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A range of samples embracing 14 varieties from different localities within the United Kingdom, many grown with the application of different known levels of nitrogenous fertilizer, were submitted to proximate analysis, some analysed for total amino acid composition and some evaluated nutritionally in near-practical dietary mixtures with various protein concentrates.Location of growth was found to be more important than level of nitrogen application in determining the protein content of the harvested grain. Small differences in amino acid composition were noted, and there appeared to be a progressive decline in lysine content with increasing nitrogen level in the seed.Significant differences in nutritive value between the barleys were detectable in mixtures of each with protein concentrates, and in general discrimination between them was better if the accompanying concentrate was of poor quality e.g. groundnut. With fish meal differences between the barleys were well marked. The differences found were real and reproducible, and the results indicated that particular barleys differed in their ability to complement soya bean or groundnut.
Zusammenfassung Es wurden Proben von 14 Getreidesorten untersucht, von verschiedenen Standorten Großbritanniens, die zumeist mit verschieden hohen Stickstoffgaben gedüngt waren. Die Untersuchung der Proben bezog sich teils auf die Gesamt-Aminosäuren und teils auf den ernährungsphysiologischen Wert der Proben in praxisnahen Diät-Mischungen mit verschiedenen Protein-Konzentraten.Der Protein-Gehalt des geernteten Getreides ist stärker vom Standort abhängig als von der Höhe der Stickstoffdüngung. Es wurden geringe Unterschiede in der Aminosäuren-Zusammensetzung festgestellt, und es scheint, daß bei fortschreitender Zunahme des Stickstoffgehaltes in den Getreidekörnern der Lysingehalt abnimmt.Signifikante Unterschiede im ernährungsphysiologischen Wert verschiedener Gerstensorten waren in Mischungen jeder einzelnen mit Proteinkonzentraten nachweisbar, wobei die Unterschiede im allgemeinen deutlicher wurden, wenn die zugemischten Konzentrate von geringerer Qualität waren, z.B. Erdnuß. Mit Fischmehl versetzt traten die Unterschiede zwischen den Gerstensorten weniger deutlich hervor. Die gefundenen Werte waren reproduzierbar, und die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, daß insbesondere die Gerstensorten, in ihrem Ergänzungswert für Sojabohne oder Erdnuß differieren.

Résumé 14 lots de céréales, provenant de diverses stations de Grande Bretagne, et soumis à des taux différents de fumures azotées, ont été étudiés. Chaque lot était analysé au point de vue du taux d'aminoacides, et au point de vue nutritionnel, dans des mélanges analogues à ceux de la pratique, à des taux protéiques variés.Le taux de protéines d'une céréale dépend davantage de la station, que du taux de fumure. De faibles différences dans les taux d'aminoacides ont été observés; il semble que le taux de lysine décroisse lorsque croit le taux d'azote du grain.Des différences significatives dans la valeur nutritionnelle de diverses variétés d'orges apparurent, dans des mélanges de ces variétés avec des concentrés de protéines, ces différences étaient plus nettes avec des concentrés de plus médiocre qualité, par exemple formé de tourteau d'arachide. Les formés de poison ne furent pas apparaitre aussi nettement les différences parmi diverses qualité d'orges. Les résultats sont bien reproductibles, la conclusion en est que les variétés d'orges n'ont pas toute la même valeur comme supplément du tourteau de soya ou d'arachide.

Paper presented at the conference of the International Association for Quality Research on Food Plants (CIQ) held in common with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Qualitätsforschung (Pflanzliche Nahrungsmittel) e.V. (DGQ) in Berlin on 6th October 1972.  相似文献   

A plot trial was conducted in order to compare the influence of mineral or organic nitrogen fertilizers, such as ammonium nitrate, chilean nitrate of soda and cake derived from castor-oil seeds on the yield and the nutritive value of head lettuce. Fertilizations were applied on a N-equivalent basis, i.e. 120 and 200kg/ha. Equivalent yields were obtained regardless of the kind of fertilizer or the nitrogen supply. Dry matter, mineral and protein contents were not drastically influenced, while the nitrate contents of organically grown lettuces were significantly lower. Results are discussed referring to the influence of agricultural practices on the quality of vegetable foods for humans, especially concerning nitrates.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen rates on the yield of Russet Burbank potatoes was studied in field experiments in Idaho. Petioles were sampled at the 6-to-8 leaf stage and thereafter at two week intervals until mid August. Petiole nitrate concentrations were very high early but decreased rapidly as the season progressed and declined to a very low level as the plants matured. The nitrate content of the petioles reflected the amount of N applied to both locations. Nitrogen applications increased total yield and the quantity of the larger size tubers. A highly significant correlation was found between the early season petiole nitrate concentrations and total yield. Suggested ranges of petiole nitrate concentrations were developed as a guide to efficient N fertilization of Russet Burbank potatoes in Idaho.  相似文献   

Three different rates of soil-applied nitrogen were combined in all possible combinations with different schedules of fungicidal sprays for early blight (Alternaria solani) control in field experiments for three consecutive years. The nitrogen was applied with a constant rate of phosphorus. Yield response to fungicidal sprays was more pronounced when potato plants had received nitrogen and phosphorus. Both spraying and fertilizer application reduced the percentage of leaflets infected by early blight. However, the effect of the fungicide was greater than that of fertilizers. Estimates based on the cost and price assumptions indicated that $1.00 investment in the optimum number of fungicidal sprays at the adequate rate of fertilizer returned $8.34, $9.71 and $1.89 in 1970, 1971 and 1972, respectively.  相似文献   

Efficiency of nitrogen uptake by potatoes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
White Rose potatoes were fertilized with isotopically labeled ammonium sulfate at rates of 67, 134, 202 and 270 kg N/ha to evaluate N uptake efficiency. All N application increased yields above the control, however the 3 higher N rates produced the same yields statistically. All N rates which maximized yields maintained petiole levels of total N above 600 ppm. Rapid changes in petiole inorganic N occurred during the growing season. Fertilizer derived inorganic N decreased at rates ranging from 67 to 518 ppm/day during the third month after planting. Total inorganic N in petioles during the same period dropped at rates ranging from 500 to 880 ppm/ day. Tubers grown in N-fertilized plots assimilated total N in a nearly linear pattern during the period 82 to 125 days after planting. Uptake of total N ranged from 142 to 233 kg/ha. In assessing N utilization by 3 methods, good agreement was achieved between the isotope and difference method in the first and third (last) samplings, however, agreement was poor between the two in the second sampling. With N rates to 202 kg/ha the uptake efficiency was about 57% but dropped to 39% with application of 270 kg N/ha. When uptake efficiency was measured by dry matter production in relation to units of N fertilizer, the 67 kg N rate was superior to other rates. Inorganic N levels in the surface meter of soil were higher before planting and fertilizer application than after harvest. Following harvest the control plots had more N below 1.5 m than did the N fertilized plots. In control plots, the total inorganic N between 1.5 and 2.5 m depths was equivalent to 170 kg N/ha. Virtually none of the accumulated N below 1 m was due to labeled N applied in the experiment. Using 134 kg N/ha as the optimum rate, tubers removed 178 kg N/ha of which 78 kg was derived from the applied fertilizer. With total N input of 191 kg/ha (57 kg N/ha from irrigation water) the N rate required for maximum yield would pose no risk of nitrate pollution since it represents only 13 kg more than crop removal (191 vs 178 kg N/ha).  相似文献   

Path-coefficient analysis based on an ontogenetic model was used to study the relationships between tuber yield and yield components as influenced by cultivar and nitrogen fertilization. Four experiments were carried out from 1987 to 1989 in Granada, southern Spain. Two of these experiments used six potato cultivars with a single N rate, while the other two experiments used one cultivar and nine levels of N, split between planting and top-dressing. Variation in tuber yield between cultivars resulted mainly from differences in stem number per m2 followed by tubers per stem and, to a lesser extent, average tuber weight. In N experiments, however, average tuber weight was the only yield component that showed a significant direct effect on yield, while the number of stems per m2 and tubers per stem had negligible direct effects. In addition, the ontogenetic model used indicated compensatory mechanisms during the formation of the three yield components in the potato, which resulted stronger in the N experiments.  相似文献   

Summary The assessment system, worked out by the “Potato Quality” Working Group of the E.A.P.R. for the investigation of varieties, proved to be a useful system for investigating the influence of nitrogen and potassium fertilization on the cooking quality of potatoes. In addition to the influence of variety and “year” potassium, and especially nitrogen fertilization were in certain cases very important to the texture of cooked potatoes, but the response of the potatoes to fertilization greatly depends on other growing conditions, in this case possibly the quantity of water in the soil. Whenever nitrogen had any influence on texture properties, theEigenheimer variety always responded with a decrease in mealiness and dryness and with an increase in consistency, but the response of theLibertas variety was sometimes curvilinear. The influence of potassium was not very clear, although in most cases the specific gravity of the potatoes showed a marked response. No interaction between nitrogen and potassium fertilization with respect to texture was ever observed. The response of the foliage of the potatoes in the field, the yield and the specific gravity of the harvested potatoes afforded a very poor indication of the response of texture properties to fertilization. The colour of cooked potatoes of theEigenheimer variety was in some cases influenced by nitrogen fertilization, yellowness decreasing with increasing nitrogen fertilization. The influence of “year” on after-cooking discoloration was considerable, but fertilization also had a great influence, especially in the case of theLibertas variety, discoloration increasing with increasing nitrogen fertilization. Potassium fertilization sometimes counteracted to a certain extent the detrimental effect of nitrogen and in some cases the influence of nitrogen was greater when the potassium level was lower. As there were frequent interactions between “years” and fertilization this means that the response of after-cooking discoloration to fertilization probably depends on other growing conditions.
Zusammenfassung Die w?hrend den Jahren 1957, 1958 und 1959 angelegten Feldversuche hatten den Zweck, den Einfluss der Stickstoff- und Kalidüngung auf die Speisequalit?t der Kartoffeln zu überprüfen. Als Düngermengen wurden den beiden VersuchssortenLibertas undEigenheimer 0, 60, 120, 180 und 240 kg N/ha in Kombination mit 0, 150 und 300 kg K2O/ha abgegeben. Die Bonitierung der Speisequalit?t erfolgte nach dem durch die der Europ. Gesellschaft für Kartoffelforschung angeschlossenen Arbeitsgruppe “Qualit?tsprüfung” ausgearbeiteten Beurteilungsschema. Geprüft wurden jeweils drei Knollenmuster pro Düngungsnorm. Die Prüfungen wurden durch zwei eingearbeitete Experten getrennt durchgeführt. Nebst der Sorte und dem Versuchsjahr war unter bestimmten Bedingungen der Einfluss der Kali-und vor allem der Stickstoffdüngung auf die Textureigenschaften der Knolle bedeutend, doch letzteres trat nicht auf allen Versuchsfeldern in Erscheinung und schien auch ziemlich unabh?ngig vom Einfluss der Düngung auf den Ertrag und auf das spezifische Gewicht der Knolle zu sein. Es konnte auf mehreren Versuchsfeldern ein deutlicher Einfluss der Düngung auf die Krautentwicklung, den Ertrag und das spezifische Gewicht nachgewiesen werden, ohne dass sich dies auf eine Ver?nderung der Textureigenschaften der Knolle ausgewirkt h?tte. Teilweise konnte aber auch das Gegenteilige beobachtet werden. Wenn ein Einfluss der N-Düngung auf die Textur (Zerkochen, innere und ?ussere Mehligkeit, Trockenheit und Konsistenz) festzustellen war, so ?usserte er sich bei der SorteEigenheimer durch eine Abnahme der Mehligkeit und Trockenheit und eine Zunahme der Konsistenz, w?hrenddem sich beiLibertas eine Optimumkurve herausstellte. Der Einfluss von Kali war nicht deutlich. So nahm in einigen F?llen beiLibertas die Konsistenz, beiEigenheimer die Mehligkeit zu, doch konnte auch der umgekehrte Fall eintreten. Auf Grund der bisweilen zwischen dem Jahrgang und der Düngung festgestellten Interaktionen darf angenommen werden, dass der Einfluss der Düngung auf die Textureigenschaften deutlich von den übrigen Wachstumsbedingungen abh?ngig ist. In dieser Beziehung muss auch an die Unterschiede in der Bodenfeuchtigkeit gedacht werden, doch ist diesbezüglich unser Material zu gering, um sichere Rückschlüsse zu ziehen. Im Gegensatz zur SorteLibertas, wo die Düngung auf die Fleischafarbe der gekochten Knollen praktisch keinen Einfluss ausübte, war bei der SorteEigenheimer in einigen F?llen ein Aufhellen des Fleisches mit zunehmender N-Düngung feststellbar. Speziell beiLibertas übten Jahrgang und Düngung einen deutlichen Einfluss auf die Intensit?t der Verf?rbung des Knollenfleisches nach dem Kochprozess aus. Mit steigenden N-Gaben nahm die Verf?rbung merklich zu. Unter gewissen Bedingungen wirkte die Kalidüngung der nachteiligen Wirkung des Stickstoffes entgegen. Anderseits war in einigen F?llen eine Interaktion zwischen diesen beiden N?hrstoffen zu erkennen: mit abnehmender Kali-Düngung nahm der Einfluss des Stickstoffes zu. Im weitern kam manchmal auch eine Interaktion zwischen dem Jahrgang und der Düngung zum Ausdruck, so dass die Schlussfolgerung gezogen werden muss, dass die Reaktion der Verf?rbung des Knollenfleisches auf die Düngung ebenfalls von andern Wachstumsfaktoren beeinflusst wird.

Résumé Dans le but d'apprécier l'influence de la fumure sur la qualité culinaire des pommes de terre, nous avons organisé nos essais de la fa?on suivante: Les diverses parcelles expérimentales re?urent: 0, 60, 120, 180 et 240 unités d'azote à l'hectare, ainsi que 0, 150 ou 300 unité de potasse à l'hectare pour les variétés considérées:Libertas etEigenheimer, durant les années 1957, 1958 et 1959. Les essais furent successivement conduits en sol sablonneux sec et en sol sablonneux humide. La qualité culinaire fut appréciée au moyen de trois échantillons pour chacune des deux variétés, par deux experts utilisant à cet effet un barème de taxation selon les dispositions définies par le groupe “Qualité de la pomme de terre” de l'Association européenne pour la recherche sur la pomme de terre. En dehors de l'effet attribuable à la variété et à l'année, la fumure potassique et surtout la fumure azotée ont une influence propre sur les propriétés de la texture. Cette influence ne se manifeste pas sur tous les champs d'essais et de plus, le rendement et le poids spécifique n'y sont guère sensibles. On pouvait remarquer dans quelques cas, soit une influence importante de la fumure sur le développement de l'appareil végétatif, sur le rendement et sur le poids spécifique et aucune sur la composition de la texture, soit le contraire. Si on observait une influence de la fumure azotée sur la texture (l'état farineux, la consistance de la chair et la sécheresse) celle-ci se manifestait avecEigenheimer par une diminution de l'état farineux, de la sécheresse et par une augmentation de la fermeté, tandis que surLibertas. on notait une courbe maxima. Dans certains cas, la consistance des tubercules deLibertas et l'état farineux desEigenheimer augmentaient avec la quantité de potasse apportée, mais on pouvait aussi constater le contraire. Comme il y avait un certain rapport entre l'année et la fumure apportée, on pouvait penser que la modification des propriétés de la texture lui est due. On pourrait aussi penser que l'humidité du sol joue un r?le, mais nos données sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir étre affirmatif. AvecLibertas, la couleur des tubercules cuits variat très peu en fonction de la fumure, mais avecEigenheimer ils devenaient moins jaunes avec une augmentation du nombre d'unités d'azote. Spécialement avecLibertas, le noircissement après cuisson, dont l'importance est proportionnelle à la quantité d'azote apportée, était aussi influencé par l'année. On put aussi remarquer que, dans certains cas, la potasse faisait diminuer l'effet du noircissement d? à l'azote. Enfin, comme on a vu qu'il peut y avoir une relation entre l'année et la fumure apportée, le fait d'observer une augmentation du noircissement en fonction de la fumure n'est pas suffisant pour conclure. Il faut aussi rechercher d'autres causes intervenant durant la végétation.

The author was stationed at the Provinciaal Onderzoekeentru voor de Landbouw in Drenthe, Oostersingel 21a, Assen, Netherlands, by the Institute for Storage and Processing of Agricultural Produce (I.B.V.L.), Wageningen.  相似文献   

Analyses for secific gravity, total solids, total nitrogen, protein nitrogen, and nonprotein nitrogen are reported for 73 seedling samples grown in Maine, and for 10 selections grown in Idaho. The interactions between the various constituents, as indicated by regression analysis, are discussed. These samples indicate a potential for breeding a variety of potato with a higher than average protein content, but further work is necessary to determine the inheritance pattern. This work is in progress.  相似文献   

If the production of forage for dairy cattle is to become less reliant on synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilizers, there is need to better understand and account for the N contributed by on-farm and imported organic amendments. A 254-day aerobic soil incubation study (typical length of a growing season in many temperate dairying regions) quantified the inorganic (mineral) N supply from a commercial compost and dried bovine dung (i.e., on-farm effluent solids). Amendments were incubated in soils with contrasting synthetic N fertilization histories (i.e., 70–100 vs. 350–400 kg N/ha per year) to evaluate if higher synthetic N fertilization histories would reduce the lag time that often exists between organic amendment application and significant release of inorganic N for plant uptake. This proposition was based on previous research, which showed greater soil inorganic N availability accelerating organic amendment decomposition. Our experiment did find that the release of inorganic N from evaluated organic amendments was greater in soils with higher synthetic N fertilization histories, but that this effect was not apparent until after the first 6-months of this 9-month experiment. Despite this finding, soils with contrasting synthetic N fertilization histories were not found to differ in their initial inorganic N content, nor microbial activity or other physiochemical properties known to affect N mineralization. Our study highlighted the long-term vision needed when transitioning from synthetic N fertilizers to organic amendments, with most of the N present in the compost and dried dung remaining unavailable for forage production (i.e., remained bound in organic carbon-based molecules).  相似文献   

A combination spray of CIPC, thiabendazole, and chlorine applied to potatoes at time of storage negated the detrimental effect of CIPC when applied to freshly harvested tubers. It also prevented sprouting and reduced the incidence of pressure bruise. The application of thiabendazole and chlorine reduced Fusarium tuber rot and the degree of tissue degradation around wounds, thereby increasing tuber quality.  相似文献   

The addition of cool‐season, tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.], to warm‐season, bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.], pastures can improve forage productivity and nutritive value. Effects of four binary mixtures consisting of cv. Flecha (incompletely summer dormant) and cv. Jesup (summer active) tall fescue overseeded into established stands of cv. Russell and cv. Tifton 44 bermudagrass and three seasonal N treatments were evaluated on dry‐matter (DM) yield, crude protein (CP), in vitro true digestible DM (IVTDDM), acid detergent fibre (ADF) and neutral detergent fibre (NDF). Nitrogen‐timing treatments were 168 kg N ha?1 (as ammonium nitrate) split into three applications per season with an additional 8·6 t ha?1 of broiler litter (as‐is moisture basis) split into two applications varied to favour either tall fescue (in October and January), bermudagrass (in March and May) or both grasses (in January and March). Treatment effects were determined in samples of mixed herbage harvested in April, May, July, August and September of 2009 and 2010. Regardless of bermudagrass cultivar, herbage DM yield was greater (< 0·05) in Flecha–bermudagrass than Jesup–bermudagrass in July of both years and in August 2010. Nutritive value generally was greatest in Jesup–Tifton 44, based on high CP and IVTDDM, and low ADF and NDF. Averaged across mixtures, avoiding fertilizer N and litter applications beyond April increased (< 0·01) DM yield in April and May and IVTDDM in July (603 vs. 629 g kg?1; 2‐year average) and August (618 vs. 660 g kg?1) compared with applications in January–July. The timing of N and broiler litter applications on tall fescue–bermudagrass to favour growth of tall fescue appeared to increase fescue cover during the cool season and nutritive value of the mixed herbage during the warm season.  相似文献   

The effects of storage treatments and potassium fertilization on the phospholipid, triglyceride and free fatty acid content of Russet Burbank potatoes were determined. Thin-layer chromatography of the lipids indicated at least 18 types of lipids were present. Eight were phospholipids which were the predominant lipid class in the potatoes. Phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine and phosphatidic acid comprise the major phospholipids. A large increase in phosphatidic acid and a decrease in phosphatidylcholine were observed in potatoes stored at 5.6 C (42 F). Potatoes fertilized with 240 lbs of potassium (calculated as K2O) had a higher content of triglycerides compared to potatoes with no fertilization. Potatoes stored at 5.6 C (42 F) exhibited a decrease in triglyceride and phospholipid content but the free fatty acids were increased. The various lipid contents of reconditioned potatoes were similar to those of freshly harvested potatoes.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to determine the chemical composition and nutritive value of Prangos ferulacea, a plant found in the Mediterranean and Middle‐east regions, where it is used as animal fodder. Samples of mature plants were collected from S.E. Turkey. Metabolizable energy (ME) values were estimated from in vitro gas production measurements and from chemical composition. ME concentrations of the whole plant, leaves and stems were estimated to be 12·2, 11·9 and 12·7 MJ kg?1 dry matter (DM) respectively, which compares favourably with high‐quality forages commonly used in ruminant feeding. The DM degradability of the whole plant, leaves and stems increased up until 48 h of in situ incubation, 866, 915 and 784 g kg?1 DM respectively, but changed little between 48 and 72 h. In vitro DM and organic matter digestibility of the whole plant, leaves and stems were 0·769 and 0·806, 0·773 and 0·790, and 0·740 and 0·840 respectively. The results show that P. ferulacea may be regarded as a high‐energy forage, but further research is needed on its intake characteristics and the levels of animal performance that can be achieved from its inclusion in the diet.  相似文献   

The effect of nitrogen (N) fertilization on the dry‐matter (DM) yield and nutritional value of sorghum (Sorghum sp., cv. Jumbo) and black oat (Avena strigosa cv., IPR 61) was investigated in the context of forage and livestock production in southern Brazil. Sorghum was cultivated with 0, 37·5, 75, 150, 225, 300 and 375 kg N ha?1 during the summer crop seasons of 2010/11 and 2011/12. Black oat received 0, 40, 80, 120, 160, 200 and 240 kg N ha?1 in the winter of 2011. According to the adjusted polynomial regression, sorghum DM yield increased in response to N up to 288 (12·9 t ha?1) and 264 kg ha?1 (5·6 t ha?1) in 2010/11 and 2011/12 respectively. Crude protein (CP) content of sorghum was highest at 349 and 328 kg N ha?1, but in vitro dry‐matter digestibility (IVDMD) was highest at 212–207 kg N ha?1 in 2010/11 and 2011/12 respectively. Sorghum neutral detergent fibre (NDF) and acid detergent fibre (ADF) were not affected by N fertilization. In black oat, the maximum DM yield (6·0 t ha?1) was obtained with 187 kg N ha?1; the IVDMD, NDF and ADF were not affected by N fertilization, but the CP content increased up to 220 kg N ha?1. It is concluded that these forage species can improve the year‐to‐year amount and quality of forage produced but high rates of N fertilizer are required to achieve high yields. Fertilizer N rates of 210–280 kg N ha?1 in sorghum and 180 kg N ha?1 in black oat in the crop rotation provide the greatest responses in DM yield consistent with good nutritional quality for livestock production.  相似文献   

Applying less N on Russet Burbank potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) at planting time may reduce the potential loss of N from sandy soil by wind erosion and leaching early in the season. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of rate and time of N fertilization on potato production. Potatoes were grown in outdoor pot cultures with N rates of 75,150 and 300 ppm and in field plots with N rates from 112 to 448 kg N/ha applied in single and split applications. The results from pot cultures harvested after one month’s growth showed that yield of tops increased and tuber yield decreased as applied N at planting increased from 75 ppm to 150 or 300 ppm. Field results showed that the yield of potatoes was as high or higher when N applications were split between planting and when plants were 15 to 20 cm tall (early tuberization) as with the same amount of N applied at planting. Generally 112 kg N/ha at planting time was sufficient when additional N was applied after emergence. Split application of N resulted in more second growth on tubers than when all of the N was applied at planting.  相似文献   

American Journal of Potato Research - Potato plants were grown in the San Luis Valley of Colorado under irrigation with different N and P levels applied to the soil. Growth rate of stems, leaves...  相似文献   

The Nooksack cultivar because of differing characteristics may have different responses to grower management practices developed principally for Russet Burbank. This study was conducted to determine the effects of nitrogen on yield, grade, and specific gravity of the Nooksack cultivar. In irrigated field experiments, N fertilizer was sprinkler-applied daily on Quincy sand soil. In other experiments, on a Warden silt loam soil all N was broadcast and incorporated before planting. Fertilization rate did not significantly affect tuber grade or specific gravity. Short term shifts in N supply did not cause tuber deformities and poor grades as they commonly do with Russet Burbank. Nooksack, while responsive, did not have a strong positive response to N fertilization. Tuber yields were depressed at fertilizer plus residual N levels above 200 kg/ha on Warden silt loam and above 300 kg/ha on Quincy sand. This difference was because of variation in NO3 leaching and soil N mineralization and was reflected in calculation of optimum N rates. Nooksack may require less N fertilization than Russet Burbank partially because of the strong dormancy of Nooksack tubers that retards emergence and shortens growing season. Management to promote more rapid dormancy break and lower N nutrition during tuber initiation could result in earlier establishment, earlier tuber bulking, and greater yields of Nooksacks.  相似文献   

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