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<正> 发酵初乳的制作制作发酵初乳一定要遵守无菌操作的原则。具体过程是:先将挤出的初乳用纱布过滤,存入干净桶里密封保存,并置于常温下自然发酵。每天要均匀搅拌两次。当初乳酸度达到85°T~130°T之间时,肉眼观察可见色泽微黄,气味芳香并略带酸味,搅拌时可见到黏稠度增加,上部呈块絮状,下部清澈透明(乳清),这时发酵初乳制作完毕,备用。喂法与喂量发酵初乳在饲喂犊牛前一定要充分搅拌均匀,然后按1:1或1:2的比例加入温水,使乳温保持在37℃左右。其次,为了达到锻炼犊牛胃肠功能的目的,从饲喂发  相似文献   

发酵初乳喂犊牛好处多   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄力 《畜牧与兽医》2004,36(6):47-47
1 发酵初乳的制作。制作发酵初乳一定要遵守无菌操作的原则。具体过程是:先将挤出的初乳用纱布过滤,存入干净桶里密封保存,并置于常温下自然发酵。每天要均匀搅拌2次。当初乳达到适宜酸度时,肉眼观察可见色泽微黄,气味芳香并略带酸味。搅拌时可见到黏稠度增加,上部呈块絮状,下部清彻透明(乳清),这时发酵初乳制作完毕,备用。  相似文献   

1发酵初乳的制作 制作发酵初乳一定要遵守无菌操作的原则。具体过程是:先将挤出的初乳用纱布过滤,存人干净桶里密封保存,并置于常温下自然发酵。每天要均匀搅拌两次。当初乳酸度达到85—130度之间时,肉眼观察可见色泽微黄,气味芳香并略带酸味,搅拌时可见到粘稠度增加,上部呈块絮状,下部清彻透明(乳清),这时发酵初乳制作完毕,备用。  相似文献   

母牛分娩以后5—7天所产的乳叫初乳。在通常情况下.尤其养奶牛过程中.母牛与犊牛隔离饲养,其所产初乳犊牛吃不完.如不及时处理就会酸败.造成浪费和污染.对养牛很不利。如将初乳制成酸初乳.会得到很好的利用。制作方法:收集健康母牛(服抗生素的母牛的奶不要加入)所产的初乳于干净的塑料桶或缸中,搅拌均匀,加上盖后发酵。发酵室温在10℃-21℃或奶温在25℃-40℃时,发酵都较理想。  相似文献   

用发酵初乳喂犊牛的效果试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

用发酵初乳培育奶犊牛是近年来在养牛业中新兴的技术。所谓初乳就是奶牛在产犊7天以内母牛所产乳汁,其营养丰富,而且含有大量的母源抗体,是犊牛最理想的哺乳食物。但是初乳在未发酵前的酸度只有40~50度,而经过发酵后的酸度则高达90度T,最高者达到200度。用发酵后的初乳培育奶犊牛,具有提高犊牛成活率、促进生长发育、增强抗病能力、节省商品奶消耗、降低成本、增加经济效益等优点,值得在生产中大力推广。  相似文献   

1材料及方法1.1发酵初乳的制作具体过程是:将7d内所挤的初乳用纱布过滤,倒入50L的缸内并加上盖,放入20~25℃的室内进行自然发酵,在发酵的过程中每1-2h取样滴定其酸度。  相似文献   

初乳是指母牛产犊后7d以内所产的奶。初乳的特点是浓度大,含有丰富的易消化吸收的球蛋白、脂肪、维生素、矿物质,同时还含有抗体、酶、溶菌素等,可抵抗多种传染病,并具有轻泻作用,利于犊牛排出胎粪。采取初乳发酵喂犊牛,此项技术最初还是我国从加拿大引进的一种先进喂犊方法。初乳经发酵后其酸度增加,可抑制犊牛消化道疾病和肺炎等疾病的发生,  相似文献   



To describe colostrum management practices carried out in northern Victorian dairy herds and to identify weaknesses in these areas that may affect calf health and welfare by comparing the results with the current industry recommendations


A questionnaire to obtain information about colostrum management and calf‐rearing practices was sent to commercial dairy farming clients of Rochester Veterinary Practice between June and September 2013. The questionnaire consisted of a general herd overview and colostrum harvesting practices.


The response rate was 39% (58/150). Many dairy producers were not meeting the current industry recommendations in the following areas: (1) time of removal calf from the dam, (2) relying on calf suckling colostrum from the dam to achieve adequate passive transfer, (3) failing to supplement calves with colostrum, (4) feeding inadequate volumes of colostrum, (5) delayed colostrum harvesting, (6) pooling of colostrum, (7) failing to objectively assess colostrum quality or relying on visual assessment and (8) storing colostrum for a prolonged periods of time at ambient temperatures.


The results from this survey highlight the need for greater awareness of industry standards for colostrum management and feeding hygiene.

Background: Immune protection in newborn calves relies on a combination of the timing,volume and quality of colostrum consumed by the calf after birth.Poor quality colostrum with inadequate immunoglobulin concentration contributes to failed transfer of passive immunity in calves,leading to higher calf morbidity and mortality.Therefore,estimating colostrum quality and ensuring the transfer of passive immunity on farm is of critical importance.Currently,there are no on-farm tools that directly measure immunoglobulin content in colostrum or serum.The aim of this study was to apply a novel molecular assay,split trehalase immunoglobulin G assay(STIGA),to directly estimate immunoglobulin content in dairy and beef colostrum and calf sera,and to examine its potential to be developed as on-farm test.The STIGA is based on a split version of trehalase TreA,an enzyme that converts trehalose into glucose,enabling the use of a common glucometer for signal detection.In a first study,60 dairy and64 beef colostrum and 83 dairy and 84 beef calf sera samples were tested with STIGA,and the resulting glucose production was measured and compared with radial immunodiffusion,the standard method for measuring immunoglobulin concentrations.Results: Pearson correlation coefficients between the methods were determined and the sensitivity,specificity,and accuracy of the test were calculated for different colostrum quality and failed transfer of passive immunity cut-off points.The correlations of the STIGA measured by colorimetric enzymatic reaction compared to radial immunodiffusion for dairy and beef colostrum were 0.72 and 0.73,respectively,whereas the correlations for dairy and beef sera were 0.9 and 0.85,respectively.Next,STIGA was tested in a blinded study with fresh colostrum and serum samples where the correlation coefficient was 0.93 and 0.94,respectively.Furthermore,the performance of STIGA followed by glucometer readings resulted in correlations with radial immunodiffusion of 0.7 and 0.85 for dairy and beef colostrum and 0.94 and 0.83 for dairy and beef calf serum.Conclusions: A split TreA assay was validated for measurement of the immunoglobulin content of colostrum and calf sera using both a lab-based format and in a more user-friendly format compatible with on-farm testing.  相似文献   

Forty-two dairy calves remained with their dams for two days after birth, and then were removed to a calf rearing shed. Calves were allocated to three groups for the next 14 days, and received twice daily either whole milk, whole milk with a 10 per cent supplement of pooled normal bovine colostrum or whole milk with 10 per cent supplement of colostrum from cows vaccinated with rotavirus. A natural outbreak of diarrhoea occurred, affecting 28 of the 42 calves. Feeding immune colostrum delayed the onset of diarrhoea, and reduced its incidence, duration and severity. Live weight gains were consequently improved. The group fed normal colostrum had diarrhoea intermediate in severity between that of control calves and those fed immune colostrum. The aetiology of the diarrhoea was complex, with calves excreting rotavirus, enteropathogenic Escherichia coli and cryptosporidia.  相似文献   

初乳是指动物产仔或产犊后最初几天所分泌的乳汁,山羊一般指产羔后2 d内所分泌的乳汁,母牛是指产后5 d内或7 d内所分泌的乳汁,几乎所有哺乳动物的初乳均指产后不超过1周内分泌的乳汁.此时的乳汁营养价值高、抗病力强、易消化吸收,充分利用会促进培育羔羊的经济效益.  相似文献   

肉牛是人类重要的畜产品来源之一,其肉质鲜美,营养丰富,深受消费者的喜爱。近年来,随着我国经济的飞速发展和人民生活水平的提高,牛肉作为一种高质量的蛋白质来源,可以为消费者提供非常理想的饮食体验,导致国内高品质牛肉需求量正在日益增长,肉牛养殖成为了农牧业的重要支柱产业之一。而犊牛的培育将直接影响到肉牛养殖业的健康发展,因而保证犊牛的健康,提高犊牛的成活率和生长效率对推进肉牛产业发展具有重大意义。本文针对犊牛的消化生理特点,总结了犊牛的饲养要点和管理方法,旨在为犊牛的高效养殖提供参考。  相似文献   

The plasma concentration of glucose was monitored for six hours in lambs fed either ewe colostrum, cow colostrum or milk replacer by stomach tube at one hour of age. The feeding of ewe colostrum resulted in an elevation of the mean (+/- se) plasma glucose concentration from 2 . 6 +/- 0 . 3 mmol/litre before feeding to 7 . 3 +/- 0 . 92 mmol/litre three hours after feeding and this elevation was maintained. A similar rise was observed in the lambs fed cow colostrum but this was of shorter duration. A marked hyperglycaemia was observed after the feeding of milk replacer with a maximum value of 23 . 4 +/- 1 . 33 mmol/litre three hours after feeding. The practical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

育肥羊的饲料中,粗饲料占有很大比重,其质量的好坏,直接影响羊的生长和育肥。为提高舍饲养羊的粗饲料质量,我们用生物菌剂对粗饲料进行发酵,并与不经过任何处理的粗饲料进行饲喂对比试验,现将试验报告如下。  相似文献   

The deaths on nine farms of lambs which had been fed cow colostrum as a substitute for ewe colostrum were investigated. Of 105 lambs which received cow colostrum, 65 (61.9 per cent) showed clinical signs of anaemia and 42 (40 per cent) died. The signs of anaemia usually appeared when the lambs were between eight and 12 days old. The most significant post mortem finding was the appearance of the bone marrow which was cream or grey rather than the normal bright red. The types of treatment which were given are summarised. Whey from samples of the colostrum fed to the lambs was tested for its effect on sheep red blood cells. Haemolysis or agglutination of the red cells occurred with some, though not all, of the samples which caused anaemia.  相似文献   

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