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The root mass of winter barley ( Hordeum vulgare cv. Niki) at growth stages 5, 9 and 16 of the Feekes scale increased from 100 % (0.272 mg cm–3 soil) to 132 % and 139 %, respectively. Root mass was always greater in no-tillage (NT) plots than in ploughed-tillage (CT) plots and was also greater where manure was applied in comparison to plots without manure. The root density at growth stages 5, 9 and 16 over all treatments was 0.197, 0.224 and 0.238 cm cm–3 soil, respectively. At growth stage 5, the root density in NT plots was 9 % greater than that in CT plots, and in rotary hoed (MT) plots it was 3 % greater. At this same growth stage, soil fertilization with NP, farmyard manure (30 t ha−1 ) and NP plus farmyard manure improved the root density of barley by up to 5, 10 and 11 %, respectively, in comparison with control plots. The diameter of barley roots was clearly biggest in CT plots, while in NT plots the thinnest roots were found. The mean diameter was 0.63, 0.75 and 0.78 mm at growth stages 5, 9 and 16, respectively (over all treatments). Significant correlation coefficients were found between root density (RD) and the soil properties bulk density (BD), porosity (P), penetration resistance (PR) and mean weight diameter of aggregates (MWD). For example, the highest r values were as follows: at growth stage 5, r=0.95 (P < 0.001) for P and r=0.86 (P < 0.001) for MWD; at growth stage 9, r=−0.97 (P < 0.001) for PR and r=0.96 (P < 0.001) for P, and finally at growth stage 16, r=0.97 (P < 0.001) for P and r=−0.97 (P < 0.001) for PR. 相似文献
为了推进湖南饲用大麦(Hordeum vulgare L.)的种植,对冬闲稻田进行有效开发,探索环洞庭湖区大麦栽培抗倒高产节本的栽培措施。本研究使用裂裂区设计的田间试验方法调查不同播种期、不同耕作方式和施肥对大麦产量构成因子如有效穗数、穗粒数和千粒重等的影响。结果表明:洞庭湖区冬闲田种植大麦,不同播种期、耕作方式和施肥对大麦的农艺性状和产量有显著的影响(P<0.05)。在不影响双季稻生产的情况下,播种期最好不要超过11月4日,且翻耕可以显著提高大麦产量(P<0.05),而施肥对大麦产量影响较小,可以考虑不施肥。总体来看,‘华大麦4号’的小区种子产量最高达到9.5 kg每小区,适合洞庭湖区种植并可进行进一步栽培研究。 相似文献
为研究施肥对玛曲高寒沙化草地地上生物量的影响,设置不施肥(CK)、施有机肥(O)、施氮肥(N)、施磷肥(P)、施氮磷肥(NP)、施有机肥和氮肥(ON)、施有机肥和磷肥(OP)及施有机肥和氮磷肥(ONP)等8个处理,采用样方法对玛曲高寒沙化草地植被盖度和地上生物量进行研究。结果表明:在2006年和2007年,3种肥料混施处理(ONP)比对照盖度增加了7%,地上生物量均为最高。2007年施肥处理的地上生物量在不同生长季均比2006年显著增加。氮、磷肥和有机肥组合的处理(ONP)对增加高寒沙化草地的地上生物量效果最显著。 相似文献
Effects of Reduced Tillage and Fertilization Practices on Soil Characteristics, Plant Water Status, Growth and Yield of Upland Cotton 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Three different tillage practices, conventional (mouldboard ploughing at 22–25 cm plus one rotary hoeing at 5–6 cm, CT), minimum (one rotary hoeing at 12–15 cm, MT), and no‐tillage (direct drilling in soil covered by vetch residues, NT), combined with three fertilization treatments, inorganic (50 kg N ha?1 as ammonium sulphate), cattle manuring (30 t ha?1), and control (no‐fertilizer), were applied on a cotton crop (Gossypium hirsutum L. cv. Acala SJ‐2) grown on a clay loam soil in the field of the Agricultural University of Athens. Soil (gravimetric water content, bulk density, and penetration resistance in the top 40 cm) and plant parameters (root growth, leaf water potential, leaf area growth and seedcotton yield) were recorded throughout the cultivation period in all treatments. No‐tillage was associated with significantly higher values of soil water throughout the observation period caused by the vetch mulch. Bulk density and penetration resistance were initially higher in the no‐tilled plots, but they became significantly lower after 2–3 months from sowing. These beneficial effects on soil properties favoured root growth, expressed as root surface density, in the NT‐plots at the top soil layer. Similar, although less spectacular, effects were observed in the manured plots. Plant water status, expressed in terms of the water potential index, was significantly and consistently best in the NT‐ and worst in the CT‐plots throughout crop growth. In addition, NT favoured a better foliage growth and resulted in significantly higher yields than the other tillage practices. In general, NT, and in second instance, MT considerably improved plant water status, and hence foliage growth and yield in comparison with CT by maintaining higher levels of soil water and improving root growth. Manuring positively interacted with the reduced tillage practices for most soil and plant parameters. 相似文献
不同耕作和有机培肥措施对土壤理化性质及小麦产量的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为探索黄淮海潮土区小麦最佳耕作和施肥模式,以河南省夏邑县潮土试验基地为平台设置了2种耕作方式(深耕和旋耕)和5种施肥模式(不施肥、单施化肥及3种化肥配施有机肥),测定不同耕作和培肥措施下土壤理化性质、植株和籽粒氮、磷、钾含量及产量。结果表明,增施有机肥显著提高了表土层和犁底层土壤全氮、速效磷、速效钾和有机质含量;旋耕条件下土壤表层养分高于深耕。旋耕增施有机肥促进了植株和籽粒氮、磷、钾含量,籽粒氮和植株氮在化肥配施有机肥22 500kg/hm2时效果最佳;籽粒磷和植株磷含量在化肥配施有机肥7 500kg/hm2时效果最佳。深耕增施有机肥明显提高了小麦产量,最佳有机肥施用量为化肥配施有机肥15 280kg/hm2。 相似文献
178 common vetch (Vicia sativa L.) strains were tested for 2 years under dryland conditions in Bursa, Turkey. Broad-sense heritability of the traits was calculated for each trait. Phenotypic and genotypic correlation coefficients between seed and straw yield, with several morphological and reproductive traits, were obtained. Broad-sense heritability estimates were high for 1000-seed weight and number of seeds per pod. Heritability values for both seed and straw yield were small and insignificant. Harvest index, 1000-seed weight and spring vigour showed significant positive correlations with seed yield, but days to flower correlated negatively with seed yield. Spring vigour, plant height and number of leaflets per leaf correlated positively, while harvest index, seeds per pod and seeds per plant correlated negatively with straw yield. Correlations between seed and straw yield were both positive and significant. 相似文献
燕麦与箭筈豌豆不同混播比例对生物量的影响研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为了研究燕麦与箭筈豌豆不同混播模式的增产效应。在农业部兰州黄土高原生态环境重点野外科学观测试验站对一年生牧草燕麦和箭筈豌豆进行了混播试验。结果表明:丹麦444燕麦50%和333/A春箭筈豌豆50%的混播处理,地上生物量、种子产量及0~50 cm的地上生物量均最高,分别为22193.33 kg/hm2、4776.67 kg/hm2和11792.90 kg/hm2,且与其他混播处理的差异显著(P<0.05)。该混播模式具有较好的协同效应,可在黄土高原及类似地区推广应用。 相似文献
为探明免耕冬水田条件下简化施肥对不同杂交稻品种头季、再生季以及两季产量的影响,以及筛选出两季高产品种应用于生产。2016—2017年,以18个杂交中稻品种为材料,在免耕冬水田施纯氮120 kg/hm2条件下,设置简化施肥(一次基施N)和常规施肥(基肥:蘖肥:穗肥=5:3:2比例平衡施N)2种氮肥管理方式,研究其对中稻-再生稻产量的影响。结果表明,2种氮肥管理方式对头季产量、再生季产量和两季总产的影响均未达到显著水平,简化施肥处理的头季稻产量、再生季产量和两季总产分别为9.46 t/hm2、1.50 t/hm2和10.96 t/hm2,较常规施肥处理的产量分别增加1.40%,-6.77%和0.20%。18个品种间头季产量、再生季产量和两季总产差异均达极显著水平,18个品种头季、再生季和两季总产的产量变幅分别为8.70~10.19 t/hm2,0.59~2.29 t/hm2和10.21~11.57 t/hm2。头季产量和再生季产量呈极显著负相关(r=0.61)。两季总产与头季有效穗、每穗颖花数、结实率、千粒重和再生季有效穗偏相关系数均达极显著水平,并建立回归方程。因此,采用一次基施的简化施肥方式是免耕冬水田水稻实现高产、省工的有效途径,选择穗粒兼顾型品种有利于实现中稻/再生稻两季高产,并筛选出两季高产和高氮肥偏生产力品种‘旌优727’、‘旌3优177’、‘内6优103’和‘内6优107’,可在试验所在生态区中稻-再生稻种植中推广应用。 相似文献
行距及间作对箭筈豌豆与燕麦青干草产量和品质的影响 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
在我国西北地区,普遍应用燕麦与箭筈豌豆间作生产饲草。为了研究不同间作模式的增产效果,2009—2010年在吉林省白城市采用两因子完全随机区组设计,研究了2种行距(A1:33 cm;A2:16.5 cm)和3种种植方式(B1:燕麦单作;B2:箭筈豌豆单作;B3:燕麦箭筈豌豆1∶1间作)对饲草产量、品质的影响。结果表明,行距减小播量增大时,作物单株重量减小,饲草总产量提高13%;行距减小播量不变,燕麦单株重量增大,饲草总产量提高29%;B3饲草产量比B1提高24%,比B2提高30%;B3粗蛋白产量比B1高1倍,比B2低20%;间作使燕麦的株高、单株重和粗蛋白质含量提高,使箭筈豌豆的株高增加,单株重、含氮量降低,节数减少,分枝减少。采用行距16.5 cm、燕麦播量87.5 kg hm–2、箭筈豌豆播量75 kg hm–2的燕麦与箭筈豌豆间作处理,全年两茬饲草产量为19.8 t hm–2,粗蛋白产量为2.43 t hm–2,可作为白城及气候相似地区饲草生产的基本模式。 相似文献
The effects of six seeding rates (50-300 seeds m−2: ) on some morphological traits with hay and seed yield were evaluated in common vetch ( Vicia sativa L.) under fall and spring sowing conditions. The mutual correlations among yield and yield components were also determined.
The sowing seasons and seeding rates significantly affected hay and seed yield, and most of the yield components. Fall sowings resulted in significantly higher hay and seed yield than spring sowings at all seeding rates, and the highest seed and hay yield was achieved in densities of 250 and 300 seeds m−2 . In spring sowings there was a positive response in hay yield up to 250 seeds m−2 while no further increase in seed yield at the seeding rates higher than 150 seeds m−2 . Average protein content of hay and seed was found to be higher in spring sown crops than fall. The highest protein yields of hay and seed were obtained at 250 seeds m−2 in fall sowings, and 150 seeds m−2 in spring sowings.
Most of the correlations between both hay and seed yields with the yield components were not consistent and differed with the sowing time. Only the correlations between number of the plants per unit area with hay yield, and number of the pods and seeds per unit area with seed yield were statistically significant in both sowing seasons. Close positive associations were obtained between hay and seed yield. 相似文献
The sowing seasons and seeding rates significantly affected hay and seed yield, and most of the yield components. Fall sowings resulted in significantly higher hay and seed yield than spring sowings at all seeding rates, and the highest seed and hay yield was achieved in densities of 250 and 300 seeds m
Most of the correlations between both hay and seed yields with the yield components were not consistent and differed with the sowing time. Only the correlations between number of the plants per unit area with hay yield, and number of the pods and seeds per unit area with seed yield were statistically significant in both sowing seasons. Close positive associations were obtained between hay and seed yield. 相似文献
玉米生长过程中施肥对土壤呼吸和微生物量碳的影响 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
为了阐明玉米生长中土壤呼吸和微生物生物量碳的变化规律与施肥和土壤类型间的关系,运用盆栽试验研究了玉米生长和施肥处理对中国南北典型土壤(黑土和红壤)的土壤呼吸和微生物生物量碳的影响。结果表明,施肥条件下,黑土的土壤全氮、有机质、土壤呼吸在玉米的各生长期都没有明显差异,微生物生物量碳含量随着玉米的生长呈增长趋势,且大喇叭口期达到最大;而红壤的土壤全氮、有机质、土壤呼吸和微生物生物量碳都随着玉米的生长呈增长趋势,且大喇叭口期达到最大。在玉米的不同生长期,有机肥处理增加了黑土和红壤的土壤呼吸和微生物生物量碳,而无机肥处理则没有显著影响。另外,在玉米生长的过程中,施用有机肥降低了土壤的微生物的呼吸熵,而施用无机肥则提高了土壤呼吸熵。总之,土壤呼吸速率和微生物生物量碳的含量不仅受到作物生长和施肥的影响,也同样受土壤质地和类型的影响。 相似文献
Underground Vetch (Vicia sativa ssp. amphicarpa): A Potential Pasture and Forage Legume for Dry Areas in West Asia 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Subterranean vetch [Vicia sativa ssp. amphicarpa (Dorth.) Aschers & Graebn.] is native to disturbed grasslands of the Mediterranean basin where heavy grazing, seasonal drought and erosion act as strong selection forces. It produces two pod types, above‐ground and 5 cm below the soil surface. Unlike subterranean clover (Trifolium subterranean L.), which buries its seeds after flowering above‐ground, subterranean vetch flowers and forms pods beneath the soil surface on underground stems. The aerial pods are produced after vegetative development ceases, while the underground pods are produced in ontogeny. The ability of this unusual vetch to survive in marginal areas with low rainfall (about 250 mm year?1) and to produce nutritious herbage and pods is an important characteristic which helps address rehabilitation of degraded rangelands and increase feed production for small ruminants. Research at the International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA) during the 1988–93 growing seasons has assessed the herbage and seed productivity of underground vetch, its ability to grow in rotation with barley in marginal low‐rainfall areas, and its capacity to regenerate after heavy grazing. Drier conditions in 1989 favoured earlier underground flowering; the number of underground pods was higher than that of aerial pods. Grain yield of barley (var. Atlas) was around 2.0 t ha?1 after underground vetch and only 1.2 t ha?1 after barley. Grazing underground vetch had no effect on the productivity of the succeeding barley crop. The aerial and underground pods serve two distinct functions; aerial pods increase dissemination within suitable habitats, while underground pods increase the probability of plant survival under adverse conditions such as drought and heavy grazing. Underground vetch has two potential uses, namely the rehabilitation of marginal areas and production in rotation with barley. 相似文献
为了研究不同施肥处理对谷稗的生物量及品质的影响,以‘朝牧一号'稗子为试验材料,设置4种施肥方式(A有机肥、B有机肥+无机肥、C无机肥、D不施肥)。收集样品后,用烘干恒重的方法测得谷稗生物量的数据。结果表明,处理C的生物量为871 g/m2,比A、B和D处理分别增加了27.2%、11.9%、56.6%;处理C的粗蛋白含量为10.38%,分别比处理A、B和D增加了19.8%、2.9%、13.2%;B处理的谷稗粗脂肪含量为1.29%,比D处理减少了60.3%;D处理的谷稗酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)和中性洗涤纤维(NDF)最低,分别为35.11%和66.11%。在4种施肥方式中,以有机肥+无机肥处理的综合表现较好。本研究结果为东北黑土区高产优质谷稗栽培技术的制定奠定了理论基础。 相似文献
不同施肥模式下保护性耕作春玉米产量及经济效益 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
保护性耕作采用少、免耕技术,地表有覆盖物,肥料一般不能通过翻耕、旋耕等方式与土壤混合,传统施肥模式不适用于保护性耕作。为解决保护性耕作推广过程中存在的施肥量不足、施肥模式单一、秸秆覆盖量少等问题,利用平衡施肥技术确定施肥量,采用裂区试验设计,主处理为耕作方式,包括翻耕、留茬免耕、整秆覆盖免耕,副处理为施肥模式,P、K肥随播种一次完成,尿素追施,一次追施、二次追施为副处理,进行保护性耕作不同施肥模式下春玉米产量与经济效益分析。结果表明,在施肥量一定的情况下,目标产量实现与耕作覆盖方式、施肥模式有密切关系。耕作方式与施肥方法最优组合为—A3B2(整秆覆盖免耕2次追肥),经济效益最高,对春玉米保护性耕作施肥管理要点进行了总结 相似文献
长期定位施肥对冬小麦叶面积指数及群体受光态势的影响 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
为了研究氮肥与有机肥配施对冬小麦群体的影响,揭示实现冬小麦高产的条件,试验分析了长期定位施肥条件对冬小麦的叶面积指数及受光态势的影响。结果表明:氮肥和有机肥的施用量越大,群体越繁茂,叶面积指数也就越大,而群体内部光照强度就会降低,表征群体受光态势的半消光深度与叶面积指数极显著负相关。叶面积指数与氮肥(N)和有机肥(M)施用量之间的关系:LAI=4.41×10-3N 5.93×10-5M 0.888,通过合理施肥可以创造出具有最适叶面积指数的冬小麦群体。 相似文献
Field beans of indeterminate (cv. Nadwiślański) and determinate (cv. Tibo) growth habits were grown on field plots with a density of 20, 40 and 80 plants m−2 at two levels of nitrogen fertilization: low (20 kg N ha−1 ) and very high (150 kg N ha−1 ). At the phase of intense pod growth the number and the dry matter weight of root nodules as well as their nitrogenase activity and some features of the plants growth were determined, and in the period of ripeness the components of seed yield were established.
It was found that increased density of sowing as well as the high level of nitrogen fertilization inhibited the growth and development of root nodules and limited their nitrogenase activity in both cultivars. Plants of both varieties were characterized by a similar potential of forming the root nodules, however, in plants of the cv. Tibo the nitrogenase activity of nodules was much lower than in the cv. Nadwiślański.
Increased population density of the plants has in both varieties given increased seed yield when calculated per m2 of the soil, compensating in excess the depression of the seed yield from one plant. Such compensation did not occur in the case of the depression of nitrogen fixation under intense nitrogen fertilization. 相似文献
It was found that increased density of sowing as well as the high level of nitrogen fertilization inhibited the growth and development of root nodules and limited their nitrogenase activity in both cultivars. Plants of both varieties were characterized by a similar potential of forming the root nodules, however, in plants of the cv. Tibo the nitrogenase activity of nodules was much lower than in the cv. Nadwiślański.
Increased population density of the plants has in both varieties given increased seed yield when calculated per m
The introduction of annual feed legumes into the intensifying systems of barley monocropping in dry-area Mediterranean agriculture would reduce pest and disease risk and increase sustainable productivity. Potential modes of legume utilization by small ruminants — as green grazing, hay, or mature grain and straw — imply different times of harvest removal with possible consequences for the subsequent barley crop. In nine two-year trials, barley following green-grazed common vetch (Vicia sativa) always outyielded barley following vetch cut as hay or harvested at maturity, albeit in some years by small and non-significant margins; mean differences in barley grain and straw yields between green-graze and mature vetch treatments were around 20 %. The main mechanisms implicated are carryover to the barley of small amounts of soil water unused by early-harvested vetch and enhanced nitrogen availability where active vetch root systems were killed by removal of the above-ground crop. 相似文献
施肥对麻栎人工林生长及热值的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对安徽滁州地区林地土壤贫瘠,麻栎(Quercus acutissima)经营粗放的现状,开展了不同施肥(复合肥,氮:磷:钾=15%:15%:15%)处理(0、0.15、0.3、0.45 kg/株)对麻栎生长、生物量和热值影响的研究。结果表明:随施肥量增加,麻栎树高、胸径、地径和生物量均逐渐增大;以0.45 kg/株处理效果最好,树高、胸径、地径、树干生物量分别比对照增加15.47%、17.91%、14.48%、11.53%。施肥处理树干的干重热值均显著低于对照,比对照减少1.11%~2.53%;枝、叶、皮干重热值在不同处理之间没有显著差异。麻栎单株地上部分能量也随施肥量增加而增大。在安徽滁州地区单施复合肥可以显著提高麻栎生物量,尽管施肥降低了树干的热值,但由于生物量的大幅增加,使得林地能量产出随施肥量的增大显著增加。 相似文献
The plants of field bean var. Nadwiślaνski were detopped after about 1 month since the beginning of flowering and after that all flower buds were removed from some plants. The effect of a change in the trophic balance on the setting and subsequent growth of root nodules was studied.
The removal of pods had the greater effect on the increase in the weight of the remaining organs than the detopping of plants. Detopping retarded the ageing of the plants and delayed the phase of the greatest reduction of the number of pods. The detopping of plants revealed their considerable compensative possibilities in terms of production of the pod weight and the potential of leaves for biomass production. The data obtained indicate that plant detopping may disturb the root–bacteria exchange of signals, necessary to initiate the nodule development, while the further growth of nodules depends, above all, on the amount of available photosynthates.
A very high correlation between the dry weight of the whole plant to the dry weight of leaves ratio and the weight of nodules was observed. It proves the importance of the trophic balance of the plant for the root nodule weight production. 相似文献
The removal of pods had the greater effect on the increase in the weight of the remaining organs than the detopping of plants. Detopping retarded the ageing of the plants and delayed the phase of the greatest reduction of the number of pods. The detopping of plants revealed their considerable compensative possibilities in terms of production of the pod weight and the potential of leaves for biomass production. The data obtained indicate that plant detopping may disturb the root–bacteria exchange of signals, necessary to initiate the nodule development, while the further growth of nodules depends, above all, on the amount of available photosynthates.
A very high correlation between the dry weight of the whole plant to the dry weight of leaves ratio and the weight of nodules was observed. It proves the importance of the trophic balance of the plant for the root nodule weight production. 相似文献
土壤镉污染对箭筈豌豆生长、镉积累和营养物质吸收的影响 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
采用污染土盆栽法,研究箭筈豌豆(Vicia sativa L.)在镉(Cd)添加量为2.5和10.0mg/kg土壤中的生长状况、营养物质吸收和镉富集特征。结果表明,土壤镉添加对箭筈豌豆地上部和地下部生物量没有显著影响,但使种子的生物量降低。轻度和重度镉污染条件下,箭筈豌豆地下部的镉富集系数为21.12~26.39,地上部的镉富集系数为0.47~1.00,种子的镉富集系数为0.46~1.16,镉的转运系数为0.02~0.05。地下部镉含量达268.97mg/kg,地上部和种子的镉含量超国家食品限量标准,营养元素尤其是Fe、Zn、Mn和P的含量,受到镉添加的显著影响。因此,箭筈豌豆可用于镉污染土壤的植物修复,但需防范地上部和种子食用和饲用的安全风险;镉对营养元素吸收的影响是其生长受抑制的原因之一。 相似文献