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J. Vos 《Potato Research》1997,40(2):237-248
Summary The response of potato to different rates of nitrogen supply ranging from 0–40 g m−2 N was studied in five field experiments near Wageningen. NL (520 North). In total two late potato cultivars and two sites were used during successive seasons. The results are summarized in a set of regression equations separately for total crop and tubers. The relation between nitrogen taken up (g m−2) in the total crop and total dry matter production (g m−2) could be described with the exponential equation: 1942–1900 * 0.93X (r2=0.953, n=62). Nitrogen concentrations in the dry matter increased linearly with nitrogen uptake. Harvest indices for dry matter and nitrogen tended to decline with increase in N uptake. Cultivars differed only in the effect on N on tuber dry matter concentration. The relation between nitrogen uptake and nitrogen supply could be fitted with quadratic regression models. but coefficients were influenced by site and season.  相似文献   

Yield response curves were developed for potatoes (Solanum tuberosum cv. Russet Burbank) with sprinkler-applied N fertilizer on a high-frequency schedule. The potatoes were grown on a Quincy sand to loamy sand (mixed, mesic, Xeric Torripsamments) typical of sandy-textured soils of the center-pivot irrigated areas of the Columbia River Basin of Oregon and Washington. These soils require daily irrigation at peak evapotranspiration because of low water-holding capacity. Yields were measured for total quantities of N, ranging from 100 to 665 kg N/ha, applied in small frequent increments as a urea-NH4NO3 solution. Maximum tuber yields ranged from 67 to 85 Mg/ha in 6 experiments over a period of 6 years. Economically optimum yields were obtained at fertilizer rates between 300 and 400 kg N/ha depending on cost-price ratio of N fertilizer and potatoes. Fertilization in this range should optimize tuber yield and quality with fertilizer N efficiency and economic return on fertilizer investment.  相似文献   

氮磷钾肥施用对油菜产量及养分吸收利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为油菜科学施肥提供依据,利用当前推广的6个油菜品种秦优11号(QY11)、中农油2008(ZNY2008)、中油杂11号(ZYZ11)、湘油17(XY17)、浙油601(ZY601)和沪油杂1号(HYZ1),在大田试验条件下研究了氮、磷、钾肥施用对油菜产量及氮、磷、钾素吸收利用的影响,并比较了不同品种对施肥响应的差异。结果显示,相同施肥处理下不同品种籽粒产量差异显著,不施N(PKB)、不施P(NKB)、不施K(NPB)及NPK全施(NPKB)处理下品种间最大差异分别为385、244、759和720kg/hm2,变异系数分别为18.1%、25.5%、16.4%和11.0%。氮、磷、钾施用可显著提高各品种产量和相应养分积累量,NPKB处理相比PKB、NKB及NPB处理分别增产1 101~2 012、1 681~2 459和293~1 567kg/hm2,N、P、K积累量分别增加63.0~113.2、17.2~23.8和94.1~166.3kg/hm2。不同品种氮、磷、钾肥利用率也存在显著差异。同一品种对氮、磷、钾的响应一致,其中秦优11号对氮、磷、钾肥施用的敏感程度均大于其它品种,湘油17耐低氮、低磷和低钾的能力均高于其它品种。  相似文献   

Several mineral elements which are found in excessive amounts in the environment, due to local pollution, influence plant growth and quality. The authors have studied the uptake pattern of some of these elements and their possible accumulation in plants. The contents in plants corresponding with phytotoxicity are experimentally determined. Different cases of harmfull effects towards animals and the problem of criteria for mineral element contamination are discussed, especially with regard to heavy metals and fluorine.In the second part the influence of mineral elements upon some organic plant constituents is studied. Analytical techniques such as electrophoresis, gel filtration and T.L. chromatography are used for separating some typical quality indicators such as chlorophyl, xantophyll, -cartotene and protein.Since Zn is typically an element giving very large content variations in plant tissues, its influence on the mentioned organic quality indicators is described in comparison with the effect of Cu, which is much less variable in the plants.
Zusammenfassung Verschiedene Mineralelemente, die infolge Lokalpollution in überhohen Gehalten in der Umwelt gefunden werden, beeinflussen den Pflanzenwuchs und die Qualität.Die Autoren haben die Aufnahme von einigen dieser Elemente studiert und ihre mögliche Akkumulation in Pflanzen.Die Gehalte in Pflanzen, übereinstimmend mit ihrer Phytotoxizität, werden experimentell bestimmt. Mehrere Fälle von schädlichen Effekten auf Tiere und das Problem der Kriterien von einer mineralischen Elementenkontamination werden diskutiert mit Rücksicht auf Schwermetalle und Fluoride.Im zweiten Teil wird der Einfluß auf mehrere organische Pflanzenbestandteile besprochen. Die Analysenverfahren, Elektrophorese, Gel-Filtration und Dünnschicht-chromatographie wurden verwendet für die Trennung mehrerer typischer Qualitätsindikatoren, wie Chlorophyl, Xantophyll, -Carotin und Proteine.Der Einfluß von Zink, dessen Variabilität im Pflanzengewebe auf die genannten organischen Qualitätsindikatoren groß ist, wurde beschrieben im vergleich mit dem Effekt von Kupfer, das in der Pflanze weniger variable ist.

Paper, read on the 8th International mutual Congress of Quality Research of the CIQ with the German Society for Quality Research (DGQ) in Wädenswil/Switzerland from 7th to 10th Oct. 1975.

Research program subsidized by IRSIA (Institut pour l'Encouragement de la Recherche Scientifique dans l'Industrie et l'Agriculture, Bruxclles).  相似文献   

Influence of irrigation and nitrogen management on potato yield and quality   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of irrigation, water and nitrogen management on yield and quality of the Russet Burbank cultivar are discussed relevant to developmental stages of growth. Recent research on the interactions of irrigation and nitrogen management on total and U.S. No. 1 yields and specific gravity are presented. Total and U.S. No. 1 yields decline with increasing soil moisture stress. Yield of U.S. No. 1 potatoes is particularly sensitive to short periods of irrigation deficit during tuber initiation. Total yield appears most sensitive to short periods of irrigation deficit during tuber bulking. Allocation of longer term irrigation deficits during years of limited water supply should be either a) avoided during mid-season tuber bulking, or b) uniformly distributed over the entire tuber bulking growth period. Yield increases with higher total available soil nitrogen under deficit irrigation, but the yield response diminishes as the amount of total seasonal water decreases. The influence of irrigation and nitrogen availability is also discussed for specific gravity and tuber maturity. Seasonal (split) nitrogen management is proposed as a method to improve yield, quality and nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency of indeterminant cultivars.  相似文献   

Exotic potato germplasm may contain useful traits for improving nitrogen (N) use efficiency in cultivated potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.). The objective of this study was to evaluate a “mini” core collection of wild germplasm for biomass production, N uptake, and N use efficiency. A field study was conducted during the 1993 growing season on a loamy sand soil at Becker, Minnesota. Uniform transplants for 39 wild accessions and 3 varieties were grown under greenhouse conditions, and after 40 days, they were transplanted to the field. Plants were subjected to two N treatments, 0 and 225 kg N ha1, replicated three times in a split-plot design. Plant parts were collected separately 111 days after transplanting, dried, weighed, and analyzed for N concentration. Nitrogen rate and potato species had significant effects on total dry weight, N content, and tissue N concentration. The regression coefficient of N concentration on total dry weight was very low (r=0.22, NS), whereas the regression coefficient of total N content on total dry weight was high (r=0.94, P>0.001). At both low and high N environments, Russet Burbank had greater dry weight than all the accessions. Several wild accessions, especiallyS. chacoense, S. commersonii, S. kurtzianum, S. microdontum, andS.phureja, had equal to or greater dry weights than Russet Norkotah or Red Norland. For N uptake efficiency, 2,7, and 20 accessions were ranked better than Russet Burbank, Russet Norkotah, and Red Norland, respectively. Recovery of soil applied N by the varieties ranged from 16 to 36%; the top seven wild accessions recovered between 27 and 49%. Based on plant growth without added N fertilizer and relative response to N fertilizer, the species were categorized into four relative N use efficiency groups: good foragers with good response to N, poor foragers with good response to N, good foragers with poor response to N, and poor foragers with poor response to N.  相似文献   

The joint action of nitrogen fertilizer and nematicides onPratylenchus penetrons and yield was investigated using three potato varieties (Superior, Onaway and Russet Burbank), three rates of nitrogen (84, 168 and 336 kg/ha), five edaphic pesticides (disulfoton, aldicarb, 1,3-D + MIC, carbofuran and thiofanox), and an insecticide spray to minimize the role of foliar feeding insects In 1977, disulfoton, aldicarb, and disulfoton plus 1,3-D + MIC significantly increased the yield of Superior at all nitrogen rates. The yield increases ranged from 37–56% for Superior, 15–35% for Onaway and 13–27% for Russet Burbank. Nitrogen had no detectable influence on yield. Population densities ofP. penetrans were significantly reduced by disulfoton plus 1,3-D + MIC and by aldicarb. Superior was most susceptible toP. penetrans, Onaway intermediate, and Russet Burbank moderately tolerant. Neither the potato variety or nitrogen significantly influenced the population densities ofP. penetrans In 1978 aldicarb, 1,3-D + MIC and thiofanox significantly increased yields of Superior at all nitrogen rates. Nitrogen also significantly increased yields, but only where aldicarb and 1,3-D + MIC were applied. Total yield was increased 12–14% and 17–23% by 1,3-D + MIC and aldicarb at 168 and 336 kg N/ha, respectively. Aldicarb, 1,3-D + MIC, and thiofanox appeared to increase tuber set, while nitrogen increased tuber size. Although all of the nematicides provided some control ofP. penetrans, aldicarb had the highest degree of efficacy and gave excellent season-long control  相似文献   

A small-plot cutting trial was carried out 1983-85 at North Wyke Research Station, Devon to compare the dry matter (DM) production and response to nitrogen (N) of a naturally occurring Agrostis stolonifera-dominant sward, developed under low fertility conditions on a poorly structured soil. and a sward of Lotium perenne cv. Melle, direct-drilled in 1982 at the same site. All plots received standard inputs of P. and graded inputs of K, related to the four annual N treatments (0, 200, 400 and 800 kg ha?1, in seven equal applications). All plots were cut six times each year, except in 1983; DM yield, herbage digestibility, herbage N concentration, response to applied N, apparent recovery of applied N. and botanical composition of the swards were recorded. On average, A. stolonifera gave 69% of the DM yield of L. perenne. A. stolonifera did not out-yield L. perenne at the low N levels (0 or 200 kg N ha?1 a?1), or in mid-season. and yielded significantly (P<0-001) less in drought conditions in 1984 (4-4 t DM ha?1 and 6-9 t DM ha?1, s.e.d.±0-22). Average digestibility of A. stolonifera was 3 units of D-value lower (P<0-001) than L. perenne, but N concentrations were higher (3-01% and 2-53%, s.e.d. ±0-074). However, total yields of N from A. stolonifera were lower. Responses in DM production per kg N applied were lower in A. Stolonifera than in L. perenne for all N increments, except the highest, (400-800 kg N ha?1). Fitted response curves allowed interpolation of the values of DM yield (Y10) and N input (N10) where the response was 10 kg DM (kg N)?1. Values of Y10 for A. stolonifera and L. perenne averaged 7-1 t DM ha?1 and 12-9 t DM ha?1respectively. and values of Mo averaged 460 kg N ha?1 and 570 kg N ha?1, which further indicated the lower responsiveness of A. stolonifera to applied N. Apparent recovery of applied N was generally low, with significantly higher values (P<0-001) for L. perenne in 1983 and 1984, but not in 1985. The botanical composition of L. perenne swards with no applied N showed a steady and rapid decline in ground cover by the sown species. AH L. perenne swards showed an abrupt decrease of L. perenne cover in late 1985, with invasion by A. stolonifera at all but the highest N level (800 kg N ha?1). A. stolonifera treatments receiving 400 or 800 kg N ha?1 showed initial expansion of their native L. perenne populations; however, these declined after the drought in 1984. Only low levels of L. perenne cover remained in the A. stolonifera swards at the end of the trial; these were unaffected by N level. It was concluded that under the conditions of this trial, A. stolonifera had lower DM productivity and efficiency of N use than L. perenne.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the reaction to late blight of two potato cultivars in response to nitrogen (N) management under field and in Vitro conditions. In Balcarce trial a reduction in phenols with the addition of excess N was found. Despite the reduction of the concentration of phenols no differences in the relative area under disease progress curve (rAUDPC) were observed between N levels. In Tafí del Valle, the rAUDPC denoted an interaction between cultivar and N level. In Frital, the N0 showed lower rAUDPC than N optimal (Opt) and N excessive (Exc) treatments. In contrast, no differences in rAUDPC between N levels on Pampeana were found. In the detached leaf test, no significant differences between N levels were observed in the threshold of severity of disease and the lesion growth rate. In conclusion, excessive N fertilization did not increase the susceptibility to late blight in this study.  相似文献   

连续施用磷钾肥对油菜产量及养分吸收的影响   总被引:15,自引:5,他引:15  
在磷、钾素含量较高的黄红壤上研究了连续施用磷钾肥对油菜产量、养分吸收和经济效益的影响。结果表明:施用磷钾肥,可以显著提高油菜产量,增产幅度达45.3%~180%,磷肥效应起主导作用。连续施用磷钾肥有利于养分的协调供应,提高了油菜植株的养分含量和养分吸收量。磷钾肥的施用还能大幅度提高经济效益,三季油菜纯利润平均增加了1 372.8~1 851.1元/hm2。  相似文献   

Paddy and Water Environment - System of rice intensification (SRI) together with appropriate nutrient management holds promise in increasing rice productivity with micronutrient enriched grains....  相似文献   

The use of azoxystrobin (Quadris) for early blight control often results in potato vines remaining greener later in the growing season. This observation has lead to the suggestion that nitrogen (N) fertilizer could be applied at lower rates when azoxystrobin is used in a fungicide program since high N rates are sometimes used to help manage early blight. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the effectiveness of azoxystrobin for control of early blight under various N fertility management regimes and to determine if azoxystrobin affected plant N fertilizer requirements. Plots were established in 1999 and 2000 at Becker, MN, on a Hubbard loamy sand as a complete factorial, split-plot arrangement using a randomized complete block design with four replications. Fungicide treatments were used as the whole plot factor and included an untreated control, chlorothalonil, and azoxystrobin rotated with chlorothalonil. Fertility treatments were used as the sub-plot factor and included N applied at three levels (170, 250, and 340 kg ha?1) and two timings (all prehilling or pre- and post-hilling). Early blight was problematic in 1999 and both early and late blight were severe in 2000. Significant interactions were observed between fungicide and fertility treatments for disease control. Control of diseases with fungicides was generally more effective at higher N rates regardless of N application timing. When azoxystrobin was used in the fungicide program, N rate was not as critical in managing foliar disease. In 1999, an interaction was not observed between N rate and fungicide treatment for yield. Yields increased with increasing N rate regardless of fungicide program. However, a significant interaction did occur between N rate and fungicide treatment in 2000 where yields decreased linearly in the control with increasing N rate, increased linearly with N rate using chlorothalonil, and did not respond significantly to N rate using azoxystrobin/chlorothalonil. Results of this study indicate that interactions between the incidence of early/late blight disease and N requirement for potato may depend on the rate of vine death and conditions affecting tuber maturity. At equivalent N rates, post-hilling N tended to depress yield regardless of fungicide program, suggesting that under the conditions of this study late season N is not an effective practice for managing foliar diseases such as early or late blight.  相似文献   

The effect of seedpiece spacing on the efficiency of nitrogen (N) use by the potato crop is generally unknown. The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of seedpiece spacing on tuber yield, yield components and N use efficiency parameters of two potato cultivars. Potato cultivars Atlantic and Shepody were grown at two rates of N fertilization (0 or 100 kg N ha?1) and three seedpiece spacings (20, 30, or 40 cm) in 2000 to 2002. Wider seedpiece spacing increased mean tuber weight and the number of tubers per stem, but decreased total tuber yield. The higher tuber yield at the narrow seedpiece spacing was attributed to higher biomass production in combination with lower tuber specific gravity. Seedpiece spacing had no consistent effect on plant N accumulation, and therefore no consistent effect on N uptake efficiency (plant N accumulation /N supply from the soil plus fertilizer). However, a small increase in soil NO3-N concentration in the hill at topkill at wider seedpiece spacing suggested plant N accumulation was slightly reduced at wider seedpiece spacing, but at a level that could not be detected from a plant-based measure of N accumulation. The reduced dry matter accumulation, but similar plant N accumulation, resulted in lower N use efficiency (plant dry matter accumulation / N supply) at wider seedpiece spacing. Wider seedpiece spacing also resulted in generally lower values of N utilization efficiency (plant dry matter accumulation / plant N accumulation) for the 40-cm compared with the 20- and 30-cm seedpiece spacings. Effects of seedpiece spacing on N use efficiency parameters were generally consistent across cultivars and fertilizer N rates. Wider seedpiece spacing did reduce the efficiency of N use by the potato crop; however, the magnitude of the effect was small under the conditions of this study.  相似文献   

《Field Crops Research》1997,51(3):241-252
Agronomic efficiency (kg grain yield kg−1 N applied) is conditioned by environmental factors and nitrogen availability during the growing period. Hence, a fertilization model that considers environmental factors affecting wheat crop growth and effective N supply should be based on crop N demand. In this work, a simple model based on N balance during the growing season is used as the frame to simulate both the demand and the availability of N, and to determine grain yield. Fertilization experiments were conducted under different environments (50 sites, 8 y) of the Southern Pampa of Argentina. Nitrogen fertilization rates ranged between 25 and 125 kg N ha−1. Soil initial conditions and water balance during the crop cycle were found to modify both N demand and soil N supply. The amount of N taken up by crops, water balance during the crop growth period and mean maximum temperature during grain filling, all affected grain yield components. The proposed model provided a good agreement between observed independent data sets and simulated values of grain yield (root mean square error = 9% of the mean value). Model operation was performed for one site within the region using climatic records to estimate annual grain yield variability under three levels of N availability.  相似文献   

Clear and black slit plastic mulches had little effect on tuber yields when compared with unmulched controls during two growing seasons. Mulching films significantly increased the incidence of pinkeye, caused byPseudomonas spp. and varius types of soft rot in 1974 but not in 1975. The incidence of tuber greening was higher than normal both years due to inability to hill with mulch films in place. Under these conditions, black plastic reduced the incidence of greening. Significant yield responses were observed for an increase in nitrogen fertilization rate from 100 (45.36 kg) to 140 (63.5 kg) but not from 140 to 180 1b, (81.65 kg) N/A. Plastic mulches did not affect the nitrogen response. Higher post-harvest inorganic soil nitrogen levels were found under both mulches compared with unmulched controls.  相似文献   

Soil acidity is a limiting factor affecting the growth and yield of many crops all over the world. It is recognized that liming is the most common management practice of profitable crop production on acid soils. On the other hand, it is well-known that the form of nitrogen may affect tobacco yield and quality. In this work, the impact of the interaction between three hydrated lime (HL, Ca(OH)2) rates (0, 1.5 and 3 t HL ha−1) and three nitrogen fertilizer forms (NO3-N 100%, NH4-N 100% and NO3-N 50% plus NH4-N 50%) on growth, yield and quality characteristics of Virginia (flue-cured) tobacco was investigated in a 4-year (1995–1998) field experiment established in an acid soil (pHwater 1:1 5.3) located in Northern Greece. Lime was applied only once in December 1994, while nitrogen fertilizer was applied annually before transplanting. The results showed that the effect of liming on tobacco growth was not dependent on time, weather conditions and form of nitrogen fertilizer. Liming increased soil pH, enhanced the early growth of tobacco (within 30 days after transplanting (DAT)) and finally increased the total gross and trade yield of tobacco proportionally to the amount of HL added. However, the quality index (organoleptic characteristics) of the cured product was improved only at the HL application rate of 3 t HL ha−1. Furthermore, liming significantly increased Ca and P concentrations but decreased K concentration in cured tobacco leaves. Tobacco yield increase was attributed to the increase of P uptake. Liming also increased the ash content of cured leaves, whereas it did not significantly affect nicotine, total nitrogen and reducing sugars. The use of ammonium N in fertilizer delayed the early growth of tobacco, reduced the nicotine concentration and increased the reducing sugars concentration of the cured product. Total-N, P, K and Mg concentrations of cured leaves were not significantly affected by the form of nitrogen fertilizer used. The results suggested that an initial application of hydrated lime at a rate of 3 t HL ha−1 may ameliorate soil acidity and increase the yield and quality characteristics of Virginia tobacco at least over a 4-year period after application, independent of the form of N fertilizer used.  相似文献   

为探求豫南砂姜黑土区花生高产和氮肥高效利用栽培技术,采用大田试验,研究了氮肥管理与不同根瘤菌接种模式(拌种或土施)对花生生长、氮吸收利用及产量的影响。结果表明,施氮提高了花生叶片SPAD值,有效促进花生生长,显著增加了氮利用率和荚果产量。两种根瘤菌接种模式下,不同氮肥管理中均以50%N基施+50%N开花期追施和100%N基施处理的第一侧枝长、总分枝数、单株饱果数、单株饱果重和百果重、氮利用率和产量显著高于50%N开花期追施+50%N结荚期追施处理,说明要实现花生高产和氮素高效利用需在花生生育前期施用一定量的氮肥。比较根瘤菌拌种和土施2种接种模式,以根瘤菌拌种配施氮肥对花生的增产效果较好,但与根瘤菌土施配施氮肥处理间差异不显著。综合分析,在豫南砂姜黑土区,花生种植采用氮肥50%基施、50%开花期追施配合根瘤菌拌种的模式增产效果最好,氮肥利用效率最高。  相似文献   

Determination of optimum nitrogen (N) fertilization rates which maximize pasture growth is challenging due to variability in plant requirements and likely near‐future supply of N by the soil. Remote sensing can be used for mapping N nutrition status of plants and to rapidly assess the spatial variability within a field. An algorithm is, however, lacking which relates the N status of the plants to the expected yield response to additions of N. An algorithm was developed based on a simulation study carried out using the APSIM model. Simulations were performed for an irrigated ryegrass pasture in Canterbury, New Zealand. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied monthly at different rates, ranging from 0 to 150 kg N/ha. To obtain a range of different pasture N contents, a total of 1456 different fertilization rules were set up and evaluated over 20 different years of weather giving 29,120 combinations of pasture herbage N contents and growth responses for each month. The analysis focused on November (spring), a month with generally vigorous growth. A three‐dimensional surface response function, based on the Mitscherlich yield response function, was developed. This function was used to determine required N fertilization rates, which achieve 90% of the maximum yield, based on the antecedent pasture N content. At low pasture herbage N contents (25 g/kg), the required fertilization rate was estimated as 130 kg N/ha, whereas at N contents of 40 g/kg, only 60 kg N/ha was required to obtain the same yield, reflecting the much higher supply of N by the soil.  相似文献   

Three methods of rice cultivation were compared in a field experiment at New Delhi, India during 2012 for their water use and changes in nutrient availability of soil. The experiment was laid out in a split plot design with conventional transplanting (CT), system of rice intensification (SRI), and aerobic rice (AR) cultivation technologies. Five doses of nitrogen included 100 % (120 kg N ha?1), 125, and 150 % recommended dose of N(RDN) through urea, 75 % of RDN through urea (90 kg N ha?1) + 25 % of RDN (30 kg ha?1) through farm yard manure (FYM), and 100 % of RDN through FYM. Results revealed that status of available N in soil under rice at 45 and 90 days after sowing (DAS) was significantly higher in CT and SRI compared to AR method. Application of the highest dose of nitrogen through urea resulted in the highest availability of N (188.9, 174.2, and 135.2 kg ha?1 for 45 and 90 DAS and at harvest stage, respectively). The soil under AR recorded significantly low availability of phosphorus and iron. However, availability of K in soil was not affected significantly under adopted production techniques and nitrogen management. The recorded irrigation water productivity was maximum in AR cultivation (9.16 kg ha mm?1) followed by SRI (7.02 kg ha mm?1) with irrigation water saving of 54 and 36 %, respectively compared to CT.  相似文献   

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