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<正>国际家禽科学论坛于2008年1月21-22日在美国亚特兰大世界议会中心举办。本次论坛由美国南部家禽科学会(southern poultry science society)、南部禽病协商会(southern conference on avain disease)和美国家禽与蛋品协会联合发起。  相似文献   

Effects of feeds on flavor of red meat: a review   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of diet ingredients on red meat flavor are dependent on the type of diet, and, to a large extent, on the species: pork, mutton or lamb and beef. Sensory analysis of meat flavor has been used in most of the studies on the effects of feeds on meat flavor. In general, high-energy grain diets produced a more acceptable or a more intense flavor in red meats than low-energy forage or grass diets. Feeding pigs unsaturated fats increases the unsaturation in pork fat but results in only minor changes in pork flavor. Sheep must be fed protected, unsaturated fats in order to increase the unsaturation in their fat to be similar to pork fat. This increased unsaturation results in a greater flavor change in lamb or beef than in pork. Several dietary ingredients such as fish products, raw soybeans, canola oil and meal, and pasture grasses cause undesirable flavors in red meat. Analyses of lamb and beef produced on different diets have shown that type of feed affects the concentration of many flavor volatile compounds. However, only a few studies have quantified the volatiles of beef and lamb produced on different diets, and no reports of studies were found in which the volatiles of pork produced on different diets had been investigated. Hence, the importance of these changes in volatile concentration to meat flavor has not been determined.  相似文献   

本试验运用顶空固相微萃取(HS-SPME)方法和气相色谱质谱联用技术(GC-MS)研究不同的饲料和饲喂方式对合作猪肉中挥发性化合物的种类及相对百分含量的影响。选择60头10月龄纯放牧的合作猪进行生长后期全舍饲育肥,试验期为60 d。分别饲喂配合饲料和青稞、玉米面、泡豆秆等当地饲料,饲喂配合饲料的分为试验1组和试验2组,只饲喂当地饲料的作为对照组,每组随机各选6头进行屠宰测定和肉质分析。结果表明,试验1组、试验2组分别检测到118、71种挥发性化合物,对照组检测到90种挥发性化合物,试验组醇类、酮类、酸类、酯类化合物种类均有一定程度提高,醛类、烃类化合物及杂环化合物较对照组有所下降。饲用配合饲料育肥的合作猪肉增加了芳香类气味,但肉中脂肪香味有所减弱。  相似文献   

正植物油和动物脂肪通常会被添加到家禽饲料中,以提高日粮的能量浓度。脂肪除了作为能量来源使用外,其他营养应用还包括:●提供必需脂肪酸和作为脂溶性维生素的溶剂;●提高粉状饲料的适口性和采食量;●减少粉状饲料的粉尘和原料颗粒的分离;●通过润滑增加颗粒饲料的产量并改善颗粒质量;●降低消化糜的通过率,从而增加营养的利用率。日粮脂肪的有效利用需要脂肪在胃肠道中消化和吸收。  相似文献   

酶制剂在家禽麦类饲料中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>在家禽饲养上,人们通常把玉米作为主要的能量饲料。随着我国规模养禽业的迅速发展,对饲料原料的需求量日益增加,很多地区玉米已供不应求,这就促使人们考虑用小麦、大麦和燕麦等来饲养家禽。但是,由于大麦、小麦、燕麦、黑麦等含有大量的非淀粉多糖(non-starch polysaccharides,NSP),妨碍营养物质充分消化吸收,往往造成家禽饲料利用率降低、家禽生长不良以及排泄粘粪、污染环境等,限制了这类饲料原料在家禽日粮中的广泛应用。大量实验证明,在以大麦、燕麦为基础日粮的家禽饲料中添加酶制剂能有效的提高饲料利用率,改善家禽生产性能,可以充分发挥大麦、小麦这类低能值饲料的生物学潜能。  相似文献   

Nick Dale 《中国家禽》2002,24(3):36-38
1代谢能 大家知道,饲料原料中的能量不是全都能被消化吸收的.为了测定有多少能量可被家禽利用,应进行消化率研究.虽然有多种试验方法可用来量化代谢能,但都属于平衡试验的类型,即测定所消费的能量和粪、尿中含有的能量.表1列出了几种最常用饲料原料的代谢能值,每个国家均有用于养禽的原料,即使同样一种饲料原料可以由于产地的不同而在脂肪、纤维或蛋白质成分上有很大的差异.为了正确配制家禽饲料,必须懂得这些差异.  相似文献   

饲料中霉菌毒素对家禽的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
胡建军 《中国家禽》2000,22(7):33-35
作为养禽业的主要饲料原料 ,玉米、豆饼(粕)等 ,从田间生长、收获、贮藏、加工等一系列过程中 ,都可被霉菌所污染。霉菌在适宜条件下生长代谢、繁殖时 ,一方面分解饲料中的营养物质 ,另一方面排出一些代谢产物 ,包括霉菌毒素。受到霉菌污染的饲料不仅饲料品质和营养价值降低 ,而且某些霉菌产生性质不同的霉菌毒素 ,可引起家禽生长速度减缓、饲料转化率降低 ,出现急性或慢性中毒 ,消化、呼吸、免疫、生殖机能等受损。同时 ,残留在肉、蛋等畜产品中的霉菌毒素及其代谢物还会对人类健康造成极大的潜在危害。由于不同性质的霉菌毒素对家禽的影…  相似文献   

1. The success of the poultry industry has been dependent upon development of a precise understanding of poultry biology. 2. The advent of tools and probes that reveal the molecular and cellular organisation of complex physiological systems should be embraced by the poultry industry to gain insights into recurring problems such as egg shell quality and ascites. 3. The ability to modify the genome of chickens provides an opportunity to breed chickens with unprecedented precision. 4. The judicious use of time and resources will require a working knowledge of molecular and cellular biology and the poultry industry. There is an urgent need for educational facilities that provide both perspectives.  相似文献   

玉米蛋白粉的质量及其在畜禽饲料中的应用概况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
玉米蛋白粉是玉米加工的主要副产物之一,除用作饲料外,它还有很大的开发潜能。本文主要综述了玉米蛋白粉的生产工艺与化学组成、营养特性与饲用价值、掺假鉴定,并阐述了玉米蛋白粉在畜禽饲料中的应用。  相似文献   

<正>1营养成分对风味的影响风味(flavor)是衡量肉品质的一个重要指标,指食物刺激味觉或嗅觉受体而产生的综合生理反应(郭锋等,2003),即摄入口腔的食物使人产生的味觉、嗅觉、  相似文献   

Eighty per cent of Enterobacteriaceae isolates from battery poultry exhibited drug resistance in a survey among university and commercial poultry flocks. These birds, being a source of human food, may serve as an important reservoir for human pathogenic drug-resistant enteric organisms. Feeds used on University and Commercial poultry farms were found to be inhibitory to standard test organisms--Oxford strain of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli K 12 J5 NA+ Lac-. Feed additives, which purportedly were mineral and vitamin supplements, were found to be highly laden with antibacterials, a quantitative estimation of which revealed that one of them, termed A & D Crumbles contained as much as 3000 (three thousand) micrograms of antibiotic per g, while another feed additive known as ADVIT contained 130 micrograms of antibiotic per g of the feed supplement. These are routinely added to poultry feeds, a practice which may easily lead to development of drug resistance among enteric pathogens that may, in turn, reach humans and complicate therapy of human bacterial infections. This may be of a considerable public health significance.  相似文献   

食品感官评价是集心理学、生理学、化学、物理学、统计学的发展起来的综合学科,已成为现代食品科学重要的研究领域。本文通过三点检验法感官评价蜂蜜产品整体的风味,能够确定不同产品之间风味的差异。通过实验结果表明,当感官评价员n为18时,在1%的显著水平上,判断蜂蜜样品风味之间有显著差异。对蜂蜜样品A、B的喜欢程度存在显著差别,在5%的显著水平上B更受欢迎。该法能评定出蜂蜜产品风味之间的差别,适合于蜂蜜产品的感官鉴别,为掺假蜂蜜的鉴别、新产品研发及品质控制等方面提供科学化、规范化的理论依据。  相似文献   

In Brazil, commercial feedstuffs are an important component in modern animal husbandry, but there is no information available about fungal contamination and ochratoxin A (OTA) production. The aims of this study were to determine the mycoflora incidence in poultry feeds and evaluate OTA production. In addition, the ability to produce OTA by several Aspergillus and Penicillium species was investigated. A total of 96 samples of poultry feeds were collected from four factories in Rio de Janeiro. Samples were examined for total moulds, for Aspergillus and Penicillium spp. occurrence and for their relative densities on dichloran rose bengal chloramphenicol and dichloran 18% glycerol media. The capacity to produce ochratoxin A by selected Aspergillus and Penicillium species was determined by HPLC. Total mould counts were generally higher than 1 x 10(5 )CFU ml(-1). Aspergillus and Penicillium species were isolated in the highest numbers. Aspergillus flovus and Penicillium citrinum were the most prevalent species. There was a high percentage of potential OTA producers (46%). The amount of OTA produced on this substrate was enough to cause adverse effects in animals. Several strains isolated from poultry feeds were able to produce high levels of OTA on chloramphenicol yeast medium. OTA in raw materials needs to be surveyed and storage practices must be investigated to determine occurrence and establish the livestock toxicological risk in poultry feed.  相似文献   

1996年以来,本检测中心共检测了十几个县市送检的53个钙磷类饲料样品,对其质量评定及杂质鉴别方法进行了试验,并对劣质原料对家禽的危害进行了调查研究,现报告如下:1钙磷类饲料的检验1.1送检样品 1996年~1999年共收到烟台、威海、青岛和潍坊等地。市送检骨粉21份、磷酸氢钙32份。1.2常规检验 钙磷类饲料中钙的测定采用高锰酸钾还原滴定法,磷的测定采用钼黄比色法,氟的测定采用氟离子选择电极法。 合格骨粉和磷酸氢钙的标准:骨粉,P>11.0%,Ca>24%;磷酸氢钙,P>16.0%,Ca>21. …  相似文献   

1. The effect of including lupin meal (Lupinus angustifolius), with or without rapeseed meal, in computer‐formulated, least‐cost diets for broilers has, been determined.

2. In the first experiment the diets contained 0, 8 (with and without supplementary methionine, lysine, or methionine and lysine) or 16% lupin meal: addition of the lupin meal required a concomitant addition of 5 % rapeseed meal (by computer selection).

3. The diets were fed from 38 to 65 d and did not affect live‐weight but the efficiency of food utilisation was significantly worse on the 16 % lupin, 5% rapeseed meal diet than it was on the control diet.

4. The second experiment was designed as a 2 x 4 factorial to separate any effect due to rapeseed meal from that due to lupin meal, the treatments, which were applied from 1 to 62 d, being 0, 8, 16 and 24% lupin meal with and without 5 % rapeseed meal.

5. Birds gained more rapidly in the second experiment on diets containing 16 or 24% lupin meal whereas live‐weight was depressed when 5% rapeseed meal was included in the diets containing 0 or 8% lupin.

6. The 16 and 24% lupin treatments also had added dietary fat from 6 to 9 weeks of age and this may have ameliorated the adverse effect of rapeseed meal.

7. Up to 16% lupin meal and 5% rapeseed meal had no detectable effect on the colour, appearance, flavour or texture of roasted chicken meat when evaluated by a trained taste panel.  相似文献   

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