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At the beginning of the breeding season, most beef herds consist of a population of cyclic and anestrous postpartum cows. To be most effective and economical, an estrous synchronization method for postpartum beef cows must be capable of synchronizing estrus in cyclic cows and inducing estrus in anestrous cows. In the first of two experiments, the combination of melengestrol acetate (MGA) fed for 9 d and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) administered on the last day of MGA feeding synchronized estrus in cyclic cows (94%) and induced estrus in anestrous cows (66%) as effectively as combining PGF2 alpha with a progestin implant (97 and 75%, respectively). In the second experiment, MGA treatment was necessary for 7 d prior to administering PGF2 alpha to maximize the expression of estrus in cyclic and anestrous cows. In both experiments the proportion of cows exhibiting a synchronized estrus and the pregnancy rates tended to be higher for cows that were cyclic prior to treatment. However, the MGA-PGF2 alpha treatments consistently induced estrus in more than 50% of the anestrous cows and approximately one-third of the cows that were anestrous prior to treatment conceived during the synchronized breeding period. The MGA-PGF2 alpha treatment was 33 to 46% less expensive than a comparable estrous synchronization method that is approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. If feeding MGA and administering PGF2 alpha is approved, it may be the treatment of choice for synchronizing estrus in cyclic cows and inducing estrus in anestrous cows when supplemental feeding is feasible.  相似文献   

Beef cows and heifers (n = 263) at three locations that were exhibiting estrous cycle either were fed .5 mg/d melengestrol acetate (MGA) for 7 d and administered prostaglandin F2 alpha (25 mg, i.m.) on the last day of MGA feeding or were untreated. State of the estrous cycle at the beginning of the experiment was determined based on estrous detection and (or) progesterone concentrations in pretreatment blood samples. Estrous was checked twice daily for 30 d posttreatment. Animals were artificially inseminated approximately 12 h after detection of estrus. A synchronized estrus (less than 7 d posttreatment) was detected in 72% of the treated animals. More animals in the treated group became pregnant during the first 7 d of breeding, but their conception rate was lower than that of animals in the control group (P less than .05). Conception rate (36%) was reduced among treated animals when MGA feeding began late (d 14 to 20) in the estrous cycle. Conversely, the conception rate (66%) of treated animals fed MGA beginning earlier in the cycle was not different from that of control animals (73%; treatment x stage of cycle; P less than .05).  相似文献   

The efficacy of various combinations of melengestrol acetate (MGA), GnRH, and PGF2alpha for the synchronization of estrus in Angus-based beef cattle was compared. Hormones were administered as follows: MGA, 0.5 mg x animal(-1) x d(-1) mixed in a grain carrier; GnRH, 100 microg i.m.; PGF2alpha, 25 mg i.m. In Exp. 1, 2, and 3, cows were randomly assigned to treatments by parity and interval postpartum. The detection of estrus and AI were conducted from d -2 until 72 to 96 h after PGF2alpha, at which time cows not detected to be in estrus received GnRH and fixed-time AI (TAI). Data were analyzed separately for primiparous and multiparous cows. In Exp. 1, cows (n = 799) at three locations received GnRH on d -7 and PGF2alpha on d 0 and either no further treatment (GnRH-PGF) or short-term MGA from d -6 through d -1 (STMGA). Among multiparous cows, conception rate at TAI was greater (P < 0.05) for STMGA (41%, 47/115) than for GnRH-PGF treated cows (26%, 24/92). Across herds and parity, synchronized AI pregnancy rate (SPR) was not affected (P > 0.10) by treatment (GnRH-PGF vs. STMGA; 54%, 210/389 vs. 57%, 228/402). In Exp. 2, cows (n = 484) at three locations received either STMGA or long-term MGA from d -32 through d -19, GnRH on d -7, and PGF2alpha on d 0 (LTMGA). Among primiparous cows, SPR was greater (P < 0.01) in LTMGA (65%, 55/85) than STMGA-treated cows (46%, 40/87). Treatment had no effect (P > 0.10) on SPR among multiparous cows (STMGA vs. LTMGA; 59%, 92/155 vs. 64%, 101/157). In Exp. 3, cows (n = 838) at four locations received the LTMGA treatment and either no further treatment or an additional period of MGA exposure from d -6 through d -1 (L&STMGA). Among primiparous cows, SPR tended to be influenced (P < 0.10) by the herd x treatment interaction and was greater (P < 0.01) among L&STMGA (86%, 19/22) than LTMGA-treated cows (56%, 14/25) at a single location. Among multiparous cows, SPR was lower (P < 0.05) in L&STMGA (46%, 165/358) than LTMGA-treated cows (55%, 184/336). In Exp. 4, Angus heifers (n = 155) received either STMGA or 14 d of MGA (d -32 through d -19) and PGF2alpha on d 0 (MGA-PGF). The detection of estrus and AI were conducted from d -2 to d 6. Interval to estrus was greater (P < 0.05) and estrous response was lower (P < 0.05) in STMGA than MGA-PGF-treated heifers. In conclusion, primiparous cows responded more favorably to longer-duration MGA treatments than did multiparous cows. All protocols achieved sufficient SPR to justify their use for improved reproductive management of postpartum beef cows.  相似文献   

A study was designed to evaluate estrus response and fertility after treatment with melengestrol acetate (MGA) and prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) in yearling beef heifers. Three hundred four heifers at three locations were allotted to one of two treatments: Treatment 1 served as a nonsynchronized control (CON); and heifers in Treatment 2 received .5 mg of MGA.animal-1.d-1 for 14 d and 25 mg of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) 17 d after MGA (MGA-PGF). Heifers in CON and MGA-PGF groups were artificially inseminated 12 h after observed estrus for 21 and 6 d after PGF2 alpha, respectively. Blood samples were collected from each heifer 10 d before and on the day MGA feeding began and 10 d before and on the day PGF2 alpha was administered. Heifers with concentrations of serum progesterone greater than 1 ng/mL on either date before administration of MGA or PGF2 alpha were considered pubertal. More (P = .02) prepubertal heifers that received MGA attained puberty by initiation of breeding than did CON heifers (72 vs 45%, respectively). The proportion of heifers that displayed estrus within 6 d after PGF2 alpha was greater (P less than .001) for MGA-PGF than for CON heifers (77 vs 25%, respectively) but was also influenced by location (P = .03). Conception rate at first service for MGA-PGF heifers that attained puberty during MGA feeding and before PGF2 alpha was not different (P = .50) from that of CON that attained puberty during the same period.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We evaluated whether a fixed-time AI (TAI) protocol could yield pregnancy rates similar to a protocol requiring detection of estrus, or detection of estrus and AI plus a clean-up TAI for heifers not detected in estrus, and whether adding an injection of GnRH at controlled internal drug release (CIDR) insertion would enhance fertility in CIDR-based protocols. Estrus in 2,075 replacement beef heifers at 12 locations was synchronized, and AI was preceded by 1 of 4 treatments arranged as a 2 x 2 factorial design: 1) Estrus detection + TAI (ETAI) (n = 516): CIDR for 7 d plus 25 mg of prostaglandin F2alpha (PG) at CIDR insert removal, followed by detection of estrus for 72 h and AI for 84 h after PG (heifers not detected in estrus by 84 h received 100 microg of GnRH and TAI); 2) G+ETAI (n = 503): ETAI plus 100 microg GnRH at CIDR insertion; 3) Fixed-time AI (FTAI) (n = 525): CIDR for 7 d plus 25 mg of PG at CIDR removal, followed in 60 h by a second injection of GnRH and TAI; 4) G+FTAI (n = 531): FTAI plus 100 microg of GnRH at CIDR insertion. Blood samples were collected (d -17 and -7, relative to PG) to determine ovarian status. For heifers in ETAI and G+ETAI treatments, a minimum of twice daily observations for estrus began on d 0 and continued for at least 72 h. Inseminations were performed according to the a.m.-p.m. rule. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography. The percentage of heifers exhibiting ovarian cyclic activity at the initiation of treatments was 89%. Pregnancy rates among locations across treatments ranged from 38 to 74%. Pregnancy rates were 54.7, 57.5, 49.3, and 53.1% for ETAI, G+ETAI, FTAI, and G+FTAI treatments, respectively. Although pregnancy rates were similar among treatments, a tendency (P = 0.065) occurred for pregnancy rates in the G+ETAI treatment to be greater than in the FTAI treatment. We concluded that the G+FTAI protocol yielded pregnancy rates similar to protocols that combine estrus detection and TAI. Further, the G+FTAI protocol produced the most consistent pregnancy rates among locations and eliminated the necessity for detection of estrus when inseminating replacement beef heifers.  相似文献   

The objective of this experiment was to determine the effect of a GnRH injection within a melengestrol acetate (MGA)-PGF2alpha (PGF) estrus synchronization protocol on follicular dynamics and synchronization of estrus. Pubertal crossbred beef heifers (n = 34) were randomly assigned to one of two treatments. Both treatment groups were fed MGA (0.5 mg x hd(-1) x d(-1)) for 14 d and injected (i.m.) with PGF (25 mg of Lutalyse) 19 d after MGA withdrawal. Melengestrol acetate was delivered in a feed supplement of 1.8 kg x hd(-1) x d(-1). Seventeen heifers received an injection of GnRH (100 microg Cystorelin) 12 d after MGA withdrawal and 7 d before PGF. The control group (n = 17) received only MGA-PGF. Estrus was detected four times/d for 7 d beginning on the day PGF was injected. Transrectal ultrasonography was performed daily on eight heifers from each treatment to monitor ovarian activity and characterize changes in follicular dynamics after MGA withdrawal and until ovulation after PGF. Each of the GnRH-treated heifers either ovulated or had a luteinized dominant follicle following GnRH and subsequently initiated a new follicular wave (8/8, 100%). All GnRH-treated heifers (17/17, 100%) and 94% of controls (16/17) exhibited estrus after PGF. Estrus was exhibited over a 132-h period (12 to 144 h) for control heifers compared with 60 h (48 to 108 h) for GnRH-treated heifers. The peak synchronized period for both treatments was between 48 and 72 h after PGF, during which time 76% (13/17) of the GnRH-treated heifers exhibited estrus compared with 63% (10/16) for controls. Seventy-one percent (12/17) of the GnRH-treated heifers exhibited estrus from 48 to 60 h after PGF, compared with 38% (6/16) for controls (P < 0.05). In summary, injection of GnRH within a 14- to 19-d MGA-PGF protocol increased the synchrony of estrus during the synchronized period and concentrated the period of detected estrus. This protocol may offer potential for the fixed-time insemination of replacement beef heifers.  相似文献   

Beef cattle were treated to synchronize estrus using one of three procedures, and effects on subsequent endocrine responses and fertility were studied. Procedures were 1) feeding .5 mg.head-1.d-1 of melengestrol acetate (MGA) for 21 d (M), 2) feeding .5 mg.head-1.d-1 of melengestrol acetate for 21 d followed 14 d later by a single injection of prostaglandin F2 alpha (M + P) and 3) two injections of prostaglandin (PGF) 14 d apart (P). In Exp. 1, 94 beef cows were assigned to be artificially inseminated 12 h after detection of estrus. Procedures for synchronizing estrus did not affect the proportion of cows observed in estrus within 7 d (mean = 70.2%). However, conception rate of cows treated with MGA alone was lower (P less than .01) than that of cows treated with PGF alone (31.8 vs 78.3%). The conception rate of cows in the M + P group was intermediate (57.1%) but greater than that of cows treated with MGA alone (P less than .10). In Exp. 2, 18 heifers were observed for estrus four times daily and bled daily from 1 wk before predicted estrus until second estrus or 35 d post-treatment. Heifers treated with MGA alone maintained lower concentrations of progesterone and higher concentrations of estradiol-17 beta before first estrus than heifers treated with MGA and PGF or PGF alone (P less than .01). Conception rate following insemination was lower after long-term feeding of MGA than after two injections of PGF. Delaying insemination until after a PGF-shortened cycle 14 d after MGA resulted in an intermediate conception rate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Three experiments were conducted to evaluate methods to decrease or eliminate the detection of estrus inherent to a melengestrol acetate (MGA)-PGF2alpha (PGF) protocol for synchronization of estrus in heifers. In each experiment, all heifers received 0.5 mg of MGA x animal(-1) x d(-1) for 14 d (d -32 to -19) and PGF (25 mg, i.m.; d 0, 0 h) 19 d after the last feeding of MGA (MGA-PGF protocol). In Exp. 1, heifers (n = 709) were assigned to each of the following protocols: 1) the MGA-PGF protocol with AI 6 to 12 h after detection of estrus (estrus AI; MGA-PGF); 2) MGA-PGF plus 100 microg, i.m. of GnRH on d -7 (1x GnRH) and estrus AI; or 3) MGA-PGF, GnRH on d -7, and GnRH (100 microg, i.m.) at 48 h after PGF, coincident with insemination (2x GnRH-TB48). In Exp. 2, heifers (n = 559) received the MGA-PGF protocol and were inseminated by either estrus AI or fixed-time AI (TAI) at 60 h, coincident with an injection of GnRH (GnRH-TB60). In Exp. 3, all heifers (n = 460) received the MGA-PGF protocol and were inseminated by estrus AI when detected up to 73 h. Heifers not observed in estrus by 73 h received TAI between 76 and 80 h. Half the heifers inseminated by TAI received no further treatment (TB80), and the remaining half was injected with GnRH at insemination (GnRH-TB80). Variance associated with the interval to estrus and the proportion in estrus from d 0 to 5 was similar for 1x GnRH and MGA-PGF treatments in Exp. 1. Pregnancy rate (d 0 to 5) did not differ for the MGA-PGF and 1x GnRH treatments (62.5 and 60.4%, respectively), and both were greater (P < 0.05) than TAI pregnancy rate in the 2x GnRH-TB48 treatment (42.3%). In Exp. 2, the peak estrous response occurred 60 h after PGF. Pregnancy rate during the synchrony period was greater (P < 0.05) for the MGA-PGF (255/401; 63.6%) than the GnRH-TB60 (74/158; 46.6%) treatment. In Exp. 3, 75.7% of heifers (348/460) were detected in estrus by 73 h and were inseminated, with a conception rate of 74.4%. Pregnancy rates after TAI did not differ between TB80 and GnRH-TB80 (14/56 = 25% and 19/ 56 = 33.9%, respectively). Total pregnancy rate was 63.5% for heifers inseminated after detected estrus and by TAI. Collectively, these data indicate that the exclusive use of TAI for heifers treated with the MGA-PGF protocol resulted in lower pregnancy rates than when AI was performed after detection of estrus. However, estrus AI for 3 d and TAI at the end of d 3 could result in pregnancy rates similar to those achieved after a 5-d period of detecting estrus.  相似文献   

Nonlactating Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows were used in three herds to determine the efficacy of different PGF2alpha treatments in combination with GnRH and melengestrol acetate (MGA) for a timed artificial insemination protocol. The start of the experiment was designated as d 0, at which time cows were assigned a body condition score and received 100 microg of GnRH. Cows were fed MGA (0.5 x mg x cow(-1) x d(-1)) on d 1 to 7. On d 7, cows received either a single injection of PGF2alpha (Lutalyse sterile solution; 25 mg; n = 297), a single injection of cloprostenol sodium (Estrumate; 500 microg; n = 297), or half the recommended dose of PGF2alpha (12.5 mg; n = 275) on d 7 and 8. On d 10, all cows were artificially inseminated and received 100 microg of GnRH. Pregnancy rates to the timed artificial insemination (39%) were not affected by treatment, herd, or treatment x herd. There was an effect (P < 0.01) of artificial insemination sire on timed artificial insemination pregnancy rate for one herd, but not the other two herds. Herd influenced (P < 0.05) 30-d pregnancy rates, but there were no treatment or treatment x herd effects as 72.3% of the cows became pregnant during the first 30 d of the breeding season. Results indicate that the type of PGF2alpha treatment administered 7 d after GnRH did not influence timed artificial insemination pregnancy rates in nonlactating Bos indicus x Bos taurus cows.  相似文献   

Parturition was induced in 12 dairy heifers with prostaglandin (PG) F2 alpha about 2 weeks before the expected time of calving. Eight animals gave birth after two injections (group 1), three animals needed more than two injections (group 2) and one animal (cow no. 740) required one injection. All animals in groups 1 and 2 had retained foetal membranes and the time needed to induce parturition was 59 +/- 7 and 149 +/- 10 h, respectively. As cow no. 740 did not have retained foetal membranes and calved 24 h after one PGF2 alpha injection, it was excluded from the results. Udder distension and relaxation of the pelvic ligaments could predict the calving to within 12 h. Furthermore, the pre-calving drop of body temperature could predict the time of parturition to within 16 h. The total white blood cells and polymorphonuclear cells were at their highest values on the day preceding parturition whereas mononuclear cells had a tendency to increase 3 days after calving. Increased levels of haemoglobin were found at the time of parturition, whereas, plasma-calcium levels significantly decreased after parturition (P < 0.001). Progesterone levels markedly decreased after the first PGF2 alpha injection and reached 2 nmol/l at the time of parturition. Plasma levels of oestradiol-17 beta reached the peak at the time of parturition, whereas, the highest levels of the PGF2 alpha metabolite and cortisol were recorded 16 h after calving.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to evaluate the effect of omega-3 fatty acids in fish meal on mitigating uterine PGF2alpha synthesis in heifers with low luteal-phase concentrations of progesterone. Animals were individually fed a corn silage-based diet supplemented with fish meal (5% of DMI; n = 12) or corn gluten meal (6% of DMI; n = 13). Estrous cycles were synchronized using PGF2alpha beginning on d 25 of supplementation. Random heifers from each supplement group (n = 6 fish meal, and n = 7 corn gluten meal) were given three additional i.m. injections of PGF2alpha (25 mg) at 12-h intervals beginning at 0600 on d 3 after estrus to induce formation of corpora lutea that secrete lower concentrations of progesterone. Jugular blood samples were collected daily commencing on d 1 and continuing through d 16 of the estrous cycle to determine serum progesterone concentrations. Oxytocin was administered i.v. (100 IU) to heifers on d 16 after estrus to stimulate uterine PGF2alpha synthesis. Before statistical analyses, heifers were sorted to either normal or low luteal-phase progesterone as determined from serum progesterone on d 9 of the estrous cycle. After sorting, treatment groups consisted of 1) normal luteal progesterone + fish meal (n = 6); 2) low luteal progesterone + fish meal (n = 6); 3) normal luteal progesterone + corn gluten meal (n = 6); and 4) low luteal progesterone + corn gluten meal (n = 7). Serum concentrations of the PGF2alpha metabolite following oxytocin stimulation tended (P = 0.09) to be greater in heifers with low luteal-phase progesterone compared with heifers with normal luteal-phase progesterone. Fish meal supplementation mitigated this response in heifers with low luteal-phase progesterone (P < 0.05), but had no effect on heifers with normal luteal-phase progesterone. In conclusion, the omega-3 fatty acids in fish meal seem to decrease uterine PGF2alpha synthesis in heifers with low luteal-phase serum concentrations of progesterone.  相似文献   

We determined whether a fixed-time AI (TAI) protocol could yield pregnancy rates similar to a protocol requiring detection of estrus, or estrous detection plus TAI, and whether adding a controlled internal device release (CIDR) to GnRH-based protocols would enhance fertility. Estrus was synchronized in 2,598 suckled beef cows at 14 locations, and AI was preceded by 1 of 5 treatments: 1) a CIDR for 7 d with 25 mg of PG F(2alpha) (PGF) at CIDR removal, followed by detection of estrus and AI during the 84 h after PGF; cows not detected in estrus by 84 h received 100 mug of GnRH and TAI at 84 h (control; n = 506); 2) GnRH administration, followed in 7 d with PGF, followed in 60 h by a second injection of GnRH and TAI (CO-Synch; n = 548); 3) CO-Synch plus a CIDR during the 7 d between the first injection of GnRH and PGF (CO-Synch + CIDR; n = 539); 4) GnRH administration, followed in 7 d with PGF, followed by detection of estrus and AI during the 84 h after PGF; cows not detected in estrus by 84 h received GnRH and TAI at 84 h (Select Synch & TAI; n = 507); and 5) Select Synch & TAI plus a CIDR during the 7 d between the first injection of GnRH and PGF (Select Synch + CIDR & TAI; n = 498). Blood samples were collected (d -17 and -7, relative to PGF) to determine estrous cycle status. For the control, Select Synch & TAI, and Select Synch + CIDR & TAI treatments, a minimum of twice daily observations for estrus began on d 0 and continued for at least 72 h. Inseminations were performed using the AM/PM rule. Pregnancy was diagnosed by transrectal ultrasonography. Percentage of cows cycling at the initiation of treatments was 66%. Pregnancy rates (proportion of cows pregnant to AI of all cows synchronized during the synchronization period) among locations across treatments ranged from 37% to 67%. Pregnancy rates were greater (P < 0.05) for the Select Synch + CIDR & TAI (58%), CO-Synch + CIDR (54%), Select Synch & TAI (53%), or control (53%) treatments than the CO-Synch (44%) treatment. Among the 3 protocols in which estrus was detected, conception rates (proportion of cows that became pregnant to AI of those exhibiting estrus during the synchronization period) were greater (P < 0.05) for Select Synch & TAI (70%; 217 of 309) and Select Synch + CIDR & TAI (67%; 230 of 345) cows than for control cows (61%; 197 of 325). We conclude that the CO-Synch + CIDR protocol yielded similar pregnancy rates to estrous detection protocols and is a reliable TAI protocol that eliminates detection of estrus when inseminating beef cows.  相似文献   

A field trial was conducted to evaluate the use of prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF2 alpha) (lutalyse)a in lactating dairy cattle with unobserved estrus in the presence of a functional corpus luteum (CL) and clinically normal reproductive tract. Seventy-three Holstein and 9 Jersey cows, weighing between 340.0 and 772.7 kg, were allotted to treatment and control groups. All treated cows were inseminated within 80 hours after treatment as assigned by this trial. Control cows were inseminated at the first observed estrus. Of the treated cows, 50% showed estrus within 80 hours after treatment. In this trial, 96% of the treated cows and 92% of the control cows were determined to have at least 1 functional CL on the day of treatment. For the treatment group and the control group, mean serum progesterone concentrations were 4.1 ng and 3.5 ng (P less than 0.2, by Student's t test), respectively, on day of treatment and were 0.4 ng and 5.0 ng (P less than 0.005, by Student' t test) on day 5 after treatment. Pregnancy rates were 57% for treated and 47% for control cows (P = 0.5, by X2). Days from treatment to first-observed estrus, treatment to first service, and treatment to conception were significantly reduced in the treatment group compared with these criteria for the control group (P less than 0.05, 0.005, and 0.01 respectively). It was concluded that induction of luteolysis with PGF2 alpha in lactating dairy cattle with unobserved estrus and a palpable functional CL will be an effective addition to reproductive health programs.  相似文献   

Heifers were each given 2ml of 1% solution of chlormadinone (CAP, Bovisynchron) for 15 days. Those in group I received one daily dose, while group II received half the dose twice a day. Oestrus was synchronized in all but two heifers. In group II there was a concentrated occurrence of oestrus, so that all heifers could be inseminated on the 5th and 6th days, and earlier inseminations were not needed. This decreased the time required and the number of semen pellets. Results of insemination in two of the three subgroups of group II were 51% in one and 61% in the other, compared with between 32 and 39% in the other subgroup and in group I. Ways of improving the results are discussed.  相似文献   

The frequency of occurrence of behavioral estrus without subsequent development of functional luteal tissue (termed nonpuberal estrus, NPE), was determined in 43 Simmental X Hereford-Brahman heifers. Blood samples were collected weekly from the start of the study to first behavioral estrus and then daily from d 1 (d 0 = estrus) through d 14 following first and subsequently observed estrous behaviors. All blood samples were analyzed for serum progesterone (P4) concentrations by radioimmunoassay. More heifers (62.8%) exhibited NPE than had luteal development after their first behavioral estrus (37.2%). There was a tendency for fewer light-weight heifers (less than or equal to 240 kg at the start of the experiment) to exhibit a puberal first estrus compared with the heavy-weight (greater than 240 kg at the start of the experiment) heifers (31.2% vs 68.8%, respectively; P = .12). Heifers that had a puberal first estrus were older (376 +/- 12 d vs 334 +/- 9 d, P less than .05) compared with heifers that had NPE. Weight at first behavioral estrus was similar between heifers that had a puberal first estrus and those that had NPE (298 +/- 8 kg and 289 +/- 6 kg, respectively). More heifers that had a puberal first estrus also had an elevation in serum P4 concentrations before that first estrus (64.3% vs 20.0%, P less than .05), and the serum P4 elevation was greater (2.5 +/- .4 ng vs 1.2 +/- .1 ng, P less than .05) than heifers that had NPE. We have concluded from these results that NPE is a common occurrence in heifers approaching puberty.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Sixty Simmental crossbred heifers 18 to 20 mo of age were detected in estrus and assigned at random to a 2 x 2 factorial design study with 30 controls, and 30 given FSH. Half of each group was given prostaglandin F2 alpha (PGF) i.v. and the rest i.m. Injections of follicle-stimulating hormone were started on d 7 to 14 of an estrous cycle and continued for 5 d or until ovariectomy; PGF was administered either i.v. or i.m. at 48 (25 mg) and 60 (15 mg) h after the initial FSH injection. Control females received a similar PGF treatment on a day between d 9 and 15 of the estrous cycle. Blood samples were collected from all animals immediately before PGF administration and every 12 h thereafter until ovariectomy. Within each of the four experimental subgroups, ovariectomies were performed at either 24, 48 or 72 h (five/time group) after initial PGF injection. Ovarian and corpus luteum (CL) weights were recorded as well as number and size of follicles and number of ovulations. Regression of the CL was slower (P less than .05) after administration of PGF i.v. than i.m. (CL weight was 2.6 vs 3.3 +/- .2 g for i.m. and i.v. groups, respectively). Exogenous FSH increased estradiol-17 beta (E2) concentrations, and FSH-treated heifers had more (P less than .05) early ovulations than control heifers did. Ovulations in FSH-treated heifers had begun to occur by 24 h after i.v. and i.m. PGF injection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Dairy goats were given IM injections of 125 micrograms of cloprostenol sodium on day 6 of the estrous cycle (prostaglandin F [PGF] 6, n = 22) or day 12 of the estrous cycle (PGF 12, n = 26). Mean +/- SE hours from injection to onset of behavioral estrus and proportion of goats responding were 46 +/- 4.2 (range, 12 to 88 hours) and 95% and 48 +/- 2.9 (range, 34 to 68 hours) and 100% for groups PGF 6 and PGF 12, respectively. There was no significant difference between the groups in mean time to onset of estrus, but variances about the means were different. Of the does in groups PGF 6 and PGF 12, 67 and 85%, respectively, had signs of onset of estrus between 36 and 60 hours after administration of PGF. Mean (+/- SE) hours from injection to time of peak concentrations of luteinizing hormone (LH) were 62 +/- 3.1 and 64 +/- 2.1 for groups PGF 6 and PGF 12, respectively. Of the does in groups PGF 6 and PGF 12, 86 and 100%, respectively, had LH peaks. Of the does in groups PGF 6 and PGF 12, 68 and 77%, respectively, had peak concentrations of LH between 48 and 72 hours after administration of PGF. All does in groups PGF 6 and PGF 12 had concentrations of progesterone greater than or equal to 1.0 ng/ml on the day of administration of PGF. Concentrations decreased to less than 1.0 ng/ml by 48 hours after injection in all does except 1 in group PGF 6.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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