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韩国开发出一种含有抗癌成分的有机白菜,并受到各界关注。第一种苗农产种植的该抗癌白菜经过韩国食品研究院的成分分析检查,发现其中 p胡萝卜素含量大大高于普通白菜(47.8倍)。这次开发成功的抗癌白菜生长快、产量高,一年四季皆可种植,即使叶子被砍掉10-15cm仍可继续生长。白菜籽的价格在1万韩元/袋左右。  相似文献   

正白菜(Brassica rapa var.glabra Regel),又名大白菜、小白菜,属十字花科(Cruciferae)芸薹属(Brassica)二年生草本植物。原产中国华北,现中国各地广泛栽培。叶生于短缩的茎上,叶片薄而大,椭圆或长圆形,浓绿或浅绿色;心叶白、绿白或浅黄色;叶柄宽,两侧有明显的叶翼总状花序,花黄色。白菜营养丰富,常作蔬菜食用,可作生食、炒食、盐腌或酱渍等。  相似文献   

白菜软腐病又叫“脓白菜”、“腐烂病”、“烂疙瘩”等,白菜进入包心期以后开始发病。不仅生长期造成损失,在贮藏、运输、市场销售中都能发生。在田间可造成片无收,在窖内可引起全窖腐烂,损失极大。  相似文献   

为探讨我国白菜蔬菜的起源及遗传多样性,克隆、测序白菜类蔬菜不同变种的Chs基因序列。结果表明,白菜类蔬菜Chs基因序列没有大于3 bp的插入/缺失,白菜类蔬菜Chs基因是一个非常保守的基因,揭示出白菜类蔬菜之间遗传差异较小,亲缘关系较近。系统发育树将白菜类蔬菜分成2个分支:第1分支包括山东白菜、塌棵菜、雅安白菜、紫菜苔、重庆白菜和伊犁野生油菜,相对较进化;第2分支包括广西菜心、青菜、雅安黄油菜、芜菁和涪陵野生油菜,相对较原始。网状支系分析没有显示明显的星状结构,说明所选材料中没有白菜类蔬菜进化的共同祖先。网状进化式样分析表明供试的白菜类蔬菜间不仅存在树状的进化关系,还存在大量的非树状进化史。研究结果支持白菜起源的"分化起源"假说,认为现代栽培的白菜类蔬菜是由更加原始的祖先进化而来,在白菜类蔬菜进化史上存在较多的网状进化事件。  相似文献   

我国是农业大国,农业种植体系较为规范且成熟.白菜是重要的农作物之一,富含多种人体所需的营养物质,种植白菜可以增加农民收入.因此需要优化白菜种植技术,制订防治白菜病虫害的有效措施,提升白菜的质量与产量.种植户应结合市场需求选择白菜品种,施用适宜白菜生长的肥料,及时采取防治措施,避免病虫害影响白菜生长,给农户造成经济损失....  相似文献   

防治秋白菜病害的方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正> 俗话说"百菜不如白菜"。白菜是北方地区秋冬季节的主要时令蔬菜,深受北方人民的喜爱。但是,由于近年来气候、环境等方面的变化,秋白菜的病害发生比较严重,秋白菜大面积减产,菜农收入减少,也影响到百姓  相似文献   

北京农林科学院曹鸣庆研究员等人,经过多年努力,在国际上首次成功地培育出抗芜菁花叶病毒转基因白菜,目前这种转基因白菜已部分在控制范围内应用于白菜育种。  相似文献   

赏——白菜也有风情万种小时候,几乎家家都会用切下的白菜头泡花,近些年日子好了,渐渐淡忘了。几年前,老伴无意中将白菜头扔到旧碗里水养,两三天后,它发出了绿茵茵的叶芽。仿佛看到了久违的白菜花,霎时金黄色的回忆在脑海里泛起,儿时晶莹的窗花、铸铁的炉台、白底蓝花的瓷碗儿历历在目……于是小心地将它从背阴的旮旯里,端到阳光明媚的窗台上,再多补些水,算是  相似文献   

<正>近年,反季节蔬菜生产作为保证蔬菜周年供应的有力途径受到广大农户的青睐,白菜、萝卜反季节栽培面积也逐年提高。然而,反季节栽培白菜、萝卜抽薹绝收的现象逐年增加,已经成为制约白菜、萝卜反季节生产的瓶颈问题。大白菜(也称结球白菜)和萝卜均为十字花科芸薹属植物,属于低温长日照植物,二者抽薹现象存在很多共性,本文旨在探索白菜、萝卜抽薹的原理、产生的原因及预防措施,为如何防止抽薹现象提供借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>8月29日,由多国科学家共同合作完成的白菜全基因组研究成果在《自然—遗传学》上在线发表。这是由中国科学家主导,通过国际合作完成的又一重大成果。白菜类蔬菜包括结球白菜、小白菜、菜心和芜菁等形态各  相似文献   

A new method,the concurrent optimal design for the mechanical product accuracy is addressed presented, this method is very suitable to a concurrent engineering context. Differing from the convensional tolerance design method, this method establishes a direct link between product working accuracy and machining precision of the parts. Therefore, in the product design phase,the optimal machining tolerances which satisfy the product working accuracy can be determined. Using this method, the design and manufacturing time and cost can be enormously reduced and product quality can be guaranteed.  相似文献   

运用PCR技术成功建立了检测产耐热直接相关溶血素(TRH)的副溶血性弧菌的方法,并应用该方法从1株标准株和其他3种不同来源的37株副溶血性弧菌中的13株扩增出0.5 kb的trh基因特异性扩增带;产TRH的副溶血性弧菌中1株标准株,12株分离自腹泻病人排泄物或呕吐物,1株分离自水产动物养殖用水;并且产TRH与尿素酶阳性的副溶血性弧菌菌株之间的具有一一对应的关系,结果认定尿素酶阳性是产TRH的副溶血性弧菌菌株的表现型。  相似文献   

In the product life cycle, the product planning acts as a bridge between the customer demands and the product concept definition. So, it is the key factor of the success of the following new product designing and product sell. In other words, product planning level represents the competing ability of the enterprise and its new product. The paper introduces the operation flow, relative theory , and application technology involved in product planning by quoting consumed product designing process. In this way, we illuminate the role of product planning in the product innovation designing system. At the same time, the authors establish a completed strategy of NPD including marketing research, product concept definition, marketing opportunity identification and concept transformation.  相似文献   

The competition among enterprises becomes more and more drastic. In order to win the market, so as to put itself in a stead station, the enterprise put forward many advanced manufacturing modes. Virtual manufacture is put forward by American as a wholly new concept under this situation. It is thought as advanced manufacturing technology of the 21st century. Based on the analysis to the prior, the author expatiated the concept of virtual manufacture and put forward the three demands which the product model suited for the virtual manufacture must satisfy. On the bases the author set up the product model which is composed by product function express and product definition and expatiated the product function and product definition at detail.  相似文献   

以湖北省为例,结合农产品加工产业集群的特点,将其分成资源驱动型、贸易驱动型和大企业园区型3种类型,并以湖北省为例,采用案例分析方法,对每种类型产业集群内的企业品牌建设途径进行深入研究。  相似文献   

低值水产品及水产副产品的加工与综合利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
低值水产品及其副产品通常经过简单加工后被作为饲料利用或直接作为废物丢弃,不仅造成资源浪费,而且造成对环境的污染。研究表明,利用高新技术,可以把低值水产品或水产品下脚料加工成功能性鱼油制品、新型鱼糜制品、海鲜调味品和营养丰富的水解鱼蛋白饲料等高附加值的产品,以及骨糊、硫酸软骨素和骨胶等功能性添加剂。这些产品的研究开发为低值水产品及副产品的加工利用提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

A product ontology screening method which can be used in variant design is proposed. With the support of complete ontology view of product resources, the product functional requirement and structural characteristics are converted to demand constraints, which are used to screen product ontology. For different screening hierarchies and objects, different screening rules such as pattern matching, case matching combined with manual decision and auto matching on the basis of case-based reasoning are adopted. The semi-automatic screening method with human-computer cooperation has impressive effectiveness on the improvements of the accuracy of design schemes and the flexibility and efficiency of design process. Finally, a variant design supporting system for building door and window is developed, which proves the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.  相似文献   

This paper examines the Tsubame cutlery industry as an example of one of Japan's community-based industries (CBI's). CBI's are localized, closely inter-linked concentrations of small businesses which manufacture and export a distinctive product on the basis of a social division of labor. To demonstrate the dynamic nature of the social division of labor in CBI's we outline the origins and evolution of the cutlery industry in Tsubame and then we analyze in more detail how the industry has adjusted to deteriorating cost conditions since 1970, especially during the late 1980s. The discussion is based on published studies and on field work which investigated the strategies and operations of entrepreneurs as summarized in terms of employment, subcontracting and product trends. We find that the Tsubame cutlery industry has successfully adapted its social division of labor to changing circumstances and that it appears to be in another transition stage at the present time.  相似文献   

Combined with the characteristics of the digital circuit curriculum,this paper shows a full performance of the product for the CAI system of the digital circuit curriculum(CSDCC) based on simple MPC. CSDCC includes four parts:system design, classroom teaching, ICAI system, experiment teaching. From construction to details, the system design module is designed to complete the design of he system is bottom database.Providing three kinds of teaching style : commonness, practice, hyperText , the classroom teaching module completes teaching for the whole contents of and the ICAI system module gives the product, which is the ICAI system of the K map Simplification of Logical Function.  相似文献   

用鸡蛋壳制备醋酸钙的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鸡蛋壳为原料,研究制备醋酸钙的工艺技术。采用蛋壳粉直接与醋酸在常温常压下发生中和反应来制备醋酸钙,用EDTA络合法检测成品中醋酸钙的含量。结果表明,当蛋壳粉投料量为2.5g,中和反应时间为3.0h,料液比为1∶16时,醋酸钙的产量最高,达2.91g,由此制得的醋酸钙纯度为71.0%,产率达99.0%。  相似文献   

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