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In the paper, comprehensively explaining structure , function and main contents of databank for genetic resource of wild Yak in China.  相似文献   

本文以20世纪初以来国内外探险家和众多学者发表的科考资料及2001—2003年国家科技基础专项“中国野牦牛遗传资源信息动态调查及种质资源库建设”为背景,对中国野牦牛遗传资源全息动态进行了缜密研究。构建了野牦牛种质资源信息收集、整理及调查的方法;研究了野牦牛的生境、种群数量、种群密度和分布区域;建立了具备群体水平上保护利用野牦牛的50头规模的高效、动态及良性运作的现代遗传繁育基地,具有在细胞水平上保护利用野牦牛的可年产2万支冷冻精液的动态保存库,具备在细胞水平上保护利用野牦牛的可生产0.1—0.15万枚野牦牛冷冻胚胎动态保存库的条件与规模;创建了联合我国相关野生动物保护组织、行业、协会、自然保护区、科研机构、企业及公众,有条件地接轨国际上有关野生动物保护组织的现代、高效、动态、监测、可持续性保护利用牦牛遗传资源的共享平台,其形式以具有自主知识产权的文字版、光盘版和Internet网络形式与全社会共享。  相似文献   

野牦牛是青藏高原珍贵的野生畜种资源.本文从野牦牛的分布、类型、种群数量以及主要地理分区等方面分析了中国野牦牛遗传资源现状,同时讨论了野牦牛的生物学特性和经济价值,并提出了保存和利用野牦牛遗传资源的措施,对促进高寒牧区生态效益和社会效益有着重要的意义.  相似文献   

野牦牛是青藏高原珍贵的野生畜种资源。本文从野牦牛的分布、类型、种群数量以及主要地理分区等方面分析了中国野牦牛遗传资源现状,同时讨论了野牦牛的生物学特性和经济价值,并提出了保存和利用野牦牛遗传资源的措施,对促进高寒牧区生态效益和社会效益有着重要的意义。  相似文献   

为今后利用青藏高原野牦牛资源,在青海省大通种牛场对1头野牦公牛和6头1/2野血牦公牛采取人牛固定管理、长期相处、诱训亲善等系列措施,达到能够采精,完成驯化平均时间为165天,完成采精训练平均时间为28.4天,采精训练次数平均11.06次。  相似文献   

对180头生长家牦牛和半血野牦牛的产毛量进行了测定。测定结果,家牦牛1岁1.263±0.239kg/头,2岁1.404±0.329kg/头;3岁1.501±0.326kg/头;半血牦牛相应为1.074±0.308kg/头,1.064±0.336kg/头,1.158±0.410kg/头。其绒毛产量分别为家牦牛0.605±0.143kg/头,0.711±0.216kg/头,0.635±0.246kg/头。半血野牦牛0.556±0.177kg/头,0.418±O.201kg/头,0.453±0.217kg/头。裙毛产量分别为家牦牛0.658±0.137kg/头,0.693 ±0.175kg/头,0.866±0.187kg/头。半血野牦牛0.518±0.211kg/头,0.646±0.257kg/头,O.705±0.258kg/头。结果表明,给家牦牛导入野牦牛血液进行血缘更新,牦牛的产绒、产毛性能未能得到提高。  相似文献   

介绍构建野牦牛种质资源信息收集、整理及调查的方法;建立了野牦牛50头规模的可良性运作的遗传繁育基地,可年产2万支冷冻精液的动态保存库,以及0.1万~0.15万枚野牦牛冷冻胚胎动态保存库的条件与规模;创建了国内外相关野生动物保护组织、行业、协会等保护和利用野牦牛遗传资源的共享平台.  相似文献   

Some blood physiological indices were determined in wild yak,Datong yak(the crossbreeds of the wild and domestic yak)and Tianzhu Black yak in a year. The red blood cell amount(RBC)and packed cell volume (PCV)of the wild yak and Datong yak were similar but differed largely from that of the Tianzhu Black yak. RBC of the wild yak and Datong yak were larger than that of the Tianzhu Black yak and their RBC varied seasonally.The results indicated that wild yak and Datong yak could effectively adapt to changes in environment by adjusting their physiological indices.  相似文献   

On the Datong Yak Breeding Farm of Qinghai Province(Datong farm), the scientists of the Lanzhou Institute of Animal Science and Veterinary Pharmaceutics of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, in collaboration with others,explored the possibility to cross wild yak bulls with domestic yak cows in the past 20years and a new yak breed, the Datong yak, has been developed.  相似文献   

[目的]通过引进野血种公牦牛改良当地牦牛可有效遏止牦牛退化,进一步巩固和改善我县牦牛品种质量,恢复其原有的优良生产性能和品种特征,提高经济效益.[方法]本文以野牦牛和家牦牛杂交后代与家牦牛后代为研究对象,分别测定了杂种牦牛和家牦牛的初生、6月龄、18月龄体尺、体重.[结果]显示,在同等条件下,1/4野血牦牛初生、6月龄、18月龄体尺、体重均显著高于同龄家牦牛,经t检验差异极显著(P<0.01).[结论]用野血牦牛改良家牦牛,是目前更新复壮家牦牛群体的有效途径之一,能获得很强的杂种优势,对提高经济效益,增加农牧民收入,保护生态环境都具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

The testicular tissue of three types of yak bull (1/2 wild yak,cross 1/2 wild yak and domestic yak) were studied quantitatively at 6,12,18 and 24 months old. The results showed that the average values changed from breed to breed at the same age. But there were no significant difference. The volume density and the height of seminiferous tubule and epithelium increased with the age and testicular weight. The capacity rate of the testicular seminiferous tubule in three types were 78.71% ,75.78% and 78.58% respectively, which nearly reached the level of mature bull.  相似文献   

1994~1996年在海南州赛什塘牧场对1/2和1/4野血牦犊牛的生长发育进行了观测。结果:1/2和1/4野血牦犊牛的初生重分别比家牦犊牛提高7.65%和8.86%(P<0.01),1/2野血牦犊牛在初生时的体高、体长和胸围比家牦犊牛分别提高3.21%,5.57%,5.51%;6月龄时分别提高9.56%,11.46%,3.59%;18月龄时分别提高9.18%,17.55%,7.64%(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

应用弓形虫抗体间接血凝诊断试剂,对半血野公牦牛84份进行了弓形虫抗体的检测,结果检出22份阳性血清,血清阳性率26.19%。为该地区制定有效措施防治牦牛弓形虫病提供了一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

We have adopted PAGE method to isolate lactic dehydrogenase(LDH)and α-amylase(α-Am)from wild yak's serum and measure the physical-chemical properties of the two components respectively. The results showed that the yak LDH isozyme distributed into five bands. The sequence according to their activity reads as LDH1 > LDH2> LDH3 > LDH4 > LDH5. The subunit B is relatively occupied a dominant position. It got a wide operating pH range, high thermal stability,well denature resistance and a fairly large adaptability threshold on the physical-chemical change of surrounding environment. α-Am isozyme distributed into seven bands and also got a wide operating pH range. α-Am isozyme is high sensitivity to environmental temperature.  相似文献   

The observation of body height and weight of 10 captured wild yak shows the body height and weight of the wild yak at three and four months old were similar with that of domestic yak. At their 24 months old, the body height and weight were higher by 26.9 % and 62.5 % than that of the domestic ones. The results indicate that, once adapted to the half-shed and half-grazing conditions, the tamed Kunlun type of wild yak with superior genetics would grow and develop faster than the domestic yak at elder ages.  相似文献   

导入野血牦牛群体的遗传变异和基因分化   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳法和火焰光度法对家牦牛和3个含野血牦牛群体TF,HB,Hp,KE,AMY1和RBCLDH16个基因座多态性的研究表明:家牦牛与3个含野血牦牛群体具有同样的多态性特征,但群体的遗传变异随野牦牛血比例的增多而减少。含野血牦牛群体之间的亲缘关系大于家牦牛,再大于野牦牛,但总群体所发生的基因分化程度很小(2748%)。  相似文献   

野血牦牛与家牦牛暖季放牧育肥及屠宰试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在夏秋草场相同的放牧条件下,试验组1/2野血牦牛、1/4野血牦牛和对照组本地家牦牛经过120 d的放牧育肥,结果表明:试验组1/2野血牦牛和1/4野血牦牛比对照组本地家牦牛,日增重分别提高42.08%(P<0.01)和26.49%(P<0.01);试验组1/2野血牦牛屠宰率、净肉率比家牦牛分别提高8.33%(P<0.05)和13.16%(P<0.05),试验组1/4野血牦牛分别提高5.02%(P<0.05)和7.53%(P<0.05);1/2野血牦牛、1/4野血牦牛在育肥增重、产肉性能方面都优于本地家牦牛。  相似文献   

1/4野血牦牛,1/2野血牦牛及家牦牛初产产乳性能测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对1/4野血牦牛、1/2野血牦牛和家牦牛的初产牛进行120天的产奶量和乳脂率测定。结果:日均挤乳量,1/4野血牦牛为0.94±0.22kg,1/2野血牦牛为1.05±0.18kg,家牦牛为0.11±0.10kg;乳脂率,1/4野血牦牛为6.29%,1/2野血牦牛为5.6%,家牦牛为6.24%。经q检验,3组的日均挤乳量和1/4野血牦牛与家牦牛的乳脂率均差异不显著(P>0.05),而1/2野血牦牛因野性较大,难以挤净含脂较高的二奶,以致乳脂率低于其它两组。  相似文献   

Sperm concentration of wild yak bull is 2. 13 billion per milliliter. Survival time at 0-4 ℃ is 57hrs. After thawing survival time at 37 ℃ is 12 hrs. Resistance coefficient is 144,000. Abnormal sperm rate and acrosomal integrated rate of post-thawing is 9.17% and 87.53% respectively. Moving viscosity is 1. 169 cp. Total nitrogen is 1 437.7 mg/100 ml. Head of sperm is significantly shorter and end piece is significantly longer than that of domestic yak and yellow cattle. Activity of hyaluronidase is highly stronger than the domestic yak,and the activity of LDH is higher than the domestic yak by 48 %. Hence,the fertility of the wild yak bull is powerful and the artificial inseminated rate with domestic yak and yellow cattle is 88.9% and 71.58% respectively.  相似文献   

根据数据库设计原理和畜牧学以及生态学的原理对麦牦牛资源数据库进行结构特性设计,数据库分为麦洼牦牛为生物学属性及遗传资源数据子库和麦洼牦牛生态资源数据子库。前者包括麦洼牦牛外貌特征,生产性能,细胞遗传等18个数据表,后者包括麦洼牦牛地境资源,大气生态资源和牧草资源3个数据表。根据软件工程学基本观点,采用面向对象程序设计方法对数据库应用系统进行详细设计。以WindowsX作为系统运行平台,以SQL Server作为后台服务器数据运行环境,以Delphi作为前台客户程序运行环境,使应用系统符合Client-Sever结构标准。  相似文献   

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