the lead apron at neck level. The individuals' task and dosimeter readings were recorded after each examination. Average doses ranged from 0 to 6 mrad per study. The greatest exposures were associated with radiography of the shoulder and averaged less than 4 mrad. The individual extending the horse's limb was at greatest risk although the individual holding the horse's halter and the one making the X-ray exposure received similar exposures.
A survey of the overhead tube assembly used for some of the X-ray examinations also was performed. Meter readings obtained indicated an asymetric dose distribution around the tube assembly, with the highest dose occurring on the side to which the exposure cord was attached.
Although the exposures observed were within acceptable limits for occupational workers, we have altered our protocol and no longer radiograph the equine shoulder unless the horse is anesthetized. Continued use of the pocket dosimeters and maintenance of a case record of radiation exposure appears to make the technologists more aware of radiation hazards.  相似文献   

Gemcitabine (2',2'-difluorodeoxycytidine) was given intravenously twice weekly to 10 cats with oral squamous cell carcinoma and 15 dogs with nasal carcinoma undergoing radiotherapy as a radiosensitizing agent. The average total radiation dose was 50 Gy for dogs and 54 Gy for cats given Monday-Friday (planned dose of 54 and 57 Gy, respectively). Dogs received an average of five doses of gemcitabine beginning at 50 mg/m2, and cats received an average of five doses of gemcitabine beginning at 25 mg/m2. Twelve of 15 dogs and five of 10 cats required chemotherapy dose reduction or postponement because of hematologic or normal tissue toxicity. The results herein do not support the use of gemcitabine at the studied dose and schedule, as significant hematologic and local tissue toxicity was observed in the studied patients. Pharmacokinetic data are necessary to best define the efficacy and optimal dose and schedule of gemcitabine in combination with traditional radiotherapy.  相似文献   

Two rare earth radiographic intensifying screen-film systems were compared with a calcium tungstate screen-film systems in a series of clinically oriented trials. The calcium tungstate screen-film system was subjectively judged to have the highest overall image quality, primarily because of its wide latitude. Several rare earth screen-film combinations produced radiographs of excellent diagnostic quality. In general, image quality was inversely related to screen-film speed, whereas radiation protection was directly related to screen-film speed. Medium-speed rare earth screen-film combinations resulted in reductios of scatter radiation on the order of 30 to 70 percent compared with the par-speed film combination. Recommendations are made regarding the use of specific rare earth intensifying screen-film combinations in small and large animal diagnostic radiography.  相似文献   

Radiographic artifacts may mimic a clinical feature, impair image quality, or obscure abnormalities. With the development of digital radiography (DR), a new set of artifacts is introduced. Regardless of the technology, the classic technical errors that occur with film screen radiography still occur using DR. Artifacts created using computed radiography, DR, and incorrect image processing are discussed. Methods for correction of the artifacts are presented.  相似文献   

A survey of veterinary radiation therapy facilities in the United States, Canada, and Europe was done in 2010, using an online survey tool, to determine the type of equipment available, radiation protocols used, caseload, tumor types irradiated, as well as other details of the practice of veterinary radiation oncology. The results of this survey were compared to a similar survey performed in 2001. A total of 76 facilities were identified including 24 (32%) academic institutions and 52 (68%) private practice external beam radiation therapy facilities. The overall response rate was 51% (39/76 responded). Based on this survey, there is substantial variation among facilities in all aspects ranging from equipment and personnel to radiation protocols and caseloads. American College of Veterinary Radiology boarded radiation oncologists direct 90% of the radiation facilities, which was increased slightly compared to 2001. All facilities surveyed in 2010 had a linear accelerator. More facilities reported having electron capability (79%) compared to the 2001 survey. Eight facilities had a radiation oncology resident, and academic facilities were more likely to have residents. Patient caseload information was available from 28 sites (37% of radiation facilities), and based on the responses 1376 dogs and 352 cats were irradiated in 2010. The most frequently irradiated tumors were soft tissue sarcomas in dogs, and oral squamous cell carcinoma in cats.  相似文献   

A technique for intraoral radiography of the maxillary cheek teeth in large animals using strips of nonscreen and commercial dental x-ray film is described. The method was initially tested using horse cadaver heads and subsequently on three large animal patients with signs of dental disease. Limitations of the described technique include necessity for general anesthesia, special x-ray film and manual developing. Additionally, the need for very accurate adjustment of incident beam angle, beam centering point and depth in the oral cavity provide a major technical challenge. After becoming famillar with the technique, the major limitation was increased time for manual film developing. The images provided by nonscreen technique were subjectively superior. The anatomic detail of the apical and periodontal regions of the teeth was better than on survey radiographs. Nonscreen intraoral technique should be considered for anesthetized large animal patients with signs of dental disease.  相似文献   

Portal radiographs, radiographs made to document the accuracy of radiotherapy treatment fields, are typically of poor image contrast. Recently, a new portal film and screened-cassette system was marketed, the Kodak EC-L system, with the claim of greatly improved image contrast. This new EC-L system was tested on a canine cadaver exposed to Cobalt-60 teletherapy gamma radiation, and image quality was compared to earlier marketed Kodak portal film products. The EC-L system was found to provide portal images of improved contrast/quality.  相似文献   

A survey of veterinary radiation therapy facilities in the United States was done in 2001 to determine the type of equipment available, radiation protocols used, case load, tumor types irradiated, as well as other details of the practice of radiation oncology. A total of 42 sites were identified and included 17 (40%) academic institutions, and 25 (60%) private practice external beam radiation facilities. The overall response rate was 79% (33/42 responded). Based on this survey there is substantial variation between facilities in all aspects ranging from equipment and personnel to radiation protocols and caseloads. American College of Veterinary Radiology boarded radiation oncologists direct 76% of the radiation facilities at academic institutions and 60% of the private practice facilities. Three facilities had orthovoltage radiation units only, and 30 facilities had mega-voltage equipment: cobalt 60 or linear accelerator. A total of 18 facilities had linear accelerators with three of these off site at a human radiation facility. Patient load information was available from 31 sites (74% of the radiation facilities in the United States), and based on the responses 2790 dogs and 1081 cats were irradiated in 2001. Canine mast cell tumors were the most frequently irradiated tumor. This represents the first survey of veterinary radiation facilities in the United States and provides information on the specialty of veterinary radiation oncology.  相似文献   

Prognostic significance of tumor histology and four computed tomography (CT) staging methods was tested retrospectively in dogs from three treatment centers that underwent intent-to-cure-radiotherapy for intranasal neoplasia. Disease-free and overall survival times were available for 94 dogs. A grouping of anaplastic, squamous cell, and undifferentiated carcinomas had a significantly shorter median disease-free survival (4.4 mo) than a grouping of all sarcomas (10.6 months). Disease-free survivals were not significantly different, when all carcinomas were compared with all sarcomas. The published original and modified WHO staging methods did not significantly relate to either survival endpoint. A modified human maxillary tumor staging system previously applied to canine nasal tumors was prognostically significant for both survival endpoints; a further modified version of that CT-based staging system resulted in improved significance for both survival endpoints. Dogs with unilateral intranasal involvement without bone destruction beyond the turbinates on CT, had longest median survival (23.4 months); CT evidence of cribriform plate involvement was associated with shortest median survival (6.7 months). Combining CT and histology statistically improved prognostic significance for both survival endpoints over the proposed CT staging method alone. Significance was lost when CT stages were collapsed to 相似文献   

Thirteen dogs with fractures requiring surgical repair were evaluated by standard two-view (i.e., lateral and ventrodorsal) radiography, tangential view (ventro 20 degrees cranial-dorsocaudal [inlet] and ventro 20 degrees caudal-dorsocranial [outlet]) radiography, and computed tomography (CT). Radiographic and CT examinations were reviewed independently by the three authors, and specific anatomic sites were graded for the presence or possibility of lesions. The results of radiographic interpretations were compared to CT scan interpretations. Eighty-one percent of skeletal lesions detected by CT scans were diagnosed definitively radiographically. Differences between the interpretation of CT and radiographic examinations included abnormalities associated with soft-tissue structures (P < 0.0001), the sacroiliac joints (P = 0.02), and the acetabula (P = 0.04). Interpretation of the lateral/ventrodorsal and inlet/outlet radiographic series were not statistically different, although inlet views may be complimentary to the standard radiographic examination. Its use deserves further study. Reader variation was less on evaluation of CT examinations than radiographic examinations. CT multiplaner reformations and three-dimensional reconstructions were useful for surgical planning in seven dogs. CT scanning is superior to survey radiography in assessing skeletal and soft-tissue injuries in dogs with pelvic trauma, although all clinically significant surgical lesions were described accurately radiographically. Based on this small series, the routine CT examination of dogs with pelvic trauma may not be justifiable for diagnosis but may be advantageous for surgical planning, especially if acetabular fractures are suspected on radiographs.  相似文献   

Major advantages of computed radiography are the potential reduction of dose and the possibility of postprocessing. In our study, we compared conventional radiographs to digital radiographs of the equine stifle by subjective evaluation of diagnostic quality when using a decreasing photon flux (mAs). Twelve equine stifle joints from horses of different weight and size were examined. Conventional and digital radiographs were performed identically in a caudocranial projection with the tube angled 15 degrees. A series of four radiographs was performed in each technique with an increasing photon flux starting with 2.5 mAs and going up to 5, 10, and 20 mAs. All radiographs were evaluated subjectively in a blinded fashion by seven readers in terms of contrast, bone structure, and diagnostic value and were graded using a 1-5 scale. Results from conventional and digitized radiographs were compared, and differences between the individual observers were analyzed statistically. Contrast, bone structure, and diagnostic value from digital images were rated significantly better than from conventional images (p < .001). For both techniques, a decrease in ranking was found with a decrease of photon flux. There was only slight interobserver variability. A dose reduction up to a factor of 4 compared to a 100 speed film-screen system seems to be possible without loss of information. Weight and size of the horse are not major influences.  相似文献   

An aged pony with extensive paranasal sinus and nasal passage B-cell lymphoma was treated with palliative radiation therapy. Sixteen gray were administered in two fractions, 7 days apart. A lateral field was used for the first fraction and a dorsal field for the second. Because of tumor being present in the left frontal sinus, gross tumor was knowingly excluded from the treated volume in the lateral field. The tumor regressed within 2 months and the pony remained free of clinical disease for 2.5 years. Acute, temporary blindness developed shortly after the second radiation fraction, but a direct causal relationship with the radiation therapy was not confirmed. The only radiation side effect was leukotrichia. Palliative treatment was successful in improving and prolonging the quality of life. These results suggest that localized equine B-cell lymphoma is radiosensitive, and that palliative radiation therapy is a reasonable consideration for large tumors, even when tumor volume prevents all gross tumor from being irradiated.  相似文献   

A review of the veterinary radiotherapy literature from 1939 through June of 1989 is presented. Subject material includes: radiation effects/injury, radiation oncology, hyperthermia, phototherapy, and various combination treatment protocols. Species covered are divided into small animal (canine, feline), large animal (equine, bovine, caprine, ovine) and miscellaneous species.  相似文献   

The positioning accuracy and precision of a head and neck immobilization device for radiation therapy of tumors in the canine skull was evaluated. Nineteen dogs with a spontaneous tumor of the head were enrolled including 12 with an intracranial mass and seven with an intranasal or maxillary tumor. Three hundred thirty-three pairs of orthogonal digital portal radiographs were analyzed to assess patient displacement in the cranial–caudal, lateral, and dorso-ventral directions. The mean systematic displacement was 0.8, 1, and 0.9 mm. The mean random displacement was 1.9, 1.6, and 1.5 mm. These values resulted in an overall displacement of 2.1 mm in the cranial–caudal direction, 1.8 mm in the lateral direction, and 1.7 mm in the dorsal–ventral direction. The mean displacement value of the three dimensional (3D) vector was 2.4 mm with a standard deviation of 2.1. Ninety-five percent of all vectors were <6.4 mm. This study quantifies the precision and accuracy of this particular positioning device. Knowing the limitations and setup variability of the system being used to set patients up for daily radiotherapy is paramount to planning and delivering appropriate radiation doses, especially as more complex treatment methods are used.  相似文献   

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